The Huron Signal, 1884-1-18, Page 3JOHN AHISTIION�
a mels mains a Men cm meets emesMs.
•.M ,0111 1 1 y e k4 eat r ado
hie .uauiiy •I1u ►low is to,
hard t., bear, father. at seek slime.'
Old a wet rely Ltd Ess kt1,d on hie
son's shoddier
'That s lust wort $ the motor, Julie.
LI it hail ha' happeued any other tisme
1 d he' ben steered myself, seebMw Bet
1 ketuw wt's out, s trick, sod l (;uses I've
104 sty claws wt the syn w did it, or
had it dune To at orrer-s the last day
Mies eleotnatt•'
John platted
'liireat beaveus ' You don't upon that
it is a political trio* t' ke ..chimed, 'It
1 had any ilea it was, 1'd' -
'You d du as I've done- - gad out, a
C H A PTgKt XXX be sure met to let 'mu net the best of
Liaise, boy. Etta took the child .wt t.,
ewe the shops settle' ready for Cbrist-
,eas, rib., went out in the afternoon,
sr:or hooch, wed when it grew dark Mrs.
Mort• -u Kot u.saay. Su I welt out and
beau t•, huot. Finally, 1 want lows to
your headquarters, whore I met a toy
1n a messenger dress, *e give me this
here letter.'
H. )landed John a tetter which prise •
ed L. be it very clever forgery of his sawn
handwriting. and ran in the wools :
Dever Father, -Ella end Johns', wilt
ditty h • Ella is helping me is
electing rind will come home
with one. 1 Mrs. Morton not t o wait
Yours street iweitely,
Joins A* TIO tu.
'I never wrote that, father ! '.Y hat sort
,.t 5 boy give y-.0 this T
'Short, stout boy, with red hair.'
'Theseus* tha► ruled me in the morn-
ing. What did you do 1'
'Cense home, of course. Thought it
must be all right.'
John toe up en his piece.
'It's an election trek, father. But the
question u- -what shell we do ? For the
tint time in my life 1 feel lost.'
'Sit duwa, Jobe. W. !eget to think.
First of all, we've got to give the alarm
ti the police, and have it in the papers
for the morning. You go to the papers,
and I'll go hunt with the polios. They
ILs m.seenrsr buy, but the Ivi ort are s•mewhere ie the city, but we can't
goes. He looked around at the names of tell where till the morning.'
political busines, in this r,.m, and mid J„het stirred restlessly.
'But we must do e.msthingS I cannot
re -t in this state of mind. My wife and
child gone, no one knows where! Come,
I must be sway at onee. Let as both go
to police headquarters.'
They want out of the house silently,
and hurried away to police headquarters,
where they tots the story and were
greeted with many et reumona et sorrow
and sympathy teem the chief, who raw
Tops Mart.
It was with' three Jaya ..f election.
and the bailee of 'John Arumireng, tlte-
chanio,' had taken tike wilier*. as tis
original starters had furv.eeu. There is
sxnetteiuq in th.! fact of .t matt having
risenfrom•!u .0-141411t lite that
slsaye appeals t.• the sympathies of the
pet>gle, and Wilde to sumo and indus-
try Is added a stainless reeorJ, the
whole um:shin..ta.m is prett$euro t . pn,ve
victorious at too polls.
During the tatter part of that campaign,
John, much against hit will, lied been
eompetled t • ab stardom its de.. at the
Vulcul Nor.. 1.. the bald- t.ead'l awl
irritable Blodgett, who hal game tu,h.irt
and out, t•, help him and was roubles
matters es well as he knew how. John,
surrounded by • sass of papers, dictat
ing W three clerks at a time. his head
full of facts autl figures, writing letters
to some. replying to others, and getting
ready for the tical effort of the campaign,
was seated at a desk at he headquarters,
when a messenger caws in with a note
in Bledsett's well-known character:
Dear Mr. Armstrong, -There's trou-
ble is the works. For heaven's sake
creme and help urs ler there will be s
ALooeet•s F. BLOT/MM.
John stared at the note and called for
to, himself :
One of the two has gut to suffer -pri-
vat.or political busi.ess. 1f I low m7
hold err one, ay family is ruined ; if I
let go the other, it is only • bitter disap-
pointment. Til po to the worts.”
H. retied to the secretary .f the cam-
paign slab hastily, gave him directions
es, well as he could what to do. and then
snatched ha hat, ran out, called a est,
and was arm whirling away to the Vul- in John kis pomtWe future superior,
can Works and desired to keep on good terms with
t)n fie way there he passed by Ashley hint
street, and some fesltng Ice could hardl 'Rely on it, t. Armstrong, we'll Gad
explain induced hie. to Mop at the little bithem fur you, wherever they are. Easy
hens* and ring the bell. eoointh to trees. I'm sore. Lady end
Kittl opened the door, and looked child. Drasa,futl description. All right.
amaaed to see him at weft an hoar. You shall be notified at once as soon
'Whore'* Yost taistseaa, buy 1' as we hear anything deini*R! Good
asked. aht.
'Gone out, sir, with Master Juhuny,to henthey hurried down thin to the
.bow hint the dolls in Fourteenth -street. ,specs, and odd their tale to the ,nen .e stepped into the street, auk old Ann• ed over fraud and dishunoer, and the
She said she'd be back to tee.' duty in the offices. ooh.. j..mped for joy stung '•baerred : man of the people. who had worked his
'And Mva Morton 1 at the 'doe of a sensation, and wrote tap 'They're hound to be in fled by this way up from the bottom of the ladder
'Shia a -lying down, air.' th. m.,.t startling accounts of what had time. if we bare rot to keep going all by sheer industry, economy, aid truth,
'Amt nay father 1
did Otte duras 1 herr 1)'ye Lwow the I wee, .ad l to 111.4111. Weisel to the outs if
handwrite .•f this feller 1' you clout o.•we eL,wa.'
'row Melton's sake,' erred Velum, 'be
quiet, and 1'11 pay you anythisl ' there
-_here, ten dollars apteos'--
The wends were not fully uttered whets
tire big mar tore ..H his false beard and
.d Lim by the threat, er
'Ah, villiin. it is true, then ! Where
are my wife sed child 1 Tell rue or I'll
IOW yes mitt.. him► !'
At the same tausteat the other was
atepp.d over a James Stryker saying
1t dews, young man, it you don't
watt a hole bowed into you. Yoe,
game s Re is h.t. FN. John Armstn,tie,
said skis lefty sun.'
Volpe/ was already nearly black !u the
face under the terrible grip of the transit-
ed ermstrtwcg, and ecoid only make a
signal for merry. while Stryker sat still,
cowed by the pawl is the baud of the
••141 soldier.
'Now,' mid Armstrong, in a low, deep
voice, like the growl of • wild beast, as
he rs'eseed Valpis's thrust, but .sill
held him firmly by the shoulders. 'I
give you ten seconds to tell u:t. alters
they are. Refuse or hesitate., and heav-
en have mercy on your soul.'
H. knew his man well. They were
alone in that tipper room, in a silent
house, and Velpin was a practical ons•
L1 piteous accents the wretch whined.
'Don t murder ane. They are not
hurt. I bars not even seen them.
They are only at the house of a friend,
locked top till after election day. Stryk-
er did it-- boil
John sho,k him Aercly.
'Coward ! What do 1 care who did
it 1 Where are they 1
'At No. 21K1 Ram—street,' faltered
Yulpin. '1,11 go with y.,u and fetch
them, if you like.'
'You shall !' was the stere reply.
'Colne along.'
He made Vulpin take up hiihat and
r" with him, saying to hie father :
'Let the other alone. I'll deal with
him in the morning '
Then father and sun took Vulpin
between them, and left Stryker alone in
the room to meditate over his last mon
1,alling defeat let all.
ArriveJ at No. 293, East --street.
the two Armstron;ts, much to the joy of
Ella and the child, kat no time in re-
leasing them from their unpleasant pre-
dicament. And as they conducted the
mother and her trey in modest triumph
to their own hone again, great was their
surprise to see John Aa,nstron1 wee de-
clared mayor of the city. hsvirg been re-
torted by sn everwbalmily majority.
Al. ten eielock at night newsboys ria
howling abet town, breaking the rest
of inhabitants in side streets by yelling
at the kap of their voices :
'EIITI* Surto, ! Result of the inrthin1 !'
People came running out to buy the
11ews sheets, and saw at the bead of the
column :
And that was John Armatreng's re-
ward. Justice and honesty had triumph -
John acwau.d the wee eagerly.
'Nu. 1 don't,' Ise said sadly.
'Welt the same mut wrote that as
wr os the utbees. tie's sot • queer way
'beet Lim of makiig a 'J.' thee it, in
yams name said Johnny*. It aia't lake I
makes tit-'
Julia flask the notes sad looked at
ltflm.f There wee a peculiarity
the letter his father useintio,►ed,
he began to reek his brains for the
see where be lar teem such a 'J' be -
He meld nut roma > till his father
said .
'I never seen tar a 'J' but in one
place afore this, Jebel;
And when was that, father r
't)n the back of Mises shares of stock
you was i-shuwin' me the other day,
John, i Seek moires on it beeagae I'm
ruther Awad of my own 'XL" .
• 1% log amnia, father r asked Jobe, be-
ginning to trouble with excitement.
• Why, your own, of eaurse : 1 hetet
seed no others, Jul►u. They was signed
by that secretary you used to tyle, as
wee bummed for Blodgett ; and July was
the south of the date be pet in.'
John eyed his father wistfully.
'Don't say so, if you -re not sure,' he
said, in a low tone. 'That mart was Ru-
fus Vulpin. 1 don't believe he'd' ---
'Ain't ye gut a letter from him 1
That moot tell the story,' said the old
man keenly.
John went to his desk and rummaged
hie papers industriously, till lie hound an
old sotiet. of the meeting, argued 'Rufus
Vulpin, Jesse 23, 18-'
He o.>mpar d it eto.ely with the
others. The 'J's' in 'Jeno,' 'July,'
'John,'and 'Johnny' were the same and
eiarawte.istic in furca.
John looked up at his father.
'It is Vulpin,' be said, in a low, grat-
ing voicef believe 111 tear the bide
off hint in stats, the vilhan !'
'Not till you've got at the wife and
yewug 'lea,' was the shrewd answer.
I duo's blame ye for twin' mad ; but
we've got to git flet+ fust, boy. Where
does he liver
At the Hotel Albemarle, I think, said
John, thoughtfully. 'But wherever Its
is, TM going to have him, one way or
another, before the sun sets on to -mor-
row's work. Will you come home sow
father T
:Sartin i will, boy. This is suthin'
like ahs ; but muni ye keep your temper.
It ain't sayin we kin pore' he kid-
napped your wife and child,'esusebeand
the moi as writ them notes makes a 'J'
'It is he,'• said Jo1w, firmly -'1 know
it. At that I though it might be nor
foe, Stryker, but he could not be such
an expert counterfeiter. Now that I
look bask, I recall that Velpin could
sign say alertssae be wasted.'
They left wurdrwitb Mrs. Murteu, to
comfort her, that they hod a clue, and
then started out to hunt for Vulpin.
It was early morning when they
happ.nd. niitt t long. was trusted with Me mayoralty of the
hen when boli erre tired of telling o an upper neem of the hotel tit in wnich he had met se. n • r'
which John and his father were now go-
ing, Mr. Rufus Vulpin and his latest
crony, Mr. Stryker, were smoking a
friendly cigar.
'And how did you do it, Rufe 1 in-
quired Mr. Stryker, knocking off the
Brains, my boy, brains, and a little
trying to 'moth her there came s thunder- skill in imitating handwriting. I fooled
inn ring at the bell. then: all round. and that messenger boy's
Old Armstrong ran t, the.dowr and a jewel. He found the lady and boy,
threw it i . to discover nothing at all. and gate thein a letter from Armstrong
$.looked s a�c1 down the street,heard to rune to the headquarters in a Cinch
'clone out, sir ' ng ptto7many trials
and disappointments.
As soon as it was known beyond donht
that the election had resulted in each a
crushing .:•feat for Stryker, thwt worthy
left town et ones, and imagist what on -
solation the States of Connecticut could
afford him, white his casfederatera in
crime, Vulpin and that ilk, were left
behind to ,Dake the best of their dis-
It was late in the nicht before the
great crowd of people, who vociferously
cheered in front of Armstrong's house,
dispersed quietly to their homes. Never talk or whisper at meetings or
Ella ha, been relating the incidents puLlic place, and especially r' a prtvats
in oonnection with the kidnapping of room where anyone is singing ,r playing
herself and child, and the brief silence tPe piano.
Jobs felt weltered from sane varve It, they took a hack and rode home at
feor that had cruised kis entad at first, ftiu kpded, t. had Mn. Morton pa.itcg
and drove on to the works. the hall, in a dlettl eg sown and shawl
As he came neer, he saw the gates ibor,ugbiy trig at the absence let
open, .acts ening in and out, everything su many poop!.' '..-
appesred .s tmusi When the old lady 111 r" tflirt"ihe fell
into the oho, he went. to bad Ike into a nervous it, which frightened
bald.head.ed and irritable Blodgett sit- John ; and while he and Kitty were
— i
to g at his deck wt busy over columns
. r figure@ the: . did not look up till
J his said to him, gravely :
'l(r. Blodgett, what doss this, mean 1'
1' taw the Id -headed sec
ed in his chair, as if some owe 11ttA1 *tact the wheelso(a carriare in the next block you know. Well, it waao t my fault,
s pin into him, dropped $e jinn, and rent; 0tf at fall speed and thea his eyes was it, that the coach took them
nod : - or-- fell on a white note Iyint;.un the steps, elsewhere, while the father of the family
'Blemy maul, Mr. Arnuttvigg. which he picked up. was hunting up trouble at the Vulcan
u the world's the matter 1 You startled He earned it in to John, who left Mrs. Works 1 Toey're safe enough, and I
e out of my wits.'M„ than to tear it open. sent him of to Albany en se a chathat
John took ant hu note, and said : It contained thew wird, : will keep hint all to -morrow. Meantime
'1'{011 my surd, Blodgett, nai of as John Armstrong. -if you want your we'll send out the bogus tickets. and I
two must have made a serious error. I wife and chiid, take the train to Albany have it all planned in Albany to keep
received this note not half an hour ego, at midnight. They went on the 'Daniel hitt there till it's tee late to do anything
Loy a memenger boy.' Drew.' His folks will be demoralized.'
Blodgett stared at him. John seized his hat, after ono look at Stryker laughed. •
'.i note ' From me ! I never sent the clock. He had just fifteen minutes 'Serve him right Mid the foul think
foe any, thuugh 1 m glad to nes you. to get to the Grand Central Depot, and he could jump into politica at a bound 1
Here's a problem about the number of a hack -stand was within three blocks. But what's become of Handy r
square inches in this tubular boiler for He waa of lake the wind, found a cab, Vulpin sneered.
the Mlanhattao'— gave the driver a dollar to hurry, and 'Hee gut ssrnpuloua all of a sudden.
'Never mind the pr.,blem, said John,
arrived at the depot -just five minutes I verily believe that he's getting soft in
Irnpati•ntly. 'Didn't you jseod a auto after the midnight express had•gnnes the head or heart -it matters little
to ore by a mu.seuger boy 1 He rushed to the telegraph ',See. It which.'
'No, no -I esll you no.' was closed for the night. 'Then he'd better keep oat ..f poli -
'Thom its a forgery, and there's • trick Almost r- despair, he bethought him- ties,' the .ether retorted, sarcastically.
in some place or other,' s , I John, in a 14f of a hotel where they kept open all 'It's cutthroat business, the same as
thoughtful way. 'I won :ler who'— night, and from thence telegraphed to Wall -street.'
Then it Bashed on him at once. the'chief of police at Albany a full de- Here they were roused by a knock at
'What a fool I've been ' he said. 'It etcription or the mining people, telling the door, and ate of the night waiters
came in.
'Two seen treat to see you, Mr. Vul-
Vulpin started guiltily.
'Two men ! What are they like 1'
'Rough -looking man, sir. Say they
want to see you on important business,
and you'll be sorry if you don't see
Stryker to Aced at Vulpine
'It's some heelers,' he muttered.
'They knew you're treasurer of the corn -
is a political tnck to make me lose time. him to se Arch the 'Daniel Drew,' which
It a 1 sot s°°need' was the right boat, and had parte ea
FIe reshei hack to theand ei: elo:k._ �erstti
drove like a ire sglne to headopuartets, Then his mind a little easier, he went
where he worked twice es as hs
had been dein* to make up for lost
rime, writiaR sed dictating till losg af-
ter dark, and going home about tis
o'clock, pretty well tired out.
'To-ntorr em's the last day, he said to
himself, 'and after that i'll have rest
But that trick to -day was a sharp one.'
The door opened the instant he rang
the bell, and his father appeared. .ay-
ing :
'Where's Ella, John 1 Thought she
was with Foe. She and the boy hai4 t
come home since this 'rooming.'
For the first time in his life, John
Armstrong, the Mout-hearted, staggered
back, and very nearly fell down on his
own doorstep
A sick feeling came ever him, and he
groaned out:
'Oh. heavens, father, you sant mean
it 1'
Tee old roan caught him by the arm
and drew him In. whispering
Hnah ' Don't ta/k loud. They'll
hear ye !'
back home, and found his father waiting
Up for him, to whom he told what he
bad done.
Tito old man shrugged his shoulders.
'Ye woaldn't give me time to speak
when that thing cam., John ; but it's
my notion that was onoy another trick.
The fellers want ►i to go to Albany, to
get ye ont of the way.'
'But what could 1 do, father i Pat
yourself in my phew -what would you
do r
'I'd go to sleep, John,' said the old
max, firmly. 'Ye won't heft for with-
in' to -morrow if ye dot's sleep. and
yi ver got to see to 011 -Neat election bun -
'Eleetism business !' interrupted John
wildlF. ' W onld I'd newer ..en or hearel
of it ' i was happy till I did. What
think yno, would T eare for all the tri-
umph i could gain, if they are lost to
see 1 My little ehild-my poor little
child ' And T have been so busy i hare
not Teen him for newt/ ekes days 01*,
'Who'll hear T asked John, vaguely, H T sear tfst him book ---
a ise inbred the parer trod sank down it, will, bey, ye wily. Don't gat
Ott a ttkair, a (imppie y mitse►ed. doss-keseeed ower it The plies ain't
Yta Morton end C .� ..a
the old man. ►I ieii 'tm it tf With
you, or the old lady weedd ►a' Rowe
night essay, 1 do believe, Sew, Joke,
dont give in. 0 ain't no est beim
Amelia at ootkis', or evas at smoothie'.
'Bot who is with them 1 Row were
they deooyed in Albany T asked John,
they Wel Bowe to Alley. That
nem deal help no see. I've beer letter was only a @tall. Leek hoe, John,seta � �, i I told y. I'd got ay d ea the man sal
miner, What shell we do 1'
'Wish election wwa.over,' said Vulpin
with • sigh. 'But we've gut to be civil
to them now.'
Then he mid to the waiter :
'Send them up.'
Pt.eaently into the teem walked two
men in the dress of workmen, troth
bearded and very large in size
Vulpin look at them in surprise.
'What do you want 1 T don': inow
roc -
'But we know yew,' said one of the
men, in a rough country accent.
'Wive been and took care of the boys
fur ye, and we waste our pay far 'lectinn
day in adrmee, or we tells the hull
story T asked Vulpin
'Boot the lady and kid. Where are
they 1 My mate says he heard they
was took this afternoon, and the bnys
. ay they ain't train' t, stand it 'lees the,
knows where they is, so's they won t
be harmed. We ain't porn' to he held
liable flit kidnapirin' ere ain't.'
Volpin termed pale.
'Hush, nun ! what are you talkiest
• Moet 1 i don't unievetewd. Mpeak law.
People will hear yon'
'Let 'ern beer,' retorted the big maw.
'1 wasn't in the job, Ant I know. them .s
tfhe a.,ei Ii. ,,'. Tope t•emmawdmeta e
The following version .1 the "G,.ntri-
bstesr'e Tea l'unmaesd,cente ie takes,
Goes a Swedishpaper It world he in-
tesestino to wflau tt with any .11x015,
deeral.gue existing in other souutri . -
1. It yen wish to /end a etmmunros-
tioa to a paper, do it at unce. What is
soma* this moment ie no longer so to-
1 Be etweei.e in your Nuetuawt, for
thereby you save you own Nme wad that
of the reader. Explanation., net curds,
fact., but no reflections err them.
3. Be simple, write distinctly,. du nut
talk about to -day or yesterday, belt gin
ilea hart. of the day or date.
lil.irm frequentlya new line, which
gladdens the compositor. Write short
sentences VT the ionian of tate reader.
IT.. many dots anal cnnuna., and do nett
tetgit to pot them in.
5. Do not correct single letters or
numbers, bot elves the whorl. word •out
when a correction a wanta.d.
6. First and foremost weirs. only on
011e side of the paper. A hundred litres
on one sido can be cut into ten pieces,
and set up by several comoteiturs io ten
minutes, It writtee on both sides only
one compositor ccs arrange It, wh:ch will
take some hours.
7. A MS papa' which takes sane
hours in getting into type is in danger of
not being printed the first day, and is
passed over till another ditty
8. What is kept rill the nest day is
1%st pour, halrsddmt, isa'alid elle, sis-
ter, tootlwq tm-desgtter. sten be seeds
the incluse' of Welsh by a few bottkse of
Hop Bitters. Will re list the)...,, fer f
when e.. trade .steed,
Sewer sate eta
11 you as* &1111/10Ty 11th t• in emtl Js -
pressed spirits. lass . f appetite. gsgeml
debility, dlsurde.ed blood weak aeti-
t Owe,. headache. or sty 1dos
doom/ of •# 1111-
i•,us nature, by all teens procure ariot-
Ale of Electric lrtlera. You will biome -
prised to sea An rapid iatpri v.m.notbst
will follow ; yea/ill be inspired will/mew
life; atr.ugth asst activity will remelt ;
pain and miser". will cease, and ti s-
turth you will refutes in Hie prsies d
Electric &etum. hold at fifty comae a
bottle by J. Wil*uiu. (81
CiJWIL*'te. -A, name well know is
°Di..etn.'" with the Heir Renew.r,wiscb
estures grey hair to on natural col.,, by
a few weeks use. Shod at IW cents. per
bottle by Jamie Wilson. 2m
s re:repr■ Speedy a u,._
Frau the many reinarkab:.• onr.'s
wrnight by wing AlleOregur'a
Cure for U
ys;cepits, Indigestion, Consti-
pation and Affection of Ike Livere and
from immerses sale of it without ay ad-
vertising, we. have concluded to place it
extensi.ely un the market, so tha&*ho.e
who suffer rosy have a perfect cerise 0o
to 0. Rhynai drug store and get • trial
bottle free, or the regunee aim at iAoents
and SI. a
no longer new, and sway Dot Ret in. Mach -- am a se.
day has its own nimble, yesterday u al- Ill %MTia II
ways in the ',nag. •'ttealdrt,, M ts .. Fe h, I. tOln. tev4lames
back of your onpy. Neuralgia, female trouble, fe:years in
10. Above all speck the truth and ! the 14041 terrible and excruciating man -
nothing but the truth. if 1 -nu talk about
yourself use the third person ; .ay whit
Jou have to say without false m•sdeaty
of ,
but also without arexit.
Admirable rules these, wed if they are
ooeyod how happy must be the life et
an editor in Sweden. But the deceits -
gees seem O. east in order to be broken,
9. Put your name an.1 address .on the I wirer.. t
en attacks of sick bet troche."
--No medicine or doctor mold giau
we relief •'r cure until I used. Sep
Tee first b..ttle
N 'usrly cured me
The second made uw as wad .end strong
so wheel a child.
and it is to be feared that even in Swed- And 1 h.•►v. bar -n .,. to Ike. day '
en the editorial chair is ne bed of eta. m My henbattd was an tnvali4f:nr twenty
- span Mall (laxette. years with a Serious
'Kidney, liver and urinary complaint.
Wienaast.sett.a. i 'Pronounced by k..storaa hest physi-
Pulaou's Nervilias, the new and eats- cuna
taiu fain cure, is used with satisfaction Incurable: "
in *very instance. There is abundant
eleven 1 kutes of .err Litten cured
reason for this, for it performs all that is him, and I know let performs
cLimed for it. Nen' ' e is ever -ti its i eight perm
hog sure r,r cramps. (, e *.h. <.r [n my nein biiiuho .i rise le too 'men
back, lumbago, sure operate chilblains, a.vwi by your biases
toothache. erviline is in fact a ..are And rawly more using them with
remedy for all pains, both interna! and great benefit.
external. Try a 10 cent sample bottle They acmes'
at "Wilson's .lrug store Large hu,tt!ea Ito miracles ''
only 25 Bents. len
l biideea's RaetaeSta
Um no slang words.
Always say -Yet ata, no air, yes pope.
no papa, yes mamma, .no mamma, think
you, good night. good morning.
Clean faceet, clean clothes, clean nh'.e,
and clean finger nails indiat . geed
Never leave your clothes about the
room. Have a place for everything wed
everythiu,( in its place.
Rap before entering a room, and Dever
Wave is with your back toward the com-
pany. Remember this,
Always offer your era' tot i.dy or old
gen time n.
Never pot your fret on cash' ons, chairs
or table,
Never overlook anyone when reading
or writing, nor talk or read aloud while
others ate reading.
Mtn E D. Slack.
Stock Cowplete.
which followed the tellies, of that un- B.'carsful to injure no one's feeling, DANIEL GORDON
ploakaat tale was at lett h broken b
the interposition of John Armstrong,
Iders, and exclaiming . AND
in y by unkind remarks. ,
sen., clapping his haat hrtily nn hi. ever ted talesmake faces call CABINETMAKER
son's bron(1 shoulders. ridicule a the lame, mimic the unfortunate,
nor be cruel to insects, birds or anything
'Never mind 'eat, John. I am proud els
of you. And I ought to be pseud, to.,
Of One who has worked himelf up from
the bottom to the tope.. the 144.1e1.
The world-wide reputation of Ayer's
Hair Vigor is due to its healthy action
en the hair and scalp, through which it
restores gray hair to its original color
and imparts a glues and freshness which
makes it so much desired by all claws
and conditions of people.
Doter, N. B., Jan Co, lnel3.
I caught a cold last fill on the stage
coach going to Chatham, which.settled in
• very severe cough. and finally I was
confined to my room. 1 fewest, it wohld
very loon terminate in ctTsutnptioh as I'
was growing weaker and weaker every
day. I gut very much *termed ; could
not sleep for want of breath. when my
doctor advised me to try Dr. Wilson's
Pulmonary Cherry Baleen. I felt scep-
tical at first, but after using one bottle
found I was rse.eva.riug, and on 6n:ahing
my third bottle was a new man, cough
anions and completely cured. It is well ,
named the great remedy.
S. E. WAi.t.t.-e.
Tar elles.ts i Liman en reseal
I. Kram's Florid Lightning for Neuralgia
Headache, Toothache, etc. it does not
blister nr discolor the skin : re.taire bnt
one application to banish all pan metric-
ally without oxine any greasy liniment
or carrying your head in • poultice for
weeks. Try a 2 cent bottle from (leo.
Rhenish druggist. h
Why suffer from nervone prostration.,
when you ten buy a guaranteed care at
Wilson. drug store. '11
4 is assleigesse thee. obit Usetteiwg eon, -
se steef* M their eerge. and d.-
` filet npo.t weltb,
_ neon hereditary tn-
aMeeee, es 1 -- aid ssretula. nr
teethe nutrition, from lin-
and Imwnverished
ta/. raises the dlgetNvs 1. ewe
material 1s went ?o. nourishing
its. tltsnee and sepal ng the snots resulting
from sant& and physical emotion . d.rslns-
tloe st tionettietleml vim's to wren aphsr.ut,
ew.l the vital amuse. parTiltlttg ed the el.aeeal
debility. speedily nuantMt •ypso•se at d.
trnan.tsae.matteeestt. It Lt la this elms et .'as Met1)5 tmott ant ('o*Prri'n gutta or Pena
/MarmsWWI CaWara dl.*aMtrae. its 5111
ordinary n1Mitvs pfope rtlea, Mei a1 nope a
ebat toed ew% nt.Aln ,,l .- et the
e Mlgh..t
warm Nlrse, out w..
A 10 Deet bottle of Poison's Nervitine
will cure neuralgia or headache. A 10
cent bottle of Nerviline will cure tooth-
ache or faceache. A 10 cent sample bot-
tle of Nervi line is luta lent to cure colds,
diarrhoea, spasms, dysentery, ,c. Yer-
viline is just the thing to cure all pains,
whether internal ler external. Buy at J.
WYils,a's drug store, a 10 ccut sample of
Nerriline, "the groat pain eure." Safe,
prompt, and always effectual. Lugs
bottles at any drug store, only 25 cents
Several successful tests of the Edison
electric light have herrn made in the
HVAIMM S,'Qtumilns and Senate eh/a-
bet at Ottawa.
A -0f one dozeu "Tanecn-
*T" to any one sending the best tour lure
rhyne,..n "rusgfRT.- the remarkable
little gem for the Teeth and I'at:.. A.k
your druBgeat or address.
I'iry TN* Mon DvnP*rri . -Poverty
with perfect health is rather to be chosen
than riches and dyspepsia. Try the
maric effect of a dollar bottle of Foi:rr ata
or Mutsu.
Weil Rewe -died.
A liberal reward will be paid t., any
ppaasty who will produce a case of Liver,
Kidetey nr Stomach complaint that Elec-
tric Bitters will not speedily cure. Bring
them along, it in!! est 70:1 nothing for
the medicine if it fails to cure, and you
will be well rewarded for your trouble
besides. A11 Blood (Iterates, Bilious-
nese, Jaundice, Omatipiatio•n, and geme-
sal debility are goiekly curet!. datisfsc-
tion guaranteed or money retunled
Pries only fifty cent, per bottle. For
sal. by J Wils.,n. ,i
ew 10. Per V.a sees seaweed ay os-
...., sewfuy .24 55..lpatl.a.
The (treat (lerntan invigorator
only speeiie for itep.etency, marrow de.
bihty, mai rens l tassitode, forgetfulnas,
pain in the back or site., no matter how
sbattered the system may he from ee-
ewee, of any kind. 1';e Great (lernran
Remedy will restore the !net function,
and secure health and happiness. 81.00
per lent, six homes frier 93 .00 Sold by
all druggists. Sent on receipt of price,
postage pod, by F J. Cheney, Toledo,
"bin. cc* rttent ler Tlnited Skate. (1tr
rulers and het mrniah sent free /geld
Bays, ays, .nI- .est for Ood♦
Leading llodonaor,rias on hater now *T4& oi
First - Chzss Furniture
In the( aunty, and as i now purchase for ,aah,
will not be undeewwet by any owe.
1 offer Tapee_trir Carpet Lounge,. trona e6,5*
upwards. vchatno(s, Roost. Irons 42.10 up.
Hew !muck ('hare., from, Ale. up, end every-
thing else in the ease proportion.
Between tis Poet 0aece at Beni of Montreal,
(A t. Ieth. 1567. 1913 -
wanted for The Live. of .l
the Presidents of the t'.13. It
la.ih.. (.,.asst:
and beet book ever fir
lees than twi•-e mar price- Thr ?ruse oneag
book is_America. immense profits fo agent.,
f► pie want N. Anyone Me be -
stent. Termites,. Address
HALL 1179.: Portland, Maine. 1111111-
18 84_
llarioeYs Youllg Peo10
Mated to nen. *ad Clete arrows* ase t. wt- Teas. of as..
Vol. V. commences N.,r.mber f. NMI
if turret's t"ne•au Pant>tslethe Lest week-
ly for .•h.ldrea i. Amerin&-Ro,.lh.erateww
i hrlati.ra Adrama&
All that the artInes akfll can son mpltere to
the, way or illustration has limn dose, 55d the
heat talent et the Mentey hu contributed to
Me tett. torr F;aglmvl .lovrwnt .f RSlwrre
1iew, ltuek,i
I. Its .perish Arid there is nothing that one
te rentpttrnd with IL-ll..rf/urd kbreiea
irRM- SI.
issaran •vtea tin /N►LI..
Ire year. r.., sew rrwp.N. i •f m.
Kin,t1.• N umbers, 1'Ive tents 55 b.
• ▪ /sea enpa•
r .• nn receipt of meal
The V otom.snf ltorp-e'r 1:ran Penni. Use
.51. tint. sed test, haridenm.'ly Meted In it.
ml$at(•d "tool will Mann by mall. poet,
FpreeeM. •.n receipt of fS Obeach (Yeah ( .
ro ., ...hum.. soda 'e ,- tar bindles. will be
t he mall. receipt er !e case
1 Lath It(an.-rk eMasld be made 13 Pnet.115..
toee.•apnpars ,r, loaf lamps tit wleurtie
are► wittier! the • azp• s . eretrr y Hanna It
atmetT 1:::
Mosier Order or Doah. M awe .**ow. of