The Huron Signal, 1884-1-11, Page 2'4. 3 THE HURON SIGNAL FRIAY. JAN. U. 188,(. • POOR ♦VTHORITT. I ..ars s *+.!a Sta• .a.a• •. A 011101.1111111o (If Tet J. idiuitj /eeklii Term hi the twenty of Nines wee held ea Wednesday sooting is Walter."+ High 8c uoI for the Fes of ori( i fR a seoaty aareelauoa Tb. following_ grdllat• tore Delsnt. BN Honer Jedge Kiafpsaaill, M. Koss, Esq. 12.A2. demister etc-, J. IL MA.LI.B. banister eta, J. Montan Seq., B.A., Head Master High Eleh,,oI. W. Y. Prean E«}: M.D. , I[. Stalker Seq. M.D.. G. Kilmer Esq. B. A., D. 8. Skinner Rat, B. A. Meeh enthiesiases osisted amen, those pressed, and the C, Medway questions were discussed with great interest. The following ,suer carried unanimously. Moved u by Mr. Lugg, ssieuedied lay Morgan that his Wear lip lingstsill be prmident of this ermasheAes. Moved by Mr. Morgn, oeorladed by Dr. Stalker that D. W. Boas So I. is tat Vices President. oiled Moved by D. W. Ross, secs by O. Kilmer that Dr. Marty of Kincar- dine be mooed ' ies Prenideot. Moved by Dr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Kilmer that D. 8. Skinner he Sarre- taryTreasurer. Hovel by 1). W. Rues, seconded ►.y Me. Morgan that ins honor J udge K t ngs- mill be our representative un the execu- tive committee of Ctmv,M,*tioa A dtputatioo, consisting tin the ab- sence of the president) of the two vice presidents. Rev. )fir. Hamilton of Kin - sardine, Dr. Stalker sad Mr. Morgan (with power to add to their number was appointed to wait on the county council and the local members for the purpose of soliciting their co operation in sever- ing aid fur Toronto Univereary and University College mut of the surplus under the ceutrol of the Provincial L^ ielature. Moved by Mr. Ross, mounded by Mr. Morgan, that this association adjourn to meet in Walkerton High School on Tuesday the 8th of Jan. at 8 p.m. 1884. This closed a meeting at which the one prevsilinl feature was the lave and interest which all graduates of Toronto University have for their alma tnater,and mietedllimadhaseenmeredpeamatinelseelle edam sae li,tibA teem. The Tories held to 1de hope that 4M full tam of Privy Gees l decision in the Crooks' An case wo&N give them deed - log rota for • shite due the Doneinloa Onv reagent shared the eight of licensing wits the Provisoes. The fall Nit does nut leave sheet a leg to stead opus. The Pommies Mose have the ng01 to liosnss and reculetc, and fade Privy Council de- clare that the concise of that right doss out interleaf" with the regulationsef trade and nommen which is eider Dominion 1 Yriedictio.. The Leedom ddeer-liar says : --The great constitutional 1•4tyw ins preyed a great t'oamtltatie sl fafinre. Sir John Macdonald deswnced the Government .af Oaten', fee flatiming escheats, ?be Privy Comical said i.a,this matter the Uuver. .nt of Ontario were right, and that die John llaadonsld was whollt: wrung fits Julia Maintained that the I,oeal Government has a•. power W create Q.C.'s. The law officers of the Crown in England said they had. Sir John Mac- donald maintained that the Local Gov- ernmenta had us right to provide fur the issue of marriage hennas& The law offi- cers of the Crown said they were the only parties who had sued a right. And so, almost on every question that haa arisen, lair John Macdonald haa boon held to be in the wrong. The Licensed Victuallers found they had been misled, and have made up their minds to act under Provincial authority. The 'gloat constitutional• in a burst of confidence aloe said tc an admiring crowd of his euFportere : 'I take it that any man in this city or any other part of ()Marna can upon his saloon and sell liquors, and there is not a court in the world an prevent hia doing so." The Privy Couusil have since then looked in the matter and their judgment very explicitly states that toe Provincial license law is clearly within the powers cunferrsi upon the Provinces by the Confederation Act, and as a consequence That peer bedridden, invalid wife, sin- ter, atfMltar K daughter, man be made the picture of health by a few bottles of lisp S.it•ema Wilt pale let Meta .4vr whoa se easily eared . • Sims Pep. oolsoe'a ll.r elliem,the great peke cure, le elle pup every tatmo. N. need to speed a Lege seat le get prompt relief tree sooty link! 1 pin, foe 10 coon will peembaas .1.4.l bottle. Go to Jae. Wiliam's drug store for It Large kettles only 26 eeata Nerviline, the pain king, eines etAtroppss, b sadache, ne.rslrfi.. An aching tooth, filled with batting saturat- ed with Nervtlioe,will cease riding watb- in fire nUDulea Try Norville* for all kinds ut pain. Ten and Wi cents a bot- tle. no wan an upon a saloon or sell liquor , their determination to stand and aupp asst Within the bound. of Ontario without liar in her time of need. firstobtaining a license, or lea%ing him- 1 I). 8. SaiY'La, .elf liable to punishment by the courts. I So much for the authority of the "gruel I coust ituti.anal."_(Sarna Uhwrver. Record Sec. .l senates to all q•wkled. , 1.. these times when our newspapers LHrrary t.Use . re 1! •...tool with patent medicine &deer- Thousands Mar witness u. the Pow - tire curative powers of the Ger GRar MAN IxrluoRATt•a, the only remedy that has proved itself a specific for general debility, seminal weakness, impotency, etc., and all diseases that ari- ' from NW - abuse or 0%ertaxed brain, finally ending in consumption, insanity and a pietas - tore grave Sold by all druggists, or will be sent free on receipt of $1.00 pee box, or six boxes for $s- Address F. J. Caaxse, Toledo, Ohio, sole agent for the tatted States. Seed for circ.Iar and testimonials of genuine cute Geo. Rhymes. Uoderich. Stu , to.eiiieots. it is gratifying to know shat to procure t If you sr' bilious, blood out of order, liver inutile._ or General debilitated, thersys n..thtn.; in the world that will cure you s.• quickly ss Electric Bitters. They are a blessing t.. all mankind. and con be had for only tifty ameba a bottle of James Wilson. 12:1 - Tar m.agH.e Irawgamaa- Mr. ]inns efforts as an English ban -- man do not appear to have given perfect satisfaction in every tluarter. bind •• alt and careful critics, indeed,' do nut him as a truly great esecutioner. is i a l:etee upi:Itu0 u due, it is said, *iota) ' n':::h to any dlitiency .d talent, but to Mr, Diani overweening fondness for.gim a hick na one oc asion,st least. has in or- ! feted with the perk( mance of htif .' IThe editor of the Lombe»' troth, whoLit seems, Ilse giren some attention toMr. IBinns 1-n•fwyion. says : "If we are to 1 continue to h tug. let us not leave the details to an i ,iurant and drunken practitioner; ' and then suggests the doing away with Instating altogether, substitnt- int garroting in its place. "I once saw a man garroted in Havana," he continues, "and I am convinced that it is more merciful than han?ing. The man sits on a chair with an upright poet behind it. To this pat is affixed a metal baud which goes round his neck, and there is a shard. point behind, which runs into his spine. A screw is turned. when the band squeezes the neck, _while the point enters the spina Death is instantaneous, and there u no r.nnn for hun_ling.- Mr. Binns must Bits up his gin.-IChi- cage Times. Canadian Methodist Masashi, for January' lest. Price $Y r year Ii for six months : m cents per numt,rr. roe sale at all book- stores This Magazine makes a new departure fur 1884. It co nes out 1n a new and 1 handsome cover, and is printed on tine super-calendered paper, which dues jus - tics to the hash clam engravings which are a special feature. Better eftgraviIa . were never publtalir,l in Canada than the Y$ WIIicl race tole ulanber The arty a• s , -le Dr.Stevens n, of oared, with na tine pretreat, is sEN•ci,�l- ly timely, t H p itriouc interest are the afAielsa on Manatoba and Keewatin, and althea Oil %Venn• of Canada; by the Posy. D. Swage, both apleudi.tlg illustrated. Lady Bre.scy•. \mergeR.anudthe World begins well with her adventures in the Coo:arl s and ascent • •f the Peak e1 Tene- riAlt, copiouslyillustrated. Bishop Ful- ler, , of the Church of England ; Dr. Laing, of the Presbyterian Church, and t Editor writs on the subject of the i!_, et the Church and how it can be ; and Bishop McTyeire, of the Church, Koala, writes on Meth - Union. A racy story o1 Life in foundland is begun, and Prof. Ooldwin Smith contributes a noble /atom o. Martin Luther. This is certainly a fine bill of fare for 20 cants, and ;,;cwt things aro pr•otuis.d fur the future. The present as the best time to subscribe. a. o A. EaUef e.e Financiers. h:.t will certainly sure you a$.a seam. y► e have made srr.ugttaeuts W club T14 Sweat with city papers .t the rhes Riven below :- yd Dip mob. World... . $'S iA sb • wleif .. . 2-116 $ad.-•• - Is " Advertiser -. LSI • Wy. £W.&.w. U. J. Willem is always alive to his busi- ness, and spares no pains to secure the beat of ',eery article in his line. He has secured the agency for the oelehrsted Dr King's New Discovery for Consumption, the only certaut cure known for C..u- suglptien, Cougba, Colds, H<rreeness, AMites., Hay Fever, Bnescbits, •.c any of esti,.. of the Thrat and Lungs. Sold on a positive guarantee. Trial bottles trey Regular sir $1,00. t$) • Raearkable Mileage. Mrs Mary A. Doiley,of Tunkhannock, P.,,w.s aiKte.l for sit years with Asth- ma and Bronchitis, during which time the best physicuns could give no relief. Her life was despaired of, until in last October she procured a bottle tut Dr. Kings New Discovery, when immediate relief was felt, and by continuing its use for a short time she was completely cur- ed, gaining in flesh 50 lbs. iu a few months. Free Trial Poetise of this certain cure of all Throat and Lung Diseases at Jas. Wilson's l)rug Store. Large B.•ttles $1.00 It will be remembered that when Sir John Macdonald accomplished his in- famous gerrymander act he legislated the constituency represented by Sir Richard out of,,existence, in order to keep to for- midable an opponent mut of the House. T.. de so he "hived," to use his own ex- pression, as overpowering Liberal rote in one riding in order to make threeotb- er ridings safe t.. the Tories. This was South Huron, the meat which Mr. Mc- Millan IntelJ resigned, that Sir Richard m'.ght take his place in parliament, con- fronting that solemn humbug, the Fin- ance Minister. Sir Richard will step back into the arena at the right moment. He will bring with I im two other representatives of. Ontario elected minsession,past sen, as • direct protest against the policy of the government. tine of these, Mr. Allison, comes from his nen old constituency, which Sir John Macdonald represented by bribery .one session, but which has turned with loathing from the bettayer of the nnforst•,tten John 8. Cartwright, and sent a Liberal 1•, take the plate he dishon..red, But Sir Richerd comes hagk at a time whets the VvlM octrrwrelido •T•aent month g. - inof the Finance Minister, with his prophecies, hie prenlid.tettoia, las le.trdor- 1 tum platatm ., tot year..•1 creta- 1 nary pl.nlyend red vlo . i' and depress ion, will open his b i•I:e 10 .how how much he has tatted tot r .t. the C .entry in 1882.3 to wh.%t ill..tt.* t6•• 1.1. t t •u. %wur. Twin all who 541.1 t ..e a 1141114 (item flayed 'Oise att.•nd uh • gtlleriW, for, if ever a nun aped his deserts n, tin. world, the little hag o;r f van atteal *ad 11... forged figures and falsified ro coma. which goes Isy the name of Ftnane Mm - iter in Canada, will get has ,Iilrf. Them is no man bong in day, who can at all be compared as • master of finance a l n Sar Riehart fart wright He w besides an este-atal gown tleman,•speaker without an e.tusl in • his special line. He n endowed a oh the physical con.utution of a gonna ; he has the memory' of an rueycLge0 Ila, lits eountatt roe of a why 'aloe pitiless deter ruination to espies and p...inh the pro feeders opposite halloo rrhteous mission W si.1 n the excuse .d his country Irons • horde .,f vamoose. ami Anally he has to ..tidy his off -n- .el 1o,ts.n for the in D OW heaped moos 1 when he was mut prosect t•, reply. -40 taws Free Press. TEE WEEK HUOH, DUNLOP, Fashionable Tailor WIC8T BTREICT, Has the Meted Assortment of (1teels for Fall Waal. tai Choose Front 11' tot N'AVT 8. Nobby Suit at a Reasonable Prig C2% 1.1. uN HD- -H Z7li SLOP ease J•er..l oo I.iMrst ere. l'uit'ios and BOOTS ANT) SHOE At the Oldest Ltablished:Rltt.e Store in Towu, pcsuomi fu gooey Tast•reuav N Mille mut aThe name of Taa I will will In Endless Variety Mb. TEE tMsil settle ire tepee of °putouts tothe= eel sett. which ezlst within the circle et a cultured homen mad ell sedesvour weldedl f Moya toy MANIA* O. E. fM*isT*. It suit the most fastidious and th t most economic buyer to redact clad snmearis the lei te of Use' day. Mr. c:mast tavin Smithpolitical n will be aregular contri- butor. Mr. itdga► Fawcett. author of ' Aa Ambitious Wiese, "A Uenticman of Leis- ure." etc.,conuibulme W TUE wader • novel mf New Lurk society. entitled. "The Adve•- tures of a Widow. ' Principal Chant. of geee.'s Usireeettyamass .. win write. r�other • abNsrrl.r tthes ri Ktheleerf the iWebestate etkila Dr. Great walso contribute oaeaN- oas Imyoetaet awbtect$. snob an Iodide ASN• ass la Wile* Columbia. eta.. Mr. J. L OsIWr wW ee.Nlbute. ammo ether parses, one es the ptessinf wbfect of Inters= Mr. K w. F. Ctarke. IgM of Wia- . W write or "The Beal clement is I4altwhs. t'ontributonin prose a•d Tens mal M looked for from Joaquin Miller Dr. Daniel Wilson, Loa s donors F echette. Joke C bar."« Deet Ili. C. 1'. Mulean]. Wm. deletes. t » . `e. a Mrs. wart. Jr.. F. Blake Crones. M K tieyeaour McLean J.Heater-Lever, I of every grade still receives my prompt and careful attention, and will be trade *weer John niers. Li. Attain. lI a. �(acbar,J'tJrlul, D. W. Phipps. in the most approved styles by first-class workmen, rod MY WI -N -TER STOC Ie. now rumple.", and I take In infoneing customers that et no tro vihave I had such a Large & Varied Stoc As at present. I have raised the Standard of Quality and Lowered the Price it is a positive fact that no such sfoot in t wear can be got elsewhere. CUSTOM W ORK •300.00uhn very reward 1 beat materiel obtainable. r. BLAfy1M 1101•11161011.r.Mlehay.1 For any Testiuiosials recomuaendingr s Jordan St.. TORONTO MCGregor a Seedy Can for Dyspepsia, I Aad many other writers of not*. • .s•rinag mearever7. W an. Johnson, of Huron, Dsk. , writes that his wife had been troubled with acute Bronchitis for many years, and that ani remedies tried Pave no pernanent re- lief, until he precured a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which had a ni wealeffect, and produced a permanent cure. it is guaranteed to cure all diseases of Throat, Lungs ur Bronchial Tubes. Trial bottles free at J. Wilson's drug store. Large aims $1.00. IU, E _ 17 0 V7-- -N' _ INT G - 'GOtb ►ecis. Indigestion, (,,etis•cutss. Headache,etc., for the workinKclass. rend T n and we wall mad you that an not Serums •none ..f which are I i1 J.il Jlrara a sold. raluabtrheti tr/sam- I --------- - for Inatome. r from persons in the States or thousands i pie mods that %tJ11 pat you Ise the Of miles may. but from p.ereons in and 1 way of snaking mote mune\' in • few daysthaa you ever thought possibly rut may business. No 1 Hamilton, t 1 t W" vire trial capital 'red Lt'e wall out too Visage gazes. be deceived by purefastng a worthless ar- Deng rad old, You nae easily earn room sac. tide, but know its value before buying, w $S every evening. That .11 who want work 1 Trial bottles and testimonials given free dual feet thet, we make t►L u ydnl- leled o�br • to aB w ars not well sat ws at G. Rhynes' drug store. a Now that there is a reliable remedy fax kidney t roublet'lf the terrors attached to these complaints have been removed. For this 1"• •all be thankful, and t.. Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cure award all praise for having thus removed a hitherto t30D>DiL1CT/K considered fatal disease from our beth ID! A Aj J G ,l$L l LTJ It was never known to fat' c '1 by J l� L Y f ` • 11 Wilson. re.ap/es and als/e►es Call at Gen. Rhynes' drug store and get a package of McGregor A I'arke's Carbolic Cerate. it is romp sed of Vase- line, Carbolic Acid and Carte, and has never failed to remove Pimples, plot chez l'Iterated Sores, Rough Skin. it curer when all others fail. Try it. b It ,a stated that the P0Os tante-• i, t.. wafer ipon the Crown ��, rut Ger sway the (teener of (!heist of the first- elna 51.00. 1i t• regal bottles free of cart, a that you CAMP 49 work W the time or in spare thus only, c wort V universally atlrpted to both t saxes, will send 41 to pay for the trouble of writing as. Full panlculars. directions, etc., sent her. Tort ones will be made by them who glee tear whole time to for werk. kms success Ahab - lately sure. Don't delay. illheitnow. Address Somme t ('o.. Pentland. Mateo. . 1151 - ARS. CIGAR IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC THE BEST ASSORTMENT IN TO % .full 2m 1I8TABLISilED isms. A Coed ERv �b. n The Chitampo y has Burlington i Quincy Buehavan,Lawaon RUULUDUnt Railrosd'�ornpanp has asst issued an IlU Al t.tl'►A(Tl'arr. Or Illustrated treatise, "The Heart of the Continent," describing the wonderful growth of the six Great States. The book to. beautifully printed, and numerous en gratings of high merit astern its pages Any onto sending their name and address .with two three- t rut postage st*Aips tt all receive a Dopy by return mail, by opplying to Perceval (.owed, General Passenger Agent, Chicago llltnois. 5t W a■ • •. t'n*FTga 11. -Malden. Yard. Feb. s f sin Gentlemen- 1 herese e . - Eye, Ear and Throat. 1 antlered with arouse of nick Eetdarhe." Neuralgia, female trouble, for tears in . the most terrible and excrucistin_ mato wner.Nu medicine doctor could g X 11. a 411"111 114."1/' rtw'lt,3Tew• me relief .r cure until 1 used ROT yteh• EaC.rPa.oIA"ThIt- . .TKnittei y•)teqikriaa.I . l(hde- ten. lege, Toronto. and serg,o 10 the Mercer Eye Thio Asst bottle and Fuer Infirmary. late Clinked Assistant Royal ophthalmic H. coital. lloorfklda, sed Nearly cured inc : Central 12n • Throat and Ear Hospital. may The second ma le an. s. we fl -* 1 rtrnl, be consulted a• as when a child. 'And i have been s., to this day-.' My hush.nd cess an invalid for twenty STRA'TFORD, I years with . aeri.s i Oa Last Saturday of Even Mo . 'Kidney, niers must urinary complaint. 'Pi 'nn,neet 5y !t ton's telt physi 01.00-- . • Jun IWg Sash, Doors & Blinds n&ALLR. 111 au KM* O/ Lumber, Lath, Shingles and builder's materiat of every der.•riptioc. =Heat I $U1TU11E A SPICMALTT. •T .IU Orden promptly attended to. (:oderich. Aug. 2. 11d1. hotly DR. RYERSON THE WINDSOR HOTEL 'Incurable &even l.,ttles ..1 your bitten cure.! him, and 1 kn..w of the 'Lives of eight person. in my neighborhood th•i• have been saved by your bitters. And many more au•itai nn tlo with great benefit.• are They. almost 1• Do miracles :' •i _ las - Mn. E r A.. AGENTS15. re. for The the rut al the Presidents of for t -.N. It Is the Largest, Haudsome.t and beet brook ever told for lam Ikea twice our. The fastest arms, book In America. Immense pronto to aRrtuta. All intelligent people want it. Anyone can be some a auremsfni agent Terms tree. Adds••• IIative, Bone Co.. Portland. Mal',.. nem world's*. Ariake Wye. I 18 e4_ The greatest menial wonder .•f the world, Warranted to speedily cure fllarper'sYouIi g p o te e Burns, Bruises,Cyts,Ulcers, Slt RheumFever Sores, Cancers, Piles. Chilblains. Corns, Tetter, Chapped Hands. mid All AN ILLUSTAATECIIEEa1.1%-lePACES • Skin Erupptions, guatantee.l to sure in every instance, or moneyrefunded sesa per I. For k ler J. Wilson. 1c. 1 ■,r6reger . speed, 1 err. Frnu t lie 1111 toy retslar1. Aho• car •. w r•.u.ht by earn, Md3rr%t..t'0 bio -,o11 1 C try f.,r l)yspepatt. 'n hire.ru.on, I%mata- palo,n *oil Aftecuon of the Lever. and from immense sale of it without any ad- vertising, we hate concluded t.. ],lace it extenanely .,n the market, so that those who suffer may have a perfect cure. tl:• to 0. Rhynes drug store and stet a trial 1, at le free, or the regular size at :hi cents and $1. • ►11HK STt►1MACHI ANI) iTS DE - 1 ItANtifible1TS are the caner of those dA If.grr-f.ir, en.grinfars 1h•1 M cornmeal, and. rm.nr 11e tementeioli 5e 11 impairF the gen.ral 5-.I l . When the food is not dlgr, - .d .nut a••iw.ilitret t hr'.l,INI Iw.vww.. naval, ...she aval - rruh.- 1 and in. -motto.. A • .errhlag and re. P11,014 1 o- 1nuc•. and d ermses M lb. vital nlgaa:, .11.1.41 •a• lata.... inerrant L1•ar0- mete. reuse bele, ulcers. 1114111•611111 ION Nd eananoin,t duc..aree0 mas.fest Ihessmltes ew toomoinie re the cstionion mad hauls Of she and,. ideal Ior. W nr,•hr'• Composes .-'aura/ 1t t if ors and icjvsiaya. d n . -•Ke agent. „( the good rlrJJniee,•ad ..1 purr 14...d, .a nhvinn.ly • pk n n. I. -1 ..p p : t an ha. pelted 11000 . . .• 1.: tr. n,n kn.,wn for it. caws. 0.11rd 16 Boys shad aarh efFr•m.1% sato. tees Tran or tar, Vol. V. commences Norernber f, ISSOl, 11 enrichr \ ot•w, Pmeta is the best week - 1y for chlklrrs 1a Aiwa. a. So*SArr.dera I•Arlsfins Adreratr. All that Ile artlat@ skill can a•rnwrpli•h In the e•? of 1ll•ntrstion has teen dna.•, and rbc hoe talent of the rnnntry ha. cnwlributr.l to 11s tett, N -w Padnnd •Ifarnef of /dwr.r- Bum Wows In it••eeeiatfkld there a nothing tont can Iw re...mo t with it. - Ilnetetted Rt. Mom a iar'.ra t.t'Ri rsors.r el a•. Rr Tear. reeltyr /re_Md. +•Ingle N..mhera. rive Cents each. !,prime . oily set on n:e1pt of Three r tie. The Telemeter Nature's 1',.•as Presto for :UPI, and mei. ASOts.wnrl% l...und in 111u- PIe4h. will he aper by man. pn.st•�r pr paM ret rrreipl of fit ,a each, 11at Gees. for ea. h %olnoir. a*ftel,'.• roe htuaten. atit ie. sent M wool. yeetpaid. • 0 r*.-.- pt of re rend e.rA- lt.wtlt'aue.e hneld 1.. needs ay Kat-osee Honey order or (Mit. no soled dimes. or Xr.r•rrl..•n -sen M.-- j- 1t4 eA«rHw was'wo.Ao.•rt .vw••r.,.1.,n, H t Nilo reek.. 11 SCROFU-LA; sad all scrofulous d esltpWr, ib1rM•Ims• Lemma, blotches. One. benches. Bolls. and Sr.�Neai l•f the may.. are the direct result of an capers skate of the tui .'d. f•. etre theae dieser•, the bkr%.1 MOW be pert sent, and restored to a healtbyawt t.atural cnedt. ti. •n. Arme'a 11AR•A1'AKILLA has for over forty years beets ree.gnlz.+l l.y eaalnrot tumbrel ate ;1:•�rtties as the moot powerful t k•rd pwrtser i* •wet ,e.. 1t trees tl.•• rystpm from all foal ha. tn..rs. eaelehes and .tre,Rthens the blood, remorse MI tram.' of m rrersl trvatmewt, and proves 11. self a complete rarer of all ,erotsl'.s' dMsaam. A a.e.wt Ceps of Rerefalews .•r... "bons months err. 1 was troubled with seeds - loss some Isle•,. ..t my kgs. lie hats were badly swollen aaml inflai,.md, and 15.. mores die - charged large quant.tles d offensive molter. Every termed./ 1 tried failed ..til 1 nasal Arlr-• 'maid NAas ATA•ILL*, M whirl. I l.ar. Iww taken Ili,.. bottles. with the emelt that the vow are healed, e nd m freAer�1 health rsetl Improved. 1 feel %.n reads! for the r o.1 your medicine has dose tw. 1'..urs nare.•tte ly, IIss. Ann ,rRnn*s." 9 tg, 14t sunhats se., Nee Vick, Jose 04, 1tkt. lin.' of all the Leading Patent Medicines always kept on h (Physicians Prescriptions a Specialty.) GEORGE RE As, I BLAKE'S BLOCK, THE SQUARE TS&SHOE WedLialaap Beg t. announce to the Ifublie that they have opened business in the above. in the store lovely occupsed by Romeo Newton. Haying purchased a ,leer well assorted stock of Spring and/ Hummer Coed' at close figures, we wooled to give the Public the benefit. QUICK SSS & MILL PROFITS SILL BB OUB )1111 -Please call and examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere. lO Remember the place, next door to J. Wilson's Drug Store. aile-Custom work will receive our special attention. no -None but the hest of material used and first-class woe to wm�g . ,»►'Repairing neatly done on4he shortest notice - e., ,tom_ DOWNING &- WEDD God.rteh. March =1sT �'' R C� 1�i T AC - ABRAHAM SMITH CALLS ATTENTION TO THE rOLLOWINO • CLOTHING, �A LARGE AeBoltYle T AND ELATE!!( DESIGNS 'A PINS AtleOitTMEAT a bn•i$ KKDLIttIS \'ARIETY,F URNISHING GOO HATS , TALL THE LATEST STILES. AND EVERT 81 /(ALL PATTLRNalj11ANDUP IN A FIT (U ARANTEED OR NO PALEMSCLOT 1�7 W G O IIB, N E Q Plancm- ORHAP FOR CASE. • PILO NOEL MEROI ANT TAILOR, Removed to Hamilton -8t., Near the Square, God -LAND W11.1. F1'RNIPH OR ]TAKE UPI -- LT Ail pera•.s I.tereeted are Invited se sal on Mre. (Ybrtan; atm spa the Iter. Z. F. Wilds of :w East atfk Ipomea, New Tort City. who will take pirouette to teettry{.g to the w.aelerful elector, of Ayrer'. ryr..peafl- Is. sot slily 1. the ter. of this lady.bet 1. hie ewe raw and massy ethers within hie kaewledge. well-kuos a writers* the !L e•• a H. rail, B. W. R )LL, o1 /:n.11..t. r, .Y, ff.writ.•s, June : Mb- " •ef " Having .nretrd....r.h for sow,. tsars with Eeaew,a, aadhs. I ng 1.11.4 t., and relief fraaa •nM .seethes, 1 ha`.' .note our. during the part three mnw1M o1 .1N ft •. 1.ae.tott t, wheel, hes Meetr.l a ern rf e,. re 1 r. rot rra,rdt 1..1 .11 1....J 4lws , It 1 Ayer's Sarsaparilla .t,MNte• arsi rerylatrt the amino .A the M. finales and ..oall.tiw donne, rnw.ws mid , tren,ltl..•.. asks rtt�l 1..r -w, ad sp.wltte terse Itheens tls,n, !tteersJ i.. Ithe.mstte tient, 4'Atarrh, Owers' Deknity, sad all diseases .r sing from an ni .,yrrt.kel or .•,.rtspurl eu.4l. t,on of the bk.d, .nd . veoltened gelallty. 1t b1,.e.ary,irshly the ebe•p.n Mood r.dkl.•, on sertnset of its ewe e *tsIM etreegtb, **dated power mot &Pees te0e It D. J. C. Ayer k Co., Lowell, Masa. 17.11 1.7 ail trrtlggia0, pram M. poi t..olse for M t l: n•, I, f itR•..41tItd.Nee Yet* _.. en Clothing 111 Fashionable Styles at Lowest Pri Se It aEa Ftrf:aarte'tt. YTS 511. A nowt&LTV. /WJIFGT FIT .r*RAmar creme Planarity ITTE%BF-a TO. ROTE Tea amesOe PHILO NOBLR, HAMILTON-STRBBT, OoDHBIOH. Ari in a11 Paper II Now le t heace... N Tee eMde.eer Mes=11010111111 ones at es is wee Pwtlev'e reel 20,000 Rolls of the Latest De M neaatlfnl .10111rs. Sad M lies vwq mw 1.Mrior a Call and stv 'Y•m ar! Iaf timM�n11111 te01. �d �Mtd. Tho Bazaar Paleais and Fashio AT BUTLER'N J01 • New Job lawdt wales a thew. Moi Ids Ili you es Witt atesrwl, onward W11111 i him sit d•.ubtf For •born en dew The near, a his hat '0 ed. .1 very di after s Jobs tot 10.1 'Fire coots As h report, in one The had in ahakiuq peeioril angry 1 tlidted enrage Abel but Ott up egad the fee ran hit lute tit save hi Ther the .t machin whisk noses t thc. He the sht 'You sect atl The, out be sohea his pts introdt .1 the Thai the bo .totem satisfy, possibi hu est Het in has mashie' dent, were I .f the Hitt nonce heavy as bort owes in thp' to get No he alai insane He riot] t• time t "tit wl passer thouR In t roU d, happe Th. loth, seized step{. Thi to hie them Th, sea e were cash u No little thou) ed as 'W asked Jul •I t.. pa ('oml when t,, be make . she toes. Ht k nee clear to I yr eheq hank goes semi ones they that etghl Ai conk to tl tiler left mail troy whir MAW T