The Huron Signal, 1883-11-16, Page 3• ' church ►s popular, and he has a treat y r field. MS . t 'SHL HURON SIGLi.L, 1-111Al . N OV. 16. [883. 3 ilhe Poet's Corner. Old Loiter. It $4"011but yeiterdas ►he ilted, but years Have pained elms tome iJ the wuudruus change o' t Into Makss great things little. little thiugs suhlime, .lad saawtUDee the due of dally tears. She died, as all mast die ; ao lraos appears In history's page. nor save In my pour rhyme. Of her, wboer life was lova, whim/ lovely pr. me Passed sadly Sher* so sorrows aro, nor fears. 1t seems but yesterday; today l real A few short lettere In her own dear hand. And doubted If 't were true. Their tender gr, oe tiee.a radiant with her lite! Oh! .au the dead Thus in their letters live 1 I tied the bund, And k Coed her nine, as the' I kissed her taw. -{Lord Rosalyn. Baby's Iteeaas. Baby Maud had fallen asleep; Fast asleep in her chair ; The sun loykel In throw el the win low -pane, And kissed her yellow hair. It 'by Maud had a smile on her face. And she laughed aloud in her sleep ; What were her baby dream. about, Who tan the secret keep 1 Baby Maud was at play with the sun. And there came two folk to her side ; An 1 they lifted her up with • tender force And gave the baby a ride. Bac'cword and forward the baby rode. Pa and to and fro ; A -id the song that the happybaby heard Was lender, and sweet, and low. Wh u were the things that she really saw 1 In those sunny, sleepy lands 1 The sun was only her mamma. simile. And the folk, her twofwhite hands. Babe Maud has opened her eyes. Dear little eyes ot blue ; And she crows and coos to her sweet delight, For the baby's dream came true ! a. L mealy ea Chwreh Werk. Mr. Moody gave these suggestions for church work : First -Let the church lay out its work. Second -Let those who are competent to into the Sabbath school. Third -Secure for leaden in chureb work those who are leaders in society. Fourth -Get all the music possible in- to the church, and get all the singers in- to the choir. Let them sing the best they oftn ; do not quarrel with them if that is not very good. Singing is a great hauser in the church. The Methodists ve sung the gospel clear round the world in a few years. We should get t he lay element at work and get them to Mae. Let all join who wish. If they do not ung in time let them sing the best they can, and get them to sing front the heart. With good music the preachers would preset& better sermons. About one out of twenty in the churches is fond of fine music, but the other nineteen are not. Let the one be allowed to look out for Minoan, while the churches look after the nineteen. There were two doctors, one of whom' was better in his studies, the other was more successful in practice. The stu- dent wanted to know the reason for the other's mamma, and he replied that only one• in twenty people stopped to think. The student was after the one, the ether got the nineteen. One went for class, and the other got the patients. The ,preacher should not always be looking after the cultured, the educated, the peo- ple of influeuce. Let him look alter the le - F th-The eon -church -goers should be hooked atter. Then should be • re- -void kept of such people in the parishes. Have them visited often, and after awhile they will go to church to get rid of the visitors. The idea that we should .open the churches and invite the people to sets* is not the idea of the gospel. That was to go and bring the people in. We aro to be beaker& The minister should look to it and have people in his church who, if they do not want strang- ers in their pews, should fill them up with their friends. The pews should be full, and if the pew -holden do not fill that, let the naked do it. There should be a lcommittee to visit the sick. It is folly to talk about the minister's being the hest person to visit the aick. Those who know what sick- ness is should do this work, for none would know better how to express sym- pathyand give comfort. And there shoud be a mother's committee. Not one minister in one hundred can talk to young mothers and give then advice. The ministers cannot re tr their own children. To talk to the young mothers we want the godlymothers who have reared familia& e wast to make these young mothers practical. There should be a committee of the best and pleasant- est people in the church to meet strang- ers when they go to the service, and show them the beat pews. Mr. Spurgeon gives tip the beat pews in his tabernacle to @transas, and for that reason his AFTER THU N. P. ..Ib, •td MO Dynes, And Other way. t. Het Bl.h-Rev. r. ser, It is often said specifically that tiler uI neLrol'. Tbe.k.$Ivtng SIU,....... arm, as a clam, have hat their Inter• est its the churches, and an attempt was lately made to test the truth of title amertiuu. In an a st•-in city, with a pupulatwu of a little less than forty thousand the prwiduut and cashier of une of the national banks were regpeat• ed to furnish • list of the fifty stn,uxeat business tirius its the city, with the name of the head of 'etch finu. The gentle- men furnishing the tut had no knowl e dge wmaiever of the use that wee to be utade of it. In clasZifying fifty-four Maauw thus given, tt was found that there wenn seven whoee relation to the churches wits unknown to the gentleman who had obtained the list ; six who were out identified with any of them ; and forty emnu who were all regular atteud- ants upon the churches and generous supporters of their work --the great taa- jtirity ot them cotnmunicauta. In • Western city of little more than sixty thousand inhabitants, a similar list of fifty-two names was obtained in the saute way ; and the analysis showed three whose ecclesiastical standing was unknown ; one Jew ; six not connected with churches ; and forty-two regular church -goers, of whom thirty -ono were communicants. These hats were both made up by well-informed and sagacious business wen ; the cities represented by them are not conspicuously religious communities ; and the composition of them gives small colt'. to the notion that the business men of our cities are estrang- ed from the churches. It is astonishinv that such a notion should over have gained currency, in the face of the palpa- ble fact that se much money is contribut- ed every year for the support of the churches and the prosecution of their charitable and missionary enterprises. In the Central presliitrien church, Rev. Mr. Molwud preached fr the test, Proverbs xv, 27, "He that is greedy of gain troubleth hu own house ; but he that hateth gifts shall live." lis applying the text to the occasion, the preacher said that while thaukiug trod for the blessings bestowed upon us, the use we nisi. of them was matter fur serious con- sideration. The sternum was in the twain 40 arraignment of the worship of wam• mum eu prevalent amongst us, and he re tetrad to Carlyle's asyint in Past and Present that it appeared as if to the English people ■uccuaa in making utuuey was their heaven, acid failure its this ob- ject their hell Greediness of gain with its results was W be seen in Canada too. A lnanuf•.ptur.r'e agent, u.a content with a fair share of business hail attempted to contr.d the whole produotitu of Cantata in • certain line of manufacture. Across the sea a cotton speculator attempted to get the whole product ot the world under his thumb. and had failed. Greediness of gain had the effect of blinding a ran to what eteryteely else saw plaiuly. but that was not all It alsso led hi.0 to hardness of heart towards his fellow crea- tures. When the collapse canny, and working people had to be turned out idle because there was nothing for thew to du, what did he care 1 There was na- tional greed of gain, too, and any policy that encouraged it was wrong. Men in high position who did what they nonest- ly believed to be beat for their couutry were to be respected, even if they made mistakes. But the consequences of mis- takes would not be averted, for all slut. To put ib short, the preacher intimated pretty plainly that in his opinion tnan- sda'a national policy was a national greediness of gain which would defeat its own object. Coming to the second clause of his text, he said it should hes understliod as teaching us that the inan was right who hated the nuking or re- ceiving of anything except what he had fairly earned by his own industry and skill in work or business benefiicial to his fellow men. Makiu,: money in spe- culation was just the opposite to this. He that hateth to take to himself money made wrongfully shall live, that was the met.ning. The preacher was especially severe un speculators who tried to get hold of the food of the people, in order to=oxact high prices fur it. -{Toronto W orld. lie,tel. Anecdotes - As an illustration of the Scotch love of titles, we are told of two Ayrshiremen who on the same day were made descent', that is to say, chairman of s corporation of tradesmen. The younger flew home to tell his wife the happy news, and, not finding her in the house, ran out to the barn, where,• meeting the cow, he could no longer con- tain his joy, and clasped her around the neck and kissed her, exclaiming : 'Oh, crumnie, crummie, yi re nee danger $ common sow-ye're a deacon's cow !' The elder of the two, being s sedate, pious person, was afraid to show his wife how vain he was 04 his new title. As he thought, however, that it was too good a piece of news to allow her to remain tgnorant of, he lifted rho latch on his own door, and, stretching in his head, remarked in a voice that made his wife stare: 'Nelly, gif onybody camel speer - in' for the Deacon, I'm just ower the gate at John Tarrson s. A Highland shepherd, whose master was wont to descent on a certain view from his property acquitted himself in his masters place as follows : On. forenoon an English friend was placed under Willy's charge to mount the hill in order to enjoy the glorious view. 'I am told, shepherd, you are go- ing to show me a wonderful view.' 'That's quite true, sir ' 'What shall I see f' 'Well, yell sees tack soigne) u' kingdoms, the best part o' sax, air.' 'What really do you mean, shepherd 7' 'Weed, sir, I mean what I say.' 'But tell me all about it.' 'Ill tall ye naeth- in¢ mare, sir, until we're at the tap o' thill.' The top reached, Willy found all he could leeire in regard to a clear atmo- sphere. Noo, air, I hope you've guid sen.' 'Oh, my eyee are ex:ellent.' 'Then that's all recht, (right), sir. Noo, die ye see un Bills awa yonder 1' 'Yes, I do.' 'weal, sir, those are the hills o' Cumberland, and Cumberland's in the Kingdom o' England ; that's a' kingdom. Noo, sir, please keep ciont. Then, sir, I must non trouble you to look owes bonder. Div you see what I mean r 'Yes, I do.' That's a' recht. That's the Isle o' Man, and that was • kingdom and a sovereignty in the families o' Earls o' Derby and the Dukes o' Athol, free the days u' King David o' Scotland, if ye kin onrthing o' Scotch hisitory.' 'eons an quite right, shepbevd.' 'Quite recht, div you say ; I wadna has brocht ye here. sir, if I was tae do wrong. Wed that's twa kingdoms. Be sure, sir, ye keep eoont. Noo, turn a wee else* Div ye see yonn land yonder ? It's a bit farder, but never mind that, sae Wig as ye see it.' 'I see it disttnctly.' 'Week that's a' I oars •boot. Noo, sir, keep 000nt, for that's Ireland, and that makes three kingdoms ; but those's nae trouble shoot the ni.M, (next), for ye're *tannin on't -I mean Scotland Weal, that makes foer kingdom■ ; div ye admit that, sir 1 'Tey, that makes four, and you have two more to show me.' 'That's true, sir, bat don't he in sic a hurry. Well, air, just look aboon Ter Beed, and this is by far the best of a' the kingdoms; that, sir, aboon n heaven. That's Eve ; and Ilse smith kingdom is that doon be- low yes feet, to which, sir. I hope you'll never gang; but that's • point on whisk I cannot speak wi' ony certainty.' What hew It meas. What is meant by 'Secretions' in a " *aadical saw ? 'The secretions' are the powers of certain glands and organs of • , the bodyto hold and distribute the healthfufluids of the system, such as bile from the liver, etc. Burdock Blond Bitters regulates all the organs of the wcretions to make pure blood. 2 Barris Cases, Mich., Jan. 111, 1879. 11.w tsesw-Having been allhcted far a uumh.r of ears with indigestion and 1 debility, by the advice of my nems 1 nod Hop Bitters, and must e they afforded m• almost instant relief. I N glad to he able to testify in their be- half. Two.. 0. Knox.. The heir is fregeently rendered pee- meterely gray by ease, grid, ddieat• health. lawns* of spirits or a depressed tome of the vital power& The se of Hall's V egetebl. Biediam Hair Rio..,. will manes its yo•lttfwl color and ►nas- ty. In the brainy of Malaga so ration has received web wBIrMl1 tow m.ndetlou for the atlevietion It sSw , and the perw+aawnt mere it effuses is kid- ney dimmest. ss Dr. Van iitrea's Caney Cure. Its action In these b71.4Ns 1. simply wonderful.y , wullat Fe Pewees' Greek Slave. It is a pity that wealth and education cannot be simultaneously acquired. A miner, who, by a lucky find, became suddenly the possessor of a fortune, took it into his head to go to Europe, and after many adventures found himself in Florence. During his travels he caught the malady for collecting works of art, and visited the studios of renowned ar- tists in search of marvels to be sent home. Among others he visited the studio of Power, the sculptor, and glancing over various statues, his eye alighted upon the Greek Slave. "What may you call that air boy 7" he asked. "The Greek Slave," replied the'sculp- tor. "And what may be the puce of ,it r' was the next question. "Three thousand dullars," said Pow.- ern, o!-en, gazing at the od.l specimen of hu- manity before him. "Three thousand dollars be exclaim- ed ; "you don't say so, now ? Why, I thought to bay somethicg from you, but that's a notch above me. Why, ststiary is rix, ain't it r Powers, in telling the story, meed to give an amusing imitation of the miner's drawl. -[The Manhattan Magazine. A ruso.aase Reay.. Mrs. Berkenahaw, 26 Pembroke St., Toronto, at one time was about to sub- mit to a surgical operation for bad lame- ness of the knee joint, all other treat - meet having tailed, when Hag -yard's Yellow 011 was tried, and speedily cured her. 2 Latsghl rd .f a West. Iysi Bate lad A ►pteies of wows+ is estio all lett ea . Prow the chestnut said hickory nut trees j to amity sections, awl the crop will be a failure. Worms that afflict ehiltireu or adults will prove a failure a Dr. s Pleasant WormSyrup to used. It a sale and sure cure fur all worn,s t t lurk in the human system, tape won's tat - chided. 2 Murtfata DON'T ▪ KNow.-How many children are punished for beiug uncouth, widen and wilidereut to lnstructious or rewards, simply Because they are out 04 health! Au intelligent laity said of a child of this kind : •Mothers should know that if they would give the little ones moderate doses of Hupp Bitters for two (Jr three weeks, the chtldreu would be all the parent could desire.'. • One from a Thousand. Mumma, Jan. 10.. Yetro, a, nue of ROOTS AND S H O S say ueighboon,, wasas taketaken with violent cramps and pain in the s'oach. My wife was called in to see her. The wo- man was in great distress. We had a' At the Oldest Established Shoe Store in Town, bottle of your Nerviline in the house, le which we ant from your agenh d her firer. :L:i:i End I ess Variety My wife gave $ donee and bathed her free- ly, and the woman became relieved cur meliately.-Camas SmmtTHS1114, J.P. You can test Poison's Nerviline for 1 t. suit the Iii et fastidious and th most ecnn',mtc buyer sample omount of 10 cents by buying M Y SPRING STOCK the sample bottle at cents dross store. Large bottles 2S cents. HUGH DUNLOP Fashionable Tailor, WEST STREET, Has the Finest A.iorttuent of Goods for Fi.11 Wear to Choose From. & Nobby Bait ��GR Ita Reasonable Price, YOU WANT CALL ON D TJ N I OP_ Grain's Witold Ltghtalsg. Is now ro:uple.e, anti I take pleasure in unftrn'ing my rust.'wers 11,31 at no pre - Cures Toothache and•Neuralgia quick as •imus •ime have I had such a flash, telievee any pain instantly, the cheapest and quickest application known. Large & Varied Stock Why surfer with Toothache, Neuralgia, Headache, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Scia- tica, Sore Throat or Acute Pains of any kind when you can go to Geo. Rhyne drug store and get a perfect and instan- fauoous cure for 25 cents. A.1 fur Krant'a Fluid Lightning. A Life Ssvtag Present. Mr. M. E. Allison, Hutchinson, la.i. , saved his life by a simple Trial Bottle .,. Dr. King's New Discovery, for Con- sumption, umsumptiun, which caused aim to procure a largo bottle, that completely cured him, when Doctors, change of climate and everything else had failed. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Severe Coughs, and all Thrust and Lung diseases, it is guaranteed to cure. Trial Bottles at J. Wilitan's drug etton'e. Large size $1. (1): SO MUCIC HAS BEEN SAID IN PUBLIC Prints about the Talae of Phosphates as fertilizers, and as nerve and lissom fu..J to sup- ply upply the waste of tiesues,resultiug from mental and physitai exertion. that they have become nbl•ersally retwgnfeed as the most important nutritive agents known to science. They are nature's restoratives. whether it be the worn Out soil. or the constitution run down with wasting chronic diseases, depending upon in- digestion and imperfect assimilation of food their action bel g to perfect cell -growth and the formation of healthy tissue'. I)v. Wheel- er's Compound !Altair of Phosphates and Cali- saoya 1. not only elegant and reliable, but ex- traordinary In Its eOlct in energizing and vitalizing all the organs et the bode. As at present. I have rained the Standard of Quality and Lowered the Price unt it is a positive fact that no such value in foot wear can be got elsewhere. CUSTOM WORK of every grade still receives nay prompt and careful attention, and will be made up in the most approved styles by first-class workmen. end of the very hest material obtainable. E_ D 0 VCT LA I N- G - CIGARS. CIGARS. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC THE BEST ASSORTMENT 1N TOWN A full line of all the Leading Patent Medicines always kept on hand (Physicians Prescriptions a:Sriecialty.) GEORGE T T A.B, BLAKE'S.. BLOCK. THE SQUA.441 'Speaking of the Cash -Shannon duel,' said the exchange fiend, putting his feet in the waste -basket, 'we need a few men like Judge Dooley. He laughed cut of duels with an audacious wit that coin - pelted even the admiration of his ene- mies. You remeniber,he said, when they threatened that if he didn't fight his name would till the columns of a newspaper, that he would rather fill ten newspapers than one coffin. Once he went on the field with n moan who had Si. Vitus's dance. His opponent was standing at his poet, his whole frame jerking nes- vously from his malady. Dooley, in the soberest manner, left his poet and nut- ting a forked stick stuck it in the ground in front of his opponent. 'What does this mean 7' asked his op- ponent. 'Why.' says Dooley,'I want you to rest your pistol in that fork, an that you can steady your aim. 1f you shoot at me with that hand jerking sop, you'll pepper me full of holes at the first fire !' Then there was a laugh all 'around, and the duel was put off without delay. tff• wawa Care. One who tried the faith are declares she was dura -'cared of her faith'- Swtaoet Blood Bitters cures by works, eel by hide aloes i1 is the grand spe- d& for all diseases of Liver, Kidneys sad Blood. parifying, Postdating sed strengthening the vital aside. f What It wan Be. Poison's Nerviline,the great pain cure, sever fails to give prompt relief in the following complaints :-Sprains, bruises, outs, tie doulonroux, rheumatism, spinal pans, neuralgia, toothache, lumbago, sciatica. Buy to -day at J. Wilson's drug store a 10 cent sample bottle and test it is any of the above complaints. It nev- er fails, for Nerviline is composed of the most powerful pain subduing remedies in the world. Get a bottle at Wilson's. You will be made happy. Ten and 26 cents • bottle. $ISS.t• Seward For any Testimonials recommending McGregor's Speedy Cure for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, C'i•tivenea, Headaohe,eta, that are not genuine ; none of which are from persons in the States or thousands of miles away. hut from persons in and around Hamilton, tint. We rive trial bottles free ..( coat, .o that you cannot be deceived by purcha.ing a worthless ar- ticle, but know its value before buying. Trial bottles and testimonials given free at G. Rhynes' drag store. a TESTID.ONLA.IS_ Collingwood, Ont.--The:Crowfoot Bitters I ook cured me of Sick Headache, after twenty yam of suffering without being able to find relief. Mita. .1. HoLLItoIoIxaD. orsiksaset4arsies .sac.. Th. greatest ,aodioal wonder of the world. Wta i'at d to speedily cure ea Ber, Brviess,Outasr ,UIes, Balt Fast, Fewer Sorsa, passes, Pil•t. Chilblains, Oona, Teeter, Chapped Hands, and al Sinn Rruptioms, guaranteed to rare in every itsean.e, or mosey refunded lea p w has. For sale by J. Willson 17. •► hewatdtold should he res•Yer+10 «•.pet. wtittoet • bottle of Dr. Vas Screws Kidney (hn s in the elesM. It is the ally remedy that will peat rely. perm.se.U• and promptly sere all fortm. .1 tray disease.. Bold by J. Wilms They all telt the seta• story. W. Trheispsoe, *wirier, Delhi, i..&tsl torr `• mot ead De 0. ...'. ffn4se relief mai Nomaa MIIM He says H wee jest ilia acnitis t aIle% I A OTS&S , ES o :3z Weddup Beg t. notions.* to the Public that they have opened business in the above Store in the stors lately ocoupid by Horace Newton. Having purchased a large and well assorted stock of Spring and Summer Goods at close figures, we are determine to give the Public the.beneirt. QUICK SLES & STALL PROFITS WILL BE SUR �OTTG ,td"Pieaee call and examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere. AV -Remember this place, next door to J. Wilson's Drug Store. At -Custom work will receive our special attention. .None but the best of material used and first-class workmen employed. p/ -Repairing neatly done on the s rtest notice Goderich. March 9. 1S82. DO N I N G& W ED D U F Clarkabutix. Ont. -The Crowfoot Bitters per _ family cored me of `3altrhe , without u.ing any other meJleine. Moe. Ji;,.rn Lot Gusto. If yon with te get the worth sly our Nome wilt peter druggist for It. THEY1,'1LL KEEP IT! May 17th. 188 18b1Cm SCROFULA end all serofnloua diseases, Berea, lryslp.las. Bateau, Blotches, lalmgw.I..,Tumors. aw bwoel s, Bons, and Zrwttless of the Skim. are the direct result of an impure state of the blood. et To ears these diseases the bloat must be puri. fed, sod restored to a healthy and natural condi- tion. Avca's SARSAPARILLA has for o'er forty years been recognized by eminent medical sa- thorttl.s m the moot powerful blood purifier to estate.«. It trees the system from all foul hu- mor, eartehea and strengthens the blood, removes all mass of msre*rlal treatment, aad proves 11. NB a complete master of all scrofulous desasse. A Resat Care of serofefees Bores. ".osis .oaths ago I wow troubled with wrote - lass eons (Phony on my legs. The limb were badly stream and Inflamed, and the sons ddb .barged wia. Quantities of °Bemire muter. Eery remedy I tried fatted mall 1 used Avaa's 5 ILI.A, of which 1 loan mow taken three betties, with the Molt that the sores are heal and my general heath Getty Improved. I to • grateful for the our.sdleln.heados. Ric Yeses your Ant O'Batax.•' les minivan New fork, .Irmo 24, taat. An peeress l.tareeted are l.•tt.d to salt o. airs. wird. of TO Moot Street, Now Tettoral°We ss • eye. tee Raw. s. Ir. city. who oral Bah. v. 1. teMlr,I g Se ci we.derfal eesey Aver'..arusysrli- set only la the were of Hite led but la to antra are sad seamy cairn within his Insonnedur 71e welt kaew. wren on tae &,Noe Herald, 1. W. Ss t. t., of law wive %.N..writes, Jane 7, tam: .. Revleg sof red seventy for womb nen IOW lissesai, mai bawl.. tailed se and roast boa other ompleff R O Zai 'T AG.eti=N ABRAHAM SMITH CALLS ATTENTION TO THE P'OLLOWINO CLOTHING, WA LARGE ASSORTMENT, AND HE LATEST DIi8ION8.�1 A MI ASSORTMENT IWIN ENDLESS VARIETY, HATS, STALL THE LATEST STYLES, FURNISHING GOODS AND EVERY 81ZZ' WALL PATTERNS. MADE APFIT OUARASTYLE. TEEi D,OR NO'SALE.w.CLOTHS NEW G-OO'bS, NEV�T PRICES. CHEAP FOR CASH. TALK ABOUT FRUIT. CHAS. A. NAIRN HAS THE FINEST BRAND OF CANNED PEACHES 1N THE MARKET., AND Hill CANNED TOMATOES AND CORN ARIL DELICIOUS. A TRIAL WILL OONITINOE. COURT HOUSE•5QUARE. OODERICH, ONTARIO ►wadti t bare =aft w. Nr1yy the pat three Designs t.aeosn�gtra, ot Aran's f Um*PAanr' • wbt.b W eRsowd • ear+. 1 essal•ar h •rayl• .sat re�sdl for an Mood dls.aa•s..• Ayer's Sarsaparilla Papers. Maadatss asd rashes the seam se the 11- Apsoire sad aho5B•e scraga rrta.ea awl etregtbess the Mal Irma sad spiedtly ease Rhein , $.grew. Sbeassa«. Souk csseev. Se.wul Detarty. sad all Imams .rtem frit. as rapmerldtsd of surv.psd ttae et the based, mad a motional •ftanty it a taaagaraby the ,heaps' bleed .e ties . w crises ef Bs esseew&S d suresgib. sed grab .rim sew rsaar► 11 es eSaaa So Or. J. 0. Ayer & 0e., Lowell, Mose. Sig by all tweg;Ysc pride 51. Ma bMteas ver Mow Is the tline. If you wish one or two wee recount at boam t0 see Puller'. room pygg He has over 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs Ibant.hl eolore and at pureee ter than very Toch Inferior geode. C.11 and se thea they an the host -eiwein taws. aid meat be sold 'The Laipsi Smog Bazaar Pails and Fashions, gm I.t i send se AT HL'TLAER•tf