The Huron Signal, 1883-11-09, Page 1.! • .4 ij ,
10 `
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, Aft.1ALAO .. .-.--A=h&r__
._ J.
- --- - _. _f7- ..----
-..- RAL LL'G, .1
IV %07 "m
F_4777"A 0, %_A4r', EV %AN GE s
— _ _ i )[c $1.5 IA(DDY Yl:. it 1I N ALPANCZ •
tVl(uLE NUMBER :91u. _ _ __--- - __. - - gg one, as any ppoung
^t ( bJra. nett \lira 'Neweontbo were the I At tlis last re4ul "100C.uuluu Urdi�r can wIlo a,ruldtrofu3e w eontt( I:vip thn
- - - = I TO THE ELECTORS i guests °f Mrs. T. Daly, of Blyth, last ; Citrderich No.
\ew tdrertl-e:n-`11• ibla tsec::. Auetioneering `1L Vek ' of Foresters, the fulb,wing otlicrrt werv• I trcuur of his heart, iJ h:w1 after being
Voice! 3l •t+!c-lar. Fo)t - - -- -� t-- v);jZAL AUC ! °r THY. L;lijah yluorr, ]r•, ,,f Thoro!,l, is the I duly inatallel : Ii. R. Kiintm'ns, C. R.; asked fur those Catsunh, as is oris ,(thy to
tCoud N',tatdd 1r. Fo Mitchell. ' OHN Loi )_\ 'WEST RIDING OF IiURON• I guest of his parauts 11r, and Alrs. Elijah I D. Stacdart, V. C. ; T. sueyd, F. S ; W, be called a true Conti -11". r le, then.
• :10\F.EIt and land \'aluatur, Guderic!,, I AicCreath, R.S. ; C, Crabb, T.; C. Cottle girls ulakeyour selaeti ms for file season
ltorgtawe $tie—N: t:: un t: lila' a„t. Haring had considerable experience pt I i \lucre.
,e uuctimrperlt; trade, } o is to a ptwldun to \\', Peuninitoo, I W; E. Situ- I of 1834. Itis regretted t!u,t thea ,ce
New mi111nsrj-3I,:s tC l:,nu:o. rhos. Cowhenl and family loco ra S. \1',;
jj � C. 1ielienzta, Chaplain. I °!Ter cannot b. exteud:•tl a„ as to include
Electlu:, 3terth:_, -'I `•• '•l. tt o$, 'i "•Large with thoro,,jri satlsfactlon all wm• I N'a reiret to announce I proposals u1nde by your). uta::, file if we
Market (larder)t,r„!+—^-• ti+uaioo,rk ,,execs entrusted to kilo. Order's lett s I un.,ced h, StrRitord fee the sinter nwus, II•: I
:.farti, 4 Hotel. or f ent hr i all to t»T address C3isrrF F:+ts� -- Oairt,►BY — (till ar, our clar.yuten N''pvbl ha. a 'to time
FSercantUirl tt'antod-)I:s. i. if.1),+':or• i:uderich P. O..carcfuHy r :ended t. tt ! Haviud uoceptal the ,)usitwn ,if Prv,- I wuutha, left F, re pare eernr,u+,.r look rifts( the
__ — i:�VJ, Count)' Av tionecr. _ ,
-- +trivial Truasm'ur iii Dlr. Mowat r \c- I Rac. Fatli,•r Watters Is nttunding rho !this week the decease of I: +bt. Hent cif i rrliliuca stnndiu•' r f the c,u'trt atiuu,”
- - , Y ecclastaaticnl retreat at St. Peter's Cathe I ion, ,AndvoitleRiwhicl► respected
atil�utreaif P l
- • Dent`, > - - I �I AMES PRENTICE,_kucrION EER,I ,u77,_ .►tiou, illy Seat for tlw West Rid I eccl L„titboin. I Unless the P•, t unit,, is prelctre,l to slice
_ --- and Apprn!:cr. e:teccssor to J. ('. Currie, dunce on Tuesday, Nw'. lith at the ripe awe his whole oliti'nn next veil• he
- — --- , , �• �; ,ilV :he Peo)le'a Anoti,aeer. UdI�hlStoffiikenrAlex.
at trig of Huron thereby lwcrnuea vueaut, I M• \V. Pr,etur, of Belle Isla, Mich.. i alta of I;J years and li wuntlia, Decaaa- tlipn ld tali, back that „!ter. Rr,aher
::ICHOLSt)S, L. J K, fiL ,� F '1• U. Adan. ileacs onleea
{{ t t. a).11 c sal rtsldauuo. Noe„ t �,nwnl'F Hook Stun) fit pay aara(u . JAti. 1 wu,l I woof leak ,a�aw at your hands n u 1eCOvarimg frust his recant eucaru at et was R natn'a u[ Pueblashire, Scotland,
`1. Pe+ is 1913 y tack of ui:,l:uin• Barr aeews alnbitioua to Lenny all in
$trees three door+ bdl9'•,” ),'I.; of lf�,il S4 F ItEN1'tCi. Auct,onea''• renew'ul of Ill it coutidencu which oil and had bean a resident of Mait,andville Ilia uu-it person
the c4ampiun uuitraunn-
f Senator Vidal, of fur abrrut 30 yenta. He Icaves a wife 1
(ialcrich _ __-- i T ��1E� 13ALLEC, LI+JE1SED AUC- I ir:ice to generously extended to too va W. Dl. Vidal, sun o sal aZenc of this cuuutrp_
- •7 '1'1J\e.Fa: for lku ('Yttnti' of llnrun. b,y- I P n ,til daughter, flit latter of whom is mar- I y
The ±�20j11f, S t�.olUntlt. ;,tg,n•,,: al toollst. IsnnN Prcpated tout tend furunrr r,Ccxriuns. Tho geuernl policy of 0. T. Il. Att`\atfar`tuintal n'wnt of the rion to A. Lnglta, of \Ciughaw, furmetl)' HIGIJCOLTRT OF,TUSTICE.
-- --- 11 to �ri orders for Au�tloucarlr►r. Orders left it,. Guceruweut h:,vittst been w recently alias Ian iiia Juhnetuu, of Luckuuw, I of C°derich. De::rased was uncle to
-- ! Uoterich, or sent by mall,
�— GIRL \\'ANTED- 1'Cu>t. I at RLl►cr'a Hot t8V` placed before you, diecussed, and by your't I R,(rbt. Henderson, turnkey at Goderich 1*nater) W I.iYs.
�,) E;ERNAN 1' 1, pn•+np.1vatte has been the guest of the, Misses \1'ilkic-
/7 1 er:.vr ;irl •.ci;t fir' ., 'eadT P;.+ r and s°u.uuring the past weeft, jail.
3 italics br aDPI)'i,+; to )Illi. �• fi. UET I \y, HALT✓ APCTI(YtiHER FOR ♦utw npprovad, I used not un this occii- y lirfore tt,c Ilon.l'r. Justice Fer-+won.
1918 it. 1l• jhe COAL of llurcrn. :+ales attended Sion tnvka any special reference t,r uLany I 11, 1\'tails, who at one tui:c attended } FCai:a.LL SettYuv'—On S°Ildr ache + ,r `,tntt rt al', The
I in sr); Dir'. of the Cuuuty• Ad'.ress or -ler- to rf aha Prociucial questions thou brought (ir,dericIl high iehnel, Ilan matriculated I ing last, Iter. T. 11i. Campl;ep [+reached Jo.trson rt r(• ''
` --- \ Oar oriel i'. u. Imo''' n eermuu from the words, "I go to pre• plaintitl's Are utillers in \\ in4Laul, their
1 OCAL S1UalU-.SIt FOOT, ILA\' �. -'driven b water power from
1SU been ur,te,ilp tnL:iy ImmiaS to or- bef ire you. But I !hick it to due to you at �'icturm (t,llr,4a, Cobom y I )are a place for veil : nli(l I will come mill bcin_ y
xantz� w clsst•sl hvilest
Sill bili hic u.vo ce "scot(s tin, that where I am ye maty be also. aha river Maitland ; the defendants nee
and iinginK K I Mealcal, to uiaka the ausuranae that ufour: those servicescwere hold the ng ehuulntirwm Of I 1 K+ 1 u 4 furnitureuianufacturers in ratio 14 tri,
the named0 those wwong iureartve i::struc --------- -- $i, (}serge's church lit the evening• During aha aconin, ho wade a tuuchin , the e(,r,,rwtion o.f the
stun. Please Bead to year rimes ' or. 191&.:'t I -=' T most unpurtaut and vital questions, thenu
on to t'a death of the lata Lizzie Sometime ng 1
_ _-__---- B. WHITELY, JL D., C.Di., PIIY-
r territorial and legislative rights of the feiuch a,tiefaetion is a:pressed iii Pri C3urdon, daughter of James Gordon. Ha t„vv.41 loads nu ntireewent v+i �t aha h!ain-
TUOD WANTED -TE DEVs WI f L ! r/ yl �n1 �U w T'bo ° 'nano. 3 Suurr PnLviuce the Guvrrnment ora determined I vale ciralaa lit t„wn over the appointment referred t ,her early c,mt ersiun, her con- ti f, for R wupplJ of wilt fn"++ the dam
�� las recalrM by the ui,,te:aiened up o G tl . aieteut Christian lift, and bar triumphant
— that in the future as is the past those of Col. 11 ,as as Provincial Treasurer. + I [„•• t;ra an,l other puelr,+er ,,f the town.
the Ist of I)ecenrbaruext for 1?)cords or green Fast u' tCil_,uti s 1,: 2: Store, uv stairs. 190St Ain. John Sawyer, u[ 1\'wltun, was on death. blany of the corzrevat ion, As T, it. a.,te:' WAS distrib'ateI throuxti the
wood, beua6 and maple, frac t�u:n tun+» and • it 1L :, ` JNAG rights will be firstly defended ant tit ,%I
lu,ts, to sup dZvered Iw,ore the lit of 1 D lip 1L D. PHYSIC A visit this week to her uncle, Jo eeph well as the preacher, were deeply m"fond• I i , b. mains. The defendants t+tl,lsed
Itfareh, 1K31 At the Goderich Puhlle school. �• 1.t N- CliGEON. $c.• Gram' :O ut Tor nr su ut obtainit►g
Tenders tial• ba• made our lotae t io of r ii a it ante VntversttT. I.tarrtiate of the ItoTai <%ill• tainad• Binl, of tFe G. T. li sia(f, Grxlerich. Darin; the scr,'ice the favorite hJ ma e1 tl+: juains for tl.e p p^
over. \V31. :dl l'CHF.I.L. y 18lello IcK. of Phv;r:aas, L�a,lon, England. `c.. �' .. ac a :ice tbu 1r sitter) teudrrod unu water for the use of L►srts uLuttu[actuty,
Bonrrt. 3I. C P. 4., Ontario. Ofiioe and reatdcace P Itev. Dr. Ure and T. bicGilhcuddy, the departed Sistnr was wog. to t u
O1. c. c A.. y r Huta, Hamilton street- S71d Ido so with •deep son of the rasp ,3- i \Vill yatee was. on Thursday uiAlt of c,+ntentim4 that they Ilia a ri{ht
T�OrICE-SEALED TENDERS \\'ill each fare to "ice addresaea at the Cuihi as This
List wick, motto tn1 recipient of • lLand- ! to action was br,,!'_Ilt to prohibit
** sibilities Assumed, an,l of the hon• (con Ckureh (Guderioh,tp ) S• S• aucial this defeudauts interfering in :rny way witil
Nbe received by the undersigned nntil Sat- I 4 , f I eo suing, I soros phutugnaph album and an address
urday the First day of.Docembr. next, hird D R.
c LEro .coroner B cH Office and res denoc . tarred upon lite. I accept it at co°si,ler- the water in tine mains. ` Jad-tueut was
one Hundred end tlttinS cord, Of
tui► tour tact IIrtue3cea••.Se•:unddoor west of Victoria ,tile perstr11,1 sacrifice, bat I fuel t,t.o- , AS r. (trey, Government inspector of by a number'uf Ilia friends. The add as icer iu.favur of l:iiutiil'+. null ^+'►olio;
wood, fir ft knot d RtrBru 1;51. harlxtr++, well-known to In . f our I referred to the esteem iii which ho w e I g p e
Iontube delicrce,lfat or 3�tcoede.tur(�pwxrdh.s. Laving taken upon myx•.f the trust+ you " p I» an injunction agnitiy: drfrn,lants.
Parties mac tend G, 1IACICID, JI. D. PHYSI re entl sustained a painful in- I held by the bo,vs, .and ex roused o hu \Ilett r• Go tlulcek--TI.ii:r •.vasa❑ action
• re mord for triope F Stan `?urgeon and Aecouetrer. Graduate have cotumttte l to me as f rt- raproaun• I readers,
hwnd, i that Lia entoer iii surprise
would fu per `'b
The lowest e! cd tender nut necforth ac- I H. . , r f t I ry rerc . It w:La u aurpriau psrtl for \\'ii1 fur a ,aciti. rfo eye , t sr) asd i ntant
ceptett. Suretica will b 7 tatice, i cannot in justt •r t , },,' 1,.
antra• t.; 1'ETF.k
.t I) otTxoato (alversiiy. Um- ^opposite ('amen t from I I hilt he f Iwnd in rho
fo rmsnue of the a 1Lra. Jamas \lArtul Las arri+'u for t ie sola „f :t0 acres u
_ to be ” reeentrd and addrrrsod,,' l lti' is a
80N. <'ounty Clerk. 1: ►5 St Ttbce& oa f%at ill +Ha kucl new. 11 G2-S�n to glee W the \lnriuisirrtiun uF ''Ir. Cyult tit. otm,, after a threw tuuntha p y township of TuckPnmith. foe p
Uoderich, dot. 1st, ass __ - - visit to liar daughter, ilea t\'. Campbyll; thsnke3 hie friends warmly for their
_ Afuwat n1y Lest serrices in the more ilii- handsothe present rind kindly t►cidrasa. former residing in that tuwus'.iip anal the
1pDERLCH HIO SCHOOL. j �[it�, fiH.►ti'aiOlk fi H.111LILTf)'C, p who resides there, He left un WedneedAy t” take a P'»itiou I cleft is Dr. Gauinloek i,f Senf,rtl - Juds;-
ll yurgeonS. AccvMILT NT , portent pt»+tu•a I have been called u to
G I'acs;r:ans• iii a Torv,nto whulow.vla house. He was [want wits sheen its favor (•f the plff for
and Fra- office si Ix. 11,annonr resio.cuoe, ries! the to fill : ane I can assure you that whits ; A. alackid, c•isLirr lit ti. u Bank of uung mien be-
The next ltatrano Fxantinationw•illbcl•ci•I� gn,IGaAlcrial., ai C.JtI.►�::,,v• �• C. ila slL-
io the (citral -,-beet, on ThurrdaT i;31, C.,nunerce at IScnntford, has boon prvi ,rine of the roost ubli�itiw y' specific perfonuance of the c •areae% for
day. the t) h and list to December. lsy3• bc• r,y i the o;,ipurtanttii s t ,advance y•pur inter- 1,no,sitiun,d accountant in hind a counter iii Gudercln. t le purchnse and wale ,if thn land will
g!nntni'. at 900 costa k writ•• each day. ---- — I eats nlay Le graat.c” it, the nacre re the IduraicIt branch. .
C,ndldgtes must notify the Town lisppeeCtor Loans aria 31ISUrance: RAILWAY bisrreK+. -Tito Teoawater Costs res to the waster as t" of t.n L;e.
or the ifead 3lrst••r, uut tuft(t:unkLe IGth of i — I sppr4s41de position of a Aliniatcr of the Ir'ory E. Daucey, barrister, of Sea- and Culross pe„1,1u seed to be uppose,l I Costs reserved.
Norember. T Crown, the desire to faithfully" s•`rt'e to the cxtenair,n of the T. G. & B- rail- I V arlEgi nand r, Gray -This e:Lso was
�� _ forth, was in town d'uring the week, \\ e
Fur any fuauc-' iufuruwi;on regarding the
F.xaminadun or the SChooaCl �w B,A•, i `EAGER S'LE1\ 18. OYP„r•1Ti 11►f:- ; aro ¢l:.d to hear that lie has a large prae• way to Wingham. The '\-cies of last ' teferted p, iii oar hist issue, !out was not
.I.,- •, wFr� H. L A7 ns', Hoist Gellert• h. have nrriatc !you in the future will l,e no leas sincere week,cuutains the fullowinz ' -"\Ve are
b>. Head Master. F C v OK T U L EA.U. tl a in Ilia adoptedtuwn. c•atcludrd when ae scut to ureas Inst
Ge1u:)h No-.'. is I+Yl 1916 .'t in a:,' (ulna is Su`.t ^arses wanting i,wns. at than to the past. tree4. '1)r) Aluuday judgment +vas tticoII
I in ai tow rates. ' 1 _ Trusting that the course I have taken Mrs. Judge Terms and. Milo Sybil, re- pleased to sea that ase is%(-irs(nilutiun
�(1TII'E. - I3 HEREBY IIIA -SN + turned ',n 'Saturday last fmm their trip their last meeting, p disniiaainr~ the notion v.tth a„sts-'hs
alae for spr {ONEY TO LEND. rill w, et cith your al+pmva'.. Y. l( Directors, un behalf of judgment ie wirhuut prejudice b any
that I Witt not tit rcyon j _ I east.' \Vo ,re >tlad to learn that bliss instructing the Reeve and Clerk to {,eti- riglntr the plaintiff' nroy have i:i respeet
debu contracted after thl d.te 1•• 't,: Sea I `1 . 1 aw, Gentleman, i syhil is very touch better. tion the C.
..• n for himsxtL I bent, servant, I ttnil Jfrs .,lalcolmu)u were in the. (uunetl, to ex's++ol the railwwy t'• it, boz drain -mentioned ill the evidence,
Jarob Pannr'Ak•rr as he has throve u.T M'' Real !L!illue,, o P"va to,thetlia n tap Your o I ey beliered this would ,or in re+poct to I,ercolatii,4 n LteL, if any
,retai ,c•tr.,nt• And is n_ g 1'ruci:., i A. M. ROSS
HEtiRY PAN N EBAhEIt. lot ” t l3 1t U ! r ; +aur: Lan Y.rW001►CO('F�, Hamiltu:n n \fuuday attending the gold- Kincardielleficild t,r the "•tun:cipality.
Colborne• O)lire -tips sidcor llnrnllun at.. Uorterich. ( _ -_ __ - lt ill (' of Mr. and Mrs. Freeman, prove be suchrighta exist.
NOTICE TO DEBTORS \OTICE IS I G,dertch. Kov,. tit, tail. 1915-n _ ------ —�.;r:e)�
.1aia,lwsun a parents. This allows t1Lat trio Culross C,runal �s Fisher r Pabst -Tui•+ ,via as act o
1. �_-- I ! i� 'r T Willing to use its influence and toy all f +the ractitic.ition of a crpnceyance of
1\ hreeb girenaha:allpar:tesindebtedtol T WS 00UT L10iyjE , A CamP9ilno, wl." was recently avlistisl,nuwllasthe Papat Hulnastaad,
the enders te% by n"ec or bo;lt•accugnt are ! (; •:,W,0011 TO 'LOAN• ,1PPLY TO ' jnn+l iii Bitelutnau, Lawson S. Robins (the action considered necessary in Behalf
theu n ,settle the sauu at once and there W (,y\IER'J\ ISOLT fi ( .\�1F.R0 1_�ide E i --_ 1 of the best inter9sb c[ the Tu'•t'n rl:i p."
reqby site an cufor.ed collection. um,. I mcanlyhB-S: tell - I A CctroSQ ondant of aha \\ uudstock
ou.the Huruh Head, tuwnallip of Oode-
news. AItA�l NatlTti' - '•A chiel'samanR ye. takin notes. saw mill, is ■blo to be abut again. He, rich- It appears that cL(i convr)uncer
-- ---_ - - -- _-_- 1{t)\'EY Til LEND. - PRIVATE +.r faith ka It pn_ut it." � Las lust the sight of u,ne eye. �,•„tirte!-Rerieic writes : "Thera was a w� mew the deed made a mist.Lke, and
I e� 1 funds --on free onia ^ecurity. Apply to' George Campbell , 4,f Seafurth. non I �rqe congre;ntwn at Chalutari church t t nue If the parties who rind a joint
For�Sale or t0 _ Geo.Rewteon.G:xlen••h. — TOWN TOPICS.
_ 000 FRIG -ATE F1'�i)S TU LE\D 1I I attending Grxlerich Aiudel schrwl, goeu liiat Sabhatli wonting to hear the parting interest it, the property diems[ since the
-- \' -;R ===:__ T GAR•' �11'��+ - Ito 13allydu9', count of Durham, to take wcnisof the Rev. J - Jamaso»n, the lately execution of tine imtwrfect deed leaving
�M.t LL FAH. _ „ rn ri)" N �+ on goof Farm of flit class Tnavn PFaPtr+Y Ark fur the ^�u1id Cumtor+ or ' Olicette elected utidsi„nary t„ Form ,a. Tho
t 5 percent. Anuty to It. R AUCI,IF'Fk. 1751 i}e(terich cigar. char:te of the pub is trcIlad there. He sun+a infant childtep, which uec.eseast-
S 1, .. for tete. The abov P M _ a year.
b townsh► . F•sriies am dtv'ideil regarding the calibre of S I et, this wotiun. J udgnieut erns �tv�n rectt-
wt:hin one mite of the marke-. . Juan•• acinpg O 1.ESD. - A LARGE is to et $400 y rev. entlenia;t ureachc l a vary earnest ,
part of lot cancesaton 1. GudcrrTden ground- O�IEY T the mento represent \Peat Q[u be to the Leg- g diacourae fnnn Is,
41:1-i. Mr. Jaulosult I ting the concevauc(t-aa 114kad•
1 { brit rill aorta tot the best value Capt, b1. Charlton has taken char ;e cf t sat fervor of
contain n.% I acre+ of I1r ou,u and barn with jI1 an+ount of Private Funds for inveatwent islrture. ill„ ,_•,vernment dredge Challenge n0in. is a man characterized by s; ' ,
It has on it a Rrwd frame It luwert r,te� on flr.,: a: :nes 3tottga3ee. APV1r I money 'ai P 1 Hortun'eints and liyiwrp can
'rhe .1Uis„ [t s Blink `a111t,1eC.+—Thla
Ithaio nieniencee. Goodie'` Itcel�Fytnte toGARR(1\P 1 PitOl'1)F'i)O'I'. —_ ! I doc•rtion, and eat of purser will'
!action Sas put off till tIl,: nett sittinJs of
fruit. APP1Y W F•• tCOUD 19IIiJm ( Ccunor is occasionally out in his Predio- As sa on as the weather permiU, theca —
Trude, I with ilredge and scows, will be a wast euttable co-worker with I this C ,art iii this County.
Agent, Haioilton street. ` 0,000 PRIG-:1TE FC:NDS TO LEND fleets, but Geo. B. RnDSon. the photographer. ltrocao l to Sarnin.
ions its business . Ilia lint Dr. blacks)'• Ha takes tett), him as his !
kBLE FARbi FOR `ALE -1 t' on Farm and Town 1>roPerty at lowest in- to certain to s. n ie reports b to wll who dextro The Lrndrr.hlp orthr U, Po•It+en.
ail The echoonco Iita•don With tial from wife one of rho fairest and +++oat' avec:,,- I ,
red an eharK '1• ('onveyanetntr Fccs reaeonabpe• ae break. (nest atfaflure IiaThieiethe thought I of the Rat. Mr. Straith, for 1 It is rumored that til,) praseut let,ier
Lot Nit 5, in the liaytleld tun. tun,ship terest. 3lortgogea purchased, ,t reasonable.
cud pictures. lie repo the islands for this port was out in last plished of l ►xford'a young n ottteu, R
of C,oderich,"acres, A , ,,acres clan dd J j ie the bar
stomps -valance well timbered, has ti• B—Born)wsfa can obtain mono ' to one d that is now dislurbin financial circles. but in which the lost her dau,,Lttr nsitio of wuuid ll•,t Le
free from "f aha IhtGLrin 1-Y1rp
there is no fear regarding the ability of 3!21 i weep a atnnu,
frontage on Be)11c1d river and un tbC Clinton(lint of . . Barristers. God n h• \ J 1 fol the photographer to +stake choice Pic
anchors. She ills le for Sarnia, in which merly of Inslarsull. Tucy will be a uw-
toed. and adjoins the incorporated vtllow lows. ed by the prayers of very wary ft ie:xle.' averse to acceptuib n wa' on title +.f the
[teTAeld. F'urt••rnts-htriher pEITH ate and FIRE, port she arrived At on Friday.
Of sale • pe to
LEITH KIr(i- I RADCI.IFFE, , MARINE, tures. Ile has n name �or go )fl work.
condltlone o Q citors. 18 KInB D e and Accident Insurance Agent. Aman may be olx �'C39Coicnnloanwetl tlic nK itlian F, Harrison, who is attending The Montreal tit•(( of S,tt:udAy, a•iJ's : su1>Prl'n' C„ort it++ thA oli Meredith
8T0SF: d .Ut3tOLit Su11 i R. Lit 1
to. Or to John Horgan It^ n enting flrstrlass('ompanlce. Alsoagomt ncr. b'tcroAlority of people won't acknowledge
et \Cert 'foron l+gytt I p 6 , t•,• SmcK i]sCRaxrB Co. suit
le lid
etre (.tvsns Lt
in S. S. Osborne, at when aha consecration of the Ver;' Rev. i himself as
11 may
lw has iwticc: i. iFJ�rni
ttled �
t jail
t Yet been (
Hotel keeper, t3aTreht. for the
dun 3fortgage, either in Town of Ilia worth, If X11on � ewrsn a�[crianyw�ere.d position el[ teacherera, has ttccopted the I •lt Ilaldiein as Biehrip �tfsltltiyDe�esB is :L l:attet• lnwyet• t Lan p°•i act•+n• ,
1►Loney to len A tsalary of of $425. bir. Harrison has De.
�ARbi FOR SALE—BEI\C= THE, Farr.+ Property, in nuc way t suit the barrow A, 1jigsJe si lu Pas
e,%I i i0 acres of bhx k lettered "F •” in om Jessie ghoin, h will ,oll sen e t eti1
f ea er. Otsce—tn+retairsi Kav's block- Goderich from business ehortll',
• ConcessWn of the ToN•nship of hi --- y-- duccherst«•katonce. Goodawillbesold AT• rho tnatarial in him fur w auccesaful I bfrrld iln,t > the ll a Sy ke n,pda�ufvthat t it adiocese' than,+ofhotpr,»pectttiatLn"it all enttwt•nst-
the ; to teacher
went. Avnccssout s5 o`oi t e s ovrnshltiMl.brTheech � Coy'( fur rOdaye, ce. Goo and fully assort ll -known Attd much re- wishes tl+u ceremony to take place on trig for Lint in the naeemhly H• played
growing limb„( frame yarn I ed. 1211 accn..nts now on the books mnet be
and elni. A frame house, a Isrgc {d in bS the l5th of tiovctnbcr, or they will epMis�s111n1Ge,dcrich, has been appointed the 28th trier. ,+►ccordiuQ to the Twelfth his atrnn¢eat uuiw nt the last nlectv,n,
and etuble ire un the PG,etlmtrsich vF a ces ggra. t to Collected in court. Canon of trio Synod of the Fcclasiastical when lies hand was ¢aided ur the sty old
(lily tete miles from colors apply to JOIi\ -> G. (, Rebcrtsnn, Fast street, is giving great I to the {x»itiun of t+letcher of rho 4tli dict•
ra►d. Fur p� rte ;�GF.R I ' r sine in furniture. 1)pdatwl+. t•,s• "+'' I stun of Exeter public school She has I'rovinca of Canada, whenocer an else- ;;atnreter at lkt:Lwn, wh„ fun+iot t him
vet \RIUO irti Marr) at,%) F -F fin R i tion of a bishop taken place, the preaid- with Ilia bust trwup cords rind ultowed
BItt.(,&_,I elicitors Goderich. 1�lil I tHERIFF'3 SALE OF L oiD3. I,,,tnRCS.St•�•u ottomanfrimea,!2.(M).++P
& liotiT S e stook ole►nokln Rlas;ca. 13c.• up. ► mode m,Lny friends in Goderich during
t gg
tug Bishop wast lit notified of rile ch rice, him lu,i� ho haiullu totem. Ther' h n,t
C+)DIFORT• out i lar e. Stec t alt kinds or P�i7t^jo Allmkind of her Stay here• nFter which twenty-eight days + +est ex- I the rlilhtast rP Nrnunla2li to t tl : ar.eoas
OUSE TO REiT-A (',,UNTY or HcKos + D) clr;tic of w t\'rit nt 11arg. Acta Victo rian&, the ursan of the tutu -
frame house on :•, 1th street is To wrT: r Ftcrl Fwcins, issue 1 lure framinor at batten' P Piro• Burin, which time nny objections I can ulrset aha 6'
H .1BL1S wreath frames made to order. All kind( of 1
hr su )4criber. It , ,ntains eight , of it,'r Maient and'to m. direcledtand deliver' airing done. Camp chairs, dents and alumni of ictotia UnivaraitJ�i to the bishop elect hin ri tiled. At t nr d aucurrty t •t tri, scales wc:c s nt
torrent vy t it rind bed- of 31lddlcae- ,
rooms, 1r) addition tocdttnt cc r coweniencC ,l anggaainet the Lands ale three me sof JOHN HART) rep Grbuun(, brains its seventh volume wit the expirRtio,, of this perial, if tilers .tole. bL•rw:it' a C•ise a f,.,, ll ["r the p+rliv
room. and is P°s81bSCellar, hard and sett wet- I MAi�3VARhING. at the Fred Williams, o[ London, is in town• I
Y) In the chaps of Rood wo-diths of an acre of F( GiiLE, 1 have seized and taken in Execu- lace loco uu ubjectious filo,l, tri + F)re- ttte,,t. ,i''e s chance fur souther up;real fro
er, wotxlshwls, tke. T e u iia o"htch arc I defendant, pasta to the friends of aha L'uiversity statin¢ Biahup (the Afetrnpolitau).notthes the
toed arc wtf,jotntnR the boos P tion all the right title, interest, and cqulty of ,"•Ira Archie Dieksuu is visiting el Sen- I w useful and spriKhtly number. It rip
R forth.
• • wnumbecof bw►rinR trtUttrees, Terris rasa I JOH!.pIi1A1XR�ARRG. in and t the fol- ,n town this I for encouragement and eup[wrI and it a the Diocesan Synod to the effect, and A»drdiatry fuel liltiOutarn`\1"ceren-
onablc. Apply to GEU. atc3tAHUN. tfodr QQ - 4 worthy of it. - --- -- es a data fur the cultsecratiou. In the nwat o
1911tt lowlnRs(lwnds and premises. vtz:--Iwo serer James Ruticttitan _Mie_
rich _—_ ,1,1 of land. l>r•(nst a luirt oT lot rarely e, in the South I week. Y +resent ciao the twenty-eight days will time ca+l hardlc fait t•• t4•+ h.rtt ie t,1011 -
Miller, Inspector r it"r s f )r . $Doth Preol expired it the 13th suet. I limo than t Uay .lid at the late eiectu•n.
AOR BALF. OR TO RENT. -THA En*+ boundary 'olln.lon of the , loinwhil M dw blit. was un h,wf cl Saturday last. I The have four years tit which t,. prepare
' baa
ulttal Mick resideacc mP11r. hr imlNrialh3fillst Prn{x•ri}+t of n�to ���c�n I 3 slight ekurry of snow [rllh S Then a' Hwr eiScafs it, ,,wn oil as s ay J L THP. SCttWL Boi+:p•-Thu It,,ard +not andJtlley hale au excellent bu ls(vt of n+
Mr Nice• and formerly occnpted b)
eo,nson. at the bawd of hewRato attest. and situate within eighteen rods ami e`k I b1r Afiiler iw an enthusiastic member ,•f t p ai,tnday twat, nil the uiembera except form to carry thrunlh, if titeJt will Only
Mal von in October. For r cuMr Inches of the South F.uet angle of sold farm last wWill Hulnnes paid w visit to rho 1►rile( of l'nited Workman, null has
ps f dieeAse of I b[r. CAn,alon being present. 'fhe Prin• eat al..lit thou,., Thcv. hare, thnrugh
apl° ions owner. J. hBRECKENRIDG.'F, Ttpm lrine. t>PtweC ttlfllnn hnrd1 li 0 c� Tey Bwm. B,,wden is very ill a kindly promised to deliver a lecture f,rT cil�l'a r.p ort gave nantber if scholars on the fully of Sir •lolut S[acdnnald, a 1 ,-d
NP wuste N,Pr t Ui ,,lc C not the Town -- of Ycrth, of sixteen rr ls, and mending t»tk the lungs. the benefit of aha Oder in thio town. 11 st,
roll ;:•3, seers a attendance 3iii' ,pular cry to "pruvit:cial riy}nir, and
w �,eQal. the full width of aixleen rods w distance of The cheapest daily newspaper in Au¢ueta Burritt, of St. Helena, was ap F'
. twenty n,Aw which fends and Tenements t blies Bina Dlitchell is At fiauuder t America is the Toronto J1„ruin• ll ,n41. intted to anccee,l Miss Ralph in Ht. � ►t they will assert these rights ctJorl udy
---_- than ogee for Style, atm core, in the Couri variety afore. p aha ,,1r) wi;l stand t,y sham flee
- LE\\ Ig BARRISTER$ House. [n the Tnwm of (3rcxlerich. on t3ATCR- Mie t nthot Ji,trtin hat returned We have male arrangements by which David's wwrd. Tha lnapect.,r was re �v � he chalice of deailn w►alt the
• �EA(lER & ' PAN'. ill-,1a%VFN' h\i rimrott I)AY OF D to \Yate, MSM we con seu,l THF: Sf°%eL and daily yuoetud to ask lila Eductttton Dr1>. id. fr:vchise on n,ek-bottoui p:'W4.+f'IM,
1` ” rich. J, A. 3ioKTOtt• clock. noon. was is worid to any Address fox $3.50. The inent to extend Mis. Carsild it certid• digging tile t,•tusaiatiott aro des shat nn
t C �eaeen. Ja- F1. N i Rscta. lso4• ROBERT GIRBONS, Dr. Sippi, the L„ndon tenor, cats for nue year, provided she pltired
sleritr, Huron. 11 i„wn thea week. R'o,fd is independent in p•litics 13x1• i[[ wuuld•1rC reb•rmer cwn aver [I f cwtrw it,
'�- 50LICITUR kc., ,nee of 18&3 fere to new subscribers for' the aimi'Lt examinMiun at the an1e1
R e. IiAYES, yheriRbOtilre. Go erloh. I And the)” hnte t!u cb:vree ,pf qsu linyc
OfM+e corder of tris caro and A c. , tiepte mbar 11Nh, 1883. 170Y td Rev. J. Turnbull preached in Ray I 1 S. L,> ,1. The nnost it.teresttnK foatarf I the ( „f the igo it, t all l. ith a
atrr•t. Ooder►ch, near Bu:i era bookd�• _ �' 6eld on Sundae. a+ t I twlistrihntir.n 'IF the ueats in flit araatnb-
---I ---- - y wall Is• taversment Sou The Durham i'.eroetiefe (Cutts.•rratne; of the avenins( . 'M the pre.••ntntio. r, I 1 a tueaaure w Utah cel IAF }!tsti9s,l by
money to lead at IoweR. Tate��of ialetes(•
__ L R$UANTTOAN ORDSAOFTHl6l Next 4, unda stye : H. P. (►'(?°rine( Me, M. PP. for nnctl»l \\'. R. Alillrru retilytrtalnal, t ale tte4SL'manrlrr h coetlrnt syn by Fair
ARROW A PROUDF00`17, BAR p chantry mTisiun of the Hirth Court of day is Kew= elrwrel. South Bru^.e waa coon cel �or McC•,11 in a animated discussion theruusr b Mr. T-
Roliclten. ate n a swam Green "a• G"*"• tris rtrachod in the Ai. John iii 1y2, Aud he other and h1{heT
CT Rl�'KRR, Attorae=i , pyondtoot, I Justice msdl� t1Fe case referred to in nn,othet' colu+nn. Miller was aakrrl to ra«•tai•kr. but was ,
Galerich. J. A (farrow. 1's credttotu of Andrew ii. (iteen, late of ale gRCehof� baa n ay [t was no wonder that Mr. O'l'nnnor firm in his pnr[Nose to n+sitn. Tha rust rami
_ 1•wwnsbipof0)Ihornn,tnthecmin+TofHnro It retarnerl by such a lsrq:i elaj,rrity. ynnUou, Iwtancer, WAS Wit „n the table. i The chances of succwsra;y t•2 14a.
----- ,A CAl[ERO14 who diad 1s or aboott th. month of Jim', im. plias ("tante Da, is left f ,r her home in him
A]L=RUN, HOLT ilre arc os or before tM 18th dal' of ,November• ! Hamiltrm oII lllowday 1 thea, an t"r )Ir. llerewlh apt tt:e alim-
CChmsss*f' 11MLtoBeadlypeate�apald to Meesn. Gar- Met. Ile is talentri. a nnrteout, and a terfr•ct &htre(ommen ati n frvowt the 6141td it Atructed to a 1'Asl moot k►ncl, unless tri.• u,%%earn cent an
� C' R i ��oww a �odfoot• ttiles «,► a James Addis- west to TYronto vn ntleman tton .[ 1[r. Miller wits a sur .nut•
C P. ��• t�e�twepideowwq theeetletf ( C• I 1 guilty of w series of fait ah ►lenders. such
Maesra.� --- 176E — gosad Mer rm,geY os • kersansss trip I M Friday ereninK w wast w .ae+»ful >!DM wtfulia no the
left on ftunday entertainment was give,, in the Hivh b 1tMsy. Aa;tittnrst the r luealw i,
,i,D LOAN AT 6 PSA • � close : T►e eehuostec Ostsno y I hattd..•f M. Che co There is a r,,o ant
(�(� sea isx BGIId River. Sehrr •I under the wutpicet of H.KL,S., T►• srdswr ,d the Lindat P„s•' his ea soli iii the count .of appeal which
��OsVW ('1<NT. , wtort. wig s im �1 R�trord, it the I A large audience was present on tthe j � �o Jhat behnSs utarterlf Into l'In a I Wi(t IP he tillwl wt „net. Sir J"hr)
VW icor $o" d � �, Wnfle Do'.i. �t •1.141 following Pr'rri of reeklwsn(ta” ---"He1•e s as My eke it into lye h"wt•1 t„ appoint a
THK TORoxw tl1L10ERAL TRCetTR ('O'Y a 'ltl w arw tasking theiry tart and tuooswfully drrted amt. ' mad cartlst lo ible. vomethiag
low wo w•y attper coal .. per sec t1ws1. sat t TM Bed" steam+ C. Betts. as usual carrying °lithe cake I t,+Fer. thFtr+etMnv M i yswwt wlau - it s(unM M a plpalgr trod
=t Yale iteae+r• • ale tlih say �y last call for the Mason M Mia p"K' wase a •pt ee bps beat to twke. It he
to tris terenoMl. for sssrrioi alnt : - t�'henrs, Mitaes Ca1r1• i teal Aixwt it. in order Io en«wrw¢e tLiuk. blr. LLcre•hth is nM just the ked
TERII�t� RLiT BORROWSRf3, faral!litdieilNp eat eWt� � •pl1eea�eer,•ites traded"i sesta and 6sise, Messrs Horton And L.mstr;iwmialmatters an incidentI to
ed a rrismlrete to+s loth day otOesow I . wteek wt tl►e Interwattonsl Wt works , Mr. Krwin ; Roti- i introduce the Pose into every„ne a new 1 ^i Ulan I.. lout the Opprosition to vict„ry
�si$Ittt111 flflt�iMl id to say tvrtF.inR et old --we Ile nny a[ ap:Ut hint to the rsoanoy and
MMrss'lses,f”" MoeurHr• INCL R. MAIA'OMR016 Rev. X. Pstteral.rt of Bayfield, Odes. i[lee its : Magic 1n►ntern, Mr. °etch,. 1•1
3Twster of the Rnprewie boort of y /Vjie ; itMdittB, select aeothar leader.-IT•runtc N'orld,
f�M 1 Apvf1 a JsAof the
at Oede&I pronsbed in inox chum on Ronda 2nd prize wsswy, Mr. (der the Poul U.r the next year to every
t91"n- --���� cwt [«iitret of our towns- f ikrsng ; Bolo, Mia E. McDermott ; , young Indy who an in eu during lewp
('Al1LRON. i10L Orr► AerMsKtsRi+Aerlcl. Mita Rw*,n : Rewits.tll lir. r. This will be an inducedo it,no lwryfe- a Cal1¢arr ilerreLi eA=a that a you"
jtwsss Cn J• [ltsse 11nt an additional Rastldln¢, F
Iaet own :Clercs 1[iaees J. Tkompeon, ii. .ken advat tape (if. \Ye d„ not nw+1 + y
v,rats fer the Tereiise fiesserd James Law feek, of Hesitation, died es + s ,7%
• X41* li swe of (trip ffer -Willilodiwn was hwntted net\( anchor oe7ok
t�rw Friday, Aced lot, On Thursday lin. 'lit �,a'�" �tpe Sal atM{Iss h` Walker, l4- Millard and X. latell clod any ,u have u de,,le add the rp (,oT kills t rill
Me N (ar+Rsmx. NoLT R ('rwR1Mx have �e liOk a """rr"" coked trtN to {ire Rave the/►otenn no louht h1 ¢nwrantsw• that the pn,l.. KJ VA
stens rr�Rte• a,,,eawr . f trAvat. funds to lima t rioorge. N R , y pi1M•r7 ae[`• t
„w gsat•'laas Tann escort', 1911-te l 1f
ilotrrIA, am t r9d .