The Huron Signal, 1883-09-28, Page 66 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY! SEPT. 28, 188'. the Poet's Torner. Mao ter Travellers, More Nes thirty are years age we road tie w .cheats la emigration la a "parlor lksary of mlaoellany," or a book bavlytoome web taking title ; and hero It tures up agals ■ liar exchanges as good as new : The Brewers" should Le "Malta" go. The " Boobies" ell to " ticllly," The -Quakers" to the "Frls•dly Isles," The '• Furriers" to "Chilli." Tkellttle snarling, carolling babes Who break our nightly reef Should be paced off to •• Babylon," To " Lap" land or to " Brest." From "Spltheed," "Cooks" go o'er to "Greece," And while the " Miser "waits Hb peaaage to the •• Uulnea Coast," Spendthrifts" ere in the "Straits." "Spinsters" should to the "Needles" go. " Wine bibbers" to "Burgundy," "Gourmands" should lunch st "Sandwich ranee," Wags" at the "Bay of Fundy." "Bachelors" to the "United States," " Maids" to the " Isle of Man ;" Lot •• Gardners" go t0 " Botany Bay." And "Shoe blacks" to "Japan." A Vela frees lie Varus. "You say that my lite is • round of roll r The stalwart farmer said ; "That I source can wrest from the oft-tUled poll My pittance of daily bread 1 Well. what you tell me to part Is true, I am seldom an Idle mac, But I value the blessing of rest as you, Who have so much of it, never can. "And. surely, I have never worked In vain. From the spri.•g to the golden tall ; The harvest has ever brought waving grain. Enough and to spare for ell. And whets in the evening, free from care, 1 see at my farm house door My wife and little ones waiting there. Oh. what has a millionaire more "My children may never have hoarded wealth; Their lives may at times be rough ; But if 1n their homesi they have love and health They will Moil their riches ennagh. The only land they will aver own! alis the land that the strong right arm And the patient, fearless heart alone Can till a fertile t:-rm. "1hay e nothing boyond my simple wants, And a little for cloddy days ; Bnt• io grim ape;tre my homestead haunts. Bach as silver and gold m'ght raise. Around =Oar,: oyes that with sparkling mirth Or with placid countenance shine And n o wealth.e:og;od lord upon all the earth Has a lot mots blessed than mine. Oh! yes, I am laboring all day long. With the mind and the muscle, too ; Bat 1 thank the Lord, who has made me strong, An has given m • work to do. For what, in'locd, lithe idle drone Buta 'empire on the land, Heaping a trait that by others was sown, The work of a:tother hand. Dirt Fater" of the Aalaaett. "You say they are dirt -eaters ? ' "Yes, air, and I moan it in it, literal sense. You know the French ti tveller, Macrois, who explored thesourc• . of the Rirer Amason, found a tribe of Indians so infernally lazy that having eaten up all the four -footed animals in their reach, including parrots and monkeys, snakes and creeping things, were reduced to Hy - :1g solely on bugs and insects. These Ottoulacs are fully -as bad. They live upon mud -balls when the river is high and fishing ceases. -It is a sort of unct- uous clay of a peculiar kind, which they find upon banks of sur :nos. It isOloft to the touch, like patty. *1 -its statural state it is of a yellowish gray colour,' but when hardened before the fire it assumes a tinge of red, owing to the oxide of iron that it contains." '13 it nourishing l" "Not in the 1elast. It merely fills up -- produces a satiety and stifles the pang of hunger. I have bean told by chem• ists and medical sten who have analyzed 'he br-'ls 'ate which they roll it to store away that it contained nothing nourish - !ng, sirtply riles and alumina, with 3 or 4 per cent, of lime. They call thcsa 11s ,...ya, and store tl•^m r into little pi •nit;_, j'iet as oanhon balls aro piled a f• .. Each ball is three or four in- ches in uiautoter. Ve.ten stung..' they tike n ball and soften it by 'vetting it, and cat about ' pound s day. Therm is something in thedirt-eating habit which prnduens a so.- of coavrag fee it. ' I do 1 1 is on 1,01 ex- clusively to the- (Monaca,. 'out believe thous it t• generally wen s liana the In - diens o` tho tropics. I Imo heard of s pour clam •'f whites living to N,o -h Cato lir s vale; when prossatl ny hnngor, eat the mud dauhingsthat hide the chinks tba• • cabins."--[Cinctiniti E'aqulrcr. Farm ant tuart len. Turf q n successfullybe laid down, if a , In dry and ot wtasser weath- er, by ply *ermine k when finished, before it gets esu dry, with about aquar- tsr of an inch of light soil put through a half-inch neve. The gree begins to grow through the soil in a very few days. Hawke have a partiality fur • tall pole from whines they can survey the Heid before seising their prey- The know- ledge of this pr,peaaity of the hawk by the farmers sometimes induces the letter to erect poles at comma locations, at she sop of which are tautened steel spring trap*, which clime when the hawksaliRht ou them. It is a good plan to hero sulphsr is cellars where milk is kept, unsocially if they are damp. The selpburous acid evolved destroys the midew,whieh, if not shacked, will injure the deem of creme and butter. In many damp tellers the mildew wastes the cream so that the butter product is seriously thsseaasd,be- sides the injury to quality. Slow milking of cows nsversss,sres the full product. The cow becomes tired of relaxing the udder muscles, mil afssr a time resumes the more uatutal position of contracting them. This makes much stripping ueeessary,and • slow Conker will never have patience to strip a hog time. Partial milking soon dries the sow, and greatly reduces her vides The Lancet stoutly opposes fie practice of putting blinkers on horses. It says : "It wens to us that they owe melds, ugly, an 1, to some extent, injurious to the eyesight. The most be.et:fd fea- ture of the horse is the eye. If it were not hid from our gates, it would serve to denote sickness pain or pleonasm. Many a time would the driver spare the whip un seeing the animal's imploring eye-" Newly seeded fields should be carefully looked ..ver At this season. In nanny places weeds will appear that make it un- advisable to keep them in gree another year. The worst weed in young lover is the bread leaved plantain, u it is nut easily smothered out. It is often sown with clover seed, and too much care can- not be taken to prevent it from getting possession of the fields where it appears. The mat easily 'edited and beat rem- edy for gapes i,t chickens is caustic hate, either air or water slacked. It should be in • dry and powdered state. Take the chicken in the left hand and open its mouth, keeping it upright, and then drop a pinch •.f dry lime into it. Hold it in this lositinn a few seconds until it obliged to breathe, when it will inhale some of the litne ; then let it go. One application of the lime has cured, in my experience, every case of gapes, some of theta in the last stages. After trying a number of remedies, I have hit upon this as the best of all, as it is simple and sure and does I.ot injure the chioken. The line kills the worms. A correspondent of the Breeders' Gu• Stitt says that his hogs being much in fasted with lice, and hearing that coal oil would tix then, he determined to try it. So he took his coal oil can. and While the hogs were feeding he poured a stream of the oil on them from the top of their heads to the root of their fails, applying it particularly where tho lief were re numerous, and it was really amusing to see them run to their rubbing places and rub. The result was that it nut only killed the lice and lits on the hogs. but there was enough coal oil rubbed off on the pasts to kill the lice and nits on them. He applied it some few weeks ago and ,to -day there is not a louse ao he seen Bra` PoTATos..-John Mosley. Sr., ells us of a bid yield of putatosat Rud- dington, near Nottingham, Eng'-nd. A farmer there reports that from a•ingle rot six large potatoes were takcn,five of which weighed • a pound each, and the sixth tipped the beam at 5 lbs. 6 07. weer in the summer and the Fall, the urchin climbs the garden wall, For -•reen app'es. In bus otic; He wi,l eat hie ell, on. very " I, lteadoubled up with Col -c. The antidote is Dr. Fowler's E: true_ of Wild Stawberry-an unfailing remedy for Colic, Cholera Morbus, Cholera In- fanautu and all Summar Complaints. 2 Ayer's Ague Cure not oily affords im- mediate relief, but it eradicates the . nia lariat poison which produces the diaea:.e, without leaving any injurious effect. as is the case with quinine and many of the ague medicines advertised. It is the only nnedicino in existenc.t which may be considered an absolute antidote for fever and ague, and kindred disease's.''' }touseholb }tints. Pansy embroidery is pretty on puede oolored satin. A cushion intended for $ rest fur the neck in traveling is a uuvelty that will find favor. Curtains in takers, with Oriental stupes ornamented in tinsel, ars hand- some and stylish. Curtaine of tambour lava ere still in favor, outwithetttladin g the pe.pularity of Madras alotb. The officers' mess -room of the Blanker Hussars, at $tolpe, has just been adorn- ed with • life -sins purtrmt of the Prime ut Wales, who was recently, appointed Masorete Wesel of the regiu.wmt by tie Response. Now that embroidered handkerchief, ase ewes heist's teaad, the monogram of ini- tial in the ourner is agent the favorite style for meriting them. On white this in usual in white; but us colored silk kenthief. it may be me tam" w one cheeses Leopold lelaussss has meds a very sueesestel stabile; of the late Charles DI•rria, atter the portrait of John Col- lier, of Landon. A limited somber of espreseMna have beer taken. Flameng will are stab Ceieie recent portrait of bluillory. The weeks as. cusw issi.as freer the Pine Art Society. TdgSy mustard of spice boxes Harm a good foundation for cigar-hddere. The cardbomrd is est to it, and 'decorated to taste. 'The bottoms -of cardboest-is sewed in,aod quilled ribbon hide. the join and finishes tbetop of the Case- A ribbon is sowed to the sides and forms the handle. A pretty wan to fix a palm -leaf fais to paint iL Mix n x sort' uitrs-marine of Prussian bine with • little silver -whirs paint, anti Make in, quite thin with boiled linseed oil Paint theists no bothsideso handle and all, with it. It you choose to decorate it, paint r poppy er sobs buds and stems on it; tin • blue ribbon around oke handle, mod hang; it in a con- venient place. A bearetiful tidy for the beak of a lance chair is made of a square piece of cloth about ten inches (tach way; on this is sewed patchwork .1 plash and velvet is the foam of s widespread fan. The cor- ners of the block w of black velvet, and on the top, drooping over the fan, is a spray from a mosserese busk, in ribbon embroidery. The edge i. finished with the lace. This edge is finiahed'with the block itt a quilt for • sola pillow. Combed -out work is of two kinds, the first consisting of i.sertiag loops of wool an inch and a -half in leeyftk•° Into alter- nate ruwsof plain knitting, during the lengtceof 'making, ani after a sufficient h ength has been knitted, cutting these loops and ottlahing them out first with a large tooth aomh, and thou with a small one until the weal assumes the texture of hair, %nil b..tirely conceals the knitted fouudatien. it is chi• fly used for mats. the other i, use l tis form detached flow- ers ad annhe.l-cul w..atl and beta of vel- vet. Pa'naies and similar simple flowers eme le very effe o ively nude in this way. CCs• CenElsi.-Oce peound of Boer, one•half pend of butter, three- quarters of a pound of sugar, four eggs, one-be'f ,sound currants well -washed and dredge!, mte-half teaspoonful of sods dissolved in hot water, one-half lemon grated rind and juice, one teaspoonful 61 cinnamon. Drop frum s spoon upon . a baking tin lined with well -buttered pa- pers and bake quickly, OaANo s Ica Cat& -Ten eggs, one pound sugar, one-half pound of flour, one lar;e cringe. Beat whiten and yolks separately,add to all Cie yolks and the writes of seven eugs, the- sugar, . the grated rind of the orange, and the juice. Bake as for jelly cake. To the whites of th 'ee eggs ailow.s pound and a quarter of powdered sugar, boat stiff as fur icing, take out enough to cover the top and se: aside, add to the res: half the grated rind of a large orange. When the cake is nearly cold spread this between the ' lye . Beat into the icing reserved for tau tops little lemon juice, and, if :• ed, more sugar. It should be at; Ter than that aprr'td between the calces. COOP u:l WIVIL-it is a well known fa:t that when fermen'et" a to is used for Sacrtuuenta. p n.. s rhe reformed % r l' ted C trout pat the ar ' t .tp to his lips a hour incurring 'te danger of a relapse into former hat::ts. "One • the ntembe •s of our church toll ine .hat before we gave up ' ' ::o..icating wine, it wt's with .a i nay that : w ' able • t' ' ;i • , more ter the I. e :'i ," a dr -con ' a w :e clan 'l; and t' Ms is e• eerie -ace is that of s. .ay. Fur this re on, if for no oth, ' • . she : '� :oral to use ain't oo.ed n . tlnuht he_ gird b,.1'' so " .h1• • 1. •sew how , inb' .i.► Chet article. Miss W" Iar.1, in her Mott en- titled "Won •► Rad Tempet.nco," toll* how the 1i obletn a .,din a church a t-.;. '1 ,n 'y who solt'e'. it .s : "Serial ti le ago our church dell ied not to use AO .tensed wine, but somehow a s.' . • f I•Qwood de-octiong't into the ch 'ices, which was entirely out o' place 1 1 • ore ant. Some of the dee •:s id, 'We t to' ..ave s Ich a m'..ur•o as answer ; and ''icy were right. '1'he n tot- trouble, nue. At last I said to my husband, '1 -.n't go oat mush i•t the t ' I'o tcc tueetin.a, . a •,. - ,:to work of the Wor is • ' "n, 1• t I e p -t •-• to e '• h for our ch: rch of ^' •ht 'r tate.. m_mloera f. • of t1 1 , a 1 I'll do so.' It we• uncle .1a . ' 1t kept me ' t my ki tai wide awake, at.d on Ilse alt.: for several days: 1)10. i've {rot t w:il all .ot;le.i up. and the f pis. rs well pleased with it. "Let erne Ir ` ' t . sap' f ) k d. "go and de lik "se, a..:els. • ' ' • e l.-11pe. 1 oar waev s -led susses • a an noble, ..i.Ae.t way.' 1 its lady's reelps ' a : . ,tai•- . Ili* tw`ety p.,• t ' , ('ou•efd ..,. ad 'd tv o gum • of, water. . er • .0 •stn - .in A p"r- keep any length of Rene; bat all sir muse be kept from it till wwted fur use. 1t is better to We bottles that will bold tquaatity needed fur each Comma - Montreal lady her for a number of years prepared all the eine used in the church to which she beriougs, froma very similar recipe, at the mumu eons of iso. a bottle. Her plain is as follows: Take fib pounds of grapes and • pound df sags, mixed with a quart of water; bring to the boil, and whew enol .queen through a ly bag. Mix She juioe with our pone& of sugar, boil l& minutes and skim and bottle while hot in bottles taken out of boiling water. ileal with hoes wax and rosin. This stakes a very excellent article. Another wail reoowmended moils* is she following; Take one gefles of grapes, mmlt them well, add half a dellon of water nod let stand in an estri jar for three days Taw run of the liquid which is at the bottom, being armful to disturb ser tattle as possible the skins and seeds that have rises to the surfers. Add a pound' of sugar to each quart of grape juice, brims to then boil, and while at that tempera- ture son In self -seeding jars or mailed bottles'- . Theae'directions w published in ths- hope time temperanser ladies tbronghowt the country will takrthe matter up, hall see that the churche.are provided wills a pure wine for the Communion tab In region's -where grapes are not to ba- llad, arrangements might be made whit a Woman *•Christian Temperance Unisex' in some oiler place to provide the neces- sary quantity at a rsassnable pries. Please cat this out for future refer- ence. The people in Clinton have so little to amuse them nowadays, the local palter It to say retarding ado 'Two large dogs got into a fight on Wed. nosday night, and after they had bee.' parted -none too soon -the crowd dis- cussed ie-cussed their fig:.ting qualities as if their existence depended on it." 1'...a. a strange race those Clintonians are ! Perfect, Positive and Pleatnane.'t nate the cures affected by Dr. Van Borer's Kidney Cure. Relief in all cases of Kid- ney Disease is obtained after a few doses. Seo 'hat your Druggiat gores you Dr Van iluren's Kidney Cure gold hp J. Wilson (i,,derich 2m Hayeaville, Ohio, Feb. 11, 1,1 a, LI am very glad to say I here tr'ed Pop bitters, and never took any•hing the. did toe se much t{o.al, I only asalt two bottles and I would not cave 11100 for the g ,ud they did me. 1 reaomnnud t'tew to sun paaients, and get the best resu..t frena their use. Moe Tars', Matt. 18. Wm. Lowson and 'itonie Piou:-, who were bias" Nag turether, had some c,.rle.•CAP' %o.l ru• mecum; a new coat the forme. - met Lowson declared the :,artivut wM worth $25. Pr/ul . replied it was "only WM.), a Collar.' 14.e%.'. at o 'Ce Wt .it to .tis t...nk 10 his bcl.•wnd. tt.ok tittle! roes a mvea tehoo.ir•' revs'. tr, a- at returning, deliber►;sly yo steel at he • anew it n nal i :oil .vol . te'! .e Cal floe., the hal' havi" g lrkeh e."ec. in ►.re hese.. and he was ao1veyesl :o the :.near Datne h.oepital. Lte.u'I was amassed, .aur fled Red • rwesasrided. Prods in in a Cr, -heal anaditwn. The well ►'•can ".u. i t el Irmand WA1eh, "eterb r .. s rite ,oat lir. Fowler s E ract ••f Wild S.raw:,er ; is tate of their "a a:tdatd anmt.ler medic' fes and fjas a ..,,d anis," 11 urfail:ig remedy for all fru.ns to towel Coes. '!a•'ft. 2 :SP 1. RI We el, ,'1 have to rna'-• or- ..els 're. ► we a Jt to ''o...in t:.e bus..ti.a The Erin .•, , i '..s 11101 a regular bents since , the minor .1 ..f tete. and torch of the; a •s tl.' t we a:.eetce Ilse fallen to se New Totkttpste - ;Toronto World. (' B. Maacaa, M.D.. • tirsas . Yield LlgMlbg Neetia tin advertising whet n••cc ttro- duccd. Every bottle 6.4 ,1 sells fan"a"tai a of others by tieing all an.l to"rc dirt r.- resented :e for Nraralgit, Yee.: r, •Headache, ete. it removes any pain ina.antly quick as flash. 1'rj it and yes w:11 say it is well named Final f t his/hers. Ret a 25 cant to 1' et t; rhyme dr••• store. b We Rime* town. Are Spa trnalda.l wits Bast Rh.1 n, Ralik Skin. Pimples or Can; or 8., t it an, R.a at once to Oen. Rhyne* Di ag atom and vet a package '1f Mc(: regot• & l'arki s C:rb'lie Cerate. Price 2t'. cent,. It was sweet Weems to fall. b . Lase Lig all das. The rapid action of the " great pain care," Pol•en:s- Nerviline, in relieving the most intense pain, is a matter .if wonder to *IL who have reed it. There is nothing surpnsin; in its results, fur it is made ..f the atn,negst, purest, and most efficient remediesknown in midi eine. Nerviline cures toothache in- stantly ; cranspe.in live- minutes ; neu- ralgia after two • applioaleons ; rl►euntat ism is at once telieved by its use ; anal the same mess he said of all kunl, of pain. Sample- bottles orating only 10 at Wilson's drug store. The lar• -e bot- tles only 25 cent Potr•n's Nei vitiate sold by Wilson. BOOTS AND SHOES At NM Oldest Established Shoe &tore in Town, In Endless Variety - 1' suit the host fastidious and th Meet ee•IB1lasit�n, MY SPRINQ, STOCK Is now numplste, and I take pleasure in inferwilsig say oustotnen that of M pre. views time have 1 hid emit a Large & Varied Stock As at present. I have raised the hsanderd .'f Quality wad Lowered the hies anti it is a positive fact that no atter value in foot were sees t.r' got elsewlbas. CUSTOM W O t•' K .1 every grade still receives my prompt and careful atteeeieo, and will be Renis Bp in then Roust approved style. by first-class stsshnon, • nd of the very here material obtainable_ _ DU W N i N C÷ Extensive Premises and Splendid Kew Stocks ciii-cfa.riA3FLFtwisri, ' CABIN - SIA KElti AND U N DERTAK EL. Haailton Stleet, Gcdelich A reed savortnt : t." ; lichen, lied -room, Liotg Itoout andilarloa 7tsraltare, aka b se Tr Chairs Goa, .'m .e1 ward seated), ('apb+aarda, fled -•read•. Miaireserr, %Yarn -staled& 1.8.0411041. Sofas. %' !.at ta, Seeking Gltweee. ]A lit -A complete assortment .d Coale* and Bt meds always on haat ales Heena-e ler Mem reasonable rate . "Why should a masa whom bloow is warm within Sit ke his gasndeine-cel in slab tater To Or lot his hair grow rusty, scant and thin. When "Cfxcaraaes ax>tawaa soil' make g row the faster- Fur sale by J. Wil- t: OID 2m One of our best citizens would say to she public that he• has tried Hall's `Ca- tarrh Cure, and Sr is all that is claimed for it. Price 73.oents per bottle. Sold by Geo. Rhyrws,. arts agent for Gado - rich. 3in : !I • Care tier Cale, gems. Rae. li The finest healing compound Lauder the 'i sun is McGreges & Parke 's Ca. belie Cer- l a e. There is Lenore but will succutrb I� to its wonderful healing propet.ies, k is an invaluable dressing for scalds, fes- 1' terioga, etc Rice 25 guts at G. Rhy nal drug stove- h 111MAted TMasands I. All over the land are going Int.. ea -stagy over Dr, King's New Discovery for Olen- I' sumption. Their uulooked for recovery by the timely use of this great life Sas- ing remedy, causees them to go nearly wild in 1te praise. It is guaranteed to positively cure severe coughs. colds, as - thins, hay fever, bronchitis, hoarseness, lose ..f voice, or any affection of the tluoat and lungs. Trial bottles , free at James Wilson's drug store. Large size $1.00 (2:l flranesiFl.ld LiRhtsbt . L the only instantaneous relief aur Neu- ralgia, Headache, Toothache, etc. Rub- bing a few drops briskly ut all that is needed. No taking na,sama a►ediciees for we,' s, 1 ut one r. Muse's application remnvos all pails as 1 will p --,,vu the gine slue of Vram'. Fluid I iglu- •ing. 25 cents per bi the at G.oroe Rhynaa' dtu: s' ore. h ec' :..• le; when A 11x: ,g ht.t the ince tai' t' t:p 11, '1 el 'R t.i•.•ngh a t' 1 sieve 0 t WA's. one to a ole :nnre entre- '' 1, • t R. .. 1 rte he an - . . a .1 ' v14;:h a thick cl..tn. 's ten h ;t h 't ; td pour immed` 'ely into stone bottl , '..ad seal ti' ': t•' •1. '. Theo' ore v ' 0en ii o!sande. anal if penre•1v pet op " ' 1 totet:Agtat, Rodlml meters Erwaiaata specie/SA-A call twlicitcd I7S l PRINCIPAL+I.INE inc. 101ORTEST. NUICKK•T and And ►u' '771r11REST Ilse is M. Joseph. polars In Iowa, ' Archives. Tooke. neatNebraska)lla•oorl.E.41 I?I.R- in. Dallas. nal. r., New Nealao, Arizona, NI. tans and Texan. IIC1.AL C -O his Ito., a h.• no en .-.10r fur .LIMot Vlnne.pnn. and it. real. ]atIonacy reputed r 011.1 rhrou,hCs1 11ee Cairene, ly enerrde.l to be the best seaweed ttaltTled 1n the ur:.l 1 a' , •,,f •es, el KANSAS CITY MA14 WHO Ill UNACKWAINTEWINIMI THE OBOORAPHY OP THISSIDUNTRIN MIK' BBE NM raMIMINO TEM NAP, THAT THE :p....,:..,,--........--.---L.,_--z-,--If/z. �t kap :.wT -:a7� ' �_ r r,- ,�i 'All' 1 v • �i�'•;-- Ll a ., * .?l r i i i'=76.: -:-.k, l .-jrA .�.*1a 4t�r ..,I,Y„'1 '1/� Jr 'j �-- z ' NV";,:fial '-17 a,FI• `"SI %f�'. L�i 7p....011/41p, i "fe. 7.; ._...-.lir . au :.lt-^f.. �aaM CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'vt, Beam the Creat Central Lim., affords ta traveler., by reader, Of Its unrivaled ago - seraphical position, the asseteot and heat rout 9 betwoln eta Last, Northeast:a e Southeast, and the Whet Northwest tied Southwell. It is literally and strictly, true. that its c:nnectiona airier of the pr.notpataatee of road between the Attaatic and tow Pa-hflo. By Its main line and aran0frrs it reaches Ct icagati, JOlt,t, Peoria, r)W.•ea. L't Salle, Oeness.O, Moline and Reek !stand, In l:llnoi:eI Davenport, Museralne. ashington, Keokuk, Enoeville. peaJtooea, Fa1M.i-i, Abe Moines, West Leant,, Iowa City, Atlantic, Avoca, Audubon. Harlan, Outhrie itaitter and Counolsuffs, in Iowa t Gallatin, Trertmpn, Carnoron and Kansas Crx.e. in Missouri, l u i, and 4aasea- worth and Atchison in Kansa, and the hundreds rW cities, mitoses aryl lasernia Intermediate. The "CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE," As It Is farniliarly cared. offers to travelers all Less advantages and, a alert• Incident to a smooth track. safe bridges, Union Der at all oonneetiarg points, Fast Express Trains, composed of COMMODIOU.i HELL VENTILIVgD, WELL HEATED, FINELY UPHOLSTERED and ELECAY7 DAY COACHES ; a ane of the MOST MAGNIFICENT MORTON RECLINING CHAIR CARS ever built ; PULLMAN'S/ latest deeusn.d and saadsomeet PALACE SLEEPING CARS, and CIMINO CARS that are acknowledged by press and people to w the FINEST RUN UPON ANY ROAD IN THE COUNTRY, and In which superla► wrsaia aro served to travelers at the low rate of SEVBNTY-FIVE CENTS EACH. THREE TRAINS anon way between CH,CACtO and the MISSOURI RIVER. TWO TRAINS exon way between CHICAGO and MINNEAPOLIS, and ET. PAUL, vin the famous ALBERT LEA ROUTE. A New and Direct Line, via Seneca and Kankakee, has rsOsaitly been opened, between Newport Mews, Richmond, Ciucinnatl, Indianapolis and La Fayette. end Council Bluffs, St. Paul, Mlnneapolla and intermediate points. All Through Passengers carried on Fast Express Trains. For more detailed information, see Maps gnd Folders, which maybe obtained, as well as Tickets, at all principal Ticket OHioee in the United States and Canada, or os R. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN, Vioe-Pres't & Gen'l Manager, Oen•I T'k't • Pass'r Ag't CHICAGO. 1 Through 174 Tirana Tirkrtar'-uta• `T Crlet-.•"•I ' , sale at a.1 ones 1 tar t' 4. tad CaSbls •_ V 1'. nfnen.y1• 't leo.. , • Try 111, 1 you 5111 .1 .myelin( . ter, In.te11 el . dr eas.e6 .1)1 ft ►f2.fvti LewELI. Y 11,Iv Y?err.11'.'-e' , • oo. Apt, eblraCo.11l. t bkare.lti i f Nronw, Canadian Pan. Ag t, Tr nota, 0 t n e5 yye3� !ii 211 k gi cd 13-11 4"2. cAl t G t of For ado by JAN. WiiultN ITTLE IVER PILLS. CURE Sink risa.lnrh• and relieve altlhe troch;--;, Me. dent to a bilious slate of the s stew, each as Dls- siseea, Naesrt ilrowelaesa, t�trres arts calla.. Pain le the Sidra Aa While their tont aIle meccas has bent Showa lir anent SICK =vetCaattr'.Lktla tarty Pinsaaresae +.egquueally ts��eelltlgaaa�n girese .a, vett they Nes rerun Mdlssieers or tMMMstt'l'sa�tsneeti, M1ne1Mn the (fart at r4alete the bowels. lint 1f Ihey only Bart HEAD A eh r they air nnld he a1 most Weeks' te thaw vie one. -r fr.a1 this dt.trerlagea.�y " Net heir a at r, y t rile remises, dem est w0 e►er, and IM. who nae. try lino will 554 ahre 161Nt powni e, .fare n anwisaysays that they s;llsetbstf�SR to G-, n ,t `o• 1 th. nt. 1:nt e!,. -r all reek held _ ACHE 15II, bane Al.,many lieon mai h. . rrytry make oar great bort. pat pule tare ,t while Ohms do sot Carter's tail. Lire rine arreivra mall sod very may t0 talv two pinetnakr a dn.r Ta ser fancilyle and do nn. lntrgn het by freer gentle action ;stere .: f wnn rite there. fa "ate at r.•nl a: 11rr fur tt Roll by droggiets everywhere, or Opal by tnst! CARTER MEDICINE CU., Now York Clef.