The Huron Signal, 1883-09-28, Page 1?.Xie :It'lfy 12 '40:111 :41.11 :aw./ .'r is.s...1. .r t4su•.e'i .std t,: .r:: :1' ?y • s►r.'11) :1 •.e,or ,i , . ► •. P :•..., sa.f .J r ti •1 % 44 •1 foe, • ••a • t•• ,•a ed n • rte' r..: .,►,t.ff.e• t• • e 1 .1. , . •' . see.. el L. . .".'t `'.1 .e,.. rt• .aw e. ,tea e,,,,ieslF •• • .t...« s ,art : f. '' -d_* 4••••••M+.••••. .+-_-n. -.amara--•r..••na. ww•••,■•,r.-.- 1 1..1- Ir./ +eek , fZ ',Vet ete • QEV0 -re C0U NT NEWS T iRTY-PW1TM TLAR./! Ho.LE NUMBER :tie. 1. 1 - . • GODERICH. ONT., FRIDAY, SEPTE Ell 28, 1883.• GENERAL. INTELLIGENCE, 9 Yo0rtigialgffil 41.1 A YEAR 1NR DVANCE ld w advestwsasaes Tho Week. Rata , ed -Philo No fly Pup i. e: -R. S. Chinos. 1101/ t: for tale -Mrs. Ashle; Farm for Hale --Matthew Levy. eau O; ening-.Mhz Wtlk►awt, - Millin. ry Opening -Mia Graham. Young Man Wasted -Alex Morton. Fall tool Wisdom dteek-1:olles ss tiros. Direct dotportations -J. C. Dative t Cu. g and Hair Cutting -Wm. Kuted. R►r;One in Reel Etat*-llcazer k Lewis Dentistry. IVIeaical. TB. WHITELY, M D., C.M., PLAY - •r tSICIA 4. Serves. Aceeecheiw, etc.. M. ('.PA., (Marls. time• -TM Square, 3 doors Last of Rllsoa's Drug more. up stairs. mon 4 tl S. oDO1 &C8, 3l:D:, rttYSIC- 1- IAN. sUB!;F.•)N, at ursduote of Toe- less Ugfearestr. or- , ,Uvgfeareisr. LleeetlW ed tate Royal Col- lege a/ Phrsirla•.., (Anion. England. Ro.. ,ho„ C. P. 4.. Ontario. `Moo and residence 213 eita Bakel. Il Baker's ltateatsllton sttt. God- oo Mtog lTes m i. (' t•I LLAN, IIITHICIAS, SUIt- t r, egret. Cornier kc- Office and residencqe ti Brume St:set. wound door west of Victoria VT-If-TO13f11,flON, L.b.14, s raazox ! alit `' 17M. DisU. V !lair cs• At'eoa G. MACKID, rill D., PHYSI t1ee', three .teu`y. •!.tMus! ' . s olyb ,yvgee,n fwd A000uebor, Graduate •+ ' of Udvrsity. OteceoppwtteCamer '$sLe ._____ -eat Cameron's Bank. Lucknow. 1f not In .dee. esquire at the Bank. 1734-y . the People a Ioiumn. fta.le. SHANNON k HAMILTON, Y,►(rNG MAI WAN TED -A4 Hal -r- 1.7 H tana • Aceoecben. C. Re In csrris a shop. Apple to ALYx. ofR'v a+. Ur. Shannon's rceides.•a, acus • MORTON. Dominion Carriage Works. Mehl I'O Oode lth. A. C. Snsxxor. J. C. HAM11 TON 1751, IOST -A BROWN SETTER PLP. -- --- Had on a eoller WINO he • ineyd away• Loans anb insurance. A suitable reward will be given for his retain.' R. 8. CHiLTON. U. 8. Oensnl. - APPRENTICES WANTED - TO learn dress sed r,sntie naktr. Apply in person to MISS SA( LTS, Detior• blook- Ianax AGENTS ON SALARY -WANTED two good live travelltng ageuts fee He- rron County who will devote their entire time soliciting risks for a leading stook Fire laanrr aaee Co. A monthly salary sad commission will be ptld to cornpetrnt oe or address, Alex. MeD. Alba, Ooderich. Oat. 111111tIL HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE - for cash --situated two doors from Knox church, Goderich. on Coat ureec A clear deet siren. Address. MRd. J. L McCOtt- MAC , 97 Huntington street. Ckt-eland, OA1a [ ULL STRAYED - STRAYED from the eremites of the subscriber. on the 16th of A ugust.a white bwll,t wo years old. Any person giving information lording to las re-overy will be suitably rewarded. TH0111. BURNS. Carlow P. 0. `'tie , LEAGER & LEWIS, ()pPoa1TK MAK- ; 1.-7 TIN'S Bentzi.. Uoderkh. have private i FUNDS TO LEND. I In say suture to wit parties wanting lents, at TWIT tow rates 1307. bW1000 T4) WAN. APPLY TO , CAMERON HOLT kCA]MERON, (lodei.Ich. 1759. `LONEY TO LEND. -PRIVATE 1 toads -os freehold security. Apply to 1 Geo. 8wassn.Ooderfih. , 187e6m. tiit),e0o PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND ea good Farm or fitstc1u Town Property -t 7 per meat. Apple to IL ItADCLIFFE. 1751 vrOJiEY TO LEND. -A LARGE . amount of Private Funds for Investment tt lawsuit rate* on first-class Mortgages. Apply 110GARROW DFOOT. gt90.Od0 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND on Farm and Town Property at lowest In- terest Mortgages percbased. no Coaunlssion Cheesed Conveyancing Fees reasonable. V B. -Borrowers can obtain money in one day if title it. satisfactory.-DAVISON & JOHN STUN. Barr»ters. Sec.. Goderich. 1751 TO THRESHERS -FOR SALE, A wont steam thresher. cheap. Apply to JOHN Mdt'ALLUM, at the foundry. Godertoh. July 19, IstD. laaPtf. 1`TOTICE TO DEBTORS --NOTICE IS 1 hereby given that all parties indebted to the midersigoed by note or book amoeba are requested to settle the same at once and there- by sari an enforced collection. i mean best - nese. ABRAHAM SWITH. 19Rt- i For Sale or to Let. L'ARlr1 TO RENT -THAT FINE 11' tarn' on the 3rd 0000easfon of Colborne. being portion of lots? sad 9, and oomtalehg about 73 acres, nearly all cleared- Comfor- table log bons.., state milk house a good barn and outbuildings. Plenty of water -wells and running water. Good fences Five acres of eic:.ard; title Glee-, For particulars -apply to th" proprietor o. the premises.' or address M ','CTRL W LEVY. 8aftttord P. O. 1910 -it HOUSE FOR SALE -A COMFOR• T.ABLE small house, situated on corner Palmerston and Ragan street. together with three-fifths of an acre of land. is offered for sale by the undersigned. cheap for cash. There are on the premises s small stable, a bearingyoung orchard. k good wetland pump. n strawberry bed and a number ofgrape rimes and currant bushes. The µace is admirably adapted for a retired farmer or market gar- dener. Apply to MRS. ASHLEY. un the premises, or by Ibtter to Goderich P.O. 19[0(1 FARM FOR SALE --SOUTH HALF of lot 15. concession 7. Ooderich town- ship. containing 71 acres. on the cat line. 4 miles from Holaoarille, 6 miles from Clinton. >'1 from ilodertoh. For further tetormatlen apply to R. GERRY Brussels P. 0. Ont. MO L'ARM FOR SALE -THAT FIRST - class farm known as lot 66,. cos.. E. I). iA idwill be sold on rta*onaMe t As cress. as the proprietor is giving up farming. The lot Is nearly square. contains 100 acres is well wateredhas a good orchard. and well built dwelling and outbuildings.For particulars address THOS. GRAHAM, heppardt s P. 0. RRADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, LiR. b and Aeefdeat Insoranee Agent. R!bCompanies-Abe et -eases CompaniA bio agent for the c.x&DA LII II STOCK INecRANca C. Mosey to lead ea Mortgage, either in Town of M Property. In any way Windt the borrow er. Office -Asp -stairs Ear's block Goderich VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE - Lot Xo. Ip, In the Rayne' I mow. tewnahlp of Ooderich, 85 acres, 10 to 6o tcreselcared and free from stamps -balance well timbered. hes frontage on Hayfield river and on the Clinton road. And adjoins the Incorporated village of Hayfield. For term* farther particulars and conditions of sale apply to LEiTH. KINO- STONE & ARMO(.11, 8otidtors. 18 King street West Toronto. Or to John Morgan Hotel keeper. Herald. HOW FALM FOR SALE -BEING THE easterly 130 acres of plod lettered "e',' In the 7th Concession of the Township or Col- borne. About 85 or 90 scree are cleared. The growing timber oonM.te of maple. beech and elm. A frame honea large frame barn and stable are on the premises. Ferias* good. Only four miles from Ooderioh by a good VP( road. For ppesrticnlars apply to JOHN RRKCKEN RIiKIE. Ooderich, nr to BEAGER k MORTON. Solkltor& Oodevich. 1896 SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. • Cot•sr' or Ilt•nox ' By virtue of a Writ of To WIT: ' Fieri Facia., issued out of Her Majesty's County Court of the County of Middlesex. and to me directed and deliver- er] against the Lands and Tenements of JOHN MAIN. WARRING. at the suit of RICI(ARi) FUUOLE, I love seised and taken in Execu-. tin all the right title, interest and equity of redemption of the shove named defendant, JOHN MAINR"ARRING, in and to the fol- lowing lands and premises. viz: -Two acres of 1. being a part of lot twelve, in the South East boundary concession of the Township of Usttorne, in the County of Huron, known as the Imperial \1111. Property. of Woodham, and situate within eighteen rods and seven laches of the South First angle of said farm lot. said two acres kavipg a frontage on the Town litre, between the township of ('*borne and the Township of Rlanthard, In the Countv of Perth. of sixteen rods. and extending back the full width of sixteen rods a distance of twenty rode. which lands and Tenement. i shall offer for Pale. at mr office, In the (hurt Howie, in the Town of doderich, on SATUR- DAY, THE TA( EXTY-NINTII DAY OF DE- CEMBER. 101. at the hour of Twelve of the clerk. noon. ''t ROBERT GIBBONS, Sheriff: !Enron. Sheriff's Office. Go.ierich. ), September 19th, 1883.1900 -td VOR SALE. -THAT- DESIRABLE 11' residence, corner Brittania High road al with 1)omald street, opposite two tote. The house Is In need repair with carriage house and Mable and other tart owning*. The garden le well stocked with reit trees, grape vises, shrs r. R. H. d 1#NP. Foe terms apply to Davison S' Jehnetea. Barristers ltlratf. t'OR SALE OR TO RENT. -THAT lL'' beautiful brick reeidrwce csrnp$M by Mr. Rice, and formerly elects d by Mr. i1altomson, at the bead of ewgate etteet. peasesslos ggt • ea la Ortob*i For part feelers apply to ibe owner .1. BRECKLNRil)OE, w Negate street (lode -!cd le Legal. EAGER R IS, BARRISTERS, Goderieh. C. 8&AM[R Ja. J. A. Marrow. L N. Leer's. teet- R C. HAYES, SOLICITOR le., (Mhol rli, e and West t suet, tM*rich, ever Rr wt*etoe merry to lend at lowest rates of Interest. CARROW & PROUDFOOT, B A R RilrTER& Attorseys. 8n41e11ore etc 0ederieh. J. T. Darrow. W. Proudest. /76 SHERIFF'S SALE OF LAtirl)8. COVNTT or H1;aox, TIN. virtue of a %Veit of TO WIT: 1 Fleti Fades, issued out of Her M&iesty s County Court of the ('ounty M Hnron. and to me directed and delivered evilest the Lands and Tenements of WIL- LIAM GREY and ARTHUR CANTELON, at the suit of Ei1WAR1) TINI).AI.I., I have seised and taken to Execution all the right, title and interest. and equit- of redemption of WILLIAM GIREY. one of the abgv-e nam- ed defen lents in and to that portion or tract (Aland Ding and being in the Township of Morrie County of Huron and Province of On- tario, being composed of the North half of farm lot number twenty-one, In the fourth concession of the said Township of Morris, std containing one hundred acres of land. more or les, which lends and tenements 1 shall offer for sale. at my office, In the Court Hoose, In the Town of Ooderich,on FRIDAY. the TWENTY-FIRST day of ECEMBER 11163, at the hour of twelve of the clock. noon. ROBERT GIBBONS, Sheriff, lfuron. Sheriff's Office. Oo.lerch, Pepe. Ink tact, 9 1908 -til CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, itarrlarent, Polleltets In Chancery, Ire. 3oderlch and WIngbeM. M. C. Cameron. 9 oe.. 1. sile tisfi*rfeh. n. 1761. anWh NEWS ABOUT HOME. "A ehlet•ssmang ye. taloa' rotes. An' faith bell Arent It TOWN TOMOS. New York Bazaar patterns• all new stvlMmt Iutrie's bookstore. Youi►anggLadles Journal forOctober and Fbwt(- Iy Herald for September for sae at !melee book store. Subscribers names received. Prompt delivery guaranteed, James Saunders & Son want plums, crab a Wee and pears, and pay the highest priors Pick and handle carefully, as they bring a higher price when properly handled. Yon can preserve 456 lbs. of fruit, tomatoes, &o. with a package of the American fruit pre- serving powder and liquid. with or without sugar. For sale at Imrie's Book Store. Time moves op, and Dote in • while some ono falls to the rear and gots lett. but Sallow* the Montreal street photogr- cher inbound to keep up wart the prooewi , sad is always open to takeadrsntagr of any mew wrinkle be the photo business. do and sos it he down t. Thecongratnletions that have been pouring' in upon Geo. B. Robson on those excellent mammoth pbotogiaphs recently turned o it by him have been almost ono h to turn his heats. But as he has an ambiUon to still fur- ther excel as an artist. he hasn't say idea of getting too proud of his work. The cold snap. made folks rush to Saunders' variety. store in search of stoves. They handle McClary'e famous stoves, leading with the 'royal base burner, which for economy of fuel. heating qualities, and safety take the lead. The Royal oven stove is gauranteed to rout and cook perfectly. Wood stoves taken in exchange for coal burners. The Cheapest House Under the Sun.' Most of yon have heark the Irishman's de- scription of Rood liquor. Bald he. "Shure It's the sthef:itsalttn'and dhrinkln' all at one; It tools ye In the summer toffee, an It warms ye lone a eootoreeor in the winter, but It mhaht be the p..re .buff, or yell use py•er head widout gettln' any av the hinlfite" W. L Hortdn, the Albion block liquor dealer keeps nothin but the best. If It's good liquor 0: S. yfit. Ramer fj 40 whwlsien, of acir lar town • vi%it, Set9rday. ' W. Craig forrpperly-of 011ban1 has removed t3Blnevale, whelks engage in the hotel batmen. 1 ' i4 .7. LeToesel intends remaining on Oherrydale farm, and.will push tho man- ufacture of champagne cider. P. McPhillips, F-aq., J. P. Exeter, has purebased property in London and willehortly move into the ct Wm. Smith, Deputy Minini of Mar- ine, passed up on the steamer United Errtplre on Wednesday of last week. t► The West Huron fall show, to be held is Goderich oil the 9th and 1006f Octo- ber promises to to the best ever held here. Thos. Dickson 'Jae resigned his position as librarian of Knox church 8. 8. He was an efficient of icer, and will be missed there E. E. Wade, barrister, and wife arriv- ed in Brussels last week from England where they have been for the past three maths. Fau. Ornstein --In our advertising columns, Miss Wilkinson and Mus Graham, announce their fall millinery• openings. Mrs. Boomer, of London, who has been the guest of Rev. J. and Mn. Wal- ters for the past few weeks left for home on Monday. Peter Fox, junr., left fur Warton on Monday. Peter is a steady, reliable young man, and we trust he will pros- per in his new position. you want. call on him. and youll get it sero. Picturesque Canada, the pith and 20th Mrs. Thos. Whitely is improving. numbers of which have been loft with Mrs. and Mias Bluett are in Toronto. us by Mr. Dunlop, the efficient agent, J. II. Finlay has rbturned -to Guelph. keeps well up to the mark. Miss Bella Reid is visiting at Luck- The waves rolled over the piers form - now. ing the entrance to the harbor in fine yle on Tuesdateemin. Miss R. Noble,South st., ie visiting at ssight to watch they breakers It was a Lucknow. Miss Marion Melrose was visiting in Will Yates is gradually "putting un town last week. flesh,'' after his recent prostration by fever. He has assumed his accustomed Miss Susan Acheson has returned from place behind Old's counter. a visit to Detroit. Mrs. Hutchison, Mrs. Thom and (leo. Parke, of Crystal & Black's ea- Alex. Hutchison left on Tuesday for tablishmet►t,is at Seaforth. Montreal. Alex will continue his medi- Jas. A. McIntosh, merchant, Peirce sal studies at McGill college. - Arthur's Landing, is in towu. The Baird. combination failed to con - \V. F. Gooding returned to Saginaw nect with Goderich on Thursday and by tho Oconto early last week. Friday of last week, and our playgoers Stephen Yates left by the United Em- are lamenting its non -arrival, piro last week for Port Arthur. James McNair,seedsman, has returned Lawson Kerr, formerly of Kerr & Mc- from n lengthened visit to his property Kenzie, 'vas in town on Friday. in the east: He also gave a.lift to the H. Hale, we are glad to learn, is inn- work at the Toronto exhibition. preying very rapidly in health. R M. Fraser, of Iutrie's, has returned from a pleasant visit to relatives in De- Cu[ Colborne have an attractive ad De- troit, '`R it, and other points. d" looks vertisernemant this this week. Read it as if his jaunt agreed with him. "Bob" Logan to duly installed at the Frank Kedalie,the drygoods clerk, bas Albion, in the place of Ben. Saulta. Mrs W. Brophy is visiting her mister, gone to Cleeland- He is a ateadyyoung an and we hope to hear of him doing Mrs. Robert Moore, Unadilla, Mich.m well in the place of his selection. Miu Annie Buchanan loft on the Or.- A musical and literary entertainment facie on Monday on a visit to Alpena. will be held in tho Temperance hall on Mrs. R. 11. Smith left town on Mon- Thursday evening, October 4th, under day on a visit to Toronto and Kingston. tiro auspices of the mechanics' institute. John Innes, of the county Down, Ire- Fred Palmer, of Binehantpton, N. Y., land; i3 visiting his uhcles, the Maxtor., is cn a visit to his old home. Ho gave Reid. his friends a genuine surprise by popping Mrs. James Init•ic is visiting friends in unexpectedly upon theta on Wedues- Toronto, and will be absent a couple of day. weeks The boy, Birtch, of Winghata, who J. 8. McDougall, Dir. Court clerk,Ieft was recently committed to Guderich, on on Monday for the Provincial Exhibition a charge of stealing a watch, has boon Guelph. sentenced to five years in the Reforma- Mr. Platt intendseupplying the teen to'YG. Y Macdonald, lighthouse keeper this winter with wood from the Falls Reservet at this port, was called to Tor •nto this The schooner 'Willem arrived on week to act u a witnes in a suit arising out of the use and sale of the Starr kid - Monday with it cargo of soft coal for Win. Lee. 1ttliss .lessie Wilson intends holding her fall opening on October 6th. Advt. next week. Rev. Dr. Ure and Rev. D. A. McDon- ald, of Seaforth, will exchange work on Sunday next. Phil Reeves, the stationer, of "all for 10 cents" fame, has had en *`tack of hart disease. Rev. J. W. and Mrs. Sutti)n, of Lon- don, have been visiting friends in town the put week. Rev. Mr. Morden, of London, con- ducted the services at the M. E. church on Sunday last. The Provincial S. S. Association oil meet in Cobourg on the 23rd, 24th and 26th of October. Mrs. and Mias Morton,nf Fort Gratiot, who here boon visiting Monday for hems. Re". A. McGillivray is loss, assisting Rev. A. communion services Mew is Te)1 Npltherla. "I was called out of bed pest midnight to go four miles in the country and attend what the messenger stated was a bad ease of diphtheria." "And you went T' "Had to. When i arrived i found a ten year-old girl crying with a sere threat. Ionked into it, asked the girl a few questions and found thatshe had done a big washing that day. Hada little cold -ogthing else." "How can you tell the dillerence i' "I'1) give you 8 rnle by which you on always determine," wn the response. ''It the throat is red snit gaselier, no fear of diphtheria ; but if it looks as though some one had thrown a handful of ashes into the throat -a de 1 grey odor -kik out. It's diptherla'a danger signal," _ The oyster is described by the London Dail Tek qrej u " a morel that is .adt ttly *wallowed, leaving the merest adumhrstton of a flavor npnr. the palate, a hint aftemnth of the racy ccs, finch as might linger on the nnf.rtenete lips from which sem* mer aiti had snatched a passing kir ney pad. Harry McLean and Jack hIcCuUough arrived hone last week with their bicy- oles. They rode only as far as Hamil- ton, but witnessed the wheel contest at Toronto. Eine day last week, D. McDentIJ, clerk of the surrogate court, purchased a house and Int, situated on Wellingt,.n street. from Capt. Hay, of Dotr..it, on private terms. - Gregor McLean is the youngest bicy- clist in town. He rides the big wheel by occasionally tapping the pedals with his feet, ani glories in a good, nice -flitter- ing "header." The trotting stallion Anther, that beat Lucy three years ago at Guderich, bred by 1'. J. Pilkey, of Brantford, is report• ed to have been sold to a Gorman turf- man for $8,500. friends, left on Dttler & Co's big advert'sement 1needs but little help from this column to et South Kin , eommend it to the reader's eye. Joltn C. Mackenzie at 1 Del.r been for naught. the European markets : heti Mrs. F. F. Lawrence lett by the 7.40; J• \} a aro P1005 ft" a nn 'undoxtlat district,Rey. `rein on Monday on a visit tri \Vslkerton' has accepted the charge of the M. E. Paris and Brantford. `church in this town, and will at once The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Fields, eater upua his paatorial duties. fallen vacant, E. le Hogarth was novel - Brock St , will be merry to learn that i About midnight nn Monday, the wind select forthe former and J. D. Swanson they are Moth very ill. trsvelleti at the me ..f fifty or sixty end Mias Emma Acheson for the Litter. r Tho schooner lynen same into pert on miles an hoer, as registered by the The election will take place at the next Lsturday morning with a cargo of soft , tote,w•rologieel observer at skis pert. It tn.•et►ne. The f..11..wing pri.praanrne was J. J. Bell, at one time uwtser of Talil Speakint oaths !across, match' be- oHf Mr.Wylie of the Brockville Recorder Kincardine terest tween the e,ttlter elRu KOuyerich and s: -"The -ono of the oldest journals in Ontario. Mr. Bell has lately been publishing the Picton Times, Let -roes. -Prof. W. F. Foot will de- liver a lecture in the English church school house on Tuesday evening next - subject : "Church Music." Doors open at 7 p.m.; to commence at 8 o'ciock. Admission l6cts. George Sidney Smith, of Little Rock, Arkansas, son of W. G. Smith, 14 this, town, is recovering from an attack of typhoid fever there. His illness neces- sitatedds ionise, zinnias, mari;erlds, etc., the amputation of one of his e, petunias, legs, we regret to learn- mid redolent with the uJor of the scent- ed geranium, is calculated 80 inspire us with a still fuller love of the doral. game was stubbornly contested for an hour, both sides exhibiting fine play, and was finally won by the Shamrocks." The Kincardine men were bigger than the Hurons,. although they were pretty evenly matched en the Held. The editor's desk is brightened, and the editors sanetunr is made fragrant, by a beautiful bouquet of ewers sent us by Mrs. 0. A. Hember. Weare fond rang - ted Rbouoluet l atpawl n we wrtteind like tee have a e. The one before us, bright with dt•hhas, gladi- Mr. Chas. Mitchell of the Ottawa Free Press, who had been spending a few of his holidays in Ocderich, left for home on Monday, accompanied by his wife, son and daughter. He enjoyed hie stay in our town vet" touch. We are glad to learn that the Fisk Jubilee Singers will appear in Goderich for the second time or. Tuesday evening, fittings was done by Jas. H. Byrne, of Oct. 9th. They created afurore when Ttrrme° The same trentlereen has the here last year, and we predict a packed contract for illuminating the North house for those wonderful vocdists street Methodist chant., Jordan, the drwggis►,.non illommates his premises with gasoline. On Wed- nesday ev - g there wars grand dis- play. There are twenty-two"maple- /eel" jets, and the light thsuwn is of bittetil4th, dear white coolest The work of petting in the gasoline whine and Wnl. 11. Fields and Thos. W. Fiel,is, Major D. Crane, who has. been up in of Jamestown, Dakota, arrived here yea- the \Warton distnct for the past few weeks, searching f•.r the body of his brother, Walter, who was drowned on the Explorer, returned home on Tues- day evening without being euocsssful itt hie mission. On Thursday nonsense, Mr. •• Albert Crane, of Chicago, fatties of the deceased, left Gdderich for Wharton to continue the search. The bereaved fautily have our sincere sympathy in their affliction.. The family of Mr. John McLay left Walkerton last week le take upthtir re - 'science in Toronto. They were early 8. 8. Rsnzw.-Ieteiesting ezereiate settlers of the county, having come to it will be held in the main body of Knox (in 1858. For a number of years Mr. church on Sunday afternoon, berinnin1 I McLay and his family resided in, the neighborhood of Kincardine,,. where he published a newspaper preview; to his appointment to the registrarship. For several years the office was in Southamp- ton, but was removed to Walkerton when Our friend, R. Holmes, of the Canton it was made county town in.1"657. Netc Aro, took a run to Goderich ton In our last issue we stated that 0, N. Friday last on his jbicycle. We were Davis on his recent visit to.the old coun- terday, being called hither by the I,.w state of thoir mother's health. T. W. is an alderman in the rising town where he resides. Ho learnt watchmaking with W. T. Welsh, of Goderich. Woxss's Mleezors.-The auxiliary branch of the W. M. Society of Gode- rich have elected Mrs. Wm. McLean, Mrs. W. K. Leitch and Mies Belle Mitchell as delete -ilex to the first somal meeting of' the London Conference Branch, at Brantford on October 2nd and 3rd. at 2.90 p.m., when the Sunday echo.. lessons for the present quarter will be reviewed. It will be well worth witiiess- ing by young and old. Singing by a choir of children. glad to see hint mounted on wheel again after his tong siege of illness. Bob is 1-retty thin just now, but full of spirits, and hie pencil will soon be swinging as rapidly as of yore. John McGillivray, who labored n the mission field at Byng Inlet dating the summer, and who was si ,petite() wince presented by his people with a 840 row- boat, was again on Tuesday lest (prior to hie depsrtore to resume his studies at Termite University) made the recipieut 0f a purse containing $40. Mist Lucy Careyis paying a visit to friends in England. At St. George's church on Sunday eveninit a hymn "for those in peril on the sea," was sung cin her behalf. She is accompanied by her musette Capt. and Mrs Andros, who have been in Barrie for some time, and aro now returning to their home. Henry Tennant, our local member, arrived here to -day, accompanied by one of his sons. Mr. Tennant expects to reside here penitently for the future -end will bring the whole of his family here this fall. He reports the harvest in Ontario in the vicinity of Goderich to be a failure. -[West Lynne (Man.) Times. At the last meeting of the directors of the Mechanic Institute it was moved that the lecture committee snake arrangements for a music and literary entertainment to be hold on Thursday evening next. Look out for posters and programmes. Alex. Mnrb.n received the thanks of the board ter representing tho G.xierich branch at the A l".:ciation meeting in To- ronto. Evening classes in arithmot.c and lst•,k-keepin will be organized in the Mechanics Instituto room. on Saturday evening next. Those intending to join, ere requested to attend on that evecing, et 8 o'clock. Thu fee for the entire entree of 27 lessons in either subject has been put at the small sum of $1. S. A. Mavaw, will teach arithmetic, and W. R. Robertson bo•,k-keeping. A I'azrry E'1. rl an:. - Sellows, the en- terprising phctographer, hes presented us with a neat photograph of the pretty Shetland pony driven in tho tiny plies. ton by the Misses Polley. The pony 1."rks "as pretty as a picture," and the reins; ladies in the t,liatton +:-out per- fectly happy. The p.ndograph is a s;,o4 OOP, and we are pleased to place it anmetg our collection o,f Go.lerich sights and scenes. them Kenton. Lzrfiaa*r atx'l ar i. -- try met a former resident of Grdlerich-- Thomas Yeo -in Plymultth. Those of our readers who were actl.uaiutel with Mr. Yeo during his residence in Gode. rich wiltremember that itis front name is Willisu► not Thomas. At any rate, it wits (Mr 01,1 townsmen that Mr. Davi& tact. Ho is keeping. the South Western Hotel at Plymouth. and guns t0 have a warm corner in hie heart Tut old Go1e- richlyet. • Knit THAM fly's= -Aa excitau;e los the following lively paragraph :-Tho tweed -covered vultures of this city who eke out a fat living by imposing .on the credulous at the various fairs throu*heut this district, should be taught a lesson this year. At evevy township exhibition last season, quite a cumber of these un- lawful contrivances for making money from tho unsuspecting end the unwary were, to the great annoyance of the pub- lic, i'n full blastdurine the holdingof the agricultural chews. If the law lived up t:) these matters more fully than it seems to at present, these hutnau parasites would be ptuvented from proying upon the youth ofeho land in emptying otd►eir pockets of money and in producing de moralizing effects on their mindr. Kiser nee CLIPPING. -.A disinfectant introduced to the medical profession by the late Dr. (hstlden has been used in . London eight years. Half a drachm of nitrate of lead should be dissolved in one pint or more of boiling water, and two drnchuie of common salt in a bucket of water. Pour the two solutions together, and let the sediment subside. A cloth dipped in this and hung up in a room will sweeten a fetid atmosphere instant- ly, or the solution thrown clown a drain or over a heap of rubbish will produce a like result. Clothinit worn by n patient with iufoctiuus disease, or boil linen, can be put at once into this solution with- out injury t', tho nt.tterial, thus Jtleatr"y- inq the risk of infection for there persons who wash the clothing. Altheueli it is a strong poison taken internally, it does not injure the skin. A room could bx, scrubbed with the solution, and would be sweetened at Once by the vomits. .AN ATTKA4•rlve aloe. -We had the pleasure (u \\'edneeday of sot•ing tI:. showy sign bowel joist executed for W. 11. smith. of Clinton. by Harry MANN, the well-kn •wn tteslerich artist. The paintels/ is a etrieeture of Sir John A. Mtcd,enelol exis►tt•ttine to 11.w. Alex. *1 t, koneie on etuitn's merits as n ails*, the 1 otter liking it in very attentively. The first meeting of the Chelurich Itigh The likeness of each ..F the political Sewell 1 Literary eteciety'f-.r this term levier* is excellent, eyelet/We f..r the WAS h,•1d last Friday. The o•liices of oxatt't'rattoo of a csr'catnre) nail as the President and 2nd Vice-t're.wletk having faces are nearly double neterel size, the beard is sure to 1)e %tire/tite. Mr. Clues is extending his reputation as n fancy sign board painter. kis cartoons being a bit, hit. lie has several order feint outside posed& Ihs gun, sieve coal for Capt. Dencsy. was a clipping buses -_a perfect hnw• then proceeded with: sin¢. "The aro a great irttymvent,nt nu ..kl style Mr. and Mrs. George Campbell, Heron i old roan and his wits,•' by Mr. Wilson; clumsy sign board. Sir. Chums has akin road, left Ooderich last week, for their 1 A tad t f shout as years of ante, neded silo•, "The firs -bells,- ]lies Caldwell ; on his Bawl a couple of Meaulhoet new home near London. i Robby Edwards, cwt his chin badly "s reading. "Selection frets the courtship tern. representing the United .Emptn Mrs. James Hyslop and children, re- safuyday, by tallinq fr►tm a kit upon a of Milos Standish," Miss liaise; recite; and the Ontario teetering the St. Clair turned to her home at Forest, very much i piece of sharp iron. Hs is rapidly ►e- tion, Mr. Blair; reeding, let bilis ricer by tme.nli,tl►t- As a statin artist, benefited by her visit hen. covering trent the effects of the ugly eMiry. Mr. Strang; reeding, "Tho owl -noir w.peci.11y at painter of lake ateam- Mir Jeanie Watson has retorted to snd whit,- Mr. H •garth; reading,"The wife ere. C!•'. t. t.tkea hitch rank, of Asdrubal," Mr. Farrow; remling l"The her home in Detroit after a visit of ail At the sanest meeting of the Partin• Porter and the fisherman," Mr. Strang; weeks with friends in town. ciai Board of the Mechanics institute, chorus, by members. We aro ••lad to. The terrific gale of Monday night did held in Toronto last week, J. A, Morton, see the "entity again at work, and we bc- moolt injury to orchard', shaking rho (of \Vinghsm of the firm ..f Seager R lieu' that melee the management of the fruit from the trees. Hand picked ap- Laois, w" elected "we of the ezeeutive I present executive committee its former' Ales will be scarce in this seettnn committee. audit and interest will lie anatainsl. 1-aheepy Nish ensinner. Kavanagh. Hanlon, Smith and ether Irish informers in the Meanie Park mus. der trial, who arrived at Melbourne, .Australia, were not permitted to land, and have been Reshipped to Europe,