The Huron Signal, 1883-09-21, Page 5ilii HURON SIGNAL,FRIDAY, SEPT. 21, !d83 5 ROTIL?I IT 111,01111. V e..a by Oise wbo was Visit. ber There. A Penena4na FkMeOeM glee ?stases Lamina - see were sal sire - Whoa She Wele - A .lemur .t nerd Peas ssg-u A dent of The Bawti!!oa TriI ns wsekseshee the Martis d dine PrinoNs Louis and Prieoe of Wales The most perfect the whole yew was that on whisk the iiovisor-General of Can ads opened the Industrial Exhibitioc at Toronto- 1kedneeday. It was, indeed, Queen's 'either. The sky was an unbroken nerlja d opalescent blue, the air "as piestolly iavigeeating,aad theme ahem, brilliantly. At 2 o'clock a large com- pany of esoeileet people were assembled in the grmed stand, overlooking the race track. The jedgeu' stand opposite was " set " with a rad carpet that covered the steps leadingup to it, and four wooden chain To them were added two *airs, Mntisomely upholstered is yellow and Masai, and three hafr•cL,th seat& A few carriages drew op and steed emend aka stead, It number of Sisk& formed a group on the green sward, and men in scarlet bunting emits, rode prancing steeds over the Reid. There was net lung to wait. A commo- tion at the farlber gate, .litter of steel helmets in the sun, the hand " The Campbells Are Coming," and the vies -regal procession entered thegrounds. The Pranoses bowed most graciously to the greetings et the populace, and the Marquis rased his hat continuously. As they neared the grand stand the music changed to " God Save the Queen, mea lifted their hats, and amidst respectfully subdued (sheering, the Oo►ernor-Gene- ral and their Royal Highnesses TN' PRINCRm LOVI=Z and Erinoe George of .Wales alighted. All eyes, wa feel safe in saying, were fixed on the Princess. A perfect woman we saw, with a grace of figure and state- liness of carriage that wu never equalled by any goddess of yore. A winsome, round. rosy face, with the expression of hauteur sot8sieetly modified by native kindliness to give it interest and intense piquancy. Itis a faits to look at again and again, and ever to remember. The blue eyes have a steadfast ,lung enduring 1t.oh, but if the Prunus had had brown oyes the circumstance might have chang- ed her whole life. Whatever of eold- new there is in the Princes' nature lies in the bine eye& Her brown hair was in crmpi on her brow, not banged, and was soiled low at the:bank. NJ PRIXCRIS WoZZ a walking dress of golden brown satin, cut with a phin basque back, cloud Wadi at the neck and finished with ecru lace at the throat and hands. There wu • pompeder trimming on the corsage and a few Aowere and a white handker- chief were thrust into the fastenings. The frost of the skirt was garnished with come fine frills of brown setin,there were panels of brown brocaded velvet at either side. and tbe back was arrafiged in full draperies and fell over the snarl. relies en the edge of the skirt behind. She won gloves a shade lighter than the dress, a small capote bonnet of the brown satin with a bunch of pale pink tea. roses on the side, and a tea black -jetted vet! tied over the upper part of her face. No jewelry was noticeable but a pair of gold enameled chain bracelets. 1Vhite standing on the pavillon the Princess shadtd her face with a sun umbrella of hunter's green silk, with a yellow wood handle. The bouquet that was present- ed her shortly after alighting the carried in her hands all the .afternoon. Dunng the exercises raises OZOIUf stood by the side of the Princess Louise. He received his greetings graciously. He its slight and well formed but not quite so round in the face as be is represented by the pictorial press. He carried his silk hat in his gloved handy and was dressed in black and white hair -striped trousers and a cutaway ooat of black cloth. All this time the Marquis is lis- tening to the address being read from an illuminated manuscript, and when it is cloned and hq has passed it through his hands, steps forward, leans upon hie cane, and addresses the people. His voice is slightly strained u he endeavors to have it reach the people. But it gradually modulates into softer tones, and we hear distinctly every word he utters. He speaks, easily and unaffect- edly. TRI I1•1QUI8 is a decided blonde, his hair is almost flaxen, as is sieo his drooping moustache. He held his black silk hat in his hand while he spoke, and he wore a closely - buttoned Prince Albert coat, a cravat of dark blue, and black trow.ets. His words were well received, but there was not the enthusiasm manifested that the Toronto Globe's frequent "cheers" would indicate. The Guards, with the glistening helmets and the natty blue uniforms, were drawn up opposite the Nand during all the .peach -making. At the close, the carriage stood ready for the Vias -re; -al party, which they 'attired as the band played " God Save the It was changed to " The Campbells are Ouenine,' ee, amidst the ghosts of the people, the nonage turned tato the exhibition grounds, the Priaosss bowleg and =ggiw• Wil RANDS as she peened Then enfnmeme.d an af- tersnoa of arduous work for Her Royal Higbnesa The Primers Liaise is a famous walker, and she took the rounds of inapeetinn bravely, bet bee fame was Rushed to weariness before departments were h.pereed andthe eodsehoeme visited for a well-earned refreshment. The Primness always had a few words to say when the person in charge of a display was an elderly team. Ihe never passed the whitening hairs of age withost a gentle word and deferential peters. 7'h. sir was growing ehill and the day late, when the royal party again took their euerlsge and with their attendants and the glit- tering geard erns floes the meads. God Rare the Qum mad the Prisons Louise. About twenty deaf metes, eneeprising nearly all the deaf metes resident in Hamilton, have oe=anitesd an tiesoatatbe for literary and social purpoese. ,swam.,. ear to Prows Pmetur._Eroo the wtcWSheldon, Daktdee Had, , vho Ise" JJ• . McAdams two years awn, was .whsasd to four yeah pumal asev ted•iejthe State .. s. g Bub parties int oee tipse lived s wt I Pawwt--M...ra W. J. Reid ft tb>.,0 the C y nal Hall, Lades, has presented to the tnoir (Smiting Club a magnifieeat silver pup, nicely mounted and suitably engraved, to be competed for by tyfrinmbsnof the cluk 1%s prment is a htlmtlbme oneand ishieeL- cl1 appreciates Sy *eery member of ti • ub. -(Sentinel Wildman.-Patrick Wyland, a crazy man who escaped from his (home in Luc- an some two years ago, and of whom his family knew nothing: tMij informed by Mr. Roether ,that he wag in the Walker- ton jail, where he was. lodged about a month or six weeks ago by a constable from Lucknow upon a charge of vagrancy, was taken away bj his brother lass week. -(Walkerton Telescope. Isaac Williamson has been lodged in Whitby jail on a charge of exposing on the streets a glandered horse. The rate of &assessment fear 1884 for Hamilton W been fixed at 19 mills on the doth• r UM of Fall Fain. Agricultural Exhibitions will be held during 1883 as follows : Industrial -Toronto, Sept. llth to Mod. - Western -London, Oct, 1st to kb. Hay -Zurich, Sept. 20, 21. South Huron -Exeter, October 8th and 94F_ West Huron-Gloderiob, Oct. 0th and 10th. Tuchersmith-Seeforth, Oct. 9th and 10th. Stanley -Bayfield, October 115th and 16th. Morris Branch -Blyth, October llth and 12th. Ashfield -Dungannon, Thursday, Oot. 4th. The ¶ESTEB}I FAIR London,' Canada. Ontario's gent Eihibition 1 Octikr ht tad, 3rd, 411 & 50, 1883. " 515,000.00 /N PRIZES .Ref TO TIM WORLD! rim a used eed In the ham alma afternoon. Electric Lights, Band Competitions. sed eth- er sevelties ff6err the entertatnment and mew meat of oar visitors. Exhibitors will please address oommealea- tloms to Jost B. sierra. Seecretary 14011011.Canada, for Prise Lista and asyt.eth14011011.er infor- etion respired. which will be promptly at - JOHN B. SMYTH. JOHN KENNEDY, 8eoretary President. Sept. lit, MO. IIeg-1t SOA. SOAP. SOAP. SOAP. o co 0 O SWIS8 SOAP o No. 1. SWISS SOAP No. 2. SWISS sOAP No. 3. m 0 Same as manufactured by the great Economy Soap Company, of ZURICH, SWITZERLAND, whose tradeextends largely tbrougb- ont England, France. Germany, Anstria, Greece and Italy. Manufactured In Canada only by The Huron Soap Co'y G1-03DICRIC333.. 0 02 O 0 SOAP. SOAP. SOAP. SOAPg Goderioh, Sept. 13, 180. IMO&• Valuable Discovery WHO CAN DOUBT THAT BOTH for one's own comfort and the pleasure of other -•a most tmportaat point la a well preserved bead of hair-wben the seaiddry aettherish and s y prematurely gray. go to your Druggist and ask him for a bottle of DOMINIOW HAIR RESTORER Made bI 8. TAPe00tT of Brantford. and all you wbe more than satisfied. PRICE, 50 CENTS. W. J. C. Neftel, Druggist. ete., Agent for Godes lcb. Sept- IDA. 1513. 1909-11ch Canada's Great Fair! T8Ei NATIONAL POSITION Of Llre Stock, Airriceltzral and Indeserial Prodsct., Fee Arts sad bliss' Wait. Ste.. Ra TORONTO, Sept.11th to tend, 180 The Programme et Special Features and Novelties will be tbe beg yet presented by tits Associative. Pyles Lista and Entry Perms cam be ebtala- ed tram the Sem etartee of all Agrlowltael se- oletlm and Meohankw' lsstttatew se =deed be sent anywhere on applleatioa by p deMd to the Secretary at Toromto. Retries should be mods at oeos. Cheap Rates and Excursions on all Railways. The Dila Talmo M Unit carte Clay of T.ewte- WAIT FOR IT H. J. HILL, Waamger and O..ui aiw. J. J. WITHAO law v CD •rmi 0 ,Z1 +2 2 -6 jili zo <ma Ez 1.4 oar.: O_I my WWW zzzP=q mtftisag 1-0 CZe-5 0o 1 f== cH 0 rIM c 0 L3 Auctionsering. TAMES BATLEti , LICENSED AUC- TION ERR for the Csmaty of Hares, ha- les en st the list, ie now prepared attend to all o ere for Auctlseoeeiag. Orders tat 4 Bailey Itutel, Uodertob. or seat b mail, promptly attended la 1. JV1IN KNOX, LICENSED AUC - 1 ,,.NiSEg ter the locals of Hums. Wes .s..ended in all parts of the Ceuaty. Or- ions len at Martin's Hotel or at this ease will be promptly atteade4 to. 1!1715. 11W. BALL, AUCTIONEER FOR . the wanly of Neon. Nares attended la any pert et the County. Address order, to Gederieh P. O. Irl • BINC+HAM'S GROVE is the best P=C B/NGHAMR adjoining the grove. of choice lowers Bouquets. oressessaaned M. BINC+HAM. G(sderieb, July ' place In Ooderich to hold _ -_NIC NURSERY will supply any quantity at a twsonable rata other Floral Ornaments 5, 1843. 1888-tf rs NorthWeatTraaportation Company ILirriTrtnl t; -2.-. rel '11e The Cheapest, Moat Comfortable and Pleasant Route re ALL POINTS IN TEE GREAT NORTH WEST Is via the Steamers of the North West Trans- portation Company, one of which will, weath. upermitting, Leave Mamie Every Tuesday i Friday Malt, on arrival of Grand Trun reales, CALLI.rir: AT e:••RRICN the P01. LOWING DAY. for Prince Arthur's Landing, Duluth. and all points in Manitoba, Minnesota, Dakota and the North Weer.. SPICOIdL. The Steamer "MANITOBA" will leave t o te- weather permitting, every ten .'.ars-- on My! and Fridays. alternate trips, for ardine, Southampton, Sault Ste. Marie. Michipbotin, Pre Ninngoo, Silver Islet sod Thunder Hay. For further information as to rates, apply to WM. LEE. Goderieh, or to JAMES 11. BEATTY, General Manager, Sarnia. . Irl- 1ri.gm June 7th,,, OgOow' , \i% ..< J' N Rt & c'' STURGEON LLINIMEII .\\,„, „s, a; i s ff ;, .O i .. • --t1-.-DIIR113rB--la, RHEUMATISM, Sctatioa, Neuralgia, Lame Back, Lumbago, Contracted Joints, Cramp in Muscles, Sprains. BEST HORSE LINIMENT. Ire Large Paters 2yr. Each. J.1. BRATLET, IOITREAL, P.Q. AYER'S Sarsaparilla ogres Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Rbeumatle Goat, General Debility, Catarrh, and all disorders caused by • thin and impoverished, or eorrapted, condition of the blood; expelling the blond -poisons frau the system, enriching ami raaswsag the blood, sod restoring its vital- Ising power. During • long period of unparalleled useful - AT s.ful- ATeas SARSAPARILLA has proven Iia perfect adaptation to the euro of all diseases originating In poor blood and a weakened vit•Nty. 1t is a highly eoaeeetraled extract of 8arsa- partlla and other blood -purifying roots, combined with Iodide of I'otasalsm and /Pee. and Is the safest, most tellable, amt most MaineuAeat blood-parlger and blood -food that elan be used. iaManmatery Rheumatism Cared. "Avner* 8.t II LA has cured me of the ia4mmMop Rheumatism, with which I have suffered for man years. W. H. Moose." Durham, la., march 2, lege. " right years ago I had an attaei of Rhearn` tames so sewn that 1 could not move from the bed, or draw, without help. 1 tried several remedies without moth if say relief, until I took Area's Pa&saran/Li-a, by the use of two bottles of whit 1 was completely npletely cured. 1 have not bees tumbled with the Rheumatism place. clave sold Iat e grant s«, of your $A all LA, sad It .1111 mains its wonderful popularity. y. The many sotable cures it W effected is this vlelnity col► Thom nee that It M the beet blood medlelse emir offered to the twbl{r. E. F. H titan." Moot rel., naeklarnl, Mem., May 13, tart. " feast Mareb 1 was sn weak from wry de- bility that I mold sot wait .1110a hi elp. Fol- lowing/ the advlee of a Meed, l crmmetteed taktwt Arras 8tsatIAan I.t. and before 1 had seed three bottles 1 felt Amar ea I ever did la my 111*. I hare bees at wort now for ewe month.- asst Hsieh your 8 LLA the greatest bleed arwtieim in the weed. Janna 111Ar0Ana" IM west Md St., New Yort, July MUM Aviles KAMApAmnLLA .aM U.rotflr Md sat eevwhtow. CesapWnM, Rryeipeles, 1b sauna, RIn<werwr, El0Mhe., Serve, Reps, Tessera. wed Reept/eae elf the MM. It elears the blond e( all Imperltlsy.Na disunities, aims. lame the •etlnn est the bowels, and thus r_m.., e vttallty sad strreagtbeas the wbois spiesa rtearArtrm tt1 DP. J. C. Ayer & Co., Law1, Mea. tom by an mow pries Si. lilt bele, Mt HEJHON COAL floor Armee tegaj tothe . Gaal for tcoming arca. tbe Lowest I?ates Going ssadlag 1a their orders now, and thus ea th. dealer to wean tt whoa the rate of fru t le low, and the price of coal is let lima cheapest point. which it always is In the mid- dle of 15. summer, BL4CKSAfiTHS Wanda. a simepelly, for sennitiIlrr and fall ase a ald appy bite the middle of July, if pos- sible.Orde s by mall carefully attended te, Write or apply to JOHN A. NAPTIC, Hardware Merchant, Godadob, June 11- tri lies- WtL80 N'S Proscriplioa_LkvgStm. Wa 's+'ere^ V B a'a Y1 nay Cur., Hal Cataeel C, illegalise Renewer, CrowfootlWarneadles Kbps New D4eoves7, Fowler's Extract or Strawberry. Try NLRVILIN1, the new Pala R.toedy- trial betties. 10c DIAMOND DYES, -TH1L- BEST IN THE WORLD. 100- PER- TEE PEOPLE'S STORE. Bargains in Prints ! SEE THEM- - A FINE LINE. 4SHTON'S GENUINE F✓4ST COLORS AT AND 10 CENT8 PER YARD. THE PEOPLE'S STORE, COR- KINGSTON STREET AND SQUARE. Ooderich, July 11th, 1883. BIG DRESS GOODS SALE THIS MONTH, AT J. C. DETLOR 00'8 THE WELLAND VALE MANUFACTURING CO.'s HARVEST TOOLS ARS EQUAL TO THE HEST IN THE `iARKa.T f oIin A. Waite/ Has Them in Every Glass May Fork. (len,'. riser, 10c., men's she, from 30c. and t.pwa'd. Marley and Straw Forks Seythea (new pattern), and Smiths, Cradles and Cradle Se) 'Les, Harvest Mitts, etc. Machine • 011, from 16c. up to 31.00 a gal. 1 t you want PERFECTLY PURE WEITE LEAD1 JOHN A. NAFTEL bas 1t, guaranteed so by the makers tinder a forfeit of (,250 for each ounce rf adulteration found 1n 1t. 1f you want a paint, mixed end tin•.,d, ready for lmmedlate use JOHN A. NAFTEL bas it, the beet in the market. C UTTAPERCHA PA-iNT, warranted to contain nothing but Pure White Lead and 011 combined with Gettapercha and Oxide of Zinc. tarAll for sale at JOHN A. NAFTEL'S Cheap Hera are Emborium. Goderich. July 19, 1953, The Chicago House, IS THE H;:AD QUARTER. (IF FASHION FOC NEW MILLINERY OF ALL KINDS. A cheap !Inc in Tr!myeed Hats n Specialty. .k first Claes , Dress Making Establishment 1 ..I o reedier on in connectioi with tFe 3ItIlinery llepartmen?. ;t ,:.11 /•,melted. A. J. WILKINSON. F3 0 M ,'I A NUFAC'TITIR. Tr, p EtLO 0 13 MERCHANT TAILOR, NORTH -STREET, NEAR THE SQUARE, CDERICH, -TWILL FURNISH OR MAKE UPI - Gents' Clothing in Fashionable Styles ab Lowest Prices. 40 TEAM FaPERIEt;CE. CCTTIsei A %PECSAETY. PERFECT FIT 161 ARASYFEa. •RDERa PR•Mrrut ATTE11UED TO. sfrTE THE ADDRESS 1 PHILO NOBLE, NORTH-BTREET,-GADERIC''H. SEEDS! SEEDS. .1' T I -I EI M2112:3I0gL HALL JUST RECEIVED A LARGE ANi) VARIED STOCK Or FRESH GARDEN, FIELD, AN I) FLOWER SEEDS from once( the most Reliable Seed Warehouses in the 1"..e...Iaun. FOR SALE: BOTH IN BULK do IN PACKAGES P. JORDBN, Chemist an Druggist, M DZOAL HALL. t3ODJERICi3. 23 ZI+ZO, N=3 -1--33:30R I Where are yeti coming from with that arm fun of geode 1 Wby,4 hare Ills heen to R_ E'ROTTS>FOOT a, Tte Cheapest cad Most Reliable Mere In Iowa. Why, you aa. get GOOD TE.? FROJIf 10e. TO 80e. PER POUND. HIS SUGARS AND FRUITS CANNOT BE BEAT. 1111184un And Oh, my 1.1f you only could sea the Bargain® in Faotorie. and Flannel.. w feetevorythng nue waste is lee line la elate, and he err that 1 ems get any where .lee,