The Huron Signal, 1883-09-21, Page 1Aug.
' 1 I'+Olt .11
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WHOLE NCIItiBtt':eue
New I,dverttee carats This Week.
Farm fur `Tale -U. Ge-rv.
Agents Wanted -A. Hen. Allan.
Apprentices Wanted --Miss &sults.
Sherif. Sale of Lands -Hobert Gibbons.
Mrs. Fletcher's AuoUoa Sats -14. W. Rall,
Mist y's Fatuous Royal- Jas. Saunders
Au.•r!on Sale of lieusehold Furniture --H. W.
"A (eiders ,mung ye. [afro' notes.
At' ta1t.. !ec'il prem it."
::?:i TOPICS.
"") • New York Hazier patterns. all new st 'least
lore's book store.
Younilydies Journal forOctober and Fami-
ll Herald for September for sale at Imrle's
bo ok store. Subscribers names received.
1' delivery guaranteed.
Janus Saunders St Sand poson want■ plums. crab
Ptok anddhand pears, carefully y,
they priges.•
y, u they bring •
Wher price when properly handled.
You can preserve 458 lbs. of fruit. tomatoes,
Ike. with a package of oho American treat pre-
serving ponder and liquid, with or without
sugar. For sale st Imrie s Hook Store.
The time of the sere and yellow leaf is at
hand. yet Hallows the photographeruoutlnue.
at in summer to take first -claw pictures.
Call and see his newest styles. Ile likes to re-
eeivs visitors.
The crowds are Groingg to the tall exhibition
at the bigclties.but Hob.on,the photographer,
has an exhibition of his popular pictures all
the year round. Those who get pictures from
hint like to exhibit them -to their friends.
Firewood is getting to be an important item
in household expenses, and Saunders & Son
hare got in a new stock of, coal cooking
stoves, which housekeepers should see. A
stock of McClary's famous stoves to hand will
be ao!d at close prices. "The Cheapest House
tinder the Sun.
T: a oystR is again on deck.
The time ..f the sere leaf is at hand.
Mn. C. Shannon, of TAMILS, Mich., is
in t. can.
The new wheat coming in is said to be
of-inierior quality.
Mrs. Copeland returned to South
Bond, Ind., last week.
Frank Smith pias recovered from his
recent attack of illness.
t°`illu Bessie Woodman has returned to
her home at Minneapolis.
Prof. Foot is about to organize music
.lasses fur old and young.
]Lins'Amelia McLean has ',been visit -
Mends at Kincardine.
Abraham Smah is off to the best mar-
4Ats with a cargo of horses.
Miss Anna Howland. of Detroit, is the
;uest of the 'Mases Rutson.
Miss Tina Duuahison, of Detroit, is
the guest of the Misses Ellard.
Mr. Green, gardener, with H. Y.
Attiil, is removing to New York.
Mn. A. H. Dntt'•", ..f Stratford. is
the sheat of Mrs. T. llcGillicuddy.
Miss Meow now attends to the f:.ucy
law's department of Saunders A: Sons.
The fall show pt ix* lists will soon cause
the:columns of the local newspapers to
Gederich bas more lacr:ase elute in
active epereti..n titan any other town in
Wouldn't an entertainment tinder the
auspices .•f the Mechanics' luntitute pay
just now
MIrs. Duty returned last week after
Laving a pleasant time with her friends
in Chicago.
A good farm on the 7th con. of Gode-
rich township is oll'eted for sale by B.
Gerry, of Brussel.
S. Sloan, councillor, has been having a
pleasant railway jaunt, combining busi-
ness with pleuure.
The schooner Ontario arrived on Mon-
day from Blind River with lumber for
Williams & Murray.
Dr. McLean slightly sprnined bis
ankle while attending the Caledonian
games on his bicycle.
John and Joseph Brophy, of Cleve-
land, are the guests of their uncle John
Brophy, Widder street.
Dr. Hamilton, of Cornwall, is revisit-
ing hie old home. He looks u if eastern
Ontario agrees with him.
James McNair,tho eeedsman, is busily
engaged at Toronto in connection with
the Industrial exhibition.
The Misses McKay, while at Kingston
were the guests of Mrs. McFaul, and ex-
tended their trip to Quebec.
Miss Wilkerson has returned from the
cities, where she has been getting the
latest goods in fall millinery.
Rev. Mr. Sanderson, of Benmiller,
preached in the M. K. church here en
Sunday, morning and evening.
Alex. Saunders was one of those who
represented Goderich at the Caledonian
games at London on Friday last.
John Mitchell, the tailor, has removed I
his shop to Wm. Achecon's shop, just
acmes the road from his old quartets.
H. M. Cowan, ex -editor of the Exeter.
Reflector, left this week for Toronto, In
pursue his medical studies in that city.
Thom Saunders, son of James 'round-•
en of this town, is annex partner in the
firm of Saunders A Kernels, Of Manitoba
A liberal response has been made to
nus regOMt for arruarsgg.s due for job
work and subscriptions. That's the way
to do it.
Rev. J. O'Connor, of Wewanesh, aid
Rev. P. J. Rhea, are visiting at the
presbytery, the guests of Rev R J
Coal renews wood is the hog diseusalon
nowadays A large number of coal stoves
are being pnrehaael for heating papoose
this season
Mrs. Gidley, Brock hreat, wet with
quite a severe accident by the explosion
of a bottle containing beef ter-, which she
had put into the oven to heat, in lieu of
placing it in a pot of hot water. She
was injured about the eyes.
Sheriff Gibbous, postmaster Dickson
and County Clerk Adamson left on Tues-
day to view the Toronto exhibition
John Soobie followed suit on Wednes-
I day, and a number .,f others, whose
names we did not learn, also joined the
prooeaiun to the Queen city.
The advertisement announcing the
dates of opening and other information
concerning the Western Fair appears iu
this issue. The attractions at this popu-
lar exhibition will this season be greater
than on any other occasion, and the at-
tendance from all parts of Western On-
tario will no doubt be proportionately
great. The improvements effected in
the (air grounds will greatly add to the
comfort and convenience of the exhibi
tors and the public, aathey are now the
most oompact and at the same tirne c.un-
plete in the Province.
James Robinson, of R. B. Smith geOin,
arrived home lest week front his North-
west trip. He says he had s pleasant
time anioug old frier -ds, and they appear
to have taken good care of him. He
believes that there is a good time ahead
for that growing country.
We regret to learn from the Forest
Free Press that Rev. C. K. Stafford, well
known in this section, IS confined to his
bed by illness. Mr. Stafford has been in
poor health all summer, and tlid not
benefit as mach as it was hoped he would
by his recant vacation. Hue many
friends hops to see him out again in a
short time.
The Rev. Dr. Davidson, Secretary of
the Baptist Home Missionary Convention
of Ontario, died st Tiverton, Ont., Sept.
18. Fur many years Dr. Davidson was
most intimately connected with all the
denominational interests of the Baptist
body. He was a rnan of unusual execu-
tive ability and foroe of character. He
was the father of Mrs. W. L. Newton,
of Clinton, and was known and esteemed
by many of our readers.
1 The Woodstock Sentinel -Review is hap-
py, because "Mr. Seegmiller (now of
Goderich) is negotiating with a capitalist
from New York to enter into partner-
ship with hint for the manufacture of
agricultural impleineuts here. Should
they Cowie to en agreement they will en-
deavor to get another partner, a practi-
cal shove manufacturer, and run that
branch of the business also. The scheme
is an excellent one and it is to be hoped
it will be carried out."
The Winnipeg Times has been inter-
viewing merchants of that city regarding
the uondition of trade : —"H. H. Smith
t Co. said to thereporter 'We are do-
ing an immense trade and believe it will
be far greater in the winter than now.
Our b.sioess is rapidly increasing and we
expect it will go ahead. The tailoring
trade is u good se any in the City, and
as there are not as many in it as
in seine businesses, each has his share
of work to do. There are howevar
enough to do all the work that is to he
done."' We are pleased to hear that the
boom has struck Harry.
J. H. Colborne, of the enterprising land to which he was going, he hoped to
firm of Colborne Bros, has lust retureed
from s personal visit to the wholesale
markets of Montreal and Toronto. He
will give the public the benefit of his
trip. Look out for big bargains. While
some merchants quit advertising, hang
down the lip,and growl about hard times,
Colborne Bros. enlarge their advertise-
ment and increase their business.
INarrrUts CLAsssv.—On Monday pant
a drawing class fru organized under the
auspices of the Mechanics Inatitute,with
Miss Nettie Seegmiller u teacher. The
class consisted of 26 pupils, aud,knowing
the artistic abilities of Miss S'eegruiller,
we are of the opinion that the work like-
ly to be done by the class under her in-
struction during the nett three months
will be of a highly satisfactory character.
Two evenings of each week will be devot-
ed to instructio.—Monday and Thurs-
day—from 7 o'clock until 9. Those
anxious to join can obtain fun infor-
mation regarding the class from Miss
Seegmsiller ur the members of the evening
chases oommittee of the institute.
Those desiring farm property sh..itl
seen our fourth page. Then ars ml*
good opportunities fur a dealer in real
estate .Bering.
Mrs. Fisher, of Detroit, who has been
visiting her father Mr. R. Bissett, has
left for hnme,a000mpenied by her sister,
Miss Maggie Bissett.
We regret to learn that Mra. Thos.
N hitely, of the Western hotel, daughter
of Elijah Martin, is very M v. She nes
been suffering from dropsy.
A wedding procession was one of the
sights of the town last week. Twelve
carriages were in line, and, oh, how Nip-
py all the .occupants booked.
Among faller residents of Goderich
met in England by G. N. Davis was
Thome' Teo, who is now keeping a large
hotel in "the tight little isle.
The fall show will be held in Goderich
on Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. 9th
and 10th. (Tet your fall printing done
at this oboe early, and avoid the rush.
RnrOn or ktreow. -- A special session
of this Synod will be held in London, on
Wednesday, Oct. 17, for the purpose of
electing • successor to Bishop Hellmuth.
Jordon, the druggist, is making an
rangementc to illuminate his store with
gasoline. Devine the put week the fit-
ters pare been at work placing the pipes
in position
Fred Gorey, the heavy-weeht runner
Of Petrolia,wss in town during the week.
Fred is an seknowledgsd suthont f .in
"fisc lacrosse hate -ell athletics and
general sport
Miss Cooke, organist of St. Peter's,
went down to Hullett on Friday to • pre-
side at the •srgan there, for the funerel of
the late Mr. Reynolds, grandfather id'
Mn- Dr. Caasady.
W. F. Gooding, dentist, of Sigitlaw,
wha has been slightly shaken up .with
ague, took • run over to Goderich to gee
old friends and recuperate. He has been
enjoying himself since his visit.
Miss Emma Cox t...k advantage of
the excnrslon to Chicago, t•. see her
friends in that city, and had the plea-
sure of greeting her uncle. Mr. Benj.
Allen, on his return fr••m Bnrop.e-
The announcement . d the suspension
of the Exchange hank has caused a little
exeltement, but holders of notes are ad
likely to lose anything, as the tank has
agreed to redeem all netsa as presented.
Hunter, a former resident of Clinton,
who has been initiating legal proceeding.
in Goderich for the past few months,
*as last week committed to gaol for
ten days, for beim drunk and disorder-
Miss Caldwell has been given tempor-
ary charge of the senior department of
St. Andrew's ward wheel, Miss Hender-
son, the regular teacher, haring gone to
the Normal school, Toronto, for the
Philo Noble, the "North -street tail.
hes just got into new quarters on Hamil
ton street, in the stand former, yy own
pied by George OM Mr NOhle finds
his •tuarters snnie and in taking the fall
t e un at its flood
The Briti,Jt Ctittle.i.ut, published ie A liuuI, SRN!) ovF.—}3en Saults, who
N f 1
ew \\'esNwtuNer, 11. ('., ha. It
largest •aud f ine''rs u1.►ny evi.leeces of
prosperity. rixy t)re }.lad to see it.
A. MoD. Allan, the well knoen (G•ele-
nch h..t+iculturist, 14 doing the Tor me.
expo.ositiun: Mr. Allen is unr of the
highest Cana.liao authorities on fruit.
R. M Scir, third ',veal studrot, who
Iris teen filliutg the pulpit . f Luan }'res
byterian church dunn,f the su,nmer, has
returned to town, and will leave in a few
days for Knox college, Toronto, to con
tine. his anodise.
tt rs. Capt. She;, err 1 and children retuned free their enjoyable Trip
east. Mn. Sheppan' accts cugauisl her
husband ..n his steamer the Northerner
as far es t rrdeasburg. She a isited 1 t
taws and other raise daring her al.ernoe
Wo. learn with regret that ft.:v. 1).
Melts.., who foe fho pat; eight months
:tan as at.d in conducting the service% a'
St. }hers. and bas during that time
gain.{tbe goodwill .-1 all with whoot he
came in oulntaet, i• *bent to leave for
iriehtnwr. to take the plate of assistant
to Rev. linen Murphy.
On of last week John
Rereads, grandfather of Mrs. Dr. Cati
saday, and one of the oldest settlers of
Hullett township, died after a protia,rte.l
illness. He left a wife, three sons and a
daughter t. 'melee hie Inas. Deceased
was wall known and highly respected
thrnighout the township. The funeral
to..k place con Friday haat, the ohsenuies
Acing performs) by Re, Fr Watters of
or some tune last arts been manager of
the Albion her, I. -ft f.•r Manitoba City
vn Wednesday last to go into business
with Lis brother William who, is a pros-
perous hotel man in that place. Ben
was a groat Inc• rite with the majority of
the residents of the teen, having been
h rn and reared in U.alerich, and had
gained the good will of all with whom he
had occasion to do business by his affa-
bility, integrity and general good iss-
'laminr. For number o1 yenta hack
he had been an honored member of the
I. t). O. F. society in liodench, and in
his departure to the Northwest that hudy
hoes /i tried and trusted member 4 In
Tuesday evening list some of his frien la
met at the Ocean House t.. binge.' Hen,
and give him a "good send off" previ.w
to his drpesrtue. There sae a stowed
attendance. The chair was ..eeupied by
reeve Johnston. and the vice -chair by
11. W ball. in giving the toast .d the
"guest ..f the evening,•• the chairman
spoke feelingly of the mangood .l.tsli-
tt e..1 Bee, whonn he had known hem
b..yho.00l, and predicted four him a useful
and successful career in his futnre hose.
11., also presented ham with a member-
ship chart, on behalf of the L t f O F.
inanity ; a valuable meersclmnni Tote,
the gift of .I,.hn Meltride, of the Albion
hntof ; and a handsome pocket-Iss.k
donated by D. C Strachan. The guest
responded in a feeling manner, thank-
ing his friends for the honor they had
done him 11e had been hronght up in
Go derieh, ann had always en.lesvered
NI •10 fho iwinare thine in the wooer,'
continue industrious sad honest, and his
chef aim would be to so conduct himself
that no discredit would attaeh to his
native town through any act of his. The
usual loyal and patriotic testa were duly
given and responded tri, and a few pleas-
ant hours were spent, interspersed with
song and sentiment. Mr. Saults takes
with him the beat wishes ..f his friends
in Goderich for his future prosperity.
There is a boom in the coal delivery
business just now. Capt. Dancey is
running it in lively style.
Clinton girls are on the N. P.
One of tneun recently smuggled a full -
trimmed hat across from Uncle Sam's
domains, and her bustle was the place of
We learn that, on reconsideration, the
Education department has awarded a
second class certificate to Wm. Hackett,
and a t'iird-class certificate to Jost.
Moms, who were stu lents et the Gode-
rich high school.
Mrs. Thos. M. Mclean was thrown
out of a buggy by the horse running
away last week, but we are pleased to
learn that no serious injury resulted to
her. She was driving alone at the time.
The vehicle was badly broken.
\1',1eu $ Clinton roan gets at logger-
heads with a neighbor, instead of hav-
ing it Out" on the spot, he waits till the
neighbor has retired at night, and then
stealthily opens said neight,or's garden
gate, and lets in a brindled oow with
crumpled, or any other kind of horn, to
worry the "garden sass "
J. C. Detlor and S. H. Detlor return-
ed from their European visit on Wed-
ueed.A%• evening, and e.preaa theinselvei
as please.] With their trip across the
briny. J. C. Datior, with an eye to
business. bought at headquarters when
in England, and will doubtless soon let
the people know all about it in Tax-SIG-
Chas. Mitchell, proprietor of the Ot-
tawa Ftrr Press, dropped in to see us on
Thursday, and discussed matters and
things in general. The Free Press is one
of the leading Canadian dailies, and it
gives es pleasure to know that it hag
proved a financial AS well as a journalistic
success. .Mr. Mitchell, his wife and son,
arethe guests of his brother James
Mitchell, proprietor of the Goderich
• Stns.
The Seaforth Expositor publishes the
Intoning particulars of a corn -eating
instal stmt it by a correspondent, and
asks who can best it ; "A rather novel
contest took place this week between a
representative man from the township of
Stanley and one from the township of
Hibbert, at the residence of the latter,
as to who could eat the greatest amount
of green corn from the cob. The Stan-
ley man proved the victor by leaving ten
feet of bare cub, the Hibbert man leaving
only nine."
taps. Hued• asci John tlrDeaalul, of lee
Ecplerer, Fur.nd, Drswgbt Moine and
A despatch was received here iso
Tuesday evening from Southampton
stating that Capt. Causley, while enter-
ing Greenock harbor, picked up the bod-
ies of two men, which proved to be those
of Capt. Charlie Wood, of London, and
John McDonald, of Goderich.
The body of John McDonald arrived
in Guderi by the afternoon express
yesterday n'hurseley) and was interred
in the cemetery. Owing to the decom-
position of the holy, friends were unable
to take* look at the 'brains.
The London Aofrerfiser says :--"The
body of the late Captain Charles Wood,
son of Captain Joseph Wood of this city.
w•as brought home fr,ut Southampton
last Wednesday night. It will be re-
metnborel that Captain Wood was
drowned by the wreck of the yacht "Ex-
plorer" on Greenock shoal a couple of
weeks since. The funeral will take place
friun the railway depot this morning. -
up p to the bine of going to press
nothing has been heard of the bodies of
W. Crone an4 M. Heide.
it timet the wnses, lie Yen.
The Luckuow Caledonian Society last
week etnlerel 200 copies 01 TNs Sweat.
containing a report of the games, for
circulation aiming visitors, and friends
of the society. The copies will 1)) sent
to every continent. it was a compliment
t) Tuts SIe:NAL as a fall and reliable
cha,oicl° of the events 01 the day Our
Bast edition was exhausted last week be-
fore the nett° boys returned.
t teenarhable reeeegsMlew.
Th.• drowning of Charles Woods, of
the Explorer, ermine's us of a strange
eiteunietanoe which he related to we on
a peeeimis trip, as we ate our hard tack
together in Greenock Harbor. The con-
versation turned on coincidence od
thnught,and the stran,r sympathy which
'seemed t.. exist between certain individ-
uals. Wo•da gave a sinking case in
point. He said he w.a touch attached
to a brother, who about three years sen
was mate of the sch.e,nor Prairie !tate.
One eight i wail at ► -lance," said
Charlie. " snit we war.• jnst having a gay
time. All at once 1 stopped, end think
ing of my hroth•.r, I amid, ' He'. dead.'
1 c•41,1., r ,1 o,• • any longer, and left
the room awfully as 1. In a few days 1
r.eeiv.d word thee my brother wan
drowned at the exact hourth:tt i thought
of hi.p and quit the dance. 1 tell you,
air, there's something mighty strange in
the power one min haa neer another's