The Huron Signal, 1883-09-14, Page 2Ose
Mem Sps.kl ag se ltesserv.tlte Organs.
ptyww Calve.: If we member rigkti7
Ns Me nen& authorities waste power to Ira:
before Mr. llowu's irorenment de-
.tthe (lore puts 1t. to take posse,
Macs was 1 tad ander a
act long Wore Mr. ows*'s repre-
epte-sentative* were uiered epee Met day.
The Citiaeo's memory is singularly
had. That journal. iu oomasoas with
ricer of db fellow eonaarvative orient, ie
eztreaaty an:iude—we know not why --
that Maaitoba should be allowed to tab
pceseesioa of the dieputd territory, but
even its lack of patriotism afords it no
mese, for misrepresenting the tris state
e1 affairs. As the facte in tbo ease are
important we briefly state them. The
award warmed. in August, 1878, and in
June, 1879, the Ontario government ap-
pointed Mr. W. D. Lyon stipendar7
megieteate for the western part of Thun-
der Bay district, including the territory
which is now the scene of dispute. In
the middle of December of th.t year
Mr. Lyon removed to Rat Portage,
when he has ever sines resided, and
administered the laws of this province ro
far as Is in his power. Ontati , there•
fore, in the person of her stipendiary
magistrate, has been in possession of the
temtory for a period a few months sub-
sequent to the date of the award. It was
not until March, 1881—or nearly two
yeah after the assertion of her rights by
Ontario—that Manitoba made any move
towards interference in the disputed
territory. In that month her legislature
peeped an act consenting to an increase
of her boundaries on the giant and west,
concurrently with the passing of an act
to extend the same by the dominion
parliament. A subsequent act of the
Manitoba legislature proclaimed a largo
portion of the disputed territory within
the bounds of that province, and in
August; 1882, or about a year ago. a
charter incorporating the town of Rat
Portage was issued by the Manitoba
government, and,an election for munici-
pal offices was held in that month.
It will thus dna seen how much founda-
tion there is for tho Citizen's statemeut
Rat Portage "was incorporated under a
Manitoba act long before" Ontario enter-
ed into possession of the territory. fhe
claim of Manitoba to the territory in
dispute is of the tnost shadowy kind,
resting as it does to a large extent upon
the acts of her own legislature [which, of
course, confer upon her no right or color
of right whatever. To the conservative
press of Ontario, it must be admitted,
is very largely due the unhappy condition
of affairs in the disputed territory. It
has espoused the cease of Manitoba and
assailed and denied that of Ontario. It
has systematically striven to prevent Mr -
Mowat from assenting the rights of this
province, and it has as systematically
supported Mr. Norquay and strengthen-
- cd his hands iu his attempt to hold the
t erritory. Ilad Mr. Norquay been met
-as he should have been met—with a
united determinatioi,on the part of the
mese of this province, conservative as
well as reform, to maintain the rights of
Ontario, he would not have dared to set
an invading fait within her blends.
The part of traitor within the citadel is
nlwatys an ungrateful one to play. The
tory press of Ontario has played it, and
may look for n teaiter's reward.—[Tor-
onto \V. r1d,(Iudependeut.)
Why People Drink.
Mr. A, drinks because his doctor re-
commended hien to take a tittle.
Mr. B, because his doctor ordered him
not, end he hates quackery.
Mr. (' takes a little drop bezattse he's
Mr. It, because he's dry.
Mr. E, because he feels something ris-
ing in his stomach
Mr. F, because he feels a sinking in
his stomach.
Mr; 0, because he's going to se;' n
friend in Oregon.
Mr. H, because he's got a friend come
home from California.
Mr. 1, hccaus'e-he's so hot.
Mr. E, because he's so cold.
Mr. L, hoc testi he's get a pain in his
Mr. 111, because lief.. got a pain in las
Mr. N, beta -tow est -a -pain in hie
Mr. t►, because b.•'s got n pain in his
Mr. 1', bec..uso ' . ...t a pain all over
Mr. Q, because he feels li;l+t and hap-
Mr. S, because s .,tarried
Mr. T, because lie's not
Mr. V, because he likes t' nae his
friends around Mian.
Mr. W, because he a got no' 1 feu le,
and enjoys a glees by himself.
Mr. X. because his undo left him a
Tae IspdMala .1 a Cettigbe so seamy
Taetr Mere aseWlle..
I meta few evenings eine ems of the
fathers of New York, says a sorwepon-
deut of the San Francisco tfirenicis. By
whieit I mean net one of the City Fath-
ers,' bet oats of the fathers of the
ren of the city. Drawing my arm p his
as we walked one seeming on the quieter
side of Bre dwsy, he said : 'I have a
mind to bell yen a story: I have a sec-
ret. I have a trouble. I have a daugh-
ter. Her crave is 'society.' I am not a
'society' roan. I like sociability, con-
gsniality, e4 d friendly meetings. I like
a cup of tea and two or throe friends to
develope the tea tablechatter and gossip.
I like a coq supper or four about 11 p.
m. But that is not what this girl of
mine is after. She has an ambition to
shine in society, to be one c.t the 600 is
this city, whose names are published in
the society columns of the newspapers.
She is married, poor thing ! She mar-
ried another poor thing He, too, has
an ambition to get into 'society,' They
met. They recognized each others' de-
sire, inspiration, ambition—'two souls
with but a single thought" and that
thought to get into society. They . mar-
ried. They have since been striving to
get into society, and they have ..ot on its
ragged edge. They have desperately
clung to the tail -board of the society
wagon ever sines they joined hearts and
fortunes. They hadn't much fortune to
join. There's the great trouble. So-
ciety will come to the rich. It runs
from the poor. My daughter and Ben-
in -law are on the run. Do you know,
sir, she has scarcely a whole stocking in
her wardrobe ! Yuu wouldn't think it
to see her on the street. She is a dash-
ing looking girl. and wean a $250 seal-
skin. That and her $300 piano coat 2,-
1)20 meek, and that in order to .are
money fur the two purchases. Stated
more specifically, this is the hilt of par-
ticulars: They went four years ago on
one square meal per day to raise • the
money, and made apologies to their re-
spective stomachs ""tor the other two
meals per day with bread and weak tea.
Here it stands c 365 days multiplied by
two lost meals per day equals 730 lost
meals per year ;e multiplied by four
years, equals 2,920 tea and bread gas-
tronomical apologies to two stomachs,
which gained the sealskin, the piano,and
for both of them the dyspepsia. Such
are the desperate make shifts that cou-
ple have made to 'keep up appearances'
and maintain their doubtful footing and
position in society. Thoey will live on
one meal per day, and that a poor one,
to save enough to make a spread at their
regular weekly 'reception.' Their joint
wash hill is scarcely one dollar a week,
that they may hire a girl on reception
evenings to attend the door and give the
impression that she is one of, their ser-
vants. There isn't a whole comb in the
1 house, nor a decent hair brush, for any-
thing that can he kept out of sight is
used -until it falls to pieces. But their
Iparlor is furnished with 'elegance and
taste,' and the kitchen is almost as dirty
as a coal hole. Their house 'puts on a
good front, hat it dwindles in the rear—
something after the anatomical propor.
t:,!na of the lion, all head hut weak in
the hind quarter..
.ban asIMv.a's Meaner stenosteely to
An anecdote which I heard the other
day of the famous Sullivan family of
New England may nut be uninteresting
When that st urdy Irish woman, to
whom the Sulltiaa family may well look
bask with pride, was cromiig the Atlas-
tio on bar way to the new .ysttry, and
was asked "Why do you omit to Atner-
iea i'' she snewesed, "To raise gOrormae
tor theta," little dreaming that she
would bee to memo of het seas govern l
or of New Hampshire, gore
sa, and another go
senor of Maaeh tts, though lam sor-
ry to say the third did not do mask
honor to his family, and vas known as
"Devil Jim." The story goes that soon
after John Sullivan rose to be governor
of New Hampshire he desired to give a
grand dinner to a number of distinguish-
ed guests. A member of his family
at the time was his mother, and fearing
she would not be equal to the occasion,
h000ncludd it would be bed to arrange
for her non appearance at the dinner -
Approaching the matter as gently u
possible, he soon suooeeded in making
the quick witted old lady understand the
drift of his diplomatic and in convincing
himself that he had miscalculated the
pride of the mother of the Sullivans.
Ruing in all the majesty of her Irish
wrath. "John Sullivan," exclaimed the
old lay. "1 have hoed potatoes in the
field with the Governor of New Hemp- my breast, the Governor of Mas-
sachusetts oy my side, and the Devil tug-
ging at my skirts, but never yet have I
allowed one of my sons to be ashamed of
me. Order the chaise and send me
Remonstrations were of no avail ; an d
home went John Sullivan's another in
all the majesty of her righteous indigna-
' tion. — ICorrospmdenco Washington
D., .e[ L aesstsr, write
that he bee aufsr.ed with iafaaamatury
rheuu►atism, more or leas, from childhood
and bad tried Dearly all advertised rea-
dies with but temporary affect. Bur-
dock Blond Bitters have radically cured
him, and he authorises us to sty so. 2
At Last Me inferred.
It is related of a wealthy Philadelph-
ian who has been dead these many years,
that a young man tame to him one day
.and asked for help to start in business.
"Do you drink 1" enquired the million-
"Stop it ! Stop it for a year, and
then coine and sec Inc."
The young man broke off the habit at
once, and at the end of a year again pre-
sented himself.
"Do you smoke ?" asked the great
"Yes, now and then."
"Stop it 1 Stop it for a year, and
then come and see Ine."
The young man went away and cut
loose from the habit, and after worrying
through another twelve month once
more faced the philanthropist.
"Do you chew 7"
"Stop it ! Stop it for a year, and then
come and see rale."
But the young man never called
again. When some one asked why he
didn't make one more effort he re-
plied : .
"Didnt' I know what he was driving
at 7 He'd have told me that as I had
stopped chewing, drinking and smoking,
11 must have saved enough money to
start myself."
.s Model Student.
lied -arias Rad Mosquitoes* sr. Malaria. `
The Rev. Dr. Ritchie, of Edinburgh,
A Texas " inedicus" write to a jour- though a very clever mean, once met with
nal in his native State that he has been his match. When examining a student
as to the classes he had attended he
said :
"And you Attended the Clam in mathe-
matics ?"
experimenting with the mosquitoes and
lied -bugs, and finds that they contain a
• large proportion of quinia, a small dose
,.f which they insert with every bite.
If this is true, a person who lives in a
malarial country should cultivate the
society of these useful insects, and afford "Yes."
Thema nn opportunity to snake frequent
hypodermic injections of the precious
auti.lute. fur malarial germs. Further
C 11tirmatiou of the new discovery is
needed to develop sufficient faith in the
new remedy to secure 'its general adop-
tion.—[fl•.od Health.
"How many sides has a circle 7''
"Two," said the student.
What a laugh in the court the student's
auswer produced when he said, "An in-
side and an outside."
The Doctor next enquired, "And you
attended the moral philosophy class
AN Uoo Bre —The following odd bet also, 7"
comes fr Uncle Katu'e dominions,
although it is not by any means new, be- "" ••es
its,; somewhat similar to the potato race. "Dies any effect ever go before •
A railway c •uductnr het a man named
German, of Quincy, Ill., tact he could
not lick up 100 eggs laid on the ground
a yard apart mite of 33 minutes. The
eggs were t.. he picked up and deposited
in a basket, one at a time, and the bas-
ket WAS to remain stationary et the spot
where the first egg was placed. Gorman
thought he had an easy walk over ; but
the railroad man placed the eggs in a
straight line slung the side of the depot
and the basket at ..lee end. so that Ger:
elan had t,, run up and down the line
w all each egg separately. At the end of
'l0 u.i...ites he had picke,l up only 26 of
rl..•'!gs, and had to give up the contest.
1 n.:uhu.u..u.a.tu Cored up that it
ah. .ut fix mill.. of trayet to
Irick el, • • :110 eggs.
cause 7"
"Yes. • •
"Give me an instance.'"
" t man wheeling a wheelbarrow."
The Doctor then sat down and propos-
ed no more questions.
Never undertake a long journey with-
out a bottle of Ur. Fowler's Extract of
Wild Strawberry in yn:r travelling case,
to guard against sudden attacks of Colic,
Cie lers Medium, Diarrhoea, Sick Stom-
ach, Sea Sickness, and troubles incident
to change of climate,wster, diet, etc. It
is a ready anti reliable Joliet. 2
Thr Greatest WAIN* temp.usl
is a prep.rsti of carbolic acid, vaseline
Ilett Ma3rt'gor R Parki
- -- �---- end cerate c+► .
PlsrpM and . rhea. Carbolic Cerate. it will cure any sore,
Mr. Y, becAuse his mart cut Lim o1 ('all at (:e••. Rhyne.' drug store and a cut, burn or bruise when all other pre-
i teicksge of McGregor & Parkw's Carbolic
Cerate. it is e.mtlw...t ..f Vaseline.Car-
h• tic 1'•,d awl has never failed to remove
1'n..I 'ens, Blotches. l'keratei Sores. and A lineal Mweve
Rough Skin. it cores when all ethers
fail. Try it. 2 That is daily bringing joy to the homes
. of thousands by saving many of their
ra i
with a shilling.
Mr. Z because—because— because.
A Stas Cuss P05 (�(:7Il1RR COMPLAI`(T.
—Procure from your druggist one 374e.
bottle of Dr. Feeler's Extract of %%aid
Strawberry, end use according to direc
tions. It is infallible for Diarrhoea,
Cholera Mochas, Canker in the Fttuw
sad Roads, and Cholera Inntum. 2
If yon are tr oub'e l with a dw'rderrd
Stomach? Dr. Queen's Bitters wilt affordppeeoosmspt relief. It is the beat Famil
Medicine. far Superior to Pills 11I.
Dglgggists sell it.
partitions fail. Call at G. Rhyne. drug
store, and get a package. 26 cents is all
it ants. b
Ni w that there is a reliable rew ray for
kidney troubles. half the terrors attached
to these. c.•ntplsinte hove hese r.mnv.d
1'..r flits let .:I 1■ ihaukfal, and t.• Dr.
V.,. Iluren's Ki•lttey Cute 'laid all
praise her has inti thus removed a hithert.,
e *entered fetal disease tram nor path
it was Here k '- fail fL,ld by .1
Wila.,n 2u•
dear fines tram an early grave. T ly e
Dr. Kings new Discovery fur Consump-
tion. Goghs, C.,tda. asthma, Bronchitis,
Hay Fever, Lois ..f Vaice, Tickling in
the Threat. Pun in Si.le and Chest, or
alit disease of the Tnruat and Lungs, a
positive curs•. llttaranted Trial Bot-
ta* fres at J Wilson's Dreg Slots. Large
rias 111.49 (9)
No household should be ouusidered
complete without a bottle of Dr. Van
Buren'* Kidney dare u in the clout.
It ia the only remedy that will positively,
psrel•sentli and prosoptly cure all forms
et kidney dieaases. Sold by J. Wilms
Thousands are biting cured of Catarrh
every year with Hall% Catarrh Ours, that
he diatom had gives up and said could
not be cured. 76 Dents a bottle. Sold
by George Rb as, safe ageut fur Gude
PITT vHs POOR Dvsrsrztc. —Poverty
with perfect health is rather to be chosen
than riches and dyspepsia. Try the
maeie effect of a dollar bottle of FOUNTAIN
or Hi.isu.
Poser Everywhere.
If any invalid of nick person has the
least doubt of the power and efficacy of
Hop Bitters to cure them, they cnn find
oases exactly like their own, in their own
neighborhood, with proof positive that
they eau be easily and permanently cured
ate trifling Dost --or ask your druggist
or physician.
GRaexwieu, Feb. 11, 1880.
Hop Bitters Cu.—Bits-1 was given
up by the doctors to die of scrofula con-
sumption. Two bottles of your Bitten
cured me.
Lsaov Sammie..
Of tar mon it.Iortsnee than the no
tioaal Policy or the Irish Quotient :a he
quent'ou .1 reaming health when
The most suddenly fatal diseases istli-
dent to thin *nation sr., the various farms
of Bowel Complaint, for all of wh oh Dr.
Fowler's Extract of Wild attest err, is
specific. 9
In Dr. Canon's Stomach Bitten will
be luulid a Specific for Biliousams,
Retired.' and Indigestion. Yuu are
k di .h if you suffer, not to try it. Eur
Sale by all druggists.
flees are Sone tea'
The best blyt,d puriler end systemre-
gulator ever p�laoed with j the reach oil
suffering humenity, truly u Electric Bit-
ers. Inactivity of the Lifer, Biliousness
Jaundice, Cu.atipatioe, Weak Kidneys,
or any disease of the urinary organs, or
whoever requires au appetiser, tusk or
wild stimulant, will always find Electric
Bitters the best and only certain cure
known. Tbey act surely and quickly,
every bottle guaranteed to 'lire entire
mtief ict fou or assay retu►.deo. Sold at
fifty ..Ants s to the by J. Wileun. [t]
Mrellreger'a Speedy cure.
From the many remarkable cunt;
wrought by using McGregor's Speedy
Cure for Dspepsia, Indigestion, Consti-
pation andAffection of the Liver, and
from immense sale of it without any ad-
vertising, we have concluded to place it
extensively on the market, so that those
who suffer may have a perfect cure. Go
to G. Rhynas drug itoro and get a trial
bottle free, or the regutar size at 50 cents
and 81. a
wonderful and mysterious curative power
is developed which is so varied in its op-
erations that no diseases or ill -health can
possibility exist or resist its power, and
yet it is
Harmless for the most frail eaten,
weakest invalid or smallest child to
"Almost dead or nearly dying."
For years, and given up by physicians
of Bright's and other kidney, diseases,
liver complaints,severe coughs called con-
sumption, have been cured.
Women gone nearly crazy !
From agony of neuralgia, nervousness
wakefulness and various diseases peculiar
to women. '
People drawn out of shape from excru-
ciating pangs of Rheumatism.
' Inflammatory and chronic, or !suffering
from scrofula!
Erysipelas !
Salt rheum, blood . poisoning, dyspep-
sia, indigestion, and in fact almost all
diseases frail
Nature is heir to
Have been cured by Hop Bitters,
proof of which cnn be found in every
neighborhood' in the known world. lin
Druggist a bottle of TAPSCOTTS
it keeps the hair fresh and natural ; it is not
offensive nor Injurious in its effects, but pleas-
ant and refreshing; it cleans the scalp. and
gives tone. beauty and naturalness to the fair.
It promotes luxurious grot th and prevents
premature decay.
W. J. C. Neftel,
Druggist. etc., Agent for Godo kb.
Aug. 18th, Int 1904-3tch
The Cheap Tea Store.
Fresh Groceries
Also a fine assortment of
Crockery & Glassware
Teas a Specialty
IN ALL Till' slZBd.
TOM a Specialty.
Atte, a splemdi 1 asset. meat or
Summer Boarding.
The IrPeat secret of beauty lies net a
the uuantei eta ..r t'te t.e morel an, but
it de *ude u,M.l► g.aal health, . fete bel.
hate co►u,detien, tuition! Si. ty phare
bl.aal. ltur.fuek Wood Hitters parity •
the .al, cul. ikndeia .ud all theism. 11(-
4 the Blond, L ter stud Kidasys, 36,-
000 betties www 441 .lurityl the last ,
three mouths ff
A geed Baptist clsrgymas, ofBst';ea,
N.Y., • temp unite% man, su& .d
wit* kidxoy trouble, usuntlgia, sad div.
slates almost to blindness, over Iwo
years after he was told that Hop Hitter's
would sure hint, because he was afraid of
and pfrjudiced spinet "Bitters." Same
his cure he rays •t ,ne Eel 1 fear bet trust
in Hop Bit, it .
Ur.'s Stomach Bitters ate not
an Alerluiie Stitnntaut but a purely
Vegetable Medi lite. Cathartic and Tonic
in its Iretio, and invaluable in all affec-
t' of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels.
KR. RICHARD s AiWRY 8 mut Resi-
For the reception Ma hew guests. The rooms
ere very laewe .ad
Bath Doom with hot and oold water. Fowling
Alley. Croquet and Ornamental Grounds -
plenty of choice fruit, a good tabled and every
comfort will be found.
Guests will be stet at the station.
TERMS :—Seven to Ten Dollars
per Week.
Goderieh. Ontario.
Goderich. JRnc 1t. 1s 3. 1tNlt-
Eye, Ear lane Throat.
317. Church Muret. Toronto. eat..
L. R. C. 1'., l,. it. C. S. E.. Lecturer on the
Eye, Ear' and Throat, Trinity Medical,,Cu!-
lege• Toronto. and surgeon to the Mercer Eye
ind Ear Infirmary, late Clinical Assistant
Royal Ophthalmic Hospital Moorfields, and
Central London Throat and Ear Hospital. may
be consulted at
Os Last Saturday of Fogy Month.
lune 5th. 1383. lti9&
McColl Bros. & Co., Toronto.
Manufactures and Wholesale Dealers in
- :rata CItLEIOATEI' —
brandis unex.Hl.d by any other oil on the
market. In recognition of its superior merit.
we have reed; ed
All the Highest Prizes !
Bachainan, Lauuon 3 Robinson
weiu►Acmaana or
Sash, Doors & Blinds
MALMO. 1n ALL 515115 er
Lumber, Lath, Shingles
sad Waive's .►ats.rlall of ovary deeertptym
St1311. 11111111TIOCII SPEddkTT.
aslAU Order: promptly stte•ded to.
Ceder.. t . Aug. 2. tats 111111147
Every Saturday From Quebec.
.tNETfsT ria rUSAss.
+�ll Nl Anel' .-irran.genzent.
333k.33 NT 13-
I Ireaaslan
cermet tan
Peruvian Ootr. e
SarntatIan ......... ...TA
x`y fi
Jane l
Jilt' ii
AN. 11
.. u
1 N6
e n
'iiSardinianc r. a
1.4•T- 3
" 176
Passengers require to leave Oodertor at aeon
on Thursdays. to connect with steamer at
Prepaid certificate Issued at reduced
rates to persons wishing to brtmg their trlesie
out from the Old Country.
For 'l ickete and all information, apply to
Ticket Agent
Godericb. May 17th. 1883. Dederick*.
° Oil
co tg
('ollingwood. Ont.- The;Crowfoot Bitters I
took cured me of Sick Headache. after twenty
years of ,nfferinR without being able to Rad
relief. MRs. J. )Sn1.i.moanicAD.Sow
('Iarkshurg. OnL- The Crowfoot Bitters=
fet•tly cured me of S.)tthens, without
any oilier medicine. MRS. Joss,n LOVS*LD.
If JON w Ish to set tar wereIt eryswr mosey
mak year druggist tier N.
May 17th. lief 11111=
wherever wa exhibited it since 187R. among
other awards a large lr•r of
Gold, Silver & Bronze Medals,
be.+ul-- numerous 1liyl..mas. 1t is warranted
not to gum ser .dos: ; wears equal to ('asturjO
and being less than on.•-half.he�.rirr is the
cheata•st oil mi the market. Lal It 1T.
For gale hy
R. W- McKenzie,
18s G.rlerich.
3181C 1-A
Vegetable Sicilian
was the first preparation perfectly adapted to euro
disease; of the scalp, and the first successful re-
storer of faded or gray hair to its natural color,
growth, and youthful beauty. It has had mauy
Imitators, but tone have so fully met all the re-
quirements needful for the proper treatment o1
the hair and scalp. HALL'. HAIR ilrxrwER has
steadily grown In favor, and spread Its fame and
Usefulness to every quarter of the globe. Its un-
paralleled success can be attributed to but one
cause: the entire frgt/rueal of its proteins.
The proprietors have often been surprised at the
receipt of orders from rero.,te countries, when
they had never made an effort for Its Introduction.
The Use for short time of HALL$ 1(AIa
Rasmus* wonderfully improves the personal
appearance. It cleanses the scalp from all im-
purities, cures all humors, fever, and drpoe,
and thus prevents baldness. It stimulates the
weakened glands, sad enables them to pnsh for.
want a new and vigorous growth. The effects of
this article are not transient, like those of alerr
holie preparations, bin rentals a long alae, which
makes its ase a matter of economy.
F it TRP.
'11111 ehanpe the beard to a :sound brown, o7
black, as desired. it ptoduees a permanent Moe
that will not wssh awayernapisting rat a single
preparatioe, It is appliot without livable.
R. P. HALL & CO., Nashua, N.H.
gold by all Doak,, in Medicines.
Devil's Lake, Turtle Mountain
and Mouse River Country,
Tributary 10 the United Mattis Lama Ogee
8I(TIsIAL II IP and iTLL gartaiMr
mailed IERI, to any address bl
General TravemlagA ys.t.
for I. hoer M. Tereute. S.
Ilse rn i s r d • large quantity of
Fee cowl somad(am. dee a let et
,aft N: =.1." t anadian Corn.
the Net rea=. pe i T. e� teMi
C3'. •H. OLD, v
THt OItOCER. .10DERICir Ayer'* Sarsaparilla. onyx RIM A CALL
Jsly 1< MO boll by all Pr gbts , N. w ONUS. Is tteesraea, May Mtn', M