The Huron Signal, 1883-09-14, Page 1<Mr"'
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•4164,,,o4 *get-
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1 WcOILLICUDDY BROS. Prtnautwast
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NS Sten /N, L 1/14. $F.ttlEON
• lesit i4.. 'ie. lel tryst teller. %vest
8z..i iru 1 kses 't 44 11 sad of .01ontreal,
°oder:eh 1751
flie lieoplea itotumn. NORTHERN GAMES.
Griffiths, J. Hastings, W. Campbell, T.
Shields, W. Leisk, R. D. Cele*, James
!Thomson, Fred Johnston. Mrs. Sinclair,
Victor Sinclair, .1. Brodie. Peter Tem-
leton, D. IrcLe..).1, Butalo ; A. Mc-
' aughton, Like Linden ; H. A. Evans,
Jas. McPherhon. Kincitnlitie ; D. Mc-
Kenzie, L411101); John Fai rgreaves.
Godench-lf. Orteme C tett-el, Col.
Int -ANTE) VI RENT IN TO .t N -A Ninth Annual Caleidonisn Roes M. PP F W. Jo:m.6ton 51.
V :moderate lased comfortab:e 1 welling. ering at Litoknow
with stable and garden. Apply at this °filet.
wet •h WS/.4 found one day last week at
Saltforil. rue owndr !on have it by paying
charges sod proving property. Apply to
JAMYI TEWA111. 4aIttord. 1906.11
*orient wantedimmediately. APO,
to MRS. A. 61. POLLEY. oppuslto the Reds'
try °Moe. North street. Goderich. 11100-11.
comfortable dwelling -house. medium
shied with stable attached, is wanted by the
e ubscriber. For particulars address THOS.
!OMAHA 51. St.eppardton P. G. 1%1641.
for caish--sit mated two doors from Knox
church. Goderich. on Fast street. A clear
deed given. Address MRS. J. L. 51cC011-
MACK. 97 Huntington stret Cleveland. Ohio
1906 -It.
COB JOHN ROMP who left Goderich
*being two years ago for the North-West.
When last heard of lin 0..t. 1882) he was to
Broadview, working on the railway. Any
information concerning him win be gratefully
received by his mother. Address, MRS.
SARAH RUMP, Ooderkh, Ont. 1901-3t.
from the premises of the subserttor. on .
the 16th of August, a white builtwo years old.
Any person giving information leading to its
recovery will be suitably rewarded. THOS.
BURNS. Csudow P. 0. 1406-3
good steam thresher. cheat.. Apply to
JAM N McCALLUM. at the foundry.
Godes-rib. July 18. 1823. 19004
premises of the subscriber. about the first
-aunt% a rod steer two years old. The own.,
?els requested to prove property. pay charg-
• hand take the animal away. HI OH GIR-
(IN Lot 12. con. 2. Astinctd.
.L hereby given that all parties indebted to
the undersigned by note or book account are
requested to settle the same at once and there-
by nave an enforced collection. I mean bus:
n ese ABRAHAM SMITH. 1883
\ _
Tor Sate or to Let.
1: class farm known as lot 6, con., E. U.
lehfleld will be sold on reasonable terms, as
the proprietor is gi. ing up farming. The lot
Linearly square, contains 100 acres is well
watered. has a gieei orchard, and well built
dwelling and outbuildings. For particulars
add rose THOS. GRAH A M. Sheppard ton P. 0.
• Lot No. 5. in the Barfield can. township
of Goderich, 85 acres, 10 to acres cleared and
free from stumps -balance well timbered, has
frontage on Its.•fleld river and on the Clinton
road, and adjoins the incorporated village of
Hayfield. For terme-further particulars and
conditions of sale apply to •LEITH, KING -
STONE St ARMOUR. Solicitors. 18 King
street West 'foronto. Or to John Morgan
Hotel keeper, Hayfield. 18994 f
A easterly 13o acres of block lettered "1e," in
the 7th Concession of the Township of Col-
borne. About 85 or 90 acres are cleared. The
growing timber consists of maple. beech
ands elm. A frame house. • large frame barn
and stable are on the premises. Fen;oeltrood.
Only four ilfrom Goderich by it
vet road. For particulars apply to JOHNir-
& MORTON. Solicitors. Goderich. 1896
residence, corner Brittania road and Mc-
Donald street opposite the High School, with
Iwo lote. The house is In good repair with
carriage house and stable and other out
nuildings. The garden is well stocked with
rust treen, grape vines, shrubery,
For terms apply to Davison J Johnston,
Barristers. • , 18119-tf.
A beautiful brick residence occupied by
Mr. Rice. and formerly ocimpied by Mr. S.
atiecxonison. at the head of Newgate street.
Polarities given in October. For particulars
appty to the owner. J. BRECKENRIDGE,
Newgate street. Goderich. 11.3.
Valuable Property known as the Shep-
'Ignitor, store and f'ost Moe. with quarter of
•n acre of land, is offered for sale or to rent.
Stock In store all new and fresh this year. The
proprietor has other business which will re-
quire his sole attention. Also the west half of
ot 5, con. 3. F. D. Ashfield; all new land ; two
gond arehards. two good wells, and comfort-
able frame bonne,. The lot contains 100 tierce,
of which 50 are cleared and all well fenced.
Remaining 50 sores heavily timbered with
hardwood. For particulars address: R. T.
HAYNES. Shennardt4n P.O.
50 acres, nearly free of stump). Good barn
and other buildInga. Rriek cottage with cel-
lar. Got* orchard and all well reseed. U-
t ak* of R. T. RATNER. ftlbpppardton. 1885.41.
inftnrre SALE OF LANDS.
COVETT or lleKo. By virtue of a %Vrit of
TO MIT • I Fieri Facets,. 11111111.4 0111
'Offer Majesty's Cootaty Court of the to..nty
of Huron, and to fne directed and deii.ered
against the Lands and Tenements of WIL-
at the snit of EDW.OID T1NDA1 1.. 1 hare
seised and taken in Execution all the right.
tItIs and i•terest. and equity at reelocroptian
02 Lila NY ()REY. one oe the shove nam
• defen tants In ami to that portion or tract
of land pang and heing tn the Township of
Morrie. ('*sty of Heron and Provinoe of thy-
tar).,hem( oomponed of the North half of
Nem lot nnother t.eenti one. In the tenrth
concoolon of the said Tewnstup of Morns.
ane eentalidog ono lyewirod soros of land.
more nr teas, waif+ lands and tenements 1
shall offer for nate. at my office. In the rovirt
Hous., In the Town o(Orwlerieh,nn FRIDAY.
Van at the hoer of twelve of the Hoek. noon.
Illherlfr, Heron.
°Wirt= 7arrieb.)
I068 -td
•' Tar 4.•i I eels. of Mr 15its Y. Pro-
reSaisil Ile lb* brouswg. Large SAMS*.
sloe. Weleywse by lbw Marl Tb. Mb-
telle asses -1111gtylwaybarly Ile tartans,
Insarlag- **11Inek. two *boo Vbbeselt r -
Th. Tag.( was a iimentresfel carataws
-Taw tatetlyys•na Peg yr Win.
'qui.. nay dews. •
011. Canada. 1 loe ye weal
Aldoos eon el thiere.
Wititte thy wide olookrie thieve Woe*
Nae truer Wort LIMN name .
Hut when a day like this maim mop'
Auld Medan hoe 5.weleims.
The thistle aye eon epperuseel
111 gang Law see the ypirmeta
The ninth seserl entsessaws 4 fire
tish genies undee the enepeses 4 shy ael.
.dot tan !Society was held it Lacks..
Wednesday last, the 12th AO sand asait
jtI...t successful affair The gstIsserg
was the lamest ever held se Leisinene,
and contrasted irroat,y aitb the hese
CakiLWau meettn,i held in the •tIlage in
the year 1874. Thee. sued fa or wens
years after, $300 .covered the ecru es-
pended in prizes; now the aggregated
premiums make no left • noire 1 ban $1,
300, with a teudency 1.etd1 further ins
prove. And ea with the swelling she
prize list; so it has been with the annual
attendance, until en Wednesday lest no
fewer than 11,000 peewits gathered at
the "Sepoy' villaze, to view what has
become the prenite: exhibition of Cale-
donian games on the continent of Ameri-
ca. But no; only has Lucknuw inspri.ved
its prize list and succeeded in attractiug.
Its thousands of visitors, out the Cale-
donian society has been placed on
which leaves it second to no other organi-
zation of a similar character in the wide
world. In 1881 the present park, con-
sisting uf six acres, was purchmed for
$1,100, and fitted up especially fir the
bottling of the annual games. A grand
stand capable of imacommodating 3,0)0
people, was Erected at a cost of several
hundreds of dollars ; • handsome and
commodious Cohadouian hall, octagon
in shape, and two stories high, has this
year been built, at a coat of $1,600; and
despite the -heavy outlay, necessitated
thereby,theniyet remains in the bank to
the credit of the society over $500. An-
other important matter has been taken
up by the executive, and that is tho des -
semination of useful knowledge, and to
this end a library has been established.
under Caledonion auspices, consisting of
300 volumes, with an ornered additional
itestalmeneof $100 worth now on the
way from Scotland. Two secretaries are
paid $25 for transacting society bust.less
at and anterior to the gatnes, and the
librarian is paid $35 per annum for his
aro as follows :-D. A. klacCrimmon,
M. D., chief ; Alex. 'McPherson, 1st
chieftain ; Cept. John McPherson, 2nd
chieftain ; Robt McCarroll, 3rd chief-
taie ; John Murchison, sec.; John Elliott,
asst. secretary ; D. E. Cameron, trea-
surer ; marshals -K. J. McLeod and
James Findlater ; standard bearers -A.
K. Cameron and K. Kerr ; bard, J. 1).
Stewart ; pipers -James McKay, M. D.,
and Atchie Finlayson ; games manag-
ers -James Findlater, Alex. McPheeson,
Angus McQuaig.
fur the holding of the games for .188'3
were of the most complete kind. For
months, by poster and otherwise, Luck -
now and Os northern games were kept
well before the public generally., and the
manner in which s generous response was
made frore olitaide points, showed eon=
elusively that a gocd, method for giving
publicity to the gathering had been
adopted. The society placed great faith
upon the co-operation of outsiders in
helping along their games this year, and
it is satisfactory to know that the confi-
dence so reposed was not misplaced.
opened moat propitiously, with it bright
sun and a cloudless sky, and these were
looked upon as harbingers of good luck
by the Highlanders of Lucknow, who.
even in this nineteenth oenturyi are not
averse to construe good omens at all
times and or, all occasions. By 10 e. m.
a goodly gathering of clansmen was fuel
at the Caledonian hall, and dancing and
ine-playing was indulged an for half -an
our. At . a prxeseten was orm
ed to parade the principal streets ore.
vious to the narch to the grounds. The
following was
THS ORDER or ritorsestoe.
Chief MacCrimmon.
', W. McLean, A. Kirkbride,
• J. C. Martin, Geo. Swan. -it, Hugh
Dunlop, Jai Bailey. Brussels- -F. C.
Pletcher, John Alexendar, C. L Van -
mime . D. Stirton, Guelph; Jas McMul-
len, M. P , !tient Fi west H. P.
Moan .r. M. PP . Walkerton : John
Oases M. PP Pataley . T McDonald,
=. A. P McCallum, Ltatowel
owe«, Windom, and others.
111Me ropreeeettod as Fitton& - W K.
Afildeisesia. Louden .1,frertue, ; D. Mc-
411111lossidy. T.mmoi and Husom
Owises-e .A Deaholna, Kan-
arese sfesse. 1 T H. Mitchell. Blyth
Juba Dams, Mitchell .44rocute;
IL M. Ball, Codeine& Ste. ; W. 11. C
Seen. Walkerton Herold ; J. Fleety,
.4.4seece , F. S. Scott, Brea -
W. Stuart, Winghasn Times.
1. Bryan, beeitlhow .Seetisia.
?Imre was & large esesber of
Ill14•11LANDILIV4 1,1 1 NI 1L,
aid we moaned the following . -M. J.
Haassitca ; J. M. Petersen,
Hamilton . J. M. Matheson, Mitchell ;
Ge.. Mat hes..o, Hsloilton Ceo. Rob-
etteen. Toronto : Duncan Johnson, Tor-
- \sm. Attetteem, lfamilton ; A.
MePhent, . T. Macdonald, Harry Mac•
' 'satyrs, Alex. Mactsityre, Horace Mac-
' Criesteete, Hamish Maceriannon, Alex.
I MneCnmEnon, Lizzie Macintyre, Aggie
Findlater, Lucknow; Jennie MacCritn-
I mon,Lillie Gordon, Lizzie Findlater,'Mrs
MacCrimmon, Hugh Fftidlater, Hamil-
ton ; Jenne Harriston ; Mies
Clark, Russeldale ; Calvin Sinclair, Miss.
Sinclair, Findley McGregor, Hamilton ;
Effie PolcEachern, Clifford.
were, W. McLennan, New York ; Neil
McIsme, Buffalo. N. Y.; D. M. McIn-
tyre, Brantford ; 0. A. Smith, Hamil-
ten ; H. Ross, Lake Linden, Mich.;
Jas. Moon, Hamilt on ; Gee.. Angus,
were D. C. Ross, BulTalo ; A. Scott,
Brussels ; D. M. Sullivan, Brussels ; E.
W. Johnson, Barrie ; A. Woods,,Galt ;
R. N. Harrison,Lindsay ; A. C. Reid,
Parkhill ; D. Smith, Hamilton ; Geo.
Gibbs, Wardsville ; C. Smith, Walker-
ton ; Ahby Robineon, Parkhill ; T.
Shields, Hamilton ; K. Kerr, Lucknow ;
D. 0. Camerou, Luckno* A. Doupe,
and many others.
in the different events was keen. D.
C. Ross succeeden in carrying off the
professional championship premium of
$20, and G. Perrie,of Bruseiels,was Ctill;t1-
ly fortunate in capturing the medal for
the best general athlete in the counties
of Huron and Bruce.
consaderaole excitement wad occasioned
by the fact that Geo. Matheson waa pit-
ted against the Scottish champion, SS m.
McLennan. As it was, Geordie held up
his end in richt good style, and lost
nothing by sizing himself with his re-
nowned opponent. McLennan is a very
fine dancer, and alth:,ugh only reccver-
ing from a severe illness, made* good
figure on the platform. More than one
good judge of the "light fantastic'. was
heard to say that better dancing than
that seen st Lucknow on Wednesday
last it would ice difficult to find.
which was the great event of the day,
took place shortly before 6 o'clock
The men from Bruce were marshalled
by their old captain, J. C. Currie, while
the Huron team were captained by John
McHarly. For the previous six years
the lEkVoe men had succeeded in drain
their opponents over the score, a
many opinions were risked on the result
of the " tug " this year. As the mon of
both teams stripped for work, 0 was
seen that the Bruce contingent was com-
posed largely of strapping young men of
stsong bone and evidently good wind ;
but it was also seen that the Huron re-
presentatives, although averaging great-
er age, were far heavier than their ap-
ponents, and the prevailing opinion at
once settled down to the fact that the
" tug " this year was going to be a con-
test of weight against wind. If the
Bruce men could succeed in worrying
their ()memento until the wind of the
latter gave out, the pall would, it was
believed, result tit their favor ; if, on
the other hind, tile heavy men started
off with the Bruce men from the word
" go," nothing could save the latter been
being hauled over the bonedary. The
spectators were not kept long in sue-
apence. The white knot:was placed on
the " divide " by John Drumgele, and at
the word " go," from J. D. Stewart, the
Pipers. pull began. Then 0 •vse seen thet the
Highlanders in costume. weight of Huron would prevail, fee their
Members of the Press. opponents were drawn over the score
Invited guano. with a rnah in something leen than 30
Members of Society. seconds. Then the pent t:p feelines 02
the erowd fatted vent in loud cheers,and
they who sympathised with the Heron
05 anairtyto AT TM, altOrrePe
I the games were formally opened with e
team began to look happy. The post
1Ssetch reel Is, a somber of Flplandere
'tants at once stetted ciown to the busi•
of the first In has than Blunt t ee
men from Hitron had again amnia a
Mrs. Anson Rowrian. of Aremptim, , PROWTFRIIT v farf4.110, victory, and the laurel so long held by
lady 73 years of age, haa made 2,9 I were the following From Hamilton • the Bruce inert was *nen-hest from them
tries in the fancy work department in ; Anus Sutherland, John Rodgers, Mies The following is a bet of the name. ;
the Proeinend exhibition Omith Rodgers Mn Smith. R tf Kerr R the members of the two teams
tions were then reversed and the second
in costume, and the pidges an enntes-
pull was hegmehot only to be arepetitton
_ memo( the flay A mengst the
Hutt, -P. D. Bell, D. Bell, R. Bull,
C. Niger, A. Fonc, D. Matheson. John
Dreuuan, R. McKenzie, Alex McKay,
John McKenzie, Capt. John McHardy.
Bucce. -Herry Alexander, Alex Mc -
K se, D. C oupbell, J . Ross, D. Camp-
bell, Jiesepli Alexander. Angus McLeod,
Neil McIntyre, John Hays, W. Taylor,
Capt. I. . Conte.
THS PttIZX Mei :
Quoits, open to all comers, let prize,
Silver Medal -W. MeCleyinons, 2nd 0.
' Coad, M. ;.irrigau.
Putting Heavy Stone ( Huron and
Bruce) - 1st D. M. Sullivan 34ft 3in ;
2nd 0. Perrie 34ft ; 3rd M. McClure
33ft 2in
Puitiug Light Stone -1st C. Perrie
41ft ; tod M. McClure 40ft 7in ; 3rd D.
M. Sullivan 3•Jft &n,Throwing Heavy Hammer-lst K.
Kerr 81ft ;hi ; 2nd D. Gaunt 80ft 4in ;
3n1 J. McLeod 7bft.
Throwing Light Hammer-Ist K. Kerr
lOsift 4in : 2tul D. Gaunt 101ft ; 3rd J.
McLeod 92ft 4in.
Throwing Cwt., distance -1st M.
McClure 21ft ; 2nd 0. Perrie 20ft iin ;
3rd K. Kerr 19ft 10m.
Throwing Cwt., high-lst G. Perrie
10ft ; 2nd J. McLeod 10ft 2in;
K. Kerr 9ft 9tn.
G Perrie, medal fur series
Highland Thug. open to the residents
4 the counties ot Huron and Bruce-lst
T. McDonald, 2.1 A. McPherson. H. Ross, 2d Jas. Moon,
3d G. A. Smith.
Strathspey and Real-lst W. McLen.
nan, 2d G. A. Smith, 3d D. McIntyre.
Marches and Quick Steps-lst W. Mc-
Lennan, 2i1 H. Kiss, 31 0: A Smith,
Highland Fling -Let W. McLennan,
2d Geo. Matheson, 3d G. Robertson.
(lithe Callum -1st J. Moon', 2d G.
Matheson, 31 W. McLennan.
Reel of Tulloch (Hullachan)-00 W.
McLennan, 2d G. Matheson, 31 George
Robertson. '
Highland Reel Strathspey steps
-1st W. McLennan, 2d G. Matheson,.
3d J. Moon.
Throwing Heavy Haminer--lat D C.
Ross 0911 10in • 2d D. Smith 04ft gin ;
3d J. Shields 2f
Throwieg Light Iianinter-lst D. C
124ft 10in ; 2d D. Smith,116ft bin
J. olds, 112ft lOtn.
Putting Heavy Stone-lst D. C. Roes,
38ft 91w; 2d R. N. Harrison. 38ft 2in;
3rd E Johnston, 3bft llin.
Putting Light Stone -1st D. C. Boas,
44ft 4i2d R. N. Harrison, 43ft bin;
3d B. W. Johnstob, 42ft .1lie.
'Tossing the 0abre--Lit D. Ross, 36ft
4in ; 21 E. W. Johnston, 3rd Smith and
Shields.ties. r,
Throwing Cwt-lst D. C. Ross, 24ft
5in; E. W. Johnston, 23ft 4in ; D.
Smith, 22ft.
Irish Jig Dancing, open to Irishmen
only -let E. Fisel, 2d R. Milroy, 3d J.
fleet Dressed Boy in Costume, under
10 years, presented by Grreine Came-
ron, Esq., Goderich-Ist Horace Mc-
Crimmon, 2d Colin Sinclair, 31 A. Mc-
Best Doessed Hi Wander at his own
expense -1st A. Mc hereon, 2d T. Mc-
Donald, 3d Win Aitcheson.
One Mile Race -let A. %Vote's, 21 R.
B. Robertson, 3d It B. Herman.
100 yard Race, Commercial Travellers
only-lst Rich Griffith, 2,(1Jno Stewart,
3.1 A. Taylor.
Sword Dance, lxos under 18 yore -
1st C. Sinclair, 2.1 J M. Paterson, 3d
Home MacIntyre.
Quarter Mile Race, amateur only--lst
W. S. Young, 2E1 D. 0. Cameron, 3d
- Kinsman.
Highland Fling, boys between 10 and
18 years -C. Sinclair, '2d J. M. Pater-
son, 3d H. McIntyre.
Wghland Fling, boys under 10 years
--1st C. Sinclair, 21 A. McIntyre, 3d
Horace SIcerimmon.
Best Dressed boy in Costinne, between
10 and IS years -1st H. McIntyre, 2d
J. M. Patterson.
Sailor's Hornpipe -let W. McLennan,
Id Geo. Matheson. 3d D. Johnston.
Running Long Jump-- 1st Gibbs, 20ft
4in ; 2d A. C. Reid, 20ft 2in ; 31 A.
Doupe, 20ft 1 iin.
Running High Jump -1st 0. Gibbs,
5ft lOin ; 21 A. Scott, bit gin ; 3d Me-
th -lave. 5ft Min.
Vaulting with Pole -let G.
9ft 7in ; 2.1 A. Saott, 9ft 4in ; 3d D. M.
Sullivan, 9ft.
Running Hop Step and Jump -1st G.
Gibbs, 44ft 2in ; 2d A. Doupe, 4311 lin ;
3d M Sullivan, 42ft bin.
Half mile amateur race, open to coun-
ties of Bruce and Huron -Ist D. 0.
Cameron, 2d J. Smith.
Beet Dressed Highlander at his own
expenne, open to residents of counties of
HUM% and Bruce Ist A. McPherson,
2d T. McDonald.
Hurdle Race over 6 Hurdles 1st A.
C. Reid, 2.1 A. Robertson, 3d R. B.
Herman .
Walking Match, 3 n.iles 1st J. Shaw,
2 d C. Month, 3d K. Kerr.
Scotch Wresting-lat D. C. Ross, 2nd ;
E. W. Johns.m.
100 Yards Rare amateurs only 1st
W. P. Young. ?nd O. Kerr, 3ird D. 4).
Amateur Vipers Competition, March
Strathspey and Real, - 1.1 (leo. Anew.,
2nci Hendleremi, 3r.10. McKay
alternate Jockey RAIOP - A e tteul
and A Rohertam.
Renkevs• Race, (pen to residents A
the counts*. .4 Bruce and Hurim,--let
Wellington Weikel*, Mildmay. 2n4 Clem
Seidel , loieknow
geoteh Reel by Boy. flirts
Minclair,:2 Lir oo:plineta.y
Tug of War between the Counties of
Huron and Bruce -Huron.
Henry weight chsonpionship-D. C.
Piping, dancing and Oreas-Jiin Gil-
lies, 61. E'}'., Paisley ; Henry Mizhie,
Fergus ; A. B. klcCallutn, Listowel ;
Angus Stewart, Lucknow.
Running, wreatliust, and tug-of-war -
J. D. Stewart, Hamilton ; Juhu Drum-
gyle, London ; D. McEacheru, Clifford ;
W. E. Glennie, Hamilton.
Light and heavy weights -M. McFar-
lane, Hamilton ; Archie Urquhart, Tor -
out() ; R. Copeland and T. LawretreY,
in the octagon hall in the evening was
greatly crowded. A large number of
tickets had to be returned, owing to the
fact that no admittance could be obtain-
ed. After tho concert was ended
Jehn Hunter, and family, intend go-
ing to Algoma shortly.
H. D. Rutherford & Co. intend leav-
ing Belfast about the Ist Noveniber.
Mire A. M. Whitely, daughter of R.
J. Whitely, Lucknow, was visiting in
the village last week, the guest of Mrs.
James Mullin, postmaster, has been
awarded the contract of carrying the
Belfast and Lanes' P. 0. mail for the
next four yearn
035.erich Tornihip.
Mr. and Mra McRoberts, f London
township, were visiting friends fora few
days last week.
John Bindle has bought J. Churchill's
farm ter $4,700. Poeaession lst (of Jan-
uary 1884.
Mrs. Thos. Tichborne has been on
was held, at which many enjoyed thetn- the sick list the last few days, but we
selves until long after the " wee, *ma' are glad to learn she 0 nn the road to
hour." recovery.
And so terminated theCaledunianeele- Mr.. Jelin Elliott, of Goderich, has
bration at Lucknuw for the year 1853. been the guest of her daughter, Mn.
John Cox, for the past week.
Mistress Bludgeon and „son, of Mehl -
Fall wheat sowing 0 all the go just am
;to, re the guests of Mr. Cryderan.
The Lucknow games drew many visi-
tors frons here.
The yield of fall wheat will not aver-
age more than 12 bushels to the acro.
A BAD Birx.-D. McDougall, of Salt-
fard, was badly bitten on the wrist by a
dog which he was endeavoring to lead
- -
PB11,,,/NAL kleenos. -- Miss Jennie
Carruthers has returned home from a
pleasant sojourn among friends on the
Baytield Road, Goderich township 2 con.
--George Patton, (of Garbraid, was
the whet of E. Shaw during the week,
home front the Exchange hotel. Our George likes our laky breeges and our
engineer dressed the wound with the pretty gir-•
skill of an M. D. The dog was shot. Temegmagoz SERMON. -Last Sunday
evening a forcible temperance sermon
was preached in the B. C. church by
Rev. J. Sabine. Be pointed out the
miseries of drunkenness and the benefits
of total abstinence, and urged the wear-
ing of the temperance badge boldly and
faithfully. Appropriate hymns were
sung by the choir in a very sweet man-
The recent gale is said to have made
havoc among our peach orchards.
The driver of Echlin S.: Son's separa-
tor recently declared that Leeburn was a
sleepy spotois he could only see one light
burning sa he drove through. He was
told in reply that they “doese the glim"
there as strictly at 10 o'clock at night as
if curfew rang.
Mr. Corrigan, of Kinless, paid a visit
to friends during the week.
Miss Margie O'Neil and Mrs. E.
Stotts, of Detroit, are are visiting here.
A PLEASANT TistE --There wasa sound
of revelry by night, fur the gallant
youths and fair maidetis Kingsbridge
had met at the new brick residence of
James Dalton en Thursday evening,
September 6th, to pay their respects to
the Misses McKenna, three ysinne ladies
who arrived here a short time age, but
who, by their winning ways have made
a largo circle of friends. No less than
eight violins furnished music for those
who wished to indulge in the mazy
dance. At midnight fifty -Four couple
sat down to do justice to the excellent
repast prepared by Mrs. Dalton, after
which dancing was resumed, and con-
tinued until Old Sol began to show ap-
pearance of rising in the east, when the
party dispersed to their homes.
- ,
Miss Lina Johnston has embarked 011
the matrimonal sea with a Detroit gentle-
man. We wish her a calm voyage and
safe harboring.
Another new and youthful arrival is
reported. He is a guest of Alex Mo.
Murchy, under whose hospitable roof he
will doubtless find a pennanent abode, as
Mac speaks of him in tones of affection
and love.
W. Ogden line purchased the black-
smith shop and dwelling at Starvation
from W. McBurney for $1,000, the pos-
session of which he gets on the lat
Oct. Ho is an energetic young man,
and deserves success.
Mrs. Ellen Ralph, of Goderich, has
engaged for next year with the trustees
of S. 8. No, 12, Ashfield, at a salary of
$323 itiiiedet to fill the- which
will be occasioned by the resignation of
Mr. McLean. We can recommend her.
Mrs. Harrivan, formerly tenant of the
Royal Hotel, has purchased it from the
proprietor, Mr. James Steele, if Seaffirth,
for $1,600, Wu
e nderstand that Mrs.
H. gives general satisfaction to the i
travelling public.
Jas. Young is building a frame resi•
denim seljoiniug MnMrs Vnne's millinery
and dressmaking establishment.
The Cood mv
Tempters- have decided to
hold an open lodge on Friday evening
of next week. Rev. 0. E. Smith will
deliver ati addreas.
dm. Quigley captured sone) ;,f the
finest black hose lam week that have
been Liken here this semen. [mac
Walton has mime earnest followers here.
both inele and female.
W. fa Mitehell has removed his stock
of IMIMI.11. to the she to lately ec-
cupied by Sir Willem ite it tinshop,
where he, will carry on nosiness for the
f ut ere.
We had a very heavy frost here on
Howley night holt which has done %great
dial of damage It is feared the snrn
enip is completely destroyed, also
heck wheat. Carden stuff, such se co
COM hget, toIntitoel, &e . IWO also spoiled.
The job foe cutting and grading the
at the poet office) - as let hy auction on
Tagoday, by r.esd I OMNI Mail ,Thare tliheon
7 and Girton The work was knocked
lot t
down to MI Oillespie his tender of
1.1110 *124.440 twine invest rhpeople ni
.1 •
The slumbers of that guardian of the
peace, our local constable, aro muck -im-
proved by the comfort of a handsome
new quilt, made at his residence lately
by a bevy of young lather.. A social hop
hell after the task was completedwas
much enjeyed, some 1,1 the irrepressible
bachelors putting in an appearance. D
Healy, of commercial street, drew the
music out of the violin, and during the
evening the Highland fling was well
rendered tit,- Peter Stewart.'
Messrs J. and R. McKenzie of this
vicinity, whose challenge for tea -cutting
appeared in THE SPINAL two . weeks ago,
feel con. laced that they hold the leading
position for pea -cutting in the County,
as their challenge WAY not accepted by
any parties in the lest week's issue. It
was, however, somewhat mewling to see
the manner in which the redoubtable
'Miyweed- broulit forward tha name.,
cf two young men from I2eeburn, assert-
ing that their record for pea -cutting was'
better than that of the Kintail boys, but
being afraid to back up the assertion by
accepting the Kintail challenge, he
chooses rather to blow up a flimsy bub-
ble, 11 making the separate challenge of
cutting and binding five acres ef oats.
It is quite perceptible that this was
nothing but a blustering way of evading
the original challenge. A person would
readily ctone to 'either one of the follow-
ing conclusions, 1st, that the two tnefl
f Lee hu r n were of raid t o accept;
straightforwardly, the challenge tho
Kilned bnye, or, 2ndly. that this won-
deiful "Meyweed" still continues all
amazioely green, that lie doesn't know
the difference between pea -cutting and
harvesting oats. Meligra J. and R. Mo-
Kenz,e say they are prepared to aocopt
Memo Frazer and Chisholm's challenge
or. condition that they come to Kifitail
to have the match, where suitable ar-
ronsoments can be uncle any day nex
"Thr Lauf Yawl." rte.
The remark sometimes attributed to
Sir George Cartier, that the last shot
tired in Canada for British connection
would he fired by a French Canadian,"
was not made by Sir Georze Cartier at
all, but hy Sir Etieune Tech's. The
nearest thins( said to it hi. ser George
Cartier was that he was "an Englishumut
speaking French.- These French -Cana
itt to'ditieirtns say to few tellies worth
preserving that it is as well, when one
of them (beet score a happy let, to give
him credit for It, and not to mix it up
with somebody else's. -[Toronto Tele
A feature of the strand army encamp
ment at Princittnn, N J,, %Vikings
day, was a sham battle. In the excite
Enent of the fight veterans became reek
lem and used tliei, weapons st clime
nneriers k large flambe! were wound -
ml. Thirteen applied to the surgeen for
aid; meat el them will be around setheir
sr,' drove& Three or foul- are
in heeptnt'
Pertienlots received ef the alleged
cites or disease among Canadian cattle
imported into England show that the
largish authnrities were hasty and thee
the slaughtering that took plat'. wasi s.
necessary The animals were entirety
free from disease except very few,
1 whose blood was a tribe heated by the
,2 the rove'''.