The Huron Signal, 1883-08-03, Page 66 I '*Ip '!tl Avot 000, tem i y, v ..' f tsi1^ THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIAY. AUG. 3. 1883. the Poet's torneP. "Info/ waw Mule." 1 fast yuan wall mounted ones. 10a t1ttyJe r h. sand), The air was Wok with ovule lotemohe.) ?hat clustered roetid his head. O1 Mew bls7 said 1, "Sew may yes be r "Sew maty! Bev coves," he said Mew"titer's& taolnd ms." "Azad where .re they, foray you Mir Re answered. "Haven were we." Bat two oil us collided. teal. And .aassked machines, el' you see i • AM one who on the footpath reds, Wis nailed by the polio. ; AM one rods back to his abode To study **Ancient tire...." "What happesed to the other two That you are here alone r "Why one of them rat o'er • dog. Aad se set badly thrown." "And nae got down to hare his beer. And said he thought he'd stay. It I would cell for him agate. Upon my homeward way." "Why, then. of o.urse. you're Daly one. By the amount you ve give." "That's where your wrong. old man," be said. 1 tell you we are serves." "But what with accident* and doge Police and beer" said I. S"Yoar meet now numbers one alone." "New then." mid he, "yen Ile" And then be turned and rode away, As quickly as might be. I yelled fall loud. "You're only one." He bellowed, "Seven are we." -{Ex. A ledera Table. The Early Peach came te a place where • four roads met. He slapped his chest lath his stem and looked to the east and to the south.. "Bisinillah ! ' he cried,"I am the boss, and I drive the ambulance." The little Green .kpple carate down the long road from tin west and heard him. He bowed to the north and he bowed to the west. "I am the son of the cyclone," he shouted,"and I travel with my ownprivate coroner." "By the camel of Mahomet," said the Early Peach. ''I am the friend of the sexton, and I can knock you out in four rounds, Marquis of Tewksbury rules. "Come to the wake," shrieked the tittle Green Apple, "and you may call • me tat^ harmless isawylaw of the wilder- ness if I colo it d wblc up the ratan who planted }pot." Then they looked down the four long read+and wilted for someone to practice on. num the e.►et came a fair young girl frun> V,sssar College and up from the south came a gray-haired -African. "Take you the fair student," s lid the Early Peach: "Nut I,' said the little Green 'smile, "1 .1; Lt't come here to attempt iuhpu.si- '.ilite . For nearly ten years that girl has set at surreptitiousntidni•..ht lunches; she t:as lot oken up a score of Toung men .with Iter ice-cream bills, and still she is huu_1;,.. But I will stand axile ai,d give •you 'i chance at the African." I ata not on the suicide lay this nnauing," said the Early Peach. "1 knew hitn,nnd already since yestc- even's sun there have reposed beneath his un- •..ub'ed vest a perk and a t'alf et` my brethren and be is even now famished. 1 l is kn n•n as the destroyer of water- me:•v= and r'! mo tribe fear him. a'talt i+ great, but some tl 'igs •re ^u- p..ssii.b•.' •!1,ee let ill Any jecoi,l;• lrtss by uti- l-1m..lathe old, th.o tough, the wary and the w !1 s tsousl. Ilut wt : tt• • day s f•- s;ee:,t. coif ',it; down the long r•n 1 11.....1 t t west, they saw a 1 ubhy , '.'.r 11r1•1e and joy of h a hoose and the t..,u l:' of ' ' t 'he \\ r'stlin•; a omen • r :ni`t,l:ty he 'tame, ' 's face as elm%'ng west, ' • • h "rt as lit t' 'ale•town. Ile v t!I Jlr meat. ;,I' and the little Green •• tt.•:h -•rd breathed hard TSI BULA[I R FURDIACR. The Peeper T,estm.st .r Little tWdres. Th. weather has been pretty warm for sometime past and we expect a few.petle of tropical haat before the end of August. It is well to take thinks as easy as one ou and to prepare fur these outbursts The following report of the Sanitary Commit- tee of the New York Board of Health upon sunstroke is approved and publish - yid by the Board. They apply herr : Sunstroke is caused by excessive hest, and especiallylif the weather is "muggy.' It is more apt\ o 000ar on the second, third or fourth day of a heated term than on the first. Loss of sleep, melte- meat, *lose sleeping rooms, debility, abuse of stimulants, predispose of it. It is more apt to attack those working in the sun, and especially oetween the hours of 11 o'clock in the morning and 4 in the afternoon. On hot days wear thin clothing. Have as 000l sleeping - rooms u possible. Avoid loss of sleep and all unneceeasry fatigue. If working in -doors, and where there is artificial hest—laundries, etc.—see that the room is well ventilated. If a feeling of fatigue, dizziness, headache or exhaustion occurs, mess work immediately, lie down in a shady and cool place ; apply cold cloths to and pour cold water over head ani neck. If anyone is overcome by the heat, send immediately for the nearest good physician. While waiting for the physician give the person cold drinks of water or cold black lea, or oold coffee if able to swallow. If the skin is hot and dry sponge with or pour cold water over the body and limbs, and apply to the head pounded ice wrapped in a towel i r other cloth. If there is no ice at hand, keep a cold cloth on on the head, and pour cold water on it as well as on the body. If the person is pale, very faint and pulse feeble, let him inhale ammonia tor slew seconds, or giro him a teaspoon- ful of aromatic apirits of ammonia in two tablespoonfuls of '-:►ter, with a little sugar. ' ,'.1RE Or INTANTS. The new board of health publishes the annexed rules for summer in regard to the nursing of infants. Goderich moth- er.' can read them with profit: (eeer-feeding does more harm that• aay thing else,: nurse an infant a month or two old eveif two or three hours. . • Nurse an infant ot six anon ala and over five times in twenty-four hours, and no more. If an infant is thirsty give it pure water oar barley water; no sugar. ' On the hottest days a few drops.o" whiskey may be added to either wale: or fo..d ; the whiskey not to exceed a tea- spoonful in twenty-four hours. Lt relation to the feeding of infants the Boar' advises : Bo ' a teaspoonful of powdered bar'o'i _uui:d 'i coffee grinder) and one half pint of water, with a little •alt, for •tif- teen minutes ; strain. then mix it with half as unuch"boiled milk), add a lump . f white sever, size if a walnut, and give it lukewarm fur a nursing bottle Kcei, brittle and mouth piece in a bowl of water when not in use, to which a little soda may be added. For infants jive ur six months old, give half barley water, and half boiled milk, with salt and a lump of sugar. For older infants, give more milk than 1 barley water. For infants ve../ costive, give oatmeal. instead of barley. Cook and strain as before. When your breast milk is only half enough, change off between breast milk and this prepared food. In hot weather, if the blue Minna paper applied to the fo• '. to .s red, the God is too acid, and you must make a fresh mess or add a small pinch of leek - soda. Infants of s''z months tray 1•Ave, beef tea or beef soup once& day by itself or mixed with other food, and when ten or twelve months tlld a crest of br^Ad and a piece of rare beef to suck. No child under two years ought to eat at your table. Give no candies—in fact, nothing that is not contained ;n these rulei without a doc,or's order. The Board thus refer to sun--ner com pia- t : It comes from overfeeding and hot and foul a''•. Keep dot,.. aid windows o en. Wash your c1'Idren well with cool water twice a day or ouener in tato hot ''\.,Iv''they shrieked, aid Fvid with to • • y •sert ely sprung upon him. •, r, , sL.. , r Stu' tl.'-t bey had niacin o1..'. i, d he ^^ached ..gel at the "oitoody," he n.. 1;.3. I 1 ' ':e' 1.nowc:1 1 " t 1 a b 'tel of then, fel- lMFir .c t -:•117e a r.•',tke i is.. ' With :; h,.11 •;r gr e.►n ''1e '•'tle Gmr.:n apple rt': he : ,.t'f ...y slept soundly all c•sp 1- tti n -1 BWSaTNIARTB AND WIVES TM Swoosh .s Mases Deasy Warner as tats deem .f as 1-t,—as al.wnle.. At the Army of the Potomac reunion in Washington, Charles Dudely Warner, is responding to the toast, "Sweethearts and Wives," spoke in part as follows: This is an exeelleut and venerable toast. I have no doubt it could be found deposited ander the foundation stone of one of the oldest ezistiag monuments in the world—that to Washington, over yonder. It 'sold, bat it will be new and fresh long atm the Washington moss - meat is finished. 11 is one of the most Fngenions sintimenta ever devised by levsalve man. Its origin is lust in the mists of antiquity, but it was no doubt concocted before latch -keys were Invest- ed. "Sweethearts and Wives." la that '•and" a ooajunctive or disjunctive con junction ? It suits both. It° suite the convival hoar of the banquet, and it will s pass muster ander aoeitic inspection, at any hour of the horning. It may mean, for the worldly moment, that there are sweethearts and there are also wives, and it may mean, when it most, in the hour when an amount has to be given of the deeds done here in the ban- quet, that sweethearts and wives are the same persons. Its an honored toast, being usually kept, like good wine, till the last. It is not necessary, in the presence of the Army of the Potomac, that I should appear as the eulogist of woman." She is indeed beginning to speak for herself, and 1 ant expecting the day when she will begin to speak for us, when she will do man some slight justice for the little part he has played in his history. She knows all about it ; she reads him like the alphabet. She knows just when he hAs been false and when true, when his bravery was genuine, and when it was from the fear of being called a coward, when be has been a pretender, and when he has been a hypocrite, when he has been so loyal that she could worship him without aflutter of reservation, and love hint without a blush ; she has studied hint, and kept all these things in her heart. She has shed tears enough over hills to wash away all his sins—to float hila into heaven. If he cud go there hy•water. She has Nattered hits until his head touched the stars. She has strengthened his hea+i't, and sent him out it:to the world with a shield and the in- jeott;on nut t• return without it unless he ah:s Lorre up.en it. She is always wil- ing to hold out a light. by which he can swim across the river to her, and Ler smile is always worth the swine. She is always ready to pray him out of any mis- chief she has enticed him into. She will make a man of hien if anything' in this world can. Her conatancy is a proverb; she is the one thing that it never. twice the sante, and that never changes ; the object that man can confidently tie to. She is our national motto pereonitied— intinite variety in unity. What she was yesterday she will not be tomorrow, and she was not the day before ; she is ever- lastingly the same. \\ .Int she was t.. tine soldier of the % my of the Potomac I need not say, whether she remained at home to sew for hint and pray for 1 ',I, or followed hill] afield with lint awl bandages, or went about in h.e petal+ It. the garb of a stint with the sniffle •' of „iiii..1, the pic- ture of self sacrifice. to ..iso 1.' n for his mother." lf••w her .e itri.•tivu and gen- ius for prgai ' '•;on .shoo,• not h • t Iv'eat atony ahe created, second only in im;,or•..n.v to the a..uy in the field, n-hicit c u• .1 for the v...uu.led and sick. \Preen sot .ere br'artoing in your Mind the cost of a spring bonnets r•tl 100:J regal ias, .1 e,ii,'iitb err that it was ) merican women w•!o, dev'at-d and executed the gr:ntettaileviiati,aiever knot f.,r the miseries of war. Did she mikeany less sacrifice than yon, patient ' i hot bendy home, keeping up her cou.age and yours! I neo 1 not any how you thought of her constantly and of her pride 1t1 you, and you ()entire to play the man p .ly for her sake—swcethea . or 'f h • - and res* ret! on. Yrr' Owe a'xl first in the . ' t thinkint of you,and the tho••-ht 'tat •he world wecp with joy' , yo'1•• vi j wet the -wee' ••st t'•" in it. G.si h' '.• • ' how she stood by you, and was proud of you, and Iovt.d you. 1►h, find •••' '•• what was t' ere , lif • so sweet ! But 1 am not, hers ;.o F 's^ women or thee ; the Pttowae; only to kir* you 'tswet•t1et s n' w'res"—a avast 5 to war. Never neglect l.xesene"s of the bowers that t an •fent ; consult the fam''y or die- , h • •• •• kl ; a w..'e °s 1 otter ; beat ''Ack '',e y to pc' 'at y i 1,y•iciau at c.nce, and h't 1- 't 1 is sr, 3t' : l w' "o is • ••,e flurlin�,nn Ilawkeye. 1 give you rules about .rttt it should take e n.1 how it shout he nursed. Keep your rooms as sol as ptmible, have them 1 - • ' w:11 rent '+ted and do not allow any bad smell to come from s• ks, privies, gar- bage boxes or gutters al out the house when yon live. ,'tee t1"! your Iowa lips meats are right, and comp'"int to the Board of Health, if the neighbor• howl is offensive. Where : 't infant is cross and ' :table '' the hot weather. a trip .'n t'te water ' do it a great deal of coo(' and may pro cat ('tolesa infest- ! tram. Metes roamers remiss. There is something amusing in the an- oounceawot just made that "The South Dublin Union has consented to ,the sat. gration of eighty workhouse inmates to Canada." One might almost be led to supfrom this that the people of Can- ada as been making trestle demands to the uth Dublin Union to consent to these workhouse inmates taking their de- parture, and that, like Pharoah of old, it had hardened itseart and would not let them go, but heart relented and gave its consent. • This, however, is hardly the case. Canada has not been clamouring for workhouse inmates, and would not be in the least danger ot breaking its heed, if not anotheri pauper came this way. If the South Dublin Union imagines that Canada works itself into a state of wild enthusiasm over the accession of a few pauper emigrants, it makes a vary gnat mistake. This coun- try has its hands full in looking after its own poor without being burdened with the poor of another hemisphere.-(To- rento Telegram. Kicking Bosses. The following testimony is of sumo value : "I beg to inform you that I have used Dr. Dow's Sturgeon Oil Lini- ment for the past two years, and I hare cured scratches in homes and lameness caused by one hares kicking his mate and I an cheerfully recommend the Lini- ment as being the best I ever used. Hoping you will meet with s good mle for the above, I remain, yuan truly JAS. AILMSTIoNo. Huntley, Ont. • ..1 Capta;n Webb which n a '0 'moping into the !Ie at •amar Itussia, o f n.l officer, and sat ig r • -'to h•ttl fallen over - ha been one of r 's '- vet s' ice. The C..1 r-'eef. f of the great p.ew(r of Jim over ere.). ki;.tt of by the use of a 10 cent nc re•luirea no ',offline ; • Ila its nu .1 it,, •. 1: can- : it is a comhination of the t' It , . I flit ? sin subduing retne'lier . • . :: edic•wl science. Nerniline is r lid in ette,..,nl .,r iutt•tnal phi T. - the great remedy. 10 cent ttt:,: 1 \:"'. .:,'a ' rgerIs,ttica21 t, Dr Carson's Si. ,end, hitters remove Constipation, relict•o Ihrziness, d ispel Si •k 11( wheelie, rah dish Bilic urnces, and re;ul:,to the''4'•ona.•h, Liver end Tbow- oele Po • a'l kinds . t '1. Poisson's \era i- ''ne is the most efficient and prompt re - wady ' i e •tenoe for neuralgia. Iumba- stmt, and headache. For into... 1 use. it t n•' equal. Relief in flee r -tut may he obtained from 1e -: t any , of the following complaints, t• ,C .saps in the stover ch, chills, flatulent paws. , Bea -a 10 cent sample bottle of Ne.. " es at Jr nee Wilson's drug store u.d feat the great remedy. T _„e' ,t.' 23 cents. mid lt.snw re- .1. Are you troubled with Salt Rheum, Rough Skin, Pimples or Canker Soave ; if an, go st once to Geo. Rhyn: Prog Store and get apackage .1 McGregor A Parke's Carbolic Cerpte. t Price 25 cents It was newer brown to fail. 2 CIGARS. CIGARS. IMPORTED AND DIOMESTIC THE BEST ASSORTMENT IN TOMIN A full line of all the Leading Pateit Medicine* always kept on iliand (Physicians Prescriptions a Specialty.) These are solid Wafts. The best blood purifier and system re- gulator ever placed within the reach of suffering humanity, truly is Electric Bit- ers. Inactivity of the Liver, Biliousness Jaundice, Constipation, Weak Kidneys, or any disease of the urinary organs, or whoever requires an appetizer, tonic or mild stimulant, will always tind Electric Bitters the best and only certain cure known. They act surely and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to give entire satisfaction or money refundea. Sold at fifty cents s bottle by J. Wilson. [4] One to six lottlea of "FOUNTAIN oy HEALTH"—by cleanbing the blond, i,tt- proving the general health, and fortify- ing the system against taking fresh adds —will in all cases relieve, and in most cases cure ordinary Catarrh. ' GEORGE =ATM BLAKE'S BLOCK, THE SQUARE BOOTS&SHOES IDoe'vr.rriixsg 3Z Wed.d up ,Seg t. announce to the Public that the have opened business in the above Ston in the store Lindy occupied by Horace Newton, • Having purohaaed a large end well assorted stock of Spring and Summer Goode at close figures, we are deters fined to give the Public the benefit. QUICK SILKS & STILL PROIITS WILL BE OUR ETV,. 1),• not attempt to remain over night wi•hout a bottle of•Dr. Rorke' El•:set of \\'ild Strawtrerry--near at hand. This is the season for l:.,we! Complaints,Ctlic Cholera Mor:.us, etc.. and the remedy above named is the unfailing s;•ecitic.; 2 LADY ltsatmriElt . --Ladies, you can- not make fair•- skin, rosy cheeks, and sparkling eyes Oath all the cownetics of France, or beautifiers of the wored, while in poet health. slid nothing *iib give always on hsn 1. ash you such rich LI a"d,g ,.-i t.oalth,strength paid for old iron. and beauty as II •1• Hitters. A trial is e •rtain pro•)f.. jilt -Please call and examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere. gar Remember the plane, next door to J. Wilson's Drug Store. 'Custom work will receive our special attention. , None but the best of material used and Yrs, -clone workmen employed. fa—Repairing neatly done on the shortest notice. Goderich, March 9, 1118''2. DOWNING & W E D D U P NEIN ARRIVALS SPRING &SIMMER GOODS s co1cEli1ift Insb & Caiiathau TweedN HIGH J U :TLOP_ 4 TO THE FARMERS OF THE CUNTY OF HURON GENTLEMEN,—By request of a large number of the yeomen of the County we haw decided to manufacture RICA -PIN dND MOWINC3 "mss 033.1NEB, in connection with our Plow business for the year 1863, which for material and workmanship will be second to now. . Do not give your orders for reapers or mow- ers until you we those manufactured by us. %Vs will attend all the spring fun in County• which will give this farmers a good opportunity to inspect our machines. We- will warrant cur unsehihea to do as good w•)rk as any other rma•le. We will al- so hoc • ns,, brr of goo�l LAND r't.OLLERS, for the Spring trade COOSINC3 STOVES will be sold cnaap for cash. or be exchanged for w.sxl. Cash ' tEEAMILI.ER & CO. G.slerich Foundry. One of ot:r bee- citizens w.•,tl t say to i -- —T - the publi: that he has tried Hall's Ca- 1 1•1 ! tarrh Cure, and itis all that is 'claimed for it. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by Geu. 13hynas, sale a,e it for Gude- rich. 3m : No household should be considered complete without a bottle of Dr. Van Buren's Kidney t'ure is in the closet. It is the only remedy that wit. ositively, permanently and promptly cure all forms f kidney diseases. Sol 1 • by J. Wilson '2 m Cavo,LE.E. -_Y uau.e well known in minectien with the Hair Renewer, which emotes _fey lc.ir 1., it. ii,,trr31 col,r by A few wey'ss ;•. ..,;,; at :,•> crt,ta per bosh• by Jan:,•. \i::t3:' . 2in >, RF:w Ant) ' ii 1 ,.e ; "TE.te►at- 1:1"' any un.: •!.,tt:t_ the hest four line rhyme on ' .:c;aa:•v'.'• the' restrk-able little gem for the l'ee:h :"ed lino. Ask your .irul_est it,. \,tel Que•tter• :: mak the loo s' 'oiiueut physician 1)f any seSool, whit is the i,est tat ig in the *ol'd for quieting and allaying all itri:ation of the naves and curing all forms of aorto ii couuplaints, giving natural, childli's,e refresh' tg sleep al- ways ! And they will tell you enlie$itatingly "Soule faint of Hops.' . HArTrw 1. Ask any or all of the nest eutiumut physicians : "What is the best and 1 h that can be relied on to c on y remedy 'ire a” air 'fret Fl R O Zai 'T AGAIN ARRA HA.M SMITH CALLS ATTENTION TO THE FOLLOWING AArA LARGE A$SOitTM)!CT. AND THE LATEST DESIGNS.1E1 CLOTHING ATA FINE ASSORT IN ENDLESS VAItIETY.I' l'RNISHING GOODS IIA T`' te• 'ALL THE LATEST STYi.ES. L1� I.-, ANI) F:VEIIY SI%ETe1 td &I I. PATTERNS. d1Aai) A FIT GUA;E Ull IN (Oi tt \TEED :+u M) SALF:.111. CLOTH 3 E VT C+ODDS, NEW PRICES. CHEAP FR CASH. Seeds; Seeds, Seeds. SAMEs c:NAIR, TETE BDEDSD2AN- \t-i'aes to thank the-.ublle for past patrol .Aga and would' inform ihrm flat lie4has now ot. hand the LARGEST AND BEST STOOK -.OF' FIELD ANIS. Gt RBEN SEEDS from, two• most reliable firms In Ontario, which be is prepared to sell at a price as low t.s any other reliable house. Amongst the specialties in potatoes are the "New Blush," "Early Sun- rise.' "Beauty of Hebron." and "Late naso " The sure auccess to farming and gardening la good cultivation and good seed. .1ak for the Most yarletics. inspection invited. 8 call wlwcital. Flour and Feed kept conataxily on sale. JAS. 21(NAlit, the Sivas:tan. of the kidneys and urine.,' ori,.ina : such Bri•;ht's diserse, d'•alx•tes; retentionr�j1j�� r inability to retain urine, :cul r't the t$LILIa , diseases and a"manta peculi it to Wo- men" - And they will tell you explicitly and emphatically "Ruche." Ask the same physicians "What is the most reliable and surest cure for all liver diseases or dyapopsia ; constipation, indigestion, billi"usneea, malarial fever, ague, &c.," and they.will tell you "Mandtake : ',r Dandelion 1" !fence, when these remeree are cos- h tied wish others equally valuable And e•anpoundo Ito flop Bitters, aft,11 a [Concluded next week.] 1m lgl�ccltural Liiplsiuent Ianufacturing Colpany SMOKE TWIN -NAVY THE SkG lOCT PLUG iLIM TTED 3102A1\TZJTAC.:TTTRERS OF Reapers, Mowers, Binders 85 Threshers. Moe the D•aninion Separator before you purchase. The Easiest !bantling, Simplest and most durable machine in the market. LIN" E A. 43— IN 91." 11. Address at Once OrICORG-IC ROeB, General Agent. Ooderlclt Art Balm ill Wall Papers. Now is the time. ,t yon wish one or two MCP rooms at home, t. ace Putter's room paper He ha. over 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs Beautiful colon, and at priers tete than very much Inferior goods. Ca:1 and 11v3 them the) are the beat violable town. and must be sold. �Thc I4a1sl Spring Bazaar PiIEII1S and FI%shiHs, At B T.TT ..i=='e