The Huron Signal, 1883-08-03, Page 3• Farm and tbaraen. Fres the It u. atm uwlun. An I..wn tnr.uer ghee hu t zp.erience of feeding oats to stows teat .stater. The flow of 1611111 was a Mush a. in Julio. aid the butter was, if peeetele, better that' when thcowe were fed ,•u atria. There one thing of ;rester v. due to the b r of thoroughbred cattle than a herd -look, and that is *capacity tt,, study snhnals themselves. The beet test, of an animal u not the record of its tim- ely blood. By heavy manuring, deep plouilnui, � and the turning under of vegetable m.o. ter, we guenl against the worst effects of drought Crops en heavily toauorud land will thrive in times of .inonlht when crops on adjeitsine plots wit fur tibiad will die, er 'o .ly make fern'• growth. Black ants have a sweet [...Ali f..r the aphis that is se destructive tee the ItAvus of the rosebud and .other th.wu.ing shrubs aid vines. Fur this plusses it would be useful to cultivate the friend- ship of back acts, mato. of ins tunny people do)exterminating their with coal oil or boiling water. The hay and clover true throtigl out Ontario is one of the heaviest th ./ has been grown for many year, ler lues there is a change in the wr•slh.'r of t. u past mouth farmers w II be driven t., their wit's end to sive it. Owing te the rsnkt:e s of the clo.er, ep •citlly fine weather is heeded for the eunne of it. The horse that every wants is the horse that suits the rind, the treek • the le park, the family and the farm. He is the ideal horse in size, odor, beauty and disposition. He is the horse that fills al the places where horses a -u aeede.l in our industrial pursuits, and dome tic necessities and enj ,y.neits. He is. in short, the horse that is ge11d for twenty years ; and to get hits breeders must aim at 'developing the while horse, not any /penial feature. The beat time for cutting gnus intend• ed for fodder is doubtless the tune of flowering. The aacchariue juice's that go to, develop the seed are then in tae stalk and leaves, a.ud the gross mown in this stage is necessarily succulent and palatable. Whether it 'scut high or law depends on nature of the ground. As a rule, timothy should not be cut lower than three inches ; i( shaved close it is likely to be burnt up, and the roots de- stroyed by exposure to the sun. In thew days of the free use of P.ris Green and utter poisonous substances for the destruction of insect pests, care needs to bet taken that wells or springs are not contaminated. A heavy rain shower following he ca applications tions the of thepoisons may water supply of the farm and result in the ices of bun an or animal life. There is the same risk in the use of commercial fertilisers, and one of our exchanges gives an account of the death of a young man horn this cause. lance business is done by fernier. in the neighborhood of Port Hope is grow- • ing peas for seed... That locality has been for several years the favored one Or, of seedsm.n, and great care is taken to 4 prepare the ground and cultivate the crop. But this year is is feared that the labor has been spent for naught. The heavy rains o1 June have done great in - juts, and it is doubtful if a quarter crop will be reaped. We hear of one farmer who has seventy acres ' under peas for seed, and it is almost completely ruined by the rains. Saab Meese, la PIItaeas. Joliet ism ounsidersbti, city is llliuvis, with severalrolling u1a111•6sl nines Ilaatni • facturind establishnsaits. The papula- tion is mostly Irish, Americium ewuiug nest in uunlber, with a *tamale* of Oerulaus. Seine years ago is heel the a'Me of uwit,g a hurl driekiate city, but now it hs. quite a drtferwlt reemaliuu. It is and that temperance urpuisatiorls alt .lig the Joliet Irishmuen and high licence have wrought the ehralte- Mo than a year.agu.thae city tveici. adopte4} WOO, Dash in. advance, as the price of a license to soil intoxicating liqu n iia hotel•and selsutm. The thing w.•rkel well Witt tt wes.rwulred to to a step furtliu-. The Irish iteined with the Atnet-icsus..1 Joliet its electing a high licence payer ahJ uuuaeril by an immense majority; and recently the lit -once passed an ordinance, making tile' license fee $1000, without a oral oI abatement in fsveer of beer & o.i * either. The re- sult so far has been a still further weed- ing out of the w'.n-t saloons, the au(viva) of the Fittest otily. and apparently a greet seduction era the amount of drink - .ion.•. t)tttsw, another Irish demo- crat',: team u. Ilii.tou, has now taken the ere ■tepeAer Juliet with a el50O lic- e ice by-law. No distihetioii is made to favour of beer •aloins. Over the border high :icease is evidently "marching on." Whitt n onld Toronto saloon -keepers say bo litwmise fees of five hundred or a thous - 'find dollar* It may be added that high license laws in the west differ conaidenbly. In Ill- inois ail licenses hereafter for the sale of spirits and vines are to be granted on the payment of $500 a year, and fur beer $t50. This is a state tux only, munici- palities having the p,wi•r of chanting what local license fee they please besides, or of prohibiting the traffic altotether. The Nebraska law puts the fee in cities of a certain grade at $1000 and at $500 for all other places. The law of Iowa permits towns to fix the amount, sud there is no uniform rule on the sub- ject. In some places it is as kw as $75* and is other places as hioh as $1000, while there has been a large increase in Or average amount throughout t he state, and a considerable reduction in the nuin• her of liquor sellers—(Ex. THE HU ROI; MEL, FRIDAY AUG 3,J$'. repelar Mate et Sae Mas• The advanced state of civilinelitee. to wkioh • great 1 urtiun of this we'- ( has attained, more especially the oeatevatit of North Anion s, hes developed aayr- sure in vocal sud instrumental tux tie that holds sway over almost every house- hold. Su much w is the deemed. fec musical instruments at the present that numerous large ht./Awies have bees emoted, tilled with machinery, .e d af- fording employment to thumbed. of skilled workmen. Thew faetesiee see distributed throughout the length aid br eelth of the land, bringing their pm- dudit within easy access at Hand/aerial which they control for a menet. The popular taste demands,.tbe vise of musical instruments for accswpl!nei tat the voice as well as for ittatinimeatal solos. I'aterfamilies, yes, and the ma- ternal guardian of the hometarchouteer- sible of slid as much delighted ua dieser tug tv the vocal efforts of time, eleiWron, as when being treated the ;post brilliant iustruuneetsl solea nuatejswl easter the tuition of a teacher Into the home circle tie, Wu frequently intro deced the popular scales of the day, metintutital and cousicyd. Aimee alto- gether free from ditbeuit passages, and easily interpreted hy a.:uuug performer, they are presented to.the social aawtnbly with a sweetness or *. vim according to the nature of the selection. Father and mother applaud, anti by their manner of appreciation rein. AA. from their children that sensitivenera.whicb should aver be treated with medal judgment in the charmed internee of a home. Of the sent''aen'•d songs published at the present titres, there can be little said in disparagement, as far as the effects which they produce in the minds of the performers aid listeners are conce. ned. In all probability,—and the judgment of those pawns more immediately Interest- ed go a lung way to prove the assertion, —the popular aenti•itental songs of the day bring more pleasure to the great mass of the people than could be aoaorn• plished by compositions more ditticvit to render. Undoubtedly t'le style at pres- ent in vogue will give place in a few years to another chits of music. Query: Will the general system of teaching wusic also be changed ; will the scholar be more thoroughly drilled in the rudi- ments before being permitted to take his first "piece T' df such a change should be made in the next few years, then will the class of music now flooding the mar-, ket be conligned to pulp, and a style more thoroughly 'n taste with the talent. el musician spring 'tato vigorous grov ,h that wi'1•relu-e an extended period to pass before deterio. atiou once more, ever, ereues. The popular co:nic songs of the dry r -e innumerable. The uajo..ty are enwor- thy of publi ition and should bo confin- e t to the place from whence they u.:gi rate : the variety stage. Eve , va..ety theatre has its patrons ; let its patrons enjoy themselves with the amusement offered thein, but re•r sin satisfied with ink amused by the actors. Unit) • un- ately, however, the song of the va .ety theatre, given v tai a •iness that e . the audience int() a feeling of ecstasy of delight, are '.ed through the publish• ing house, tl -et i broad st on the world,d d t be found in 3 BOOTS AND SHOES Il�itone has sail: w hstever I matey � The Glee* Ise-e/S• th telt of the pursuits e1 industry and I At the Oldest Established Shoe Store in Tows, scist•ee, and.of the triumphs end glories; • of sat, I do not munition an of there Das E for alleviatiut as the reek tic 1101 ess V•a^'� etT, .... g spec -the.aorrows of human life and encounter i Ma the evil whirl deface the world.o� ti suit the most fastidious and sk most ecemomie buyer 1T lam asked what a the remedy for their Fv1 `( deeper sorrows 4 Me huwaa heart, what geese through his as the power that is :. lea r'aw seomple.t, and I ta.s.p!eadere in infermiag ley customers that at no pre view 'roue hrlye 1 hal. such a d able b m manfully to euefront his afflictions, .. careful study .•f the enailege ques- tion shows that th; earth pit is the poor- est of all silos- 'fhe reason 1., first. that fermentation is promoted by the air per- colating through the earth and acting . upon the fodder ; a'ol secondly, that the the earth absorbs a considerable portion of its liquid substance. A silo construct- ed of planks is one of the best as well as the cheapest, especially if care be taken to protect the ensilage frcni frost. 'Phe only advantage of the stone silo is, that a IPtadditiuu to these, the Judges have it more likely than any to 1)5 frust I decided that members of the Civil Ser - • L..e Ptlsas from Ittaease Tax. It may be a matter of interest to some of our readers to know what exemptions from income tax are provided by the statute : The official incomes of the Governor- General and the Lieutenant -Governor. Pensions and gratuities derived from the Imperial treasury, or elsewhe a ot:t of this Province. 1'•,nslotis of $200 a year and under, payable by the Province or the Domin- ion. Tne income of a farmer derived from his farm, and the income of merchants, mechanic and other, persons derived froni capital liable to assessment. Income from dividends on bank stocks and railway stocks are assessed ag�ain'st the receivers. Incomes from building society stocks are assessable, but are charged to the societies in lump sums under " personal property... instead of being assessed to each Md.'s 'dual stock holder. Incomea leloe WO are exe:upt. Incomes of clergymen up to Si, 000 are exempt. Rental derived [coin real estate is cx- amen should chesty look to in his pro., SPRING STOCK sustain him'unir trial, an en I v , k must paint to. something vet y differeabe L.c t r e Sz; ` r 1 e d 510 c• Aa at present. 1 have :anted the Standard o1 fguality and Lowered the Price unti it is a pot itive face that no such value in lett wear can be flet elaevaiere. to something which in a well -knees hymn is called 'The old, old atoi J,' told of in an o!dyM book,sed fraught witNeen old, old teaseling which is the gretillat and hest {la ever given to mankintT. meats. to sae Mas. The following is from the Fjpraa Lantra: --John Leckie, late banker, of Brussels, Ont,, has signified his wsliiesso nem to ran as a representative for iJytsrd- view Electoral District in the Nettle -west Council. From his well-known b+miness .kill and energy, his practical eipei Mace town and country councils in t1 taro, his knowledge of the requirements of a new country, kis talent as a .pecker efficiency as a debater, together with the !ergo stake he has in Auinibs.M and the deep tette est be take' in the welfare of the settler and advancement .d the coun- try, he is likely to prove, if.; elected, as doubtless he will be, one of the best and mist useful tnembers of the.Uouncil. An Oasts in the desert res tt(+ brighter light to the wandering Attsh than a bottle of Dr. Van Buren's Kidpey Cure is to the unfortunate sufferer from Kidney Disease. It is a perfect, positive and permanent cure. Schli by J, Wilson Gederich. 2m CUSTOM W ORS of every graile still reaches my prompt and tnreful attention, aid w•i11 be made up. in the tr0*t approved styles byfirst-class workntw, and .1 the very best material obtainable. _ Z3 0 QCT' N= T G Extens:ue Premises anti Splendid New Stock. CABINET - MAKER AND UND1RTAKER Hamilton Street, GQdel . A good aasesiriment or Kitchen. Bed -room, Din!ag Room andlParfor Furniture, such as Ta Wes, ('hairs',psir, cane and wood ssstedi, Cupboards, Bed -6,44s, MMattrtsr-e. Wash-staads Lounges, titlFas, What -Nuts, Looking Glasses. N. B.—.1,omplete assortment of Coffins and Shrouds alwa p on band also H at ressonyble rate . "Why should amara whosebltod is warm within Sit ke his grarsbise cut in alabaster Or let his hair gross rusty, scant and thin. Whsn "CiNaa>,giissssit1A willmake it grow the fastest. For sale by 3. Wil- son. `L tr Pe feet, Positive and Pleamanent are the cures effected by Dr. Yen Buren's Kidney Cure. Relief in alt oases of Kid- ney Disease i t obtained af:er a few doses. See that yew pruggist give/ you Dr Van Buren's Kidney Curd- Nail by J. Wilson Goderich. 'fo take a paper and re use to pay for it u, under the new United State/ postal law, taw t, and the person guilty o1 such an sot is liable to criminal process, the aim. as if a common thief had stolen from the publisher the amont of the subscrip- tion. consequence is a well -know .0 peach ,rower in Michel - ape ".1 ; a_t.al and wholly one-sided and oppressive tax, bearing most heavily on the professional and salaried classes. ( ' .to the :an ly c. •cle. That c''ss of vou' Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters free the I music is always to be found in the homes I gan cuts off one-third of the new wood at the pruning season, and thins out nine -tenths of the youngfruit- As a result, hie crop is unifortine and his peaches aro a demand at the hiehest price in th market The most success t leu attentive Picture Framing a specialty.—A call solicited 1161 far klre Aa Aaswer W*.$ed Can any oue bring us a case of Kidney o: Liver Complaint that Electric Bitters will not speedily caro 1 We say they cermet, .as thousands of cases already I•pertnaitently cured and who are daily re commending Electric Bitters, will prove. Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Weak Back, ier any urinary complaint quickly cured. They purify the blood, regulate the bow- els, and acts directly on the diseased parts. Every bottle guaranteed. For sale at 50c. a bottle by J. Wilson. (1j: A captain on a riversteamer was asked by a lady passenger the meaning of the signr'a from the steam whistle. His re - .1 y was good ; One whistle means for the advancing boat to take the right side two whistles the left ; and threw whistles any side that is wished for. A L1ie eavnas rre.ral Mr. M. E. Allison, Hutchinson, Kan , saved his life hy a simple Trial Bottle o. Dr. King's New Discovery, for Con- sumption, which caused hint to procu.e a large bottle, that completely' cured him, ati are a.i, ears u when Dnetors, chance of climate anA home 1 that should be the last to a ;mrd everythinst else had failed. tethma, then' welcome. Of corse there are tlrorchitis, Hoarseness. Severe C•,ti_'he, popular comic sorts tl :t are without and all Throat and Lung diseases, it is pernicious effects : on the cent .. ,b. r, ^naranteod to cure. 'atrial Htattles at J. whole-sor'ed and hea..leas enjoy went 11i's..n•e drugstore. , Lame size $1. (1•• system of the jnnrsonous humours that I governed by wise and sensible pave or asrd;-, , a. develop, in o Kidney and Urinary dis- iu1 , ap.o-Kruwe:a are not eases, give tone and vigor to the SSomach LD to the thinning out process. One clue- and purify the Blood. It might be argued with fa' less that ter on a shoot is the most they wilow,and I Dr. Russell has performed a novel ser- the pro: .c:e.i ptetitd of peace on th'e the beet results are frequently obtained by thinning out the ono cluster. Fruits Rit'al operation upon n citizen of Sher- continent hr • alittle t , do in muuldinQ brxoke, extracting from the calf of his the taste of the people to the style of and !lowers are almost every„ here seen too crowded to thrive, or t • fi'I thou[- he a collar button, whieh the latter had selves with flatcar and lragrauro. them - mimed for several months. Some men never know when they have a good Rotel parts of .lune grass and red top thing will produce a very fine lawn, if the ;round is in a fit condition and suitable Ilegi•ta Lend.•.: Grip's back page car - care is taken of the grass afterwards. p h O 11 h n hu The seed may be sot. i in April or tut latter part of Sep:'cmber, arta tl •t� t1,o roots may be properly strc . crop should not becut•oftonerthan tw.ce the first year. ,The ground should be well trenched, enriched and graded iw- fnm the seed is sov..1 ; ii we!. watered and rolled and mowed, a good velvety a•.ol is almost sure to foo n. But this re- quires time, Tojproduco the beautiful lawns of England has teen the work of getelations With pure blood, contagions fevers and other diseases bate no hid ea tete sys- tem. Dr. C.....a s s :;towaca Bitters ren• hr the V. mad pr r r• c p. p alar soma of the day. W ere a call to arms given throughout the land how quickly v. ices would be tuned to warlike a It would be urfailr to pass over the ten -.•r•-'sent$ . o n c nog ase o i e. •t• of two modern composers, G"licit knees imptorinr Sir •Toho to take h u N few) use Cabinet. Sir John, with his and Sullivan. These talented gentlemen it.:.d t.a ,one ride, his hands spread, say's: have given to the wield a tyle o: nrtrsic "Tel -e you in 1 «'hyo my dear sir, I harm chat is comical, popular, put woo hy a Wren you in most beast,fully. This reminds us of a bon trot of Lord Duf- ferun s. A Conservelire politic'•tn said to hint some months after tho Pacifi3 s , "My lord, I think it is now clear that Sir John never sold the char- ter." "Yes," said Lord Dnffenn, with his lisp, "he only sold Sir Hugl." by all Druggists. Large letttle, fifty conte. In the history of medicines no preps ration has received such utile..asai ooni- mendatiou for the alleviation it affords, and the permanent cure it effects in kid- ney dimness, as Dr. Van Buren's Kinney Cure. Its action in tdistressing1 complaints is simply 2mby .1. Wilson A CIsitYoe CHOLF.AA MORRI'a. --A positive cure for this dangerous com- plaint. and for all acute •,r canonic form. ...... e. t.otnlnaiut incident to (Sommer and Fall, is found in Dr. Fowl: s Ex- tract ..f Wild Atrawber.s ; to be procur- ed from any druggist position in every household. -'inat so many of ntodurnyouthful musicians ha.e accepted freely these compaoitions, slid :created themselves to a mastery of them on a•'coent of the', g: .t temp' parity, is e ,mmendable, r id brings a ',assurance that a higher tone in popular songs will be adopted in the hear future. Simply miraculous is &11I can say of the effect of Dr. Van A Kidney Care in my case. i7 lady writes this front Antigoniah, N. S., who haat guttered from pains J.in the len ek rish..moi,twenty 1 bys A atartl ersMlsee f]tisMed TiMIssMS. Physician's are often startled h; re- Allover the hod are tato ecstasy nierkable discoveries. The fact that Dr. i oven Dr. iKis*. NeeDlr$.vsy for ed for o King's New Discovery for Consumption i sumppttem. Their diseases is daily I hy the timely sae of to post life (Iav- end all Threat and Lung np � in„ !eulogy, messes times to Ko mese, caring patients that they have i ern wi�d in its ire It is gnalenteed to t,, die, is duty,,ng them to realise ize their estefitie,,l Ogre severe eenghs• Mat so - ems* merit of and examine into the rbMS, hay fever, heast.hitis, huantlag's, merits of this hundreds 1 discover re- leas of voice, of any affection of the melti -iani using in humin theirh mf our best p„' t and las Trial bottles fres at ricins it in practice. STS throat Wila•m a lunge. *fore Targe sire .e.ttle+i (tee at .1 Wilsons Drug $1.00 '2 (leveler size $1 00 w WHO I$ UNACQUAINTED WITH THE OENDRAPNY OV THIS COUNTRY. Wit. SEE SY EXAMININO TINS MAP. THAT THE 0,41,74,17e re,••—M_„�~t !�� a (1 .. �a•_1.....+.r_■s!J�*i: 1e`1: 71.'1 tat CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y, graphicalDoing tee Crest position, shOrntral trr to travelers, breasony ..t androute utebstwoslthe East, Northeast a•w Southeast, and the West, Northwest and Southwest. It Is titeratiy and strictly true, that eta c:nesetions are all of the principal lines of road betwoen the Atlantic and the Pantno. Sy Its main line and branOM* It reaches Chicago, •collet, Peoria. Ottawa. k Island, In Illinois ; Davenport, Mutine, WaSalle. Canoseo,shington. Keokuk,, K oxviilMolIne le, Od skaloosa, Fairfield, Des MOM**. set L.lb.•rtl, Iowa City, Atlantic, Avoca, Audubon. Harlan, Guthrie Oenter and Counsel' stuns. In Iowa t Gallatin, Trenton, Cameron and Kansas City, in Missouri, and Leaven- worth and Atchison in Kansas, and the hundreds of cities, villages and towns Intermediate. The "CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE," -As It Is familiarly offers ta elthe advantages comforts In• incident to trackbridges, Union at aloonneotlnig s Fast Express Trains, composed of COMMODIOUS, WFL.L VENTILATED. WILL MEATI:, FINELY UPHOLSTERED and ELEGANT DAY COACHES; a line of the MOST MAGNIFICENT HORTON RECLINING CHAIR CARS ever built i PULLMAN'S latest destined and handsomest PALACE SLEEPING CARS. and DINING OARS that N ANY ROADre acknowledged by IN THE COUNTRY. and In whiand ch upee rioremeals are served to trathe FINEST NUN velers s at the low rate of $EVENTY-FIVE CENTS EACH. THREE TRAINS each way between CHICAGO and the MISSOURI RIVER. TWO TRAINS each way between CHICAGO and MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL, 413 the famous ALBERT _LEA ROUTE. A Hew and Direct Line, eo da Cl c nnatand Kankakee. has i. anapoFenner _end Lan Payette, between Newport News. Riohm end COuncll SIuM, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Intermediate points. All Through Passengers carried on Fast Express Teasing. For more detailed information, see Maps and Folders, which may be obtained. as well as Tickets, at all principal Ticket Offices In the United States and Canada. Or oi R. R. BL, t. ST. JOHN, Vice-PCAres'tEd Cen'l Manager, Cen'I T'k'$ i Pass'r Ag't ,,CHICACO. Thot•asnds are being cured e: Catarrh every yvae with Halt's Catarrh Cure, that 'he doctors had given up and said could not he cured. 75 centa a bottle. Sold by George Rhynas, sole agent for Gode - Ogle 3to Res ea a MR stere Neter was molt a rush made for any Drug Store as is now at J. Wilson's fora Theeete Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Disaty- TIrkete.t,this ewy for Consompttioti, Cemts and Colds. Cehhre.r,i Ln,' fr. personsAll affected with s. Bron- Isle et ell oaee.I ehitu Rossettea., Severn Coagha or any tkr t-. &Rotatirm of the Trnat or Ltttlg i tan gee crisis a Trial 1'luttle o4 this great remedy free, by calling at above Dreg Stoic. Regg- ae size $1. (5): PRI IPM- LINE ,locrEST, 4011CKIAT tut p ail ani • - • 1:I `;T Ilse to St. .Joseph, pointe Inelchla,n,ToMli►Drd- 1iet.raaka,MIMOurl,Fen-.nn.lhll.ti611- ns, New Mexico, Ar$nne. Mu... 4velem,tens and Tess.. ,�•�� Ci c i Gar I hi. 1ano,r lel vie ,, . ,np•rior i:•r %',Hurt Lee, tlInn.-,t`, I. and 0 t'osI. `.• • ,•'r ',Tined as ,.qna the creat ThreutaCsr lies rnlrerseP tr reneedo-e to he the WV esJippen IgIIroM In �' ' as <!seer, ..r KANSAS CITY a>> t1e Year la, • JOHN TS ON'S`' / SARSAPAR11.I.i unci coaaZau�?t ai1Ra• - , AM for Purifying the 111c:.:. It has been In use for :0 y n ' proved to be Cu. bet rI•e -em wanes Mair IiESUe(Itt.11 ' PLAIT, PIMPLE (, OE OR ElA1:t ; , DY4I'KPSIA. P11.1.4, • cell n ChM arise fr..-rt a 1.4acrderd es... tapers blond. T:r ousa1als c. 11.. tako It and ekes to the:- pp��yy��dc1aaca pr el le R Racy. • vssek'oacti rerecommit*Rc t r tt a seeds from Y.gow Dock. p (Wlercry. iR:' • eameretietv eat was mom it it one t beet rplaetw ma: tt 11 s fa W -AaS le, dr• l t .e ottNN br M tv et nee drat r beet cottage mew Ste s. a w, wt C fv5 as Sant R, Pendits Dae w(ota�ar wed ,. wU i . to totem. w. tas4 I t 13 , lssafslew,rr A w w nmers'na As the trusts of winter vanish under the caloric uilnence .1 the sun's rays, Ito does Bright's Diseaeo, Dropsy, stone lambs KMaey'g and Bladder, and Intim oration of the Kidwayyek have the heady upon the adra(nietratinn'nf Dr. Van Bit ren a Kidney (bore. M 4d by J. Wilson. 2m T. 1 POTTER. 54 the Jt-nrl.1a .1 Ma a -' ' . - Lel .. l J. Star ors, Canadianrsalo. Ag t, Tornio, ll Geo. R. JoHwiect i, Ticket Agent, Godere't '! 1 FYAL LOWELL .. i•.,. wt. t'blcazo. lci For sale by JAR. WiLSON CARTERS..44_ us P t CURE Filet predicts and relieve all the tre b.• .. •a dent to a bilious state of the „oaths* 1' • mass, Naasno, Drewr.ptwa, Dt after ra: ± lataInthed-de.de. Wllletm.Irmeek r•, . • alts essease lies lora shown .1* curt/ SICK 71 sIsrhe,i •Culei.t-1ttleU.RlEt.vorq', r vslasi,ls la CowMlpSINS, melt ere.cn, tkp saaeyle.E��eea pWat, wklle also roc• ail eissvdeN7e mdse wessek, to th see repeat' the bowete. Inc 111hryonly t HEAD Aety any would SASH Imes this atety tb*N elm MOM try elm One, Sat m, amen. lu esuwse Iligy sees Menem Mem IAA Mae W ate head n ACHE 1. the bane et se ,.slay here testae is tidier 1 lash eat greet bast. Sur W. ctu•s k w "WAN S . TrYN um_M1 t ersstl a.tr :{4.:EtkeR17469iteineet7:6ICUtr4.1431116c4)..— \ e v°Ik NSW gee for It IRAs 1111:r.'ywh.t,viieget y ecoIC Neer York PIP