The Huron Signal, 1883-06-15, Page 1TLµHOM NUMBslii
New adrenMtsaerta. N E WS ABOIIt1t HOME. I Mrs. W. Park Grierson is quite better, The balloon fraud came to grief at Si. cream, cake, and soda -water added to
A Man -R. it. Cable. ___ although the cerebro epival waledy has Mary's. The Frei Press, remarking on the bill to be paid by the deluded young iN( UTE DONALD SCOT T
Orocert.s -Chas. A. Nairn. 'A chlrl's among ye. takIn' notes. preyed fatal, in a great men),cases in its advent in Forest, says :-"Tho bal- roan who accompanies her.' The young ( —
ltorees Wanted -This Utllc.•. An' faith he'll prent f." the vicinityof Lucknow.• loon was on the round., but was under- uun of the Spectator has evidently"►its Donald Scott, late license inspector
Cow for dale -e. L. Johnson -- The Clinton 11 etc• F.'r, says :-If Code- gums repairs, having been torn and that." iter the East Riding of the county f Hu-
wasted—lt Harp...-.
TOWN TOPI08. rich gets up a pretty guild celebration for partially destroyed by the enraged crowd RIULLY-AUAat,L -The event of
wed. `ron,died at his re.idenee in the village o
Have 10 Rant—erlhon talkeId. tarp, teutas for und- erlining carpets for the 2nd of July, no doubt many Clinton- at St. iliatys, who, becoming disgusted nesday in Paris was the marri.S..of Har• !Brussels, on the evening of the 8th inat. f
Plsssrlptloa Uruyste a -Jas WUaoa i •
sale at Lnrte's book ■tore. A new a1txk o' tans will pay the county town • visit." with the aR,ir, made a raid on the inert• ry Ridley, of Gudetid, to Misa Lilian I mei was buried on Sunday following.,
BwNar Boarding—Richard Hawley. Victoria music books at lmrle's. You can just make arrangements to come tution, and gave those connected with it Adams, youngest daughter of W. E. $ru funeral was the largest ever seen in
!War ralAas TALthefact lghst priest twenty minutes to leave town, which up- Adam.. Benfield street The ceremony I Brummda• many mining frvm • distance
along. -
An exchange says : Excessively tight
trousers, 'minted toot and the pronounc-
ed cutaway coat are now declared vulvar
and dudish. Young gentlemen will
please cut this out and paste it in their
for all kinds at the tactors earner of rtunit was taken advantagecif. I d 13 and 20 miles. The pied was lined
Dentistry. ICingetun and Cambria street., Goderich. Po Y saws performed m the Canada methodist ,
Huron soap Company. te12-3tn. Scx•lat. AND Lu rag=-Tbe anniver- church, which was crowded by the elite with teams, and people en foot nearly
ubry ribs for your magazine. and 'atlas- 7, Missionary Y I the whultl way from his late retidenee
{{ YICHOLSOY, SURGEON DEN- kale [ Imrle'a book story. He has made ape- ea of the Woman's Missions ffloeiet of the town, the Rev. Dr. H okman
l T[dt ut►ooest rosldeaee West Street chit arrangements with publisher* to reture Of the 11lethndut Church of Canada will officiating. The Misses Lyoock Ridley I to the grave yard, • distance of It mil
e es.
thea • 4., rt bd.) .r erne n• Montreal, Gorki- fur his anaomen a prompt and regular deny- be celebrated by a social and lecture in and Lottie Adams acted as bridesmaids, GIIwt course, this was expected from the
rice 1151 ery• wide circle of his acquaintance, and the
North street Methodist Church on Mon- and Messrs. Janice' Doyle, Geo. Watt, jr.,
She People's Column.
R. sallow. has lately been taking views of da evwtn sea. The lecture will be and Harr Ridley, jr.,as esteem and respect to which he saes held
the business blocks around the Square, but y g 7 y, gTOOmaan a these who came is contact with file.
that dues not him from snppiyiog first -claw by RAs, J. H. Howard, the popular a There wero about eighty quarts from
HORTWct-t,T'I:AL SHow. -Prepare your
plants nolo for the Horticultural show,
to be held in Goderich on the 2nd. of
July Prizes offered for fruits, flowers,
vegetables, etc. See secretary for prize
lists. tf
A. R. Smith, one of Brussels' miter -
prising young merchants, was doing jury
work in town this week. Mr. Smith its
liberal and persistent advertiser, and is
being rewarded by a large and grcwing
intent to those who will visit ol. studio with sistadl pastor of the church, whose labors
AGOOD FRESH COW FOR SALE.THIS Sto .yL had a 'ratty nice "send-o[f' here during the past few months, have
Appy to K. L. JorisION. North street, about Goderteh, but the writer of the article been De acceptable to the congregation.
1 torte D /sail' omitted to say' that W. L. Horton's liquor Mr. $ioward leaves shortly for the peal -
store was the best spot In town to get i able
HORSES WANTED. -ONE 1)R TWO or the money. *province. Admission to the social
.31. agoed drit We vtc horses, 13 or lehande. ig►. An attractioncolored of Dominion Day not on the and lecture 20 cents.
Appprettyposter will be Robfirst-slam pope- The attendance at Knox church S.S.
lar studio. Those desiring first-;laam photo-
graphs should p.v a visit to Robson, at E. L.
Johnson's old stand.
general servants are wanted Immediate-
ly. Good wages: small family. Apply at
ones to R. HAwrnt..1 the liiltfrah Kchaage
Hotel. es Friday afternoon or ! aturday
morale& June lath sad llth. Braili
Stephen's Parsonage, /baron road, Oode•
rich township. To • competent domestic libe-
ral wagwill be given. Apply to Moe MAT -
TRIM. l801 -1t.
for general house work - must be good
washer and ironer. Apply to THS SioNA.
Nike. Ooderick. 1110141.
man to take charge of the Dining Roost.
Must be exppeerienced. Good wages. J. J.
WRIGHT The Point Farm. 1886-tf.
of the anbecrtber. Huron road. • red cow.
with braes knobs on her horse -tip of borne
,sot cut off. Asy one finding and retnrntag
her boat. Stephen's Parona s,Oodertoh town-
ship,or keeping her and nottfv,ingsubscriber.
will e liberally rewarded by Rev.C. R. MAT-
THaw. 188411.
bullt stone house on Fast street. near
the station, next to the rettlionee of Capt.
Albert Sheppard is to rent. ri contains eight
rooms, with pantries. closets T ood Other cos-
ventsnees. Terms esaeoaassot. Appp 1e to
We LOON SALICIn.o. Bast street. Meet.
The universal satisfaction given by the ap-
pearaace of the wall paper bought al Imrte'• trade.
book store. atter being hnng,Is very gratifying •
both to h4 customers and himself. He has
choice designs in all grads, borders. rrleses,
dodoes, centra and extensions te match all
papers. bloom moulding a speciality. Cheap•
ret in town.
Are Saunders t Son mad, to sell at such low
Wein! Ask the other dealers. Well. not
crazy, but a method In their madness• which
beats them all. in seven milk pane tor 51. 131
three pails and ill one dipper for tee. Other
tinware and stoves In proportion. Any kind
of work In tin copper or sheet Iron at low
prices. 'The cheap1Mt house under the sun.'
Mr. and Mrs. Thom have been in town
during the week.
Mrs. Cattle is sojourning with friends
at Haysville.
Arthur Rosa, son of Col. Rou,M.PI'.,
is in town on a viait to his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. John Macara, included
Goderich, Mr. Memira's old home. in
their wedding tour and were the guests
of the grooms mother for a few days.
They left by rail on Tuesday for Winni-
CorvALt- a-rr. -The many friends of
the Misses Ada and Priscilla Fisher,
daughters of D. Fisher, of Colberae, will
he pleased to learn that the young ladies
are able to be about again, after an at-
tack of diphtheria.
In our last issue we' omitted to state
that two well-known old residentsef this
section had gone west. Mr. Win. Mc-
Caig has gone to Dakota,and Mr. Murdo
Gordon to Manitoba. We wish them
from au- well in their new sphere of action.
George Acheson has returned fro
other trip to the northwest. The United Empire made its last
The congregation of St. Peter's are round trip in eight days and a half, and
preparing for another mammoth pic- loaded over 1,200 tons during the trip.
sic. In addition to this theEmpire had in tow
THE yIGNAL will be delivered to any the (Manitoba from the Sault to Sarnia,
the latter
address for .the remainder of the year boat haring broker the con -
for 75c. neeting red of its engine.
John Mosely, sr., is on a trip north, The London Fret Press thinks that
visitingold acquaintances in and about'
the Grand Trunk should issue RhrottBh
LH ! MILK 'tickets at reduced rates to tourists vvis itt
_ Kincardine. ing Ontario summer resorts, as the sea-
side ports now enjoy that favor. It
says . " Goierich is still a fav erite place
for those in favor of rest and quiet by
the cool water side."
The undersigned having taken n rise mlik
f business formerly carried on try William Me -
(:al`, is prepared to deliver milk to all parts
of the town -Satisfaction guaranteed. Cram.
McCAIO. 5111a -4t.
BULLS FOR SALE -The animals can
be seen on lot s, 3rd ton. of West W wanosh.
Will be sold ata bargain. For remise par-
articulars apply to JOHN WASHINGTON Au -
tura P.O. 1119‘41.
choirmaster of St. Oeorgo s Church. 1s
prepared to give inane ion in the following
brooches of ma88o•I ata t/ viz :--Piano, Organ
(church and cabinet) Sime at sight, Voice
Dr. Roes, son of Col. Ross, M.P. P.,
is about too start on a visit to the medical
schools of tae okd country.
John Welsh, the Stratford jeweller,
was in town daring the week, the guest
of his brother, W: T. Welsh.
Aleck Bounden represents the Gode-
rich Court at the grand gathering of
Foresters this week at Gansnoque.
George Faultley, of London, Eng., is
in town. He sang at St. Peter's church
'on Sunday last.
rat M. P. Hayes, Esq., of Seaforth, has
culture. thorough demand harmony. As Mr. charteredthe schooner :
"Explorer" for a
Feet has had many years experience both inP
city and country. a thorough training may be pleasure trip to St. Joseph's Island.
expected by pupils. Vocal classes liberally Goderich has a new enter lacrosse
dealt with. Pupils on church organ can have7
use of instrument. Terms moderate. dub .in the Athletics, which is now
188tJ1", thoroughly organized and prepared for
rr0 RENT. business.
11 Willis Presbyterain -hurch Sunday
That large brick house on - the corner of Elgin School, of Clinton, intend havinc an ex -
and sneaky streets. It contains eleven rooms,
pantry an cellar. hard and sof water. cursion <o Goderich on Tuesday, the
For particulars apply to 26th of June.
Stephen Yates occupied the pulpit of
the North street' Methodist church on
Sunday morning, and Dr. 1.. -re preached
therein the evening.
Dr. MarshallElliett,now of Edinburgh,
SootJand,is recovering from a very severe
attack of illness. One of his brothers is
HOUSE FOR SALE. -A CONVENI- at present with him.
ent bowie containing nice rooms, with R. W. Bno, R. Radcliffe, D.D G.M.,
halls, and good well on premises, tinseled on
corner of waterloo and Colborne st. Terms Mat afttcially visit St..Jtmee' Lodge No.
reasonable. Apply to Mies. R. McElwee. 73. A.F. & A.M., at St. Marys on Wed•
1991 -it. the 20th inst.
:.Ir. Robinson, of the planing mill
factory, had his left hand injered one
day last week, but not M s, great an ex -
tont as was at tint feared:
r beautiful brick residence occupied by
Mr. Mice, end formerly occupied by Mr. id
Meloom+on. at the head of Newgate street.
Ihsseseion given in October. For particulars
apply to the owner, J. BRECKENRi1x)at,
Newgate street.. Goderich. 1880.
J. to improve stock. My thorn❑ghbred
Princess Bull rising two years old, w 111 stand
for service at my farm lot 4, Hayfield road,
Goderich Township -terms 3500. to be paid at
time of service. C. CRABS.
May. 10th. 1883. 1890 -it
Rev. Wnt. Habena, Inspector -General
of Schools for New Zealand, was in tomb
last week, the guest ,of his stater -in-law,
Mrs. Mellish. Mr, Habens was accom-
panied by his, wife, and with other
friends from New Zealand they are mak-
ing a tour of the world, occupying some
thirteen months of travel.
The Brussels Peat makes the following
personal mention :-Mrs. .Jas. Cox and
Mrs. George Campbell, of Goderich, are
enjoying a visit at H. Dennis' this week.
-W. B.- Dickson, law student, of (lode -
laid Sunday was 271, net counting the
Bible class which meets in the main
body of the church, which would in-
crease the number to about 300. Over
200 new volumes are to be added to the
library at once. The quarterly review
will be hell on the Sunday after next,
June 24th, and the exercises give prom-
ise of being very intertsttng. Visitors
are alwsys made welcome at the school.
The oolored lithographs used at the re-
views are interesting and instructive to
young end old.
THE HIcY(•LE INVASION. -A despatch
from Detroit gives a summary sf the
prospectus of the grand bicycle trip of
the Chicago, Detroit, and other city published in the JVatero'Cyclu.t,
from which we select the following oom-
plimentary sentenoe regarding this place :
"Thursday, July 6th, to Goderich, 65
miles, the event of the tour, over the
moat famoua bard road is America."
The despatch concludes by saying that
"the wheelmen will be accompanied on
the trip by an ambulance for thou who
meet with accidents, or get ' tuckered
Fool RAVE. —After Iacrosio practice
un the square on Wednesday evening,
some et the boys began to blow about
their fleetness of foot, and the result
was an impromptu raoe, run in very nice
style. The course was a stretch of nearly
30Q yards down West street, on the hard
shill fever sidewalk, and five •tasted -
?hey reached the veil in the following
order : Tom Graham, Jack Perdu, Billy
Ellard,' Jim Henderson and Jimmy
Hesle. The racing fever is high just
now among some of our young men.
Bill Yates is said to he the fastest runner
in town.
FARM STATISTICS. -The assessed acre-
age of the oounty of Huron for this year
is 796,639, of which 506,651 are cleared,
and 84,570 acres are returned as swamp
or marsh land. This is the acreage of
farm lands only, towns and villages not
being included. The number of acres in
ich, and A. Dickson, banker, of Paris, tall wheat this year was 91,113, an in -
were home on a visit to their parents 1 crease of only about 60 acres over the
last week. preceeding year. There are in the county
Rat•. D. J. Macdunnell, of St. An- nearly 8,000 acre in orchards The a•er-
drew•i Church, Toronto, will preach in age wage of farm laborers is given as
Knox Church, Goderich, en Sunday I $1'n f 0 perhout board board; $29.70 per Settled p ood &con Fisher fur elftmstead for
next, morning and evening. Mr, Mac I Campbell r. Kidd -Inter deft.
"Mr. Jamieson preached in the Diethu•
Paris, Buffalo, Brantford, Gederich and
Galt present. A reception te the rela-
tives and friends :as given at the resi-
dence of the bride's patents after the
ceremony. -(Hamilton Spectator, June
SCHOOL STATIrTIos.-From a return
heat published, it is shown that Berea
as a larger school population than any
other Ontario county, there being *total
of 18,134, of which the average attend-
ance at school wu 8,329 This is con-
siderably more than in any other oounty
and speaks well for educational progress.
(ioderich, with a school population of
125, records an average attendance of
579 ; Clinton, with 900, an average at-
tendance of 360, and Seaforth, with 637,
an average attendance of 333. 1Vith four
Separate Schools in the county, the total
attendance is only put at 282, of which
108 Jin Goderich. The oost per pupil
for each scholar attending the High school
based en expenditure, is slightly higher .1 his township, brat as collector, then
funeral was under the auspices of
the I. 0. O. F„ of which he was a mem-
ber. He was been in August, 1825, in
the village of Pitlochy, Perthshire,
Scotland. About the age of 12 years he
-Wt school and became an apprentice to
• 'merchant for the purpose of learning
tailoring. At the age of E3 yeara hes
married Elizabeth McDougall, and eon
grated to Canada, came as far u Oshawa,
made a short May, thence west as fat as
Stratford, where he remained about a
year, working at his trade. He then
moved west and took up his abode at
Harpurhey, where he lived for five years,
working at his trade- It 1$53i ho mov-
ed north and settled on a faun la the
township of Morrie. county of 1iuroa,
and was one of the first settlers. While
on the farm he kept post office, and car-
ried mail to Ainleyville (now Brussels),
Ethel and townplot of Grey for a term
of years. During that period aloe{ he
tilled important positions in the council
in Clinton than in either Goderich or Sea- councillor, and afterwards drputa-reeve
for three years. He also acted u valu-
ator of un ,tested lairds in the town-
ships in East Hurn, for the Govern
meat cf Ontario. After selling his farm,
pine years ago, he moved to the village
of Bruuela, ,where he kept a general
store for four years, at the end of which
time he was burned out and lost conaid-
erable by the tire. When the Crook
License Act cane in force he was ap-
pointed license inspector for the East
Riding of Huron, wbich position he
tilled till hisdeath. Helsel a family of eight
children, six of whom -five sons and ono
daughter -are living. Mr. Scott was a
self-educated man. lie possessed large-
ly the gift .,f shrewd common sense. e
had • clear, luginal minis, and 6 strong
geese of equity, and was always listened
to with respect. To all he appeared to
be a cyclopedia of acquired and original
information. He was plain and unaf
farted, and made no pretence to show.
The prominent features of his character
were firm adherence to principle, strong
social qualities, integrity and morality.
He regarded with pity and even with
contempt, the man who was so little and
narrow as to think there wea no good
outside of his own church or creed. Hy-
pocrisy, tyranny and bigotry he could
not endure, -end the persecuted and
downtrodden in his section always had
his heartfelt sympathy and assistance.
During his residence in Harpurhey he
was a member of the Presbyterian
church, and was an adherent of that
religious be,dy until his death. In
politics he was an ardeut Liberal, and
his ability to place his views on politics
on record was conceded by even those
who most differed from him. In the
death of Donald Scott his bereaved fami-
ly suffer an irreparable loss, the village
of Brussels loses a valued resident,' dud
the writer of this poor tribute to the
memory of tho dead mourns the loss ut
one whom he revered as a father, loved
as a very brother, and honored as a
good, true, tried, and trusted friend.-
Gederle\ resetlealtsteal lea ty•
The society met on Tuesday pursuant
to notice. the president in the chair.
The minutes of last meeting were read
and approved.
Moved by Mr. Dickson, eecunded by
Mr. Watson, that Messrs. Watt, Stivin
and Imrie be appointed judges at the
Bummer show to be held on the 2nd of
July next. Carried.
Moved by Mr. Dickson, seconded by
Mr. Williams, that the secretary make
•pplicativa to the council for the usual
annual grant of $J00 to the society. Car-
Moved by Mr. Witness seeoaded by
Mr. Hoed, that Messrs. Watson, Diok-
son, Bingham and the secretary be a
e ommittee to secure a suitable place near
the Square for holding the show, with
power to fit it up properly, etc.
The meeting then adjourned.
(Nsty Court
Before His Honor Judge Tome.
Court opened at 12 o'clock noon, on
After the grand jury had been sworn
in the judge addressed thent,congratulat-
ing them upon the lightness of the 'veal -
nese likely to come before them.
The following is a but of the cases,
and their disposition ;
McKee e. Kidd -Interpleader case.
donnell is a man of n.ark in the Presby-ader case.
Settled by consent. Holmstead for plff ;
Whin pulpit, eloquent and original, and
the churdh will likely be crowded to
hear him on Sunday next.
Harry Morgan, the blind vocalist, in-
tends giving a concert its . Victoria Hall
on Monday, July 2nd. The first 'part
will consist of a children's concert of
trained voices, and thi seoond part will
be rendered by "The Old Folks," in the
good oit style of the long ago. Some of
our best amateurs will assist Prof. Mor-
gan in this enterprise. '
In glancing over the '''id.'.', a reli-
gu,usjournal published in San Francisca,
Cal., we see in a report of the event. of
W. H. McCracken, of Brussels, who the week in connection with St. ,John's
was counters out of the reeceahip of that Presbyterian church .that en "Last Sale
village at the last election, is in town. t Rev. .Meldrum ,rase et of
He is on the grand jury. Morning and evening wit great accept
W. is sermon in the morningwas
Smith, engineer, G.T.R., of town, die• a plain, practical, orthodox discourse.
located his ankle badly in stepping off
his engine at Stratford station.
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Wade of Brim -
•014, formerly of Goderich, will leave for
England next week ona three months-,
trip. We wish them Mm r„o,,fp.
!tries Lo•e s, of the Brantford Blind
Asylum, acted as guide to a number d
pupils who are home on their vacati on.
She is the geest of her cell friend Mrs.
Rev. John Wakefield has been Parisap-
pointed by ,
once. He is pop,uiar in Ooderich. His
successor is Rev. Mr. Campbell, of Sar-
nia, who is well spoken of.
' Costae -floe. - 1V.t made mention of
D. M.rOillirra} as receiving his B.A.
We should hare said M.A. , as our yon
friend received his B. A. a year moorhen
he graduated at the University.
dist church, Clinton, on Sunday, morn-
ing and evening,” says the New Era,
"giving very creditable sermons on both
occasions. He possesses a good deal of
pontic imagination. and by figuratively
drawing pretty pictures,givoa his remarks
an attractiveness that almost reaches fas-
cination. He is to be ordained at the
present sitting of Conference, and we are
disclosing what is no longer a secret, when
we state that soon after his ordination
he leads too the altar the daughter of
one of Goderich's most prominent
zens. "
Wools and Fisher for deft.
The Queen ,•. Reeve -Action for {mali-
cious damage to property. Laid over.
The adjournment in this case, practically
disposes of the case, as deft will not
likely be called upon again.
The Grand jury brought in a true
bill fo'i aggravated assult against one
Macdonald of Exeter.
On Thursday morning the grand jury
brought in the following
PREBLNTMFtT. Fctraordiaary Asti If. on tee Slryrle.
Ve, the grand jurors fur cur `ioverign 1 An exhibition n f fancy riding, given at
U. S. Fowler, the phrenologist, ar-
Lady the Queen, beg leave to report i a recent meeting of the Oakland, Cal,
P x iP that we have herein ed the gaol and Bicycle Club, is described as follows :
took of the hospitality of county atter- found confined therein seven male and cy
ney Lewis on Sunday last, and gave in- two female prisoners. ;Of these five "Dir, Leonard tint rode with his whole
wero sent in as vagrants three males and
two females), one as en absconding debt-
or and one is heli awaiting transference
M the Central Prison. We found there-
in one John Moosehead, an imbecile boy
who was committed some tiftemeninnthe
FARM TO RENT. bath A B h i both teresting reminiscences of Brattleboro', l d body ort rano side of the wheel, prepell-
_ g Vt.. in the olden time. 11'o have been int it with one foot. Then, after giving
Macros, nearly free of stumps. Good barn twee H —informed that the professor was so capti- it good speed, he lap on his back in the
and other buildings. Brick cottage with cel- James grill, of Strattord, sun of ., vatted with the geniality of the count' saddle, with his lege in the air. This
lar. Good orchard sand all well fenced. Jti
,iu:re of R. T. BAYNES, dheppardton. t*i-41. attorney that he presented that gentle• he repeated, letting go of the handles
In a Mite congratulating us upon what matt with clic skull with which loo ha. also. He then started the machine and
FOR SALE. •f td he ossa our mer resort,'
tioiJ.,n Godot- been wont to illustrate his lectures. Mr. ago for using threatening Lara nage. As with the pedal mount jumped into the
1r' ich u a summer J. J. Wright, Lewis also procured a chart, and we un- we are informed his sentence has ex -
standing 'hero on his feet.
A first class brick frons,, venae under the of the Point Farm, adds :—"Had the deretand will practically test the sheen- After this he showed howperfectlystill
whole house. and lI•acres land on the Bay- same amount ofpluck and enterprise i Y I wired, we would sutrgest that he he set
field mad. Itoderlrh.therr• Is a good stable and ale k•Teal theory by "taping hands on" free or removed to a proper place fur the machine could be kept with the rider
drivingshed,hard and soft water on the prem• been shown by the pe•,ple that you have anti "bumping"all charged with on its beck, afterward taking • few turns
1.e., grounds well 1.14 nut. For •pa rtic olare shown since taking the management of personssuch cases. b•ckwwrd. He then stood the machine
apply on the premises or to H. 8es tiller, y criminal offences • during the ensuing We would mention the special case of
Goderich Founder. tB,'its. Tec SIGNAL, I feel sure the town of year. William Burgess, retained after the ex- "L
upright and leaped into the
V OTICE TO DEBTORS• -NOTICE IS Gmuch better erich would
a commercial have sift occupied a Gousieu B Bicycts CLva.-A meeting pdrttion of his sentence, by special order •"addle from the rear, without using the
I\ hereby given that all partial Indebted to po of bicycle riders was held at the British „f the sheriff and gaol surgeon. He is hands or the handles --a eery difficult
the undersigned by note or book account are H"NF. T Iv ir. Owe i:I:w-.►1;D.-1)nc Exchange Hotel on Tuesday craning for suffering from a cancer .m his leg, said feat. Then, with the the pedallime standing
repeated to settle the some at once and there- day last week Mrs. fare lust a purse con- the purpose of organizing a club, when too be incurable We recommend that I still, he jumped from nn to the
fie save an eaforted collection. t mean host -
new a sum of name mrd sass about following he i . sent u soon as possible to an hos• I saddle, standing, A hwndkerchief was
nese. ABRAHAM SMITH. ISS- P' toted to the L radon U pfK y the fo lowin officers were elected : — 1
,to advertise it in Tot ST.Nst., when President, Dr. McLean Vice President, 'Tial, a• h• is $ nuisance M the leo. ofil- placed in the real and he ran by it,
Re,ht. Sharman, plasterer.'who had found D. lilacs ;Captain, O. B. Cox ; 1st Lieu- vials sand the stench arisingfrom such I jumped of and picked it up, and vatted
14-1()R SALE.—THAT DF.STIlABLF. it, nndidiso,veretl the n►me of the owlet tenant, 3. H. McCulloch ; 2nd Lieut., y on to the saddle befur. themachtne st i t -
I. r sideneee. corner Rrlttanla mal and Me.sore is certainly detrimental tit the ps 1
Ito•aidstreet, opposite the High School. with nn n car.l, landed the puna over to Dr. Herr McLean ; Sec -Treasurer, J. H. health of the ether prisoners who• are, of h d After this he rode aids -saddle with
own bre. The house iand s In good repair with ont ire. A liberal reward was tendered Mr. tidal : Bugler, John Platt. The chub necessity, a,nfine i in the same want an es, 11 mg on ,the hack, on the
,' lilt dl t.age h m^ garlen Dlwrle lat stocd ked with
Shaman, which he firmly declined to ac- hes adopted a uniform c.nsiating of blue Ttt the gaol we found everything dean breast, Anc also hell the handles ani
reit trees. grape cines, shruberr. Ike..
0$ sept, saying he didn t want be 'mid stockings, shirt and scat, cord knee- dud m excellent order, and the prisoners' worked I, .th peddles fruni Fwhind, stead
For terms apply to DavisonIt. H. COZZENS, ohnstoe, h for Lwin¢ honest. He appoenrs;ih,^he breeches, and drab helmet. The club', •
well satisfied with their treatment by die the beck hone 'low the saddle."
PFrlster... Ihnsto made of the right kind et stuff., :M, hes at present an active membership of ! the gaoler, whom they seem to hold in
I h. rt i+ strong disapproval on the
Mr. A. Hislop, of Trey, disposed d a Doxtsp, D.t.-The arrangements 10 with a prospect ..f an increase during high respect. part of 1'onservwtict( era'!v, as well
Vona PALE OR TO RENT -THAT t to McLean Brus.,of God.rwh, whieh for celebrating Dominion Day in (lode rite seamen. It is the intention , f the We take great pleasure in Lein,( able as ,•f Reformers, of the toil -ilof the •re
C Valuable Property known as the ahem- weighed 1670 Re. W. 0. Hingston, of ich are that app him/completion. •in lotion. A club to join the C. W. A. to congratulate the cognt en the alm,mt
pardton Store and Poet Office, with quarter of Norris., also add • cow to the same par• r 1 y marks appearing in the Moil concerning
en acre of land, is offered for sale or to rent. sea whish weighed 1640 ft*. handsome colored double -pater has been The Hamilton Nf.retotor says -"Mr. ' entire absence of criminal eases from Mr Anglin. Whatever Mr. Angbin's
Stex k In .toes all new and fresh'Ala year. Ths printed at this t Tee. 'vetting f •rth the at- McGillicuddy, of the leelench .' n '1, ' this session et the evert, only ono case 'politics or evhgwn may he, he Ties quits
proprietor has rather hn.inrss which will re MsrrasxD PLAca. --in our deem hon tractions to be offered . n the .•evasion. entertains an erroneous idea of the city '1 having come before us. an that o a wa much right to make his home in l)w_
quire him sole attention. Also the west half of r
of eeoit. 5.l..1). ki It ; an w rlandm'V of the attractions of Godench as a suer- Another meeting ..1 the committee of girl. which on to he dispelled. He trivial nwture. This speaks web tsar the tart„ as anybody Blas, with,tit being outs-
geedp1 Tt (sat 'ser resort, we omitted t., make men- management will be heti .eh the evening says 'A nimble in a Cenadisn leery law abnfing character of the p•e..p1e, and . t i to slander and ihu.i It is
e whfrh some la e clesrc'i he and all sins f acres, tion of the fact that Maitland Place, this of Monde next et the c .uttcil chamber patch, an old dress, sun•,.,wn hat shows to a certain extent the eras lity j 'wally
f y p 1` P4 i t.a. bad that a prate gentleman, who te
Remaining CO acres heaver timbered with commodious summer residence of H•tw. I for further p•rfectine the work. it is and strong bores, is just the thing s'evy i and e..ntmntntettt of the country. not earn a member of rhsrsent,sh• old
hsrdwend. For rdteteu1.ra address: R. R. Haw) had been leased h G. B. ho that everymember of the coin- I of iris from the city,n ht to enjoy11'e take this o rtunit of thanking M
HAYNES. $hepnsrdtoe P.O. 1851- • y te g u ri'r' y he denonnurl s if he was a horse thief,
Bete+, of Detroit who is energetically I minae will eu,!est„r to Attend. Byunit- 10h, no, Mr. McGillicuddy ; you are nn Mr. Lewis, the er ern attorney, for the 1f this metre were to be pursued by
= making arrangements for 01.e ewtertain- e•1 action on the part r,f the committee i err..r. The city girl don t enjoy that able and courteous manner in which h• nnrnal. generally life would become nn
ON*Y TO LEND I13 ANT went of cintora Hem the cities duringthe [)omni. n any celebration thinyear sort of chi If as much as she en o ■ assisted us in nor duties. j
Ul vela Apply
b......1,42,,„21,fR p j p dtearahl•. F„ttnnately se ether journal
TM tttatdaing, the warm term The enterprise ads• cm lee made the prtateat scent that has' eating the w st a high priced sora all of whirl is respectfully sul.mit0ed. has seen fit to imitst• the .Nail'. untrue
rent. vele A nply to
l(nwrnr timdevteh were ;n•: of merely 'zit Wirt yet Ntcen Once in f: 1, ries fedi mets restaurant with some We . •TAM}. ,JowsaT O4 foreman ehv teener), Matsui - Telegram