The Huron Signal, 1883-03-09, Page 8THIRTY YE aRS Ape). Our Old letont ere have a Grated Banquet. and g• .err shear Mathew la the arcate wilderness .e very Nappy a:aa.rraeg lieu the Brute itep.rter. A short thee ago a mother of t'.,, old pioneers of this section of the Comity of Bruce decided to hate a gathering .4 the sturdy, noble hearts, though it might be weakened frames, of thews whu were - the tine to clear the then wilderuws of Bruce, and through thus labors secure 0. veritable gerdeu of luxur.euoe where less than thirty yuan ago wee en + .wat, impenetrable forest. Capt. C. It. Bar- ker was choseu president and Alex. Campbell secretary, for the pucpO.e .•f tarrying the scheme through. A Large number of invitations had been suet out, and on 1'huasday evening of list week, the banquet was held in the speerous dining -room of Mr. McKinney's Royal hotel, Kincardine. The banquet war su excellent spread, cud reflected credit we the hotel. Some of the eld men made oumparis.0 of the fare before them. with the starvation tables which often ,ta-ed them in the face, when the nearest grist mill to Kincardine was at G.durich. However the app,otitiea appeared to be just as keen as they were after a hard day's legging, or a tramp of ten miles with a hundred weight of dour un their backs. Capt. C. R. Barker presided, and Reeve Howlers -1i occupied the post of vice chair. Theblessing of the Almighty was invoked by Mr. Miller, sr., of Mil- Iartun. After all had eaten heartily the tables wore cleared, and swats wore pro posed and responded to,intenppeerrsseed with some grand songs by S. H. MarsialL Secretary Campbell informed the com patty; that regret had been expressot by number of old pioneers at their inabil- ity to be present. Among those were David McKendrick, Elder McLennan and Major D•tniel. During the eemine; . Leen number e 'old timers' spoke, and from the many interesting, reminiscences we select a few, which will give our readers some ide.t of the good old times in this dis- trict. .s,a,;, wall. Tho.. Blair narratec( some of the ha ships which were endured by the set- tlers between '48 and '68. The packing •4 pork and flour from Dederick and then carrying a hundred -weight on one's back for ten or fifteen miles, wee n..t the least of the teaks. The speaker landed at Pine River on the 14th of April, 1646, s fearful snow storm prevailing at the time, and came on to Kincardine. Pio dense was the forest, that the speaker remembered losing his way within the town plot. The young men of those days were old now, and the children had arrived to the age of manhood. Jaa Henry gave his experience in .timing from the neighborhood of Port Hope to Kincardine. His trip from Goderioh, must of the way on foot, with se ooeattiensl wade through water t., his 1►Aist, cads described. Reaching Pine River leo stepped at Walden's cameo. and sampled the whi4ey. That night : per- son engaged in surveying the township, with his chain bearer, came In. During the evening an altercation occurred be- tween the landlord and surveyor, and the former produced pistols and insisted upon a tipbt at five paces or an apology. The apology was gi..en. After reaching Kincardine and speading a week here, he determined to leave the place and never return. He afterwards went out es far 40 line on the Durham which trade him change his mind, as the clearances were beginning to make a good appear- .ance. After settling in Kincardine, he believed he was made first assessor, first collector, and first tavern inspector. He had seen Kincardine grow from four or five houses to what it is new. (:eo. Daniels claimed to be net only a pioneer .4 Bruce, but of Ontario as well, as he canoe to this country in 1838, and wattled in Waterloo. Hu described his boyhood, being called upon to wield an aze as soon as ho was able, and only re- ceived some six week. schooling in all. In those days schools were few and far Aetween. In coating to this country, hia brother, the major, having already pre- ceded him some time, it Gook him four days to drive his oxen from Goderich to Port Albert. William !4 Coah spoke hi iefly, narra- ting in a very interesting manner his ex- perience of a hush fife His trip up here by way of Ilaysvillo, Clinton, and Goderich, with his- brothers, was over terribly bad reads, and the labor was not only prolonged but arduous. Five her- rel•..f fluor that wereper'chasod in Gode- rich had to be c:arrieel from the beach tack to where they were living. But :iter alt the enjoyment at the old-time lodging bees and raisings, when every person was anxious to give a helping heel to his neighbor, was quite equal to any fust.vaties herd at the present t.me. .lohn At/driven, Treasurer of Huron t owtlshnp, said that people might talk ',beet the North-west, and gn iu Gt amts. fees over the pr'.ductavener of other e entree.'• but he believe../ tti..t this coun- ty was egua. to the test of them. In d s :ribiux hu flea trip to this part of the r ,o•itry, drivint assts." froon ti• `ierich, he epuke of the dif%•'uhy, f securio;; pre- /i..ea,.s, and of the intend 11,.' •"'v pur- e e este I by himself h •ittq, meeker Ihee rhe a^e eaf readies. Reaching Pine River he weep .J at Ilelletten, s, hid a dem for s pu'•ere the first part of the nig'it, end w neo t',a .11,0.1 gent restless a I...et was caned till mooting. ire riererlsed a more r .1r -debate rest, however The speaker h. 1 ailed haul. [rut ardor rm it.ly his aooess.d etin, . haul he•un dwtr.yej by a v, ata' he had siert over ag on. "Th • Maritime let,rest. w.t, honor - el. ( .i.o.. R•.a.o re:wielded. He lo. r •••'i here to February, 1441, having ret. ie a r•tll the prom • et velar. The sj..•aker,hi. Lr the •i ,' note, e'•tno• with a yobs of oxen from tit 11,nmas. Prom P.., Albert they .vane on the .0e, rend a te.rmie cold jointer ut ea+. When they fel their oxen 'he:y heel i.. hold the heir in their heeds, re pinvota it from b ,vete Oe resetting 1.atony is - 1 d they ereete.,l a afbeuty after eetich 1. or, and were Melly re oil el. The e le .in ,oust. I'r.•u,esde.f to give an *C• cu et hi. fifer as a *dine 1., I4b.) he p re as d h acMen•er lid• y too., the Lea • or.. i ....Iwo in the ee unty. hurl did i11L 11I+Kt , ott:\.11.. ! 1;,.11. MAR(JI! 9 1883. . c moms ere 1 nisei I,aMsggere cud hwaht. Its We , Mg of 186e the Y0a- 04. ea ' epi • • .e late tweet (lode - That year he walked o Sarnia, L teR Point, end Buffalo, with Capt. Ms uz e, to `n a buy, and `the drat autos ever left tt.ls part of the .aunty, for tit. purpose of purchasing another teat. The imam describe' cry graphiedly the many hardsl, .s that le was called upon to uuderge 'tile he -res sailing is • hot.ner and at • yards ereawheeting. He -thankful a kir. ..vi -.eco that he had been apace i • . t... ell. Captain MoKeee. • resteeeled to he toast He .,.r. reel hi.. us••.tl- er limn 1860, wtem commenced as a hoy with Capt. }tow ,intermsassed with hrial,eg events T Latimer of land- ing men, 0, .e ohtldret., by wed- in)t throueerh the a ,ter with theta on his back, was told. lie 1851 Capt. Rowan and himself coa,t.oauded the first iron ✓ asci that -ever touched the shores of Lake Huron. le was a large potas' ket- tle which they had bn.aeht up rum Goderich. At tint they aid not know h •w to laud. Ther placed it in the water and found that i• would duet. Capt. Ras • stepped iat • tt, and the ' peskier followed. ['hey then paddled ashore and ban :eel t11. craft. In 1833 the speaker left to see the world fur him- self. He walke.l t Catharines. Hen followed au Mirror toe co.apsriaonof the Welland canal as at art the -u sol u nue. He afterward went steambuaGng and in 1866 was in the t,..verumsnt sefvlee tea the lakes to look otter the Feaians. l'bs spe der concluded by semisweet; the pleasure he felt in being with the old pioneers. allow, The following is the standing of the best of the pupils in each of the dames in the senior division of S. S. Ns 1, Colborne, for February :- Clem Sixth - Etta Potter 63 Class Fifth -Jas's :mallows 54. Class Fourth - Aimee ' Potter 80 % ; Matilda ttirli 79; W. B. !Edward 71; Maggie Tilers 70 ; (I�e�' Putter 67 ; Ida Sallow' 66 ;alis Stsfth 65, Clam Third - -Maggie Coats 87 % Santa Tindall 79 ; John McNevin 77 ; Jessie Born 75 ; John Treble 84 ; Josie Jones 73 ; Hugh Gallagher 74 , Ruby Robertson 72 ; Edmuud Began 65. "Ther tarwe`, of thu�ieinity are Lissy getting out sewloos, and foremost serene thein is Mr. Cun, Dillon, who up to the preload time has brought over 1,8170 logs to the Kintail mills. The numerous friends of Mrs. Thomas Fired will be pleased to learn that ebe is reeevering from a revere attack of intiam- mstiort of the lungs. Mr. John Ganey, of Chicago, has sold his farm, *tasted about a mile north of Kintail, to Mr. John McKenzie for 14,000. Mr. Michael Griffin, of Buffalo, is visiting his brother, Mr, Joseph Griffin, of this place. Weans sorry to learn that Robert Mc - Grimy has leen unwell since the evening of the 27th of February. Port Albert - Mime M. A. Young, has returned from a vi..it to friends in Bayfield. Mr. John C. Courtenay, whu during the past year has been in the employ of the C. P. R. Company as land valuator, returned to Winnipeg, on Wednesday list, after spending a few days with hia friends here. Our township council, 'tis said, intend holding their meetings henceforth in Finlay's school house. This action on the part of the council, possesses at least one advantage over previous years, inas- much as it will be at all times conven- ient to the reeve. There are some, how- ever, who are bolts enough to express their dissatisfaction of such a proceeding, i and claim that a place which is almost in- accessible for six months of the pes,, on account of the roads, and which does not afford the slightest accommodation for man or beast, is neither a fit or proper place to hold such meetings. Will tome tnernher of the council phase explain the reason of this change 9 Exet:TION MaTTatia. - There ,is pro- bably not another village in this Pro- vince in which as mush interest is taken in an election as in the village of Port Albert. Men, women, and children, old and young, from the grey haired old veteran who has weathered many a cam- paign, down to the smallest street ga- min, have each their particular candi- date, and from the opening of the con test until its close make every exertion that lies in their power to Dome eff vic- torious. To any one, therefyre,acquaint- ed with this state of affairs, the crowd which hail gathered around the tele graph office on the evening of the 27th, would not have .,ppearod surprising. The greatest interest, ',4 coarse, was concern- ing the result in West Huron. Goderich town, being the tint heard from, it is unnecessary to describe the joy of the Tories, upon hearing that Johnston had secured a majority of 44. Their grafi cation was, however, of short duration Amhcrloy dashed the news across the wire that Lochalsh ward had Of en 75 t•• the Col. and the result from the Other wards pouring in in quick stsnoeesiun,tl, Torics felt that they were doomed. Sem - .4 theme however, still held out hope. `flies Goderich township, where F. W. J. .bid not think it necessary to sum se.; nettings, t.h..uld rttrievc the honor the ter, but the Anal result feet ire about nine t:''dhek put an enei to such anticipation., end witlannt *sating F herr if "Mowat onset go," or not, the crowd .1 ditenut8ted Tories slunk off t. their homes. The Reformers ir.tend celebrating this glorious rirtery by e grace; tester supper 10 bNi held in the Royal elotel shortly. The atrusea.0a of the St Pet"-rrhurrh neaten was pewee: ed by the suppressi•m .6 ether journals ws; h,.ut nnmher. 'this leave. Rinses with..., a single journal that San express an inn,'p''ndeet up•ni w, upon perisho affairs. 1'b0 law of , e per patios spinet all fame,' J. 'aretals is ea forced to the last extrelwty. Pekes sae ern nit of mnaaainea and revieea, nn.l newspapers are defined with 'teen e, and Meeks ennfanaMA awe the slightest Me est. t ()UT IN 'i 1 i' 1irCSrh. a 11141. Cllr had a stett fawn Mr. WOMt.. .trtt:ur. Dm day they arrived t q soul it wee 411" below seta., yet lire Cold Weather with a V tenyfaia lee. Arthur said elan did ate feel mud. We heel a I:uity in homer at Kite (:ox, who to weer wr.Jas. w7•a-.� m,eo'rutah. of a Nis- joint� keel t., l)utatiu, 11 u bead h oaf's la Meter- eea&eIblett wbolet aft. 141M got t#'e ruike here tw.wu a Wutwid est of a/laaards. in al the cuorequer.oe war uU one euuid go 1 that night, ell atthemeth therm was 18 . of us to tint kuuas w u Lane a jolly, t,+.tut..,: title time of it. *teat dry it was just An lade, sad we could not mestere out tilt ebeeit 7 at utgttt 11 de red (eland we t...k one load I that 'save ns pretty fair mcuowwutlatiun for the bet - alum We ,ut the mat he 1104 melt .lay My wife& says she will not have aus4her }arty till she is sure she will not hare a bliaz.ud at the Caesar tame. 1'..11 uitght get Elle up and rho tar. gtra you ally news I s. 6..e omitted. Co 1 will had her a first oleo young women. Wiehing you a preepere segsat is _your burette* I rettuin your affect bre., Janie True, The following *meriplima et a Dakota winter, from the pen e4 an old Goderich man, will doubtless ptoveuf interest to many of our readers : Drayton, Feb, tel, 1S. $. MY DRAM. Bao.,- It is long tune rtuce we had a leeterfrom you. 1 sen assure you we utast goer curutnunieatioos very much, CO yeti tnust try and send vs a letter ut leapt owe a month. We are 11mtng a very ould, u..rmy winter ; I be- l.eve the avenge fur he uwuth of Jauu ary has been 18' 'mem zero ; last it was only } below on the average.se you sae it has been nearly 18 degrees colder this winter than last; and it has been stormy, so much ao, that souse of those liviug on the prairie this year well try end make arrangements to live elsewhere aerie the winters. 1 have serums sadiastiose that w• myself. 1 enjoyed last w.uter, and I like t6e summers, but the wtam: has been tea much for me. I have had nose, finers, tens, heels and .an ,s s fns. George had kis nese, desks and fingers Creast. However, we are eomfertable to tee bones, and the [Mask are all warm and oumMrlabis ; bt ` es ting the hay is (rutie snack isa '}tic Poi.. M. Cameron, .ef Lucknow, bigjob whim it bloom and Nae ta eemepwsd the palpite( the Presbyterian always. If we W a arabe• via a 'hatch homeaisttkarb last, and honestly Loft that would wetly shoat tea Wast jos;., :do eheteb v.cant. iof hay, and a well m the esehlm it weld Thr ammo' mannas o1 the Circuit to - " u r It it a..r'n Sabha' h fisher/ sameestiou ..t the Meth - tie amt" "daft her wabr , secssenass Mina Lamak a bald here . •u 'r.. larr Deaialaea. Mr RC.bert Hi.raecke statical ler Chi- cago '.i. 'Thursday ursday .4 laweek Rev. The Rev. Mr. Caswell preached the 1att.stil etwststt of the late Minh Elle' u id Ceske oabberh towering last. Mr. Ales Stewart remove.' to Lusk - sow'. Woodsy lent. Mr Ntch.,l mov- ed tut • Mr. Stewart's house on Tuesday. they teaftms M nkat as a8. Whss. thq Irut. f1e mseemo opened at 10 o ebac{C some net .4 the sees aaelie W matt a 1Jiwewl tap ww.t subjects wore as aemnephmn ! K llffr Were r». cane ,y sad t ly discussed wtth a sage).( old. they P' bath. !re tams • very mod content and a H.ewrver. Clem beta eery a/'r air rem jr :1 mea em was shown to be to 1e11 darta'sth. ett'a.t% wad dime ammo takes . beiseue as►o.d work. w e terve out atmmwerd t.. teeter ik.a. at ell. We care had w•m. •..a.a.. hi. -Mr. Q 11.lltosrte, who, during the w tssrda l .l wash sot 111:0:1.147. Sots p.m g years, taught 1°1'148. 8. 8. No 3 beer w eke esLL Oere�sr-' canal Maw�e..k, .entered his artrnection to teed the mode. bei hs rt.tlt_el wet loath that seaview, and Mau with the of hiaeoetss aad.aid ea b •p :d a ebnw Mvas Prifelimew Theraday alass alae* bake.bake. be km, hellos,, M ease l >�ry responted w Miss him. tad amok, he semi fi► tbOd t esa'e, ahis lees will be severely mit w aaj.allad to bile, bstalfM� l fed. Itis his left tie pr efawuni and ealy s few ppm ahead he email mat hear. Thea all yon sae Gam el bye a a fork at these times dotal amount to much, ao that you regain to go a wrest many times for a saaall tuaataty It r then you cud:tit;the wind whirls an end the stable and betereen the .*maks, enough to take away your oretth ; v fact, you can't breath till you get uglier shelter and even under two pain of mitts and e•ne of them t)uekskin your fingers are apt to freeze. Our stables, what with manure and snow, ars buried alum* out of sift, with a pretty steep path down to t e door, but the horses and eatffe get fiend to it and they slide right down. I expect it to be much worse yet, as we may expect heavy anew storms this and next month. We had some very cold trips out to 81. Thuinas with our wheat, but we got the bulk of it out before the stormy weather came. Then we commenced to draw wood from the river, we have got enough up to last us for six months. but we must get up a few more loads yet. I have not gone Ibe chief officer of the Society. out touch this whiter eines we got through drawing our wheat. Herb not - -- - - being home this winter it threw more ti A I I A N I INE! work on me ; I take care of the cattle' -aJ and George the horses, with that ROY�I.. MgIL. and cutting wood it keeps' the as busy as I want to be. We don't get up LIVERROOL-LONDONDERRY-OLA..s(fOW very early. The fire is lighted, generally about 9, I get rep between that and tan, MIMPIIITIOST MLA rAMASS. sometimes later, then go and feed the cattle and milk two cnws,then breakfast. it is then about eleven. ;After breakfast clean the stables, and cut wood if the day is not too stormy, then feed again about dark, then have dinner and supper in one dish. When it is very cold we light a fire in the bemetove upstairs, and we go rep there as it is itice :end c.wy and warm. While I write it is comparative- ly mild, so we are all dowu stair;; mam- ma is busy knitting ; Oscar has just finished writing a letter, to hia playmate the cat, and George is giving ua a solo on hia violin. We hate to thank you very :Hoch for the (Rohm y,.0 have sent us so regularly; I don't know what we should have done without them, they have been a nenrce of great onnafert to us. My subscription to Tax Stades has run out, if you would call in and see McGillicuddy, and say to him if he will a retinue to stud it 1 will pay him ere long. it is like getting a weekly letter from home ; in fact we can't get along without Tum Sro..Al_ Now, be sure you .!o what you san fox us in the way of 'taws. I shall not forget it and will per - ape be able to do as much ler yeu some ime. There is strong talk now about* railway from Fargo to Pembina alone the west aide of the river. It is assuming the shape of is private company. They aro going to ask the several enemies tea vote Menus through which the reed rum, end iso doubt it wilt ber donme it has al- ready received iia ohert.,r t" run with•n t miles of the Red river from Pembina en Farg.. We will win ail in a::.; }towel to encourage the scheme. Should it sec Deed, and I have not thsleast doubts f it, pro;eery will r.se very meetly *keg the Ione. It is very preh.bte [kat if 1 have a fair crop obm year that the wife and i will epee(' most of the next winter u and around Goderich, and cense out .gain abort the Yret of April w as to be nosily lir sending ; however, that is in the future end my not pec, r There is one thing J have toad. 'lt in, mind to do, that Cr, if I posihly .fl, t.• winter • ,:itewheru nae than hese. 1 'inti n I. too hard for me. bat 1 weight nut gee.• • the term, i eon gotta sun it it stir Sostod bis attention to mercantile pur- ities. herrn taker Marge as head sales- man ed the store of J. M. Roberta, of this ether WIWI* one gene.! p..atulsater was quietly eujytag the comforts adurded to man from the pips, one day last ween, he was s.amwtrt surprised to see a smoke easiup up abet side of the one Se wwssmskit1.The media appendages of his .:oat veto we hrs. When he oame to reflect on his pe titioa, 1.2 f tend that too close proximity to r red hot store might be very good tor marker work for the tailors, but it didn't inseams tbediuttliit- ity of wearing apparel worth s erns Luolin, March :o. -The prevail/Mg he - premien emotes the detectives who have been working up the assassination in - 'piracy cases is that "No 1" is a mytlk A leading officer expresem the opinion I that Carey crested "No 1" for the pur- pose of making himself appear subordin- ate in the conspiracy, whereas he was omni: sod tryst way of maitree a helm: awl seee,'ting mune, we will l.kolJ onl) ',rook &beet .d mires nest year, 70 more (Ierwxe's dist MO 10 of mJ tiwu i will daring the semgNr try and erect a staid. and a graasry, thief will 410081"Y all sty spare time, besides doing soma' draining. It the railway enters *lawn 1 it will bt betokens' in 11.6 way as they`'' is the a lame disks all along the reel, end we can draia into it. We mw i-• Toa Sign* It that N. Armstrong we very i11; hi he ntrtvered or is he dead Poor Ben ! we fest se sorry •..r 1 Row we sheep Tike M ser you all I s r, your wife and the Adrian oar kind hives tine olid yew do this seer with the tone, met said yeti had • g ,n t brine.* at the early pati ref the season, bait it r„11 'r 'rtes rhe ! T henna It [inked or NOVA SCOTIAN. Itorreanw Marek 1st. Halifax, March :trd. SARDINIAN. Halifax, March 10th. CASPIAN. Portland, Marek 15th. Halifax. March 17th. SA Rif ATIAN. Halifax. March 24th. r'JKC.t.4.tiJAN. Portland. !larch 19th. Halifax, March Stat. r.4RISIAN. Haitian, AprU 7th. PAdeAtcnilw IA PORTLAND Cali ira.c Tor- onto on the previous Friday of day of nailing at 7:12 e.m, A Pullman Drawing -room and Weeping (ar wW be attached 14) thin Trate, and wig be run through to Poatlaad ter the oonvinr.ee of Paten gert. proceeding by the Saturday's Steamship. Last train leaves Tomato with the maids and passsegent at 7:12 every Thursday morning. connecting with the steamer et Halifax. Per tickets and e rem information •reply to H. AitMSTRONG. T1ck.et Aueat, Goderich. 000Dfl CHICAPER THAN EVER !IT That Oldest Established House IN THE COUNTY_ Silks, satins, ribtbon� nil wool French cashmeres, factory and Meaoh,•,i cotton, p ants. 40., at ter than wholesale psi, -e,,. nooteb sod Canadian tweed. at ..hole,..le pines. Ducks, &e., kr . very low. Cf R0C12RI128• Ilefore)ou h of pedlars or grangert try my teas, Young Hyena tea warranted parr hem aS.:ta. per pound up. Ulark Ie... at Zeta, 41.011111 to most bbl, tea sold. My tort_ Black tea worth theta.. saint Imported at 75cte. per pound. All epSon .old by tee warranted pore FLARDR BTO R$- 1 hold in stock • Iartr ssaerte net of bar iron. atone nails. paint.., oils. gica Ingather with. firnrral a.w,rtmrn• "t .Leif hardware, •..d'hi beet CORN SHELLER se the ensttaed M Alesrtoa. I `racy un.y ave ds.ant Biagi mews ears Of cora and try It. C. Cit a -rz23, iQtr A Re . Sial Noflce rrnitRiOltit• MAGAZINES t\1' PERIODICALS. I bog w announce that I ha..' wade special arrangement 1•, «' mire a very early delivers tJ ail nglish anti American Magazin,. t Periodicals at the veryi.o rent i rice The cost o )f getting thews her. .:arly is greater but 1 hope by an increased number (4 .11berribtiw a, make it a ntlece-as JAMES IMRIE, Successor to T. J. MooriaouLc 4. •t 4 NOTICE TO CILODITORR -or= CHRISTIAMA nORDON lultotutle:Y I)ursuant to an order of the EliooCourt 11 of J iatloe, Ckga j gyp , awrde ls a matter of re Gerdes. Qesdom va aerdss• the creditors of Christiana Gotian, late of the Town of Clinton, la the County of H'eewe widow. who died on or about the 15th day eif October. 1882, are, un or before the 70th day .f Mess Ood lehrr . it lets, to .era by post, edi Morton. co.prepaid,to b rich. tbeir cbriatlan and summates, addresses and desoriptlon,the fell particulars of their claims. • atatetnest of their amounts, and the nature of the securities (lf any) held by them, or In default thereof they wilbe peremptori- ly excluded from the benefit of the said order. Ilvery creditor holding say security is te produmo the same before me the undersigned master of the said 'mart at Godertob, os lbw 5th day of March. 188>. at tea o'clock in the forenoon being the time apotatsd for adjudi- cation on the dolma S. MALCO1AON. Master at Godeerlek. 1144%1 5th February. Ilu3. 1177-3[. Grad < < Railway 1(Iliagoba ad is Nord JIrat.fr IThe !hand Trunk iilliheay Com ' piny will offer during the season 11188, superior facilities in train tier vice, rates and fares to passcngern with household effectss,i1 ve stock, dlc., moving to "Manitoba and the North wrest." particulars of which, will bo shortly announced. JOSEPH IICKSON, General Ma r. mo Montreal. Feb. b, lJrx INN SHffitfFF'S SALE OF LANDS Grand Cowart or Hutton, cc gg7� . a W R1uyr15111alewta• ThwIT: Her ereest '. Cotnty Court of the County of Huron, and to me directed and dellrared, against tis leads and teaeal.na. of John Mc- Manitoba and North-West, Lend, at the suit of John Parsons, 1 tare set. - ed and taken Is execution an the right, tllJp, laterest and equity of redemption, of the de- fendant, John McLeod, is and to that certain or tract of land, situate, b ted be- or the Count of Huron, a04 nd be�atl� the North halt of Lot 1 concession 15 of the own .hipreofs 8te•Ips.pbea, comprising fifty acres of land mo Whiob lands and tenement. 1 ,hall oe1,r Inc sale, at my oeoe in the Court Hou.n la the Town of (lodericb. on Saturday the Soren teeatk day of Mareh,l1B;au th hour of twrlvr of the cloak, eons. ROBRRT O BONS, nr'ffot linnet. Sheriff's ()Moe. (iointrieh. Dec. ea. pee. NMI Ilk, ItIFI' S SALE OF LANDS. k (:o, *my or H e: Row, t By virtue* a writ of To Wry f IiMrt wit etrooks&t1 out osad f Her s.14y.,..Majesty' (7ssMKTeayeseirt et enteemasee de�aw tf ;Welker at the wthe leads it det David I herds e seised sad tto rxeoattes all the rest title. asteroid, and canna et of Ore alert sassed set idaat. JMa al - ker. h.54 to sA poen.. of lot eight. in thetwelfth efthe tewsehf 01 Orel In the ce'ety of area. lying Muth ed the Ricer iWWart she eoatdstng Or 17 nine inns of Med .sore or Ism Which leads mad tesssseata 1 shall wrrr for sale. ata nates la the Court Hoare. In the town of urine, on Saterday. the Thirty rim day of Mss, 100, at the hear et twelve et the clock. soon. lfOB6R berMof(•o. IB11f roe heron ���� wEE RheM ..to 111114'talMlrrlr h. W jjr1 v ..........r Irtcli, 01112 0170.131 Dakota, Minnesota, etc 8 A.80N Thr popular special trains will contrastive.. W edne.day,March 14th,aad every saooetdlistc Wednesday dories March and Apra) to deo patebed from Montreal Brockville and Ta, onto, stopping at Intermediate SWAMIeft route for •0oommodaton of passendern freta all points in Ontario. First Clain nrrnmmndation provide,' Cyn, sewers at lowest fare. Livestock, waggons, household effects (n through oars at very low retes. For information, teed ltk, etc_ apply tee Grand Trunk Hallway Adentti or to J.Stephes nen, General 1'aseesgsr Agent, Montreal; W. Rdgar. Anni.tant General P.seemarer Asw.t. Tomei. JORZPH HiCKSON. General lfaaaj,.- Montreal, March 2nd, Inn Ielldt I M Y (• New seed •4:11.i, up to\ IIl\u I rent, life e. hpfur,fntg hy, and d►rr hrfor. yna asee.thlat mighty anti mai time Ina•- behind to renew time nes a weak is !.eaten taws M outfit free, No Sew. (WARM net reasired. Wh dmeeee emelt/oat a Maty a 55ral.12t earlier reale M much as tarn eas ribmRemo.ke tat ray Reo, K mea want meslwrtw at which you can make wrest pay ell Use time, write few earth ci parn •- t 11 . , t ere 1 no Pner is set Mali,. AM (IRTTINU A I4)Tof 1'1111Ck lilit* of *eery ileeertmase N. f Me galla lined teal a' (eate. re the ef`nr,,.. namur,