The Huron Signal, 1883-03-02, Page 6pun's u•. Lay the tau 11... You a, Nathan,: ,. auae. un Pretty •., • •, Nothing n....... you've are. Of (',aldwet., . . the w.u•d Down at • .. tha '. Ad the.. ... Oftbe"tab gar„ ler M Id.,.i !h• .acrd Kilos lie -urge! tie ked w�rr, , ••.1 •m *tans i Intl ria/ Manned up watt S... way At the "e'ar.ue " t. ter - la her •. nae. eat steer 1a aIle bourse. knew Dat tied -and ams Olin •.: Lae hemilag a.rew Whoarad the *haat ! b:.nuglt I-Lane...ad lay. And Call.v.•t:. oke .+..a,,w1n, .ns. ,u. manta away) THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIAY, MARCH 2, 1883. c oulOh0[J ktlnts• clave:, a .. its mill, grind s handful -to tic ..' ..Kh it. bo. .. t *mould be eueeidered .. .,ori„ t i ..i.. a tut tle of Dr. Van •u...... ..i uy (Nero ii in the closet.. i'tate •,...► '*meaty that will peeitively, �.. rueutt, and pr•mptly Cure ail forms dkiahoy dimwit* Sold by J. Wilson 2m gridl►ou wtwuld always be heated (eters, putting seat on it to broil. Yea. ea .aeti.rii g may be avoided by ►•alit,, It. VtN BL')ltle8 KIDIiiY CURB. t was never known to tell iu relieving mail.*, aid ewe,itaug a complete cure of ,►,,..as(n e: the Kidneys. • 1. KU, .a .�J . • Hen. ae u w :>. w t . a .:hal sew t •411P- 1 now True M lire 'rums. Tuu much cannot lie said of the ever faithful wife and another, constantly watching and cariug for tier dear ones, never neglecting • single duty in their behalf. Whcu they arm assailed by dis- ease, and the system) should hate a thnrvagh cleansing, the stomach and bowels regulated, blood purified. and .malarial poison exfenmMated, she must kn.,w that Electric Bitters are the only sure remedy. They are the best and purest medicine in the world and only oust fifty cents. Se.ld by .I. Wilson [4] the heat way G. Lang up a broom is to soiree r 1..nu picaure ring into the top of the h••ndle. Why should aman whose blood is warm 1.11 Sit like hisgrandaire cut in alabaster? Or let his osir grew rusty, scant and thin. When • I NOAI.geartKNIWIA" wine/eke it ow the fast, r For sale by J. Wa- lloon. 2m Dig lie bear It -wn•t way I Tbink o: tum at yen stand By the old eaurch w-eay ;- thuk o: morn num fiat band Otthat r.ckt.sslydvanoe,-of that straggling retreat Kees the ghost of that wife, foully attain, in Your vIew. - And what could you, what should you. what would yeudol Smite, rage. Dominion Carriage Werke, Easter comes very early indeed this year : upon the 25th of March, which is almost as early as it can ever be, end be- fore long, children will begin to think about preparing what in old times used to be called paas eggs. It is a good plan, too, for the egg celorors of a neighbor- hood to hold a sort of "bee," and unite in the product of the dyes, thus save time and atony The exchange of errs between friend*, as a token of love or friendship, is • very ancieut custom, dating back almost to the (loud, for it is symbol of the ark, as well as of the resurrection, which is the reason that we present them at Nea- ter. It is moreover • very universalcus- tom prevailing amesg different nations and regions. The Jews placed eggs en their Passover tables, the Druids used them in their ceremonies, and the Per- sians frequently give them a&New Yesi s gifts. If you should happen to be in Russia this month, • Rossi= would greet you on Easter morning with "Christ is risen,"and offer you an Easter egg,—And stronger still, if you were in th.farEast, • Mohammedan would do the same. At city confectioners, fancy sugar eggs - some of thein of enormous size, and con- taining panoramas of tandacaps end fig - urs, or else tilled with bon-bons,—may be had at all pries ; but appropriate homemade ones are worth twioe as much. To dye eggs. onion skins put in the water in which they are boiled will maks them a bright yellow ; or, if left longer in the solution, a rich brown. Log -wood or violet ink, elves a royal purple, Cochineal, pink and crimson ; and many piens of chintz, or bright ribbon that fade easily, if sewed tightly round the eggs. will color them nicely in figures, strips, or dots. Another way is to dip the egg into hot water, and then write a name or motto on the shell with tallow. It is then boiled in the solution of dy.- wood, when the inscription will appear in white, upon a colored ground. Those who are skillful with pencil and paint -brush ow present their friends with really exquisite souvenirs, by orna- menting eggs with flowers or butterflies or appropriate texts of scripture: For these pointed eggs, it it better to punc- ture a tiny hole with a pin in each side, and blow out the inside, leaving a clear shell, than to boil them ; and the apper- tures can be concealed by stars of silver or gilt paper. ---[Agnes Carr, in Am. Ag- riculturalist for March. To 1•revent tho juice of pies soaking i w the umderorust, brush the crust with t .e white of • beaten egg. Says Dryden "She knows her man, sad when you rant and swear. Can draw you t., her with • single hair." But august be beautiful hair to have moth power ; and beautiful hair can be ns eured by the use „f Clrratonsa Hera Rartswa& Scold at 50 cta. by J. Wilson. To cure • bruse or sprain, loathe it m cold water, and then apply a decoction of wormwood and vinegar. woo Joe' what tae d•d 1 They were left ill the larch Por the wan, of more wa•td,ug. Ile rata to the church. Broke the dour, a:ripped tLe pews, orad dash- eddut In We real With kis tem , :JO n ay In n-hljoy, an brew down his load At their feat ! Thea stove all the shouting and shots. Naas his voice - "Put Watts Into 'ern -Buys, give 'em Watter And thuy di1. That Is all. flowers blow Pretty much as they did ninety-three years MO. Yowmay dig anywhere and you'll tura up • ball, - Butsotalways • hero like thio, -and that's Graasus sprang, (3()1)ECF2I(H- ALEX. MORTON Manufacturer of Irlret-Claes Carriages. srREPAIIIAi 11 All BRAME, A SPEWALTI. Perfect, Positive and Pleamanent are the cures effected by Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cure. Relief in all cases of Kid- ney Disease is obtained af:era few doses. See that your Druggist givsou Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cure. Bold bp J. tv ilwn Ouderich. 2m To take oil spots out of matting, etc., wet the spot with alcohol, rub it with hard soap, then wash well with cold water. Now that there is a reliable remedy for kidney troubles, half the terrors attached to these complaints have been removed For this let all be thankful, and to Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cure award all praise for laving that; removed a hitherto conaidered fatal disease from our path. It was never known to fail. Sold by J. Wilson. 2tn Words of Unshorn. /hay not until yuu are told of oppor- tuoitise to do good ; inquire after them. Thouiandsare beoug cured c.: Catarrh ever year with Hall's C;tt�arrh Cure, that the every had given up and said oould not be cared. 75 cents a bottle. Fold by George Rhytuis, sole agent for G trios - nosh. 3m Ile that cannot fortlivo others hr tks the bra life over whwh he must pace him- self. As the frosts of winter yauish under the oalurie influence of the run's rays, so does Bright's Diteiase, Dropsy, stone in the Ki.lnoye and Bladder, and Infl.un- mation of the Kidueya, leave the body upon the ad:miuistratiun of Dr. Vale liu- ren's Kidney Curd. Sold by J. Wilson, 2in The very heart and ro.,t of sin is a solftsh spirit. We erect the i/1.,1 self, and not only wish tithe', to worship it, but wo worship i' ourselves. I8►op Opposite Colborne lloMl.l An Answer Wanted. Can any one bring us • ase of Kidney or liver Complaint that Electric Bitten will not speedily ours 1 We say they cannot, as thousands of cases already permanently cured and who are daily re camasesdiog Electric Bitten, will prove. Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Weak Back, t or urinary purify the lopod,nrequickly uulate the bow- els, •red sots directly on the diseased parts. Every bottle guaranteed. 1%r sale at 50c. a bottle by J. Wilson. [1J: Tb. sewtlwer. "Mamma," said little Ernest Brooks, who was standing at a window overlook- ing a number of fields in which the young oc.rn was beginning W allow him- self. "Mamma, I wonder what that rook sits so dill on the very top of the very top of the highest tree in the row ; I have watched it fotisver so long, and it has not moved. Why does it not go down into the field where the others are 1" "Where is it , Earned 1" asked his mother. "Ohl I se it now. It is a sentinel." "A sentinel, Institute ; what u that 1 "It is keeping a look -out, so that no enemy may approach the others. If any one came in sight it would call to those in the field, and then they would fly away before any harm ouuld befall them." "Bat, mamas, rooks connot talk, so how can USX the others r' "They do not talk as we de, Ernest, bat they understand each other perfect- ly well." "Oh ! look, look," cried Ernest at that moment, 'lthe rooks are all flying away in such a hurry. Do you think the sen- tinel told them to got' "I cannot tell," answered Mrs. Brooks ; "but very likely it did. Ys, now I can see the cause of their fright." "D . you, mamma ! what is it 1' asked Ernest. "There is • man coming across the further field, with a gun in his hands ; perhaps if it had mat been for the senti- nel he would have shut some of the ether rooks. The one you noticed on the top of the tree gave a warning note, and awe-' they all flew, as you saw." "Now," said the little boy, "the man with the pun has gone pant, and the ;oou are coming on to the field again." Soon after this, Mrs. Brooks told Erneat to sit down beside her, as she wanted to tell him something ; and when he had taken his seat, his mother said : "Do you know that everyone hos a sentinel, Ernest) Pana and mamma, THE TGET and you, my boy, and little sister, and j,%T To renovate old black silk sponge it with spirits ofammoni• or alcohol, dilute with water, and press on the wrong side. Neglected colds often become incur- able ailments. Deal with them in time, and prevent their becoming deep-seated in the system, by using Ayers Cherry PecturaL Forty years experience in every climate on earth, bas proved this to be the most reliable remedy for colds, coughs, and all lung diseases. To rid a room of the disagreeable smell of fresh paint let a pailful of water in which • handful of hay has been placed stand in the room over night. ,A Physician, a graduate of McGill Medical College, Montreal, speaking of Dr. Canon's Stomach and Constipation Bitters, said, I knew of no better Medi- cal Compound for Dyspepsia, Billious- nos and Constipation. They are un- equalled as a Blood Purifier ; as a family medicine they are tar superior to Pills. Sold by all Druggists in large bottles at 50 cents. To remove stains from cups or other articles of tableware or marblized oil- cloths, rub them with saleratus, either with the finger or a piece of linen. If you only used Dr. Canon's Bitten you would not be always telling everybody that enquired after your health how dreadful mean you felt ; Fad a terrible headache ; no appetite, ects. On the contrary, yon would return the greeting with a bright smile, a hearty ;;rip, and look as you would feel --first- rate. They are for sale by all Druggists , Seeing is believing. Raul the tosti- monisls to the pamphlet on Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cale, then buy a lend* and relieve yourself of all those distress- ing pains. Your Druggest can tell you ;all about it. Sold by Wilson l;odinch 2m Laziness ;crows un people. It begins in largo bottle at 50 cents. in cobwebs and ends in iron chains. To remove ink stains {mut mahogany he more business a co pli he to do, the .apply carefully with a featHbr a mixture ore he is able to accomplish, f ,r of a teaspoonful of water and a few drops learns to ecomo111ize his time. Millions of IlotLlos of Dr. K:ng'r New D;:.covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have bean given away as Trial Bottle,' of the largo size. This enormous outlay would be .tisrstr..us to the pro- prietors, we:c it not for the rare menta possessed by this wumdurful medicine. Call at Wifiou'a drn1 afore, and get a Trial flottl,) free, and try fur yourself. it never falls to care. Pc•r •.nail: teulpt.att,ns rather than groat ones. These come only 1110W and thou ; thou) a tory day. Beware of be- ing wittyrat the expense of reverence : eate;wtic at the expense of charity ; cn- tertaittng at this,-'tpent•* of truth; tears. at the expense ,tf purity. Catarrh is the seed of Consumption and unless taken Us time is a very dangerous disease. Halt's Catarrh Cure never fails to cure Price :5 cu.ILs. Sold by (:eo. Rhyn;u, nolo :cite•' fur t:ode rkli. :Im Indolence to a doligl►tful but (hitrens- tng Ante ; the most be doing •oumething to ho happy. Att:,,n .. nn IUN necessary then thought Oahe instinctive tendencies of tiro human frame. Oh, of our 4)',1 ultimata' would ray to applying to Perceval Lowell, lirncral yolves a knowledge of a thousand little the yublte unit ho has trial Hall's ('a- j Passover Agent, ChIllinois " t things to insure suc:ers. l faut Cure, and it is pthat is chinned Knelled taws for it. fele.' i , cents p.•r 1. d$I.. SoldQsrlky of rot"" by (1..,. itI,y;..r , +11. itg rel fur twee- 1 I i otas- the land are Being into costae) f \• a Iilk wit do net recomtut 1, 1 Pn- rich. Zen : Lot:s L't:atoese. A'ar,�u part of Ido'* bur:h• to aro self imp'se'l acid who'll, nee.Ikii. Fears it( calamities what) never l.Ippcn, a doleful habit of k eking at the sunt, • *uspieiou►s il'Ap,oItion ,w ieelewe turn of sins -these net the tyrants that Lae( us with hardens heavy to bear, but need:tom to tarry. It we *yotl.I hear tole cxst11:na 4110 vari,.os burdens (lulu I Yes, we should be sur- $1.I( prie0erl to tied )tow many of theta aro t ttle,.ing tw int tryat.lyd. of this altars• tor. Not ..nly ret tv ' dr•p In these tient a whorl our newspapers Aliso if we with but new to other are flooded with patent medicine adver- tiatelarMle tical n show,. Thorn *te lista/ands, it is gratifying to know whet et thea ant) IriaL in life which to procure that will certainly core icon i1 you are 11tli• us, blood out of .elder. liver inactive, er : enema' deM11taterl, thete is nothing in the world that will cu^e you so q!ui.kly as Electric Bitters. They are a blessing to all mankind, and can)* had for only fifty cents a bottle of James vV.la, - «'1 of nitre, and rub -quickly with a damp cloth. To prevent the hair front falling out use a mixture composed of two ounces of spirits of ammonia. two ounces each of glycerine and rose water, one-half ounce of cantharides and enough alcohol to clarify. Tu raise the pile of velvet take two pimes of wood and place them on a table and between them, b.attom side up, put three very hot flat irons and lay over them ;► wet cloth ; hold the velvet over the cloth with the wrong side •lowi , and when thoroughly steamed brush the pile with a light whish. s seed (Diger The (,hlcag•., Bollington & Quwcy Balloted Company has just issued en illustrated treatise, "The Heart of the Continent," describing the wonderful growth of the six Groat States. The book se beautifully printed, and numerous en graving* of high merit adorn its pages. Any one sending their name and address with two three -cent postage stalaps Wt11 receive n copy by return mail, by ArC Besignz to Will Now Le the tine, u yew wash one or two toe rooms at ions. to see Butler's room paper Ho 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Desig o s Beautiful colon, and at primes slless�th i v ine la omuch wn. and mustorg hoe s. ('a 1 aid yrs them are • TIS Lies1 Syillg Bazaar Patens and FashioRs„ At SVTZEF�'S. Bweklea's Arnica Italie. The greatest medical wonder of the world. Warranted to speedily cure Burns, Bruises,Cuts,Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever gores, Cancers, Piles, Chilblains, Corns, Tetter, Chapped Hands, and all Skin Eruptions, guaranteed to sure in every instance, or money refunded 25c. per box. For sale by .I. Wilton. ly. A Trilling Thing. tine has said that "ft is hard telling what a trifle means." Everything in nature seems to he closely connected with everything else. An undue pre- ponderance of one force sets in motion all other forces. The eddying of a few particles of air may give rise to a tornado. A few drops of oil slowly leaking from a cask may went of little account, nut in due time the vessel will be empty. A small pmt, l..dt or screw out of place may stop a powerful engine. A particle of dust may stop or render :1 chr.nwu1 ter useless as a tinlo-keeper. The prick of e balio•,n may destroy it. Another erite, has put the thought in n still stronger light • "There is no such thing as a trifle." Any person who has lived many years, and been engaged in the transac- tions of daily life, will certainly appreci- ate this quotation. A useless expense of a few cents daily to a lettering man w amount to no smolt sum in a series o' years, while a judicious expenditure in the satire way will bo exhibited in a few years in the gtt eral appearance of thrift all around such a man. T. know how to do things In the laeat possible ma'nrer in - over Dr. Kine'a New Discovery or tion• suinptien. '1" .:ir utiloctked for recovery I by the timely- iy mac of this great life Sav- ing remedy, cae'eta them to go •curly wild in its praise. it is guaranteed to positively cure set ere coughs. colds, as - !hone, hay fever. bronchitis, ht*arseness, less of voice, or any affection el the throat and lunula. Trial h..tthis free at Jatrwi Wilton.* drub story inrue sere sailer horro, without mannttdllring atts11iWand 1,14.11,•., ..urs. Certain and *preny toaof filen Coughs, (l'o'de, iironadtiti.•, ani 1 .ail tome *red Throat trove .ubtaiwed by tieing 1)r. h pro Muhl Oare'u• w I bottles props. 110 de. tent Medicines, bat when we know •,f otic that is n public b. nef:ictor, and doe• positively cure. then we *.*Milder it on duty impart that informat en to Inset nic Ilitiert are truly u most ' •In • • Oh- l& medicine. and will surely c e "11- everLeer roe ' e eriwa. W &ree11 b) Oh- iesstess, Fever and Ague, `' ono h, et*. BOW:Ity Med I111•0iv*" fts. Liver and Kidney ('omplatnt•, eten where all other reinedia fait. We know I j'he (heat t:firman invigorator is the only .pe. itt,- for ,nate feneq, verve,* de- bility. near• real )a•aitud.•, forgetfulness, lair% ie the late' n sides. n't matter how tooted Cie arw'cm wily he from ex- eleoug Rea k toll the Gerd German Hee, • Iv will .e.h•ee the I at function *•,d •,^ .rot toe ,1,h and happiness. $1.00 ie., 1, t, ••x , "les fair $'. 00. Elold by aN u. S••nt .•n eyelet "f price, t ",!'• 1''u 1. I, e 1 ('h .ace, TolMlo, remove* all h ,, a .I•• r • 'it tortl',ite 1 State.. Cir - value of Kram's Fluid l.it.htning. Teen t,•• .ni.1. sent free. Sold t 6ve cents per bottle •t Oen Rhyne.- i 1e, ler. i *lines. mete wont for Gode- i e Rtnrelett HARDWARE. —00 TO R.W.McKENZIE'S TO BUY YOIIR-. C ross C ut Saws &Axes YOUR COW C!I Aa1N� OUR— Table acrd Pocket Cutlery --Best Value, And Varied al;aioitomirices. elsis13wsPaints and —ems IlIIS— Barb Wire--BestMade. R_ W_ Mc-TEN'ZS _ DANIEL CORDON CABINET D„IA$ER, everyone else.' - -- "But, mamma. where are they f" in- ;,,r• FURNITURE AT BOTTOM PRICES FOR CASH. "tet refuse 1•atkin mond. quired E K "Oh ! you cannot see your sentinel, but you can feel it," replied Mn. Brooks ''I think you felt it this morn- ing. I hope you did." "I do not know what you mean, mam- ma ;" returned Ernest. "When you were so angry with your little sister, what did you feel 1" "I felt sorry afterwards," said Ernest. "Yes ! and it was your sentinel, 905- sequence, that made you feel so. God has placed a conscience in your heart, and that is what I call yutffr sentinel. it was that, that called to you and told you that anger was trying to take you pris..s- er; but you aid not listen to its voice . and then afterwards It upbraided you for not doing so. "Suppose the rooks 11.1(1 not obeyed Cie twice of their sentinel, what would have been the consequences, do you think f "I suppose some of the•u would hat e been shot.- "Yee, mist ,lively ; anti when you let any sin become the master of you, you are s( -ting more t oliett17 than the birds would have done if they had refused t take th.tr'ten unal 'sadvise, for no sin however small you may think it, can gate a mastery over you without robbing rant heart -•t s me of its purity. Sin kenos a stain 'remind it, wherever it gates, 'diet of this, my bey, and try always to listen le the vote* of your wmt I101, eon- Selenc• 1 o nth $ C •111toanion. know whereof we speak. end von .rely recommend thein to all. Exch fifty cents a bottle by .1, %dirt•. le) •rue's time LtaNwent Is the only instantsneons relief for Nen, Hlgitt, He*al*eh.', T,"•th•che, ole. nah tag w few drop• hri.kly is all that is Noveeded. •1 taking fltiien 'os ateiieimes for week*, but our mmnte0 .application 11 pain and will prove the emelt I have now on hand a very largo .4tc('k, aueh a'• Chairslofall kinds, Tables, Bedsteads Parlor Setts, Side Boards, Rat- tan Chairs, &.c_, 8&o., &.C. 2 Doors West of the Post Office. CHAS. A. NAIRN - --r1A9 ora NEW FRUITS CHRISTMAS. NEW ARRIVING EVERY DAY An Inspection Invited. "(v(1HHTMUM »LIARY SAVE MONEY IN BUYING. A Discount of 12_ per cent Allowed on all Cash Purchsees is Feathers, Silk Velvets, Flowers, Rats, etc., etc,t etc, This is a Genuine Offer, as I stn anxious to Clear off Winter Stock. Miss Jessie Wilson, "1'H K HQUARIR (3011(F.RiCH