The Huron Signal, 1883-02-16, Page 8HUIION SIGNAL, FRIDAY, FEB. 11►. 138:; .I,re stet ,• of bas: o ledthatM t h L. .4 el Mire ' .l t . 1 ill t •1 •t .s . n IV.,,, 1 ha•• it : ani,U,. , \ 11 ..t. 1 , .., ty. gantaa•oo. .. . , ' f ., ,biug gotel to ell a that no l.' Il: . . '1 ..y 3 . ...1 'i la•e a11.t.r. 1 ,-. 1' . ,• ' , „J .1.+., 1 • • ' "'..r A tees., ' '• n.1 L, a l , t ' It .•elm for te•. • aft•.. it,. ging wheel I „1 • n'r LnraAal. -A literary and musical bre est 1i • „ . ' '', :n 1 , ..,.. ' tun I ,nterteinutt•nt, consisting( of dialogues, the _ recitations, re:uliti,e and essays, inter - tale .. :r: , . ; t . ;.e • .v .. ',, : ! sperwed with choice wdos, duets. quar- tile vel. , t, 'tette., etc., will he 'e.( by the 1.1'. L 1. lot tet'.' i, ,u S. in the B. ('. ('beech, Zion, on Therm- ; Glrbraili. guest of Mrs. John Stewart, Butternut ' Row. Ke- hler,. III IV \1"rris had a pluasaint Politic are befog discussed by the lie yt,it :uu••i t feuds 111 \1'inham led ( formers and Cousen•atives. Booth sides i Belgrave. I have committee. aplm+iated, suit now and j I then an a1111aasad'a is brut from (ludo- ' rich en either side to furnish thein with , Kinp;ebrietee. hu tidings, and pn'l.aru tlte.11 tt vl,tu ou 1UJ .-er Miss Reagan, of McGillivray lstisitiug a 27th' is her friend, Mrs. Joseph Griffin, ,.f this 1J_'4S feet w:w tlw uieurwrnu';,t esu • , e, place, t$iuud n two heutlo.k kegs 14 fust 4n \1'o are glen to lelrp r. • a, n- length' drawn iu one load t,, the saW- o/.il is John Dalton who had his ears badly frozen, able to resume ills work. •.,n Edwerd ever heavy roads, last week. There have been several parties here The yard leas at Dunlop ulilltp had during the winter smitten at which the, enough to stretch the tape across Ouse young pe>'.ple en)'.yetd themselves exceed-' This is the biggest load delivered in togly. their yard this wisest. Mr. Joseph Morris, of Garbraid, drew one load 1u winter of 1872 that measured in two logs of 25 feet in length for harbor et eGederich lotion; feet I Iur esteeuietl Port Albert cotelu says that he recently heard a young lady ex - mill by Mr. Fuioy's team, driven by his $OIIm11Lr. Revival u,eenties have been carried on here in the M. E. Church for s.nte time back, and are likely to be cuntinued. • gar i' nrd. , spec.. fir :a goal • fuse 11e •Ia41 t 1:11 : 'n: vel- ' •i:.t,,, heti , roulette, low - ;est er unser deo. (nett'te ie • vere win et c, no mewl; as day o ening 22nd Inst. Go and get a mental trust. Admission 15 cents. Auntsrn. A M. hues is the impulse cau4ldate iu this vill.. e. 'rhe vete will be near'y two to one in his favor. Mr. J ,!•o Fec_ur,:l, h!-:eksiuith, left last week for Nebrask:t, 1'. S., where 0'0 Inn ndrrstaud he intend4 to sett!). perms- , ueaitly. itlaulatld T4:op1).', `:•t. 304. 1.11.0.T., which for A01110 time km not been in a very poor Working or,lte, 44:11mow at:e•t- ctI to work soda, alio at the lust regular meetie.Il,'Ira ., held on Monday uveleng, the 4 lath nog., initiated 7 new membel8. I it ` t It i, thtt intention of the Presbyterial' twngregation here to have a tea -meeting travelling 4eshde, on the evening Of the 1st March uext. oit.lv.i Citl'V1: Weeds$ Yrrlaas. GoDaalt'll. 't-►-. 6 1I, Wheal. trail) • bush., _ IIs •IDN %Ybeat, aspr ....• .• bush . . 4 t0 N 11 OD, ?Io 4.. trrrl. ii 36 el O 4 50 ,r 0I (h's. ;' bots:. , . . U N et 'Sri, ,' ,08.'4 ,. Iia:1•.. ,, ►„r,.r . ' 0 15 01 elle 4'.14$1.('sVbush 0 30 '4 0 I HAY. 44 ton 50 tet 8 Ota Itgtt•r.t++t.. - 016 el Ola tilt r; . 4 d tar. ev " Itt ..... ., V3 or 0 - 1/444 Ci► .111:14 41 ..IIi .1 ... 010 'T. 1 00 hues, 11 t'.tt .. 0 TO ' u IMI ' t''tolll, 11 t'•.vt.. ,t, .. 100 I Ill R'o, 3 t :175 10 - l AO 7 :MI " 44 03 Mr. S. Marshall of East .N'nw•ano*lI, has let the contract of buildif.', :t ems brick house. Mr. J. Burwell, of Carlow, has the contract .f the brick work and plaeterine, Mr. I1. Bohn, of Auburn, the stonework, and"J. Young, of Au claim : "Where is that Leeburn, any- t burn. how 4' The Port Albert eerres,emdent Banking. BANK Or' MONTRE:AI.. C'lPii.1I., YUJRPI.t'8, - ederich Branch. D. (:LAN. - Hii,.ey- r. Allows interest 011 &r sit.. Peafls, tette. of credit and cir.u'.. not s is'•tu d, payab l in all looser the wurkl. 1:54. (-tANADI A \ 1.* 1. ; I' COMMERCE Pool uu 4',,pi, RAST. I ,.,. 1'.ur. r:(ps. Mtx'd._kfix'd Rept, - tJo.1 is t,. Lv.5,liaun.. ti W 1'ul SOapm i- W am 8'afo-t 1 .k' '.SL I$ 4.55 teas .,it:Lr,i..t,.7.:'u 2.13 6.:3 11 le , S ' Presidrn Paso. Yip's. Mild. Mill. I Genera/ 3Iaon, i. St'attunl.LvltOlpu 7.Wpm &wean mewls wi S. W I ti at e.rth.Ar.1t5a the carpenter work. 8.42 L ! 1-1 t.reT1 E Got•richAr, 1.:5 9.70 VAS , 1, Goderich Crt- .1. I A. M. ROSS. and his fair en•luirer must 1110 S charwit44 Lu.know• Shiite 13101'1,r. 10.15awaPtu • dep pair of innocents, who have never been li:naardintl I uUus7au. Intert•rt allowed un J1,. t ' I :.1':s on a 11.1.,:1Jb•r (•1evteert y ltlw prinetpal Tolima and 1.1,.• it caned', far from hou1e. \\•e remember seeing 6 eel eeturofav) .l r. t'.(Oalo..l,t• 9.1'. Great Britain and the (1:i,ei , ,o -. tough several young ladies tense Port Albert - 1 and sold. Louisiana's terse. •1',. neons stand the right short '.f lotter- ies, however, one needs to shinern where they are most preva en . New Orleans is their huwquarters to this cubtmnent. It is their home, and there the test piti- ful pictures are to be seen daily. There are upwards id a hundred offices' in the city especially for the sale of tickets,and each day people in rags,people with bare feet, young men, old meu,young eons•.(, 11.1.14. 'rather geed looking girls, toe,, but in 1 t (1► SEEDS! RELIABLE SEEDS ! jmAd Anteees armirson'ewe-, bon, tie o EhOPPIlettlnl. his august presence for knowledge, we •ill bread describe the happy spot called *der flat the Adonis of the Port tea be able to enlighten the lasses who see 11.100)1- , •.• 1 -•3.1 i+ ...• .. ',Weft' alto. But w,• h:.'.. !" : I 1 4 •n l'h,.l Yt•d in a tying that t .. . ' ,• t1_i.ct ...., out' week. tLry 1, ev, : 1, 4' 'r • .'lit 4 1 '4,' •f l 1.110 will ea tltlfll: 010 .l : , 41 ;1 i' 13 1,:',a.1ot- ,:now 4 a Siert.--tlneof our gallentspur- 110 valentines et the *tote last W4J suppose seine of our maidens ch receive one, gut:'. let each other ikc sixty after thel4th inst. ed. . , .' h,• tion, • . .. to the pie .1, ., , 1 :tate .., .. . „'e4 . bd,1y .1 any-': sal.,. , .,.. tl , 1 - `,4113- t .. , taro 1. at t 0•:4 ill ' . o, -: 1.1:1 :'1L0 Telma el. BEAT THE EtillINE---Sam- 1101 Canetone and ins brother Edward have returned home from the lumber woods. At Stratford the railroad tieing blocked with snow, they undertok to ' ' walk the rest of the distance home about 1 ,o •.c; 50 .Hiles and did so in lei hours. When 1111.1,:'1: f. r I walking, the iron horse overtook them 'A' • ..i11 ee further, fat Helmesville, but did not stop- for a l,l r i•i :. the; we he. I them. .lines 1 ..4. 4 :.::, S.ts t!1u set411403t Unfair - nese in tie dr.twilg at L •ndou. Wo 1 know that the whole proxydings were certi0.1 on its the f.tiitet 11, '.,.'.!e manner and O. ter, mist atra.gittfurward way. Some i,,tter:•.a til:ly be crooked, but this one w•.s flet. le fact, It is stated that $Olm,tvUls. Roads father full of snow-, but not quite impassible. 1Ir. ('dy, who 11.1, been the guest of Dir. Hicks, returned home last week, there ie,. e•ie.• t:i the tol:er provinces after a visit of about two weeks in this which :.-u .ua suit!y .ti the lntereste of I part. the p:'[teeters, ivh', are tout over parti.u- I tin Friday night 1441'.4 few young folk lar as r t th .wth .d of ,ic.win". This had a geed time el the shape of an oyster w Leoburu. It is situated "n the lake shorn road, in the tow nship(4 Colborne, extending a mile and three quarters north and south between Dunlop and old wetuen, boys and girls, white and wi Sheppardt+m, and I d t if in he a a an a to colored, hie thither to invest their guar - width. We have two churches, a tent- tors in what is called a supplementary perauce hall, and the famous Peine Farm, schem • to the monthly drawe), •,f known where the name of Port Albert and kindred (Larkins have never pene- trated, and esteemed by summer tourists from many distant points in Canada and the neighboring republic. Due of the churches has a sweet voiced hell, which calls the people to the house of prayer. The shrill whistle of the propellor car- rying tourists never has been hoard at Port Albert harbor : Echo answers, near. The only things Hosting in the harbor up north are a few vagrant geese and ducks. WEBSTxa BROWN. Denitsuifltm l) Ulf Dkai`Itll"i 1\'E YeICEI► t'AT< 11d)J( !.', Newel -104y illustrated. coo -1 ta,nete all neviewary tnfonoatloa fax the sue- I 4*11(1t cub..ivrt:un of \ egetrblgs• flowers, tlrl4 110010, Potatoes, etc.. u now published. and wail Ile emelte1 Roe to all applicant1. JOHN A. t.ltl'4'E k ('U. . a•r.I (4.'...v -rt. Ham;non, ('$.(.tato the great L•,uisiate' State lottery. Oftentimes they go without the nec- essaries of life W satisfy their insatiate desires for sudden gaol. Oftentimes the hungry and the gaunt ate to be seen peering into the windows where the tastily printed ti.kets in many colors are temptingly hung. Pausing fora meet, they select a number which hits their fancy, and, plunging into the recesses of their almost empty pockets, produce their last glittering "two bits," and has- tily exchan,e it for one of the false, il- lusive scraps of paper. Disappointed Ince, in the hope of reaping a hundred- • fold of their outlay, they try again and "That was good choose, Bub." again,' impoverishing themselves and Mr. Wilkie. dentist, of Clinton, was in their belongings. The fever is worse town last week. than the whisky drinking to which they Wiry or uity iso: ase true- W. have tie supper and a party at Mr. McCartney'*. 1. Mis Stephen Stothers, rf Clinton, was usually resort if by any fluke the whee gleans ' f knowing. Eat WO do knew I , air. W. Wakefield has begun to snake visiting frionds hero Last week. should faro* them, and yet such are the scenes that every day occur et the • home of the lottery king. And the mean who profits by all this evil is petted and feted, By the sheer strength of his ill-gotten gains he com- pels bishops to speak well of him. Unstinted in his charities -by which he maintains his hold on the comniunity and retains his charter to do wrong - many derive pleasures from his accumu- lations of wealth. He pays forty thous- rl'nd dollars annually toward the supper' of a hospital. It is a condition of his license and isa large amount, but it is a count of Miss Burrit having to attend mere fleabite in'the $90,000 a month her brother-in-law's funeral in Goderich. which he ackowledges he wrinee from d concert and tea hi icetin in. the halfstarved masses by his •'schemes. that, sac• or ant tor, they are .e,lually as ini,hhu infri leemen: of the tau 1441p .ek- initis pocket. Tnes should net only be aupprease 1, but the men - at the wheel should be Punished welt the extrc lueat Men B Kicherla'n is on the tick rig .r. It is t ie only way respect for the la v eta b.1 enforced. If the present t list. laws Jac p .., ca lcei t efi-.01, their object, 1. Saltford. • then n::v ones .(fust be created. The m,ral seas,. of the community must ,net UrxN DIEeTSNu.-An op,enjtlterting will be lout:aged in any b .dy's interests. N. Ti. Wor!'i takes the Stand that be held under the auspices of the Sons cf Tem perance of this place, on the evening this w,u.0 !otter u.c3m,•ss is illet,al per- !Temperance ni ie fa, dcm.e:alieing ; and it is connr- 101 Friday next, 23rd., in the temperuooe ed that the to ::{.owl itenee e•f the people, - hall.. The evening's amusements will and the evidence' -f experience Supp ,rts ' consist of dialogues, readings, recltat one sur to seem. Of all the evils that prey ke Vocal and inrtrumental music .gill :,n the vital threes of a people none t so also enliven the night. A silver collet - destructive as the sp'rit-of gaining we Ilth tion will be taken up in aid' of the soci- without work. A3 soon as the 'neje'ity ety. et a r' ....(unity get possessed of the idea St•NUAI Sciterht MEETING. -The an - that there -.se sheet cot to success -by 11teal meeting of Saltford Uuion Sunday resort to gainhlitig in acme form er School wee held in the Temperance Hall other ----that Icomout secs the rapid de n Monday evening The chair was oc- his usual route. Some are we,ndering )Itrs Anme Pentland is at present where they can hile their dogs. visiting friends in Luckuuw, where she Mr. J. Richardson visited some of. expects to remain some time. his friends back north last week. • It is reported that at the last meeting of the Quarterly Board of the Methodist church here the basis of Union was un- animously adopted. cadence of su.:h a people. In order that the public may see how illegal these lotteries are we will quote the law ,''1 'h, subject : 0.44'. xi•Y., 212. vie. 1. If any per en makes, prints, :elver- - tises or publishes, to causes our pro.uret to be rnsle,-printed, advertised, or p.ub lished, any proposal, scheme, •r p•an. fur adtancing, lendine, giving, selling, or in 141 way disposing of any property, either real or porsontl, by lots. cards, tickets, or in any node of chance what- soever, or sells, barters, exchanges, or tthectr.,: •lisp' ae+ of, ,•: (lU+-a pro -aloes Annie Graham is visiting friends interests at the next nfeetiug of Presby- minutes consideration. Mr. James Campbell, who' was lately in the employ of B. J. Crawforl R Co. here, has gone to fnitill an engagement in %%Ingham. Success to you, James. Thejunior department of the public school was closed on Monday last ou ac - A gran g connection with St. Paul's church, was given here on last Thersday evening. The success of the undertaking was up to the mint sanguine expectations of the managers, in every particular, and the audience dispersed to their ?several a t copied by the Superintendent, Mr. Mc- hones feeling that they haat spent a Iotyre, and Miss -McIntyre accompanied Pleasant and protitable evening. the singing on the melodeon. Appropri- The excitement over the lottery was ate addresses were given by Mesors. Jas. of a very mild character here. 4 in ac - Mitchell and T. McGillicuddy, which were well received by the young people count of the irregularity of mails we re- ceived no definite intelligence until assembled. Thu ofticers were re-ele:ted Saturday night. Some ticket holders for the ensuing year. The school de- held their precious bits of paper at very serves a heartier support from the par- high figures until the last minute. So este in the section. There is material far as we have heard no person was the for an excellent Sunday school in Salt- lucky winner of prize in this vicinity. ford. Port Albert. Mr. Leask, of St. Helens, occupied the Presbyterian pulpit here on Sunday Besides this he pays $200 a year license fee for each of his hundred offices. So that altogether hie fees and his taxes forth a -very considerable item in the city revenue. Still there is nothing that warrants his existence- or that war- rants his existrnce or that of his business. New Orleans would be better without hila and the people's 'morals in - peeved and teres purses heavier. As with the city in the 'send' ao with Cana- acres of land, more or lass. the We shall be a better people for Which lands and tenements i shall oler for plodding alongin our odd steadywa sale, at n y omen in the Court House, in the p g Y town of elodetieh, on Saturday, the Thirty that for enx,uragidv fictitious aids to in- First day of March, 1393, at '41e hour of twelve ono sv esping .y, ssI - • beton ou dk I1urn.ag s1ght) and subu j Ila'.' 1• 4. r b•blol to conquer tin -. + .; -t week in your own sewn. $11 uutOt 413. • :aik. Everything new. ('appal nut re 111 •1'e will tnrnieh )uu everything. his„: .. tLing t••rtuues. Ladies mike at (1141.-44 -.'. :and la., r and K1cir13 make great 4.41 .et.•, •, if >cm 4tant, -- --- ------ buwi n' rt. at 'a 41100 ) 0U (..14 1.,. we {treat pay all the time, write ror parir.ula:, ,u 11. Hat.LJxrr I "TME CHEAPEST HCUSE UNDER TME SU!t at Co.. l'ortlaud Statue. Olt ,a l SHERIFF S SALE OF LANDS. , l' 11111L1 \,Ii,„ , \I ,, , III'1 ('uc.TT til' 1101144. , ley virtue of 4. at rpt of , J l 1t To WMT: , Fieri F:octasissu doutof i iter Miinan s County Court of the c'ount'y of I Huron. and to me directed and delivered, against 1 h bowls and tenements of John Mc- Leod, at the suit of John I'areone, 1 have seiz- ed and taken in execution all the right. title, r 1 Interest and equity of redemption, of the de- SELLING AT LOW PRICES tendant, John McLeod, In and to that reason parcel or tract of land. situate, lying- and be - mg to the County of Huron, and twin* the North half of Lot 7. concession 15 of Owl own - ship of Stephen, eotnprising tiny acres of lan,1 T'' ',1H): 's 'itis roe. - more or less. ' Which lauds and 1 Oenler,te I,41541 uITer f.n sale, at my office in the Court House In the Town of Oo Marc L6 .M4 the the twelve NEW V7' /1(' O O D S , teenth day of ldsrch,ltitrl,at ttto boor of twelve e+- W • y Seven - of the clock. noon. ItOBF ICT OiRISONS, Sheriff of 11uron. Sheriff's Office. t%,skurich. 1F6e. Dec. 6th, 1882. 41 SHERIFF'S SA t - 07 LANDS. Cot iTY or HcRON, l By vireos of a writ of To WIT : 1 Fieri Faeia.w'las ed ont of tier Majeriy's Count (Mat of the (county of 'Huron. and to me d(Matmcte t and dclvered, agalnst the lands .and tenements of John 44. Walker. at the suit of David Rosa. I hate seised and taken in cxccuti.,e. all the, right, title. interest. and equity of redemption. of the 'above uatned defendant. John S. Wal- ker, in and to all that portion of pat eight. in the twolfth concession of the •ownsh[p of Grey in the County of Huron. Iving south of the River Maitland and con:amir,g sixty nine Low Phil ee to Gash Buyer, -- O. jt.,Aitr, IS• - 410('•.(:.: 61016". 1' 1a4nti tit o4 (4, 2- "tNCT GOOD*. Ht ATPD %TARA, ... .011.71 4:144, 411' 1r.f.,,1•APCI .. .. • rl Ti dividual success. - World- I of the clock. noon. [Toronto 1t011kRT GIBBONS. Sheriff etl'n. Huron. &herifs O91ce. I4oderich, The "51.11" lilts Meredith Yard. December 15tb, 1852. - 147---1-!' d7 i ' Jaw. Ma uldors Bon The Hail says the boundary award "is NOTICE TO CREDITOP.S known to } t 1 incurably illegal by every last. Ilia mission ere th w is to cite the -- Or - congregation to appear in behalf of their lawyer who has ever given it twenty CHRISTI AN A (: cI ji 11 1 ) Now. the roe -lessee cure~, yr ails, or Jssi3ts iu the sale, bar 1 in the event of the present pastor, award wa3 made in 1878, end in 1881 Mr. lot "' ter or 041.chaa{c, or other disposal of, ur at Clinton. Miss G. will, I understand, , tery before her unseen pay a visit to friends the Rev Mr. Leitch wishing to resign. Meredith, a good lawyer and the leader j)ursuant oe an (teemed the High Court I t, 0 I-4. s'lle' 11410: ' 4 o'.'_h "420' any ;it Portage Lal rairie, Man. Accordingly a de utation consiatin of of the O oleo.( in the Ontario Le is- 1 tit Justici Chrccry i>ivlslon, made in a tut* Card, ticket, o r ether means or de- p g pp g • walk r or rr Gordon, Gordon vs. Gordon, the v:ce, f 1 altancin,g: Iending giving or Oi(ITI.tay.--1 regret to announce the Messrs. Smith and Tritublewereappoint- lature, upheld its legality. Ifad he, ini.creditors of Christiana Gordon laic of' the ells:, •r ctherwiae iiiepoem se of any 4l0 mise of Miss Mary Ann Scott, which ed to wait on the presbytery in the inter- the mean time, never given it twenty Town of '9lnten in the county of Huron melancholy event occurred on Mend*y eats of this congregation. minutes consideration -[Whrtm l hro- bet h h morning at the residence of her brother, One evening last week a large party of nick. Mr. Jas. Stott. Though ailing for some the young ladies and gentlemen of th18 time her friends had strong hopes of her village procured vehicles and detest to "Tho simple, practicable plan propos- recover •. - intelligence NOTES. - into. Ta r ' r ev MOTE.. .r, n 1' R i Y WAS well displayed here the other even- selves on the large and curntnodionsrink, nig[. Posters were out, announcing that the members of the party repaired to the property, real or personal, by lots, tick- ets, or ;.by ureic ,•f chance whetevelk, such pee,ou shall, ep. ;: conyietien there- of, before any. tr-ai' r. (Idem.($.( or jus- tice of the peace, upon the hath f one f 1 c or upon • 'hlc t*Itness s o credible er m re, , T confession there'.(, forfeit the suer of twenty d•,liara fez. leach and (suet such offence, together with costs which said frfeits:re shall be al.plted half to the informer :old the other half to the tranicipality. a. Any person buying. Larterin;, ex- changing, taking, er receisine any such naso earl, ticket, i r other device as in the above section mentioned, shell, tip - ea ,,Eviction thereof, in like manner as therein mentioned. forfeit the sunt of twenty dollars f• .r such ,.ffeucc, r,1 Le recorer.'d ..',d applied as af sale, lean, oft, q i pecty by any itttery, ticket, card, or sang. Their disgust open hearing that nest by adjourning the Hoare of Conn and the surrender of eue•half the tcrri- uther mole of erases whatever, der Id- n>ither Mr. Meredith nor oven their mons fora week. This would enable- tory of Ontario fur an indefinite number ill1, upon nr t•' be determined by cualee local ca " WI T t d h II as well as all • widow, who died on or about the 15th day of October. 4882. are, on or ore the 1161 day of February, 1863, to send by post, prepaid to Messrs. Seeger d• Morton, liarrlsters. Oode rich, their christian and surnlames, addressee and description. the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts, and the nature of the securities (It any) held by them. or In default thereof they will be peremptori- ly excluded from the benefit of the eakl enter. yEvery creditor holding any security le to produce the carne before me the underslg.sd master of the said court at (loderlrh, on the Mb day of Marc).. 1882, at fen o'clock 1n the forenoon being the time apointed for adjudi- cation on the claim. `a. MALCOMION, Master atOoderlch- Doted 5th February, 1803. 1877-31. Lucknow to indulge in the luxury of a ed by Mr. Meredith for dealing with the o m nd itself to must c m e - licensee every • I m i u in t} e „'t •ell L Ie U Id After th to A skn J Y Ic y honest man. it is simply that license cotnmieeioners be : ppeidted by county and city councils --[Hamilton Spectator. But if Sir John is correct, Mr Mere• dith has nothing to .10 with the matter. Sir John contends that the pewee to li- the friends of Mr. Fred \V. Johnston would meet at the Royal Hotel for pur- pose of organization. This very plain language was, however, too obscure for theT intellect, which fondly Whitely house, where mine host 'Whitely had prepare1 1 a sumptuous repast for the hungry skaters. Everything was tfthe very best that the country can produce, and the party left at a Tate hour speak- ing in the highest terms o nc nowians average Tory ln e p imagined that they were about to hear f L l cense rests with the Dominion. The sonic very brilliant speeches, from some in general and Whitely in particular. Spectator is surely nut simple enough to of the shining lights of the party ; and - believe that Mr. Meredith has any opin- accordingly some -thirty or forty of the P.wsiwas vi.. Loral relltics• ion but of Sir John. ustiel meed which one sees at Tory de It is hinted that the lea -beef the. Con• - n, onatratione, put in an appearance earls'srrt'atice .art anxious to helpthe The Tory Platform. Gresa1 i, ws party barter, o- .ex- h *tied to en uire, as he alighted from his wing of the patty which does duty in What is Mr. Meredith s Oath *til 1 i I the evening. Ione old gontlemen w, e hange of any real tr pers 1nl pro -vehicle, if r. Meredith would he pre- .Ontario, purposes making a think stove- A repudiation .f the Boundary Award candidate, Mr. hen• - ap-ynu- himself an la co nausea huuldor-}'e11-like-hell John- his sit triers m parliament to turn to of years, as the common plunder of the er let, shall be vc•rd to all intents and Otl.the s I pt purposes whatsoever. and all each reel atop, would be present. can better and give Mr. Meredith and his candy- whole Dominion ; the romntnl of the re- _ or pommel property s.. .odd, lent, given, be imagined than described. The organi- strictions against the licensing of low bartered, or exchanged, Anil I. forfeited sateen meeting pr .ved a thorough failure. 1 h f ' FHA per)..( n( .rill .e. fir tit, some inr There is veer}- little enthusiasm animating '.rkna or ief'in-av*fion re one r'Oo' eerie the hearts of the Tories here, for the •• •rt io tare pi erieo.. . pre lent contest: and indeed it ix not t'. Sec. 5 provides that if a person con be wondered at. Without a platform, vitted as aforesaid cannot pasty the lin,, wolhy of the name, without tete single the shall 4, to Oil r th.e. Inet.t'.ts or faint to be found with the present admin- on int t sides aro thrust all they can to lees I istr [tion, without, 1 was about to say entangle the two betties,hut the sober `pec, et:ek .os 1:,; 1't. 44544 -Its •'i th + i without a candidate, fur indeed tnsny of sense of the people is aganst provoking :at to the publicist •, 11 of h'rt i4(4 L.tte:• I the neve ardent adherents of Ter) Ism, any conflicts lwt* een them. Let each ire leek upw., Mr. Frnd. W. Johnsten1 as he- hegtelstore mead its team Lusinesd. - -jTt- Sec 7 aletines t..' tet•ut ''.e, -i 'IIal pro- ling at the hest but a ter). poor apeeltg)' roto Telegram. petty" to lechele every- tleerriptien of it is net surer -mine that they al Id en- ntewley', etc• ter the contest with very despairing t lady should receive., under any ci0 A:. xxxcl.l l l v p ., hopes. Mr. Itoss may count upon eves tunistances, valuable presents from gen- ii pcop1r are always on the look est for chances to increase theft narnln•,3.nnd Ire thine be- come wealthy : those who do _ not improve their opportun- ities remain In poverty %S a offer a great chance to make money. 14. 1ant men, \*o- men, boys and girls to week for us in the.r own localities. Anyone can do the work pro- perly from the first start. Tho business will pay more than ten tlmos ordinary wages. F.x- penslve outfit furnished free. No one who en- gages falls to make money rapidly. Yon can devote yowl. whole time to the work, or only your spare moments. Fall li formation an all that is necessary sent free Adders. servo ens & Co., Certified. Maine dates* helping hand. We doubt very much that Sir John would a anything houses for the sale of liquor, and making a.k glaringly opposed to constitutional the granting of licenses the subject of a , per$CIlm. The Dominion Parliament contest in every municipal election : the Oso nothing to do with the Ontario olec- giving of Mr. McLaren the absolute cen- time, our the clntario elections with the trol of the navigation of the Mississippi Dominion Parliament. The politicians Rifer, not Duly through his own lands, but Omagh the lands of other riparian nroprieters, and the denial of this right to any ono (Ise throughout the whole extent of that river ; keeping the ques- tion unsettled on two hundred other streams, on account of Mr, McLaren's unressonaablo pretertiaons upon the Mis- siesippi ; the exclusion of the head of the Educational Department. from Parlia- ment, and 41e abolition of responsible government., so far as the soho,l systetls is concerned ,and persistent efforts t o make the management of our sohoeds a subject et political warfare, and of religionist strife. [Advertiser. The acrid act [cap: xcv-. ca'neelivated etatgtes of Canada[ dee$ not apply to any reels for prizes of small [-slur, at any 1 *star held for any charitable Thject ; provided, however thin t" ent:le :uty such raA1e hereafter to be the exemption, hereby declerawl, 4termisan,n must les oh - '.tins{ from the uty or ether etlnicipal • tined, or (non the mayor. ur other AI- . er of munici!ralite in which such bazaar ,.t held, and tree articles so thereat to 1* tafnod for, neist l.e such only as have thereat lirst been uttered for sale, anti einst none of them 1" -gala et- -4013m t--'*iI tc fifty .1 vlis, - a Ii -err cote in this wan! than Mr. Cameron ree01Ae 1. Looters'. $s:•ats+s. --We are ears t.' barn that Mrs Knuckle has been very ill fnr 0041110 days, hut she is gradnally ripe, ening Rotuma,- 'We saw ono of fnr fe4orits songsters in Mr. Fnlfore's orchard n few days ago. Piteous see -Miss Maggie Howard, of Manchester. ie visiting friends here. --Mr. A. MscI)"neld and sister. of Ripley, Pent a leer 1st•• 1.00 3"'t '-ri•.': the Stemple Americans would conllider it an insult for a gentleman to offer jewlery. tnglish lathes are not se, aenattive. They tamest! they can get, and hare no deli- rocy, in making suggesti one. Shopping with an English lady, even on very short acquaintance. is a serious affair to an American. Young John Bull, however. has net heeiteney in $$141.(44, bluntly, "i ain't aff"rd it-' This mercenary gift - taking spirit among English society) is ptreatly despised by American l.elles, who rather astonish the Feely stns e` Albion by retooling the gift nnr anmhleing sae Riv What scnlptnre is to a block e f mar- ble, education is to a human soul The philosopher. the saint and the here, the wise, the good and the great man, vel'. often lie hid and concerned in a pleheisn, which a proper education might have evolved and hreught to light O ACRES FREE! Devil'e Lake, Tort i.' Mountain and Mouse Hit -Eq. Country NORTH DAKOTA. Trlbutar> to the I". ,•• 1 ';•'.' . Land GRAND FORKS, DAKOTA. onuT10111AL NI? and 041.1 particulars mailed MRS to any endue. 0: H. F. M4 NALLY, tient rat Trat dila' Agent IT. fML, IIINIIE1MOUf L NUITOSA R. N•, to It. Veen it TswslNs.Ns1. Tonsorial. "THE CHEAPEST E ;'JiE 080E9 TOE Slit ;4t11;;;;;;i4r; TTTT G-_ H_ 0='S Of0W.if$14g 31n. I.w 1.0.) tort les - stns talwe Is Too u. Nei Tem TvKNIGHT, pL`ACTTCAT. It AR - . RSR and Mrdrmwer. to retorts ttuttka to the Innasblic for t t'ae soandws I 'Melte a eontionaaee rum always b tonna 4110'+'* ,• 1 0 for, Poole Of."' tjod.e-:..s I.1it \n Vgwat for M.rr). 13 sad +ere Tes 4 3111 ie Weal h) nal hese Itediletioe ma ;e em Missile! .('.weed ra rrels o' BLACK, JAPAN, AND GHUN, • TPIA, \(knits.."1141, Selected lot of Uroccriee`. eo. H.OId.