The Huron Signal, 1882-08-25, Page 6yuu
t n.
"I wonder he didn't take the parson,"
mused the deacon's housekeeper, as the
deacon drove off alone to the Annual
Conference. "He's commonly master I you.
thoughtful about luokin' out for folk. "Why, bless your soul, Olive, do you
what a husband he was !" slippage 1 should consider a friend of
Yes, Asa Phu,nix had been a good yours a burden T'
husband. All the neighbors agreed "You don't know how trying pour
with Mrs. Dubbs in that particular. He father would to to anybody but his own
had waited upon hie fussy invalid wife,
dying by inches for thirty years, making
her as happy as she would let him; and
when her summons aims, he bad clod
her dying eyes tenderly, saying eves
with tears:
Poor sufferer, she a tetter off'"
That he was better off he never hint-
ed by word or look. He wore his
widower's weeds with sad decorum; he
reared in his memory of the departed
Lucinda a monument which the most
fastidious deceasedmight have envied;
he grievd faithfully fur the full allotted
years of ,nnurning. lf, now, from the
ashes of his funeral pyre, like his feath-
ered namesake of fable, he was springing
up with renewed youth and freshness,
was it not well
In truth, though ho did nut see fit to
confide this fact to Mrs, 'Dobbs, Deac,D
Phenix had slighted the minister delib-
1 erately and with malice aforethought.
Nor was it of the Coefereuce he was
thinkinz that fragrant June morning as
he whirled away, tucking the lap -robe
well about his glossy new broadcloth.
For once in his hither to blameless life
he was essaying to"hide,tlie secular, un-
derneath the spiritual. lie did not
mean to go straight to meeting; it was
his wily intention to make n wide circuit
l 11 t Miss Olive Rayne in the
Olive; my loots is 1stpge, Why IOU are
stria" si eedda't Mr Phaseht--dt is litre
your generosity to propos such a thing;
but I couldn't have hint a burden to
Oslattelff le Sisal 9aatel Llliti tllt�
std Erma imply, aid the reish wee
highly eatiahetor'7• ''Higk1y "kWh..
eery," Highly M ietareQr7, be
d to turncoat as be paned the
of the semen road whisk I to Ma
Oiie&'.. Somehow b. reinitiate were
lees cheedal attic that Pee'kaye thio
chilly etlperh p pM h eased
Dim. 01 perhaps i1 l ole hooses
that be ars bee WC, the best of
as have arper'et iOna Oopetain it t 1104
as be alieht.d from his baggy this
ing'with weariless of limb and Laapeaii
of lines, his oounteuaaoe led Din. Dabbs
tO fear that the meeting had not bees
Next morning, thanks to the ungrac-
ious weather, he wee aroused by aotatic
tortawas. To au slimly Isthmian,
DSIII betrothed to a bilge, lady
greatly kis junior, such an awt►1�gg
was peculiarly trying. Be thoe sith rue-
fully of the early visit he had promised
Mrs. Vance.
Should these pains increase, he must
defer it indefinitely, or lisp into her
prettiness on crutches -an alternative too
suggestive of advancing age. Flattered
as he was by the widow's acceptance, he
could nut deny that it placed him in a
position in some respects irksome. It
admonished him that he had no further
right to infirmities; that henceforth it
was his bounden duty to be as young as
he could.
The reflection wearied him,the clutch-
ing pain wearied him. Mrs. Dobbs
afterward said she bad never seen hint
so out of sorts as on that evening when
she took in his snail. Amon' the letters I
was one that caught his eye at mite. it i tt.!;., p ,s been
Cited.. l;nrp• • .M.!'
was as follows: eery ili et h•. +••'•' a iuobaty, N.
"DEAR FRIEND: My pour, deur father' B. is aetwty t- yenta.
A°' call "s ' had life for him, a lonely old man near- is at rest. He was seized•with paralysis
awn of Chester. He had a question to i seventy 1 I the murning after you left us, and pass -
ask her, and did not want the pinion I o ed awaypainlessly in a few hours. How !
t want hila 1 hardly conscious of the reins, he .lad led
lexpected y this event when we
doyen some miles at an unsanctifiud ,
pace, when he almost ran over Mr. talked together : My hands were full
Torry, brother of the deceased Lucinda, then; now they are empty. My w. rk
• •0 0„ ! here is done. If you still think I can I
make happy the kind friend who has
always been our 1 enefactor, I should be
glad to see you.
%Mir -lar s to put as frieneda. Olt,
jeer 1 k ,you'll forgive we if I have
wee f pleased with
the stet dein hajiltee►e but did n st
mare tiny 'sprees* that showed his
S dm* replied: ' W- - N. pacbapa
we heed► better not refuse Um guidance of
iarpeitianaa. thud it WNW as though the
way was suede flexr to es Asst in Umtata
prevent oar stepping into the wing
pati. I tbW,I ten accept yalltt deter
and we will part as you say, h+wQr-"
Itis needless W my how promptly the
desmon Gated upon the suggestion its
Olive Wayne's letter, bemuse every
masculine reader know* bow quiak17 pe
wooed have p neentatll' himself loo, had
he been in a similar situation; but it way
bo gratifying to our lady readers to
kauw that in proper time Olive tuok up
new duties nr.der the deaeon's tuof, and
the deacon never ceased le congratulate
himself tel hie esoape from the conee
quesees of his hasty proposal•
daflghter, and I think he is likely to live
to i great age, es grandfather did.''
"For that very reason, then' -
Besides, it would 'make Wm wretched
to take him from the old hoeatie sad."
"But Olive"—
"So you see, I'm engaged, Mr. P.e-
nix,'• said Miss (Hive, playfully, while
she whisked away a tear. "I'm engag-
ed. You must marry some ladybo
isn't. And I hope you will be as happy
as you deserve to be," she added, with a
little tremor springing up to adjust the
In vain he tried to bend her to his
wishes, she retnained outwardly firm as
the hearthstone at her feet. till at length
he came to the unwelcome conviction
that she had no liking fur hint, or
she would have listened to his'plesdings.
She had interposed the old gentleman
merely as a sort of cushion, to soften
th3 blow of her rejection.
If he took a smiling leave, it was be-
cause' pride tugged at his facial muscles,
fur, to tell the truth, he had never been
more disappointed and chagrined in his
Of what avail the stylish equipage up-
on which he had plumed himself ? Was
it net bearine him on t.. the tomb .e And
why should he wish toprolong his earthly
pilgrimage ? What further attractions
Dtr. Ws. Hetlaln. d Smash Nereid',
'�ssyyrtt Fur sial t yeas I suffered tron1a
Diver had any until 1S
by otr�raaMidr► wed (J. Wes -
le, A d< Co., Oste ) to rDr
Canon s Stomach and Constipation
ters, whieh have dose eie more good
than any otedioise 1 have ever taken. 1
would, with the utmost confidence,
, re-
ouratseotd them to all suffering
hottenW, etc. Sold by all Druggists at
60 eta. a bottle.
Btu Whelks Nara*
L•ITAat.teaIU its 18311.
lianas fully tested
MAO mails.
Ifivery day we receive testimonials
from well known Montrealer, testifying
to the wonderful surd. of Dr. B H
The latest comes to-dsy (November 9itb)
from Mr. J. O. Darmia, No. 19 St. Bary
Street, who says his child, sir years old,
passed au immense number of small sat
o pin worms and large stemaeh worms,
with only a few dose.. Fur sale by Jas.
Wilson, Goderich, Ont., at 25 ceuta.
pus no ether.
he most woodertel c.retive ruutedies
of the present day, are those that come
from Germany, or et least originate
there. The oes.l1'usemmalsvl ogaroa,
which has never bees knows to 1rI11 1u
curing a single e.t•u ci `';tie �, spei-
matorrh•-et. wmt':.t1CIP w:' .. tit 4.ser
re•u'tan,j fN:". re t�i►tt. Q, es(te-
bili•y iliattllily:
Awls. 1 ieo:,i• 4'. later -
tier, i.iastfnde, •lu,,ree . , .r -u-Ira and
fU1:Cti.rfa! •lel':1 t1�V ..•'. • ''•M r.tKrs.Ue
gate:n, For av'e .•y '• •, : . ••r sent
fres• :::y • ntnil •.:o, J y t •t of, 1 lie price.
fal.Ir).l,er'lns, -"n our b iaee , 6u $55.00.
Adam.* r. •1 Q,tt>sgv, i ••'.••i.,, l .. Geo.
Itle.aus, Sole Agent, Go lerich. 1813.:1m
Prett y, cheerful 'live : Hoar fond he
.hail been of her, years ago, when she at- Khr, was walking toehnul hie c..rnag
tepded•school. If he hail not then been I a kng ascent.
in leve with Lucinda, he was sun he "Going to Conference t" asked that
would have fallen in love with her, mere' gentleman after an exchange of greet -
child though she was. He hal never trigs•"Didn't you come a reuxdabeut
lest sight of her, and he tl•tnked Pro-
idcncc that lie ' had been e:iabled by
nhdu'y and influence to help her family
over seine hard places. Please God, the
eirl should henceforth have an easy life.
Why, Olive trust' 1 e fifty..
The good deacon laughed at the atnua-
ntg recollections. Well, she would seem
young to him. And as for himself, at
sikty odd he was a hale man •yet; he
could jump a five -rail fence as well as he
cvet could -give him time. •His thoughts
continually reverted to Olive, se patient-
ly. devoted to her invalid fat:. •r. She
should bring the old gentletna t to his
house if she wished, •or he woul.. provide
Ever his maintenance at her brother
Reuben's. He wiis inclined to consider
that the better plan. The money would
be an object to Reuben.
In these cogitations the morning pass-
ed, and noon found Doaoun 1'hcrnix at
the little hotel in Chester. Impatient
of delay, after a hasty diener he set out
almost immediately for the homestead.
Arrived at tho gate, he spied bliss her dear Charles, etc.
In the wonting tho worthy deacon "By -the -way, I stet the widow, th u
Oliva at the window, and alighted with morning, riding with Jahn Vance," re-
agility pot altogether prudent
have smiled inwardly at the effusive
in a Haan who had a twinge .1f ric. This afternoon he hugged it marked Mr. Torrey, casually. "You re -
And yet -strange inconsistency of human
like poultice to his aching heart. It member hiut,the brother next to Charles?
lie dallied at the e c u g post, 1 d h d 1 self 1 ova and in• Hr's just tomo home from California
Yount sincerely,
t)Llwx Waysz.'.
way ? b1r. Yheeniz read this missiye, re fiend
"I ant inclined to think I did," as
sented the deacon with prodigious show it, shct,it in the book of Job safe front '
of gander. ''A roundabout way and prying Mrs. Dubbs, and drummed un -
hard way. Is your wife with yuu r' . easily on the closed Bible. What a Ire -
"Yes, and the Widow Vance. I have dicaluent : Must he thus humble
her ? 1le writhed at the thought.
to foot it up hill, you see. Hots° step- Dlust t:e then humble himself ! Bit -
ped on a rolling stone back apiece and I
lamed himself." terer than all, must he relinquish his
"Your load is heavy; let Sister Torrey tried friend of a lifetime ? Having reach -
ride with me." ed life's autumn, must he reject its Ina -
But Sister Torrey being niervous, like
Lucinda before her, and utortally afraid
of the deacons spirited steed, it was in
the end Mrs. Vance that nestled into
arttwo sew twaPr,., u besttlaS ►�ea
'""'_ rep.
to `i�wedtt`.
ass �}ow Nee Mknti-
N is a AsltiisMTNMar ars
ver7sOnai ve-
t1oseel? Mws. PawPa�• °'
receipt oft K or either for It. L,feat• seated
very etgdy
Chrpatal Black.
f.) 'IU.".-1EN andS.1LT WELL MEN
New a �. r: ti :►.•l t1.T 11.• n.rt.L.,r.c
• I ..n shortest sotto°.
Illustrated Floral Guide
IK tem Is as Rlesaat S..k .f ire rate•.
two sobered rasa...r Y weer. *tad m�eewree
Nils�eee �sdatt.a• of the choicest F%ow-
era plats aad Vegotable.,ani Directtonafor
growing. 1t Is handsome enough for the Ces-
tn Table or • Holiday Present. fiend on your
none end Poet (ice iwldnus. with 10Qce�Is
and I wW send you a copy• post Pa
Is not • ytaIter of tis Lost. 1t Is petaled in
trade )sloe vol (gthman. If you +►ttcrwarde
or,eNr=i +dsideWjtucttthe hecto.
aro the twat in the world.
Tb.PLota'Gatos wW tell yuu how to gel
and grow than.
Iftars fewer mad Yriersabte Gamlen. lr5
Poses, a Colored Plan•, 100 IIS,grevinga. for
ss coats in pa cored : $1.00In elegant cloth.
In ltertsaa•or Lagttstt.
Ylrk•s illustrated llesasay eemoseinNs2
Mmes• a Colored Plate is every sumbe ,•od
nasty One EnpavtUs. 1'ric $$n* tl • year.
Hive ('.91 4 for $5.00. peci
sees fur M eenla ; r trial 000les for!, oeeta
addr ss.
J 111114 YW . 1<aeaesterL,yl
III-. • I' u .• ; OttClot.d till le: Ih t
pereonat .h;w. t'.yton i t'ae Propr:eten w h • I
Is n compound of the virtues ot sarsa-
parilla, atillingia. mandrake, yei'.ow
dock, with the iodide of potash and iron,
ail powerfel biood-making bleod cleans-
ing, and lffe•sastaising elements. It is
the purest, safest, and most effectual
alterative available to the public. The
sciences of medicine and chemistry have
d iate fruits for the rho- rocfuced a remedy so potent to
lure an appropr necer p
barb and greens -of spring- time ? Alas cure all diseases resulting from impure
blvd It cures 5cro1 d 11
yea; he must fulfill his engagement, for
was he not an "honorable man ?' He
would write at once to Olive a candid
the vacant seat. She was a gushing statement of rho ease.
young widow whose mitigated t'ricf
manifested itself in certain coxquettish But while he idled at his desk on the
bows of pale lavender. She 'protested morrow Mr. Torrey came to ask the loan
that sho felt already acquainted with of a horse till his own should be in run -
Mr. Phoenix through her late husband, Hing order, and the deacon laid down
to whom he had been so kind. She was
glad of this opportunity to thank him.
She would never cease to be gratelol for
the many favors he had conferred upon
hie pen with a sigh of relief.
Feeling that he ought to tell his
brother-in-law of his contemplated mar-
riage, at dinner he lead the conversation
back to the Conference and Mrs. Vance.
nature . t1 it 1 in
toot ie is Kouu ce with his Puckets.full.
and afterward, with his hand on the
knocker, he paused to scan the distant
horizon as though he cause mainly for a
view of the mountains. Miss Olive
,opened the door, her checks tluehed like
late October peaches. She would net
have been a woman had she not divined
the deacons tender mission, proclaimed
by every detail of his immaculate toil-
ette, by the grasp of his hand, by his
nerl'ous, expectant air. And, moreover,
Miss Olive was an attractive woman, not
u Air. Phoenix. 1 to cheerfulness that sense- Unfortunately several days oft
' • Ha • ,y to tion y • , , f meeting of course-verg- pain
dined him toward his fair eulogist, to >h
whom ne re-counted pleasant anecdotes Yea Shouldn't wander if ho ti,uk
of her husband's boyhood. Indeed he
made himself so agreeable that she was the widow. Some say they are engaged
rather aerry to reach Churchcille, where' already.'
the whole party was cordially welcomed Of course the deacon knew better
at the house of Mr. Zenas Torrey. than that; nevertheloas, he delayed his
A proud man was Mr. Phenix. He' tender confession. And he did not
would not for the world have had his write the letter. Time enough fur that 1
recent disappointment suspected by his after he had paid Mrs. Vance the pro-
wife's relatives, and during those three mixed visit. The latter lady certainly I EiEs11days of Conference be caeried himself had the first claim upon leis attention. I
Du%ersed in lovers way.
11 times-outo , -ter - ing pensued, during which the den -
Walk in,' said she. hurriedly, ushering her ed to fritkine' - Mrs. Vanco told Mrs. Con's patience was put to a severe test:
him into the sitting remit,. where her 7,enas Torrey that he was "just splen• but he was able at last to seek the obiect
aged father dozed in his armchair. lM T t y of his hasty choice.
"Who is it, Olive ?" said the old
C j T1Tr D
did,' which compment
Scrofula an a
scrofulous diseases, Erysipelas,
Rose, or St.. Anthony's Fire, Pim-
ples and Face -grubs, Pustules,
Blotches, Boils, Tumors, Tetter.
Humors, Salt Rheum, Scald -head,
Ring -worm, Ulcers, Sores, Rheu-
matism, MercurialFemale Weaknesses and
Irregularities, Jaundice,Affections ,
of she Elver, Dyspepsa, Emacia-
tion, and General Debility.
By its searching and cleansing quali-
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need despair who will give AYER'S
SARSAPARILLA a fair trial.
It is folly to experiment with the nu-
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Physicians know its compositionand
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Practical and Analgykal Chemists,
Lowell, Maas.
SOLD BY ILL 1 B1J itari EvERrwgxa1•
• a
Pracrictl. V t
i'. O. Ilex lit;: 1787
rn. ore �0R' BEEF,
repeated to him with a meaning simile, He found her in the dror-yard play'
gentleman, waking with n bewildered
'Dir. Phenix, father. \'o u remem-
ber Mr. Prenix, I'm sure.'
"I don't know as I (lo," said he,
rtueruleusly, fumbling with the guest's
outstretched hand. "What's he come
for, t )lire ?"
hinting that if he thought of marrying ing croquet with a tall, well-dressed
again he need not search for n wife. Ile gentleman.
looked coufuee,l, and hotly disclaimed "So happy to see you, Deacon Flee -
any matrimonial intentions. As to the nix :" cried she, with voluble embarrass-
you.nti widow was he not double her ment, '"and so glad to introduce Mr.
age ? Would June join hands with Vance, dear Charles's brother. Do
December ? come in."
Alas : what an insignificant trifle can "I hope my tardy coming does not
seem discourteous, Mrs. Vance," said
he, with affable formality, while the
stranger hastened to a suddenly recalled
engagement. "I hate not--
"No—oh, no,' broke in the widow,
I have not been well. l )there ine,
our present interesting relation—''
"Oh, Mr. Ph.o•nix interrupted she,
throwing herself upon a cricket at his
feet "Do you know, i am so afraid I
her n y
cd still. Not a gray thread in her gold-ce. By noise mysterious law ..f neoiucnces, eve not the one to make you happy
And my friends say that the discrep-
en hair: ncnrcely a wrinkle in her fathis led to a second offer and a second �' in our ages is teen great. Ought i
Tltat was because of her excellent dis• acceptance, and almost ore he knew
position. Ile waited till she had Booth- it, Deacon Phoenix had pledged himself to many againet their wishes f'
to escort the widow for life. "Yore must answer that question, my
When. after gallantly depositing his
The deacon looked as if be were cud- turn the scale of human destiny. But
den') feeling the hot weather; Miss , for a horse's right fore foot, Deacon
Olive was positively feverish, but she Phrenix might have returned home en
deftly avoided the troublesome question the morrow as he had left it --a free
by diverting her father's attention. His man. It was that lame horse that kick-
pephew.iint tea was ready _wonid he ed the beans and decided his fate. On
drink it ? .\s she hovered about the , Friday morning, the meddling quadru-
invalid, straightening his footsie -A, ar ped had been found lamer than ever.
ranging his pillow, steadying the -up The deacon could de no Zeas than offer
while he drank, Mr. Phoenix regarded to escort Mrs. Vance home. She could 4
dmirin •1 •. How young she seen- d.• n» less than Accept the offer gladly.
ed the old man into slumber, the
direct, manly way introduced the subject
that lay next to his heart.
Miss Olive interrupted him by an ele-
ment gIanee at her father.
"He is eery childish and o1 pendent.
He cannot do without me. •
1.4 me help ears far him. Miss
promised bride at her own door, he was
alone with his own thoughts, he felt a
little surprised at his own precipitancy;
but he told himself over and over again•
what a fortunate man he was. how happy
he outfit to he
deer madame.- responded the deacon,
with suppressed eagerness The finger
of Providence was in this. He held his
breath to make sure which way it point-
"Then if ynu don't mind very moch,
Deaton Phoenix. perhaps it would he
only.• S:aro'ait . nedered).:_aorlstn-
1,. • CST ori Cl1EAPE1TWbrtca-
J1..11 tr„r:d-theBEST because ItOcoee
not gum, but terms a Wetly polished Sur-
rface over the stale. retOweing friction and
tiaa:eeinathe draft :'be CHEAP EUTb^-
a1,' It costs NO MORR than Inferior
brLnds, .i one bog will 00 the were
tuna of an/ other sake. Aas.rars ss et
1.1 nerve tee -a. 1tL'l Gearing. 1110011110111
cause* C d' ,-Planters, L,uriiytw.
etc.. as far W spas. GUAM
ce,tes!n NO Petroleum.Sold by ' fl Via'
Irk" Oar Cyc.'ope' of
11rowi.✓1 marled re e
223 Hud$2n St., New Yort.
Ca/tetanal. 0, and Chicago, fl.
3 a Te :: - t. •t ^ : E 19 A CO, torones,Ont.s
_. rr the Vomintot.
Christie Brown & Co':
Pure pia es.
Ohase A. Nal rn.
Neuralgia. Sciatica, Lu nbago,
Backache, Soreneu of the Chest,
Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell-
ings and Sprains, Burns and
Scalds, Genera/ Bodily
Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted
Feet and Ears, and all other
Pains and Aches.
li> Preparation on earth equals Sr J.rn.e 910
at s.afe, Lure, .tmp1..nd cheap rsterfl
Remedy. A trial entails but the compar♦
trifling outlay of 50 Cate, a.d every one safer.
lag with pain can lave cheap and positive pro'
of it, claim..
Directions In Mines tannage.
Beamer.. Xs., L' e. J.
$5 to $29,0117" `
mime e a Co.. •
I t
The subscriber would intimate to the peo-
ple of Ooderich that he has decided to gito up
business In his line owing to 111 health. and
that he Is now prepared to give exeception-
aUs good bargains. All wanting
will find it to their ndeanlage to call at once
as 141:e is a GENCINI' clearing sale.
IBCY-tt. /
A quantity of gond white brick on band an
for sale at reasonable rates.
The subscriber Is now earrring nn the brick
making bonnets at the Hlntatl kilns, and will
give all onion which nttoy be sent him th
meat prompt . sad tthe Theterms are of
otos Ottr11ty. sad
5, ntall
And ►n •�y! REST lane to at. Jow•pb,
polnm 1. Iowa, >> tchl.on,TopekaUeol-
Nebr..kaMls.ourl,xan-1!'j•�1 sole nal:aa GAI
. 4, New Mexien, Anyone, M •- .>♦ restua.
tans and Texas. �.
CHI C8Gir0
tip, Monte h.. no,nperl , f.+ U114.71
L•r. Minn. .p•le .nal •-t Pahl
N.11••'. 'r r••pnte,l si
•Ins tar Grout
U ro.eeded to
he the best *salaam
Railroad In the wi•rid for
all oleos, 'f t,a• e+ •
All rr nn••r+lni
Tickets eta the
Oeleltrated 1.Ine !•
11111e at 111 offices t
lite ra.
w y^•• .111
rear, e
Worry. isr•eM
et a its
ATI-'tC'iT comfort
sheet Rale. or
Pas.. steeping fors
etc . eb..renllr dvie
Id Etc. Pout A now/ Ynwnper, new Pen Act
Ckirago.111. C►teae..(IL
.1 firer.,,..
Oana.lian Pass. Av t.
Tornnr, t)n'
(iso R. ,Touwa'rolt,
Ticket Agent, loderieh