The Huron Signal, 1882-08-25, Page 3rift. HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, 25 1
saes Iiiiimessolis MeanMen "swts7l--Jw U hard to stem* toe,"
The -prutesalmaid beasty' Y se new "Med flee wretched drntuuler- "i—I
ti qtly
feature of the Ltwdus season; and though am" 111.1611 les as.lq
photography has no doubt done Neck to "Yoe loo!‘ Ural, slits pleaded. 'Would
gfvo public ty to cats cows* of the Love- yam sot like to not your head uu my
Best women in the ranks of hokum. yet sbosldet I No one will notice. Just
in the days of our great-grandfathers end By year d right dowu, and I will tell
great-grandmothers the reigns belles yus.Aegis..'
• excited just as much vulgar curiosity ted "No—au, thanks, 1 won't to day. I'm
gossip as they do now. Take, for ex. ase, .make aNs, thank you' awl the
ample, the Gunning', Maria and Bliss- poor drummer booked armies' hopeless -
beth, who appeared at the Court el
George II., eon at the age of eighteeta
and the other of nineteen, aud butb
without a dialing to their dowry. 'They
are declared,' writes Walpole, 'to be the
handsomest women alive; they can't
Walk iu the Park ur go to Vauxhall but
such crowds fellow thein that they are
gradually driven away.' One day they
went to see Hampton Court; as they
were going into the beauty room another
party arrived. The housekeeper, in s
state of Brest eicitamaut, said to the
new -comers, 'Thu way, ladies, hem are
the famous beauties !' The Misses
Gunning thereupon flew into a passion,
and asked her what she meant. They
went to see the palace, not Pt be shown
as a sight themselves.
The youngest of the two sisters be-
came the wife of James, Duke of Hamil-
ton; he fell in love with her at a masque-
rade, and a fortnight later ;net her at an
assembly in Lord Chesterfield's gorgeous
new house iu Mayfair. His Oraee was
so enamored of the lovely Elisabeth that
he left the faro -table, where he 1.a1
staked a thousand guineas, and 'let the
game slide,' whilst he paid devoted court
to his enchantress. Two nights later, at
half an hour past midnight, they were
married by Dr. Keith with the ring of s
bedourtain in Mayfair chapel, one of the
most hasty and efcentric marriages on
record. In lea than three weeks Maria
Gunniug followed her sister's example,
and was wedded to Lord Cov.ntry,thougb
not with such indeoent haste as in the
other case. The two beauties were even
greater objects of popular curiosity after cirilty, and dignity.
their marriages than before When the Boucicault : I wish that Adam had
Duchess of Hamilton was presented, the died with all his ribs in his body,
crowd at the drawing room was sit great
John Quincy Adams: All that I aro
that even 'noble persona clambered up- my mother made.
on chain and tables to look at her; whilst Victor Hu;;, ,: Woman detest the ser -
mobs gathered round the doors of the pent through a professional jealousy.
two 'goddesses to see them get into Leasing: Nature meant to make wo-
their sedan -chain; and such crowds man its masterpiece.
flocked to see the Duchess when she Eugene Rue: There is something still
went to her castle that 700 persona sat worse to be dreaded than a Jesuite, and
up all night in a Yorkshire town in order that is a Jesuitess.
to see her start in her poet -chaise the Latnartioe: There is a woman at the
next morning. beginning of all great things.
"Tour scarf pin is cueing out. Let
..smelt it. Thera," and she arranged it
deftly. "At the next station I'll get a
oup of tea for you, and when we alive
at our destiva'iun yo 1l let we call on
you," and she smiled en anxious prayer
right up into his pallid ouuntenence.
'1 think I'll go away and smoke," raid
the drummer, and hauling down his grip
sack, he Made for the door, knee-deep in
the grins showered around him by his
t allow -passengers.
"Strange!" murmured the girl to the
lauy in front of her. "I uuly did with
him just what he was making ready to
do with ate, and big and strong as he is,
he could not stand it. I really think
that women have stronger stomachs than
men, and besides that, thera isn't any
sroaking car for them to fly to for re-
fuge. 1 don't understand this thing."
But she settled back contentedly all
the seine, and .t a convection of drum-
mers, held in the smoaker that morning
it was unanimously rerolved that her
seat was engaged, as far as they were
c•eicetmai, for the balance of the season.
Many and Divers Opines of the Pair ilex.
Confucius: Woman is the master-
Franklyn : He that takes a wife takes
Herder: Wonsan is the crown of crea-
La Fontain : Foxes are all tails and
woman all tongue.
Voltaire: Woman teaches us repose,
Fielding : In the forming of female
Lady Coventry was equally run after. friendships, beauty seldom recommends
At Worcester a shoemaker made two one woman to another.
guineas and a half by showing, at a pen- Whittier: If woman lust us Eden such
ny a head, the shoes which he was mak- as she alone restores it.
ing for the Countess. She had, how- Socrates: Trust not a woman when
ever, little but her beauty to recommend she weepts, fur it is her nature to weep
her; it was she who made the singularly when she wants her will.
maladroit remark to his Majesty that E. S. Barrett; W ratan is las'. at the
cross and earliest at the grave.
the one eight she longed to lee was a
Mary W. Craft: As a sex woman are
coronation. Her husband, who was a habitually indolent, and everything
sensible man in many respects, though lands to make them eu.
somewhat of a bear in manner, objected
strongly to he. ladyship's ex;e.sive use
of red and white powders and paints;
and once at a large dinnerparty,suspect-
ing that she had been 'making herself
up,' he chased his wife round the table
till he caught her, when, before all the
company, he scrubbed her face with a
:odes; and only two sweet thing., women
earl m duns,
Bishop Signori: Do net allow your
daughter W be taught lettere by a ueau
though he be St. Paul ur St. Fnumis of
Assisi. The salute are in heaven
Bulwer Lytton: 0 woman in ordinary
casae w stere a mortal, how in the great
and nn events of life dust thou swell in-
to the anvil!
De Maistre: It is not the mediocrity
of woweu's education which makes
their weakness it is their weakness
which necessarily causes their medioc-
Saville: Women have more strength
in their looks than we have in our laws,
and more power by their tears than we
have in our arguments.
Retif de law Bretonue: The life of a
wontau is & dissimulation. Condor,
beauty, freshness, virginity, Modesty -a
woman has each of these but unoe.
When lust, she must siiuulete theta the
rest of her life.
Samuel fannies. The wowert of the
poorer clave.s makes sacrifices. and runs
risks, and bear privations, and exercise
patience and kindness to a degree that
the world never knows of, and would
scarcely believe even if it did.
E. L. Lyutun: There is scarcely s
woman who does not think herself a
minor St. Peter, with the keys of heaven
and hell at her girdle; and the more cor-
scions she ia, the narrower the door she
unlocks and the smaller the number of
those that are allowed to enter.
Farm area &iar6en.
The beat and most profitable way to
raise pigs is to have an inclosed field
which will hold thelittle ones as well as the
old hugs. If tills has been well seeded to
clover, the summer keep wilt be a very
small money expense, as hogs will thrive
and do as well on clover as cattle will on
grass. The most successful farmers have
their sows and pigs on clover from the 1st
of May uutil frost, and provide them with
good clean drinking water.
Pure and good milk is a necessity in
almost every family. It may conte in a
who!eaotne cenditiral, yet there is ever
the danger that will become tainted•with
sower gas from closet, or even with the
dusts carried by drafts through sleeping
or living roosts. There can be no doubt
that whsle milk ia one of the best and moat
profitable of foods in anmwer, it must be
carefully guarded from the farm to the
table, or it will prove a potent vehicle of
The best prepartimf fora trey wash is
strong soapsuds,nnade ef a coutuou .eft
soap and water. The sons she Auld be made
frotn lye from ashes,and not:from humane
other deleterious ingredients. Make the
welt very strong and apply freely, and
in a very short time the coat of the tree
will assume a smooth and healthy appear-
ance. A preparation of whale -oil soap,
in the proportion of one pound of soap
to four gallons of water, is highly re-
commended by fruit culturists.
It is not beat to renew the orchard by
planting young apple trees in the places
mule vacant by the decay and destruc-
tion of the old ones. To a certain extent
the material needed for the growth of the
apple wood has been extracted from the
soil. and many of the enemies with which
the apple has to contend have found a
location there. It is better to supply a
vacancy with a tree of some other fruit,
or perhaps leave it vacant, and plant a
new orchard it some other locality.
One great mistake in pig breeding is
in having the breeding stock too young
—in breeding the sows before they have
Richer: No man can either live pious- become well grown end snatured, and
also in buying young breeding sows in-
ly or die righteous without a wife.
stead of full-grown ones. Keep a good
Rochebrune: It is easier for a woman breeding sow as longas she will (lave good
to defend her virtue against men than pigs, no matter if se is 7 or 8 years old,
her reputation against woman. for old or fully- matured sows invariably
N. A. Willis : The sweetest thing in have healthier and stronger offspring,
life is the unclouded welcome of a wife. while they have large litters, which is
lien. Johnston: A woman, the more quite an item when 10 or more sows are
curious she is about her face, is common- kept for breeding. It is well enough, and
napkin. When Lady Coventry visited ' ly the more careless about her house. in some cases e'en desirable, to breed
Voltaire: All the reasoning of wen these fully matured sows to a young and
are not worth one sentiment of women. ct;(°roue
Paris she expected that her beauty
would sleet with the applause which had
followed her and her sister through
England; but she was put to flight by
another English lydy, still more lovely in
the eyes of the Parisians. A certain
Mrs. Pitt took a bax at the opera or-
posite the Countess, and was so much
handsomer than her ladyship that the
} i out that this Ras the real
Southey : There are three things a
wise man will not trust : the wind, the
sunshine of an April day, and a wrnnan•e Harvesting operations are about cons -
plighted faith. pieted in this vicinity. Threshing has
Beecher: Women are a new race, re- commenced, many of the farmers being
created since the world received Chris- obliged to clear out the fall wheat in
inanity: - order to make room for the spring grain.
Swift: The lope of flattery in nesse Those who have threshed report good
♦ ....r..... Imeeme.
Mn. Gest C. Clarke, of Port Dalkon.
sit, Outarw, states that she had been
entfined to her room for a long time
with that dreadful disease, Coasseip-
tion. Th. doctors said she toad oat
escape an earty grave, bat fortunaSely
*he began taking 1h. s New Dis.
covery ter Cuuaawption, and in a .hart
time was completely cured. Doubting
one., pl•.ase write Mrs. Clarke, and be
convinced. Trial betties tree at Rhynes'
drug store. Large sine $1. (3)
The fine of J. or McEachen, Doug
la., writes us Jane 1st, saying: --"Them
is not another preparation we can recom-
mend with as much ooa&deno+ as Bur -
duck Blood Bitters, as it iuvariably gives
tete beet of satiataotion." Burdock Blood
Bitters cures all diseases of Blood, Liver
and Kidneys. Y.
Dusan and Rafe. of Paris, and lir. An-
derson, of London, and other eminent phial
oiowists emucaslntiet the tunetion of PH
PRATES as excitants etnutrition and nerve
powerbaring brought these siesta late gene-
ral use. it ought not to be nesessar to . the
attention of invalids to WHEELER'S Phos-
phates and Camases, the best combination of
these food elements. with Wild Cherry Bark,
in existence. its value In prostrate conditions
of the system a obvious, and its prolonged
use in obstinate eases that Tuve resisted all
ordinary treatment. will clearly demonstrate
Rs exlrordinary merits.
cats. men proceeds from the mean opinion
yields, ranging from 25 to 50 bushels per
theyhave of themselves: in women. acre.
l�ttglish angel; whereupon Lady Coven- The first steam thresher in these parts
try quitted Paris in a huff. Not long
from the contrary. has been introduced by Messrs. Malcolm
afterward she died of consumption, ac- Leopold Schefer: But one thing. On and Kenneth McLeod. Dials:01m iont
better than the wife—that is the
The Great American R.iwd fir
.iy� are frons iafw(os� W
aU rAeiabon o,�t /sfyaba w�(.w((�e
q/ the flaw sift' ak '.andelferal. 154 /old a .wed tr.e
—.e•{thosf dosbe tits wool valuable today Jaw for
Medtelna l proposes.
!Cray owe 15 I A { .
has heard, y epara
ofthewow- GRAYS t(ow "the
derfuf of separaia�
fats of the and al! it.
Spruces as t[-sa.-
and fAe SYRUP its' rr-
Plses Ica poo tors
cases of fbawle
Hants Dia or p roperrtee
` . RED err p
lbnnee screed.
yl les rats Ayr -
ranee ream ap euro
their seat- /parr pre-
thetr roe -rod ata
t. vvmptlrS tow few-
2hae y(we SPRUCE De r tare,
traria and a erg.
on*: (hew Quaatlfgtr
to dr(nk ofelw final
etmraie GUM. reeked
arum the O!a
spruce ctwplete
tope. swaton.
It.; remarkable power in relieving
certain forms of Bronchitis, and its
almost specific elect in curing ob-
Qtit+'(te hacking Coughs, is now, feel!
I, torn to the publir a' large.
.9011 by all reepeefsbte etewtlf.. Teta, 2t oaf
Wants a bottle.
77x..e•.trds "Syrup of red Spruce Jaw" Dowd(.
see o•.e Registered Trade Mark, and our wrapper
and( abets arc also registered.
KERRY; 1V -•f TS(LV ce Ca,
Wholesale Drsaolsa.
Srk Ft -a .stun and Manufacturers,
celerated, it was said, by the red and
white paint with which she plastered I,
those luckless charms of hers. ,I
to ■ei sews feta.
"Is this seat engaged!" be asked of
the prettiest girl in the car, and finding
it was not, he put his sample box in the
rack and braced himself for solid enjoy-
"Pleasant day," said the girl, coming
f r him before he could get his tongue
m. ether.
Lady Montague: It goes far toward
reconciling me f1lu being a woman when I
reflect that I ant in no danger of marry-
ing one. -
Shakespeare: For where is any author
in the world teaches such beauty as wo-
man's eyes?
Swift: The reason why so few mar-
riages are happy is because young ladies
spend their time in making nets, not in
making ages.
Michelet: Woman is the Sunday of
man not his repose only, but his joy, the
unkinked. "Most bewildering day, iso t Isalt of his life.
it."Alphonse Karr: A woman who writes
"Ye-yes,miss," stammered the drum- I commits two sine she increases the
number of books,and decreases the num-
ber of women.
mer. He was in the habit .,f playing
pitcher in this kind of a match, and the
powtiun of catcher didn't fit him as tight
III hill pantaloons.
"Nies weather, for travelling," said the
girl "much nicer than when it was cold
Are yon perfectly comfortable/
"Oh, yes, thanks,.. murmured the
"Glad of it," teemed the girl cheer-
fully. "You don't look so. Let me put
my shawl under your head, won't you 1
Hadn't you rather sit next to the win-
dow, and have me describe the landscape
to yont"
"No, please. he muttered. "I—I—
I'm doing well enough."
"Can't i hey some peanuts, or a book 1
Let me do something to make the trip
happy Suppose I slip my arm around
yet a waistl Just lean forward a trifle
.o I ears. •.
M. F. Ossnli : Women is born for
love, and it is impossible to turn her
from seeking it.
Douglas Jerrold: What women would
do if they could not cry, nobody knows
What poor defenseless creatures they
would be!
Louie Desnoyers: A woman may be
ugly, ill shaped, wicked, ignorant, silly
and stupid, but hardly ever rediculous.
Charles Buxton: Juliet was a fool to
kill herself, for in three months shed
hare married again, and been glad to be
quit at Romeo.
Lord Dalgdale : if the whole world
were put into one scale, and my mother
into the other, the world would kick the
Chesterfield: Women are much more
alike thea men; they have in truth, but
two passions, vanity and love, these are
their universal characteristic&
Malherbe: There are only two beau-
tiful things in the wwrbl, women and
his left hand last fall by a piachine ac-
cident, but nothing daunted lie has gone
into the business again. They are push-
ing and plucky fellows, and deserve sue -
., it uNAeQua.a Tta MRN 741 atasRA►,.r Cr ,Nie G'.r.N•
Spocial Baaiiis m Teas at Very Lox Prices.
25c. par Ib and upwards. If you want a really tine Tea try my 60o. Young Hywn
it is a splendid article and worth more money. I have also just opened out a corn
plete assortment of
Corckery Glassware,
Including Stone and China Tea Seta, Childrens' Toy Tea Setts, Lsdies and Gents
Fancy Tea Cups and Samsun, suitable for Christmas and New Year's Gifts.
Lam amp C c ( i t 5n Cu E at Variety
Call and be Convinced
Miss Jessie Wilson
Takes pleasurotn informing the ladies of:Goderich and vicinity', that alt oyrned out CII
Saturday, April the 8th
i.1.LARGE STOCK. 'H i'
Al ell and fine assortment of
And et e-1 thing in the shape of
I. .TEST 1NTO77-=1.ATI= .
The la.lies are cordially invited to inspect ,;co.i:+, and 1 will lectn it a r etteure to show th
Salla the attention of travelers to the central prot-
on of Its line, connecting the East and the Went
the shortest route, and carrying passengers,
change of bars between loago and Kan-
sas City, Council Bluffs, Leavenworth, Atchison,
Minneapolis and it. Paul. It connects in Union.
Depots with all the principal lines of road between
the Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean.. Its eQatp-
ment 1. unrivaled end magnificent, being composed
of Yost Comfortable and Beautiful Day Coaches,
Magnificent Horton Reclining Chair Cars, Pull-
man's Prettiest Palace Sleeping Cars, and the Best
Line of Dining Cars in the World. Three Trains
between Chlosgo and Missouri River Points. Two
Trains between Chicago and Minneapolis And St.
Paul, via the Famous
A New and Direct Line. via 9enec. and Kanka-
kee, has recdhtly been opened between l:tohmond,
Norfolk, Newport News, Chattanooga, Atlanta, Au-
gn.ta,Nsshvtlle Louisville, Lexington,Clnetnbat I,
Indianapolis and Louisville, Lafayette. and Omaha, Mieueap-
oll. and et. Paul and intermediate points.
All Through Passenger& Travel on rut Express
Tiokeu for .1 a at all principal Tioket Offices to
the United State, and Canada.
Dastgare checked through and rates of fare al-
ways as low as competitors that offer Dsy Coachetaf s,
. der►iled information, let the Mart and Fold-
ers of t!:t
At your nearest Tioket Office,
vice -Pru. It area 14 r. G481751. a Pus. AO
It is our painful duty to announce this
week the death of Mr. D. McDonald, of
this place, which occurred on Tuesday
evening, 13th inst. , after an illness of
about tour months. The funeral took
place on the following Thursday to Kin -
tail cemetery, and was one of the largest
ever seen in this pert of the country,
testifying in a degree the high esteem is
which the deceased was held. He was
a young than, being only 23 Tears of ago,
and until stricken with the disease which
caused his death was strong and healthy.
The sympathy of a large community is
with the bereaved friends in their be-
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal -
It nets directly upon the blood and the
mucous surfaces of the system. Price
75 cent. For sale by George Rhynes,
sole agent for Oodench. 1843-30
Cabin, Intermediate and Steerage Tickets at
Steerage Passengers are hooked to London,
Cardin. Bristol. Queenstown. (terry, Bettast,
(7.Iway and G1a-crow, at same rates at to
SILTbl;MER 6♦ZLZNt�t3:
Riltewwesa. From Quebee• Saturday.
A furred tongue, bad taste in the I (ir assian . .. . . ... .... • " 27
n. May In
mouth, n.usea vomiting, variable apps- Isere Scotian . June to
tite, alternate diarrhoea and costirenesi, 1 d;
faintness, weariness, yellow cast of eye pare/ tan - tl
and countenance,indicatesserious biliary Peruvian. July 1
trouble. Jaundice is a dangerous die- °milleian. 13
ease, it is an overflow of bad hole in the -'s-" is
circulation, any of these symptoms to Attg. s
should 1* remedied without delay. and `' ., 12
Burdock Rloexl Ritter is the ramex la
upon which you may surely rely. Rept. 9t
•$ i Reward
Is offered for any came of Catarrh that
can't he cured th Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Taken internalpj. Price 75 cents. For
sale by George Rh7Eas, sole agent for
F'arrners . .tterition.!
Barbed Fence Wire contracted furl -hi any tory lowest prices
\Vire and herb galvanizcd,ofte7icas twisted-a-hich cannot scaleofr. ...
Use Barbed Wire for Fences.
AP orteetic he
The Peat Cleansing Fluid
Has great pleasure in announcing to her
many friends and patrons in G.*tench and
privilege to manufacture and sell
e Pole lght
For renin‘ ing grewse and soil from anything
and everything. from the finest fahrtc to the
coart4Ytt garment worn.
No matter if the goods have been saturated
with oil, groan or dirt of any kind. It can.
for a trifling coat, be made to look a* [Roel as
new. It clowns all artichw without changing
Ow color. that would be destroed by the we
of water. No needave y�t000annd to Toronto or say
where when iite to t' can be done feathers esu tthan half
curled your awn town. ('all at MRS.
the Rt. In y
W ARN��K'y Millinery FstaMMhmett on
Hamilton tet. and see ter yourself Ia�P�
. .CoNat ImeyployLghf
or Capital rponlred. .1 Allan Lau & Ce. Mo
(Tete M; trail. , Qnebe
tickets and every Information artily to - -- - -
Ticket Agent.
Oodcrivh it it Ira A ngntta. Maine
" to
1843-3m 1st1-im.
t$7Ij A WRF.K, Its a day at home email
L. mad*. Costly outfit 'free Addrey
-- OF—
Four Medals and three diplomas awarded
them laid year at the loading 11.•‘. hitt'
tions. In the iominion
.end all men running machinery will ear.
mine by using our MM. Our LAIRI,IN K and
(:YLINiDAit 011. has no equal. Farts aper*
loader then words. and the public own find out
that the foregoing assertions are true, by try..
Ina one sample of our. Oils prices etc., on a*.
,Itcatnn to
IcColl Bros & Co Toronto.
The l*rdine Is for sole In Ooderi.h by
R.. W. cKEN!. IE, G. H. PARONRIia
.r S.