The Huron Signal, 1882-03-17, Page 5THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. M IRCH 17, 1882. 11:011001111116. Mr. Werth, has arrived to t tke pus- aegeion of the fares lately oei -.Died by Mr. John Denim eoa. The sale of Henry Cooke,was well at- tended last week. He intends trying I his fortune in Manitoba. • Mr Horton is about moving to borne. He was visited by • surprise abort time ago, when he was present. II with an album and a Lonily Bible Mr. Mathews Episcopalian tuiinster, read the Presentation and Miss Holmes pr* seated them. Leelrittzt. Tun Barr Yu.- The rec .r..1 .4 tho..t heroes of the axe and lung saw, James Strong and R. Gibbii has been ar,,ai, in the shade by 10 'Minn.', John T. Thompson, of the Commercial Road and W. G. Bogie doing the NAME work in 20 minutes. These but named kiiihi. .1 the axe authorize your coriespontlent to challenge Messrs. Strong and Gibbs to a chopping contest, for a wager of 55 .•r• more, the trial to take place on the feem of Capt. A. Bogie, near Sherotriitim. Rev. A. McFarlane is visiting Mr. Peter Green and old friends in this sec- tion. He is about to leavef. r u field in the North-weet. At the close of his sermon on Sunday, Rev. J. A. Turnb.:11 made a few feeling and appropriate remarks upon the de- cease of the late John Brindley. an old and respected member of the Pres- byterian church here. A SNOWY Ti. -Mr. D. Stirling, who lives near Leebuiri on Butternut Row, has, after much search, found • a suitable mate for his .handsome sorrel, paying Il1b0 for it. He bas now, in fact one of the beet matched. tuns that paces the Row. Danlop. L IMMIX Hansen. -Geese and ducks have been laying eggs for the past fort- night, while our Leeburn cousins haven't sun or eaten ODE that haattIt been packed. " :1111 BRIGHT BLUE Wirttlta. -Mr. You:._. engineer of Hodge & Haynes sawia.t. has engaged to sail on Lake Hur season. HU chums nt Dun - lot. - I miss hint greatly, s he is a j(IL,elluw. Mr. David Green, of Sheppardton, will succeed him. JOINED TO. MAJOIIITE.-Our toMilts- man, Mr. James Jewell, has bidden his bachelor comrades farewell, and has gone over to the forces of the benedicta. We wish him many jou, and si safe royaite on the sea of matrimony. The mill is now in full running order, and the dense volumes of black smoke belching out of the "tall chimney" gives the appearance of a "hunt` in the lum- ber business at this point. MILTAE=30 MAL. e The Nay, Comporld. its won- derful affinity to 12:3 Digestive Apparatus and the Liver. increas- ing the dissolving Juices, reliev- ing almost instantly the dreadful results c f 717spepsis, Indigestion. and the 7 GREW LIVER. makos Zopesa an every day necessity in very house. It acts gently and .ileedilv In Biliousness, Costiven",-7. Head- ache, Sick Headache, D: :ss aA ter liating,Wind on tho f3 • such. Heartburn. Pains in the $1....:Ir.nd Back, Want of Appetite. Want 01 BnergY. Low Spirits, Foul Stom- ach. It invigorates the Liver, car- ries oft all surplus bile, regulates the Bowels, and eves tone to the whole system. Cut this out and take it to yous Druggist anc2cet a 10 cent I3ample, or a large bottle for 75 cents, toad vour nehrlibor about it. 1882-MM;11TOBA--1832. SPECIAL EXCURSIONS. THE GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY has arranged for a series of excursion trains. in charge of special ager.ts. to run through, to 'Sikora and Manitoba without change of cars. These trains will commence to run about the first of Mare h, Parties who intend going to the Nort itwe et should bear in mind that the Grand Trunk is the shortest and best route, having an independent lute to Chicago. thus avoiding al: unneoesaaiy bus transfers and tedious changes. and this year otter facilities to the tract11ms public unequalled by an other road. The undersigned will have much pleasure in furnishing every information *5 10 fares. tickets. baggage, freight and live stock *0 .11 parts of IMAM& sad Manitoba. and du- tiable goods checked through to destination. Pamphlets maps kc.. tree on application. J. L. MURTON. BOOTS AND SHOES AA Use Oldret Established he Store in Town, In Endless Variety, To rui. the most fastidious taste and t14most canonic buyer. MY SPRING' STOCK Is no complete, and I take pleasure 'n itaforwitig my customers\ OM at no pre- vious time have I had such a Large & Varied Stock As at present. I have raised the Standard of Quality and Lowered the Price until it ie a positive fact that no such value in foot wear can be got elsewhere. CUSTOM WORK! Of every grade still receives my prompt and careful attention, and will be umde up in the most approved styles by first-class workmen, and of the very heat material obtainable. liatks and MissF. Boots JIM Plaid Free of' ClimipT, At time of purehase if so desired. Crabb's Block, Cur. East Street and the Square. HARDWARE! GO TO AO' jfifr •-ti.,k '19,11 'tSok. --1 -110. PRAT cK so- re -1N Z --41:' no- or- -on. -s -tt-, ' -re per- .x0- Lea- 1st _A -*A -*gr. _A Is• TO BUY YOUR Farmers' Hardware -YOUR Builders' Hardware H. ARMSTRONG. Agent G. T. 11.. or YOUR Excursion we ticket agent G. T. R. VES, FORKS & SPOONS Goderich. Mack's Magnetic Medicine! KNI Dzscsaaoan.-Mr. James Tobin has handed in his crutches to the sick'c tut- s mitten. Their able nursing has been I, rewarded by seeing his locomotion fully ; restored. They have now two cases ft under their xit. owe (^ETEM.). ha Sure. Prompt and Effectual Remedy for O011/En.. Nem -ow -mess In all sts stages, Weak Meesorp, loss of Brain Pew?, Sexual Prostration, Night Sweats, Sperniatorr ham. Seminal Weak- ness and tieneral Loss of Poorer. it rep.ta Nervous Waste, Rejorenates the Jaded vast - strengthens the Enfeebled Brain. and Re- stores Sorprisisie Tone and Vigor to the Ea, hayseed Generality 011701111. The experience ot thousands proves it an letvaix•ma RE -- CDT. The medicine is pleasant to the taste, and each box contains sufficient for two week's medication. and is the cheapest and best. Iffnall particulars In our pamphlet, which we desire to man free to any address. Mork'. Illagwetle Medicine is sold by Drug - rims One eta. per box. or II boxes for OS, or will be mailed free of postage, on receipt of the mon -y. by address! MACE'S 11441E1161EC MEDICINE tre.. Windsor. Ont.. Canada. Sold in Goderich, by JAHIS WILSON. and all Ho:mists everywhere 1811-ly Sugar making is being indulged in. A few farmers did plowing lam week. LARD 131111. -Mr. J. J. Wright, of the Point Farm has just disposed of 90 acres of the surplus land of that proper- ty for $2,500 to Messrs. James and Ar- thur Horton. , HORSES NOR HOWE*. -Messrs. John and Amos "killer on Wednesday last shipped a carload of horses to Grafton, Dakota. Huron has sent many men and much stock to that State. Rnuca-Goderich is not alone in family relics. Capt. Ju. Bogie, of the Commenial road. recently came into possession of a family poker, which was taken into the ,bush with them forty years ago. The poker was lost for about thirty years, and was recently turned up by Mr. Robertson's plow. The vener- able stirrer of fires was returned to the daring captain, who made a pilgrimage to the honseetsed for the relic. Under the persevering energies of Mr. A. H. Cowherd, the Literary Society has been reorganized and has taken into soope the entira section. The following extracts are from *e con- stitution: (1) The Society shall be known as the "Maitland Valley Literary and Debating Association." (2) The Aura shall consist of, President, VioinPres. bjec-Treas. and &liter; and are Wesley beer, Miss Aggie McMurchie, Miss Mary E. Weise and A. H. Cowherd, res- pectively. (3) The by-laws of the G. H. 8. IA & & 8 with certain abbreviations and additions were adopted. (4) The Association meets every Thursday evg. in the school house, at 7.30 p.m. sueseireaseseas Report. State of the weather for the week ending March 14th, 1882. March Sth-Wind at 10 p. m. S. K, fresh, cloudy. No. of miles wind travel- ed in 24 hairs 200. ills -Wind at 10 p. m. N. L, fresh. Raising began to rain at pain, ceased stsowiti at 10 a. m., amount of snowfall 2 insists. No of miles wind travelled in 94 hears 400. Ceased raining at 11 amount of rainfall 4.5 cubit) lushes. 10th -Wind M 10 p. fn. N., Vat pertly clear, frost. No. of miles wind beveled in 94 boort 404. llth-Wind at 10 p. m. S, fresh, tioody. frost. Snow ferries doting the day. No. of utiles wind tmveled m 24 hunt OS& 12th-Wied M 10 p. in. N. W., clou- dy, frost. No, of nsUes wised srerekid in Si hours M. Amount of mental' 44 inches. 13th -Wind at 10 p. us. N., light, Messily, hest. N.. of reSse wind travel- ed in 24 hours NO. Anapest of snow- fall 2 inehes. 14th -Wind at 10 p. in.14.1, light, partly clear, fuel. No. of sada wind trays in 94 hoar, 430. thaw br- ie ries dorins the morning. G. N. piractsONALD. Observer. Godsends, Marsh 15th, 111112. A opettelator in the neighborhood of Hyde Park, Ludas, isboying spall the eels k. can get, and is mini therefor from 10 to 40 tuts seek. He says the pelts are cured and manninetend jest the MIN is fox, mink, site IINITOH! VIA TEE POPULAR SPECIAL TRAINS OF THE Grand Truk Railway SEASON OF 1882. SPECIA L TRAINS will leave weekly deem the months of MARCH and APRIL, and at short Intervals in the retrisanderot the season. FIRST-CLASS COACHES ONLY will be run on these Special Trains. affording all the benefits el • VT.411.ASti PASSAGE at the very lowest tolerant Hetes. Hoiselold cts aid Lie Stock - Will be carried es the same Trains WITHOUT TRANSHIPMENT, enabling Settlers to be with their tamales. sad also to attend their stock on the way, arriving together at their destinatios, thereby seeing the heisiini:rnpense North-Weeters Hotels when by other routes. sir Homo, sums, and Household Limits carried Gimlet 51 unpreeedenradly low rates. Every Information osa be obtained from the Company's Assam. or Jae. *mimeses, Gem oral ftsitesau Meet JOSEPIN SIWILIN111. General Hamm. Mostreal. Mb Feb.. II12. 14s. NUM 1181111B111 SEEN IACIIINES. The suliseriber would miasma se the pe - lush thabe hs deegeitve=la hie line owing te SIheztz that bs Is sow prepared te /Iwo useepties- air geed laggains. AZ wasting PIANOS ORGANS er 821r1110 11ACITINE8 will end It to their admit:tags to cosi' at one* as dm is a GENUINE Omelet sake. J. W. WEATHERALD. ISO -41. In fact, everything you want in his line. HE IS BOUND TO SELL CHEAP ThUBprittg and Sumrner. See his FENCE WIRE, the best yet. Mc=1NTZ=. I AIM fat LILL, ARCIIITIOT, &C. el Mee, Cribbs Sleek. Kismiles se.. Aoki. rieb. Pleas sad draws ly.Osiossieses sod nesse= osseared nal Mi77=RY should hare a copy of the LIFE AND LECTURES HON. GE6. BROWN, edited by HON". A. M.ACKMINTZ/M- Ready for delivery in a new days. Orders taken by THE WITI41.4 Irvr•ovcrisir MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT! THE SQUARE, GODERICH. MISS STEWART ! Has just received a Large and Varied Ass4rtment of SIMS S.A.TTSMS Of all Grades and Colors, Lacs, Gloves, Hosiery, Parasols, French Flowers, Feathers, C31-eo_ Sheppard. HURON SCHOOLBOOK DEPOT, GODERICH. 1-3 rJ BLACK TEA, GREEN TEA, JAPAN TEA. TEA FOR THE LEN, TEA FOR THE POOR, TEA FOR EVERT11001. I MAIM Mel et rey TIAS, eer I dew I elm give eadieeettes. My Meek et geeing greseries le Wee wed eineree . GERGE OLDS. An I tither Nu% cities, fi Montreal and Toronto. Every department is well stocked with FIR iT CLAM G HODS of the noat fash- ionable patterns, and as all her perchance have been for 'toady Cash, she is enabled to give her numerous customers the 1--2© "' =a! MANITOBA Arrangements have been made by the Great Western Railway, to run special excur- sion trains through to Mani- toba and Dakota., without change of cars, in charge of a special agent. The first Ex- cursion leaves the line of the London Huron and Bruce Railway, on WEDNESDAY, MAROli 1st, to be followed by an Excursion every Wednes- day during March and April. Baggage checked through. Por all information as to hires or freight rates apply person- ally or by letter to GEO. B. tOHNSTON, $peessi Amu Great "lerilOoderRalickhr. at. Gedericb. Jaa. it Mit The kW Cling MRS. WARNOCK Very Best Value to be hal at the Lowest Possible Price. Has great pare In anweenedsof to her nosy Mewls end patron la Gederleh sad vistaIty. that she los moored the NO HIM sad privilege te nessalleture sad esil DR. LUCYAN'S INSPECTIONINTIT D.. APPRENTICES WANTED. CLUEING & RENOTATING JAS. SAUNDERS & SON. V Ull ETV ST(ME. :N W G-0 0 S_ WINDOW BLINDS, BORDERS c4z0_ cfic0_ TW DMSIO-NS, 140W PRICE. TOYS AND FANCY GOODS. A large stuck of srrovms A.NID TINWORK ATTENDED TO PROMPTLY. The Cheapest I -louse Under The Sun. T±±E =PORI -UM J. C. DETLOR & CO. BEGAN •N SIONDAT. FESREAIIT ?Oft, UM, Their Immense Sale The Entire Stock will be Offered at Clearing Prices. 33ase-airz.six.=ver-37- =Axle FLITIES, Ter TOPEOTIEg grew apd soll frogs and everything. hem the In tehrtellitillitre neereeet gerineet walk. 14. matter If the goods have bees satorated with oil. arrow or dirt of say kind. It OM. Eat • Weise east, he sae& le lank anVist:e. mew. It deans all ornate, wittiest e Ib. solar. that would be 4q.troed by the one eV war. No Med towel to Totosto ernag where else le have your ?rather, *leaned bed eerted when It MD be dose for less Hamlet! ‘PARNO 11. Mahler, Ilitehighwarat en leyeer ewe town. (tall et glamellese 51. awe ere ter yeenner. MeV. Don't Miss This Chance to Buy Goods at Bottom Prices. The Ordered Tailoring Department WILL crrig* J.C. DETLOR co Ontario 'Steel Barb Fence Co. Limited. (Licensed wider the Glidden Patent.) MANUFACTURERS OF THE IMPROVED LOCK BARB Four -Pointed Steel Fencing Wire 55 & 57 RICHMOND ST. EAST, TORONTO. A. J. SOMERVILLE, Vice -Pres. and Man. Diroctor. R. W.. MoIKENZIE, Sole Agent for Gotlerich, s 1' f you want 1. see the Largest Asset - went et 1111-13-110-11YVAVVV.VI Ever offered In Godertels. toll et etO‘VIOVIbt 15ff OS. 1 GREAT BARGAINS! BOOTS AND SHOES 1 GRAND HARDT SALE FOR 30 DAYS Previous to stook taking at CAMPBELL'S BOOT AND SHOE EMPORIUM. nesting obese goods sheen, gee at mar Raving levered end dam weeklies 1 ant prepared to ateeeteeteire se ardor. Nothing but First Class Material Used, A ND .t0 3 -cd. Ceu.e.setra.teed. WM CAMPBELL Oinlerieb. P.W. Nth. MI