The Huron Signal, 1882-03-10, Page 9-1 ,A Tette ■y41ra1 Prrfe...lr:a. aa.l all whams ft sirs r..ertl. 1'h..s d,'iItil�, or Nerve Fw.•i, .t Pln•w- F.hate Element based elites .cieutitie acts, Formulated by Profess..; amain, M. D. of Bustun, Maar., eerie Puha - ary Consumption, sick Hua Iwcltr Ner- vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia and all wasting diseases of the human system. Phosphatinu is nut a ivledesine, but a Nutriment, because it contains no Vegetable or llioeral Poisons, OM N*rcoties, and nu Stimulants, but s ly the Phosphatic and Uartric Hieminta Bund in our daily food. A single bottle sufficient to convince. A . Druggist' sell it. el 00 per bottle. ,,,.wuaa a!i Cu., sole agent* for the !)oulauuu, 63 Frvnt Street East, Toronto es, p Art and *U. The-Norfolkof Jen. 16. 1881, refers to the !remarkable cure effected by St. Jacobs (til in the rase if Prat. Cromwell, -known the country over for his magnificent Art llln,.trottiti. -who had suffers 1 excruciation torteetr s from rheumatism, until he tried the Oil. whose effects wore magical. Mr. Hugh Gilmour, of the 3rd con- cession of Stanley, last week refused t.. accept $1,290 of a profit, on a section id land in the eilinity of Brandon. Mr. Gilmore has only had tho land anon six months He intend* ruwovinq to Mau- itoba with his family in a few weeks. Tice Best trough Remenly• Front Mre. Robert Turner. of Unradd la, 1•.1 ;. "I can say with the ntmllst cuafidence that I think Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry the best cough remedy I have ever known, and believe Lowe my present existence to its wonderful cura- tive powers, having at one time been brought very low by a distressing cough, accompanied with spitting of blood, and other symptoms.of that dread destroyer, Consumption. I tried Many remedies without effect, until a resort to the Bal. sem is now our resort whenever ,any of our family is attacked with coughs or aid it has never irilwl to give the .sired relief, I keep c..,:,1 t.,tly a eup.•71• hand. During the 'ova ten year ..,cu influenced many persons to tui, -e of this :remedy. awl always wit.. t .c• stupe success." :110 (:outs and el, a bottle. Sold by all drat/giant For all affections of the Chest, Lungs and Throat, use Dr. Carson's Pulmon- ary Cough Drops. They speedily care Coughs, Colds Influenza, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, .fie. As an expectorant the Cough Drops are unequalled, !unsettling phlegm very readily. George Rhynes, agent, Guderieh. A sensation has leen cesafed in Mon- treal, through the sudden departere of Mr. Hector Leguthe, the promoter of the Credit Mohilier, leaving liabilities to the extent of 810,000. The new treatment for Tapidly condi= tioning Horses, Zcoeda'a Tunic Compound and Brood Mixture 'Each package con- tains s good Purging Bali which is given to the animal previous to nein;; the strong tonic powder. This is the coin - am in sense treatment and will accomplish more in one week than the old system of Spices, Feeds and Condition Powders would do in a month, ask your druggist about it. Geo. Rhynes, agent. Geode - rich. TO OUR SUBSCI;IBEW-'. The address -label on the first page will show each subscriber the state id his account with Tut Stumm, and (it niay be hinted) that this is an ap propriate:seas n for making an al- teration in the figures. There are other figures in our books, also, which might very appropriate ly be adjusted before the end of this month. "Owen° man anything," has been wise ly enjoined upon all, and this in- junction is eapecially binding upon all who do business with newspaper men. A word to the wise is sufficient, and we will say no more at present, for we detest dunning. ••Twenty -Rule roan' Rrpartrner.•• Says an eminent physician, convinces mo that the only way to cure nervous exhaustion, and weakness of the sexual organs, is to repair the waste by giving brain and nerve• foods, and of all tl.e remedies compounded, Magnetic Medi - colo is the best. See advertisement in another column. Sold in Goderich by Jas. Wilson, druggist.-Im '• Don't take myRnonage money, papa,' tearfully pleaded a little three-year-old of Montreal the other day. Her father was once connted among the respectable resi- dents of the city. Bays the Gazette, hut while his daughte(t piteously cried. he heartlessly abstracted from the little tin hank her first Christmas savings of twen- ty-six cents. The hank was a present from a relative. in gleeful anticipation 11 all the nice things they would ur- ehaseby-end-hqe, the littlemiss regularly dropped therein the small coins as she gntthem, until it seemed to her the hank contained untold wealth. Her father was generally kind and loving. Rot now he listened to his child's heart-hrealling appeal with indifference, and an hoar later his wife found him at the neighbor- ing ration in a stare of boisterous intnti- cation--drunk nn bean 1r.. ht with his baby -girl's first Christmas miner e'arw.rs as4 ■.eka.te.- if yon wish to avoid groat .Langer and trnnhle, beside* a no small hill of .s - rinse, at this seatt.rn of the voar, you ahonld take prompt steps to keep dews* from your household The aytletn shnnld 'h. cleanser!, bl.....1 purified. atom ach and iowels rngnlatwrl• and prevent and cure disesmos arising from Spring malaria. We know of nothing that will ao perfectly and surely do this as Elec- tric }titters, and at the trifling cost of fifty cents a Minh. -- (Each Rnld by all drttagim. THE HURON SIGNAL, I. l►11►AI \BCH 10, H82. KI VC -"T1141/18111111," the hew a1v! exlittle ti;rul f' r the ftvtl, 411.1 iKath, h,/s a bear. tifitHy hated meta servo tot, Try• 6 cent sau'pl«. *en Awn). 11.. e of 1141p waiting tie lihersl oder math, to a`` invalids 511(1 .:ureters by Dr. Kin.'. New Discovery for l'.yi- aluui.tion. You are requested to call any oath store, and nut a Thal Bad .free of red, if y'.0 are stltl'ering w'ith� THE REV. I►lf. 1:1: L'.1 , t !' Po r �ALo I .,+, u n rt' . ..•:: . .. I.. .t... . .. wish to. allttat.11putu1.u..1:.I• +.-•.,'•,• .ug nowt 1 tu•twt sad lung de.. aur... . ... •. . .iae which as uA l,.e Ii. rtul.all) t.•.... .• ..• r health. Ilavlt.gsuffered for s.• .. . w- ..141 u oa11 Bronuhlus and more or lt. • c.•u'dc w uh .. V swage, we e01n51.W'.rt ler ... 1•r t. • •••• ::. (.ulu',ound kaiser of Thorp:lu .. u ! '• Isaya lu February last. and Idea -half IMP ‘.1 d teIOUt" tLu spr'•.g.the lou:u lour+.: 1 tit.t ct, . wt.s[ccuuu, I u grer.ly le t4• ', • 1 .6. naeliM.ti *hensa semi The bent wive iu :h. wield for cuts, es, Braislis'Oeer • 1 Intra. iia it lthruny Floor Sorer. Charmed 'i�•:tt!. CkCharmed!lands,, Chilblains, Cot es., mutt a 1111 iglu Eruptions Sled )rw/1ivr.: titres roes. t is guar- . *totted t:tie lune .. a..l..,tal• .ttl to.1111••1•!: .••.•.1: t•.. flied- 1 t•Plit' leer YearIbr tah y4.4(..,. ' Yid •:a •. !.c ail •!rn::.}s. N..• •',I) :ufr r:i, 1. 110 c'tat ►'oval• --art - tis. r.;.eiIt* .t.nrt...;•.til Clinsuu.pttun, severe Coughs, Carl•b. If {� Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Ir wF !f of fir.,;ee. If•wtrsullus.., or all Ulfe.thln o° the Thies! or Lunn. It will positively 1 cure yt u. Citi . ILEEF, \ewepeprr talus. • We mall the rleoiul attention of post- masters soul sutwriltoo .i the following synopsis of the uewtl.t..•, lawn.: 1. A postmaster is required to give notice by lefty (roturuiug a paper doss mit ::r:aw.:r the law; when a subscriber doom not tu're his paper out ;if the office, and state the reasons for . its not being taken. Any neglect to do so maker the postmaster responsible to the publishers for payment. S. If anyperson orders his paper dis- continu-«l, he must pay alt arrearages, or the publisher may amtinne to send -it uutil payment is made, and mulled the whole amount, whether it be taken from the office or not. There can be uo legal discontinuance until the• payment is made. 3. Any person who takes a paper from the post -.thee, whether directed to his tame or another, or whether he has sub- scribed or not, is responsible for the pay. • 4. If a subscriber orders his paler to be stopped at a certain time, and the publisher continues t.. send, the sub- scriheris hound to pay for it if he takes it oil, of the 'mist -office. This proceeds neon the ground that a nun must lay fee what he times. • 5. The courts have decided that refus- ing to take a newspaper and periodicals from the poet -office, ' or removing and leaving them uncalled for, is prinvs facia evidence of intentional fraud. A General ataalpedr. Never was there such a rush for,Drug Stores as is now at ours for a Trial Bot- tle of Dr. Kings News Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. ' All portions afflicted with Asthma, Bronchi- tis, Hoarseness, - Severe Coughs, or -any affection of the Threat and Lungs, eon get a trial Mottle of this great remedy free, by calling at your drug store. Wim ante True Frte. d. A friend in need is a friend indeed. This none can deny, especially when as- sistance is rendered whenneis sorely af- flicted with disease,tn• alma rticularlythose complaints and weak images so common to aur female population. Every woman should know that Electric Sitters alts woman's true friend, and still positively restore her to health, even when all other remedies fail, •A single trial al- ways proves our assertion. They are ples.ant to the taste and only coat fifty cents a bottle. Sold by af deuggiatr. t_ i1 SRING- GOODS Air x�aR.s_ VARNO CK'S JUST RECEIVED�((,A LARGE iSTOCK O COM 'RISI '(:RING I)AI.L THF.( ',ATOM' AND WILL HEST MADE[. FASHIONABLE HTO�SIJiT WHICH NUMEROUS CUSTOMERS AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES. tarOIV E HER A CALL AND PEE. • MRS. WARNOCK, Hamilton-st WILS 0 N'S PRES('RiPTiI)N DRUG STORE. ':t1 k'♦ H VIA ITU 111.111/11:E. RI LiDOl A RLOo:) ItITT i:C r, i I (. la.t:•1:. ft11P SITTER+. 111 113101.1..1\ i:. (,II,tO'. s KITTL$.a, ST. J 4l'O11•a OIL. ELI:/TRI( a1TTFJt+, REM N. tillRLrFW..t'T. And all other leading pat..wt medicines. sttkl•rACTI'RED 1Y wirt I Corm. Sides. of the lea etc.. itis hlo4 sad ta.u.mel. (rola alts fn's. Paves •►lid's Pawl 11 Past ChrollIc ~amok acs p neat, sure rues for .1 Attmeata of sae jC nary '.'-vol„et iota_. canei. F5I■ trirtnaniti adder meet IWptaana: Ilreare. iYk . N W. T. Bray. WI kt. 11 1.1I1aaow. 1'. K lneont me: Katt. erta, Seaforth. 0 H. Hc'dg'. Nltrhwtl 1tkHer. H R. far MrIeteuh. Rreevee Riytl► ARuIVAL.' LUNCH TONGUE, ENGLISH BRAWN 1'CJTTED TONG:•L, BEEF, HAM CHICKEN FE«S if SALMON AND LOQ+S i A FINE ASSORTMENT OF Christie Br.;w;i & Ll-C1.1TS ANn CAKES, TEAS, SUGARS All Pure Spices. TRY THEM. Chas. A. Nairn. SEEGMILLER Chilled Plow -AND-- AGRiCULTU RAL WORKS. C.:rl.r.- 1.. 1.1 ,l. .:el 1•t a •. a !'.., a► it +i.i.. .,.! • .1.1... :.-a. to •t:.., The Groat ARweriaon Refnuiy fir COUGHS, COLD$ ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, L088 OF VOICR HOARSENESS AND THROAT AFFECTIONS. ?.pend from ta.ltatest aloe 4rr.os (ql.t. (Dex- etlors 1'I.esr. enew tl.. aswaW a,at rbaie. �aprriol fo sag erg •r 1118 fM agent �reykIllla a eekoNas - - doubt t: ewer. r ant tar Fee Sprites bre -w•1fh.wr dorbf foe wort r,twabk wr.tlne tiros for /oifeli ,,1 morpoe.a • Ivory one see /word tAe 7- I'iia• •p rites. ew SYRUP rl.e, to 7F2 A Iw int. GRAY'S (laving purchased the God rich Futu,dr:. 1 am fitting the premises for the nlanuta• t of CHILLED PLOWS and AGItICCL1't 1._t I. IMPLEMENTS on a large/4211e. 511 11 V. , . ,. General Repairing and Jubbing.will. he• tinned. All work guaranteed. - Mr. D. Runciman is the only man suthorir••.i to colleot payments and give receipts opt tie, Half of the late firm of ttunciluan at` Cu., sot. all persons indebted are requested to Boren themselves accordingly. S. SEEGMILLEII. 1'ropriea.r. SEEDS FOR 1882. Thanking the public for past favors, 1 14.. ppieasure In stating that I have on baud u better stock than ever before of Wheat, Barley, Peas, Black and White Oat,. ! Tares, (lover. and Timothy: also Pre Vito Clover, Alsike. Lucerne and lawn Gras-.' lI$Or. (vi- Ilion M. separates, water r, p.rnte., awe ala (1. wealk•, - •sse..� 1 r 1 5 Sow DIF '.y ! prn>rrtita *Penney RED icer pre .erred. r.t- mi.. Syr• }�•!� ;3 torr• tlrtr **ad Prt- tAelr rept• 'parr./ 0a► a . w,.pf art ow tc•.- p.ttkwt.to SPRUCE i'err twrr, fbr doe coalaiW " wooi. and e n te r fAtw n a rpp. g (eked e d Gran is Spruce r .e, parte tope. sour 11011. It., remarkable r in relieving ront certain forma of hytirt, and its almost specific erect in curing ct'- atinate hacking Coughs. is note well krwtru to the public at large. Sold by all respeefabk t er.:ate. Prier, .. • teat. o beetle. 77.e word. •• Syrup of Red Sprw. Gw•:• •• a •• e Hatt our Registered 71•wle 11n -i, and And :r .r ats4(aade ore aa.o reriatered. KERRY. WA 7'.SO Y (@ CU., lf•Aolo.ale Sole Prar••-tefors and Yuaa(rntturY r Hardw Hadwael THE UNDERSIONED I9 ti '1' 1 I, AHEAD F. I!: DEST 11 �,. T 1.1t i A. It L'►WEPT PRICES. 111: KEEP'S A FULL';TO)FK OF SHELF AND General Hardware ! DO NO tFAIL TO 3 -• :111' C - SA + t ANB XES 1 'i.i al! c f'" i s lI M f �' c �`wJ. e 4° E ^ ..t C.:1 A first clans ossorttncnt f.t FIELD, GARDEN and FLOWER Enrol selected with- great (-are from the hest sere. houses in the country. (alt and•wr•. W keep the best and moat renuire.ss-cd we, •t;. purchase. CO.MPTON'S SURPRISE CORN, The hest field conn yet intrudncti. fi:otli:d i oil cake kept .•otustantly on i.ar.,'. JAMES McNAIR• 79. Hamilton r•. ' T. S. Hart & Co. PROPRIETORS* OF THE Goderich Mills LATE PIPER';.. �.i ^'tit• !'� �• {',, c j . .t!� 2 F• to Jr >r.'•, it.bs L s:a.r r1• , :U T:1•. C P.0CZ:.1 1: ►. l t r • • ;',•t :('i.144. . • a.... . •. - . C_•TF..E±; CH1�. mss. 1 G- U 11_! .. P r". EtU anc: Winter•Goods Beg to return their thanks to the public for the liberal patronage received during the rat• i,.. year. and to state they ere prepared to do a - 1R, 1S TING+ nn th.•.horte•.t notice, or for the ennven•cr,- of parties living at as distance will exthan.t- wrists at their tow'* store Lilt. 11•. 11. Ilii: iar•l'a,) Masonic block. Last it. Goderich. itilir-Highest price laid for wheat. --tel: JOHN PASMORE, Manufacturer of WEE, Carriages, Etc., Etc.. VICTORIA -St., Corner of Trafalgar. agent for the 1'elehrat.'1 SEEMLIER CHILLED PLOUGH And Agricultural I.tplrlwr.l.. �.1. /14 ,111 for't he Queen's Fire& Life Ins. Cc. Thee G nne of the brit Companies In exist ea..-. being prompt and reliable. information furnished cheerfully on application. 711111 -ern JOwt rASR1.Re.. GODERICH OILER WORKS. Chrystal & Black. owe IMMllty. - ooi c ./� aU' 5* lat F,+ylc Le wait iseike'up at Very _ ea,,,�;.afr[vde Clothing, viten Varian rapt itst Cal air 1 Iblpee xtens ve .Premises and Splendid New Stock. r•'4 .; f`';` R E T r •air by ,1 tMfY 1111n1;y, tgl'I a RRTNA<, GBINET - MAKER A1D UNDERTAIER Chemists end Ire.; int'. eat ie oktalned nee -wet - Pad foe t titce. Lent . N.yterirh. Pn P Tetrlaut. H. Ilan ya. let, n. 4. Clink., J P Rob •wwwi. 14..1114441.N a. 4 1 �pptt.l �1trus Stec. R..Issal1. Mrs John lirwtsaow llaest inn. tats. onL .4Cawle". 17 r nnAaH o.b..sAA.aree.l woe it Cu . A Mahn. TO MILL HIEN and SALT WELL M1F.N New BOILERS and PI.T r' 4 tlsennfa turgid on rhortest Dona% 11 kinds of Repairing •wwent.d noel" air personal tinpereldmi of tire Prnprtet(rs tsbe Aar Practical Workmen. P 0. Rot 111, 171" •P*'u7i-� s�a Dls.As.., Cown.atw rpt and Acensetrrs h H.(.VARO•w Yru.ow OIL is n - .sed to cure Of relieve either in Mex Of ELT. -- TJlata IIiT[UTALLY FOR f$Opr, /F COt'OHR, SORB THROAT, ..>2131U. COLDS, ca. alR EO [VISUALLY FOE sirionArzeit, 1PECRALOIA, fTfIZaL/�s, CALLOr LUMP/ ItnRLOitas, erlrs.rol]r'Ia, GALIN, PRO9T 3iTO, LAraNE.tg, CORNS. CONTRACTION ARrrwld, Lf-11rRA00, ITL , DSAFKEIA, PAIN IN RAM ar _iLws, PAIN 1. RIDE, Iba. E. -r•, twro& goer need to .*r, *e4. Moo or ones refunded. IUCTImO WTI [AOM SIRtL Mie[ ss... 1.1131848hf & 00., Prap,lators Toa e11 Hamilton street. Goderich. A good ,:w.•Mi0141.1'of kitchen.L'c•:-Imam, Dln:nft lloom and Parlor Furniture. such • as (Italie'rpt 1".. (Italiere Il.ttr..ale and wood x rated•. Cupboards, Itcd-steads. stattttascs, mast -sum Lonngt•w. Herat. What Iweklirk Glasses. N. B. --A emnplrte a.eortm* it of Cuflius and l(hrulwla always on hand also licarsrs for at reasonable rate. I'.ctura Fran We a alta•etslty-.t .a11 selicit,•d. vi -Ft JE -ii • TOILET SETTS, ..o, 43zc CoinI s itish ;ill 1{Ws Chea pt -AT- RHYNAS' the Druggist Prescriptions a Speciality - - Night Bell on the Front Door GENUINE BARGAINS. For the nest three months 1 will sell furniture at the following priers, for cool.: I.nw f upboards at - , $ 1 :,m Illasrfntr l'ppanards.. . .. 7'e Solna - .... ... 12 t Lonna•'+ from f. On ui-. Ba•Mteset. from 1 7i III:, Fall In►f Tani.. at .., .... 2 .Ml R•aah.tan,. from . ............ Met. np. Hnn•in. from .... ............................ . t m up. mletelw,.,4o from a VI np. lSterytkitls Ase at 'hulls, nit. •. T ... prier. can't he Manama .4 town. 1 Invite Inspection. 1 am hound to .e11. RA 1 Immo rsawriatso Dakota It' 'he spring. 1 have aI.o a Mt of machinery nerd In cabinet makttg which 1 win .d: et a reef tow prier. ACCOUNTS. All aeeoent•. An. John 4 Rail ani .1 G. Hell m -wit Is. .. -•led C+_ At ah. Marko 00110 tv it 1,