The Huron Signal, 1882-01-13, Page 8M4 to fro PC of ri no to •1 sr cd THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JAN. 13, 1882. DOORS 'SABRE$ B NDB, IKOULDIN S, and every Deeoripti of Interior Finian STAIRS, HANDRAILS, NEWELS and BALUSTiRS A Specialty. Send for price Lists. SHINGLES, LATH vs. LUMBER Estimates on applica- tion. Mir -Address FRANCIS SMEETH, t;oderich. Bens1l11or. Miers Lang. of Leeburn, has leeu vis- aing fr;ends hors during the past few weeks ,Saltf!ord. MALT Hot'sx.--Mr. H. \Wells is hav- ing his malt house rebuilt. Mr. l.:um- rnings bat the management of theob, and u ably assisted by Mr. W. Mor- ris. Garb: a1Q, 160 Crew FEwr.-Mr. W. Morris, we are informed, recently chopped, split and piled a curd and a quarter of wood in two hours. Can any of our local choppers swing the axe over a log in better time ? Mr. '•Iorri+h, sun of Mr. Thos. Mor- rish 8th con. Colborne, has been engag- ed to teach our school this year. THs BIwst.+T YET. --The Galerich cat is dwarfed in proportions by a monster feline owned by our postmaster, Mr. R. T. Haynes, whic:t weighs twelve and a half Ie.:I ndic it his reached twelve Pounds. she "v., ow, tit s -s - .3.11.-011ra. o iinia '1 the came of Smith as one e•1 the 'school entertainment 23rd ult. t T' ' .Park .• By mil a•ce x44 the Rev. A. E. speakers at the held here on the ' The RPV. Mr. '. itchat•tl, very acceptably u., .,.......... last at com- munion service in the Presbyterian Church in this village. On Monday the annual meeting of the congregation was held. The treasurers report showed that the finances were in a good state, after paying in Full all demands t.. date there was a balance inAthe treasury -of $90. la) Cllntoa. Mr. J. (:rant. of this. place, who was engaged for S. S. Ni. 8, Goderich town- , ship. is not able to take his position yet, owing t.. illness. Mr. Megaw is per- forming his duties. A L.at:.;i: A\touNT.-f-p to the pat of January. Mr. IL Irwin has paid out over one hundred thousand dollars for _rain .delivered at his store house since the opening of the grain season last fall. \\-hen it is t'emembered that tice roads - Losburn• 'oven en in a wretched c•.'ntlition al- t " ti ti d ti t tl Bayfl.l tl. i sshissi nicest. Adjounled regular meeting was held on Wednesday, 4th inM. Present, Crabb, Pawnor.), Buchanan, Megan; Swanson, Ferguson. Principal Miller's report read, show- ing number of pupils on roll et public schools to be 71X3, average attendance 618, per cent of attendance, 88. School census return by Jas. Addison reeeived, a000nipenie.i by declaration showing it_ the t.uwu of Liuderlch, 1,4x3 children between b and 21 years, 1,080 between b and 16; and 583 between 7 and 12 nicht/Live. Account of Jas. Addison, of $23, fur taking census, ordered to be paid. Ac- count of 8IONAL, $b; .4tar, $1; News, $l; R. W. McKenzie,$5.48; Saunders, $1 40; were also ordered to be paid. Mr. McGaw stated that Mr. Simmons, former caretaker of St. David's ward school, felt aggrieved that 87.60 should have been paid another parson as care- taker during last summer vacation, when he, Simmons had the key during that time. Mr. Crabb stated that Mrs. Simpsons had come to him two or three days after the vacation had commenced and said that owing to sickness in her fancily she could not take change of the school, and another person had been engaged. It was also stated that the sum named was chiefly for cleaning out the school, it having undergone repairs during vacation. Owing to the illness of Miss Blair, the Inspector was authorised to engage a teacher pro -tent. Mr. McGaw asked of two salaries would have to be paid during the illness of a teacher. The chairman stated a teacher c.wld only claim his or her salary fur only a month in each year in eases where a substitute had to be employers. Board adjourned. Town Hall, Jan'y, 9, 1882. Regular meeting of the Board on Mon - clay evening, first of the newly constitu- ted Board. Present= -Messrs. Crabb, M Pasmore, N icholaon, Butler and e- gaw. On motion of Pit -swore and Nicholson, Mr. Crabb was re-elected chairman, without dissent. Mr. Crabb duly ac- knowledged the honor. The minutes of last regular and spec- ial 'nuking' read and approved. Miss Cecilia Grey has been appointed to Posi- tion vacated by Miss Longworth. Account of Hale & Smith, $2.53 was passed. inspector Miller stated 'that he had visited all the schools and found them in good order. On scooted of severe domestic afflic- tion, Miss Macuahon 1 not been able to open school and iss McKeon "had been engagestas s itute. A brother ..f Inspector $idler been engaged to teach for Miss -r during her ill- ness. On mullion of Pasmoes sad Nicholson tenders are requited until theist Mon- day in February, fog 90 cools e( wood, to be delivered oa,: or before ria July neat. Ballotting for . coninitteo resulted- Contingent-BuU.r, ' wan suu, Paismnre; Management -Better, 3Ie awl• Nichol- son; Finance -Buchanan, Ferguson, Megaw. The first Monday in each nuucth was tined upon as the regular timer .for meet- ing. In suggestion of Mr. 31egaw, the expenses of each school are to be kept separately, and caretakers are to be fur- nished With a proper book to niske en- tries of incidentals. Contingent com- mittee aro to havo certain repairs on schools effected. 'Board adjourned to meet 4.0. regular', Rsaoveo. --R. It. Reeve, M. 11., and family removed, jtl Saturday last, to Massing, a thriij`iug village In $sic.» county. PawCITATION. -- On re -opening school Mr. H. E. Huston, principal of Bayfield school, was somewhat surprised to find aw$iting him a handsome New t'ear's present from his pupils, accouipaiied by a kind address. CoNCaltT. - The concert under the au- spices of the village Cuun•;il, in opening the new town hall, was a complete sue- r cess, iutelectually, morally and nuamcial- Ily. The fact that moue of the perform- ers were professionals, and all belonging to the village, yet that they could enter- ' tait such an intelligent audience for over three and a half hours, in the per- fect order that was manifested by all, is sufficient proof that it was well received. Mr. McCloy a solo, "The cats," received groat applause; "Jemmy Boker" was well rendered; Miss Esson's instrumental music was highly appreciated. Pro- ceeds amounted to $60. The building is very comfortable and easy to sing or speak in. The ladies who managed the concert deserve the greatest praise. The hall is completed, except the tower, which remains closed until spring. It supplies a want long felt in hayfield. The contractor was Ishmael Fitton, of this place. l3heppsrdtom. Rennin Jlacrissi.-A large and in• duential meeting of the Reformers of the East Huron Reform Association was held at the Tecumseh House, Brussels, on Tuesday afternoon. Thus. Strachan, President of the -Association, occupied. the chair. After an interesting address by the chairman, the electi of ,.Toers for the current year was proceeded with, and resulted as follows: -President, T. Strachan: Vice -President, John McMil- lan; Sec.: W. 11. Kerr, Treas.: P. Thompson. Thos. Gibson, Esq., M. P. P., was called upon by the chair,uan.and for about an hour dealt •with sulijects closely allied to the Reform interests, in a plain, practical manner. He was lie- tened to with great interest by the large company, who will, no doubt ppr.tit by his remarks. Mr. M. Y. McLean, of Seaforth, ale•. s ,ke in an interesting manner. Several other speakers briefly addressing, the meeting. Before closing, a hearty vote of contiic:.ce was given to the Mowat Adm t,iatratiou and the Op- position iii,. the Doininion House,and the belief expressed that they are work- ing for the interest of Canada. This was carried unanimously amid great an- p lause. Gentlemen were also appointed as chairmen of the local municipalities, the following being the persons chosen : Howick, Chao. McLaughlan, F..rdwich; Turnberry, Geo. Fortune, Wruxeter; Wroxeter, Jai. Panlin,'Wroxeter; Mor- ris, Gen. Hood, Sunshine; Hullett, Geo. Watt, • Harlock; McKillop, Rich. Pol- lard, Leadbury;. Grey, Ed. Darrow, Cranbrook.; Brussels, J. R. Smith, Brus- sels; Blyth, D. B. McKinnon, Blyth. +no:, as I1' Il e, ant la , dere arc sever...! ,.thee dealers in town. it.repre- seuts a yeas huge amount o.f grain hand- led l:e!'••. :Nett Era. Pt::.-:NIN...-Nuwlers of young leen tiro re+,,..rang Flom the Michigan Inmber .. :.., ., 1•:aley i, t, C:. ups• are bre.k- :; nI account . *it scarcity of snow: - '. • I. 1.41,16,-1 1,!, •,l'•'atll,{lY a1c rCtt- e c.l i ,:ti.11y int» •ii:able, • oat rtr.u:•;.- t ',. 1: regret that we hav,•`1.. ailnounC.e ' leatu of Mr. Doti - aid 3lcl.eod. of place, whicii oc- curred on tit + r:• of the 7th inst.. after a . pr. •l rs-'i rad painful illness. Tho funeral. o . n the.aucceeding 314inday-, .vl..•,, large 'number of his 'friends and ac-auoit.uttes assembled. t.. pay Juin to 1 .-t mark of respect by -6.1- 1 .a ing-his s. h.na to their tidal resting Iii ui 1. a e. n• t.:y, Being only lir itis ' .1 1 , his eh:meet Seemed to be goo.; . . lnrl„ lease of life, lint Ihetth. eel.: no ic.,I.ecter ..f persons. !.n. , •' i. u.. „ .cn, I. -minding us in the •' possible of wnat most nc. or lat.. : I.e ;he lot of all. The wp:athv ..f the entire community is ex- t..nlic i co ..s :.r..thera and widowed moll., r, ,a ;:..• ;. sv of him of •a'hout • it may truly l,c...e. ' He was :a good :.cdghbor, a ' . 1 II' then. anis ^ d itiful 'in. Mr. Andrew -Meldrum, of Knox -Cul- i lege, preached in the Presbyterian church • .fere on ',Sunday last. He is popular , here. On Friday evening a free social was „riven to•the children of the- neighbor - 11 -100t1 by the ladies of the Presbyterian church. Over sixty of the young folk , put 111 an appearance. • The ubiquitous Mr. Joe Mayweed took- charge of the :taseuibled youth. and did .not let them Sao home empty, • TEA MEerrx„ -The annual tea meet- ing the auspices of the Presbyterian church here, was held on Thursday- of • last week, and was a great success. The bulks of Leeburn are excellent cooks, and the character of th•i- refreshments were very favorably commented upon. The attendance was large, many of the audience being - unable 'o find seats. N„twithstendilis; the crowding. the best • f behaviour prevailed, the various I speakers receiving Moat respectful hear- ing. In fact, Leeburnseenied dgptenuiu- ied t.. make a reputation and a nave tor a first-class meeting, and succeeded ats- tiiira'uly-. Ilei-. J. A. Tuntbull, one of the pastors of the congregation. occu- pied the chair, and was vera happy in introducing the speakers. Rev. Mr. I Pritchard, of Auburn. was the first speaker, and gate a pointed address on missionay work. A reading was then green by Mr. S. -B. Williams. Mr.Thos. McGillicuddy followed 4,111 the relations of'people and pastor, and was succeed- ed by Mr. J. Mitchell. on patient en- deavor. The addresses were all to the )hint, and were well received. Mr. Andrew Meldrum convulses) the sons lstory and daughters of Scotia, with humurous in the "auld braid$c.,ttish tongue.' A feature of the gathering was the splendid singing of the choir, led 11,y Mr. John Linklater. This gentle- man gate a solo in fine style; s., did the organist of the church, Miss McDonald. After paying alit -venom, the snug sum of 1 11-52 was netted. We congratulate the congregation on the auccess of their annual tea meeting. Colborne. TL.• ; ashaliip Council • • •.n Mornay, January 16th. Mr. H. Rebel, !our steam thresher, hu beau on a trip to Brantford, where Le has learnt same fine points int 11- ser 1 r Those Th ,ac .. f his friends who intend t.. favour 1 - with their orders next year may depend on getting the best of satisfaction. Surprise parties afford a great amount of amusement throughout the Township. The trustees of Y. S. No. 7, have en- gaged Mr. S. A. Cowherd, of (ioderich, ps their teacher for this year. Last year the average attendance at No. 7, was 7 pupil,+. Mr. Edwar•i Yount` purposes goalie west ahortly, where he intends to stay and seek his fortune. Ned is n smart young man. and will make friends where - ever lie vent. The Quarterly lauet.n_ of the Fable Christians was held at "Bethel'• ..n Sun- day. Ja.luary lat. service+ conducted by Rev. T. I:road. The sleeting ..f ;he quarterly Ikmrd was held oil M• inlay Jany. 2nd. Keret Lrst LITsaaar Salm - The following are the officers elected ..n Friday, June (tis, foe the abut.• named Societe. President. ('has. ISke; 1 tug President. Frank Sslloss; Secretary, Clara Robertson; Editor. P. Strang; Uounoillorr, Miss Ci:nnsnghara, Jane Sharkey. A,idi. :Miorns. A t'.,te rf thanks was tendered. the retiring sect's- i tary, Mise Phoebe Smith. Tie Hellish sirala Troia, -- London, Jan. 9. The Th, M'a,1 F' r. pees, in review of the British grain tretle far the pest week, says that panel wheat is laking exceedingly well. In moat penis P.M mark..., sound. dry samples . f grain ads arced 1.1 is'r gustier, 3414 n. Wane instances 2d. lamp a.'rts were difficult to sell Oats unchanged. For sign breadstuff. (bleed easier. The fart eraI teeniest .4 trade is undoubtedli ftt.0Aide to buyers The Lond•,m mark et in the latter port of the week we. rather m..re liberally supplied w nth Harr Of 20.470 sacks and 601 i.arrels to heed on Fr•.lay, toe salt.. were from •h• 1 rated Stat, • Trade w.s quiet heft Amity Ma.... maintains Its IIr.nnews on a. count .4 ,earc.tt 4spot. fine for I elgs barley, are higher: 4160.341g silt. nncllanved. (hitt .rat let.iwv were '1, • cheaper. There were tele fresh wheat I , car es t•R that coast. Resides six rarefies. renisininq from the previous week, . Nine galea were reported, and five car- I g.,et withdrawn. The sale* of English ' wheat flaring Cie week were 34,020 o)uartera at 44s 9d per .ivatt, r. axrldwst '12,2:17 ;ostlers at 43s 44per u..rtcr for ''--t•--•emestseirp week of qIma year Great maria is calmed throughout E iglsnd by the introduction of the new American industry of body stealing. it , is said, the Queen gave orders that the tomb •4 /ha Fraise* '',on,.,., • ,1 : ; ar-.t1, . THE WARDh N8HIP. Mr, Vred. W. J.kastu■ o■ tae alt■atlea- A *weer at tae Reeves erMorels awl ROM It seems we were not astray when we referred in our Iasi issue to 3Ir. F, W. Johistuu's itchiug after the Warden - ship. On Saturday morning List wed had the pleasure of a visit to our sane - tun. from that aspiring young gentle- man, and the Milting dialogue took plata) regarding the Wardenship Mr. Johnston -You're nice people to go against your uwu town of Godericb, and wont stick up for a local nae spinet an outsider. I was talking to Mayor Horton the other evening, and he said it one of our fellows was to get the Wardenship he would sooner see tee in than any of the others. TIM SIGNAL En, -We don't think Goderich would be helped by electing you Warden. You would gain more benefit than the town. Besides, fair play should be given in the matter, and there are more deserving meu than you. Mr. Johnston -Oh, yes, And just to think lit you mentioning men like Geo, Forsyth of Morris, and Pat. Kelly, of Blyth, for the position against me - wen that you have always been against The SIGNAL Eu. - Nonsense Mr. Forsyth is a personal friend of ours, and Mr. Kelly must surely be tit for War- den, for he was your candidate for the Legislature against Cul. Ross. If he was gad enough to run against Roes for Parliament, he is surely good enough for Warden. Mr. .Johnston - That was all right theft. We have the majority. anyhow, and lame of your fellows can get it. THE SIGNAL Eu.- That may be, but Gibson deserves it, for did he riot re- sign the year before last to let in a Goderich ran 1 Mr. Johnston -No; lie did not. Tea Stoase ED. -The imputation is that he did. Mr. Johnston -Besides, Gibson pro- mised Keine that hear, ,u1+1 not run against hint last year, mud afterward allowed his name to be pat in nomination. Tea SIGNAL En, -If Gibson did so. ho did wrung. But we will see Kaine and Gibson on the matter; and find lilt how much truth there is in the report. At any rate, there are gond men of long experience an the County Council on both sides, and in justice t.. the outside municipalities we hope to see one of thein elected Warden, night in Central School. Murder will Ont. The mystery enshrouding ,the death of the man Sage about a year ago at Brant- ford is likely to be cleared up after all, ;several arrests having been made. Sage ! is supposed to have been murdered at an hotel where his corpse was concealed for normal days and was afterwards thrown into the Grand river. Lately three other dark deeds have been explained by the confession ..f 1 desperado in Texas who now acknowledges that he killed it wo- man,adrover and an Indian in the neigh- borhood of Prescott. The public, how- ever, seems destined to wait lung before any of the butchers if the Donnelly family will confess.' That the mystery concerning this crime will be solved sooner or later is certain, for such guilty knowledge preys upon those who possums it, compelling utterance at last. tleteorsl■sleal Report. State of the weather for the week end- ing Jan. 8th, 1482 : Jan. 1st. -Wind at 10 p.m. N. E., light, cloudy, finest. No. of miles wind travelled in 24 hours 294. 1 inch of snow fell during the dal'. Jan. Zed -Wind at 10 p.m. West. fresh, cloudy, frost. No. of miles wind travelled in 24 huum, 362. `now flurries during the day. Harbor frozen over. Jan. 3n1.- Wind at 10 p}.n1. N. E,, fresh, cloudy, from. No. of miles wind travelled in 24 hours 763. 2 laches of snow fell during the past 24 hours. Jan. 4th. Wind at 10 p.m. East, light. clear, foist. No of mils* wind travelled in 24 hour., ;07. Jan. lith --Wind at 111 p tn. S. E., light. cloudy, frost Corina lunar. No. of miles win.' trntellerl in 24 hours 316. Jan. 6th Wool at IO p mw. West. mesterele gale. -lowly, frost. No. of nude. wtn'l tr.td.•11,-1 in 24 hours 511.5. snow Annie., ,luring the day. Amount of snow fall 1 Inch. plan 701 wnnl et 10 1' tn. K. E.. light. clindr. thriceeninc rain No. of mules wind travelled in 21 hour* 077. Jan. t(tii Win,' at 10 p' m R \\ , rlmsy, fresh. N. of ,niies vin.' tra vanes in 24 hours 722. Drizzling ram with fog mostly all 1:,. %).cunt of 1 rainfall 14 cable inches. G. N. 1144 r•''.ti I•. tOmener. t:44.14•rich..len. 12th, 11882.- . I..•beayee•.i. 1...4p.. Lot pus • level headed ',Innes of the West Nor- thumbprlsrai elegies. lis this "What 'he election .bows if it shows anything at 1 a11, is that Ref .rnt principles are %minims ! mend in rural places. and that oryism la Ranting ground in towns and cities. This is 'attire! lint as five e414116 of the population are agrienito es , we can meq what win be the end 0..i.. w.!! pate a statuisi of Garfield in ,1a) old h.,we of tedrsssatativ. at Wadmuguai, 'tile superhu ►siert of tae WesternDivalent, the Chien Engineer aid the flaCanaConstruction Canada 1'acitie Railway. lustapt,u nled are ,hli L.::on from American roads. \\illi t:,r 1.i - -eoion Government importing i up,:uui.ous poor; au ,i,c front • tJnrope fur tit. tivil►ice, and the tiyialicsie giving it., rw,isiuIe positions to people from 11.44 Stat , we MIAMI t., l* doing quite a thriving Luseiew In the way of kuepiu, "t-'auud.: for the Cat:adiatte." vtrTUlti., IN I,yfiu:.x. -- T:ts Ex- it' et 1':. , says: 1esturday two Dana h► fro,graubru..k, township of Grey, :►trive.l In towu in watch of 1 wan 11:t.ued McFarlane. It appear, McFar- lane hail obtainenl is quantity 14 auods, anti the t;r', /atm lae.alne scquuiuted of die fact that he had left that part of the ev.ullIry, started in pursuit of him. 31e1''ailaue ari.eed in Bruaefieltt „u 1 ue.day, and reitiainud all night. Y es- ter.lay wo,•uin; hlt prueuted a nurse end L ;,Ly and drove t.. Exeter, and has about 1a.ir.lin;; the train when he w is spited by the two ger.tlrmail, who ?n• tit...Noted to settle the matter with httu, but all to ilia purpose. The ;gentleman: uuaa down anti informed v.,notable GIld ,.t rat ciroumstat:.er, whereuppoetu infor- m talon was Lail before J. )ici)onstell Es;;. J. P. and a tulegr,tai sent to Lou- don Chief ..f police by c:uwtable Gill, to have the .Ilan arrested un Itis arrival in that city A few minutes afterwards coil+tai►:e , ,ll received a telegram stat- ing that :a .0411 had beer. at:rested. Aisidertels markets. Legal. a i EWIS \t: LEWIN, FARAIS'1'ERS, 1 I _lttornryn, aofte;turs in C..Worry /tc, uiu ,r w ins Court Huew"y, (hdsr.uh. le .\ l.swis. M.A., at;.1,6 R. N. LniW,.. l+•xU. t ARRt ►W & PIWUDVOOT, BAIL 1 1. { YYttri tie tt, tfolkiwro, slit Uudelit. J. Y. O erg.. 1'rut►ltw,t. 17SI BL. DOYLE, BARRISTER A N D . Atlorar,, duaul4tr tiuderieh. tint. 1TOL +EAGER .¢ MORTIIN, BARIS- kJTERN. Re.. $e.: Uedsrfok saw W{n(ban,. C. tuegur. Jr.. tiudeeoh. J.{ A. lA tooa. W ham. 1751. `+ MALC(OMSON, BARRISTER ANL) AJ. .solicitor. 011ie* -Career et West Street mad Market Square, over UeMR. AuheeOe'ls Uudench. 1161. L' CAMPION, 'ATTORNEY -AT- . L.tW. tie11sitor fa Chaaeery Coavq- ;werr. rte. Oates ever dhep/ aid's beeblere. tlodersoa. Oat Aar amount of mew to Igen at tweet rats of b,tere..t. 1761-y. -IAMEIIjON, HOLT S CAMERON, narristers. t1otierom w C'hanoery, to., .Ouderk•b alai W ta1haal. D1. C. Ualueron. yy,, C.; P. Holt. M. O. (,arsons., Godertch. W. E. Mascara Wtitaken). 1731. Bithing. RANO OF MONTREAL r~ t'.1PIT AL. - - #11.000.00.. SURPLUS. - - • r.. • 4,uw, Goderich Branch. - - t .3.uucatcu,Jathary hkh., 1811.'. Allows li.wrest en deposits. pestis, letter wheat, $1 ;:d v. sl :'b of It slid eireuutr notes issued. payable Wheat, (Spring) Y bush.:.:. .. l el t 30 in ttCl psrts of the world. 1734. Flour. a U, •,• 000 uw .• u13 o ;o '. u ;:t / `1ANADIAN BANK.OFCOMM ElU('E .. 070 o. um V e 3S lee a ae .. 13 s* es IK 00 0 Ly lar 0 If I'.tl.l up 4'LLyrt131f, - 96,000,000, o to o Ky.. - - - 91,400,000. oil " lir: .. 100 11 110 Oats, y birch. Peas. ar bash, barley. 10 bush Potatoes Y bush Hay. y ups .. . nutter, V e..; ..... Eggs. V des. lanes( ked (Thecae, Shorts. 11 cwt.. liran. y cwt .. 0 71 C'hup, V cwt.. - .. 1 W " l 40 Wool. ... 021 • o2• K'oud..3 e1 - :t ;,e flutes 7 04 •' lit tuieeptalns. 0 4) .. 1 nu ',teased Hots s W 7 50 Prest.tese. - Ne:.. r'M. McM4STRI: General Manager. - R: lg. ....a.ataa a••• Goderich Branch. A. M. ROAS, - • - • - MANA.ia:,. ' interest slowed on deposits. Drafts on a HGLTO the prtaclpsl Towns and GYtirs ie ('ana.ta rjs 7 FOR j-ys , t;rest BNW. atui the Untttd slates, bvu*I and sold.. Adrancesto Farmers on Notes, with 0110 0 INmore endorsers. without mortgage. tt.kt CARD. CANADIAN NEWS. Having been appointedEzcur. 1 NSURAN4E sion Agent for the Great West - On Saturday morning, about three o'clock a wheel burst on the tender of number live express, going east; a short distance west of Shakespeare. Fortun- stely no other damage was dons, with the exception of causing a, delay of about five hours. . A ran named John Duggan, suffering from delirium tremens,- committal an outrageous assault on 1sr. Kincaid. M. P. P., at Peterboro, ..n Thursday even- ing, inflicting hve ugly wounds oil his" head, besides jumping on his body. The Doctor is now out of danger. and Duggan is in jail fhi Tuesday theaoll-gate on the g. ver- nor's road, near the asylum. was Ittri - w ed. It is in Liondou w ants , mat it i.OETIAG o ern Railway between Kincar- dine and London, I will have much pleasure in furnishing everyinformation either inper- son or by letter, to all persons wishing same, as to fares,tick- ets, baggage, freight and live stock, to all parts of Manitoba & Dakota. Baggage and dut- iable goods checked through. Address: GEO. B. JOHNSTON, General Agent 1., W. it'Y. op'ioa.te :. • P1et OMs:. Oodorieh• Oat. . Goderich, Jan. 12, ISM. IHITI:iH A$4. CO'V. TusomTo-11'stablishe 183 PH(F.N IN TNS. ('0'Y, of LoxnON (England) Established 1702. HARTFORD !N$. CO'Y. of IfAHTrowo, ('urn. -- Established 1810. - Risks taken in fhe above first-class Offices. at the lowest rates by HORACE: HORTON. The undersignedis also Appraiser for the CANADA PEIt. LOAN ANt,5AVING' l'u'll Tuttuwro. Money to Loan on first-elass eecur:ty, cult 7 to $ per (int. -.Charges moderate. HORACE 11QHTON. , c;odericl. •,•pt. 14. 1560. the general 1111p zessl t' t i.i t•dc! was applied o by smite ne l •+iru.1 t give the ciuncll a prat:I:te ! view twat..• thefeel ngs.f the people in iiacurd t•, the proposal to re -ii, .. • - - lit the township: •" It is now the fashion in Lngi.tn.l for u ladies to appear in two tlferent ch :rac • ters at the same fancy i al,1. . Tht 1:14110 Ie a supremely simple thing for many of them to do. All that is necessary is for them to appear in their society cliar acte:- the tirat part of the evening and Omit- home eirhome character durin" the latter. They would thus mystify their purds .one-half the time, and astonish society the other half. • 1 b -other case, allowing the necessity ,.. the law of tyi,ieuco kilo.:kilo.:amended ria as 1 toauduut of the testimony of unbelievers being received on their i:i::king athrtua- Hon, has owurred at Hamilton. %ciao a prosecution a!;ain,t it n .ulna. Cl:at':;': with laialilg i1.:: lelto,n:lttiuns bank bill. has failed because an agnos- tic refused to take the oath. - Already the Clerk of the 1-loxise• of Conuuona has received n„ n .less theft notices of application for private bids. A very large number of • the dindication- are for nets of incorporation fur new rail- way companita, while several are for electrin light contpanie*. There is one application for divorce frau a man named Gardiner, in the county .1 L'race, on the ground of aulultery. On Wednesday morning as a T. G. & 13. freight train was approaching Park - dale, the engineer whistled for brakes. Receiving no response,, he retersei1 anal did all in his power to stop, but the train swept down the incline towards two open switches, at the rate of twenty miles an hour. The 'Mittelman fortun- ately noticed the danger. and aith des perate efforts turned the switch just a. the engine dashed into 1 • . A moment later and the station -house would have been demolished. The conductor and brakosniaa were asleep, in the cab....se. John Crea, aged 14, .,f Ganano lite, was playfully striking a revolver cart- ridge with a pair of aciaa..rs when it ex- ploded, taking off the thumb of his left hand at the second joint. the first and middle fingers of the, ante han.j t.. the taiddle joint. alightly injuring' the little linger and inflicting minor flesh, wounds. Mt -..to. Nark 4..hen and Edward lhcheuer, of Hamilton. and other gentle- men from Montreal and Toronto have app lied for it charter for theJntetnatiom- al ('..loniration Company .1 Canada limited The object is to bring out t. o the North-west Jewsfrnt Ruses, where they are suffering greet hanbhips. The capital mock .•f the capital stock of the l C il4jany is # 1.000,000. The newly appointed (ten. ,at Mana- ger of the Canada Pacific Railway. Mr. Nss W. C. Vanj Horn, lamed through To. at oft Wednesday nicht .„ toe/. to Montreal. 110 stated n, an interview d b that Row River Pass haeen (-lumen as the point et which the railway will enter the Rocky Mountains. He anticipate. that the nasi willw,resrh n lo.oint •• ,tbi,+ 100 miles 'd the u.., this 1 -Po. SCE 443 LARS -14E 41 RE AND - Get You r Shool Books School Stationery X Ma. 31E ' coK Trot =.. A FRESH , 11,,:111. u'a;Itl'o NEW BOOKS I 1`. 1• NEW EDITIONS. All Goods Guaranteed of the Best Quality Prices as Low as Inferior Goo ds 1 ,air, ars will find it to their a:I .. •,'.y„ of v, 10 a rail for any Books and Stationery, Th.) m,wh+ ts•,4u:r• . as 1 can Ruaranter thein the Lowdst Prices ea the Vaunt?, baying M.,iat +h. -+',..••• „! '.4- ..or a' a • •-y 1:.a) rat- on tar 4eIIa-. 1 atm .n a peattaen to .ell a, Greatly Ruse Pri :es ONE CALL WILL INSURE MANY Canadian School Book Emporium 3 AME S 1M 1R, (SUCCESSOR TO North Side Market Squarf 1 andRrich Ont, )