The Huron Signal, 1882-01-06, Page 4• •r • ,7;.` + ore: a -•Irtt••:••• "I` „ TED. HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY JAN. 6, 1882. THE HURON SIGNAL is published every Friday Morning, by Arc Bros, their ON ffice, orth St tuff the Square. GODERICH. ONTARIO. And le despatched to all wised! We earreassd- lag country by the earliest might and trains. y gencrel admission it bas • larger eireals- *In than any other new in this part of b. ottuutry. end is one of the raciest. newsiest and must reliable iouruaja In Quarto Pessemeag. aa it does, t e tere.golagessenthal, aad being in addition eu the above, • first-class tangly rind arcade paper it is therefore a mom adarettaing esedirens. Taiiiii. $1.50 in advance, pu.Lae Pre Fold by publishers. $t.75 If mid before ale months: nee if not au paid. This rule will be anctly •eforeed. RaTga or Anvititrisise. -Eight mate pe one for first Insertion, three cants per line rur each subsequent Insertion. Yearly. M-11-rearlY and quarterly contracts at reduced rates. JOS .Ve have shwa first-claes Jobbing department in connection, end per ins the roost complete out -At and beet faoilitiee for turning out work In Goderich. are prepared to do business in that line at prices that cannot be beaten, and of a quality that cannot be surpeesed. Terms Cash. - FRIDAY, JANUARY G. 1881. THE LESSON TO LEARN. The municipal elections are now over, and the 8g1.t has been won and lest all over tht. Province. Of outside places we are not in a position to speak definitely, but of the contest in the town of Gode- rich we can say that on one side politics stood out prtnainently. This was par- ticularly noticeable after the result of the polls was declared, and when the victors began to boast of auother Conservative victory. For our own part we are sorry this feeling obtained, for our sympathies wore with the best men in the interest of the town, according to our light For this reason we backed Mr. Williams, and not because of his political stripe. Even those who voted against Mr. Wil- liams admire his sterling qualities and regret that he will not sit at the Council Board of 1882. Many who voted for Mr. Campbell, owing to pledgee given before Mr. Williamswas in the field, now rue their course, not because Mr. Campbell is not a good nan in some re- speots, but because they firmly believe Mr. Williams to be a better one in every instance. To Mr. F. W. Johnston and Mr. W. Campbell must be'given all the credit of the victory, if victory it can be called. The latter madean indefatigible c invass. and after getting the pledged support .,1 a number of prrinent Reformers, in the highways, went forth into the by- ways and raised the political cry. Mr. Johnston Oily seconded these efforts; not because the interests of the town de- manded any labor from him during the contest -for Grits and Tories alike had united in electing him Reeve by acclam- ation -but because his ambition tempted him to aspire to the Wardenehip, end Mr. Campbells elect ten would be to him a stepping atone to that position. For this reason, Mr. Johnston worked like a very Trojan, and his efforts in raising the party cry with a personal object in view, show that the poblic intereet must always be subservient to his private ends. "There is many a 114 'twixt the cup And the hp," however, and there are many solid men in the County Council of both political stripes whose claims to the War- den's chair are moodier to Mr. .Teleo- ston's; and the chat are that Messrs Hardy of Exeter, Gibson of ‘Vroxeter, McMillan of Hulk -t-. Forsyth of Morris, Strachan of Grey, er Kelly of Blyth will have as great, if net oreater claims than he upon the office.. Be that as it in iy, h has 84.reil "sae on this occasion, and he hail best make the Soma of our "young men about town'. put in Monday last in seteniin; w thq time-honored custom .d making New Year's calls. Did you notioe them at the start, and did )uu ebserve them at the finish. At early morn, buoysio with the vigor of youth, arrayed so as to du credit to their tailors, and light of step, they hastened to make the attack upon the smoking Mocha, the I.:ea-mike, the candies, the walnuts toil the other etceteras. Assault after assault was made. and at first success el.i‘vited e.ery effort. But alas there comes a time in the history of every one when to make an attempt to succeed means but to fail, and that time can by eventide. Then the young eau meandered lo.ineward; his face was haggard, and hie foot -steps lagged; the jaunty swiag and elastic, treadwashisnoleager; the deadly ouffee and insidious cake had dont: their weik. Let us draw a veil over the harrowing scene. mord en the N. re • While the organs were shouting them- selves hoarse asserting that the tariff had not increased the cost of living, the 'Civil Service, with a painful apprecia- tion of facts, approached Ministers with a petition for a bonus because the cost of living had increased enormously under the operation of the N. P. Thu; was a staggerer for Sir John, and speaks ore mthan anything the Opposition press can say of the effects of this dis- satrous tariff. Every one working on a salary knows that the purchasing power of their wages „has fallen from 30 to 40 per cent. emirate it was established. - [Ottawa Free hew. • The new Government land regulations differ from the previous ones 01 several respects. A new classification of the lands is adopted, which may be stated briefly as follows: -A, lands within 24 miles on either side 4.4 the C. P. R. or its branch lines; B, lands within 12 miles of projected lines other than the C. P. R.; C, lands south of the main line of the C. P. R. not included in A and B; D. lands other than these in A. B. and C. The pre-emptiuns in Class B. are within 12 miles of any projected line, instead of 24 miles, as heretofore. Two plans (4 colonization are proposed under the new regulations, tne second : plan being for persons mho desire to • purchase larger farms that the first plan 1,611 allow to be purchased front the Government. Under elie old regal's- tions, half-price was to be paid for the lands thus sold, the penalty being the payment 44 the full amount in case the terms of sale were not complied with. By the new regulations the full amount is to he paid and a rebate of oneshalf granted when the terms are complied with. Under the tirst plan, as before, settlers have to be located on every sec- tion, and under the second the same 1principle is carried out, the number cf settlers beim, 64 in each township. The provision fair the purchase of wood lands is practically unchanged. The clauses regarding pasturage lands pro- vide as before that the leases shall not be for more than 21 years, and shall not cover more than 100,090 acres. A new provision is inserted, however, provid- ing for the survey, at the cost of the lessee of unsurveyed , territory. The rental' of them lands in placed at 810 .per 10,000 acres, instead of 810 per 1,000 acres as heretofore. The condi- ! tions as to the. placing of cattle are altered. The annual rental fur the farm station property is placed at 82 per Isere instead of $1.25. Where there is competition for any particular land ten- ders are to be invited, instead of its be- ing put up at auction as to the former regulations provided. An addition to It the exceptions to these general regula- tions is made of lands required for town. plots and mining lands. • 1 iaostuf his upportunity,for he may never ' Kee the like ii4ai.s. We therefore con- i tees of S. sraliNietr).recently stied the trus- g ' 1 1 - , • . 1- n UC III 03 801.1til Cayuga, for ik I wrongfully refusing to elle* her to com- itching after tie: Wallenship, for he inay Iplete the term for which she was engag- e. need gool wishei 1...f.ire he vets the r ed. Mita L. was engaged at a meeting 0 i ,,, Ithe residence of one of the trustees,there A i, posniera To the toeet:srs n :I . have not taken a 0 doep interest 10 tae 5 jilt past, we would only say a henceforth yhu should be mindful t your is.rt to no cupid:do...veil eon know all who are likely to lsr the Celd. When the folk tieloo is 1...: 311, hmk at the merit e of (•a -ll candidate and bo governed in your choice th ,.:10 who 110•4011•03 the best .ilalities of heart and head, rather than :kettlesf at aiaal glibness of tongue. Let polit,cs 1 eschewed to municipal matters no: withstanding the wording ef the plivar,_, Cons'JrFittive cir- cular, to the einitriry, for ,polities in town affiors have alio.' ly (lotto more to retard the progress • 4 G:iderich than any- thing else. fly so t'tia.. ettzlt voter will have the privilege 0: helping to get in men who are nut w ailed in lay narrow party prejudices, ao,1 who will not allow their judgment in inonicipal affairs to be warpea. by outside boerferenio or secret circular. Then, and not till then, will Goderich travel on the road to prosperity. ••••• Taxan was an incomp-uitylest Sunday in the Episcopal Church sermons at Guelph-- an eternal unfitness '4 things, ao to speak. The rector was away from house spending the htilidats, and the labor of sermonizing at each service de- volved upon the curate. In the morn- ing, said curate astonished his hearers by preaching from the text "For ve are of your father, the. devil. and in the even - . My excited their risible* hy elaborat ing on She conunand, obey seem , being only two trustees present. The trustees contended that due notice of the meeting bad not been given: that there should have been a resolution Wily moved and seconded engaging the teach- ; ere: that this resolution should have been copied in the trustees' minute book; that the nereeinent should have lbeenit was itign1 el ct; t htitItaltartia thees Rutthe itshit,ium have been brought in the Division Court. It was prove.I that ell the trus- tees had been duly notified of the meet- ing; that the agreement, theugh not signed at the time .4 the meeting, was well underst.'sl and ede( an. 3Iiaa Lemibier had taught five weeks. at the cad of which the trustees insisted upon ' her giving up to them the key of the O school house. She had accepted AS part payment fir services $3,1, but without prejudice to her right .4 suit. The jury awarded her as damages $200, which is as large an amount as the County Court can give. Greet interest was taken in the trial, which occupied two days. .L1l11111221. Mr. John Ferguson has taken possess- ion ofthe shop and residence formerly occupied by Mr. Alex Dey, blotch - smith. At the annual meeting of Union school /motion No. 5 Hullett, Mr. Sam. uel Marshall was elected trustee in room f Mr Wun King. Th note Messrs. J. Habkirk, F. Straker and S. Marshall. Mr. J. M. &linty has returned from the Parry Sound district, where he has been all summer. He says times have been better there last sumtner than us- ual. The crops were not much injured by swimmer frosts Diu ova sir Mtv, Impotency of mind, limb er vital flmetten, nervous parents " weakness, arena' debility, and all dia- ereses missed hy intbscretinns and aims*, are rade-vibe and premptly (mired by the use of Mack's Magnetic Medicine, which ontit,he eaate Is it kr ; The Jamaica prewe is maul to 1,0 Ills - cowling the question of annexing( that country •,. •'•, 1 -rated 544at,..• COMMUNICATIONS. tight, aud succeeded in getting a major- - ity tote in four wards oat 44 six. Yount ti uly, Lisaaat. CoassavaTiva. 'ening place Ni.. 3, Ordure& Tp.. Jan. Srd, 1882. We du ea hold *omelets responsible fur the detaions et our t'urrespusititam. Ouatribte 1 tees to this dirparhaeat must cosine them- ; eat es to public questa:is, and be brier Property aeallactallita. To the Editor uf the el, 'am.. tine, -1 see in Leo week's i*.,* Mater alum Ca e Dance 's csndld4&qrs, bet as that gentleman as elected at the heed of the poll inhi ' ward the spring - tog of the issue at he eleventh hour smuts to hare been void of effect. But talking of disqualification, cell you or any of yonr readers tell of one inch .4 ground in Godurieh that Mr. F. W. Johnston has any right, title or proprie- tory interest iu,' or deed of I If there is, I would like Mr. Johnston to let the people kuow of it, and they will not elevate their eyebrows ao nruch when los wallows the qualification oath. There are a number of °there who stand iu a similar tie from lack of property qualtti- cation and other causes. But 1 would prefer to deal with one at, a time. Will iny young friend rise said explain before he takes the oath for 1882, or will he swallow it as be has done for five years bite:, and Oen no evidence of choking. Goderich, Jan. 2nd, 1882. QUIRY. 'sectarianism to Ilinaganiten. To the Editor of Ten SIGNAL Thu Municipal Elections caused little excitement in this -place, but the lose was more than compensated for by the ter- rible confusion made on Wednesday, 28th ult., over the election of a trustee fur this section. The first question that would arise in the tuind of a thoughtful reader is, the cause of the excitement. My readers will certainly be surprised to find that the real cause was religion, and well may they be astonished. Had politics been the bone of contention some excuse might have been rendered, but when the different denominations of the Protestant Church disagree on such a trivial matter as the election of trustee what is their religion worth 1 I say it is an insult to the few, may I say the eery few right minded, unprejudiced mem- bers of the comneunity. What makes the affair appear more abominable and unpardonable is that two of these de- nominations are holding Union prayer meetings. "Oh, consistency, thou art s jewel ! Oh, judgment, thou art fled to brutish beasta, and men have lost their reason." Had these would-be religious fanatics taken the leant thought of the future happiness and welfare of their children, they would never have infused such a spirit of dissention in the young people of this vicinity. Exemple teaches more forcibly than precept, and how can the children live in peace and happinesa, and love their neighbors as themselves, when by their parenta'. example when Methodist and Presbyterians are made to.hate one another SNOIVEASS. • Natters la GederlIt h Township. To the Editor of the Huron Signal. Mt . EDITOR. -Through your public- spirited journal, I wish to make a few remarks in connection with some of our recent municipal elections held ie. Gode- rich township. The late contest, like previousiones, was run on party grounds. Now, sir, there are three parties con- tending fp supremacy in this township: 1st, the old Tory party; 2nd the Liberal - Conservatives: 3rd the Reformers. The first, being in the majority, contend, like the Family Compact of old, that they should monopolize all municipal offioes, patronage and pap, and have al- ways endeavored to put their precepts into practice. The other two parties contend that intnii4a1 honors and pat- ronage should be given according to merit, efficiency and econoniy. And now, Mr. Editor, as to facts: At the contest of 1880. three mut (1 five were elected pledged to eeenotoy and effiCien- cy. They first cut down the salaries of existing officers, who were all true sons of worthy sires. Theconsteniation thus ceuseil was fearful, and the faithful stood aghast and wondered where the end would he. But the Council did not rim there. The; close a Grit for asseesor. and passed over the application of a Tory for the position. It is quite true that the assessor appointed was Is competent man, an old resident, and a practical far- mer; sial it is also true that the non- plussed candidate could only boast of four years' residence in the township, and was at the time ef application n re- sident of the town. of Clinton. But these were trivial mitten in the estima- tion of the" :Olyed-in-the-weols," and the main fact stool boldly out that the appointed atomism was a Grit and the rejected applicant a Tory. Two of the Council remained true to the tra- dition, of their party: the other three vo- ted. as they censidered, in the interest of the township. If the faithful were grieve -1 when the pap was curtailed. how great must have been their anguish when they saw a Grit visiting their once happy homes, and gauging the value of their earthly possessions. But the municipal economists did not stop at the sp.. pointing of the assessor. They let the municipal printing by tender, and it was awarded to a Grit newspaper office at a saving of $10 or $40 per annum ..ver the Sktr, which previous to that time had got the work at it. own figures. Of coarse a howl went forth, the traditions of the party were being trampled under foot, and the economists mutt be be- headed. And so they were at the next election, for John and Joseph. who had stuck to party through thick end thin, were the only members of the old board reelected. On the 2n41 of this month we had an- other contest tinder similar circumstan- ces. On that (Torsion the recipients municipal jobbing were to be seen cross- ing fields sideroads and by -lanes, hunt- ing up the faithfid, ir their pap wait at stake. We heti a missionary got up for the eccassion, in the shape .4 .ati old ea- seeeor and a wetild-be aspirant for fur. ther favors. He was button -holing young men and boys. 19 or 20 years, who had never seen a rum, as well as lid men who were tottering en the edge nf 70, and implored 'one end all to vnte so as to save the jobbers from ruin. Then there Wall* young mediae' sepirant met tioderich, to aid the lame and in- ner with free sultiostions (4 Sr Jesepit's il. And each is for rade by all essible ,t.•.,.•giete wondered at that t economists were 8 T11;2E A Goon fictioot.- • nupils of Waked Section Nit It, Tuckeramith, were direfully examined tum Friday last by their teacher, Mies Bronelfotit an others, emit atoipitted thette,elves in sue a way by their intelligent and ready answer* as to convince those present that they are in charge of a lady thor- oughly competeut to mould and develop the young minds comtnitted to ier care. The reading, especially of the third form, the geogreplig and the singing, de- serve special mention, as also the very good order. The examinalion proved, O heyond a doubt, the ability of women to educate mei control the young to the satisfaction of the most exacting School Board or the meet ettaious parent. CANAD1A-N NEWS. On the night of the 241 inst., the ballet bet containing the ballots from the ordnance polling division, Penetan- guishine, eves destroyed by some un- known person whilst the, reeve and de- puty returning Akers who were in charge of it were in the Georgian Bay hotel. A sad drowning accident occurred tut Monday morning about three utiles from Hespeler. Two boys, sons of Mr. E. Eagle, went skating on Prielinch Lake, when one of them, named George, aged 10 years, broke through the ice. His body was recovered shortly afterward.. Wm. Fioney and a couple of other boys on Sattittlay stole a purse and $250 from Miss Elsie Glacken's pocket, on King street east, Toronto, but the young lady objected to the proceeding, and capturing Finney, handed him over to an officer, the others escaping. James Laut, of Toronto was on Tues- day charged with an infraction of the law by holding a drawer for a $300 piano Ati.Mr Laut had only received the sum- mons late on Monday night, the case was adjourned till Thursday. Laut is a tea merchant, and gives away a piano to in- duce customers. On Wednesday last, William Tandy, political editor of the Kingston daily Whig, died from congestion of the lungs, at the age of 41 years. He was a gifted vocalist. and for years sang through Can- ada with his brother Rechab. Two writer!, on the Whig have died during the past six months. Harry Shaw, 15 years of age, was killed at the G. T. Railway depot, Sim- coe, on Tuesday. He attempted to get on a train after it had started, and was crushed in a most horrible manner. His parentslive at Orr Lake, county of Sin-- ote. He had been attending the Can- adian Institute, at Woodstock, and spent his Christmas holidays with his relatives in Simcoe. It is now rumored that Walter Muir - head, who is alleged 'to have been con. cerned in the Hamilton Asylum robbe- ries, is insane. A consultation (.1 physi- cians -Drs. Ridley, Stark and Walker, of Dundas -took place tha other day .to examine him, but while no official report has been made as vet, it is understood that the doctors seree:that Muirhead is not accountable for his actions. • Four vacancies in the Senate have been filled. In Nova Seotia, Mr. Thor!. McKay, ex- M. P., succeeds Hon. Mr. McLelan, who is now President of the Cnuncil. In Quebec, Mr. Alex. Ogilvie, of Montreal, succeeds the late senator Penny. In Ontario, Mr. Denald Mein- nes,of Hamilton succeeds 'lie late sen- ator Bull. In .British Columbia, Dr. McInnes, M. P., eucceeds senator Corn- wall, who has been protnoted to the lieut,envernership of the province. Sen- ator Skead has been reappointed, apd the meets .4 the late Dr. Brown and David Christie remain vacant. Am -rte EIJI"' LoLATIOSS. -The Russian expedition to the mouth of the Lena will pass the year on the emit of thc frozen moon. The expedition is sent to fulfil the obligation fof the imperial- so- ciety contracted towards the Internation- al Pular Cesomission, in whose project the following States took part: Austria, England, Germany, Denmark, Norway Russia, France, and the* United States. Stations have been established at various places in the Arctie reghtns, and two stations in the Atitarctic. It is expect- ed that over two hundred perlens will participate in the enterprise. which will cost altogether upward of a million roubles. The Russian expedition will undertake the heaviest part cf the work. It will have to traverse 6,000 miles and establish itself in an exceptionally cold region at the mouth of the Lena, close to the piece where the lowest temper- ature of the. world his been noted. In January the average temperature is • forty degrees below zero A suit for breach of promise is being tried in the southern part of Illinois that is exceedingly important in view of the epidemic prevailing there. The plain- tiff was. good-looking eirl when the en- gagement was made. Two years of courtship passed. Then smallpox disfig- ured her face, and the defendant declin- ed to marry her. He claims that in view of her deterioration in personal appear- nnce since he made the promise,he is not in law or honor hound to keep it. The decision has not yet been rendered. The U. S. Government is sato to have detailed a special officer to report upon the exodus from Canada to the United States via Port Huron. It will be inter- esting to compare the figures thee otr- tamed with those prepared by Mr. Lowe Secretary of the Department of Agricul- ture, and which were on severely criticis- set before the Ciimmittee on Immigration and Colonisation and on the floor of Parliametit From Dun, Wiman & Co.'s circular it would appear that the failures in the United States in 11441 were 5,582, as asminat 4.735 in 1850 The lessee were 0440.000,000 in 1881, as compared with fit:V(10,000 in 1880. The London nflices .4 the Canadian tievernment is in receipt .,1 a large num , her ofenquiries for informatien moppet- ng Ca So tar rot ran he judevel from present appearances. a valuable Sas sacartjneenpns .;;m..;...:.;eolitnie I 411falgad Rot our mate fotwht geed t • migration et1 ("anode volt ie Inn? • , Biessiark .is said to have initiated a etoeetseeer by which •lerteirilly, Atlatria and Italy shall unite to 'Twee any increase of Anglo-Froitch billeeucr. • &drool teacher its the tonna/op of Henghtun hes been aentettosi to fifteen months' iniprisnierl and to 'void' e fifty 'mime with a eat.o'aiiite-taile for cosu• witting au indeseist wealth on eau h.a scholars. The penalty, though revere, is ouly a small histabutnit of what the hil- lir deserved. uoutiecu. Juit4tri• 5511.,1543- Waived. (Fall) V busk., .... • • • • al •Ai %Vheig. trlpringl 1 ri et 90 Fleur. 1, bared.- .......... 50 V 00 ()*(i. 7' burls.... .......... 0 40 V ti hush._ .......... . (5 71) v. 73 Barley., Math . .• 0 "'it 0 Fealties el barb u 55 si liar. V Lou . .......... 15 0' vi 1 00 a 10 mf IS se se Ktfm- do!. 111111414ditil,......, to is C cese. 0 11 Shorts. V cwt.-- ,1 00 Bran, V met Chop. to vwt . .. • 1 10 ...... ........... 0 1. Hides. ..1r, .... 00 Sheepskins.. . '1 11) ilrosse•I Hogs . ...... 00 " IS irt 100 • 751 • I(50 " 50 Tem yelling Guide. Glit.1ND TRUNK. NAST. Paws. Kip's. Mix'd. Mix'd. Goderich.l.v 7.30ain 12.05pm. 3.1fipm 9.00am Eleatorth.... 7.50 " .. 1.10" .445" .10,50" Stratford. Ar 8. gam . I.15pm ..6.30prn .. 7.00" wee?. Paas. Exp's. Mied. MIx'd. Strattord.LY 110m. .7.50pm 7.00aln..3.46pm Seatorth.. .. 2.17 " . 8.56 " .. 9.15 " 5.40 ' Goderich.A.r 3.15pm .9.50pm 11.001%m 7.15pm GREAT WESTERN. Exp's. Mail. limp's. Clinton going north ..9.30ain .4.23pm K.Ntyin " going south ..e.sipm ..8.02ant 724" STAGE LINES. Lucknow StageIdaUya arr. 10.15am dep epee Kincardine " " 1 0m " lam Benmiller " (Wednesday and Saturday I arrives 9.00am .. 9.1 rflebical. DR6HUTCHISON, DUNGAN1N8p2N, nt K McDONAGH, M.D., PHYSIC - .1. IAN. SURGEON. Re.. Graduate itf Tor - ante University. Licentiate of the Royal Col- lege of Pliviticians. London. England, ite., &c., M. C. P. S.. Ontario. Office and residence Opposite Bailey's Hotel, Hamilton street...04- erich. 1795-6m nR. McLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR - lot GEON. Coroner. &c. Odlee and residence on Bruce Street. second dour matt of Victoria Street. 1751. jJ G. MAC KID, M. D., PHYSI- 1.1. clan, Surgeon and Accoucher. Grednate of Toronto University. Officeoppoeite Came?. ron & Cameron's Rank, Lucknow. If not in office, enquire at the Bank. 17112-y. TIRS. SHANNON & HAMILTON, Physicians. lIreeons, acootichers. &c. (NBce at Dr. Sbaunon's residence, near the Jail, Godericli. G. ('. SwAssoat. J. C. Mom - To*. 1751. 3.4 Legal Notice!. , ,. , _ -- --,-........ -, ' •th i , , 4c*1" L 4 uscurrsaALN OF LODS. t - tawert us• Beaus. • Be virtue a( • Writ et • To WIT : i. r.e. i I. as,44614. Apure out of Her Miguel y 'to Court ot t'..ant, ii4.ise i! w ti directed egalitat tier Lewis awl lc set lib of JOHN WIN I hit, Ilke lticant„, mit ilk vt of JANE wiNTMIto netsestoro 1 .....; .... ,,,,,,,,,i iaken in Exem ha, utiles Wake, Tithe aad Interest, and e phi, isf Brieeettatia. uf tie above Ottawa Ihretitkiaa, iso map. to last. num- ber 16 an Ile. Fowl e s n vie i 4.4 r„, %.,11.,... of Herpurha, ni the Casco o. stento. a &WA; Lamle and Twastanule 1 *tall it -it r fa Sale, at umy other, In the tkoart Hasse. In oho Town of Galeria*on, Ylt4DAY. Tilt. 10.11 DAY 0)'YEBRUA It i , A. D.. We. at the Lula of 12 ot the dock. 11, ,er.:-: GID:loN.z, eiteruf et Halm tiberie's Odle*, Gutter:. h. 1 November sib. UA1. i 1611 'illAR,DIANISUY: rirrcz. - 14'.t0.' ti. 1.c.elly sires the'. the expir- ation ot teeter day.. Gam the ars' petit rat nen not tee. application w lit I e 1,11,.' Ju 'go 01 15,0 Surrogate Coati. of Lc 5 aunty of Hure.t, by Betsy ikairlug .4 the et eseeneta. in the County in Huru.a, wi e uf John prrier. to be appientiel gun.dia of Wino Maude Mitchell. Want child u/ t ate William Mitchell. In lit* tite. 51' 14 the Town ship 0, Stephen. efiersaid reoesee. new (le- t -eared. Cekenter. HOLT Z: . - Solicitors for the said Hefty Dkor:ss. Godertob. Deoember n,t, iwi.111111.5t. NOTICE. _ _ Notion is hereby give:. Lela an se; Maroon will be made to the L44(444'0%1- Aftetubly of Ontario. at the in xt otos oat then o fur art Act to amend the Act pined In 111is 31511 year of the reign of Her Modest/. Quo' a Vitovia. Chapter 74, and 0.' net an.eadi gIbe said ect, passed in the d year et the reign uf Her Majesty. Queen Victura, rtuipierst, ineorpur- ating the St. Marys. Credit Vtolity and Huron ca Railway company by e:teaditz t ie time for the commencement and m et on of said itsowee: and by authorising construction of said Railway to Guderich; and alai to Sea - forth, and thence to some poiott oe Lake Huron. aliot., enab e the company to compel the submission of any by-law or byda ws that may be petitioned fur by the required number of heeholderm in any municipality or portion of • municipality: andslim to exempt the said company and all municipalities toting thereto from the provisions of MID 3&b secure of an Act pawed In the 42nd year of Ote reign of Her Majesty, Queen Vktoria. Chanter 31. and of Ga. lithe seof Au Act pasaied In ;be 43511 year of the reign of Her Ma3eety, Queen Victoria. Chapter V; also to enlarge tie pow- ers of the Directurm of the said Company in building the said roadand to enable them Metre ?Wage hearts len' that purpose and to enable the m unicipnlit les aiding said railway to issue bonds or debent urea having • longer period than 20 years to run. and providing for the payment thereof either by instalments, or by way of *sinking fend. Dated at St. Marys, this 3Oth day of No% em- ber. A. D. ltEl. HARDIN°, NARDI'S° & wIlITE 1816. Belliellare tor Applicant. Ti41THE HIGH Ce)UKT OF JUSTICE CHANCERY DIVISION. Pursuant to • decree of the Conn of •Chan - eery. male in the matter of the estate of William Graham. and In • muse.. Dougherty vs. Graham, the creditors of winiaistleakant. late of the towns jiip of Ashfleld in the Coaaty of Huron. who died In or about the =oath of A.ngust, 76, ere on or behove the NINTH DAY ONFJAU18ARY. ISRE to wad by past prepaid to Malcolm Graeme temente of tbs. 'Town of Godericht he solicitor teethe lethal ler \Villiam Dowdier y. one of the executers of the de- ceased, their christian and surnames. address- ' • Tonsorial. ea and description. the hill 'Forth elan of their claims. statement of their aceountsand the nature of thesis-ere:am lif any) held by them. W KNIGHT,• PRACTICAL BAK- or In default thereof, they will br preempt- deriesireey excluded cmdfromitort b.4dbeninkeflt any (. of tat he usairayd v V • HER and Hatr-dresser, begs to return is to produce the same before me at ni) Charm thanks to the pnblic for peat patronage, and here. at the Court Howe. in the town of Gode- s ,licit,, a continuance of cutstom. Ile cat, rich on t he SF: V EN l' F:NTII 5.1 Y OF JAN athlwealro8st b;ffifeeounudodaetrilicibsSliaving Paelur, near I; A ItY heel. at ten reelack In the forenoon. 1753 being the time appointed adjodleation 6n the claim& laird this 6th day of Devensher. CA:14E110N, HOLT & CA 31 EKON Plaintiff's noliciters. istr.-&t. MArlitER11°Tr. %leder at Gweletich. j- NTHE HIG II iURTI )F JUSTICE, tol I( lo In the matter of Joan Isabella Pattervon and other Inf01ants under the age twenty ate years the creditors of David at. ham. late of t:HANCERY Pursuant to an order of tbr said Court, made . the Township of Wa sancta in the County of Huron. y eousan, to died en or about the SFALED Taseens addreeeed to the under- twenty funrth day of Matt h It. 1e76 are on signet', and endorsed "TENDEAS eon PARMA- or before the FIRST ISA) pEtilit' A liy Mr:NT 111.71LDINos." will be receit ed at this I te- A. D. last to seed by p • I. ir-efssid. 'to Merwrs partment uutii 12. of the cluck, noon, on barrow V. k'roadfoot. ut the town of thoderich. Tlill'espee, the 16th day of FEB/WARY next, solicitors fur tle petihuners their eloistian for the Erection and Completion of New Par- and surnames. addresec • and description. the lament Buildings for ()Mario. and certain full particulars ut their dames, a statement of works in connection therewith, aeeording to their accounts and the nature of the meeuritiee GI The Plans and Specifications prepared tit Amyl held by them, er in default thereof by Messrs. Gordon & Ilell:wc11, of Toronto, or they will be peremptertry rteleiled from the The Plans and S;401dtications tircpared benefit of the seal ord. r. Every creditor by Messrs. Darling if- Curry. 05 the same city. holding any securtt• is to peachier the -rune Printed (Grins of Tender can be obtained at before me at my el -iambs -es at the town of this Department, and persons tendering are tioderich un the eign th day of Felguary, .A. specially notified that they will not he entl• D. MT, at tell of the ,!ort in 'he forenoon. Owl to have their Tende.'s considered unleits heing the time appointed fur arnvidiestion on the same are made on and in compliance with the elaint,,. these printed foints,. signed w the actual Dated at 2.9th day of Decem signature of every parson itneluding , A. D. :tel. r..graal each member of a tiroP, followed by his post ae.1mmatourr. office address, anti with all blanks in the forms It23-1f. Mower at trederiels. properly tilld eup. _ . _ . _ letaucep!iciTI ebndnekr uctsute.1;':iq,'IS"hTeintraatihicedorthleyr aciti; I (HA kit V (‚1 VISION. N THE HIGH Ct tU RC OF JUSTICE, I**105 vIttiem me ni met i eon( tsro.rowe natliwL,,I, awhitiri Oh.n,tarf,hwir,- suis Ot wAwAsosii. 54ALz Or • Vstt'.4i.LE. Mg TOWS, felted if the party tendering declines or' fulls l'ursuant to an or4:4 rof said l'otart made to enter into a Cora rant based upon such Ten- In • certain caner or matter of Juan babied& der, when called npon 10 do Po. Where the Patterson and cater it.tants wider the age of party's Tender is not accepted, lite cheque 'went, one y,..en, dated the (watch dir of ow4lba.be preAtt.rumrneactic.11 twWthefertstati,wi tinaThe,,ndaenrds s:151.,,,c..i.. 'while auction. with the *heel:dation of Hen- Deeeniber A. It. Irs.I. there will be mid by flcations, are made tinder the some rover by try klaelSerumitt. Esquire, toaster of the Su - the same peewit or f.rin, only mac such accept- preine Court at Goderii It. lie Ji din I'. (*eerie ed bank cheque need accompany said two Itime ionser, at Niehiabotes Hotel., in the village Tendere. of Manclitletr. on nail wrilay. Ilse Wish day et For the doe fulfilment of the Contract. salt.- . 3• A. NI. Isla. nt une e't lock. Is the factory sect:will will be required on real relate, afternoon. the !ultimate( property. 11*: The or by the depoeit of money, public! or monk,. west half of lot numher twenty nine in the elle Under the Contract. of which Eve per hundred *erre of land,,,,„,„ ,„.1,..„ Tea, pal securdien or hank stocke, to the, am1. ount Of third ;nmecasion of the township of Wawan- fire per (pct. on the bulkm hu. to bccome PRY- ugh in the Count; of !loom. . ontaining one pro - cent., the amount of the accepted chue ne- 1 perty is att (sated about 12 miles trom the Town companying the Tender. will be consideqered a of (;oileet, h 25 ,,,,;(.. from the of Man. part. ebester and 5 miles from the vinare of Birth, sigrnosetuati4.tTuittlleiA rearrittlt,‘0,;,.rcatstiepoOnTilbtieheaanedtiootail; in cleared and the rentaholer timbered with a good farming I...alit): •beut .5 acres are vent persons. residents of Ontario. willing to hardwood excepting about 5 acres of slnab: beeome sureties for the tarrying ont et theme the soil is id a clay loam. •nr1 the cleared pos conditions, and the due fulfilment and eerier- tion in In a fair mate of i•oltii stain. 'There la mance of the Contract in all particul-m. erected en the said land a los honer and log Printed Copies of Clic respective Speehlire. ham. Thr preeerta will he sold subject to a tionm ean be obtained un application at tee De- re,,,,e4 0,4 px..if by ibe mad )lamer. 15 PaTrthlienelnet:partment Will not .be bound to rte- the ataadl""wwittion.„( the mid ,,,,„„g,,, no. nther reeprete thcv eraditima of sale will be cept• the lowest ursine Tender. title im perfect and will be mold free from en. By "rdee*Wiii. EDWARDS. e sperelanr. umtirerea.• Terme .4sale: Tea per cent of the feirtha.- money to the i eridors' solicitnra on the day of male and the helenee Into court 1)epartmeni of Public Werke for Ontario. .0a the first day of March A. D. Vat thereafter Tomnto, 2nd Jan. HIM. without interest. whes the purchaser ..hrill bet entitled to his coaveranee. A tenant whose term expire, at th,.i.,th Marc), .4. D 12 5. in rasessio.i. Tibf, purchaerr shall br entitled 01 =term. For further pantenters ea on isnrnctilately atter the cvpiring piy fettle evict ioneer or the condors' oolleitowl- terosAtert. ne.inmoodertett. . this Mb day of Decem- G•fittvOsa% den& Pato, seeiskti-lbroisrMies.MAtraml.ftekrillat°r4ad. erich. Irdedsi. $5 to $20per day et home. Falaphl worth $5 free.. Address STINeoN it Co.. Portland. Maine O VICK'S Illustrated Floral Guide! Irne 111/11 5. an Vegas* Nook sr Ise Pate*. two Colored Plates of Flowers, and shore alma laid IlluateatIlms of the choicest Flow- ers, Planta end Vegetables, ani Directions for growing. it is handsome enough fee the Cen- tre Tahiti or a Holiday Present. Rend on your name and Poet Office address, with 10 meta and I will send you • copy, pos*lsgr paid. Thin In 0.0 a quarter 01 its colt. It printed in both Enfraimh and German. ff you afterwsrds fiat .ne eon. eotot order itemin deduct the 10 eta. and grow them "4.1" ARM" s" the beet In the world MOORE'S EARLY & BRIGHTON The FLORAL Wink will WI you how to get Ifeeirt newer sad Vegetable ticierdm. 1111 two new grape,. 5 lnlr'0?*tin), 1•0 my Poeta 6 Colored Platea kle Engra into For patrons meson teem. %n,, will not be (NI- S° centa in paper eorerli ; {LOOM elegant loth. ameented. OOR F.' FARI) is *1' heat In German or English. eery early week errata vrt ;mown ""ads- siieweesiee lloanalne zi 11 haa amid thirty degrees talon rte. nohnrt_ Pasco COlOred Mate in every 'emr beand RRIGHTON I. • deli, eose reel reap. ripening many fine Engravings. Pelee SI 1., • ;ear; Just after Moron' • Partv They sr* both large ler, Copiers tor OA. Speltnen Numhers in hunch end herr,. and asry per., arm fae HI cents ; 3 trial copies for 25 eents. A ddress. will both te any addreas. posepaki. ea ' receipt ef Ile or e .ther for El Agents wanted J Rochester. 11. St. Catherine' Nuserie 8. r•-tifc.1•41YD 1 D. W. BEADLE 171 m A WFICX. outaa day st home /*Mil 4S- anis COM t fr.w• • eldpw• .4T r 4T111111 Tete, ONT. 5,linertit