The Brussels Post, 1972-10-25, Page 14futttsl; "eeeeeeee Y"'ieeeeeelieeeeee PAYS YOU HIGHEST INTEREST 4/399 SALE PRICE 24!1°. 30 Only An excellent CO-OP value, the SL 10A Remington cuts trees up to 30" in diameter and features big 3.1 cu. in. displacement and com- pression release for easier starting! Large tone muffler, adjustable automatic oiler with manual over ride, comfortable tubber cushion grips on top and rear handle, Weighs 10 lbs. less bar and chain, Fully assembled with 2 year warranty, UNITED. CO-OPERATIVES OF 'ONTARIO WINGHAM 357-2'711 HELGRAVE BRUSSELS 88/-6453 fel CYALUME Chemical Light Let There fie tight The Ch.,Thr Al Light 11.0c Alw he, CI, bd, t • weatherproof • no makknklen rinre • 361 viSibllity • 3 t k , Ikt ik4t"I I 4(1 ,, CV the new concept fn err, rqe nr y I k Cjht with dozenr, of ur,,, Just h light vru k glows brfrihily csek, Jr-krit, Nokt141 No t ,, t1 . ith f,rff down Item No 572 191 *Staff carries 'out heavy program.. on GIC's or Silage is dangerous SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 1. Put in doors only as fast as yOu fill the silo to allow the gases to escape. 2. Use an oxygen supply and mask when climbing the silo and opening doors at silage level. 3. Do not enter an area if you notice a sharp, irriatating oder or yellowish-brown gases. To indicate the possible danger to others, post a sign on the silo door or in the feed 'tom, 4. Never enter the silo alone. Another person should always be present in case of accident.• eeeeeeMee,: 5, deritaet a (loci& immed- 14—The BRUSSELS POST) OctoBER IS, 1972 (Continued from rage 1) ree,Xtram ease load of 1.0 students. Per teacher, "$neeific Leernieg Disabil- ity; During the school year 1 97 1- 72 our three teachers ON- eregecl '79 students per teaeher per month. One hundred and forty Students Who received help due - UV 197 1-72 have been excused from attendance at speeific learning disability plasses to date this, year. In September Our three teachers worked with 08 Students each. Some of our students would appear to have problems which would require placement in a class for emotion- ally disturbed children if .such a elasi were available. Our chief problem is distance. These stu- dents are, so wide-spread geo- graphically as to pose a problem in arranging transportation to a central location. Psychological personnel will this fall term at- tempt to positively identify those children who are emotionally dis- turbed and we will then present a recommendation for their ed- ucation program. in jurisdictions where classes for emotionally disturbed have been established, the maximum enrolment rec- ommended by the Ministry of Education is eight. "Attendance .Counsellor: During the school year 1971-72 our Attendance Counsellor sub- mitted 103 reports, worked 851 hours and travelled over 11,000 miles. His services cost the board slightly more than $4500 or an average of $45.21 per case. In September, Mr, Thomas Lang- tile made 29 house visits and submitted five reports. He also made 44 other visits, travelled 1596 miles and worked 103 1/2 hours. "Guidance Program: Our program in the elementary schools has the same content as last year. Fewer teachers are involved than in 1971-72 as we attempt to concentrate the in- struction with principals and staff members who hold Guidance Cer- tificates. At the secondary level we employ the equivalent of 12 1/2 full time teachers for 4608 stu- dents or the ratio of one teacher for every 517 students. The im- plementation of the credit sys- tem and the problems arising The extreme variations in weather during the growing sea- son this year have caused stress to plants, particularly corn. Drought, cold, lack of sunshine, poor soil aeration and partial frost are factors that may cause nitrates to accumulate in corn stalks and leaves. When the corn is ensiled, these nitrates produce nitrogen oxides or sil- age gas. Farmers should take certain precautions to prevent inhalation of silage gas in order to avoid serious injury, says Norman Robinson, Coordinator, Farm Safety, Workmen's Comp- ensation Board. Nitric and nitrous oxides begin to form within a few hours after the silage has been stored. Normally colorless and odorless, the gases turn yellowish to yell- owish-brown when they mix with air. They collect on top of the silage since they are heavier than air. Running the silo blow- er does not eliminate the pot- ential threat; it merely agitates the air. Follow safety precautions all year, but especially now, during, the filling season and for a month or more afterwards. puron o Year 1, 51, Year g, 93; F.E,Madili, year 1, 471 year. 21 24. PGeneral: There are 112 teachers. involved in the various, aspeots of student Services listed above. All, but two are exper.. iencert. All have teaching cer* of cater, and additional certif.. icatee in the area, of specialty are held as follows; Basic ger, tificate only, 42; Basic Certif.- leate plus Elementary Certif.- lea* 27; Basic Certificate plus Intermediate Certificate, 2Q; and Basic Certificate plus Specialist C ertificate, 23. "Administrative Affairs: A considerable amount of time is spent each month in such rote. tine tasks as answering corres- pondence, .compiling statistics, writing reperts, attending meet- ings, conferring with principals, planning future operations and conversing with teachers, .par- ents and other personsinterested in and /or involved with educa- tion. "Two days were spent judg- ing student exhibits for the Brus- sels Fall Fair and East Wawan- osh School Fair. "A study of individual teacher time tables for all 272 secon- dary school teachers reveals that 8377 periods or '77.5 percent are devoted to instruction, 1271 per- iods or 11.8 percent are devoted to preparation and marking, 235 periods or 2.2 percent are de- voted to student supervision, 917 periods or 8.5 percent are de- voted to administrative duties for a total of 10,800. periods, "During the next few weeks we will be discussing aims and objectives with each principal." 611.111.11.1111111.11111111111.111111111011M What to do when your ears fail. Ears today take 'a lot more abuse than in the good old days. That's why you should know what techniques are available to correct the most common hearing problem. Read the new 8-page booklet by W.F.Carver, Ph.D., of the Washington. Uni- versity School of Medicine, "The Truth About Nerve Deaf- ness." It's free! Just write Dept. 2305, Belton Electronics Corp., 4201 W. Victoria St., Chicago, Ill. 60646. M111111111111111•11110=11111111111111111111111111111111 GREAT SAVINGS ON YOUR WINTER AUTOMOTIVE NEEDS STAN-GARD PERMANENT ANTI FREEZE Guaranteed for 30,000 miles or two years! Give your car all winter protection and save at the same time, Anti-freeze has ethylene glycol base for extra protection and.is fortified with corrosion inhibitors to prolong engine life — (especially ettective in new aluminum engines), Will not foam, evaporate or boil away, Mixes with all other types of per, manent anti-ireeze. Save now with this low-price. Item No. 548-003 NE V V 5 Gallon Can. Same quality as, 1 gal. can. 5 gal, container is reusable. Ideal for the farm or 2 car family. CO-OP PRE SEASON SNOW TIRE SALE! CO-OP's NEW 4-PLY NYLON TRACTION SNOW TIRES! • New improved tread design • Rugged all nylon construction. Compare CO-OP TRACTION to any other economy snow tires before you btiy — you'll find these are truly the 'more for your money' tires, offering more than ao,..quate traction in mud & snow, It's the tire designed with safety in mind. at a price you can afford! Blackwell only, F-78-14. G-78.14 Traction 4--ply Traction 4-ply nylon snow b/w >iinylon snow b/w 174° ea.• 1Q90 2070 ea. CO-OP GT 2+2 78 SERIES SNOW TIRES SINGLE WHITEWALL Now Ultimate Traction in a CO-OP 78 SERIES BELTED SNOW TIRE Deep wide tread bites into the snow to keep you going even when road conditions are at their worst! Wide belted construction for greater stability and maximum traction at all speeds, greater puncture resistance, plus the polyester features„ . No flat spotting smoother ride. :g • F78-14 G-78-14 H-78-14 Item No. 569-191 Item. No. 569.194 Item. No. 969-193 .SALE PRICE SALE- PRICE SALE PRICE 22!! 23!! 24" ea F-78-15 G-78-15 0 H-78-15 Item No. 569-194 Item No. 569-1954 It em N o, 56g-196 SALE PRICE 1C:', SALE PRICE SALE PRICE #901 individual student time tab- ling, would seem to indieAte a. much lewer retie is needed to larovide a more satisfactory set- vice. "Home Instruction Units: One le three were in Peeratien for September ; one each at, Howiek, F.E,Madill and Goderich District Collegiate. "Trainable Retarded: Our enrolment .has risen from 4e last June to 52 in September and we have a waiting list of four for the Golden Circle School in• winghem, More students are remaining for the full day. In June we had 29 full day and 17 half day students as compared to September when we had 39 full day and 13 half day students. Three newly appointed half time teacher aides have been engaged to replace those of 19'71-72. who moved away during the summer. One additonal half time teacher has been engaged atQueen Eliza.- beth School and-we plan tp engage one additional half time teacher at Golden Circle School as soon as additional accommodation is available. "Opportunity Class: We still continue to operate seven Op- portunity Classes. Enrolment in June was 84. Enrolment to date this year is 79. Five stu- dents registered in Opportunity Class 1971-72 have been returned to regular grades. "Remedial program: During 1971-72 an average of '734 stu- dents per month received assis- tance, chiefly in reading, from seven full time and eight half time teachers. For 972-73 we have seven full time and ten half time remedial teachers. All 32 schools have remedial residents teachers. in September 660 stu- dents received assistance; 120 students from the 1971-72 class have been excused from attend- ance at remedial classes to date in 1972-73. "Visually Handicapped: Five students currently use magna- type books. "Hearing Handicapped: We are again this year providing weekend transportation home from Milton for four students. "Occupational Program: Current enrolment in our Oc- cupational program is Central • iately if exposed to silage gas. Symptoms of exposure are irritation of the nose and throat and sneezing. Partial paralysis and death could result if ex- posure is severe. Guaranteed Investment Certificates Are Fully Guaranteed Term Deposits for Periods of 1 - years for CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST Contact your LOCAL FINANCIAL ADVISOR 69 YONGE STREET, TORONTO 1 1-416-360.1770 SALE PRICE 1Impertal Gallon H-78-14 Traction 4-ply nylon snow b/w Item No, 569-182 .0 Item No. 569-1834 Item No. 569-184 SALE PRICE ' SALE PRICE SALE PRICE minamtimaimmairmam, P-78-15 .6 G-78-15 Traction 4-ply 0. Traction 4-ply , nylon snow b/w nylon snow b/w Item. No. 569-185i Item. No, 569.186 S A iL E7 50 PI CE e SALEIie)TI C E 206 0 '1,4"menimgmfraing H-78-15 Traction 4-ply nylon snow b/w Item No. 569.187 SALE PRICE