The Brussels Post, 1972-05-24, Page 10BY HELEN ALLE N' SPORTS-MINDED BOY Lorne is an engaging, friendly nine-year-old who is eager to be adopted so he will have his own home, his own parents and his own secure place in the world. Hungarian in descent, Lorne is a handsome boy with light brown hair, dark eyes and a fair complexion. He is in good health. Lorne is an affectionate youngster, responsive to adult approval and reassurance. He needs a family where he will receive constant loving attention. This active youngster likes energetic outdoor games and is intensely sports-minded. He enjoys the program of a boys' club and looks forward to becoming a Scout. Lorne is having some difficulties at school, mainly with reading, and is in a remedial reading class. He likes mathe- matics, in which he does well, but since he cannot read problems, even his mathematics suffer. Lorne enjoys group discussions and likes to participate. He appears to have a good potential. He is interested in everything and nothing escapes his notice. It is hoped a Roman Catholic home will be found for this lad. Parents who can combine warm cherishing love, with firm, consistent controls are being sought. For such a mother and father he will be a rewarding son. To inquire about adopting Lorne, please write to Today's Child, Box 888, Station K, Toronto. For general adoption information, ask your Children's Aid Society. Appointed supervisor Order your ATRAZIN Now FOR Quality Products At Competitive Prices SHOP STORE HOURS: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. MONDAY to FRIDAY 9 to 12 SATURDAY IT II US ... AND IT'S OURS! CALL YOUR CO-OP UNITED CO-OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO BELGRAVE BRANCH A Report From Queens Park by Murray Gaunt,M.P.P. INVEST NOW % on 5 year term Guaranteed Investment Certificates. Ask about our "CASHABLE AT ANY TIME - Guaranteed Savings Certificates. For further information contact your financial adviser or write STANDARD TRUST 214 Bay Street, Toronto 1 A FEDERALLY CHARTERED COMPANY MEMBER CANADA DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Certificates Available Thru: RONNENBERG INSURANCE AGENCY MONKTON Phone 347-2241 OHM* Open Monday Through Saturday Brussels Office Open Tues., and Friday Phone 887-6663 JIM CARDIFF REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE PHONES: 887-6100 or 887-6164 TODAYS.CHILEI Horficulturalists to sponsor queen Donald M. Nicholson, 41, has been appointed supervisor of the Canada Agriculture Live- stock Division in Ontario. He succeeds J. H. Cochran who recently was appointed chief of the division's markets and merchandising section. As district supervisor, Mr. Nicholson will be responsible for the activities of the Live- stock Division throughout Ont- ario. He moves to Toronto from Ottawa where he has been in charge of beef cattle production policies for the division, includ- ing Record of Performance pro- grams. A native of Baddeck, N.S., Mr. Nicholson attended Macdon- ald College of McGill Univer- sity and received his B.S.A. degree in 1956. On his graduation he joined the Livestock Division as a fieldman with the district office at Toronto. Promoted to live- stock officer, he was assigned to the division's sub-district office at Calgary in 1962. He returned to Toronto two years later to head up the div- ision's livestock production pro- gram in Ontario. The following year saw him move to Ottawa to take charge of beef cattle production policies. Mr, Nicholson is widely known for his 4-H work. He has rep- resented Canada Department of Agriculture on the Canadian Council of 4-H Clubs since 1967. He was also active in the est- ablishment of the Canadian 4-H Foundation and was a member of its first board of trustees. 10--THE BRUSSELS POST, MAY 24, For the past three years, he has represented the department on the board of directors of the Beef Improvement Federation of the U.S. 1972 The Bruesels Horticultural Society met in the Pgblic Lib rarY May 15th when Mrs. vop, Campbell presided, The society Was asked to sponsor a, queen, in the. Centennial and members who- knew of any girls interested were asked to contact secretary Mrs. E. Cudmore. A Cornmit , tee Was formed to be respons- ible for a float. They are Mr. A. Knight, Mr. and mrs.F.D1111k, Mrs. R. W. Stephens, Mrs.. C. Hemingway, Mrs. N. McLarty. On motion of Mrs. R. W. Stephens and Mrs. Jas. Arm- strong it was agreed that dele- This week the Minister of Agriculture and Food announced the intention of the Government to implement a programme of guaranteed bank loans to assist Industrial Milk Producers in the Province to purchase market sharing quota to which is attach- ed subsidy eligibility quota from the Canadian Dairy Commission. The Minister indicated that the Government was interested in maintaining and expanding the industrial milk industry in Ontar- io and wanted to make sure that no producer was deprived of mar- ket sharing quota because of lack of operating capital. That being so, the Minister said that the programme will con- sist of chartered bank loans with the Government of Ontario guar- anteeing these loans. The loans United church notes At the service in Brussel United Church onSunday morning May 21, the congregation enjoyed two solos by Mrs. Graham from Edmonton, visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hoover. The ladies of the congregation had new drapes installed in the Sunday School room last week. They compliment the carpet and contribute to a cheerful room. Next Sunday the “Inspirat- ions" will be back for a return appearance to which those who heard them previously are look- ing forward. gates would not be sent to the Kingston Convention in view of the centelinial..Flowers for light" standards, have been, ordered with extras for beds for this year, A memorial to Mrs. Geo. Danis was given. by Mrs. Wm. Campbell who also spoke of the passing of Mrs. C. Dunbar. The news letter was read by Mr. Knight. A spring tea and flower show was discussed but because of other activities a proposal by Mrs. E. Mitchell and Mrs. W. Krauter that each member give a donation instead, was agreed on. Donations may be left with Sec. will be at prime interest rates plus 1 per cent repayable at any time without penalty. In answer to a series of ques- tions from me the Minister of Revenue disclosed that in April 1971 the Department agreed to a proposition of the Department of National Revenue that they co- operate in the establishment of a national real estate data bank. The purpose of the bank is to store and monitor all real estate transaction information around valuation day for taxation admin- istration. The project is in the pilot stage, and the Department of Municipal Affairs and the Ontario Department of Revenue agreed intergovernmental co-operation in this matter. The Federal Government rec- ognized there would be certain costs in extracting information and it has been agreed that the Province will be compensated accordingly. The Province of Saskatchewan is currently taking part in a simi- lar test arrangement. Consideration of the Estim- ates is continuing with eight De- partments gaining approval so far. Mrs. E. Cudmore or President Mrs. Wm. Campbell. Mrs. F. Dunk and Mrs. A. McCall reported on the Conven- tion in Hanover,. Mr. Dunk play- Ing a tape recording of the dis- cussion, There were 152 dele- gates present with each society represented. The 197,3 Conven- tion, will be in Blyth. WS. A. McCall introduced mr K.Mar.LeAn of Seaforth who carried out a series of floral arrangements which later were awarded as prizes and won by Mrs. Jas. Armstrong, Mrs. F. Shaw j Mrs. F. Dunk, Miss Mae Skelton and Mrs. Geo, Evens! Mrs. Guy won a corsage for having an anniversary nearest May 15th and Miss Laura Lucas won the door prize. Mrs. E. Cudmore thanked Mrs.MacLean. It was announced that the August flower show will be held August 26th in the Anglican Church. Lunch was served by a com- mittee including Mrs. VVm. Miller, Mrs. B Hemingway, Mrs. L. McCutcheon, Miss L. Lucas. ELECTROHOME • • on extra degree of excellence. RADIO & TV SALES & SERVICE BLYTH, ONTARIO PHONE 523.9640