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Huron Perth ,school board rejects .move.
to provide for quarterly fax installments
The 1114011-Perth County
Roman catholic Separate School
Board will continue to accept
taxes from 30 municipalities in
the two counties in two instal,
ments each year and from 15 or
a yearly basis. This decision
resulted following the defeat of
a vote 7 to 6 on a motion which
was introduced to provide for
quarterly instalments of the taxes
from all municipalities accord-,
ing to section 87 of the Separate
School's Act, Revised Statutes of
Ontario, 1970, which would have
become effective in 1973.
The matter of tax payments
had risen originally when con-
cern had been expressed about
paying interest on money bor-
rowed from the bank to carry on'
the board's business while wait-
ing for the taxes to be paid in.'
It had been revealed that a saving
of $4,196.20 would have been
made by the board with the quar-
terly instalments. Opposition tc
the more frequent payment was
based on the contention that rural
municipalities were not geared to, quarterly payments.
An educational course on local
government, consisting of six)
sessions at King Lear School
in Stratford, is being attended
by Superintendent of Education
John Vintar of Stratford; Assist-
ant Superintendent Joseph Tokar,
of Stratford; and Trustees
Howard Shantz, Stratford; Chris
Walraven of St. Marys; and Vinc-
ent Young of Ooderich.
Mr. Young as chairman of the
property committee, made the
following recommendations to the
board which were approved: at'
St. James School in Seaforth,
that C. Ryan install the cup-
boards at a cost of $375 andi
that George A. Sills and Sons,
Seaforth, be engaged to install
the sink; that a sink and cup-'
board be installed in the staff
room at St. Ambrose School in
Stratford, by Moffat and White
at a cost of $443; and that a
rental dusk-to-dawn unit and pole
be installed atSt.Joseph'sSchool
in Kingsbridge, at a cost of
$4.25 per month in order that
the south-west corner of the
school will be illuminated.
Reporting on the 42nd annual
conference of the Ontario Separ-
ate School Trustees Association
held in Toronto April 6 and '7,
Vincent Young said he had at-
tended the Family Life Education
Fof A checks
fuel costs
in Huron
seminar and found it both inter-
esting and inforMatiVe. He he,
lieVed the information at the
seminar would assist him since
he is a meniher of the Huron-
Perth Advisory Committee on
Family Life. Education.
Reporting on the same sem-
inar Mr. Vintar stated that edu.
cation for family living was a
community 'responsibility ac-
cording to the seminar leaders
and the school could play a spec-
ial role within that community.
It was pointed out that family
life programs deal with attitudes,
relationships, and the develop-
ment of a consciousness of a
person as a total being. Mr.
Vintar stressed that sex com-
prises only about 15 per cent of
the course, a fact which many
people do not realize. The pro-
gram where it has been put
into effect is integrated into other i
subject areas.
Mr. Vintar stated that the
Huron-Perth Advisory Commit-
tee has held meetings and will
continue to hold exploratory
meetings into the feasibility of
introducing Family Life Educa-
tion into the Huron-Perth cur-
Trustee Ted Geoffrey, Zur-
ich, who attended the Merit Pay
as. Developing inOntario seminar
reported that it is only the large
boards who have initiated pol-
icies on merit pay. He stated
that many problems of imple-
mentation of this policy were
discussed and that numerous
boards were reluctant to init•
late such a program at this '
Trustee Howard Shantz,
Stratford, attended the seminar
on Inter-Board co-operation sta-
ted that the Huron-Perth Board
was recognized at the Confer-
enCe as the reSuit of the inte-
gration of transportation ser-
vices in McKillop Township with
the Huron County Board of Edu
Mr. Shantz also stated there
was a discussion regarding the
sharirig of psychological and
film-library services among
various boards in the province.
Trustee Arthur Haiti, R,R,
4, Listowel, reported on the Ass-
essment seminar. and the pro-
posed Bill which is expected to
be presented to the Ontario Gov-
ernment the first week of May,
making certain revisions to the
assessment act and Bill 127,
an act to amend assessment act.
Elaborating on the proposed
legislation, Jack Lane, Business
Administrator, stated that the
legislation when passed will per-
mit enumeration of all assessed
owners for statistical purposes
in order to form the voter's list
and school support for each mun-
icipality. This information will
be relayed directly to the mun-
icipal clerks, thereby giving them
greater local autonomy. This will
permit appeals to be made by
assessed owners directly to the
municipal clerk, particularly
with respect to school support.
He said formerly appeals of this
nature were processed through
Court of Review.
Mr. Lane went 'on to explain
that Bill 127 was passed to enable
the Department of Municipal Af-
fairs to achieve complete equal-
ized, assessment by 1974 for
implementation in 1975.
Mr. Lane concluded his re-
marks by stating that it was
necessary for Roman Catholics
to declare themselves as sep-
arate school supporters to be
properly recorded on the voter's
list within their municipalities.
The Home Economics Branch
of the Department of Agricul-
ture and Food is holding Achieve-
ment Days in Huron County when
the 1,100 girls who have been
participating in the current pro-
ject "Sleepwear" will mark the
completion of this project.
The girls will hold a Fashion
Show and display the garments
they have constructed.
Huron Home Economist Cath-
erine Hunt, will conduct Ach-
ivement Days throughout the
County as follows:
A pilot project to reduce fuel
costs of Huron farmers is being
undertaken here, directors of the
Huron Federation of A.grictulture
were told at a meeting Thursday.
Vince Austin, RR1, Dungannon
Input Committee chairman, con-
firmed that in Nalanee, Ontario
a similar program already was
established, and farmers in that
area have reduced the cost of
gasoline by 6 cents. fuel oil by'
4 cents and furnace oil by 3 cents.
The meeting adopted a reso-
lution by Adrian Vos, Blyth and
Mr. Austin recognized that Hog
Feeders received five dollars
per Hog Deficiency Pa.yment ask-
ed the Sta.blization Board for
comparable assistance for sow
In new business it was re-
ported by Allan Turnbull of RR 1
Grand Bend that of a recent de-
livery this week of fuel oil he
was billed an additional 25 cents
per gallon for road tax. Whilt
up to now farmers have not ha(
to pay any road tax on fuel oil,
the interpretation of recent leg.
iSlation has resulted in the tax
being added.
Field-Secretary ,Bill Craw.
ford reported Individual Service
Memberships have increased to Seaforth 1150 in Huron. 011•11111111111111111
Announce dates for
achievement days
Exeter Achievement Day -
Exeter High School - April 15;
Zurich Area Achievement Day-
Exeter High School - April 22;
Clinton Achievement Day -
Clinton High School - April 29;
Goderich Achievement Day -
Goderich High School - May 6;
Seaforth Achievement Day -
Seaforth High School - May 13;
Wingham Achievement Day -
Wingham High School - May 27;
Gorrie Achievement Day -
Howick Central School - June 3;
Gorrie Achievement Day -
Howick Central School - June 10.
Ends Saturday .