The Brussels Post, 1972-03-29, Page 9It's Our Third Cigarette smoke is more than an annoyance to nonsmokers. It can cause physiological distress in healthy individuals as well as in those with asthma and other respiratory illnesses. New re- search indicates, in fact, that the nonsmoker is affected by 'cigarette smoke in much the same damaging way as is the smoker himself. Recent experiMents at Texas A & M University and elsewhere indicate that even 30 minutes in a smoke-filled environment sig- nificantly increases the non- smoker's heart rate, blood pres- sure, and the amount of carbon monoxide in his blood. A team of researchers at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center reported that smoke drifting from the burning end of cigarettes, cigars, and pipes carries with it more cad- mium, a metal poisonous to man, than the Smoke inhaled by the smoker through the unlit end of the cigarette. Large doses of cadmium can ' cause acute poisoning in man. In lower doses it has been implicated in hypertension, chronic bronchitis, and emphysema. Still another research team at Wayne State University in Detroit found that acute illnesses, mostly respiratory, were twice as prevalent among young children whose parents smoked at home than among those whose parents never smoked in the home. Some of the differences were attributed to the negative effects 'of surrounding smoke. Your local tubec:ulosis and respiratory disease association urges nonsmokers to speak up and say i ,Yes, I do mind if you smoke." Defend yourself. It's a matter of life and breath. Yours. THE BRUSSELS POST* MARCH 29„ 1972-9 Nonsmokers are learning how to defend themselves. Remember just a few years ago when airlines passed out courtesy cigarettes? No longer. Today they're just as busy setting up non-smoking areas for com- plaining customers. Your own home- less than rent! Now, when you're making out your income tax return — worrying about budgets — this is the time to decide to stop paying rent. Get that dream home you want. Own it for less than you pay for rent and live in your own home while its value rises through the years. See about a mortgage — today — at Victoria and Grey. wcroRm and VG GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 C.I. Stief, Branch Manager, Listowel HOUSE OF MAX Furnishings — Interiori M. L. WATT'S FUNERAL HOME Phone 887-6336 or 887-6585 Brussels WOAA Champions 1948 • re• Another in a series of pictures of years gone by being reproduced during Brussels Centennial year is that of the Brussels Ladies. Softball Team who were W.O.A.A. Champions in .1948. Shown here are (rear left) D. A. Rann, Manager, K. L. Ashton, Coach, Tory Gregg, President I,V.O.A.A., Bob Campbell, Assistant Coach, Bill Coleman, Assistant Coach (centre) V. Hasting, D. Willis, S. Coleman, P. Anderson, M. Anderson, G. Stretton (front) F. Shaw, R. Jewell, N. Shaw, J. Stephenson, Captain, I. Speir, A. Campbell, H. Anderson, David Kennedy, Bat Boy. The rights of 'non-smokers -• ORTHOPECir MATTRESS SETS Box Springs and. Mattress Regular $203.00 SPECIAL $170.00 SAVE SAVE SAVE FURNITURE incliv'iltueaizitzked FROM 10% to 15 ALL OTHER MATTRESSES . . . . 15% off