The Brussels Post, 1972-03-15, Page 3The problem of spray drift
during the application of •nerW
tides along Ontario highways,
could be a thing of the pasty
according to PrOfesser G. R.
Stephenson, PePartinent of E. n-
vironmental Biology, University
of Guelph. He has conducted tests
over a three-year period, in co-
operation with the Ontario De-
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Andrew Berg
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the Weeklies
By Lee Hee
In scanning the Mitchell Advocate we note that a
report states. Murray McGill, formerly of Mitchell,'was
elected president pf the Waterloo Young Men's Club,
succeeding Gordon Coyne..Mr. Charles Roe, husband
of a former Monkton woman, marked his 90th birthday
recently at MillhaVen Rest liorne....Rev. J. P. Hayes,
well-known Redemporist Missionary, will conduct a week-
long mission in St. Brigid's Church, Logan and St. Vincent
de Paul Church,, Mitchell during the week of March 12
to March 18th,
The Lticknow Sentinel reports that Miss Catherine
MacGregor of Lucknow observed her 99th birthday on
Sunday, March 5th. Miss MacGregor enjoys fairly good
health arid resides with her sister, Mrs. George (Mae)
Stuart, singe 1961...Mr. and Mrs. Eric Excel, Brussels
have purchased the farm of Bud Sutton, Kinloss. Town,
Ship. Mrs. Excel is the former Nikki de Jong, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Jelle de Jong, RR 5, Lucknow. They
have three children,..Contracts amounting to $66,738 for
the construction of a community swimming pool to be
built in Mildmay this Spring, was awarded to a Toronto
firm...Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sewers of Culross celebrated
their 60th wedding anniversary recently. Mrs. Sewers
has been a patient for some weeks in Victoria Hospital
and a family dinner is being planned when Mrs. Sewers
returns home.
The Hay Fire. Insurance Company held their annual
meeting with no changes in the board of directors, accord-
ing to the Zurich .Citizens News. Mr. Len Erb is past
president; John R. Consitt, secretary; Mel Webster,
president and Arnold McCann is vice-president.
The Goderlch Signal-Star reports the delivery of the
new $67,000 fire truck to the Goderich Volunteer Fire
Department last Wednesday. The truck has a 100 foot
hydraulic ladder and a pumping capacity of 840 gallons
of water per minute....The Sully Foundation in memory
of A. V. M. J. A. Sully, founder of the present Dominion,
Road Machinery Company Limited, has offered to donate
completely landscaped and fully furnished, well-lit park,
estimated at a cost of $75,000 to $100,000 to the Town of
Goderich. If approval is given, construction would be
completed this spring....Mr. and Mrs, Jack Ryan, were
honored by friends and relatives on the occasion of
their Golden Wedding Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Ryan
have been residents of Goderich for nearly all of the 50
years of their married life.
The Blyth Standard reports that council passed a
motion to set up an industrial committee and a planning
Board...The regular meeting of the Municipal Recreation
Committee was held in the council chambers and named '
the various committees for the year. George L. Hubbard
was in charge of the meeting....Blyth's interim street
budget was set at $15,000. Council has made prelimin-
ary plans for reconstruction and paving of several streets
this year. The council also discussed a proposal to equip
the Blyth Fire Department with a two-way radio system.
If all member municipalities in the mutual fire aid area
agree, Blyth's share would be about $700. Total cost
was set at $3,700.
The Exeter Times-Advocate reports that parking meters
came up for discussion at Monday's session of Exeter
Council and as usual there appeared to be more negative
response than affirmative. After much discussion it was
finally agreed to hold a meeting with business people and
others interested. However, no date was set for such a
public meeting.
Melville Groups Meet
Next meeting will be at the
home of Mrs. George Evans.
Melville W.M.S. met in the
church parlour on Friday. Mrs.
Gibson presided, opening the
meeting with the thought "Life
is fragile, handle it with prayer".
This was followed by the sing-
ing of the hymn "Blessed hour
of prayer". Scripture Matt. 9:5-
14 was read in unison. Mrs.
Allen Smith gave the meditation
on the scripture and Mrs. Wm.
Smith led in prayer.
A summary of the work of
Miss Margaret Leask, mission-
ary id the Jhansti field, India,
was given by Mrs. Speir. Mrs.
Gibson dealt with the chapter
from the study book on prob-
lems and dilemas of the African
people in adjusting to self-
government, a common working
langugage, Where now exist 700
different languages and the
education of the masses as to
what a demotracy really means.
There were seventeen ladies
present and roll call was
answered by a Bible verse cOn-
taining the word "faithful".
BRUSSELS POST, MARCH 15, 1972-.6.3
The Ladies Aid of Melville
Church met at the home of Mrs.
W. C. Kerr with seventeen ladies
present. Mrs. wm. Smith was
leader and opened the meeting
with special thoughts for the day.
"When' I Survey the Wondrous
Cross" was sung and Mrs. Steiss
read the scripture and Mrs.Long
offered prayer. Current events
prepared by Miss Moses were
read by Mrs. Matheson. Mrs.
Smith gave a talk on Lent and
its observance through the cent-
uries. Roil call was answered,
by bits of Irish humour. Reports
were given and notes of appre-
ciation read. Mrs. Long enter-
tained with a reading and Mrs.
Evans with several piano selec-
DIAL 887-6641
E,.',0 701710mr New- C he mical Processes
Reduce Spray Drift
partment of Transportation and
Two types of chemical pro..
cesses have proved especially
effective in recloqing the drift,
says Professor Stephenson. The
first involve$ a particulating ag-
ent. A gel powder is injected into
the spray tank. This powder ab-
sorbs the spray solution and
swells to a defined particle size,
With uniform particle size there
is less chance of lighter part-
icles drifting.
The Second process is called
an invert emulsion. Normally
. an emulsion involves oil part-
icles suspended in water. The
invert emulsion involves sus-
pending water, containing the
herbicide, in oil which has a
consistency like mayonnaise. The
numbe r of fine droplets pro-
duced during the spraying pro-
cess are reduced considerably
and drift hazard is rednced.
Under actual conditions, the
new process can be carried out
at a higher, vehicle speed and
lower spray volumes than with
the old method, thus making
roadside spraying more effic-
ient. For example, a 500-mile
median strip on Highway 401
was sprayed for weed control
in three weeks using two ve-
hicles. The job normally takes
eight vehicles nearly two months
using a standard spray.
The major drawback to such
a new system is cost, says. Pro-
fessor Stephenson. Modification
of equipment may not be econ-
omically feasible except for
larger operations such as that
of the Department of Transport-
ation and Communications. How-
ever, reduction of damage claims
may pay for modifications in
many instances, he said.
Key tags, watch calendars and
address labels -- these are
among the services being sold by
war amputees to help them catch
up to able-bodied Canadians. All
three may be purchased from the
War Amps Key Tag Service at
140 Merton Street, Toronto,
PHONE 523-9840
A Brussels Post Classified
will pay you dividends. Have you
tried one? Dial 887-6614.