The Brussels Post, 1971-02-18, Page 1That Cornelius Van be
granted the Residential Property
Tax 'Reduction for the 'year 1970
on N,Wi. Lot 27, Concession 1 in the
amount of $68.40...r.
That all' approved accounts be
paid.. . •
That meeting be adjourned to
Meet again on March 1st at One
o'clock p.m. or at the call of the
AccoUnts paid: '
heads Bridges
That warble fly spraying be
done once in 1911 =nese request-
ed by the farmer or. advised by
the inspector.
That Supplementalty • BY-Likw
• Is.Td. I of 1911 in the mount of
$63;250,00 for the eonstrection of
the Grant Bindge be passed and
submitted to the Depareatent of
Highways for apprinvan
That the ratepayers benefitting
by modern steeet lighting in the
btaltati. areas Of Grey Township
'he charged up. 'to 5' additinettl
Mina on thiSir asSessfitellt:
misries Tuorneff
Special Meeting
, At a spepial m n meeting held o
8th.; the following Nolo-
Whet* Were passddl
'Chat the clerk be instructed to
advertise for tenders for spraying
Wad. for Weenie The operator
to supply 'the Warble: fly powder,
in:Mien -to state peke Tier head per
Spray and to be in March 1st, 1971
at 12 o'clock notiu.
The Valentine Dessert Euchre.
sponsored by the Rebekah Lodge.
was attended by about sixty ladies
front Brussels and surrounding
area. Delicious desserts were serv-
ed after which the ladies enjoyed
several games of euchre.
Winners were; Mrs. Annie
Thymic,. Mrs. R. Acnillles and
Mrs, Mary inteker. Verna 'Thomas
won the prize for the birthday
being closest to that of St. Valen-
yrs. Cox in serving- a tasty lunch
provided by Mrs. Miller arid Mrs.
Iteiningway, who were prevented
by the drifting road from attellt.
'4,711+11 Oilktied •—***:90 SiVglk) OPP/. 100
THF, B11.11$SELS POST, TRURSDp&,. lath, awl POST PriBliagINIQ ROIMZ-
Grey Township Council meeting
WAR held February let,
ReSolutions passed as follows:
That . the Miaitte.s of, the last.
regular • meetings and speeial
Ineetillp be etopted as rend,
• 'That Dotlaid. Mei•thi be ap-
)(MHO ivibdii • riiaj'eSestitatiil for
Thwfistiiii 'aiicl" Roy "Willi*,
Anti jig „apjiOini0 atternatii
representative .for . : , -•
That the -clerk be instructed •to
to advertise fernenders for crush-
inn- and hauling approximately
20,000• cubic yards 9i" .gravel
Contract to be started in'June and
completed Stine 30th, 1971. A certi-
fied cheque for $1,000, to accotn-
paw tender. Tenders to be'. opened
on March 1st, 1971. a 1;30 P.m.
That Clifford Bray assist the
road superintendent in doing the
books '`a. temporary basin.
• • the= Ethel Community
dentre tioard'be appointed As fol.
WS' Met teakiroli trued
1.1.eithn and -Carl Wictioideld frond
Mr§. bobSod. and Mrs.
fitoorgd Ittenistfa. ttthet
gild diaries
and Donald. 'Martin netine-
nnfitinn Tpwnsikiii r• That" Clifford R. Tiunbar a ;-
pointed as representative to the
Seaforth Community TresPini
That Membership Fee be 'paid
to , the AssociatiOn of Ontario
Mayors and Reeves ill the amount
of $20.00.
That 'ByLaw nlo, 6 of 1971 to
-nuthgrite.......the expenditure of
$107,450.0.0 on'
For -,,the year ia'a be passed and
.to Departmeht tit
glpiiiaYA for aPpeoval..
A. pleasant time was spent at
the Euchre Party iu St. .Anthrose
Church Hall on, Monday • niglet
Dleven .tables were' • playing with
Mrs. 'Rae_ Crawford winning the
lades high -Prize end - Cleni
Wettish. 'the. men'a prize,
•mAnglic W. I.
goodlyiruinbef lAr. 1. Stearns,
ers and visitors -enjoyed Meet,
lug on Citizenship ecnivened ty
Mrs. H. de Vries and Mrs. Adrian
MoTaggart on Thursday, after-
noon, Inebrery 11 in the public
library. After words of tveleonme
the president, Mrs. • Jas. Smith
opened the meeting with the
usual opening exercises and caned
pres n'ire.Tanota, Armstrong for the
minutes of the' hattaif nninntifig
and the financial .statement. •
Lett4rs read by Mrs. Armstrong
informed us that a large number
of girls wish to take the (Muir,
Girls'. Project "Separates for Sinn-
mer' under the leadership of Mrs.
Kufske and Mrs. J. Cardiff, The
Hnronview Birthday Party is to
be held on April 21st and any
member having a piece of jewel-.
lery or anything „suitable for a
birthday gift please bring it to
the March meeting.
Mrs. Zoeller I.W.I.O., president
advised us to have an open meet-
ing during the year to which the
, public would be invited. Keep in
mind the 76tai anniversary of the
$32,000 of the $50;000 needed for .
W. T. to be celebrated -in 3972..
the: /6th anniversary has been
Officers"filre Conference is to
be held in Guelph' on April 27-29th.
Each branch can send one dele-
gate, dither the: ;secretary-treaeur,
er, public relations officer, or c
member at large. A pooling fee of
$155 is to be sent In right away
and ottr delegate chosen later.
Mrs. Marie Davis told she had
received n letter frOM our adopted
child thanking us for the Chine-
man ,gift of $5 which had been
rated to buy him school books and
Our 'W.1. Is to cater for a dinner
for the Bluevalo We on April.
14th in the Anglican Church. hut
own liaiiiittei *ill he oe April 8,.
catered to —by the ladles' of the
:Anglian Chitral; Frank tneiulier
(toutittuttl bask Dago)
Grey .0entrAt1. S hoot
iiktic.$04ing Winners
Grey CentralsSebe(4. Meld,
annual Sime.aki4. IP
teat. nn Tnesday, February 10
1:00 p.m. Weather conditions had
forced two previous cancellations
of the event. Rowever, a few
brave persons turned out to en-
courage the young. speakers. The
Judges were: Rev. Dennis Clarke,
AtivoOd. and Me, Ken Scott, Prin-
cipal of the Brussels Public
l'he third judge, Mrs.
Saida allrsoa, Listowel, wait pn-
WO to itttend due to the poor
cIriFitik 'eoliditlottk. Chairman for
the procdelinign ate Axttriann,
Pfineinal,.W*Ontnonueed, a total
Of, eigliteeri cinatestetn.
tiers for each' OA!' nen.
Oracles 1 Re 2 , MB w plop or
Grades '3 & 4 joy Albrecn4
Grades 5 & 6 Joy Campbell
Grades 7 & 8 ......„ Frances Blake,
runner-up Linda ,Smith
Bach speaker was awarded a
silver dollar for•his or her efforts.
Those were donated, by. the Ethel
Women's Institute. The first place
winners received trophies. The
SeiliOr winner, Frances Mane will
advance 'to the Ontario Trustees.
Public .Speaking Contest in ma,
On, February, 17th to represent
Oren Central,
Afterhiinif U.C.W. Unit
.1-1ears Guest Sliear1tnr
The Afternoon Unit of the; Wea-
sels TJ.C.W. Met on' February 9th.
at the home of Mrs, Coln, healing
been postponed the previous week
on aecoent of weather conditions,
but -Mit 34t11" aildtherony
storm, and blocked roads, cutting
attendance icimaiderably. How-
ever, the ladies who were able to
titbit(' enjoyed a pleasant,: IMO-
esting fieetittg.
Mrs. bunfini ieii the devotions
with theMe "Service' , igelucling
apprepriate poems, stories. peayer,
and an inspiring meseage. "Love
in Service". Mrs. Parker read did
Scrippre from Phillipiabs 2,
Offering; minutes of the last
meeting; roll call, showing 3
members and 6' visitors present
ion that 15 calls bed been made:
Annenecemetit of the t ne,W.
Presbyterial to be held in Mitch-
ell. on February 17: Miss Skelton
was a.ppointed, to represent this
groat) on the committee planning
the 'World Day of Prayer prog•rani
to be held in the Anglican Church
this year.
Niss Skelton introduced her
guest, Miss Margaret Patterson.
from Bingelhattn. who described
highlights of her trip last :AIM-
Mer to Inpan, Korea, Australia,
1.'ew Zealand. etc. She mentioned
Inakto Union Church serviner. Eng-
lish-speaking' Detente there: a Jap-
aneee misidort school- cafeteria at
lunch time: Seyerance Hospital in
Korea, where Miss..11eniali Marna
is in charge: renettlement apurt-
ment buildings in Hong Ming for
refugees: Sailipaes: theougla-
out, the crowded conditions, and
problems of air and water pon
Mten 010 MIAS
Sktittop and .4‘itg, rafted' ileidated
A resident of thisnomantunief few
many years. Armstielli,
widow of the late Leonard. Arm-
ateontn4- died in Huronviein
•Sti Tuesday, February fth
she irit fir' AV MD, year.
Bornin Morlifrinfon Township
she was the daughte.r. en the late
John arid Annie Mayberry. nler
Intsbaund predeceased her .
September 11th, 1970,
There are no linmediate, sur-
vivors. She is survived bynseveral
neices and nephews, .
ante numeral service was held
from the M. L, Watts Fatten:
'Home on Friday, February 12th at
g pan. The Rea% E. LeDdrew• of
Antigaele 'United Church officiated.
l'entlierary entombment was in
MOW* 'Rutin] Chapel with
spriri ttiVfal Hampstead
Pallbearer Winne Thomas
Miller, John 'AncArter; treffnan
McLarty, Elmer lvIcQuarrie, earl
Hemingway, Bert Hemingway,
TIM officers of the ItOyan Can-
adian' Legioe, Branch No. 21S and'
Ladles)** Alen.iliary held a Pint
installation: February 6th; 1.971
with members' Of the - Beaforilt
Branch 'doing the fustalling.
the slate of .ofriisere' • is as-
Com. Bill Airamaew
•lst 'trice Com. Pete Cardiff'
2nd r Com. John 'Brewer
See.:Vreus CM< Ewan attlican
Sgt. of Arms Corn, Wm.
• Illenbirter
Chaplain Rev, D. Booker
Welfare Officer Coin. Sarn
Wo donee:
Comrades Torn McFarland,.
Cliff Dunbar, Jack klcock, Elmer'
Pres. • Clore. Vera Hastings
1st Vice Corn. Mabel Willis
2nd Vice Com. Dianne Huether
Sen. — Corn. Bertha Elliott
Treas. Cont. Kay Duncan
Sgt. of Arms • Com. Jean
Comrades Ethel Brewer. Helen
Cardiff, Barbara Knight, Elizabeth
Following the installation an
enjoyable evening was spent
dancing. after which, a smorgas-
borg lunch was enjoyed by att.
Melville W.M.S. Told Of
Plight ttii • ." • tan " nese ... C ...h _msts
Melville met in 'the
church parlour on Friday after-
noon with the president, Mrs.
Gerald Gibson presiding. The
scripture lesson Acts 7 verses 47-
60 was read in unison and a medi-
tation based upon it, prepared by
Was Bessie Moses. was read by
Mrs. Icing. Many incidents in mod-
ern 'day match the martyrdom of
Stephen told in this scripture.
Mrs. W, W. Smib led in prayer.
Mrs. Gibson read a short account
of the life of Miss Mary Sherrick,.
a Presbyterian missionary, who
has ,pent over thirty years as a
teacher in India. She was a, native
or Weyburm Sask., and a. graduate
0. University of Saskatchewan
A report of the annual meeting
of the Maitland Presbyterial in
St. Andrew's Church, Wingbani on
July 12, was given. Mrs. falbson •
and Mrs. Matheson were to repre-
sent Melville Church at a meeting ,
to pion the World Day of Prayer.
The topic was in charge of MI's.
C. Matheson, who spoke 'of the
plight of tbred Million Chinese
who have been reduced to a
frightehed minority by the Com-
munist regime, But there is proof
that they are atilt there, true to
tbefr faith.
A hymn and benediction.closed
time meeting.
Reeve Jaen incentelmeen of
Brussels brought hone the honors
by winning the animal nenainanthile
retie held en Sunday, February
14th, in Clinton as part of their
six day Winter carnival, The
speeiat race was for Mayors Arid
Reeves of Huron. County;
-Nett Weil the mania :driving a
Yaiiialia, kW:re tlikatitig
of ,Gtean naaiintimin nnet sadelid.
The. Clinton.,Codim-Vil„thitOd /idg
to the -Mayors and .00Yek 4
their wives for an enjoy ge
together following- the races,
Brussels Stockyards &people!
Proves A Successful Event
The bonspiet sponsored by
Brussels Stockyards Ltd. was held
on -Wednesday,-Feb. 10th in Brus-
sels arena. It was very successful
In spite of snow and high :winds.
The finks of the 9 o'clock draw
all arrived for their game bet the
11 O'clock' drily was not so fort-
. unete. Three rinks corning from. a
distance phoned that they were
not able to make it. A few phone
'tans Or neifieabliliging..-eurters
the vrilage ;made it possible to
carry on with a six teem draw an,
.11 o'clock. . The sponsors' thank those curl-
ers who helped oat in the emer-
geney,., also all the curlers who
braved the weather to take part
And the Ladies' Curling Club for
the fine dinner they- served.. The
ladies received many well deserv-
compliments for their efforts.
Winners of 9 aaa. Draw:
1st Jack Bowman and rink.
2nd Ross 'trench and rink.
3rd Grahant nholdice and rink,
Ron Adams, consolation,
Winners 11 a.T5. Draw:
1st Bob McKagne and rink
- 2nd Elmer Young and rink.
3rd Bob Alexander and rink. •
The Bowman rink of Jack
.nowinan, skip, Dr. Alexander.
vice, Jim - Bowman, second and
Jim Ireland, lead,' won the
AU orbits° mukt be pat out
SItturtiq pIoraing,