The Brussels Post, 1970-05-28, Page 1old SLATE OF OFFICERS IS ACCEPTED AT' LIONS MEETING Lion president. Cal .Krauter" pre- sided at the regular supper meet- ing of the. Lions Club On Monday night, The sing song was led by Lions jan van Vliet and Selwyn Baker With Miss Mary Gibson at the' Lion -Talltwister Gordon Mc- Gavin leIfied fines with his usual erithusfastn. The secretary Lion Cecil •:11.r, Fadden called the roll and dealt with minutes and correspondence. The slate of. 1970-71 officers was accepted as hod been presented, and these officers will be officially installed by by Dist. Den, Governor . George Mutter at the next meet, ing: Past Pres, Cal. ,Krau ter President James Armstrong 1st Vice Henry Exel 2nd Vice Jim Knight 3rd 'Vice Gordon 1W:Pail/2 Directors Ross McCall . Jim Prior, Albert. TenPas. George Langlois Secretary Cecil. McFadden Treasurer Hank •Ten,PaS Tail Twister Max watts Ass't. Albert TenPas lion Tamer Harold Wilson Ass't Gerritt van Veen Bulletin Editor Jim Prior, Auditors Jan van N'itet Cal Smith Lion George Langlois of the ways and Means Committee brought up the matter of roller skating at the Brussels arena. after considerable discussion it was moved and seconded • to go.. ahead -with the project and will purchase 50 pair of now roller' skates, LiOn Max Oldfield and commit- tee who were in charge of theNHL hockey draws were accorded a vote of thanks for their efferts in .making it such a .sticcess, .A 'vote of thanks was extended to Lion Jim Prior for his excellent work as bulletin editor, The annual steak supper will • be held at the Lions park on 'Mon- day, Tune • 22nd.- Lion George Mutter won the ess contest $2.50 A Year in Advance — $3.50 TO U.S.A. THE iiI1118$140S PO 11` Tiltit:S1),AY; MAY 28th, 1970 POST PUBLIS11154; HOUSE BRUSSELS. BRIDE-ELECT HONORED BY FRIENDS miss Linda Lowe was honored. • by friends and members of the -Canadian imperial .Bank of Com- meree staff at a shower held in the Brussels Library. The room was attractively decorated with an April shove* of yellow and green, Miss Lowe, her mother, Mrs., Stewart Lowe, the groom-elect's Mother, Mrs. Hyde, were presented with'corsnges. The short program presented included a vocal solo .byliaihara, Muilwyk: musical number by Joan Elliott, and Julie Valiance and by Susan ,Budnark., Barbara Muilwyk and Joyce Pearson and a reading by -Mrs. Viola Machan, Freda Pipe conducted.a contest. An: address was read by Mrs, Karen Coutts. Miss 'Lowe expressed her .tharikg. for the beautiful gifts, • . ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Smith wish to announce the marriage of their daughter Marlene Ann to William James yam The wedding will take plaee On Saturday, June 27th, at three o'clock in St. John's Anglican Church, -BruSsels. WALTON Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Ennis and children of Whitby spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. 'Dore' Ennis.. Mrs. Robert Pickering, Sandra and Kim of Toronto visited on the Weekend with Mrs. George Dnn.das. Recent guests with Mrs. Wolter Broadfoot were: Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cardiff and family of. Pet: rolia, Mr.. and Mrs. Churchward and Miss Amy Love of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. George Bregend, Tuckersm tin Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reid were Weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.Alvin Stimore, Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bennett spent the weekend with Mr. and M vs. Leslie Rutledge of Streetsville. Saturday visitors with Mrs, Walter 'Broadfoot were Mrs. William Farquharson. of London and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John (:11ticketiberger of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs, W. Stutz, Water- 100, ,Visited Sunday with the tatter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Torrance Dundas. COngratulations are extended to Gerald Bann, soli, of Mr. and Mrs. Martin .Baas, who graduated froth Ridgetown College of Agri. cultural Tecbnology. Mr. and Mrs. Wally Weppier of London, spent Sunday at the hOttle Of Mr. and Mrs, Allan McCall, Miss Margot* HiltaphrieS Visit ed loot week With '14'lt it Reta lit. Seaforth, Mr., and Vtlt,. Arottiti flt101Z. Athat VtAited 0 4101,' wfth MY: gPgi, NI* "SPRING BEAUTIES". FLOWER SHOW The "Spring Beauties", non- oompetitive, flower show display- ed and abundance of beautiful blooms and arrangements and an attractive array of house plants. Ladies in charge were: Plant table: Mrs. Wm, Miller, 'Mrs. L. McCutcheon, Bake Table: Mrs. Wm. Campbell, Mrs, E. Cunningham. Mrs. A. Breinner. Tea Room: Mrs. D, 'Hemingway. Mrs. Geo, Wheeler. Mrs, R. W. Stephens poured ten while Mrs. Jas. Alain. i\tra. D. Machan, Mrs. NeCall add Miss Carol Wheeler served. Mrs. N McLarty was in charge of registration. Door prizes were won by Miss Ti. Hoover and Mrs. H. Exel. "AT HOME" and Mrs. Harvey johnston. at Clinton, Ontario, will he at home to their friends and relatives on the occasion of their 40th Wedding Anniversary on June 7th from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9. No gifts please. LISTEN ALL. YOU PEOPLE AND YOU WILL HEAR WHAT'S DOING IN BRUSSELS SCHOOL THIS YEAR At the time of Writing this article Grade 8 students and their parents are looking forward to Orientation Night at the F. F(.. Madill Secondary School tonight, The parenfs have a chance to learn more about the courses their children will be taking. The children will have a chance to look around the school. Mrs. Tyerman and the (;cadre class will hold their assembly on Juno lth in the Morning. Also on ;Jane 4th wilt be a track and field meet. Mothers beware, on June 5th will be a holiday for the children. Professional Development Day the teachers Nvill visit various school:, in Huron and Perth Counties, June 19th tlrussels will play host. to the combined track and field meet. schools„ that will 'attend will be Relgrave, BlYtb, Colborne, Brookside. and Brussels„ Linda Alair Stephanie Watts FIRE' Fireman walked round the burning house, .Mid turned their bones on, The water fought the fire, But again the fire' won.. Linda. Mali' STARS Stars are dull Stars are bright Sometimes Stars Give as light. Stars are many Things to me • Stays are guides.. $4nt, phips 71t fa t111.0 BARN DESTROYEO BY LIGHTNING During the electric k.orrn„ 6:30 a,up on Friday a barn on the :Wm.. C. King farm on the 2nd, core cession of Morris Township was destroyed by fire. A number of cattle. owned by Jim Adams, who had the place rented were safely removed from the building, cation. June 1st. During graduation. exercises she was presented with th Dean's Award. May Meeting Of The Ficrticuitt,trai Society The May meeting of the :Brits- seLS Horticultural Society was held, Monda y , May 18th, at 4 p,m, in the T3russels Public Library There were 27 members and 12 guests present, Mrs. Wm, Miller, president wel- comed the menthol's and geests and opened the meeting with 0 Canada. Minutes and treasurer's report followed. A letter re the, convention in Timmins was read and on a motion from Mrs. 0. Hemingway seconded by Mrs, M. Humphries we do not send dele- gates. The floWer show for May 28th was discussed and- the plans, made by' thr committee explained. Retied of the District Convention held. in Clinton was given by Mrs. Cudinore, and Mrs. McLarty. Roll call, male your favourite spring ['lower, showed the tulip the Most favoure.d. The secretary biassed out. the flower prize lists for, the August Show. Anyone desiring one may get it fresh the seers,. tary, Mrs, Win. Miller introduced th ,-, Rev, 'rather Mooney of Witigham , and 'Brussels who showed, Slidcw. depieting the ,Seasons starting, and ending with Advent.. He stre41- sed We are so lucky to have such beaUtifill country side but take it for granted, Mrs, Cindinore thanked -Father Mooney and preSented a. small gift. Mrs, M, Grainger won the door prize. Coideett011 totalled $6.04, A disetaSSion about tuning the vinno was left till July !it'd see what other organiXations feel abont it, The Queen closed the meeting. A delieiotts hincit was served by' Mrs, 1.), liemingWaY, Mrs, t, Vtatity Mrs, GOOrge DAVIS find' J`, GUIDE GOLD CORD Connie McWhirter, Patty Maehan and Shirley Pipe will receive their Gold Cord, the highest honor in. Guiding, at the Library, on Tuesday evening, June 2nd at eight o'clock. Anyone wishing to attend will be welcome. PEOPLE WE KNOW Mr. and Mrs. John Il'anna are vacationing with relatives in England, Recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Ray Bronson were h er brother, E. C. and Mrs. Mitchell, Scott and Penny. Miss Mamie Thompson. Toronln, was a, weekend visitor with sister Mrs. W. E. Willis. Miss Shirley Devries has re- turned from Vaneouver where she spent a year, Duncan Cartwright of Welland a former. employee of the Brus- sels Post, called on Brussels triends on Saturday. \Ves Thidnark has completed an 8-week Senior First Aid Course and Fields an official St. John's certificate and is in first aid treatment, Visitors last week at the home of Mr, and Mrs. W.J. Verne were Arr. and Mrs. George McNair of Hamilton, Miss Dawn liart a.nd Rev. James Perris of Strathroy. Congeotuletions to John Hoover. of London.. son. of Mr. and „Mrs. Norman Hoover, Who will reeeive his Masters Degree: at Westi-um University on Western Onttitioi 'University, London, on Friday. May 29th. Air. and Mrs, C. Parker have returned home front a, vacation it Norman Okla., Where the yisited with their daughter 'Mrs Terhush and Mr. Torbush and their gratte• daughter, John :Beaver, Lotiden, grandson of Mill, G. Paoltor, Brussels, won the t0,1),A. AWard °Geeivem Sohn Title awfirti 1M glvOrt td Olijs Atatitili fOfr highiNt MAtmititt in IOOF CHURCH PARADE AND DECORATION SERVICE The annual Chnrch Parade will be held' Sunday, May 31st, to St. John's Anglican Church, 'Members to meet at the Lodge Hall at 1.0:`30 p.m. The receration Service will be held at the cemetery. at 3:•00 p.m. Members, to meet at the cemetery corner at 2:30 p,ifi. : The Legion Pipe nand will be in ntendttace ot both Mori vices, Poritti 0010 AO" whitt wiN lAtilliSt HOY Werlilit ApoinithiAtt . 1.!1 l'grit 1114 Ittiaq lipitrivdatay RECEIVES AWARD AT GRADUATION Miss Glenna. Houston, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Rao Houston ,was one of 490 students graduating from St. Clair College of Applied rts hind Tech nology,. .Winds.nt, Ont.. at its Third Convocation held in the Cleary Anditorium, Sunday, May 24th. Miss Housten will begin her , career as .a Library Technician• •GIRLs TO RECEIVE with the Windsor Board of hldil- MRS,' HAkflY CHAMPION, • Mrs: Harry (Antifinion. London, died Thursday, May 21st, in Si. Joseph's Hospital, London, The former 'Mary Ellen Ross, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James ROSS of LtruSsels e Was a resident 01 BrusSeis fot Many years before she and ficre late husband Harry Champion, 'Wolfed to London. She is survived by several cousins.. • Tire funeral service was held front the M, L. Watts Funeral Home; Brussels, at 2 p.m. on Saturday, • 'May 23rd, with the Rev, A. McCarroll officiating Burial was in Brussels cemetery. Pallbearers were R, B. Cousins, D. C. Matheson,. John Yuill, John Bowman, James Al air and W. C. Kerr,