The Brussels Post, 1970-05-14, Page 1POST PUBrAIIIN (4? HOUSE $2•50 A Year In Advance — 0.50 To U.S.A. 'PRE BRUSSELS POST THVRSDAY, MAY 14th, 1970 .,••••••••.••,•••••, RIBBON CUTTING CEREMONY SUNDAY OPENS NEW WIND. AT' CALLANDE.R NURSING HOME LISTEN" ALL' 'YOU PtOPLE AND •Yoti WILL HEAR' WHAT'S DOING IN BRUSSELS SCHOOL THIS YEAR On May 8th a. new student at- tended ,school for the day. His eyes were so big that he looked es if he wen t peed any education. Ife went home that night with his master who was George Me(gory. Can you guess who he was? He was an owl. George found it. two weeks ago, when it fell out of: e tree. ' May 9th was the big clay of the "Rummage Sale". We thank those who patronized and helped : raise a sum of $93,00 for our tease tat) to Toronto. Also on May 9th a. dance was held at the school. We raised money to bring the total amount 1.11) to $21.5.00 We, would also wish to invito the parents of the students in Senior West and Grade four to the ep-coming assemblies in which the students will he performing. The dates are uncertain as yet.. On May 11th the grade eight students were visited by Melt school students, They told of dif- ferent, clubs. classes, teachers and sports of the high school, Their pani cs are Chris Exel, Gerry Juizi, Wendy Prior and Debbie McKay. Now for Sports of all Sects: On May 8th four high, school stndents came to play basketball at Brussels School and were de- feated. Brussee4 'Boys won by a two point. niargin. dere-eine the T-Tigb School 50-18 with 'Keith Rayinond golfing the winning basket for the Brussels`teere Now for the team standings in the Brussels league. Doug Smith's team is out in front_ going into- the playoffs. Doug's team has won and, lo51 1 He will »Inv Don eVorkhates team the plavoqs. Don who is in 3rd plaee with 3 wins and 3 loses. Andy'Adams team is in 2ed place with 4 wins and e loses will ploy off against Mervin Liehty'e team who is in Fast place with 1 win and 5 loses. Tn the girls' hasktithall tlenno's team is opt 'iii front with five wins end on.e. tie, Next is. Diemie ,,Gordon's team who is in 2nd pine. ;with four wins and nue loss and one tie. Next is Nancy teem in third plane :with. two wins and .four loses and last but not boost Frances Exel's team with do wins and six loses, Here is another interesting poene Alvin McLellan Old Calvin ;Tames A BUSY STREET The screech of Urea, The pitter ea or of feet, A huffy street. Lights turning colours, 'the talk of people. A. busy street. The metallic sound of th ringing his hell, :rite tinkle of eelpe, , busy street. The ure.ent voiceS calling. The crunch of gravel -beneath their feet, busy street. The crittgling of paper. And the slamming of door A busy street. 'fly Stephanie Watts ,•• fit;elilleeetee lu ip ifeit prIfilifffilltY, • oFiApokrt. OF 6:6(.,Lag AGRICULTURAL -1-HisfOLCiDy . „ Gary Etta Son Ot My, and Mis, Chester Earl of Ethel, graduated from Centralia College of Agricul- tural Technology on May 13th. He is a graduate of Ethel Public School and LiSiewel PistrOt Secondary School.. He has accepted a position with Maple Leaf Mills. EN GA G E M EN TS r. and Mrs, R. W. 'Hallam of Edmonton, Alberta. are pleased .to announce the engagement of their. eldest daughter Lynne Ellen to Lieutenant.. John eDevid Lester Krauter or .Edmonton, only son of Mr. end . eIrs„T, C..letautete of .firussels, Ontario, Wedding will take place Saturday, July 11th, 1070, in Edmenton— Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth -C. Wilbee of Rebel wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, nine Elizabeth, to Mr, Howard Frederick Cues of Guelph, son, of. Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Giles of Prince Albert, Sask. The marriage to take place on June 17th at 4 pan. in Chalmers Unitedi Church Chapel, Guelph, Ont. TROPHRIE PRESENTED AT BOWLING BANOUET The atunual Banquet and Dance of the .Brussels Bowling League was held Saturday night, May 9th seven o'clock. After the banquet the trophies were presented to the following boWlers; Regular Season Trophies La,batt's Trophies to Al's Aces: Al Harvey, Doris Matheson, 'Raven Hastings, Elaine Nichol, Cord Smith, Doug Huether. Ladies' High Average Doris Mat Men's High Average C'ord Matheson Ladies' High Aggregate Marg, Smith 15,796 Mens' High Aggregate Dave Hastings 17,514 Ladies' High Triple Dianne Huether Men's High Triple Meters y Lowe .. . .• . ,.„ Ladies' High Single Coro] Harvey „ .. . Men's High Single Brian Rutledge Bowl Off Trophies Listowel Bowling ies to Al's Aces. Ladies' High Triple Doris Matheson Men's High Triple Cord Matheson .... Ladies' High tingle Jane Ward Men's High Single Barry Peters A dance followed the presen- tation and o gond time Was bad by all. We hope everyone Will be in great shape for bowling next season, Well, I guess that is all for this '61).'70 Mengel-1 i bore yop W lr'Weft ,ill-.(i4 ill Old NU POST OFFICE cLosgo MONDAY, MAY 13th Ti Brussels Post Offiee Will he closed, May Vhdoria Day. No wicket Jr: dr4(very services will be provieed• Mother's Day Service At 'Melville Church A special Mother's 'lay Islerviee was' held in Melville le esbyteilbet Church Sunday morning., 'eleY 10th. The Sunday Schpol gathered in a body in the church tinelitmeu•re with the rest of the cengregotion. Among the highlights 01' the aer- t'icO wa.Y the baptism of three' Of the infants of the church. .. • Kaile Nadine King, daughter of leir, and Mrs. Wm. H. King. Douglas Alvin nliggins son .of. Mr, and Mrs. Robe Higgins, Rose Marie tiynne Triebner, :dangitter 'of Ms. and Mre. lea 1 ph Triebner. After 010 baptist the comic sang the As sonic blessing and the. minister presented the 'Beptism certificates. The lesson was read by Mr. Wilfred Shortreed_ and after 'the ofrering Mrs. Marie Douglas, guest soloist sang a solo suitable to the Occasin. The minister preached a very and Illeaningrul sermon from Titius on'The Ideel eleher. WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. said Mrs. Thomas Finch, Ethel. Opterio, announce the marriage of their daughter, Margaret, to Mr. William Hender- son, London, on Friday, may lot p,c.W Afternoon Unit Meeting The Afternoon l nits of the Brussels United Church Women was held at the home of Mrs. Roy Cousins' on Tuesday, May 5th with an attendance of 19. 'Miss Skelton led the devotions, the theme being "the Christian ITomecc. Scripture portions read by MisoPeaSori. andby Mrs. Cox. A poem "So Long As There are Homes", a story of how a little girl: showed her mother the, real meaning of e home. The 'hymn "HaPpY the Home when God is There" end prayer During the business session. the ladies were reminded to hove any donation for the hale left at the church by May 'llatle Mrs. Cousins reed a story en- titled "Tee Promise that Gdew", Showing how one kind ttet passed on to others can have far reach- ing results. Mrs. 'Millet', on remest, contin- ued her discussion. of the chapter of the Study Book deeling with the generation gap, Mrs. ll'amitig- Way rend an account :of how two Yoling people overcame the drug habit, and established a fine. Christien home, Tile hostess and Mrs. Parker served S delicious lunch. The next meeting, June 2nd, will be 1.1 aVeleetiOlf fit. rain 111 AftiO, Olt Sunday, May 10th the newly renovated and enlarged Callender Nweing Home was opened by Brussels Reeve Roy Cousins who pc-Wormed the ribbon euttiI1g . ceremour and gave a short addreSe 'outlining the growth of the Nursing Home over the pest nine - years and the need (he le'arsing Home fills in the Villageb(Ith Jay providing patient care of EL }Very high caliber and employment for 231ocal people, COulaits' ;Actress was as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Callender. :gift's, Kreuter, Members of the Staff., Residents of the Callender .Nuesing Home. Ladies and Gemleiiien. It is 071 honour for me, t.;e the Reeve of the Village of 53:rus5els, to have a part to play ott aik tory important occasion. Today, will mark the opening Of a new addition and a renovated portion of The Callender Nursing Horne. 1 congratulate the administration on the very fine facilities that are. Provided here for our senior citi- zens requiring nursing care.. YOU '!re providing a very en porta nt service in this community. This Nursing Home roDresentS a very large investment and We should consider' it as an industry 11.1 our community as well as a horsing home. It contributes tax 'blears to the village and gives employment to many of our citi- zens. Many of its will remeneber when building was the residence of one of our very ptominent fAm- flies, refer to the D. C, Ross fam- ily. We are very floppy to litre Miss Gertrude Ross and Mrs. Luelle Meleauchlin, daughters of the Into D. C. and Mrs. Ross with us today. 1 out sure they- will have any- pleasant memories of this home, it: is (-mite fitting that this offic- ial opening should be held today. The week of May 10th, has been set aside as Nursing Home week in Ontario. A time for us to think abort our friends ie nursing honleS. A time for us to do our good deed that will help make life more pleasant for these people_ It is our sincere: wish that the resideets of this nursing home are Merle as emnfortable as possible. It is now my privelege and humour to declare this new and ronovo led Callender Nursing ilrone offireally open. Over the past nine years the Nursing Home has been enlarged from 12 patient units and a private residenee until today there now are 40 modern completely air- conditioned units, a new heating plant, new on, the premises Inure dry facilities, and one of the most 'unto-date 'Medical' Clinics in the area, lender the present owner- ship considerably more than One hundred thousand dollars has been invested to make this one of the most impressive Nursing Homes In this part of Western Ontario. The managemeht and staff were. most gratified to have More than two hundred guests visit and tour the Nursing Home during Open 111101. garitAltiptirvoil tot thlitry ontrbm which were prepared by the Nurs- ing Home Staff and donated for the Open House. Presiding at the tea teble were Mrs. Roy Cousins end Miss Gertrude Ross, also in. attendance for the afternoon were attendance for the afteenoon was J, McLaughlin, (The. HomA is the former D. C.- Ross resi- dence, Miss Ross and Mrs, Me, Laughlin are the daughters Of the )ate D. C. Ross), 'or the patients enjoyment n, lovely' lighted painting was don- ated by 'Me:. and Mrs. George Mutter: two beautiful lawn chairs donated by Mr. and Mrs. George Elliott: an array of flowers for the occasion by: Cal Tai putee .... plumbing and heating: Bernard TenPas and Sons; Mr. John Cut- ting — Manager Bank of Mont- feel Mr. and Mrs. Selwyn Baker: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Robinson: Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Grebe; Mr. and Mrs. Cal Kreuter. .Alsn a nunibe of cards of congratuletions. The Nursing Home is under the direction of; Dr. J. N. McGregor, Medical Consultant; Mrs. Elizabeth C'allander. Reg. N.; Mrs. Marguer- ite Kreuter, Reg. N.; Mr. Douglas Callender, Administrator. Staffing as follows: Nursing. Mrs, Kathleen Rutledge, Mrs. Marie MeTaggart, Mrs. Dawn White, Mrs. Nebel "Huether, Mrs. Fannie Sottiers. Mrs, Patricia_ Keffer, Mrs. Freda, Skinner, Mrs, Helen Pletch, Mrs. Helen Blake, Miss Karen Mutter, Miss Josephine Smith R.N.A., WO. Jean Swanson R.N.A., Miss Ann. Oldfield, Miss Linde Wilson, Miss Connie Coutts. Housekeeping; Mrs, Mabel Smith, Mrs Laura Fischer. Cooking ; Mrs. 'Grace Evans, Mrs. Doris Fischer. Elect- rical and, Maintenance: Mr. Wayne Gritbe. Grube. Get Your Ladies' DiVision 1970 Prize List Now Prize Lists of the Ladies' Div- ision of the Brussels Agrieultural Society may be obtained from the secretary, Mrs. Adah Smith or at the office of the Brussels Post. fTet, your exhibits ready ladies and do your bit to make our 1970 fair even• more successful than last year, pedlar 202 209 , 791) 795 340 aos Lanes Troph- 775 .. 294 213 MRS. WILLIAM L. YOUNG -Mrs. Wm. L. Young, Stretford, died in Stratford General lint-mit-al on Saturday. She was the former LindeY Colvin end was horn in 'Brussels, the :daughter of the late George and Eleanor Colvin, She bad been a resident of Strat- ford for the pest 49 years coil was a member of. St. James Anglican. Church. Surviving are her husband, and one 'brother, George Colvin of 120 St. Vincent St. .N.. Stratford. The funeral Wee held l'aeathle front the telligeell Paneled 110110 WriP ill b;llitjfljii