The Brussels Post, 1970-04-23, Page 1Field Crop Competition Sponsored By Brussels Fire. Agricultural Society First calm, Field Crop Competitions for Then roaring and hissing, 1070 are being conducted in (al Reaching for the sky, Ensilage Corn; (b) Barley; its rod t'ingers (el 2-way 'Mixed Grain; tdt 3-way Then npful. again. Mixed Grain. Piro To qualify for grants there roast Now it walks, be at least ten entries in each, it trots; now runs. Entries are to he iii hands or the secretary; Edwin' 3uuo mild 'faster it moves. 1. 1970, Anyone of the Direeters SPPeding all the tree tops. 17.estroying as it goes, will —be pleased to accept your entry, These competitions belt, to lesatisfied it spreads Make til`n ss els Fall Fair a. suceesp, Greedy it wants more. Edwin Martini, Secy-TreaS. Trees and shrubs fall before it Chewing quickly' it spits out the ashes, " THANK YOU! Now on it moVes„ still hnegry, still Teeing. The' grateful thauks of the Done by Barbara guilVyk grussthi Post is g11-nn to the Kribvs of the various, sports of .14140.41, !tat o who so %WINDY.,the i E Th 046 11(0 ti+P fa il 1,1 t 11001 1111!1 PrOMD1 .1 !tt Ak(0kunt Of West has been inspired. Mervin Lichty and Lennis -:tiller ODDYSEY IN A FOREST $2,50 A Year to Alivonve -- $3.5.0 V) ImuSSRLS POST T111.1 11,SDAY, • APRIL 2 FIGURE SKATING C:IUB ELECTS NEW OFFICERS FOR COMING. SEASON The Brussels Figere Skating Club held a meeting at the home of the retiring president, Mrs. Jack 'elefletcheon, nit 8;20 pan, on Teesday evening. Yeer end reports were given and (Recessed and piens were Made for the 107041 season. Officers elected for the coming eeeson art: President MrS. Jack Cardiff Vice President Mrs. Bob Huron ,County 4-H Girls The throw off l'vas won by Doe; Richmond Rathwell, Advertising Agen, ,„, Mrs. Jack Receive "9111;" Awards The winning team bat] for its McCutcheon At Their Achievement Day members Harry Bolger, Ken Aire!. Test Chairman ,„ Mrs, Lloyd Xernaghenticki "Willem of RR 4, Set- Donald, Donald Petrie; and Mrs, Faye McDonald will con torch, was awarded advanced :Murray Fischer, tinue as the Club professional, honork Soturd B ay at the urou e-FI homemaking dulls achiev- It was nnfortnnat scent day 'held at. Seaforth Dist- e that the GREY TOWNSH IP severe stormt interfered with the riot Hi gh School, COUNCIL IVIEETINC elob's presentption of "Music from Provineitt) honors were awarded the MoVies" this year, but already Ca, Barbara f.Vemetell, RR 2 Kip- Meeting held April 6th, elope are going forward for next pen; end. 'Yvonne Pryce RR I, Resolutions 'passed followe; year's presentation Seaforth, That the minutes of the last. County honors were won by: regular meeting and special meet- janet Veitch, . RR „ BrusselS. ing of March 20th be adopted as CRANBROOK Dynne McDonald,,RE 2, Brussels; read. Mrs, Stuart Evans has moved-to j F ean alconer, RR 5, Clinton; That the Clerk-'Treasurer Brussels. and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas. Lynn Alderdiee, RR 2, Kippen; authorized, to request permission. Purdy and daughter are moving to ;Maureen Connolly, RR 3, :Elppen:, from the Department of Munipipol . Pamela Patrick, RR '4, Seaferth: Affairs to transfer the aceemulated Cranbrook front the 9th eon, Mrs. Lloyd Mall is hotne from and Mary janmmaat, RR 2, Sea- sorplus of $31,841, to a reseryo fern, Linda Johnston, Walton.. hind Stratford Hospital where she That the report of Engineer underwent surgery. if "rodgham, of the Beauchamp Mr. and Mrs. Bill Armstrong, PEOPLE WE KNOW Croek 1.7tain, dated January 28th, Fergus, spent the weekend with 7H. Bell is :a patient in 'West- 1970, be provisionally adopted Fred. Smaliden Minster Hosnitfil, tendon. N(.) 11 Or 1.910 he given A. Knight Honored 11rs. Chaeles Davis is a visitor first and second residing, For 30 Yeart Service with friend at Schontherg. That the Brussels Medical At the annual Cemetery. Meet- Mrs'. Ralph: Watson has been a Dental Building be 'iron a grant ing Alfred Knight, was presented patient in Win alt and District in the, amount of $150.00. with a purse of money for the see- Hospital. That the Regional Assesstnen`; Bested purchase or a "Fluorescent - Mr, and Mrs, Fred' Davis. Commissiorier be requested to Flower Stand" in recognition of Windsor, visited at the home of initiate in his ceases programme 30 years of faithful service on the his grandmoth er, Mrs, George the cobuting of dogs harboured cemetery board plus 20 years as Davis, UpOil the premises assessed, Dr. and Mrs, Donald McRae of chairman, With best wishes of the Willowdale ,Were weekend Visitor's That fl'rey 'Township Council board rind old friends, endorses resolution front the Town in Brussels. of Goderich to 'petition the I'M- Surprise Parties Honor COuple Mr. and Mrs, Roy Knowton of On Their 25th Antviversary Kitchener were v viric'ial(.1'overnment to immedia tisitors at the elm consider the feasibility or pro- home of his aunt Mrs. 'George Mr, and Mra, Ken Bray Were tiding adequate four-lane surprised by ft grotty) of ftieeds at Davis. front these *Western regions to \\Inv, Stephenson is a patient in their home on Saturday evening. April llth, an the occasion of St. Joseph's l'.21ospital, Loudon, the .Maellonald. Cartier 'Freeway, their 25t1i wedding anniversary, That membership fees in the where he underwent surgery last which was April 14th. Cards Wereweek amount of $20,00 be paid to Huron . Played and Melville Lamont read Mr, and Mrs. Robert awls and County Municipal Officeers' Assoc- sou Kirk, Moosonee, Ont„ were. Assoc- an address and Mrs. Edythe ittt oft. Cardiff presented n set of TV Mat all, apProved acemits recent 'vieitors with his grand- mother. Mrs. George Davis, and Paid. tables, followed by. leech, haniper. a lamp and a 250 an- were Ur, and Mrs. John Ellacott, niversary etin and BA tiCer, 'Roth Nir, ittul MrS, Toni Thornton, Mr, — expressed their thanks' for' the and Mrs, Clifford Thornton, 'Mr, SPortfIlisil gifts and social time tegether, and 1.111`,S, 'LOWS. 'PhOrnton, all of an operation The eVenInft, was arranged law 1lrs. tiond011 litld Mr, and Mrs' COM .,HarY?" Merl Bray, (lflft ilirey Piftl MPttiffMi: "Wt)ttill yttil fq14 boti MrA, fistlia • . TURN TIMEPIECES AHEAD ONE HOUR Don't forget to turn your 0000 ahead one heor before you retire on Snterdey night. Daylight Saving Time ownes Into effeci, at 12:01 aen, Seethe., and yam; wouldn't. wnet to walk into ehurolt one, hour late. Now mothers wilt Noe the an- nual problem of their youngsters it is hedtirne 'while it is still daylight. CRANBROOK AREA LEAGUE. ncRifici Roblii Playoff ttafiding '-natty 13olger Ralph Noble ..,,, ....... • Bob Alexander Ernie Back Doug. Rathey611 Patterson, . , .. Mae' TIViciattosla Jim Hart, High Score 3 Darts Doug Rathwell 1.40 Bob Alexander other relatives and friends, That we do now adjourn to meet On Saturday evening; April 18th trs. wm.. miller, Ar e ee Nem , again May nth at S NAL or at the about 25 relatives surprised them Campbell, 'mr.g, e:.ee, Davie ...vi re, .re, call of the Reeve, at their home when a very pleas- McLarty, and MrS, Earl Cudmore APPreVed accounts paid: ant evening was spent, PrOgres- attended the District 8 convention qenerni ,,.,..,..,.•:...,.,. $ 5,587." SiVe etichre 'WaS. played, An ad- 7,320.10 of Horticulural Societies. held in Ithads 6'.'" 14111.1 gkl 's — dress wets read by David Ttnttnit Qntario Street 'United Clatareh, and Mrs, Murray Bray, and Mre. Clinton, on Satorday. 1)avid Hutton presented K Ol en d $ I 2,108,0e Visitors at the home or .'iii, anti Obtirlt.is `rhonnis Mrs. George Thornton on Sunday Edythe M, Cardiff Clerk Reeve Helen with a. silver, tray, elothee "Could you pay for find 'hIt' I fu HO" DISTRICT .pgircrTy VISITS MORNING STAR LODGE, PRESENTS 30"YR. JEWELS Morning Star Rebekah Lodge had as their guests, at, the last regular meeting:, • Sisters from Stratrord, Bistowel, Monkton and Goderich Lodges, when the Diet- riot Depety of Huron District No, i3, Sister Maretaret. Bovera, paid her official visit. d, 1970 POST roausurNic.. HOMI LISTEN ALL YOU PEOPLE AND YOU WILL HEAR WHAT'S DOING IN BRUSSELS SCHOOL THIS YEAR The District Deputy* was Tntres We Were entertained by the detted by :JuitiOr Past Noble grade two esSeinblY en Friday 17. Grand Irene Richmond ,and It opened with a few songs, The carted fo sit beside Noble Grand children or grade two made a .good Sister jean Bridge. Job of acting out, and doing their ;Ri st ,,,. 130-wra spoke on the plays. They did two plays, one pledges we take in becoming called 'The Three Little Pigs" members or the Rebekah Lodge,. and the c)thOrtyis -Me Rest after which Sister Richmond pre- Room"• which caused quite a few seated hor With a token of laughs, They also did Sotne (lane- appreciation. Mg. Barbara :Johnson, Donelda The District Deputy, assisted Stiles and. Sharon Robinson made a marvelous job of tap cluneine. hy Sister Richmond then present ed 30 year jewels to Sisters or Donalda Stiles also played a piatuli Morning Star Lodge They solo, The assembly , then closed Sisters Ethel Long, Inez Cameron, with God Save the Queen and lots Ada Armstrong, Irene Pease, Elsie of hearty claps. Thuell and Annie Sister Pearl 'Lowe, who is in the hospital, Oar sports program has, come to will be presented with her jewel a deadlock with. Andy Adams' and tit a later date. Tice Sisters Doug Smith's teams tied for first thanked the Lodge for their place ' in basket bail, Mervin jewels, Lichtv's mind Don Workman's Visiting Sisters spoke briefly teams are tied for second and wished the Noble °rand sue Lloyd Valiance is the leading ess in the remainder of her year, scorer with 38 points and Blaine 19 points. tcheon not far behind with After Lodge closed a humorous p oints. skit was presented by Barbara .iNleCutcheon, Sarah Stephenson, watch for the event of Ihe year. Mary Lowe. Vera Hastings, rime thircl annual Senior Mist Georgia Bosman and Betty Rummage Sale. Advertisement Brouson Sister Lillian King plyaed next week the piano. AnYone wishing to get rid of A delicious lunch was served by the committee in eharee and saleable items, clothing. toys, books, records: call 887-0103 after brought 0 most gratifying evening for pich•up. to a Close, Don't forget the Variety Fair Another, of our poets in Senior 'm he held on. May 2nd. On :Monday, April 13. all the students got their indiVid1444 and group pictures taken. It won't be tong until, the parents .00, see the faces 01 their children, On Friday 17 Senior West held a dance to help raise money for their bus trip to Toronto this J tine,