The Brussels Post, 1970-01-22, Page 7POST iiittr*SPILS ONTARIO Tat:11wAy, J'AN,I„Wty 2u.4, 010
• waff. ..11,1,1•11,71W 11••• nMel rime,
Why Wait 'Till Spring
Order Now
"The . Most Value For The
PHONE 887_6011
Farmer's Dollar"
Aubrey W. Hagar
Director of Innovative and
Continuing Education
- Conestoga College
When the Colleges of Applied
Arts were establishe.d all people in
Ontario looked forward to greatly
increased ed twat lona I opportun-
ities. Areas were defined and
organilations Of Boards of Clever-
nors and Administrative and
teaching Staffs were formed. In
Area 11. comprising the counties
of Huron, Perth, Waterloo, "and
Wellington, Conestoga College IV a
esi ablished.
In the initial period, Conestoga
embarked 011 an educational pro-
gramme to meet the needs for
technologists and technicians with
courses which extended on a hill
time basis over one, two and three
yam's.Alost of the students of
these courses sire immediate
graduates of ,Grades 12 and 13 Who
wish post-secondary education but
'ho may not qualify for or desire
to attend universities. In Area :14,
he largest number of these stu
dents Were in the more densely
populated areas identified by the
cities Of Galt, Gitelph, and Kitch-
ener-WaterlOO and it was logical
that the College should establish
Sales Service
• Barn Cleaners
Bunk Feeders
• Stabling
*Phone ecuilets 443W4
its presence first in proximity to
those cities, Conseil-neatly, build-
ings •were constructed at D.00n and
a programme was COMilienced. In
excess of 1,000 students arc tak-
ing full-time courses.
• 'The seeami phase of Conestoga
e0altlienced with the amalgamation
with manpower retraining Centres
at Stratford, Galt and iKitchener-
Waterloo. Amalgamation with
Kitchener-Wateroo was made on
neeejaher 100 so that this
phase has only recenty been coin-
pic'tnd. lin media tie] y following
amalgamation. the Manpower
• . .
Centres were renamed Adult or
Continuing Education Centres, and
steps were taken to expand the
hrogrammes. In each case- the
emphasis was placed on the de-
velopment of course~ which would
nicer the specific needs of in-
dividuals, local business and in-
dustry and the community.
The next phase in the growth
or Conestoga: in Area 14 Will in-
tolve the establishment of learn-
ing centres in communities Which
are not being served adequately.
There are two such communities
----- one is Huron County and the
Other is an area coMprising the
northern parts of the Counties Of
WellingtOn, Waterloo and Perth.
When these are established there
will be six COntinuing Education
Centres in the four counties and
this should metro that. educational
resources will be convenient to all
The C011e!iloga presence in
l'Airon County will he developed. in
a mariner suited 'to the needs. The
first step Must be taken by the
College and this is being done
aPPoining a person. to work full
time at developing courses and by
locating. that person in an office
in the' County. This person will be
culled the Administrator for Con--
tinning Education in
County, Ile or,sim will embark ott
at twofold project, The needs of
individuals Must he found and met,
This will be achieved by establiali,
counselling services. From the
direet contacts with individuals,
effells, Will be made to establish
coUrsee 'to help Oath perSOO, At
the saute tithe, relatiOnShIPS
fistanished 'with people in bus.
Mess lino industry, peOple
owned with :attracting new bus-
less and eommortity orgazitizations.
Committees of citizens must be
foinid to help.
The objective will he to eStab-
lish au educational resource in
E;uron County tailored to meet,
local needs. The support of the
1)04m Campus and other resources
will be avaiable.
It is difficult to define the edu-
cational programme except to state
that. it Palls between Grades l2 and
1.3 and .the'. universities, includes
00(krtiSS givon. in night school,
and includes short courses de-
. Signed to 'help individuals achieve
• specific
The population density in the
COunly is such that. a small numb
er of people may wish to take
one courso, It. is anticipates that
the limbers may be sa small that
a teacher cannot be engaged to be
present all of the•time,•••This prob-
will be overcome, in. 'Part; with the
use of other instructional_ media
such as television, film•strips. klieg
programmed learning. it is pos-
sible to reduce the time that
teachers spend with students. It is
not possible to complete the learn-
ing exercise without ••a teacher.
• The importance of educatioind
resources to support. industrial
and community' development has
been demonstrated many times,
Conestoga can take the first step
in, providing a resource. for Huron
County, but the - fully and efficient
use of the resource will be achiev-
ed only by the Huron Community
working with the Conestoga, Com-
make 1970
your year to
set up a
Determine right now to build
your independence — to put
your money to work for you —
to make it pay vote a regular
Yotir Victoria and Grey branch
manager will gladly help you
work out a plan so that you have
money when you need it and, at
the same time, make it grow
more money for you.
Found your fortune today at
Victoria and Grey!
Don't forget that all SuliStrip-•
Cons OW three monthi in arrears
Mititt be taleSn. Odin our list.
John Stafford. 11R, 1. Wroxeter
was named the president or E.nron
County Federation. of AgricUlture
to replace Bob Henry. of. Blyth
who resigned due to ill health.
Mr. Startord a dairy farmer From
Howick toNynsltip is believed to be
the youngest man to hold this
Tom Cunningham. RR 1 Auburn
moved to 1st vice-president .and
Mason Bailey was cleetc-d to 2nd
Elected to fill the one vacant
executive position was Donald
Young RR 2. Auburn.
Committees appointed ,yet•ei
Executive Committee
President -- mho Stafford,
W rox et er
1st Vice- — Tom Cunningham,
:JCR 1, Auburn
.2nd Vice — MaSon Bailey, RR 3,
Past President — Elmer Hunter
Lady Director --- Mrs. John
Stafford. R.R. 1, Wroxeter
Secretary - Treasurer — Mrs,
Fnye Fear, RR 5, Brussels
Executive Memberis: Georg!'
Smith, R1.1. 1, Lucknow; Bruce
Shaptozi, RR 1, Exeter; Donald
Young, Atiburti, and the Junior
Farmer delegate fret to he /111711Pd.
Insurance Committee
Bruce Shapton, Doug Neil. RR
Goderich, Toni Cunningham,
Ilob Allenford, Briteerielcl, • Bob
Broadroot RR I, Brucefitith • •
Assessment & Taxation. Corn-
Mason Bailey, Elmer limiter lhit
3, Goderich, Charles ThomaS, Box
214.13rtissels, Doug Fortune, RR1,
Witighain; Hugh Rundle, RR 1.
("entralia; Laverne (loath, B.R.
Resolution Committee:.
Martin !titan, R.112, Walton,
Mason, Bailey, Phil Dtiratid, RR 2,
Zurich, ;11t.s, Ted Eittiking, RIZ I
Finance Gontiiriitteea
TOM tltirittingliani, llasott, ktiqey.
FtlYe Feat,
l citicaat.ion k RUM I DeelOptilent
Education & PueAl"beVelottifiiiftit
Mr. kind Mrs. Ton) Cunningham,
Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Bond, RR
Clinton, Mr. and 'Airs. John Slat-.
ford: Mr. und Mrs. Donald Young;
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Young; The
Junior Former Delegate..
Publicity & T.V.
Mrs. Faye Fear. .lohn Stafford,
Toni nunningharn, 1'li-ison Bailey
and other executive members,
Input Committee;
George Smith: Bruce Coleman;
Charles Rau, RR. 2, Zurich: John
Gallia, 'Elf 7. P,egrave.
Entertainment Committee:
George Smith, 'Mn.'. and "krs.
Stafford: Mr. and Mrs. Ted Fear.
The recommendation that the
first person named on the commit-
tee be chairman of that committee
was carried.
Mr. Rot Pattison. Wingham
chairman at' the County Develop-
MOM. Committee told of the sale
of the new assessment building in
Coderich by the Province at a
rent of $19,002,00 to use ns a
Euron-Perth Assessment Centre.
Two recommendations- from the
executive met with approval from
the meeting:
I. if the resources' of any
county are used in another county
to sell direct service memberships,
then that person should be paid by
the Provincial Organization.
That we invite all direct •ser-
rice member's in our county to
participate in Mir C.011LIty meet.`
hugs. The serrptary to send each of
the members, notice of meeting,
agenda, and minutes of the' last
Resontion passed at meeting: •
WI:IMF:AS, the movement or hit-
idemonts rif hurbandry on the
highways are becoming increas-
ingly more hazardous becanse ttf
more flnd raster Vehicles, and
WHEREAS the involvetocult of a
rartnor with his uninsured brink-
monis or husbandry in iin ancidoitt,
conld cost him his lire savings,
TI.EREFORF; ilea 'tv 1.1141,-)tiVED
that all impoments Or hushandry
that travel along the highways of
(min eto he required have Public
liability and properly damage
Surance oovoroge,
Conestoga College is: seeking applicants for the position
of Administrator of Continuing Education in Huron
County. The successful aPPlioant must be able to give
leadership in organizing the educational resources of the
College to meet the needs for development of business,
+industry and community services in the County. There
are no minimum academic or experience requirements.
All persons who, feel they can undertake this chal-
lenging opportunity are invited, to apply.
Please apPly in writing to;
Director of Innovative and Continuing Education
Conestoga College of Applied Arts and Technology
299 Doon Valley Drive, Kitchener, Ontario,