The Brussels Post, 1970-01-22, Page 6'3:30 p.m. Midgets
6:30 p.rn, Novice
7:45 Pee Wee
'9:4)0 13.m. Bantam
1:00 p.m. Novice
2:00 p.m. Pee Wee
3:00 p.m. Bantani
tax ratusSILki PAST'AltiO
'To An Exhibition Hockey Tournament, On
N. 24
,PA S. $
Re sure to come out on the 2.4th.
and 25th of January to he4.0
welcome our A M.011(14:11i V§IttOrS.
Don' forget the AnTAMII Meeting
of Brussels .lert,uk'f.nral 'Society
to be held Ambrose Church,
plans are well wilder Y'ritlay evening, :January a result
oar visitors that ('air- at 7:00 .in. Number of tick.' so,ay to show
adian hospitality is not laCking in els available.
Brussels. We were a little shocked
.to learn, howeVer, that 86 siinits BUS TRIP TO ICE FOLLIES
will accompany the four teams
OPEN TO PUBLIC 'here. The visiting 'players are
'being billeted a.t the homes of our
The ilr:asei.';Is 1.:iions Club are -.players and the aduts are being
.sp'corsoring a bus trip to the .•.iooked into local hotels.
"Tana Follies Show" in Toronto on
Sot arday. January 31st. This is On $;atztrday evoning. the Le.u,lon
;f3-,a,11 will be open to parents open to the public. The bus leaves
of participating players to mingle the Library corner at 1:00 p.m.
with our visitors and enjoy the sharp. For information or pickets
refreshments whirls will be made. contact: Frank Carter, Phone
Thats top Canadian pro golfer George Knudson and the furry
feline on the other end of the leash is a cat named Tanya —
but she isn't your usual household pet. She's a wild South
American cat called a •,Margay and she can be pretty vicious,
She's reminding George of his exciting golf match at the San
Fernando Golf Club Sao Paulo, .Brazii last 4ummer which
he played against Lee Elder and George Archer for television's
Wonderful World of Golf Series, George was one of 12 top
gOifttrli fAillpoting In the $124,000 International elitninatlett
Which will be Onfrmin Jai the ce.IQ howork
giitotilivA tit 6,00 pan. i i furl 641o.t, 'Ot&PHilij bowie)/ 10,
KrIFyitoti.Oio,r.Afolet. trvitori tJori 6ritioi0y, ATM ity
'1'he first meeting of Morris
• Council for 1970 was held on Jan-
nary 12th, 'with' all naemberkt ote"
,sent ite.eve 1,31sleili
WicOarroll or Brussels
addressed the Council and Ross
Smith expressed appreciation to
Rev, 'McCarron for his message,
Minutes of the last meeting
were read and approved on motion
of Jas. Moir atul Robert. (i'asby.
The following motions were
Moved by ,Tas. Mair, seconded
Ross Snlith that IntieTe
4;415'0' for 1970 and Wah
50., P.or each
:.ipeetklt Ala go •
Moved by Ross Smith seconded ,
by Ro.Pt Grasby that 'membership
fee be paid to the Ontario 0004
-Roads ASsociation,
Moved, by :Robert (TraSby set oiicl
ed by .1416, Malt that 111'6h-11)0'041
be paid to t)ntarik) Aftsot‘latioii
Ittira M tidal ili:llille ,
AIK-aca itOSs Snlith second-
Grasby that. petition re-
ceived from owners of N'/. T.ots
It 15. 10, 17, Con. 1, be forward•
ed to Jas. A Elowes, O.L.S., List-
0.wel for survey and report.,
Moved by Jas. Mair s000ndod bk's.
Robt. Grasby that 0 Wradt of
he givel, 1.11-0 M.nscular Dystrophy
Moved bY Jas. 'Mair seconded by
loss smith that we complete the
purchase of N Lot -15, Con,
for waste disposal site.
Moved by Robt. Crosby sc.,cond-
ed by Jas. Moir that By-law No, 1.
1970, appointing officials end sei-
ting wages be passed es read
first, second and thirdtimes,
Qfficials are as follows! Clerk,
Mrs. Helen Martin. $2000: Treas-
urer. George Michie, Ponfal-
keepers, Carl Johnson, Clart,Pee
(Von. Ross 1711,r1'0`. Mei Mothers,
John Bowline-en, Stanley Ttopper,
Carence Yttill, Mervyn ripe, (leo,
Miehi0, McCutcheo)i, alisi
r, It,otit. Bird. ao.
Blake, Sohn Nesbit, tla'e hnelher,
Livestock Valnalors : f•Terbert
Gar niss and );:en Taylor $5. for
first hail. plus $2 per extra hours
and 10c per mile: T4'encoviewers:
North told Procter, 'Milo
Casemore. 13'ert N''Orqi-
eaHs: Warwick, Wm Pea-
cock, Ins, 1;0 W1.1.) a 11 . SouthWeS
i SOII, Billet, Amin. 'Brace
Richmond. i>outbeast: Ronneili
menonaid, ~]With, Clarence
110Citteli eon. Gra d erm en : Taine8
Casemorc, $2,50 per hour: .Tohn
Smith. $2.20 oer hour. Labonr
Wages; $1.77; per hour. Tile Drrliti ,
age firspecto $1.75 per, hour plus
1.0 cents per mile. Trench Tn-
spoctor. McArler, $2.40 per
boINittc.:ved by Ross smith scconded
by Jos. 'Moir that representative
on Maitland Valley Conservation
Authority for Nrorris be 'Robert, ot e os by f o r a term of it Yecars•
'Arrived by Thomas Miller see.
finder) by itobt. C1 r,sn 3i- that Jas.
Malt and Gowieee lee repregen.
tal1Vt..,i nit the 11r'Its.$010,
Morvi.:4 mu(
Iffit10 i; :5 i41$ bV t 0IIit rittlli r ?iNg1114
For A Better USED CAR
DR. HT V8, Auto., PS, PB and Radio
1968 FORD XLGT 2 DR. HT 428 ENGINE, Auto.,
PS, .PB, Bucket Seats and Stereo Tape System
1967 COUGAR 8 Cyl. Auto. and. Radio
V 8 Auto, PS, PB, and Radio
1968 FURY 111 4 DR. HT V8 Auto. Trans', 80
PS and Radio - -
PHONE- $87.0249.
("HONE 3814246#
ed by Thos.. Miller that Rohl . by 'rhos. Miller that Court of Re-
Crosby be. Morris Council's TO-
presentalive on Blyth Recreation vision op "Pongratn Municipal Drain" be closed and BY,ictw No.
Committee. 12. 1009 be finally oassed.!
Moved bY 'rhos, minor seconded Moved by Jas. Mair SVCOlid eki
Miller that -Ross Smith hy 1.1.01J. Cifitieb)' tiia
and Stan I:topper 1.W rkicuiniiIciiidthi to tiro tnonii[ or t4,t43.33 ae-
t:o be 11111101 tad 1:6 represent Morris oepted as presented by road sup-
on the .Rolgrave Arena Board. erintendent„
Moved by :Rohl:. Crosby seconded
Moved by :Ns. Moir seconded by.
Ross Smith that treasurer and by Jas. Mair that. Wm. Elston and
Thos. Miller be Morris' representa- rand superintendent submit the
tives on the:Myth Fire .A.roa, Board. necessary petition for balance of
road subsidy for 1959,
Moved by .Robt.'-Crosby seconded
Moved by Jai: Mair seconded by by Thos. Miller find-
. Ross Smith hose Smith that geueral accounts and Jas. Mair be Morris' represeni> be paid as presented,
olives on the Winghant District
Moved by Thos Millet that, Meet. Fire. Anti lIonrd for 1970,
in a d ,lotiNI Io Meet tlgaill Pei): • Moved by Sas. mob. seconded
Aeltittli:711 afin st sat pairs;
Ross Smith that we recomtnend p.111,
that Rcihl. li. Coultes appoin!,-
to the Witigho in 'Hospital lloarel
for 1.970, U'eneral.
Moved by Tim, Miller second..,
poriana '..e4rprtil T-Tospitall3narx1
reed be recto-1 .111611( to be aP
ed by .Tas, Moir that \rlaltet short:-
lelen Martin,
C110 rte,
Moved by ;Fos. Moir seconded by'
"rhos. Miller that Wni, Elston ft'oni
Council and Stewart h*ocier, non- SEAL CAMPAIGN LAGS
council be repreSentatiVes on
Winghain and 0:Istria Planning Returns front this year's
iloard te'r 1.970 Christinas Seal Cnnipiagn indicate ,
hint are istgring, moved by itobt: drasby Seconded behind Rust
Y(1;91`, accoraihu; by 'Ross Smith hia:t-auditors for Ralph Corea.
Campaign chall'-
:1970 be Thorne. Gunn, Iicllisvell mk111 of tbe liuron:Pertb Tubei•eti. a nd ChrIstensoil, London,
losis and liespiratorY DISODS Moved by Thos. "Miller seconded Association.
lty Jas;. "Malt' that A‘rn. Elston
"With ''the hundred aiid one be Wel fo te Administrator' for
other things to be done around
TownSbio for 1910 at $2.00 per Christmas. people sot/0071%0s undo-bonr and 1.0 cents per Mile.
standably forget/ to IanSwer their 1‘.1.0Ved by .
ttoSs Smith seeondeli Christmas Seal letter," said Mr.
by ;lac. :Bair that By-law No. 2, Coven. 'Tat \‘'itliont those con.-1970, allowing 'Reeve and Treasur-
Iributions W cati't go ahead with er t:o borrow on the credit of the
our planned prograltunes this IleXt
Municipality up to $1.25,000„ from Yea I'. Our fight against rft and re-Canadian imperial Bank of Com-
Spiratory diseaSe Musn't lapse at merce, Wingham, be passed.
Ibis vital stage. glovedby .Tats Mohr seconded by
The goal of the T-',tiron.Pertli Rohr. Grasby that printing contract
Christmas Seal (lainpaign this for 1970 he given to Tilyth Standard
!•'Ck11* Is $35,000, coinpared for $250.
.133.000. last year. Thus' far returns It was agreed that expenses to
are $30,218.00 Compared with J eon eon lion each he $65.
$32.500.57 over the , sonic aunkbet Moved by Jas. Moir seconded
of days 'last year, by ' Rohl . ']mashy that Cont't of
Revision on "Oongnitri Mutlieipat
"The goal was inorOttied
t'arirlit" 1)a opeolod, 1.1t, odwlatiorial,
110 lttrlll ttt tti v011 Aof:tillii1114[1:011:1100:4 P011eArotv
h8f6.1)Nrill by. 1,4 -A ..000.11ttnift
IRINg tirttitti
G a rden .Michgan, will help
`Brussels ''Alinor Hockey Assoc-
iatin elebrate Min or :Hockey
Weeit by visiting Brussels ;and
i.;:onqieting in. a two game seiies
:rfeo• each club from Squ'A;11. le Mid-
'get.. The Brussels reo-Ms visited
't.;'arden City in the early part of
'December oArd: were greeted with
a receptioT. 'that still has the parti•
rt-rorn here talking.
is limited.