The Brussels Post, 1970-01-08, Page 3•-•Tr• • THE BRUSSEL POs. BRUSSELS, Oht4F,I0, lq-ITTPSDAY, I.AT.A...RT 8th, 11Z0‘ AM OR.I. AL SHOP QiJALrry SEkiVICE • C,IliAgtiftilANi.-::t-ilf1 • Open Every Weekday Your Guarantee For Over 35 Years of CEMETERY LETTERING IS•ox 156 WINGHAM JOHN MALLICK CRAWFORD and MILL J, H, CRAWFORD, Q-C, A. R. M. MILL, 8..A, LLB, E. LONGSTAFF O'PTOMOTRI EAF-ORTH. C.':OVF.:NLOCH ST. -.2.,7•12 4t,'; TueSday, Thursday, Friday, Thursday Evening Ctf.INTON OFFICE, '1'0 ISSAC .$TREET Monday, and Wednesday 482-1010 Call Either Offiee For Appointment THE BRUSSELS PO I noy vv. KENNEDY. Publisher Published' 4t Brussets, Ontario, every Th141.0001( Box SO, Brussels, Ontario, .Bec'und Registration. Number 11562, . • •. Member of Canaaian Weekly Newspapers Assoolatlon • Ontario Weekly .Ngwspaper.s. A;sociation O.P.P. QUESTIONS' AND ANSWER§ • - Question: I. wos 1014 ir your car Or Clit'k is stopped or stranded on the road You inust lea Ve your engine lIzyni up 01' it can be towed away by a tow truck if the police wish to do do so. .40.7-1,1211111111Ww.411411W iVIcGavin's Farm Equipment- WE SP '4:C IA LI ZE IN A 0C1?.ttiml.,,ETFI. LINE, or FARM EQUIPMENT %ALES ANP SERVICE WALTOR. ONTARIO Answer: t hoard of this practice or patting the hood rip to I01 the other motorists, 1m:hiding Polleoi linow Hutt you are having diffi,n!, ly. I have also heard wher6 yoti and op ed car, such as or erparki door handle, left side, whim.' also, %;tervr-i the sane pUrpOSe. As fOr this SLOPPing the police from tow- in tho ear away, this has 110 rcal 'pealing on the case. In the High- ay Tratfie Act there are various r,,ectiorm that give- the police oath- '))'icy TI' roMove a Park'!d Ur m:cloned oar, such as oyerparking Ott it Niug's highwAy, interfering with traffic or snow removal. or even iiilpareutly aimmloned, 1. would suggests that If your car breaks down that you iiudrate af.e police on your list of phone culls rind advise them of the.. location. and eli'i'onistaricos.. Question: i'd like to know is this,. Aro people owning snowmobiles allow- lo go wherever they wish, even. On PriVatc Prolwri.Y? \\'eha't'e Snow't11(1)ilUs racing all over our property as soon as there is a hit sno pnd till late at night. Answer; No, they arc' not. allowed fit cit. .,vherover they wish, ospecioly O lt t)rivatl' property. Your 'hind ifi .your land. It is trill' you could pint up signs statinit.,.. "No trespassin.•?''. BRUSSELS n7-636.5 Of the matter. 'Po quote, ".1-n:ver petson itt guilty of the offence or driving carelessly who drives a motorized snow vehicle withonf due (-Ilium add attention or without reasonahe consideration f.or other persons." • QUESTION: \Vlten we arc op Tatiut: ;snowmobiles in groups on the highway in singe file, how noteh space slonthl '.cc' tilto;ki het ween snowmobiles.? ANSWER: There is 110 specific 1)1)111 her o r ieel mentioned. in the regitlations they just state that the driver (lf, motorized i-alow vehicle shall not. folloiv anotheli vehicle or motorized snow vehicle ntore-- closely than is reasointhim and prudent, having due t*Ptnird tho speed of such Yell icles. t OViZed sum's 'Vehicle It Jul rYliditi011s of the 'highway.' LICENCE PLATES FO? HISTORIC VEHICLES Last Spring. Ontario liega.n suiu lie:-once plates for biAtoric motor voiliclei- other than com- mercial vehiClcis. NOw the older commercial nudor vehicles itrtick.-.. 'tick tractors, rite apparatus, busei ambulanees. ffte. r uualify for registration as ihistorip. vehicles also. i 1st uric voltiotoi must hi, ;i1' yesr .s old and must be' SEAFORTH 527-0245 tiuobanged or in.Odi fioii Q'0111 Clef, original 111;inufact- utier',4 pro%duct. They enn Only he opyrated Ott a highway for th.Q. 1.1 rpo',e at" e.%; t 10 t.i. touts, of funetion.s cg•ganized clunititutod automobile- tuliz. f o' the parpOste of Pat, or tin. purnoSer of par-. In tor rate. The liceitoo- fee is $111.00 a year- fo r 'historic vehicles, The licence. Phil's tire marked. to Mondry this class 01' Vehicle and to indicat(:-..- timit(id highway use. Pla.tes are i--sued. only at the Queen'5.1 Park orrice of 1' °Mari() 1)opa. fitik.en n rt in. T oromo, troth' ohm of ti single fee' tor all 'historic vehicles removes nooessity of contiuniug. 1.zpo<nat Int' 10111* oyli rider tra.;,.- viirs manufactured in of hr,f or,. 1:133, ;kW Mtwn elf? ;11,t1t; re-Oster-A as it 1.11,3torie vehicle bocons, it is ill regular highway u.se will now fray tiff!: samefee other rim T.' :-!Y iinctei• na s.se Tiger Intl rite try 0114' alp 1; people • • 1;0 cri (q; 101.1g-. • MO. t ; , Tit a T .:.; y me, but ritr "..on think you can clirr`, both sultra,os„ R, J. BAUER YOUR MASSEY - FERGUSON DEALER A Cqmplete Line. Of New and U$NI Farm Equipment PHONE 5 BRUSSELS, ONT Jim Cardiff REAL ESTATE BP,o1Kas GENERAL••f N SURANO E• ACiP:Nr.FOR HOWICK FARMERS MUTUAL FIRE INS, FiFiE . • . • AUTO". LIABILITY PHONE; OFFICE. 8876100 RES. 887-61(34 D. A. RANN FURNITURE 'STORE Lir.ensed Funeral Director and Embalmer MAX L. WATTS, PROPRIETOR PHONE: 387.6336 or 887.658 BRUSSELS, ONT, hut what would our eitieS and towns look like if everyone put up signs for the winter for a few inoonsidorate snowmohie oin-r- ators. 'Persons who operate snaw• mobiles, On your property aro lo,ast,thirty FtRUSSEL' and Wl•NGHAM PHONE 887-9401 PH.ONE .357-3630 IPBIRMIXIIIIRRISIMIDEMSBREVEIIIMAIIMMIXEMMIXIMMIBMISIWW WM. ADAMSON Pigs Every Mon., Tues., Thurs. LIVESTOCK TRANSPORT Mai 887-6357 PCV CLASS FS and F 'E M KILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCES COMPANY Offlc — Main Street $EAFORTH Insures Town Dwellings All ClaiiSos of. Farm P operyt Summer tottagos Churches,' Schdois, Halls Extended covergde (Wind smoke, water darnage, falling objects, etc,) Iti .0104:1 availabloc A.G:ONTS; jarl4eg Keyri, 1.R. 1, EettrOrt,11; V, J, Lens, ilk 868-tc;rtit; WTils I-ISIPet LomMiThrirrti rit'Avi711, 00004. 01 1 tiPtimttl Dotal geAtnto trespassing and could be chargell if they aro Instructed. not to go (I1 ' (he property and refuse to leave af tor you have told thorn to do so. There are many snowmobile clubs who are ;lust as concerned as you, the sitaiLdon gets out of hAna,. by hlivs ('arn 11(1 made to prohibit the use of snowmobiles. Question: I informed that (moo 8. 5110W: plol)T1(,, entered t11(;:,. WWI] limit-1i Ole 101116 (I() nothing. about it. Is this true? Answer: • Ma. it is not. aitme Ontario:. • Provincial Police gitreg the. misw- • er i• riurisdict an,ywherP in the Province of Ontario, Another Anothor Interesting note is that .•. tiny full [Imo police office?, in the,' ProVince of Ontario His lurk. dlefirm any"Witert• ixt the province. QUESTION; Can i be oharged for oporatittg. 0•snownitilillo on the sidewalk .; Answer; t .:Woust say yes„ hitt the Cirtal tait.SWer Would cOme from th0 e01.trts. There is Do specific charge. such. 11$ Driving on Sidewalk Unti, 01, tile regifki tifyv pm.titining to oWnioblioli, but 1 1'0e1 Mkt ttil 1'e4011611 110011.04 with actT11'141 11111.1'1 111'