The Brussels Post, 1970-01-08, Page 1UMQlg
b2.50 Alrear in Advance' `-1-• g50 Tb U,S.A. jANIJARt Sth, 1070 POST PUB1,4SIIING HOUR THE BRUSSEL POST.
,2 Belinore 2
First Period
Belinore, Philip Eadie. (Wayne
Baillagh) 10:15
'Brnssels; Darwin McCutcheon
(Ken Cousins) 1,4:16
Second Period
telmore. Philip Eadie (DtiVid
Fischer) 13:20
Brussels: Brian. Scott (john
Ridhinotid) 14:35
Third Period
No Scoring
Red Wings 5 Blank Hawks 3
Scoring for Red Wings: Mike
Watson (Darwin McCutcheon'.
Robert Demaray (Donald Hig
gins; Darwin McCutcheon (Don
aid rtig-,gins); Kevin 'Pennington
(unassisted).; Darwin McCutcheon
(Mike Watson) ,
,Scoring for the Block Hawks;
Kenny Cousins (Doug CoeSins);
Doug Cousins (unassisted): gent*
Cousins (unassisted).
Bruins 12, Maple Leaf 5
Scoring for Bruins! ,Tint _Prior
(Brian Scott); Brian Scott )Tian.
Prior) ; John Richmond (Tint
Prior): Brian Scott (Tim Prior):
Brian Scott (Tim Prior. John Rich-
:,mond); Tim Prior (13rian Scott);
'iniin Prior (John Richmond, Brian
Scott) ; Brian Scott (Tim Prior);
Tim Prior (.Brian Scott); Brian
Scott. (John Richmond): Winn
Scott (Stewart Cardiff); TiM
Prior (unassisted)
Scoring for Maple Leafs: Scott
Wheeler (scored all. 5 goals vn-
nlylape Leafs 4, Black Hawks 2
Tenpas (Terry Kennedy, Paul
Nicho:12: Paul Nichol (Scott Who.
elm', Terry Kennedy):
Scoring for the Black. Hawks:
Johnston • (Neil Mitchell):
Neil Mitchell (Paul Johnston).
.Bruine 5, Red Wings 3
Wesley Brewer, 73, Listowel a
former Brussels resident, died
Sunday at Spruce Lodge, Stmt.-
lie was born iii Grey TOwnsitip,
a son of the late William and
Christenn Brewer. He is snitrivad
by several nieces and nepbews.
The funeral service was held
from the Rana nineral Home,
BruSsels at 2 pain on Tuesday
conducted by the Rev. C. A.
MeCarroll. Burial ,was in Brussels
Pallbearers were John Brewer,
Sohn Armstrong, Met ,,Termyn,
Kelly Lamont, Joe 'Brewer, Bill
Em peas
Norman Edward Mulligan
died Monday in the 1,Vingfiani and
District Hospital.
Born. in Grey Township, he wan
a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ned
Mulligan. He farmed in Grey until
retiring to :Brussela seven years
Pallbearers Were Bruce 'Mulligan,
1011 'Mulligan, Donald Smith, Curl
:Mac...oft Brine 'Meath', Bruce
Miss ..Mildred Nichol, 56, of Tor-
onto, died Sunday, December' 28th.
at Wingliam itad lijistrict Hospital.
Born Morris Township; she
wits a. daughter or Mrs'. Elinor
Nichol of Brussels, and the late
?rank Nichol:
She is survived by her mother,
three sisters, Mies Dorothy Nichol;
Mrs. :William (.Marjorie) :Wren,. of
Willowdale; Mrs. Elwood (Elinor)
McCullough, of 242 Caledonia St.,
Stratford, acid five brotliorn
Cordon and •Kenneth of Toren:to;
Stuart; of Scarborough; 'Glenn' or
Huntsville and Allan of 'Bruasels.
The funeral .was held from the
'sane :Funeral 1-tome, Brussels, at
2 p.m. on Tuesday, December 30th,
;Mdal wris in Brussels Cemetery.
Pallbearers were: Thomas Mil-
ler, John ninanCrner, Jim. Shinji, 0,•:1,4,
Workman, Itoss Nichol, .Ronald
•' Flower Bearers were Bill Granby
end, x0.0 Nichol.
Mrs. Archie Engel was a holiday
visitor in Stratford,
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Martin spoilt
Christmas, with Mr: and Mrs. John
Tooth,. or :'l peen to,
Mr. and Min's Lisle Vi"ntSts of
Bellnille,. Mr, and Mrs. 'Karl
Benson cif Brantford were holiday
visitors,1 with, Mr.,, and Mrs. Max
Watts, •
Mr; and Mrs, John Mccut,cheon
Mrs-, David Al c.
onto, were. : holiday visitors with
Clinton..• •
stliA7r. -Old Mrs, C, P. Roberts and
!Karen of Ottawa and David and
nitholiare attending
alb Iininerinity Guelph, spent
the holidays at the home of their
parents, Mr: and Mira, Carl
Mrs, Dorothy Robinson of Pres-
ton and Archie Thompson, Toe,
Onto. were holday nvisitore with
alrs. Al. Thompson.
Mr. and -.111M John Ellneett and
Tom Thornton of London Visited
with Mrs. Florence- flIss$01 daring
the holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. flabermehl, fiesp,
1e-r, were Monday visitors with
Mrs. (Ice Obidiew.
Holiday visitors with My, and
Mrs. D A. Tlann were Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Ruin, Peter. Mary-
beth and Jay of Galt and Mrs. W.
Spenee-of Toi'odto,
Mr. and Altirs. Payid flemingwny
of Regina, spent the Christmas
holiday with their parents Mr.
and Mrs. Carl nleaningway and Mr.
and Mrs. Ran Cox—Payfield.
Mrs, Ross Patterson, who has
been a patient in. Wingham and
District Hospital, has returned
--MI's' A.' Kann and
Inivid Hall spent a few days in
Cult. with Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Reim this past week.
Airs. \\rep, Jermyn who has been
pmt tient in Wingham and Diet-
rict Hospital has returned home.
Alex Mann,. Simeae, was a holi-
day visitor with rdr, and Mrs.
;lames Valiance,
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin. liranter
and ditughtel, "N-,,thieec were. hell-
day visitorS in Edmonton With their
son Lt, David Kreuter.
Mrs, Wesley Kerr spent. the
Christmas Imliday in Guelph with
her son Stuart and Mrs. Kerr.
nne, and Mrs. R. W. :Kennedy
visited during the holiday with
their sons, David and Mrs. Ken-
nedy, Toronto, and Robert: and
Mrs. Kennedy and family, Ottawa,
Ted Mitchell and son Scott of
Mar:Omni, Keith 'Mulvey. Belmore
and Miss Monti 'Bronson, Kitchen-
er with Mr, and Mrs. Ray Bronson.
Mr, and Mrs. Harvey BrYans
and riimily j London, Mr. and Mrs,
Stuart, Bryans, Mitchell and Mr,
and Mrs. Bob Houston, Kitchener.
with Air, and -Mrs. Jack Bryans.
Mr. and Allan Wm. Jervis. Clin-
ton, Mr. and Mrs. John Edgar,
Bradley and Lori of Georgetown,
Mr. and Mrs, Donald Edgar, Kelly
and Alicbael, of Richmond 1-1,111;
The 13russels :Carling Club .helitt,
its first local Mixed ,I$onspiel, on
Tuesday, Decenaller 30th, at
with eight , rinks competing, Ilsre,
8 end games were
winning teams were as .foIlesee:„
lain Elmer Young, Skip; "Wihna
Eta thwelt, vice; Neil :Kerning.
Way, 2nd; Mary figther,lead..
3 wins plus IS
2nd: :Murray Hoover; Skip; Rhea
Valiance, vice; 'Doug Hem-
ingway, 2nd; Perin McLean,
lead, 2 wins plus 14
3W Glen Ttathwel), Skip; Barb
Dunham', vice; Jim •Spive*,
2nd; Roy Cousins, lead;.
2 wine plus 12
Consolation; Bob Alexander,,Skip
,fsabel ritathwell, vice; Srpis
.Lewington. 2nd: . Lillian-
' Smith, lead •. .
• The January draw of fiye mines
begin Tuesday, ;January 13th at 7
p.m n and ends on February ,10th
with 2.9 rinks. competing.
• •
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Edgar, Deblois
And Marcie, (Ao.d'erich and Air. and
Mrs. .Tim Edgar', Shelly and pnanok,
Listowel, holiday visitors with
Mrs. W, Edgar.
And Mrs. Charles Bryans of
Orillia Christmas. visitors. with
Mrs. Jantes
Mrs. and Mrs. Lawrie Cousins
and family, London, with Mr.,and
Mrs. R. J3. Cousins.
Mr: and: Alt's. Bill Nay and
Gorrie with Mr. iand Mrs.
Fnarl Cudmot'e for Christmas.
-Mrs. Iv. •01. Leach, a New Year's
visitor with Art'. and Mrs. A. Smyth
and family. Kitchener.
-Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Brothers and
Miss Nancy Brothers of Scar-
boroug were holiday guests at the
home of Miss M. Skelton, where
they celebrated their 30th wedding
anniversary on December 110th. Mr.
and Mrs,. jack Sullivan of London
attended the arotiversnry.
Mr. and Mrs. David Hutton and
tamily Listowel: Mr. and Mrs.
Murray Bray and Steven of Wrex-
eter; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fischer and
girls of ,Kitchener, who remained
for a few days, were borne with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Holiday visitors with Mr, and
Mrs. Wm. Miller were Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Miller and fanny and
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Schlueter and
family. all of Galt; Mr. and Mrs.
Loyd Cooper and family of Exeter
and Air, and Mrs. Gerald Miller
told Joanne, Glreas ToWnichip Mr,
and 'Mrs. Ron White and family of
Georgetown were weekend visitors
et the same home.
Christmas visitors at the home
of Mr. and Mrs, David :Hastings
Sr. were Mr. a41::„Mrs. Harry
'Bowler. Mr. and MrSi Russell Fox,
Mr. and Mrs. , Allison, all
of London, Mr. and Mrs. Brian
1-1'ne.qher and Sandra; 'Mr. and Mrs.
1 7/a vid Hosting.% Daind a.nd DArryl.
Mr, 5, C, Fox, and Mr. and Mrs.
Joe. Brewer.
and Mrs. Gilbert Le Blanc,
1:ol'inerly of 'Waterloo, has intr-
(ilia:sett the Korn Korner ReSt-
anrant, Brussels, froinMr. and
Mrs, Ale' sIacklin and took posses-
sion on the" second of :Tannery,
Mr. and. Mrs. Le 'Blanc and
daughter Muriel have -taken up
residence here in the Odlfield
apartment. .They have two sons,
'Perry and Keith of Waterloo and
dpughter, Mrs, Edwards of Kitelts
predeeeaSed him in 195,1.
Brian Scott (Tim. Prior) (01 Standish, Wm. Miller. L. Papyl.
Seori rig for Tted Wings;Kenny
.• Higgins (Mike Watson; JDortvia Thanks to all those \vim havo
(ronrinUed on hack page) . renewed ;heir Pori subSeriptiOn.
'rite marriage. of Imaothyy Ann He is survived by his wife, the
Knight and William Gibson Mulch former Itia Nelson two daughters,
took plade in Knox College Chapel, Mra. Lincoln (Olive) Martin of
Toronto. at 2:00 p.m, on December Bruseels and Mrs. Lincoln (Orpha)
29th, 1960, The Rev. Cordon Baluch Smi tb, of Ku rtevile ; •two:
was the yfficiating clergyman. Ronald of Ingersoll and Harvey of
Listowel:: eight grandchildren; Mr. Iticliard Leach was the organ-
two grent-grannehildren. ist.
The feneral service was held The bride is the daughter of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gordon rrom Rolm Funeral Home. bete
Knight. The Rev. and Mrs cordon at 3 p.m, Wednesday. Burial was .
Marro' are parents of in Brussels cemetery.
the grooms
The bride, given in marriage by
her brother. Harold Knight. of
0 I. ka wit, vas go w n ed iii l\-'ay
nni's;nntr dr'eole, -fashioned' in Empire ,
• inns lvigth. '1711 e sleeves.
(nine:. of train, .:and front of g•own
JAMES HAROLD SPEIR' nnnansire trimmed With lace applique
James Unfold Spec, si n tnainer w s aind seed pearls. Her slinulinT
or Brussels, died :Friday at. Huron- length "11 was held in pace} by n
view, Clinton. erown of pearls, She carried a
noseg-ny of white roses.
Ile was the .ion of the Tate Mrs. David Cooper Of nViedsor,
and nIra. ,tames Spelt' and farmed': as liar sister's maid of honour. aifil
its Crey Township before retiring
l'le is survived by his wife, the
Fortner Isabella Henderson; one
daughter, Mrs. Allan (Isabelle)
Hornier of Barrie; three sons,
bridesmaid. • Miss Anne Baluch of
Toronto, aialer of the groom, wore
floorneegth A-line gowns of teal
bine crepe featuring full Sleeves,
Tiny: flowers of pearls adorned
their hair. They carried nosegays
Scoring for Maple Leona: Scott n ames of 13eock, Sask.: 'William, of of ruinature pink .c.a. rnationsn
• 'Wheeler (Brian. Tenpas: Paul Lethbridge; Dos a ld of Ch a the • Mr. Murray Everet of Toronto
Niche)); Terry Kennedy (II riao two sisters, Mrs. Carrie Ilnininna‘ wns t grootasmaii acid guests
Tenpas, Scott Wheeler); 'Brian of Brassels arid Mrs. Cora Bell of. •Were. ushered he 11 r. Domini
Port Cr'edit: JO grandchildren; one Criernen Auretas and Mr. Murrny
,Knight of Listowel.
One son, Harvey McRae Skein The reception Avis heldnit. Innnee.
Arthur House, Toronto.
For mi wedding trip to Quebec.
The funeral sor:vir was held 'City the bride dinned an emerald
from the Bann Ptineind Herne ats‘nre'nn n(nar Gild dress ensemble.
Scoring for Bruins: Brian Scott 4 p.m, on Sunday conducted by the }sleek accessories With corsage or
Rev. C, MoCarr011. (Garry nIcWhirter, Tim Prior); yellow. roses.
Tim Prior (John Richmond): John :Burial wasin Brussels n annonins
slticmond (Brian Scott, Tim Prior) Pallbearers were Ray Henden
Brian Scott (John Richmond): son. Stewart Henderson. Ken Speh, BORN
PiATTLFIDnile -• 'Air.
[;ruin 1-tutledge, iii
An•nnorial Hospital. on
sat li n e son, 'Marty.
and Sirs.
Li K t (vei
n, •