The Brussels Post, 1969-11-20, Page 1$2.50 A Year In Advance TUN 1111.1nSi-.3EL P();:i 1 :NOV. 211th, 1969 POST PITIILISH3.110 HOUSIT
reniinir lll,Ile1 tit "). "'u
the 1.;-.01, t'inh \yds held with Lion
Irilitter presiding.
Lion Tani wister Gordon in
Gavin levied fines ill his usual
elithusi W111'1'
Lion Set rotary c'eeit ‘inPainien
called. the ' lull and earl minntt
•I 1(1 vorro,:l..11:(11.•11v0,
(7 o11:-•iderable distnission took
pnicr‘ ri .g,rding the unrittal Santa.
1,1',a Jim, chairman
of the program nointnittee. ;...,,:ave a.
detailed report on plans for the
(nulling ).-ea r,
Lion c. It. Ininliar -poki• ut
length on the ;km -I; of Hie fluron.
County (!hildren's Aid Society.
Lion In Turnbul; w. as Winner
of the )2,11("-zt.4 C01.11('St.,
FlLOist'ol-cml by Ourdon. -McCoyin
011 tilOix
IA 11 0
trip' to Hawaii 'were
Rev. J. K. Stokes Inducted Liens Enjoy Films Shown
By Bishop of Georgian Bay By Lion Gordon McGavin
"Moved by R. W. Kennedy, sec.
()tided by 1, Cn Campbell that
Council endorse the resolution
.from the Town of Seilforth Re:
the uniformity or punishments for
eonvietions for the same offence.
'Moved by J. L. MeCutcheon, sec-
onded by T, G. Campbell that Willis
Knight he granted a building per-
mit as per application.
Moved by In. J.c ..'en Fits second-
ed by R. W. Kennedy that the
building tnx be written off Lots
S r: 103 and N-1", 104 Turnberry
St., owned by W. Stephenson.
Moved by (T. .1, TenPas, sec-
onded by J. L. MeCutcheon that
we accept the tender of Gordon
Stiles for snowplowing in the Vii-
lave of Brussels for the season
1909-70. commencing December 1,
1909 to March 31,' 1970, at $8.00
per hour plowing and $4.00 per
-day standing time,
Moved by R, Kennedy, see-
onded by 1. C. Campbell that the
•ancounts as approved be, paid.
Glenn Somers, labour 33,00
PALO., streetlights and
Post Office, stamps
Grand River Office
Supply, supplies 1,2,3
Brussels Coal YR rd,
Library fuel
Oldfield tldwe.. supplies;
Gee. Mutter, office fuel 07.15
MacLean Fina Service
'go s 8.'34
J, 1\1, igen) 11 1 d Lumber
supplies 11.10
Inniglas Callander,
Oat, Nursing Mot, 1155.20
Maehan Ildwo., supplies n. 28.00
McCutcheon Motors,
repairs .. ... .0, .... 18.90
C. N. 1Z,, settle rent 2.00
Gordon Stiles. Octehor
garbage .......... , . „„......-- 200,00
Receiver General, C.P.
and Tax l'neductIons .0 . 180,92
0,11L.91.R.S, Pension 90,18
Post °Oleo, 7;00'
Ntaltintid. Teleservices Ltd,
rates and tO116 54,25
Orussels Vire Brigade, fire
times and salaries 1107,00
streetlights, offide j
hall, Library 103.19
I.11rs. ;town 17.1.:Ke1, cleating 7,80
Moved by 1.-T. .T. TeitDai4, seeond»
ed by I, G. Campbell That the
niectifig adjourn, to meet again
Decombef 19, 1909, of at ate, cull
(if tbn
tt, Wmri
toe Mencrie ,:f \VOT11011'S 111S fit lite.'
)o attend their Family Night on
Thursday, November 20th when
cards and bingo will be played.
It was moved by 'Mrs. Devries
and seconded by Mrs. Alex Steiss
that we send a Christmas donation
to our adopted child. in T-Tong Kong.
The December meeting will take
the form Of a pot hick dinner at
1 p.m. with the ladies taking the
cottrse "The Main Dish Makes the
Meal" supplying the first cotirse
and other tnernbers to bring some
des gar t.
Brian. Armstrong favoured With
a Solo "Inn a Little Teapot",
Mrs. Smith. introduced Mrs,
Peacock and Mts. MoThitney who
showed slides from ,firrman',
ttigiottit and Scotland.,These Were
most enjoyed by' all, Mrs. Leona
Armstrong thanked 'the ladies' on
behalf of the thatittite and pre-
sented each of thorn with a gift,
lirencla 11IcCuicheon played three
mitnbera on the piano, after which
,Bill and Alberta Smith played o
feW Songs On the Violin and piano
Happy tIrthtlay Was stlii:C. tO
myvern1 Inettiberg Lot" their Novernbq
ltr bflitlialiy. 1Y11 mOtAttig. oomtl to Ii
000 .Witti, iliNg OW Obeli",
Over 1:.111 people attonded
john's Astglicau Church '4+m-
day tvening to celelmit,. the 1.1.•
ductitin '01' 1114' hew s Koitlt Stake.
its locum hen t he Part. h
loomily or St, lobn's, ivussei.s st.
.1\iaric's„\uhurn: Trinity. 1:1yri
and Trinity, 1.3elgrave. The. Service
wns conducted by the Rt. Rev.
iareld .,i1..ppleyard of Kitchetn•r
t1t‘or501n' Hay. arAsted
by the Von. David gg' Or
° Sound (Archdeacon of Saug071 i1.
11 his address, the Rev. Win, .1.
hiciiin Saints Church, 'Water-
loot quoted from
to the Christians in Corinin.
"Consider your call: brethren
to challenge the Parish telin
act in accordance with God's
chain)' or them to strengthen and
brighten the future of "the com-
munities they are called to serve.
The prayers and the pledges of
the Service were an expression of
the voluntury conouitnient of the
Church members, • with their new
incunibent to carry forward both
the life and the work of our Lord
and Saviour through the Church.
musie was led by the own --
Mucci choirs of Belgrave, Myth
and Brussels, and by soloist Irma
Pryce. Following the !-;ervi-e
everyone enjoyed a reception pr,;-
pared by the ''tattles of a;1 iota'
if. jenkins of (lorries Hie 14.0v,
Major and -Mrs. (4, Yountatoff
A.F.It. Clinton, the Rev, and Mrs.
Mr -t; W. Mather of F1iylh, and
and the Rev, and Mrs. T. K. Tiass
thorn with. Many of their parish-
()hors from Wingimm.
Mrs. Cl'oorge Evans who ir:uSk
ho;.11 a Patient in Witnnintin and
ristrict Hospital. returned `home
last week.
Mr. and. Mts. C. 5, llabertneht
and Miss TeSkie, nesplor word'
visitors with :qrs. idlOW On
'NW:4(111y 44 last week
'Ross tremiugway el Thompson.
Man. was a Weekend visitor wi 4,17
his parents, Mr, and 'Mrs. Cod
ITemingway and visited his brother
'Ray, Who was a patient in Kitch-
ener Ito spit al following a knee
oPeration. •
Mr. and Mrs. W, O. lietningwnY'
Mrmingham, 'Michigan, spout the
week-end with .Mr, and MrA, Carl
ftemingway mid q ttended
HaptiSMal service at 'Winthrop
eittireh of ,1<ett11eth ;lames ANtmana
Men. lte all
D. 'non tun Item. Ole toptit'd
Christmas Demonstrations
At Horticultural Meeting
ntl. NON (0111)01' meeting of the
Innt. tlorticnitural Society'
it 1+ill PI the Public i..ibrury Ott
Nosember 17th, lYttr,4.
presided, welcomed:
men- • till guests, and opened<
wit ) canada".
• n
glimtes. treasurer's report anti'
oorri -n•ondenne followed. Roll. Call
pu.swered by 20 .members...
worn ;lima. guests. A. 'Knight
refld the News Letter and report»,
od on ran bulb planting, go sold
mr.t i. PAO had asked him .ahOnt
planting bulbs donated to the
Legimt by people of Dutch descent
who ore residents of this Cotn-
llmnitY. These bulbs are called
Liberation to oNpress appreciation
to the Canadian army for their
help in freeing the people of. nein
land from Nazism 20 years ago.
'I'll,' Society had purchased bulbs..
for the Legion so this mearit .some
rearranuing by makIng a. new bed.
,\lr. Knight was able to plant
rr.1 n50 bulbs at the Legion. He also
planted it live street beds, 2 beds
at park, 2 beds at Medical Centre,.
The barn on the !Twin of Douglas post orrice and fair gates. In all
1.n -ans, 1 [tit (.on. wos destroyed by about flan bulbs or more were
fire of unknown origin early Mort- planted by Mr. Knight.
Clay afternoon. Along with the
horn sea :wain: crop 0 min-
bill 0. ;t1:14:1 t! 1.1',-ro 0:,ffi t
(-; rf.-y Tow11:40p v Wan cm•
tie responded to - tin' call.
Port min I ely about 40 head of
r•ottio released from the barn
in limo.
''resent;Ition Newlyweds
IrLilroots slid Mrs. Ron Lee,
and Mrs, \\TuL a, 'Leemitig.
cisil t'II Sunday with John Watson
Ills, Will 'visited
days with Mr. and Al I'S,
pawl, nuw.IfS. in, Burlington.
chlidron seldomilti Ote yOtt,
The trOnlill., I ,11.0y 1'011;111Y
PIO VW' 1.11111'11 r(yr Whe
010' spelt he cii,Piteild 'With lilt mito,
'file, regular meeting of titt6
Village Council was held in the
:Municipal Office on November
10th, all members being- present.
Tbe following motions were
1oved byTT. J. TenPas, seeond-
ed by J. MeCutehoon that the
'minutes of the meeting of October
0, 1.900,: be adopted Its read.
Tops Royal Winter Fair
In. Market Hogs Shown
Tornhull. of RrIlsscis, Lunt
both the champion and reserve
champion market hogs at. tho
Royal Agricultural Winter rail iu
Ile received $1.50 per pound
from K-Vet Ltd. of Toronto for
his ehampion hog and St.00 per
pound l'oi' his reserve cliampion
wan paid by c u riada Pack-
e'r8 Ltd. at the auction following
the salvo.
A Pot Luck Sonnet' was the set-
ting for Family Night of the
Majestic Women's Institute. Those
in charge of the supper were. Mrs.
Peggy CuMnore. nil's, Wilma :Hem-
ingway, Mrs. Marie MeTaggart.
ond Mrs, Marie
After a delicious meal. the Pro.
sident, Mrs. Alberta Smith called
the meeting to order. The Roll
Call. "Somotning 'I would like for
Christmas- was answered by the
husbands and broughi some hum-
OrOlIS answers. The ladies eno.h,
brought forward Li gift to be given
to the children ot the ..Children',.
Aid. Society.
The Majestic Women's Institute
will sponsor a Euchre Party on
Monday, Deeetither .lst at p.m
in the Library basement. necenth-
or I:lth is the Achievement Thy for
the Ill Club (lids with their
"Needle work" course. As ma try
members and mothers as posSiblc
ore asked to attend.
'Plans were made ror the Christ-
mas Shutt-in hoses to he made and
filled, and each member is to hring
on item for same to the Decembe.r
An innitation wits accoled from
Barn Destroyed by Fire
As welt as the Hishop and tit „
Archdeacon, guests inAnded
Apployard. the Rev, (1. C,, ntu..4(.11
;111(1 the Rev, and Mrs.
Craven, all of Iloderich„ the liev.
and Mitt, q, A, Anderson 01' !'I'L- .5 large crowd nttentled tin , in.e-
eter, the .Rev.' and Otis. 1?, '1'. sentation ill the Community
ndentlahl of Lucknow. the' Centro on Priday ev("Cn
honour of newly\veds MI'. and
Alt's. Ross Veitch. A congratulatory
address was read by Don smai.qin
.bill :NAM riCkl or presented the
couple with a !.Ji't, of money.
l'ffincing was enjoyed to the music
Archic,:linen's orehestra.
Knox Ladies' Aid Bazaar
'Cho aid or KID. i'lierch
bold a successful bazaar On S't 1-
urday afternoon in tin , Cmn-
munity Centro. In spit!, of the
wintery weather outside a nronrl.
crOW(1 v11011(10(1, The bazaar iv ;II.;
ilOVIOrkt open by Mrs. C. A. 'Winn
Monkten, and the homemade
Intkith.t, candy sowin4'. and. vege-
tables. ('II' soon disappeared, A
Roelof time Was enjoyed at the tea
Mrs. Maud Looming visited Suit -
day with the Rev, mud Mrs,
W. 0. liohinson Ceodertch.
Mrs. Walter i',roodfoot
turned homo from Lon dolt alto''
.-Tentliiin this post week with
Mr. and arse. ['erg Smalidon of
Welland spent the weekend with
Ole. owl Mrs, Clnrobl Snialld.op
Mrs. E. Alitchell grays 0!Ottle toe
tapping music on the violin accom
panied hy Mrs. E. Cunningham..
This vnoz most enjoyable. Mrs.
It. Fietningway thanked the ladies
,znd presented each with a 'small
''if was the month for OM-
nEiLing. committee hut as only five,
ir••c is rs we're needed Mrs. :Wm.
nioved these directors . be
ti-eleeted. Mrs. C. I.temingWay de-
cline(' re-election and Mrs.. L, Mc-
Cutheon was nominated to take ly.‘z,
place. Airs. N. 11cl.orty seconded,
motion carried. The directors for
two years are': Mrs. John Kelly„
it. W. :=',tephens, Mrs, L,
mcCatalleon. Mrs. N.. • DitetartY,
MI ,=-1 Mae Skelton.
Kelly then introduced
1.1'.s A. 1\1 ty re w gave. a
dcmonstration. on Christmas gifts
.unl decorations. this was Much
enjoyed. Mrs. Kelly thanked Mrs.
...vfcIntyre and presented her with'
0 Nip and Sallf"Or, Mrs,. McIntyre's
articles were for sale and many
Ili Pi !le some Cbris ttnas purchases;
'rho :,ale 'netted $1 0.20.
011 1L V. Stephens won the
door prim,. Tile Qnoen closed the
mooting .itni a delicious lunch was
served by.. Mrs, A, .AlcCall, Mts.
Ross Pennett, 011,s, Smalldon,
unit Mit, T. Looming,