The Brussels Post, 1969-11-13, Page 1,...511 A Year In Adva,xice • $2.13Q To U.S.A. 'ClE liltrSSEL Pt Till•Ftsituy, NOV,.18th, 1969 POST PLII3LISHING 14011SE - • * HOUSTON — SRYANS People of Dutch Descent -REMEMBRANCE SERVICES Present Gift of Tulip Bulbs HONOR OUR WAR DEAD' Arca Students Wirt Hpnors At Seaforth Graduation Among Scholarship and J\W;Ard winners at. Seaforth High School were the following students from this coinniunity; Porrie. UR. 3, Brussel; Carol Shorl.reed, RR 3, kNraltoni ]'neat CouUS, Walton; Rosemary Illt2, Brussels; Mary Bewo le Y. RH 1, 1\"alion; Keith Wilbee, Walton: llelen Searle, hats (L, 'Walton; Linda Traviss, Walton. Will Perrie, who is attending University in Toronto, was honie for the weekend. Sunday visitors with Mrs, Lytle GOrdon included Mr. and ?.1 s. Munro Landon, Simeoe, and their son Alex and Mrs. Landon and family from near Listowel. Don't forge the 'Pozaar in the Community Centre. 011 Saturday afternoon, November 1 5th at 2:30 p.m. Cranbrook W. I. Meeting The November meeting' of the W. 1. was held at the home of Mrs. Allan. MeTaggart with a good attendance. Miss Clara McGowan of the, (1hildren's Aid Society was Ktiesi speaker and was thanked by Mrs. Frank Workman. Mrs. Win, Bremner and Mrs. Workman -Were conveners. The roll call was gift for the Children's Aid. MrS. Breinner gave the motto "To give your home. a lived in look try decorating it with Your atnilt children." The December meeting will by at the borne of Mrs. Wilfred Strickler with a pot-hick noon meal. Mrs. Tames Hart and Mrs. Glenn Huether assisted tip) hmo,pss wit ft serving luncli, W.M.S. Afternoon Group rs. rtu!coa d Bett y wits hasIvH,4 for the Yovember meeting of the Afternoon .Citoup of the W.M.S. of Ynox Presbyterian Church. .A "Remembrtnce Day" rending was given by the I ea thir, Miss Alice Forrest, also o "prayer for peace", The roll call 'ivnts answered With remetnirrance verse. A letter front Mrs. McTavish, Sliakcs. Imre, was read by the secretary Mrs.. Stanley Fischer. Consider milt; discussion look place on Kin- tail Camp and Synodical. Mrs Clare Veitch and Mrs. Stanley Fischer reported on the "work- shop" whieh they attended in 1,ist, owel on October 1.5th. The study Hook for 1 970 was discussed crutte fully, The topic on "Preparation" :wale given by Mrs Mac Engel with reltditigs "Ftreakitig the Languagq Harrier" and 'A 'Rothe Away ftboni Heins" gi'Ven by Mrs. Lylle Cordon, and Mrs. Stanley Fischer. Mist' Alum J. Forrest, read an article Od "War Cent eteries irf T-Tollarirl" from the "Glad Tidings" and Writ, ten by Leeta McCiillydherry, 'l lily meeting closed with a "1"statiottal Prayer" a/id tt Bible 0:01/, eon. ibirited by the "Wier: VoA, Bray anti fq6W- • '00NALO.ANDREW MARKS A coonnittol service Will hent itt the Brussels Cemetery Chapel for Donald Andrew Marks, Infant son of Air, and Mrs, Stanley Mark,,„ of RR, A, Brussels, Age one (lay, Rev. K. Stokes of St. join] Anglican Church officiated. MRS. CECIL BATEMAN. Mrs. Cecil Ilatemoti o 07, Ethel., died Sunday ot -her home. She th MP)' 1t:dylbr gl ary Ames; daughter of late Mr, and Airs. joseph Antos, and 'was lanal in Grey Township hi 1 0 2. She was married in 1.92).. to Cecil Bateman and they lived in .GrPy• since then. except. from 1911 to. 1'145 when they lived in Listowel, She was a member of Ethel United C11(11'011. Surviving, • lir() her husband, daughters Mrs, john (Helen) Coghill] of Elgin 'I'ownship; Mrs, ;Fumes (Marjorie) Stroll/ors, 'Plthel: 111 rs. Peter Tian)(Drage= ts, Oshawa: Mrs. William (Doris) Afonkton; sons Pamen, Millbank, Robert and Donald. Ethel; brother :4, -Bryan, Atwood, Carl, Hamilton; sister Mrs, Frank (Lila) 'Hunter,. Oshawa. The funeral, service Was held Corn the Peebles- Funeral 'Home. Atwood, on . WedneSday at. .2 Onto 1.3ttrial was 3n. Mount Pleasant cemetery, MRS, Wm. H. STILES Mrs. Sarah Martha Stiles, widow of 1.11e late William IT. Stiles died Thursday in Wing-ham and Distrief Trompital. in her 71.st year. Born in Gorrie, she, was 'the daughter or the late Mr, and Mrs. She is surviTed by five dought. ers: Mrs. William r.aster, Windsor; Alice Stiles, Toronto: Mrs. William (Annie) Spelt's, T,e(hbridge, Alta,: Mrs. Ceorge (Dorothy) AIirbett, (ltioloh; Al's. Willis (Barbara) .Knight. Brussels; `1118. William, Hashaw. Alta.; Josepli, Lambeth: Mnrany, Tor- onto; Xenneth, Winnipeg: John. Innisfail Alta.; Stewart, London: G ord an and Edward, both of Brussels.: three sisters, Mrs. Prod (Barbara) Thnell and Mrs. William (Mary) MeQuarrie hoth of Mus- sel; Miss Dorothy Speer, Windsor. The funeral was held from her late residenco at 2 p.m. on Monday. The Rev. P) EJellrew officiated, Burial wos in Brussels Cemetery, Pallbearers worn Russel Trull, (noun smith. 'George Somers. Leonard Machan, Stewart Lowe, and Pick MCQuarrie, Flower bearers were: michoel Stile, TArry Stiles, and Garry 'East. BORN (11AIG Wingharn and Dist- rict 'Hospital, on itnesdny, Nov, to Mr. tout Mrs. William J. Craig, 1.-M Bly,th, a dooghter. f4cYrte.t Tho HPHAMA uotit, tfig hold • Ololtit.M01 DINOWItfiiit Duane .1111-bony. son o r Air and Airs. Lawrence Barlow was eel in' Rev. IT. Waite at Kim\ Presbyterian Churah oo Sunday. All's Edythe Cardiff entertained at a birthday party Saturday fete APatiiiiiinutiticee, Pitt rho !lot-144'1;J litir 11.111.10•11. '1111• resident:, of this ,troa who are of Datvh closeent, preSented th BrItssois Canadian Legion ',Orb lioiland Tulip This friendly gest.ure wag Inade in Venn ,Mbraneo of rho part our soldiers played in the 1...ber,ition of their Holland. in World War It. The presentation took place 611. the Remembrance I tay Legion banquet.. Air. and Alt's, C000dtl E\e'. Lind Ali'. and. Mrs. [lank TenPes attended as representatives of the donors. Ted Elliott, president o; the Brussels Legion, accepted the gift front Geral 'Elxel and expio-000-d the thanks of everyone. Both -Mr. Esel and Air. TenPas spoke briefly. MELVILLE LADIES' AID M.& er nod a poem followcri lii1 hymn The devotional pa rt of the meet- -log was taken by Mrs. Black :oil Mrs. Bowman. Roll Call was re- sponded lo, by a Bible verse ono- I o the ',void "Proiyire". Mrs. Sunlit ixa\•e the topic., Stitch- \n. 5, "New .Nets in .Mission" from the Study Hook. A hymn was sung and the president, Mrs. Gibson eon- ducted the business part of the meeting. The offering wns received anti and. cledientd. An invitation was received to attend a Thanko.fffer- ing la 001111 giii MoIesworth Nov. t2. A discussion followed as to the Study Book to he used in 1‘,171). Air's. Yulll and Alt's. Malt' were appoitted Os a norainnting com- mit:leo to present at now slate of officers 111 th0 Det!etober meet ,. Ing. itt 016 PPOlt rills] irltt: t'•,:•ai• 1 , rtIliaf .,11 :.311.1(1, ifi1Q hit!: td4i1 tfie 110166liqin Those who gave ihcir lives in war v;',-re remembered here In, Roy.,1 cantidian Legion "Remom.- Illy Services" Members of the 'Brussels Brartert and their Ladies Auxiliary gathered at the Cenotaph to pay tribute to. their 1'dt/en comrades, T tov were, juin od by residents of tho conu- olunoy Brimsels Brawl' 21S of the Royal Ted Elliott. president of' the, CL,,andian Legion, was in charge.- The invocation Prayer and script- ure reading were given by 01E); Rev, 11, »ocken of Wallark United' church. Wreaths were laid by the follow- ing people. Province of Ontario Gordon eGavin Brussels W. T. Mrs. Douglas em gV114Y Brussels Fire Sept. : me,Whirter Gerald Exel and Family Henry Exel Th. L'Ist Post was stun-Med and w ) Ill ilia PS Or Silent rEztnoinb- ran(•e o bserved. After Reveille the veterans and ladies of the under command of Ted. Elliott, marched to, the 'United Church led by the Stilsatets Royal Canadian Legion nand. Rev. LoDrow condlicted Church service and chose a 901111011 WET'. "They Did Not in Vain''. Tn the evening' the BrusSefs Mari held 9 bniiqa et. ill the Loo,iou Tall attended by Itc.itIvC1 It. 11 Codsiloi V11911:114A1 4,11400 111' h MOM. #1P M,45,„ CRANBROOK Brussels ' nited Churolt wa.t the setfim.t on Soturday, November •th, fur the ma rriage vows of Linda Mao .Bryans, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John Bryans of Bros. sets find Robert joules Houston, :,on mt.% and Mrs. Rote llousLon of Gre),.. Township. Rov. Eric Lel)rew performed the ceremony amid a setting of brwrze and yel- low mums and eandleabra.. ,\liss Linda \N'ilson, cousin of the bride. was soloist and she sang wedding Prayer, and Walk Ilan(' In Hand. She was accompanied by Airs. Lyle Brothers of Searboro. The bride, given 111 marriage by bey fotber, was gcovned in white ella ac'cente'd with a lace neckline and a. row of face down the front. ITer long train 1 ,x1.(-3Hled from It bow and fe,tiured foot' matching rows of late. Tier shoulder-length veil was gathered • to, a into bow on her hair. .She (•arritql n lunon.l. of yellow roses, oltrysanthermons and Melo, h tt antis. • Miss Barbaro 1!‘ryans 'was maid. of honour for her sister. The hridosulaid were 'i\fiss Fileanor Davidson of Toronto. Miss 1.11ento' lrmiSton of Windsor.• and Miss Janice TIOUst0B, both s is ers of the groom. • • • • • • Their floor-length gowns wore Of era nge Italian h n mered peau do satin. They featured lolls: • sleeve's and. o on empire waist gethered „ot the frrnit how Little 'Cheryl. Fraser, cousin of the groom; . was flower girl. I for gown was white peon do satin with °ring(' I rim. .They all had hticldrnn or yellow raises in them' hair and they carried. boouets of • bronze mums Anil yellow roses tied with green ribhon. The groom was affemied by Mr. Gerald Smith of Brussels 'rile ushers were Mr. Sohn De," and Alt', Toni Henry. both of Kitchener, unit "Mr. Murray Houston, brother 01' this groom. ReceiVin;2; gnosis fin' dinner in the church basement the mother wore a dress and coot ensemble of green brocade with a oorsage of bronze mums anti a hat of matching fentliers and loaves. The groonos mother won, white wool dress with green thread intortwio- ed throughout. }Tor hot was white velvet petals, Brad she had on orchid corsage. For trarolting to- the Coiled States the bride wort, n still of grim!) old orange plaid with tan arcessories and a corsw.o, of brow', mums. On their return they will reside ie Kitchener. The Ladw...i' Aid or irttssels Legion Herb. TralrieEr Church met at the home or Alt's. Legion Auxiliary. .. Mrs„ David. Cleve Uneker. Mrs. W C'. Xing HaetInger {,‘,:irl,%),,,nod. the meetina. ()ocotillo Legion Pipe '[hint]........ „....„ TM • - \ti oditation followed by :t McFarlane. hymn anril ii Paint on Aiitnrnrt In Memory of Peter Baker Mrs.: Joe Baker The roll call was answered by Village of Reeve TL. Thoughts of Remeiiihrunce. Day and Tbanksgivitoo Scripture was TW a, of (4'0Y • Reeve charieg read by -Mrs. 'Matheson and prayer Thomas l)y• Mrs. 'Purvey, Secretary's report Twr• of Morris Reeve ViritL was :given by Airs. Kerr and hit:- Elston Hymn ;;',10 was sung followed by Brussels Lions Calvin ;motif statement hy Mrs, en 'Dnis. rtiirrent p von t s. ginaned from th e .Si, AP' & AM ....,.....T(.C r1:1C8rt: -was roceived and meet- 'COOP Rebekah Lodge • .8:',11Tri7: Record. read by Mrs. Trir -ey-. The,, Daring the business oirt of thr Brussels railed •Church G 7 e ...r irCe1 7; lTa ()den ing• closed with Mizpah (notion. meeting' it quilt "'one coot on i o ! qt, .Suttee's Anglican Church Lady" nts.tile• Al ma. \vo ,:ta l lAlary PenningtOU quilted by-.the •Lt dies Aid uve ,1 St kmbrose Catholic Church nloYed. Arrangements were nrole Mrs. Margaret elly fur the Christmas Ineetimo L Mt., unch Iville Presbyterian Church sc're'edAirs, Williams and Airs. Gibson. Puff's rnited Church, Walton ...„• Mrs. f.wni:i.tititel.T:lal.setiv.vtli cgl‘s Imperial 'Bank of Commerce ..,. The \"V.M.S. of Melville Choreh p russo l F, Gordon Guy . rota: 11.1 the cintrell pitriour Ethel iv,Mrs Chester' Earl day a t 2.3(1 for their regular meet- Cranbrook W Mrs. Russell in g. Mrs. \V. W. Smith convened Knight the meeting,. opening pray- walton ;Ales. herb Travise Wineber, MELVIL,LE \N. the his