The Brussels Post, 1969-09-25, Page 6 THE DRUMM POST. BRUSSELS. ONTARIO THURSDAY, SEPT. 25th, 13(19 • W. J. HENDERSON Milverton Dial 595_4483 LICENCE() AUCTIONEERS RATES REASONABLE GIVE The Bouquet Invitation Line be oxperitivizt. Our beautiful Batigisfa in/es this with the most exquisite papers, we.rkinanshlp you could with fist 11 •ir ,ivihg—rich raised tet.r.itir.1— plogoTo - we4 uy.firtti ..ci rAtiol nail, OFE OUR NEW CATALOGUE, TH BRUSSELS POS QUEST FROM 'HOLLAND \'1 TENDS MAJESTIC W.I. icontinued front page one) The Huron County Rally for W. l's will he held at Dungannon on October --tits.- Anyone who eau go please call Mrs. Alberta Smith or Mrs. Marie MeCutcheon. The Guelph Area convention Is to be held in Guelph on October 3th and 9111. . . • Mrs. l)evrtes '.behalf of her oster showed. the tablecloth which our institute had sent to the Holland Institute of which Mrs. Straatsma Is a member and also read a letter in which the memb- of that institute sent greetings to ours and also the highlights of their program - for the year. It was a very worth while and inter- eating program and maybe we tan make use of some of their ideas next year, Mrs. Jennie Straehan, a conven- er of Historical Research and Cur- rent Evenig then took charge of the meeting. The Ron Call was !'Each memb- er brings wrapped old bat to sell for a 4illne and the buyer wears it for the rest of the meeting." There were many "New tork" creations • which cursed much laughter a the members wore them and paraded round the room a number of times. Mrs. Marie Davis,. convener of Historical Research and "Current Events gave an interesting ac- count of a bus trip to Dresden. -Fairfield Village, Moravian Town and other _ places of interest where, Uncle Tom's Cabin, mils, eums. Tecumseh's monument, an Indian village, were to be seen. She also read part of the story of Miele Tom's cabin, illustrated by pictures. Copies of old newspap- ers dating back to 1S27 were on display. As grandmothers were being honored at this meeting a number of gifts were given. The oldest grandmother present was Mrs. Frank Nichol. The one with the most grandchildren, Mts. a Parish with twenty-Tour. The grandmother coming the ,farthest, Mrs. P. Straatsma. Hol- land. - The grandmother with the youngest grandchild, Mrs.. Eleanor Hemingway.. All grandmothers present had a lovely corsage made by Mrs. Cudmore, pinned on them. Mrs. Earl Cuchnore pleased the audience with a reading on: Vrand. mother" and several other humor- ous readings. Current events prepared by Mrs. Jeasie. Engel were read by Mrs. Amy Spir. • The Sunshine coreaction was taken, the Queen and W.I. grace sung, after which lunch was serv- ed by Mrs. Leona Armstong, Mrs Marie MeCutcheon. and Mrs. Elea- nor Hemingway wearing dainty. little evens designed by Mrs. :I-Temingway to welcome Mrs. Straatsma. These were glvett to kher later. SEAFORTH UPFIOLSTERY Centre Street For all kinds of ophosteritig Brussels Repretetitative: tattLIVM iftinf16 tit) f1t rill HURON COUNTY PLOWING MATCH SATURDAY, OCT. 4th Huron County Plowman's As- soelation, at a recent meeting made plans for their 1969 Plow- ing match, and Farm Machinery Demonstration. to be held on "Par-Avon" the farm of John Rodgers on number S highway, 3 miles east of Goderich on. Satur- day, October .1, 11169, The contest in Huron for the Queen of the farrow, will be one of the highlights, The Winner of this contest will represent Huron at the International Plowing Match at Burford. A horse shoe pitching contest is also planned under the chair- manship of Courtland He& of RR No. 3, Ooderich. Them; will be special classes for new farmers, municipal coun- cillors and menibers of parliament. Clinton Junior Farmers ara planning to have a refreshment booth, end to supply lunches for the plow-bays. Prize lists are available from the secretary it, Nalan. RR 1, Hearol'Ul• 001...imokomboirsisitan 'or A Better USED CAR AT THE RIGHT PRICE 1968 MONTAGO 2D FIT. tyl. Auto Radio 1965 FALCON 4D 6 cyl. Auto, Trans. 1965 PLYMOUTH 4D 6 cyl. Auto. Trans. 1964 DODGE 40 6 cyl. Auto. Trans, 1967 DODGE 400 2 TON CAB & CHASSIE .SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES ON ALL 1969 'FORD CARS 1970 MODEL TRUCK NOW OrN bISPLAY RI GE MOTORS \YOUR. MUSTANG, FALCON, FAIRLANE, FORD and THUNDERBIRD DEALER "BRUSSELS PHONE 249 WINGHAM PHONE 357-3460 ETHEL Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dragomatz and family, Oshawa. were visitors with Mr. and Mrs.Cecil Bateman. Dennis Earl, who attends Sir *Sanford Fleming College. Lindsay. :spent, a weekend at home Percy Stephenson. who has been a patient in Listowel Mem- orial Hospital for several weeks has returned home. Douglas Pearson has resumed his studies at Waterloo University, Mr. and Murray. Smith and Catherine, recently returned from Malaysia, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Cardiff .prior to leav- ing for Honduras. their next as- signment. Deh'ile. Barbara and Sandra Rathwell. spent a weekend with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Conley. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley .7.11achan of Listowe: were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Speiran, Honored on Birthday Mrs. Sarah Foss. mother of Mrs. W. Kreuter, and well known here, wits honored on her Stith birthday oa September 15th. She was enter- tained hy members .of her family at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Jack Jenkinson. and tit a dinner party at. the Conntry Squire. Oakville. Ethel W. I. Ethel Women's Institute held held their September meeting at the home of Mrs. Carl Mcl)onald. .There were 14 members and four guests in attendance. Mrs, McDonald commented on the motto "Sail like man deter- iorates when it is abused". Mrs. C. Raynard presented the topic "Meeting present day problems in an interesting way". The president, Mrs. C. Earl, presided over the business period. Plans for the October 25th bazaar were discussed. Delegates to the rally being held hi -Dungannon on October 6th, and to the Guelph convention on October 8th, .were appointed. PHONE 199 ELDON STECKLEY Dial 595_4707 AND VALUATORS NQ SALE TOO SMALL, A CALL BERG Sales Service Installation FREE ESTIMATES • Barn Cleaners O Bunk Feedera ( Stabling DONALD G. IVES h.R. Phone brussels 443W4 SINGALONG JUBILEE Anne Murray (right)• and Edith'igutler are two reasons Why CBC-TV 'is so opts:ithiStie about a new fall program Bifigakitig Jubilee which begins Friday, September 26. Anne is a former physical educhtloit teacher arid a regular on Sihgalong, Edith AgAttrati •follisi9ger will he ilifiking owlet timotimitoti