The Brussels Post, 1969-09-25, Page 1russeto $2.50 A Year In Advance •--$3.51) To U.S.A. T110 BRUSSEL POST. TIIV1USDA1', SEPT, 25th, 1069 POST PUSI4S.HING. HOUSE COME RAIN, COME SHINE, COME AND SUPPORT YOUR BRUSSELS FALL FAIR liortieultural Society 'September Meeting The Septeinber meeting of the Iiruasels Horticultural Society Was held Monday, September 15th in the Piddle' Library. Mrs. Wm. Miller presided, There were 27 members and eight guests present., The meeting Opened. with 0 Canada, The minutes and treasur- er's report followed. Mrs. Cud- more gone On account of the an- nual flower show. She reported a balance. of over $S0,00 .from the supper. Mrs. 'Moorhead, the judge made several suggestions which wore. expla ined, also her mention of workshops throughout the year, Tho Misses Valiance favoured With two much enjoyed duets. Mrs. L. Frain thanked the girls and presented a gift. Mr, A. Knight read the News Letter. Prizes from the flower show,Were given cut, Mrs, Edwin Martin showed piet- ures of their trip to the NAtest Coast and some around home, These Were much enjoyed by all. Mrs. E. Cudin ore thanked Mrs. Martin and presented a gift. Mrs. Martin drew Ilia winning ticket On the quilt. Winner being Mrs, (Vail Currie, Brampton. Mrs. A. Bremner, another guest, drew the ticket on the pillow cases, the winner being Miss Mary Ellen Knight. The door prize was won by Mrs, RusSell Marks of Walton. The Queen closed the meeting and lunch was served by Mrs, f, Cur-thigh:am_ Mrs. Wm. Campbell, Mrs. James Muir, arid Mrs, E, Cad- More with Mrs. G. Wheeler help lag to serve. BLUEVALE Mi'. and Mrs, Larry Bodell and Son Michael, Germany, are holi- daying with her parents, Mr, and Mrs'', hill Peacock of RR 2, Dine- vale. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Craig of RR Vingham, have returned home all er a short vacation. Mr. Ross Smith, BR 1. Wing- ham, visited al. the home of and 11irs. 'Ken 3ohnston. ER 1, Bluevale. on SOnday. Ituit, 1 of the Bluevale , (1, held their regular meeting Wed- nesday, a iternoon, September 17th. at the home of Mrs, Vera Nichol- son. The afternoon was spent Malting, Mit 1 of the illttevale iT,ONCr, inet at the hoitie of Mrs. Shirley Nicholscin oil Monday, Sept, 212nd. The ladies spent the evening Working at guilt patches. Lunch was served by Audrey Johnston, 'Corot Campbell and the hostess. Bblevale Hothemalting Club held their second meeting ToeS,. day night, Sept. 16th, at the home of Joan Darling. Notes and Instruetionti on 'NO0(11.0.1VOrk were gill[( tYY 1\1111, if (Mit Villttifir4 !In if , Mrilfi MRS. ROBERT THOMSON Mrs. Robert. Thontson,(Jean C. McLanehlin) passed away in To)'- onto on August 31st, 1969, in her 93rd year, The funeral was held in Mussels 211 'Sept, 2nd, Mr, Thomson pasod away forty years ago and Mrs, Thomson con- tinued to Make her home in Bras, sels until a few years ago when she took up residence in Toronto. She is survived by her sister. Margaret 1111r. A. K. Zapte). Three brothers, Thomas. George and R. McLauchlin predeceased her. She will be well and kindly rem- embered by ninny friends. JAMES E, RHOADES jarnes E. Rhoades, 87, of Bins- sets died Sliturday at Westmin- ster Hospital, London, Mr. Rhoades, a veteran of the Boer War, was widely known here where he, served for many years as caretaker of the Brussels Public School. He was a member of the Brussels Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion. He is survived by a son; Cecil, of Ripley. The funeral was held from the IL A. Ram' funeral home on Tues- day, at 2 p,m. Burial was in .Brus- SelS Cemetery. Rev, C. A. McCarroll officiated, Pallbearer were RuSSell Knight, Frank Carter, Jas. Dellow, John Alcoek, Ross Bennett, and Bevan ENGAGEMENT Air. and Mrs. Eldon Wilson wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Cale Louise, ileg. 0., to Mr. Harry A. Schmidt, son of Mrs, Alphonse Schmidt and the late Mr. Schmidt of Mildmay; Ont- ario. The wedding is to take place on Friday, October 10th, at 7 p.m in St. Ignatius Church. Deeinerton. BOWLING NOTES After two nights of bowling the looms are doing hull e well The standings are as follows: Points Ruth's Rascals 15 . Muzzle's Pussies 15 \.l's Aces • 11 J'ack's ...... . .. . . Jane Ward .... . .......... 7 Cord's Cats . ... .. ... „„„. 7 Ladies' Stinglet T)oris Matheson . . . ... 271 Rath Ilttether 269, 248 Ruth Lowe 260, 252 Ladies' Triplet nOl'i Ma.thesbn Ruth fillet:her Ruth Lowe Men's Singles Ned Rutledge Murray Lowe Barry Peters Men's Triples .f-Ta.stingS .... TIMIS muff! Tifilff3 ,...sepss,,))) SEE THE EXHIBITS • ENJOY THE CONCERT See the exhibits al. the Palace tonight aud enjoy the Variety Cons eels: being presented by represent-. alives from 1.110 Grey, IlEslgra '\Patton, rind Brussels schools a. well as .other local talent, The "Post" .haS said 1111 it Nun Nov' it is up Co you. .See you at the Brussels Fair. on Friday,' Bride Honored By Friends A miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Mrs. Donna •Me- Arter to honor Mrs. Jean Hutchin- son, of Hamilton. (formerly ;roan Bolger), who was recently mar- vied, The bride was presented with many lovely and useful gifts and received the good wishes of her friends. A delicious lunch was served by the hostess. NOLAN CRAIG Patricia Ann Craig, daughter Or iind Mrs. Melvin Craig of RR 1, Winghain and Donald Austin Nolan, son of. Mr. and Mrs. :lames Nolan of 11,R 2, Brussels. were married at St, Ambrose ilontan Catholic outtleh, Brussels, on. Saturday, September 6th, Maher J. Mooney performed the double4.ing ceremony, "Miss Yvonne Connelley, 'Brussels was organist and Mrs. Bill Campbell of Dublin sang "0 Promise Me" and the 'Wedding Prayer" The bride was given in mar- riage by her rather. She Made her floor length gown at' moire silk .1:11f feta , with Aline skirt, empire waist and shaped bell sleeves,. A matching train attached by a back how fell troin the empire waist.- line. Her shoulder length veil of nylon tulle in femr tiers' was held by soft velvet. bows and she car- ried giant white mums, Fier sister. Miss 'Marg Craig of Cl'uelph was Maid of honor, She ,,vore a floor length A-line gown of avacado moire silk taffeta with empire waistline. short sleeves and trimmed with velvet ribbon, and matching rosettes and she carried bronze giant mums. In identical attire Were the bridesmaids, Mrs. Larry Martin, :Kitchener. sister of the bride, :Miss Becky Nolan, Brussels, sister of the groom and Miss Pianne Trutter or Kitchener, Barry Nolan, ,Kitchener, brother of 'the groom, was best man. The ushers were Larry Martin, Riteh- oner John: Carswell, EAtehener, and Joe Sterile'. of Stratford. The bridal party and parents of the bride and grooM re- ceived the gabsts at. the Prated Church in 13111evale. The bride's mother wore tr honey beige dress with brown feather hat, browit patent accessories and orange The groom's Mother cage, s hose tl blue dteSs 'with, Ma belting hat', biat0,-. anceooriop 0tIO pink PEOPLE WE KNO1A, Miss Anne Oldfield, Western Vnivorsity student, London, was home for the weekend, Mrs. F, (looper, wile has been a patient in. Searorth Ifespital atone home Tuesday. Mrs, A. K Zapfe, of Toronto, has been the guest of Mrs. AI, Ballart- jack Willis, long-tile' baker at the local bakery has token a pas- Won in Burlington. join' Hanna has also taken a Position there. Armstrong suffered facial burns Friday while burning brush Ian Matheson, manager of the mcArtnur AVen £' BTU. nch of the Canadian imperial Bank of Com- merce, in Eastview, has received an award of $100 front Si Institute of Canadian Bankers for topping 'his class in a banking course held at the Vniversity of Ottawa. The course '`The Banker and Society" was held in 20 participating mit-. versifies across the country. —NDLAN SAUDER Pink and white gladoli amid eandleight rorinct the setting when Lorraine Alice Sander ox- changed marriage vows with Barry Richard Nolan, on Satur- day, September 19th, in Ambrose Church, Brussels, The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Mary Sander, Breslaii, a lid the late Waiter Sander, while the groom's parents are Mr. and. Mrs, James Nolan of RR 3, Brussels. 'Reverend John Mooney perform- ed the ceremony, The wedding, music was played by Miss 'Yvonne Connelloy. Mr. James Sander of Brei an gave his sister in in a Frio. e. The bride chose a street length dress of white 'velvet and her flowers were a cascade of pink roses. The bride's only attendant was her sister, Mrs, IKetih Douglas. 1-Ter dress of forest green velvet was styled identically to that' of the bride, and she carried a hocntet of pink and white roses, Pink roses adorned the hair of both the bride and I'm. sister. Mr. Donald Nolan, Rid 1, Brus- sels, brother of the groom. was best man ,and the ushers were Mr. Douglas Lowe of Kitchener, and Mr. Keith Douglas. London, brother-in4aw of the bride. A floral arrangement of pink roses graced the table for the Buffett lunch at, the' reception which followed in the parish i After a wedding trip to Northern Ontario the couple will live ilt Kitchener, The bride is a recent graduate of the 'Guelph General Hospital School of Nursfng. corsage, The young couple enjoyed a Wedding trip to N.orthern Ontario and Qiiebeis For travelling the bride wore a pink dress and i• nu , which she made herself. Her ac- cessories were. 'navy and she wore corsage or pink' roiq-.!a, Mr: Anti mm !tom 100 MIRO GUEST FROM HOLLAND' ATTENDS MAJESTIC 'W.I. The .1-toptenihor iin of the Majestic Women's Institute on llistorieal _Research and current 1.7vents was hold in the BrtieselEf:. Public Library on Thursday even-; ing September l•Ith at 8 p.m. with tendanee of 28. In the ab- sence of the president, MrS.• Mrs. Alberta Smith, the vice-. Prebitienl, AIrs.Leona Armstrong opened the meeting with the singim,r of the Ode followed by the Mary Stewart Collect. She wel- comed those present with a very hearty welcome to Mrs. Straatsina. of Holland, a sister of Mrs.. H, Devries, Ali those members who 'helped make the Iluronview • August birthday party such :1. succes,-: were thanked, The minutes of the July meeting, the financial report and some eorrespondence were read by the secretary, Mrs. Marie McCutcheon. She presented Mrs. Leona Arm- strong with a, bank hook for their new baby daughter. ''Thank You" from Mrs. Donald Perri e and Miss Beth Hoover were read. -Money making schemes were • discussed. It was decided. to hold a. Dessert Euchre in October.. A group diplay. depicting "Song Titles tv111 he entered at the 131 ussels.' Fall Falir. {continued' on inside page)1 WALTON t Lee a tt ending Water- 1,1n Vniversity. Fred Watson has been a patient in Clinton Hospital for the last throe weeks. Tom Leeming of Guelph Vniver- sity spent the weekend with his parents Sir. and Mrs. 'W. J. Loom- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Smalidon visited last week with :Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smalid.cm. .Jack McCall of Guelph .FniVer- sity spent the weekend with his, parents Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Call. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Cooper of - Ottawa, visited for several days' v:1 1th Mr. and Mrs. T-Tarold Small- don MrlITILLE GUILD The Guild of Melville Presby terion ehurch held their regnlso Meeting in the church par:tont on. Tuesday night September 16th, The meeting °polled by the reading of a Doom on Fall by marg. .Krantor Bynin ..Lill was sung followed by the scripture hieing read from Luke 6. verses 30-19. in unison. Ntancy MacLean gave the pro yo.. A. story Sep- tember was read by Marg. Kreuter followed by the topic given by „te.),a Ireland. Hymn 553 was ming followed by all repeating the Tbit %ak. atilt tt;t'his; 693 691 657 278 2'37 264 662 043 61 :4'61.1 itt Pair