The Brussels Post, 1969-08-28, Page 7WM. ADAMSON LIVESTOCK TRANSPORT Formerly Ken Sholclice Transport; PHONE BRUSSELS 357J4 PCV CLASS FS and F THE 1.3.1tUSSFIL POST, ONTARIO THURSDAY, AUGUST '28th, 1.90 e' this net ve., the ice Ligp 000 000 11.1(1 me nee for- ce as "willOOrw'mcOlOw°164221 .13 41M100,'" DANCE BRUSSELS LEGION HALL FRIDAY, AUGUST 29th Music By: DESJARDINE ORCHESTRA Restricted to Persons 21 Years and Over Admission $2.00 per Couple Sponsored by the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 218 PUBLIC SERVICE DEPARTMENT orn- et: GENTLEMEN'S CLUB NEWS ITEMS SO 11lan,v people ationt games and really understand Cho' finer points of the garne I oonsidor it my duty to explai everything thoroughly, . !laviii played bard hall years ago with the Ilro\vittown 1111shwhne1cers am fully qualified. The main ()Dist is 1.)w judge, called the 1:1111.tire. stands bellittri the catcher, fle has a helper Me) stays Out oft the field, (loth riressed• in •Itiock but .whoever f 5 dead .(1611.1: '50('01 to have much signifiganee., prop ably only their niot -la \v. ThE., one follow must have ulcers because he wears o hig pad over hia stoulach. It could lie 110'S too 10'0 to Step out of tt., way of the pitched NM. Ire surely can see then) continp,.. That's his joh. The,) again' I've heard the crowd, one half of the crry\vd I mean. say, ,'Ile's a, Hind as 0 hal", "Where's yore( glases". '"Yon couldn't see haloon''. -NU!. etc. The fi.dlow who throws the hall to the hatter has an important jolt. He walks into position like a king. taking his throne, With the right shoe, which is filled with ands or iron corks, he carefully digs a hole about a foot scructro and derp while the crowd wails itrouthlessly. Then he lakes the other root and fills this hole Full, levels it off. Grabs the hall and Starts swaying back anti forward, I says to Walter Kerr, whom I always sit beside, what's he (Min'? Waiter says. ',he's 'Winding up". I guess he has Smile king of Liddell flw we w wi tit 1 tm u vvvywwyrmatte spring or battery. Well lee raises• OTIO foci even with his belly and and the ball leaves his hand, The umpire says str i i i ke ono. One half of the crowd cheers the other half says aw ship, T guess it makes them sea sick Neyt time .the. •crowd cryis reversed. A funny thing, (I guess it's hereditary), cause the .pitcher's name is 'al- ways pitch. "flood work pitch", '(1%) hack to the farm pitch". Ono night 1111011 Rutledge was fanned out told OS lie went by me 1 beard him say " Son of 0 Ditch" T knew then pitche's father played ball and his name was ilk() pitch. Well pitch lets it go again and Walter says to me. "did you see. Mot eurve?" I looked both ways lint tnere wasn't tI womait in sight ex- cept one weighing about 200 lbs. CUM'S on a big woman like that don't: inlereSt Die. When 1 got back to the game there was the unlit pointing his . left hand . lit the crowd lritli three fingers extend- ed, J figured somebody had threw a pop bottle at him but genial. John Lowe is too smart for that. he sells his juice.in.paper caps, says to Walter, look at flu amp. What (lees three ringers moan Pointing at the sky? Walter look- ed at MO as if T didn't understand. the game aitd hollered, three baits, After an. acquaintance or fifty years he could have been It little more • explicit. Then. the hall comes of the hat and goes up lit the a Stewart McCall holler's "get •that fly", `.'t-lrab that fly" Imagine :interrupting a hall game to chase a• Differnit milers have• different rules, fl' a hall goes bight' in the With dirussels players, three or Tour all run within' five feet of where it Will all. .1ust. out of arms length. They...ell watch it hit the ground. Then they leave ,the. hail there while fate rifylner • walks leisurely bOrne. The, best player of all, 1. figure ris the guy who can hit fouls. Any' body can hit a ball straight out but the guy who can hit a ball over his shoulder, as often a.s eight. • tiniest' o me he's 'a hose, I must. object to lolling people play with a hole in their bat. Every night you, hear the r•roWd say, a hole in his hal. This hat should he destroyed, The • ono). night J said •ti: Walter '0 1\110 is' • that batting for Walton?" T was informed it. was their 'minister, A 11(1. can he rum! It looked to me as i f the devil Was after him instead of the Other way around. Well, if further information mitred T will only he too happy to inform you. Truthfully Yours, T. K. F. BANK INSPECTOR FRAUDS. UNDER INVESTIGATION BY THE O.P.P. sHrt' Superintendent 10 11105 L. Erskine of the O.P.P. Ant Rackets Branch, reports a recur- rence of 'Bank Inspector Frauds" this year. Any • time during banking- hours of a 'weekday, the telephone may ring in an. .average middle-(,:loss home Usually that of all elderly 'widow. The mole caller, in a -very bilsineSs-like and authoritative manner, Will identify himself' as either a "bank official" or The caller \yid then, in a very persuasive tone, obtain from the \ let i 111 informa lion Concerning the atnennt of inOney on deposit in her nor:cunt. Tie will then request Hui/ ,she go to the bank and with- draw a substantial sum of money front her accounl. As part of the scheme, the victim is aftvised that in making this withdrawal. she will assist in trapping the dishon- esi employee; she will also be advised not to tell anyone. The caller may offer to pick her up, send a trrxi, meet her at a pre, determined rendezvous, or imply that she May have received counterfeit Trimioy in a recent withdrawal and he will take .1111, examine it for her. If she expres- ses doubt that the caller is a police officer of a bank official, he will tell her to hang up and• eoll back, however, he will keep her line open by not hanging up and when she dials, he will answ- er- accordingly, Wank. inspeetc)rk or Police °floors DO NOT under tiny eirt•um- staii0Os ask. persons to withdraw • tmoney front the hank. Any person under these rh'eum' •s Ione es. should call their load . police department on a neigh 11)111's • toll:Then O. . This scheme has heon used with •increasing regularity ill cities and rural communities aCrOSS Canada and the United States, Thousands of dollars have been taken trnni trusting elderly. people, in some eases their life .saVings. Thanks for renewing' your Post, 01111.11•••••n ••1111111•1 1111111111rmallinOstrimillElliimitill. SPECIAL NOTICE SUNRISE DAIRY OF WINGHAM WILL BE DELIVERING, DOOR TO DOOR, FRESH, DAIRY PRODUCTS MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY This Dairy is locally owned and operated. For home delivery phone collect 357-,--1260 or see your driver, sales- ((tans Allen. Relative and friends of elderly people s1101110 impress 1.1pen them member of the Police IIepartment, that they should never under presently investigating a d ishonest an y d"flinstalu." withdraw money from their bank accounts, hank employee suspected of Lamp- when approached in the above cring with the customer's account. manner. They should ALWAYS 001151111 ihe POLICE, or their 13ANTI< MANAGER personally, rt,„..," -. .ZI''' ii TURN VICTIM FACE UP. RAISE neck With one hand and.TILT head fully back with the other hand.. t, - - I - ' OPEN victim's mouth. PULL lower law to jut position. PINCH nostrils shut to prevent xr leakage. MAINTAIN downward pressure on foreht8d. . . 3 - REMOVE your mouth. RELEASE victim's nostrils. LISTEN for air to come out of victim's longs. 1.00K for the fait of the victim's chest. PINCH NOSTRILS AND BLOW IN AGAIN. 41Prz.% f ..... ,.. PLACE mouth tightly around victim's Mouth tiOrl BLOW IN. The victims chest should rise, 00000400011•0 CUT OUT HERE 04/•••••••••••••01111 0 • • • • • • RESCUE BREATHING (MOUTH-TO-MOUTH) THE CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY • • • • • • • REPEAT steps 3 and 4 continuously, IF AIR PASSAGES ARE NOT OPEN : CHECK neck and head positions, CLEAR mouth arid throat of foreign substances. • Start immediately. Don't give up, Send someone for a doctor: For infants and children, cover entire mouth arid nose with yotrr mouth. Use small puffs of • air about 20 timeS per minute. • Apply rescue breathing in case of DROWNING, CHOKING, ELECTRIC SHOCK, HEART ATTACK, SUFFOCATION and GAS POISONING. • •••••••••••• •••••••CuTouTHOE-•••••••••••••••••*0