The Brussels Post, 1969-05-22, Page 1."171177.7. TH,111 BRUSSELS 'OST, TIEVRSDAY, MAY 22nd, 1969 $2,00 A Year in Ativanoe 43,00 To TULL sett PEOPLE WE KNOW Mr. and Mrs, C, Habermehl of Ilespler were holiday weekend guests with Mrs, 0, Chidlow. 'OrS, Glee, Smith came home from, Wingham and District I-Tose pital on Saturday. Rev, and Mrs. A, Johnston family, E4 cridon: were in on Monday. Mr, and Mrs. Lawrie ConsinS and family London, were week- end holiday visitors in Brussels, Br, and Mrs. Donald McRae and family of Willowdale were at their home here for the holiday week- end. MrS. ()Meier, who underWent eye surgery in Victoria Hoepital, London, recently returned home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, John Tooth of Toronto and Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Martin were holiday week-end visitors in. Port Elgin. Mt, and Mrs, Jim Armstteme, and family travelled to'Tamarac Lodge near Kirkland Lake 'with Mr. and Mrs, Dave Seignor and Daryl of Mitchell, Rev. and Mrs. C. A. IlloCarroll left Wednesdey for an Eleropenn trip which will include England, VI' a 13 CO, Ital y Switzerland a lid Gomm oy, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. H. King and son Bill, arid 'Mr, and Mrs. Graeme McDonald ands daughter Julie, spent the holiday Weekend rn Eastern Ontario at Maxwell amid Ottawa. Mrs. -Tames S. Armstrong spent the weekend with her daughter; Helen arid family at Port. Credit, Mr, end Mrs. W, L. Ashton of Melton were recent guests With MTS. R. S. Hamilton. Mr. Alfred Knight, Mr, and Mrs, OAK T-Temingway and Tarim at- tended. the Wedding of Mr, George Knight. and Miss Naney Erwin art Perth on Sate:May. George is the eldest son of Mir, and Mrs. Hector Knight of Picton. Mr.: and Mrs. Tack Wheeler, Bressels, Mi' and Murray John- Stemedieg Committee (leaven ston amid. Mr. and Mrs, Carl `ems; Agri, & Can. lithstrieg, Mrs. tkiwitig amid Mi.tia Rosemary Cow- Roy Willinnisori, Walton. Citizen- Teltievalte attended the grad- ship end rttication, Mrs, Clare' Witten exereises and garden party Veitch, BeasseIg: Historical Re,.- at College of Tech- search and Nrrobi tivents, 31eq. ritilegy an May 14th when David s'Clarenee Caswell of Pordwil.: wommi 'cps ono of the umbipt, s7i,E46.cit%vi ttioir;:th, 1Ntm Area Graduates Of Ridgetown collegp. Of. Agricultural Technology Congratulation to the young nien of this community who were among those who graduated from the Ridgetown College of Agricul. tural Technology on Wednesday, May 14th, They were David Wheeler arid Brian Hopper of Brussels; Murray McClure and Keith WilliaMson of of Walton, Gerald Bean of Walton has suc- cessfully rompleted his Janie). Year, Agricultueal Science Course at the Ridgetown College, and Br mm ss.els DISTRICT ANNUAI,, OF EAST HURON W.I. m's. 147116 Murray Presided al the District Annual of the 4ast Tioron. Women's Institute held in May lath. About 80 members from the 11 branches heerd the guest speak. or, Mrs, AuStin Zoeller, of New Hamburg, who is Ontario Presb dent of the leW10, Mrs. Maken, Board Member DWI() also addressed the ladies, telling them of new courses avail- able and acquainting them with resolutions which had passed this provincial board, - Miss Herd, Home Economist reported 011$ girls taking the course Cottons May be Smart while 50 more are taking Meat in the Menu, Entertainment in the morning was supplied, by Mrs. Charles Bosmaa and Mrs, Glen Sellers a d3iuevale accompanied by Mrs. Carl Sohnston, They sang a delightful duet and led in corn- In:Unity singing, After a delicious lunch, served by Wroxeter Institute in the corn. Immunity hall, the group re-convened for the arternoort Meeting. During the afternoon Mrs, Jan van Vliet of -Walton, accompanied by Mrs, Wm, Hummihries, enter- tained with several amusing songs. One of the highlights of the afternoon was the, presentation of a life membership cerlifienie to Mrs, Fred Demerling by Mrs, Zoeller and Mrs. Makin. Mrs. Speirs of Brussels was, not m reseet to receive her certificate, The next annual meeting wil l be held in Bluevale in 1970. Officers elected were; Past President, Mrs. Ross Knight, Brussels; Presiem t, Mrs. Lyle Murray, Laltelet: Viee-preei- dents, MPS. Chas, Mathrrs, Blue- Vale,. Mrs. Harold Wallace, Mit, ford ; S e ceTe Orig .4 Mr 8. Wm, 'Hum- ph 'Walton; Federated Repre- sentative, Mrs, Kenneth Mee. Dona I (1, Blyth t alternate. Mrs,. Minn McTaggart, RR. 2, Brtiggels Public Relations; Mrs, James jelinston, RR 2. Blimeerele: Dist- lea delegate, Mrs.T.syle Murray, Destrict Curator. Miss Enima Johnston, Bluevale: Auditors, Mrs, N. J. McMurchy and Mrs. Alex CUllees, ListoWel. WHEELER r- OQWINQ it..ev, P. G. l'sraby offieiated at the double-ring ceremony on Saturday afternoon, May 17th, when Rosemary Dianne'Cowing and, David Lawrence Wheeler were Wed in St, John's Anglican Church, Brussels. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cowing of R.R, 2, Blue-vale. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Wheeler of R.R, 5, Brussels, The church was decoratedd with white Shasta daisies and tinted, chrysanthemarns, The organist was Mrs, Nora Moffatt, Given in marriage by her father, the bride chose a fitted white floor-length , gown of tulle over peau de sole with lace bodice and sleeves, The goWn was trimmed with accents of lace as was the peau de sore Pillbox which held her floor-length veil, She carried a pendulum boquet of red roses, Shasta daisies, and fern, Mrs. Peter Roberts Of Ottawa attended her sister as matron of honour, and Miss Nancy Growing and Mrs, Murray Johnston, both of R.R. 2, iBluevale, were the bridesmaids. All were dressed in pale turquoise floor-length gowns of moire peau de sole with match-. ing headpieces. Their boquets were pendulums of Shasta dais- ies and fern, Miss Valerie Johnston, niece of the groom, was the flowergirl, ,dressed in a white floor-length gown of moire peau de sole, Her bormet held tinted Shasta dais, ies and she wore a turqnotse headpiede. Mr. Douglas Davidson of Brus- sels was the bestnian, The ushers were Mr. David 'cowing, brother of the bride, and Mr. Murray Johnston, both of R,R. 2, Blue- Vale. The church parlour was decor- ated with 1,vhite Shasta daises and forget-me-nots for the re- ceptioli which followed, A three , tiered wedding cake and blue candles graced the bride's table. Guests from Mrantford, Toronto, Preston, AntherleY, Listowel, 131V- tie Burliegton, St. Catharines, Paris, Ottawa, Till an Clinton, Wroxeter"Winghatn, St. Helen's, and IBleeVale, were received by the bride's mother, She wore an aqua :Crimpleatm coat and dress ensemble with white accessories and a corsage of white clirysarithe. ninths:The groom's Mother chose a pink herriegbone coat and dress ensemble , Fortrel with white accesseries, reside on the groom's farm at It'll., 5, Brussels, Betide Feted Prior to Marriage Prior to her marriage, the bride was feted at a dinner shower hel,(1 at the Leg Cabin Restaurant; Lueknow, by the nurses of the third floor of the Wingitain and District Hospital, A miscellaneoutt shower was held by friends and neighbours at the home of Wire, HerVey Shaw. the hostesses Were Betty Shaw, Dorothy Thompson, Carol Campbell; and Isabel Camp- bell, LOWES ALCOCK An evening :Weeding in St. John's. Anglican Church, Brussels, united in marriage Donna jean Aleock of R,R, 1, Ethel, and 'Robert William Teowes of Strat- ford, on Saturday, May 17th. The seven e'cloek ceremony was per- formed by the 110v, P. G. Braby. The bride is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Eric Aicock of R.R. 1, Ethel and the parents of the groom are Mr, and Mrs, Lower of Peterbormigh. White flowers decorated the church and guest pews were marked with white bows, The wedding music was provided by Mrs, Fred Stephenson at, the organ who also accompanied the soloist, Mrs. Stewart. Reynolds. The bride, given in marriage by her father, chose an A line gown of loco trimmed peau de soie fashion- ed with an empire waist and ex. tended lace train, She wore a flowered headpiece. Her boatiet \vas orange roses and mums. Mrs, Shirley Alcock, sister.-in, law of the bride, matron of honor, and bridesmaids Miss Helen Diehl, Miss Joan Whalen, Miss {Venice Sbiels, wore matching empire waist dresses of orange ice peau do sole with bell sleeves, Orange roses adorned their hair, Fedi girl carried white with yellow centres. Vlowergirls Sheila and Sharon Raycraft were dressed in short white empire dresses with bell sleeves and orange trim, They carried yellow flowerg. Mr. 'John Horton of. Stratford -was the best lean. Guests were netteted by Mr,. Roy Aleock, brother of the bride .Jim Lewes, brother of the groom and Heinz Meusel„ At; the reception held in the Brussels Legion Hail. the bride's moth er rece i ve d th e gues ts weer: ing a green lace coat and, matching dres$ With White accessories. Her corsage Was orange roses, The getiont's Mother chose a blue lace VICTORIA DAY CELEBRATION DRAWS LARGE CROWD A good orewd gathered et Victoria Park hcire ol). Monday evening to enjoy the reeussele Victoria Day celebration. Fertunately the weather man de'c'ided to give us a day without rain and the activities Went ahead with firemee braving a deluge Of waive in a well contested chal- lenge watf't" fight which caused a. few anxious moments when it appeared one of them had been burr. However, be had only got too much water and suffered no serious injury. The softball game, Walton vs Brussels ended in a !I - 9 tie at the end of five complete innings. The game wag terminated at. this, point for the hundreds of children among; the spectatioeS were clamoring for the fireworks display, "The Maverick" Astroepispley of fireworks was exeellent and delighted young and old. The proceeds of the celebration are to go to park repairs and those eoncerned thank Frank Thompson, and Ned Rutledge, the Buisines- Mon. rmlnree. Walton and Biers- sell Ball Teams end all other organizations that assisted, for a well clone in 'raising funds for ball park, BEIRNES Miss Linda Beirnes and David Wesley Budnark were united in marriage on. Friday, May 2nd, in a wedding ceremony in the. Trow- bridge l'hilted The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Beirnes of Ethel and the bridegreont is the 5011 Of Mr,, Wesley Budnark and the, late Mrs, liTudnark of Brussels, Tile reception and dance that followed the wedding ceremony was held in the Ethel ComMunity Hall. The couple will live in Stratford. NEW HOMES GOING. UP HERE The Villtrge of Brusgi'js con- tinues to grow. Five new homes are in various stages of con struetion, from excavated sites to- alnwet completed strnetnres. The new home of ,Taik ;Wheeler is almost s'm'artly for occupancy and they Will take tip reeldenee here almost immediately, Other new hobsOS are being built by jack Yuiii, Jetties MeTag- Alla and Iwo by .T. M. MeD.onald. Oilier new hoaxes are being - consider&L Tins added assessmemt will help fovea' 1tVa taxes. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT ‘\' I I 'exempt egh and ristriet Hospital, on Friday, May kit, 19rifl, to Delores and litil l w)loolor, prtiN!::e1R, s. PON Present for the occasion were coat dress, Mee hat and white ae- Mrs, Edith Retyniand and Mrs, . ces.sories, corsage of pink roses.. Mclviir ..G0Wineegrandmothers 61! FO1' a wedding trip to Niagara the bride, and •MrS, Andy Jaektin 'walls the bride's travelling " cos, ,and. Mrs, Pearl Wheeler, grand. Unite .-Was a coral 'aehripkoit ni.otliiwi~s of else groom t semble With White accessories, 'l traVelling„ to the United The conPle will reside in Strut-. States, the bride chose a coat and ford, (11'00- ensemble of tangerine and Outsof-teeee, giteSts , attended White linen with :Matching wide- froth .Quebec, Peterborough, Teen- . brinuned .and White aetieSsf tot, Oshrtwt•i,: Toronto, Kitchener, Series, Preston, $'tratforri, Tianowir, TcruR, Yr,J r,• 0111 pop, whopior. i• • 00 ,00, Reports of tree standing corn- miteeS were heard giving accounts of the year's work. Roll call proved quite interest ing for each branch answered with the a hobby display end an amusing anecdote,