The Brussels Post, 1969-04-24, Page 152,00 A Year In Advance - $3,00 To Mikis TILE 'BRUSSELS POST, itsDA xi) kit 24th, 190 POST P 111.3LISFITNiG HOUSE WINGHAM MAN ELECTED D,D,G, OF REGION LIONS (?vet' 125 members of Lions International assembled at the Zurich Community Centre, on Wednesday, April 16th for th annual spring rally of Region :1 tor District A-9, s\rarren ounsi gg. RR 2, Clifford, the out-going Deputy District Governor (Region :3) chaired the dinner meeting cal- led to pick a new 1-.‘eputy District Governor and chairman for the two zones within the region, Acclaimed as the new Deputy District Governor was Lloyd "Casey" Casemere, a oast presi- dent or the AATingham :Lions Club, who has been active in Lions pub. lie sspeaking, membership cane paigus Red Lions' Eye Bank of Canada projects. The new zone chairmen are; George Mutter, Brussels, for the seven-MO Zone 3 North, and Orville. Oak, Seaflorth, for the si x-elub Zone 3 South. John Cam.phen, myth, a former Poonty District Governor, Was chairman for the nominations:. Other head table guests who spoke briefly were: Claire Geiger, president, Zurich Lions, who wel- comed the "delegates; Morris Webb, Zurich, Zone 3 South chair. man, who introduced the head table; William Moody, Mount Forest, District Governor of A-9, who announced that a new Lions Club was being chartered this week at Tottenham; Ozzie Tore. man, 'Grand Valley, who spoke about. District A-9's interest in the Eye Bunk of Canada project, and Jack Henderson„ Owen Sound, who was seeking Support as District Governor of A-9 at the District "A" convention in Ottawa; May 25.28, The presidents of each, of the 13 elubs introduced their members present; Zone :3 South * Zurich, 25 members; Grand 11(1'4d 12; T3ay field 11; Exeter N. Clinton 3, Seto forth 3; Zone 3 North - 1llyth 21 members; Brussels 12, Gmler, 'eh 9. i:Iowiek -9, Winghani 4,Tees- -water •I antLIsucknoW 4, Winners of draw prizes, con dueled by Zurich Lions; were: Irvine Trewartha. Senforth; Don C. Coignhouto Citation; Eat] Volt egbitat, Zurich: Attending from :Brussels Moils Club were Jan van VIiet; George 1intter, TS A. Ranit, Max. Watt, Ralph Pearson, Albert TenPas, Cal Smith, Gerritt van Veen ; Ross McColl, Gordon Workman. Selwyn 'Baker and Gordon Mt:Gavin, VICTORIA DAY DELEERATION HERE Brussels 'Business Men and organizations of the Village are preparing for a Vlatoria Day cielehrption to lie held in Brussels 711(1540Y1 MP( TOW WOO Tor :MRS, ROBERT DAVIDSON A long-time resident or Brussels. Mrs, Robert. Davidson, passed away on Saturday, April 19th, 1990, in winghani,arid District :hospital in her 32nd year. She Was 11Ia former Sara tsartrede illollenbeek, daughter of the late Mn, and, :Mrs, Jacob 'hot- lenbeck of 'Ethel. She is survived by her beloved husband, Robert. Davidson; three sons, George of Brussels; Charles, ixf Winghten and Scott of Clark- son; three daughters, Mrs. Fred (Agnes) Glassier of N'OW Liskeard; Mrs, Cher! I'S Wean) Robinson 01' Bloostrrield hills. Mich, and Mrs. George ((lladys) Lott of Ottawa; One sister, Mrs. Lester (Gladys) Artions,or llighlend Park, Mich, Also surviving are 19 grand- children and eight great-growl- children, She was pre-deceased by a daughter, Mrs. Kenneth (Ethel) Jackson of Biyth, and a Son, harvey, who died in his 7th year. The funeral services Were held from the D, Rana funeral home April 21st, at 2,30 p.m. with the 11ev C. A, McCarron of Melville Proshy I rtan Church, Brussels, si hide ling. Four grandsons acted as flower- bearers. 'The pallbearers were: Messrs. j. Bowman, T. McFarlane I), ITemingwey, ,K Tyerman, Hemingway and Win, Miller. Tier final resting Wave, Bras- sets Celn et cry. YOUR LAST CHANCE! wo ask oar eubscriliers who have not yet Odom advantage of the opportunity to renew overall(' tillbSeri pit fit the 32,00 rate (saying 5ac), to do so at once Postal regulations demand addit. Tonal postage on itny subscription that iti three months past due. It is impossible to sea everyone, Please co-operale and save 50e plus extra posinge, Our [beaks to the hundreds who have already done so, It is app l es,. iated, MELVILLE LADIE'S AID Melville Ladies Aid met in the borne of Mrs, George Evans on :April Kith at 2,30 in the afternoon, The 'President. Mrs. Evans conven- ed the meeting opening with hymn abaci' Meditation, In the devotional part Mrs, Waller Kerr gave the reading and Mrs, Williams led in prayer, The roll call sat:; responded to, by a reading from Mrs, Steiss and poems and season- able thoughts from other memb- ers, SNI'011:41'Y and Treasurer's re. peas were listened to and ' the offering was received. Airs, Tilvens gave the Sunshine report followed by a reading troni Mrs. King. Iii the business part plans war(r matte for the next Meeting; A hymn was Sung and meeting closed with the lietedietion. Mre, Dennis (.0nd:tutted a eon- teat 014 WW1) Wass aertfitt by t'f'11, 11,1111 11./H, EDWARD HENERSON Faivilru Itenderson, 7s, London, it f0111101' I'O:-'11.11`11( iirn:4:40,4 n'lllr%Y years. died Sunday Joseph's Hospital. London, lie is stivived by two dmighters, Mrs, „James (Stella .I Smith, Lon- don and Mrs. 'Phonies (Mar- gnpritel Thornton also or London: kip) grandchildien and six groat grandehldren. :Patera' services were held from the •A. Riau) Funeral ItoMeS Brussels at two o'clock conducted by Rev. LeDrew, 'Burin] was in 13rassels ceinet ery. Pellbearers, were Steve hauls Phil Grimater, liiii Siorks," Jack Sullivan, Bob Itoniestel and ROnald Jamieson. MRS. WILLIAM WRIGHT Mrs, William Wright passed away in Wingham and: District hose-Rat on Friday, April 13th, in her 70th year after o brief illness. Mrs. Wright, the former Win- nifred Long, was horn in. Kincar- dine and moved to Brussels with her parents, the late Mr, and Mrs, John Long, at an early age. She lived in Brussels for many years before going to Toronto, The last two yfNII'S she has made her home in Brussels. She is survived by. one brother, Willnan Long. Toronto. Her holy rested at the D. A, Renzi Fatten:1 Home until Mon- day, April 21st, with Mass at St, Antbrose R Milan Catholic Church, at 11,30 eon, Burial was in St, Ambrose cemetery, PallbeeTers tv - N ere George Blake, Louis Blake, William Blake, Leo Deitner. Gordon Stiles and Dr, Wm, Silt • + n MRS. JOHN ROWLAND Mrs, Sohn Rowland af .11111SSON passed away Sunday morning air wingha:la and. District hospital after a lengthy illeess. She wt't in her 74th year, The unmet. Rosa Pilgrim, she Wag lrcirrl iii England June 18th, I39S, et-ening to Canada at an early age, 'and resided in the Monition even, She was a member of the itrussela United church and 11 11 native member in the various woolen's organizations within the chatich, She is survived by hew hnshetid. Iwo daughters, Mrs, George. (Mary) Dnvidson of Brussels; and Mrs (lordidle(lys) TIym ors of. Atwood; one SOD, William of ionaington; two sisters in: SOtith Waive; eight grendehildren and live great-grandchildren also silt-, vivo The body rested at the D, A. :11111t1 "4'011011 I hoarse, ON gSelS. MINT" Rev, LeDrew condtteted feneral services Tuesday at 2 p,it. inh,rinerli was in BrasSele eette, tery, Pallbearers were Ellwood Mat. thews, 1-toward 'Murray, Roy Iiewtard"McCall, Jack White and 'Don ARtArter, Flower beaters 'were Roar gred- tionS, tqiift,• to 1m hokil MIL LEWIS ELSTON CARDIFF' 13russels United tOnuath wee ruled to capacity by those who gathered to pay their final tribuie to Lewis Elston Cardiff, a highly respected long-time resident of this community, Mr, Cardiff, who represonted the people of Huron for 25 yea N as the Progressive Conservative 111,P„ died in his 81st year, in St Joseph's hospital, London; on AVedneeday, April 16th, after a brief !torn here, where be spent the greater islet. of hi:4 life, Mr Cardin' farmed in Morris Town. ship not served as Reeve of that Township. lie was a inomber of liniissels 1-11 /tod Church and or the Brussels Lions Club, Active in the Huron Plowmen's Askociation, lie was seoratary for many years. During his parliamentary career Brussels was Still home and he was always ready and, willing to give any of his constituents. Whatever their political persuas- ion what help he could, On his retirement he lived here until moving to Listowei about a year ago„ his first wife, Ada Morrieon, died en June 22nn, MOO He iS survived by his wife, the former Alice McFadden List- (met two sons, Clarke, Angle- mont, B. C., and. Ross of Brus- sels: one daughter, Mrs. Dean (Leota) Davison, Listowel, and several grandchildren. The body rested at the 1), A. Rano Funeral home in 'Brussels until Saturday morning, Funeral services were held from Brussels United Church at 2:30 p.m. Satur- day with the Rev. E. C. LeDrew, minister of the ehmich, anti the t.eIcit),111:(1:;fti(C1•11:itriign,doll, Burial form- er n Ilt,:S1 in Brussels cemetery, PallheaserS were George Penzan, Selwyn, Baker, -Lloyd Michel. Gordon MeGavito Russell Bolton. Ted Thomas. :honorary pallbearers; Ciiias, Mcs Naughton, Robert. McKinley, Mutt- ray Gaunt, Eric Winkler, Wallace McCuteheon tied Glen hayeS„ MELVILLE GUILD The Guild of Melville ('are!' held their regular monthly meet- ins,- in the church parlour on Tees- (lay evening April 15th, They opened with a short pt-aye'' by Ruth Pipe followed by singing hymn 218. Valerie Black :gave' it reading: "Master means a Reuewat of Faith " The scripture was read ia aniSon from Mathew 27, verses 40-90 aid Slattbew 28 1 -20, Leona Atintstroeg and Isabel Gibson favoured With a duet, 211 was sting followed by the topic "Mary Magdalene" gluten by Margaret Work, Ruth Pipe offered prayer. hymn 209 was sung and all repented the Mizpah Boiled talon. The bilftines's of the meeting wvai g ((( .1!01 (Mod la,y tuneh thin HORTICULTURAL SOCIETIES HOLD CONVENTION HERE The -District S Convention of the Ilortieultural Societies was held in St, .J ohir5 Angliean, Church on Saturday, April 10t1t, when 100 were registered. There were about Is :gaieties who sent delegates, Mrs. Wm. line of Hanover chaired the pros ra in. Mrs. R Mr. ea. Goderh.h, was secretary treasurer. 0 Canada opened the electing. There were fuer directors pre- sents They were Mr. W. F. Field- nee Wingham, Mrs. R. Tinny, Lions head, Mrs. Ti. McGee, Goderich r and "Mrs. Wm. lille.Hanovers The minutes of the 106s (mote:- Bo were read, The site for the Psovineiai Convention is. Hamils ton, Mr. L0 Jeune of Ridgeway, Pros ,rieeial President was guest speak- er. Mr, Ti. 13, Cousins, Reeve of Brussels. welcomed the visitors to our village. Five ladies from the Kitcheeers Waterloo Garden Club' did} ;floral! arranging after the coffee break, The nominating committee gave their report. The report of the societies Was given by Mrs. R. Boy of Lions Head, Clinton was chosen as the Place far the 1970 Convention, The Queen closed the meeting Slipper was served in the church school roots lay the 'Brussels Soc- iety when about 65.70 sat down, Those in charge thank all who assisted in ally way. ENGAGEMENT Mr. 'end Mrs. Carl ()owing, TOIL 1 Bluevale, wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Rosemary Dianne, to Oa Lawrence Wheeler. son of Mr, and Mrs. Jolla Wheeler of R It 5, Brussels, The Marriage will take place Saturday, May 17th, 1969 at 3 pan. at St John's Anglican Church, Brussels. SHORT COURSE FOR WOMEN OF BRUSSELS & COMMUNITY . A short course au "Fashion. Cues For Yon" sponsored by the Majesi 'Women's tnstitete is being held in the Brussels Public Library, on Friday, May 2nd, from it) c,ni. to 1 o.10, whielt all inter- ested women of l'enssttle and community ore invited to attend. Mein;'' well dressed is a fine art aud there are many things to know, and learn in developing 'this skill, There will he cues for you in winit's new in fashion, how to sltd- clothing end accessories to suit your personality, figure end colering. Such terries as grooming and the study of line, colour and texture in relation to dress and eostnme ttecents will diseitssed, Each (lase member please bring as tape nie:tore,, and paper anti ltwli Witieh pottli,q! 1110111,