The Brussels Post, 1969-04-10, Page 2FEEDS Li MiTEp Troll Most Value ,tor the Faeroes Stelllerm Call 199 Brussels •M10IMMIIn110IMNMIOPMIIIIIIIal"Iaa"""r.""oa...ao"%rrmm.amoo"rwrm raqeraw• *O. TIM BRUSSELS 1?0S9 . BRUSSMI.S. ONTARIO WALTON NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR SEED CLEANING DONE AVOID THE SPRING RUSR HAVE IT DONE NOW BY HE ADS IN SAVE MoNry fi E Airs, :Ebner :McKay of Calgary, Alberta, was a 1.0elni 1 visitor with Mr, and Mrs, Forest McKay. :\ Liss Susan liethrd, Huron County Homo Economist, attended the sixth meeting of the Walton Savory Chors, hold at the home or. sharon Marks, A discussion on ground meat and menu planning was held under the direction of the leaders. Theme was a deacon- stration of the cooking of liver and bacon, Supper followed the ad.' journment of the Meeting, Walton W, Meeting Mrs. Alexander (lulutzein con. voner of the notninating committee nresented her report in the bus- iness period or the meeting of the Women's Institute. Other business under discussion included a bus trip to Eitchoner on May 21st annual Turkey dinner being bold in iurr's Coiled Church on April 23, for which plans were com- pleted. MO.:1110p Cnit will cater: i) i donation voted to the C'uelph McDonald institute MrS. Thin van Vliet, Institute pre7 Sident, *welcomed the ninny guests in attendance, The report. of the secretary-treasurer was given, and the roll chilled by Mrs, Win, Hum- phries. Mr, and Mrs, tioorge Lang- lois of Cameo Hair Stylists, els, who were introduced by Mrs, Herbert; Traviss. gave an interest- ing showing or the latest in hair styling, They had just re- turned from a 'Permit° eOriven tion, Wigs and hair pleceA were deit oloArated with a n u ber of the ladies acting _as A'h6se InelDd0(1 'van ;']let, Mrs, 'th's, Gerald Ryan, Mrs. Murray Smith. Mrs. Osborne, Julie Valiance and Sus- Langlois, Mrs. ()Tatham, Sholdice expressed the thanks or the W.I. acrd presented Mr, and Mrs.. Gang, lois with a girt. Ikhrbert TravisS and Mrs. t,11‘ahom Shol- <Hee wore conveners of the Pro- g r ;.1 in\lr'S.;la n va n vi.ipt an d .\ll•s. '`Viii, Hu tql rc.'68 conducted Sin Diction of sewing. taut', lucky door prize was won hr :11rs. NnIson Malts. !Tor was n coffee pot.. coffee nnigs and troy. Mrs. flarold Bolger e the even- ing's a.ccompanist Mr, Ernest, Stevens. Mrs. Stewart TiuMpitrles, Mrs. Nilson Reid, MrS. Mac Simi- :Hun and Mrs, Neil ,McCavin were the Inuch hostesses. Thanknffering Service Mrs. Alvin :McDonald Nvas ill ieharge or 1..kistor Thankofforing ol! Duff's rnited Church. 'phiho and organ music ,x.rts eontributed :prior In the service by Eli's, :Ray basilic' and Mrs. lan Wilbee. Mrs, Donald Me'Donald and Mrs. herald 'W111801', ushered. Mrs, Han n erferen prayer and Mrs. Don rz. !'trier go vo Ilio scripture Toad i ng. A duet 'Count, Your Thlessings". was sung by -;.‘,.i.trs Jan van \Mot Sr. and Mrs. rind :Mrs. ITerhext Traviss. The guests nit ending from other ehurches were wilco mer] by Mrs. A. McDonald, Mrs, (Jordon Mc,. Gavin, Mrs. Donald :\cliilles and 'Mrs. Harvey Craig received the ATVS. mebotittiti, of fba minister of North F-lfreni nritott Chttroli, aotheli011, 40?., tip! f4tlenit Wrifl inii‘ntini'l ,f1 ihn• If 1!, Ililiiltl~ Mrs, 'McDonald sPoae on "What, Easter -Means To Me", The speak- er said that, 1n her, Easter Means hope. Hope that can help indi- viduals and transform nations. W'e lose lire '‘N hell we lose hope, Jesus had hope, believed, treated all alike, all equal, We must con- vince ourselves that we have that hope So that We ctin 001.1Vinee others, Elaster gives this hope and we ourselves must do the rest, The sneaker was moved a vote of thanks by Mrs. Houglas Fraser, MTS., Alvin :McDonald thanked those who bad participated in the service and invited all present to the church school • ont for :refreshments., There is still time to Htricot your donations to the Foster Heal Fund for ,Crippled. Children. WirftWiet(r. • LIKE EXPERT CHESS PLAYER A skillful driver. like an expert boss. plOyer, achieves his end MUT the Mini11111111 ininther moves. Changing lanes froquently in heavy traffic, with tho coil of saving a few seconds, is a mark of bad thriving, says the Ontaro Safety League, WHY DO BABIES LOOK BOW-ELGGED All babies look bow-legged for the' ftrst year or two. ,,sayS the federal lumith department publi- cation, The Canadian Mother and Child, It is not due to early Walk- ing but to "baby fat" on the out. side of their logs. The average time for Walking* iS 13-14 months, but it may be any- where from 10 to IS months. Fsually a heavier baby 'is stow, a l. walking. 'ACHIEVEMENT DAYS `IN HURON COUNTY 'Ilcimemaking club girls in :sit'Itiron Comity have been enjoying tare 4-H spring project "Meat in the Menu". Throughout the past three months, the girls have stua- ted the various nuts of beet 'and pork,, learning to Identify and 'locate the cuts on ehr carcass. Methods of 'cooking both the tender :and less tender nuts of beef and ';{pork werf',', demonstrated at the 'meetings, The girls themselves `have 'tried many new recipes us- ing' 'mainly the economical, less :h.nder ts. Throughout the pro- ject the girls have kept a record book and recipe file pertaining to meat and meat cookery. Achievement Pays it ISturan, County begin on April 'OA at Howick Central Scbool, SubSe- :tient Aobilwernelit Days will be held at LUAnow, April 2Gth CLuckno'sN Public School), - May 3, Sonforth: District High School), Cashwood„ May 10th (DashwOod Community. Centre), and Bruce- field, May 24th (Huron Centen- nial School), The girls will exhibit their record books and recipe files as well as wresent an afternoon Programme of skits, demonstra- tions and exhibits, it is hoped that many of the parents, friends at-id sponsors of Huron's 4-H Moine- making girls will plan on attend- ing the aftexneon programme, 'Susan Heard. Hothe Economist fin* :Huron County. intrgitIlT Ot'J STAO -P. Jazz pianitt Ostia Petet.son is heard Jo frtitti his hometown of M -ontreal on the CSC radio networWs Stage, Stiturtiqx, 19 at 7,03 p EST, Among his Scion, tiorI ti ore Wh6hitithirl CfrOrti (.19inIflifinet ttultiO Ettiel 1119 00 )if0 Nir;11•111iti1Vti a special performanee THE BEST FOR 69" SEE THE NEW FORDS, FAIRLANES, FALCONS, MUSTANGS AND FORD TRUCKS ON DISPLAY 1968 OLDSMOBILE CUTLESS 2D HT Fully equipped 1967 FORD LTD 4D HT Fully equipped 1967 FORD LTD 2D HT Fully equipped '1967 FORD GALAXIE 500 2D HT Fully equipped 1967 RAMBLER REBEL SEDAN 6 Auto, `1966 FAIRLANE V8 Auto. 1966 METEOR RIDEAU V8 Auto. power steering 'Many Other Models To Choose From BRIDGE MOTORS 'YOUR MUSTANG, FALCON, FAIRLANE, FORD and THUNDERBIRD DEALER 'BRUSSELS PHONE 249 WINGHAM PHONE 357-3460 WittBviones