The Brussels Post, 1969-04-10, Page 1e2.111) A Year in. Advatc41 - $3.00 To 1,11414 371IE BRU.SSell.LS .POS'l 1 t -itS1)A.N. .N PRI f., 10th, 1909 POST PIJIMISFILNIG .ROUSE . • CRANBROOK Irian Tlvans, Searboteugh, visited at his home here, Mr. 0.11(1 Mrs. Rot Miller reel Jody, 'T'or'onto, visited with firs Lytle Gordon. • it and Mrs. Alex Canteron an i family spent the weekend in Owen Sound. Hall Board Meeting ann110.1. meeting Of the Hall -Board was held on Thurs- day evening in the Commuunity Centre. Greetings from Orel, Township Council were brought by T)on Mertin, Frank Work/nail will finish Harry Jaecklin's term of one year. One e'e.ar - Bonnet Perrie. l'hree years. Charlie. Lake. John Strickler, ,Tins. Hart. Secre- tary Treasurer, .Gordon Engel. Six tables of progressive euchre were played, High score went to Mrs. Jim T-Tart and Jim Hart and Low Score to Marie Veitch and Donald Perrie, Lone. hands• Jim Hart Afternoon Group of Khox The April Meeting of the after , Group of the W.M.S, was held at the home of Mrs. Mac Engel with tin attendance of 11. members. The Meeting opened With ati Easter ''re,ree and'hymn, /oho 20, 1,-1R Was read in unison ,and a meditation oh it and a peen" "In a Garden' Were read by the leader, Mrs. Engel. Mrs, Stanley Viecher led in the "Glad Tidings ° pryer. "An taster Meditation" was read by four members. Mrs, Earl Dunn, CalVin Contemn, Nine :Tenn Perrie and Mrs. Mac Engel. The roll call was answered with ten Easter verse, Mrs. Wilfred Strick- ler read the topic "The Grove in the elnrden'i from Sermons and PraYetis" by Peter Marshall. "Baster Traditions" and "Behold the Lilies" were read by the lead- er. Pollowing the Ilendiction "Hester" and "Tlird" quiz was con- ducted, Lunch committe was Mrs! ,Lylle Gordon and Mrs. Stanley Pist -ice Mrs, Wes eicelechern will he hostess for May, W. 1. Officers Installed Mrs, Leslie Knight, was host- ess for the April meeting of the Womeit'e Institute. Members dis- lliaayecj and explained their bob- bias, Mrs, Roee Knight; introduced the District, President, Mrs, Lyle bitierny, Who epake en the Irleti- luta Thoille, Mrs, Merray also :doe. deeted the installetion , Or the. toilet-vine; officers rel. 1.069-let 'Ion, President hies Allan Meleiggart President, .......... Mee. 'Urban Dti c h rive 1st Vice Pres Ales, Jas. ]:Tart Mid. Vice Pees, "Mies, jot* Cox S(tertitary ........ Mrs, Leslie Knight Assisitent See, Mrs. Fruank WOrkmne Diettlet Director Mrs, Allan McTEiggatt Altert111l6 Mee, TTart PrrOilitllepPr MOTO RESULTS OF THE BRUSSELS FIGURE SKATING TESTS Skaters from the Brussels Figure Skating Club who etteeeed- ed in passing dunes teste were: Dutch -Waltz -- Terri efeCutelieen, Joan 'hither, Dianne Willis Canasta Tango -- Anne Sleety- chuk, Wendy Prior 1 Blow Weitz --. Michael Kernag- hale This dance completes the .1nnier Bronze dances and he will receive the C, 1r, S.A. Jueier lironze Medal Prelimieery Figures - Michael l' ern n glee t ETHEL Rev, TI, "Waite baptised Brian Michael. eon of Mr. and Mrs, lonald Catena. on Sunday in Knox Preeityle.rieu Church, People aliening. from out of town were Mr. end Mrs. I-Coward Van- Cainp of Winghein and Mr, George Gray at Niagara Polls, Mrs. Alt-'x Pearson accompanied by hin• sister from ,teerhane hae returned from Bogota, South America, where they spent a week with her sou Jim end Mrs. Peer- sou who serve there with CliSO, The !tidies flew from Minini, where. they Were holidaying, rind reoote al pleiteent trip and found what Hey saw quite bettutiftil. 11 raneb D'irec'tors Mrs, Cli ff rimy, Mrs. (Itedwirt Knight. firs, Clem Sterner Pianist -Mrs. Allen MeTageart Public. Relations Mrs. Jack Cox Anditore ,„ Mrs. Glenn Thiel-her. Mrs. Gordon Engel Directors to Fair Tigard errs. eleee Clare Veltele .Mrs, Strickler, hi re, Flinn Duebarme, eles, Mac elnelittosh Curator Mrs Ressel Knight Standing Cornhiittees Agriculture tied Ceenditte destrise „„.„. Mee. ,Jags , Hart. Mrs. Cliff Bray Home Econimics ond Health Mrs, Win Bremner, Mrs. Cliff "Morrow f-Tistoricol Resenrch a nd Currant m e elite Mrs. Ross Knight, Mrs, Clare • Citizenship and Education .... Mrs. Mae Macintosh. Mrs. Wilfred Strickler Resolu t toile Mrs Alen Selith r0Vgilt 1(i t41,11(.. llililltitf f4('‘ 1 Krtifit1011' 13russelt Merchants 'Decide To Close Stores. Al! Day Monday, Coln.mencing May 5 April 1. It teas decided that all businets pieces donate $2,00 each for a .ii,;.play of fireworks for the 24th of May, Carried Open, nights before Christmas Is follows, moved by keener!" Machine seconded by T3i11 Steph- enson Chet stores !Trude' open 00 the evenings of T)ec. 19. -Dec. 22, Dec. 23. Closed Dec., 24th, Christ- Inas Eve .lose e o'clock. It was voted unanimously that stores would have Monday eleeing, all day, stud open all day Wednes- da y, Moved by Mrs. Loaoh, seconded by Mrs. Wood that cards be print- ed with store beers to be given to each, store. Moved by hit's, Leach, seconded by Stewart Lowe. that the meet- ing adjourn, WALTON 8th And 16th Unit • Of Duff's UCW, Walton The April meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Harold Bolger on April 8th, Hymn 101., verses 1.2-3 •was sung with Mrs, ,Tim Fritz Is pi Li nisi, The ecripture from let Peter. Chapter 1, verses 3-5 was read by Mrs, Don Froser, The topic "NissionStraly" was taken by Mrs. .Don Pricer, llyinn 112 meis sung and the Lord's Prayee was repeated in unison. The reg- elm' collection was received, Mrs. flung' Fraser was in. charge of the busineee part of the meeting. The minutes of the last: meeting were reed by the secretary. Roll call Was answered by 13 members. The TSCW is invited to Moncrieff Thankeffering on. April ',Me tit 8,3o pen. and to Wytti: Thank- offering tit 8.00 p.m., April 13th, also lo .13ruseele Spring Thank offering April 20th, Articies• for the bale are to be taken to' the church after April lc and fry May If lit, The Rth and 10th are to look after flowers for the chervil it, July, Reim; were brought in for the bazaar is to be held 'November Iltb, or eee was sung end lunch wns served by the hostess. BORN .0eiteral to 13rini, 11 1-;r:111 : PEOPLE We KNOW eir, and M,V6. Jaelc Rua dge Brussos rot- atlyes,. and hies. spell( "F.:aster with :Mr,. and Mrs, .lohn, 'n)oth. of Toronto, • bliss Margaret Paterson of Long Branch, truti an lettetee visitor with Miss AL Skelton, Mr, and .blrs. Cal . Davidson of Kitchener were tbistet, visitor:, with Mrs I. elcArtee Mrs. Arvin ;McLellan w'110 Was a patient in Winghturr Hespitel, returned horne on Tuereley,, 11 r. and Mrs, Charles BeYans (Mille were Easter weekeed visitors with Mrs. itts, Bryans, :qr. and Mrs, Bcb Rann of Gait, Eitster visitors with Mr, and Mrs. D. A. 'Rana, Mr. and Mrs, leaurie Consins and ['entity, London, Utster visit nrs with ':Ile, and Mrs, le, CouS- Airs. Isozyk and daughter of Montreal, spent the Easter week- end e.with Dr, Bozyk at their home h Mrs, A, Wintle, who has been with Mr, end, hire's. Harold. Thomas for the past Seven weeks is flow' a reeident "T-Turonview", Air. and Mrs. Ross McFadden of Missasango, spent Easter Sunday with -:T r,and Mre, Cecil Me Padden 1 I nrol d ThOrrlaS is a patient in Wingli ten and District Hesen ta where he wae, taken by ambelkee, early Monday evening meter se ffer- ing a heart attaek, blr. and Mrs. Arthur Weller, Robert and 13onnie at Toronto Mr, thud Mrs. Robert Thorntoie Dianne and Stf•VPII of 1hthltT spent. the -Easter weekend With Mr. and Mrs, George Thornton- Lyle I Tepper One purchased the two apartment _residence on Princess Street rl'(111-1 Schmidt, Mr. TIopper Will oeetipy ene atirt• meet and blr, and Mrs. Thomas Gentles the other. VILLAGE or BRUSSELS COUNCIL MEETING. The regular meeting of the VII- lege Ceuneil %VHS held in the N.11.1n- iVIIAI Ounce on April 7th, 1969, au members leeng present, The following motions were car- 1. Moved by 11, .T. TtenPam, second- its L. eleCutcheon that the minutes of the meeting of hl arch 111611 udopted as read. :Moved by J. l e bicOutcheon, see meted by If. ,J, TenPas that the ceuneil of the Village or Brnssels olidorse the rt ,solation from the Township of Tuckersmith Re: the satablishitiqnt of Regional. Onvern- mem_ Moved by R. W. Kennedy. se(!- onde([ by I. G. Campbell that the accounts as approved be paid. bliss Clem, MeGowaii, CAS .......... .... 10.00 tialy;ition Army, donation 25.00 C..1, Cardiff, licensee 3,00 Post Office, stemps 1.2,00 Ile Lawrence, reefing 95,00 bleCutcheon Motors, • • labour materiaal 10.70 Joan clea-n. 11,70 Brussels .Cteal Yard, fuel ......... e„„ ... , ...... • 33.90 el a n • thlwe, supplies; ..„ . 2,57 Oldfield Ittiwp, supplies 2.1? GM), flutter, fuel 18.39' lfeleomb. cleaners 38.55 .1, Gordon Stiles, plowing garbage k clump e91.4.50' binitlend Valley Cons. Auth, 1069 levy 401.6(e tit to 'Hopper, (router work 67.501 el. McDonald Lumbe oltSC. hospitalizetion .....„. 33,00 lee-lel:is J. Callonder. Mareli Nursing limm, rare ..„ 1.2efetel 1 .1.eeeiver Genteel]. C.P. and Tax deductions 120.61 1111 1 ,31(5. pension 61.12 1.'w-A Office, yes 7,60 eloved hy.TT , .f. Tenleis, second- I ,y 1. G. Campbell that the Vil- lage of Eirdseels charge the Town- ships of Morris end Grey $75.0o per 110111, rev fire proteetion, Nt'. Relph elelerughlin ill' Cowan insurenve Co reviewed the ineuranee Coverage With the Vil- lage of tirlisseis, Moved by 1,1. NV, leennedy, see- ended by j, L. MoCutcheoll that the Meeting adSourn, to meet regain May 1,00, or at the call of the, It, B. Cousins Win, TT. King Reeve Clerk New Slillt4C411.11n1S. as well as neWalS, will be oceptee at the $2.01 rate until the end of April when the privo Will be increased by onn eent a week ($2.50 per year in Ciinaild and rt Y011r iii tilti II. was waved by StMilrl Lowe Skaters trying for tests wen. and seconded by Ned Rutledge from 'Exeter, elenktan, Listowei that stores open nit the first and Brussels.. leveeay night in May and in the following- months. 1-fistoWel Hittite' Shaine Club A very succeseful business meet- wos host for the. Canadian figure ing was held iu the Bruseets Skating tests held at the arena. Library on leteeday evening, for skaters who are touter the in- a geed attend- struction of Mrs. Paye Love Mtic- ;ince, Domed. PRESCOTT In (Mown Hospitei tia March 19th, hi' and Preecoi 11 P111,11 POttt„ Hdliseabo. IOW 00t1 Oft ens. Black reterned sherponing saw 1.25 week p o w after spending two . Al a cLen n Peet Serviee, in Stitteville with 'Mr, ande Mrs. gels 19.211 Brian Prescott. and family, . Kerneghan. salary.,,. 50.00 Mitts Monti Bransee, student nurse, Kitchener, rind Raymond Bronson, Toronto, spent Eaeter weekend t borne With their paPents. Mr. and Mrs, Ray Broil son Scott Mitchell of Toronto Was a visitor the ,came home, Mrs. Ross Sehhieter and family, Mr, and Mrs. Ray 'Miller and fondly, till of Galt Mr, and Aire. Ron Wleite and family of George- town, Mr, and firs, Lloyd Cooper STILL TIME and family of Killeen and hit', civet Mrs, Gerald Miller Of Croy- Town, ship we're ElaSiOr visitors with Mr. and hers. Win. Miller.