The Brussels Post, 1969-02-06, Page 6Wry' Association, Top prize was won by a Strat•I ford pupil while student in St. COLUmban Sept•trale School and in East 1,Nrawanosn Public School were close . behind, Writing on the topic "I-Tow fight. Respiratory Disease" th winners were: BAUIRIXLS POST, BRUSBRILS, ONTARIO TWITBSDAY, FEB. 6th, 1969 SUA- McGavin's Farm Equipment WE SPECIALIZE IN A COMPLETE LINE OF FARM EQUIPMENT SALES AND SERVICE WALTON, ONTARIO PHONE 365W6 OR 527-0245 BRUSSELS SEAFORTH WINNERS OF HURON-PERTH 1-3. myth, Grade S. East WowanoSi't, TB ASSOC. ESSAY CONTEST t• ;,,Public School; and Mary Clas- Osens, 1111 2, Dublin Grade 8, St, rolumban Separate Seb091. Wide interest across Ffuron hg The competition was open to and perth was evident in an essay contest sponsored by the Huron rill elementary school students in Perth Tuberculosis and Respir- racle$: 7 and S in the two counties, Essays Were first judged by teach• ers and 20 were submitted to judges selected by the organiz• ations. Organizations operating inde- pendently in each of tihe two :,onnties, but which share a number of common services will ine combined into one organiz- ation later this year Plans are Bre.nda Siberry. 197 .Douglas being worked out for the inaug-St. Stratford, grade S student tural of the new CoMbined organ• King Lea.r Senior Public SehooT;, lization which will take Place at Edith 0arniss. RR Mary 1. meeting in,Seaforth April', Grade 7, East WawanoshlI ham, Public ,SeibOol; JOanne • Maloney, Offices of the two organia• RR 2, Dublin, Grd,8, St. Colmnban. dons which have been located in Stratford have moved to a. new Separate School; Verna Fear, RR Body work, lamps Electors 2, Engine compartment .111irrors and seating, 4, !Glazing materials 6. Wimichield wiper and d froster. Lighting ation Steering column and horn, Steering wheel play and jamming. service brake operation, 10, Parking brake operation. 11. Front suspension misahg- ment. and wear. t Steering linkage. 13. Tires. 11. Wheels and hubs. 15. Brakes --- drums and dins. 16, Brakes —friction materials. 17. Brakes --- hydraulic and mechanical components. 18. Chassis frame and under- body components. Exhaust Muffler and Under- body Components. Fuel System, drive shaft, and 11-jointe 21. Head lamp aim. 22, Service brake performance test, '['he major changes made in the the latter part of 1968 have an ini•!, Ontario Highway Safety Act in- pact far beyond the mere publi-- GOLDEN WORDS PRAYER OF ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI eized clauses affecting used ears. • For•example, it is now illegal to. Lord ; make me an instritinit of use turn signals when your car is you 3' peace, Parked or disabled or for any other Where there .is hatred, let ine sow reason except to indicate turning love: changing lanes or moving from a where there is injttry, pardon; parked position. whoro there is doubt. faith; The law was extended to. pro- where there is oespair. hope; 'Whit, 'riders of other vehicles where there is darkness. light; such as bicycles or sleds from and w,hero there. is sadness, joy. fastening on to a moving car, 0. Divine Master, truck or streetcar under any cis- grant that I may not so much cumstances. Pedestrians are now seek to be consoled as to console; Prohibited from crossing the To be understood as to under- street on a flashing green light stand: while motorists are now allowed to be loved as to love; to turn right or left or move for it is in giving that we recetVe; straight ahead on a flashing green it is in pardoning that we are light, when opposite traffic faces pardoned; a red light. and it is in dying that We are born to eternal life. February is Heart Month. St. Francis Of ASSisi address 121 Wellington St., ford, according to Mrs, I)avidson, the association tary. THE DUMONT ALUMINUM COMPANY • LTD. Yes, advertising is good. This is a way to keep one's company and and name before the pubkiC A company can spend dollars in adver- '.ing, but it is the material used and workmanship and know-how that really advertises itself. We have both these at Dumont Aluminum and don't th'lnk V.m. not proud of it (within myself) when people stop me on the Main street and say: "That's a nice job your company is .doing AI, mighty nice! Come give me an estimate, will you?" Thank you. ALLAN DOBSON, Representative of The. Dumont. Alumiindm Co. Ltd., Ethel, Ontario, Phone 321.W-4 Brussels. ONT. USED CAR CHECKS, OTHER MAJOR LAWS and 0, . equ ipment ,open 111. 20, Renew. The 'Brussels Post fa new Beryl seere• Postal Regulations Demand All Subscriptions Be Paid In Advance .year. Cheaper than. You can mail a weekly letter. -4111101111.1111.110.1iiitaiiiti on't Wait H Your Commercial Printing Done Now