The Brussels Post, 1968-12-19, Page 112.00 A Year In Advance $3.00 To 11,10.4. tees POST Pl•BIASHING. HOUSDI
The regular meeting of the
VillageCounell was held in the
MettleInal Office on Dee. 11th,
L. -McCame being absent.
-The following motions were
Moved by R. B. Cousins, sec-
onded by H. S. TenPas that the
minutes of the meeting of .0ctober
30, 1968 be adOped
Moved by H. S. Tenres second-
ed by R. 13, Cousins that betiding
iternniks • he 'granted .to Gerdon .
Stiles and Jno. Wheeler as per..
Moved by H. S. TenPas second-
ad by T. O. Campbell that Win,'
Stevenson granted nine
months tax exemption on lots 220
and 221 Queen Street, for the year
Moved by :t, f. Campbell. sec-
onded by K S,-TenPas -thatt an ad-
ditional grant of -$50,00 he given
to the Brussels Agricultural Soc-
iety, making a total of $150.00 for
the year 1968.
Moved by R. 13, Cousins, sec-
onded by ME, TenPas that an
additional .$35.00 be given to the
Sa.nita Claus Parade for.1968, mak-
ing a total-of.$100.00.
Moved by 3, TenPas second-
ed by T. G; Campbell that the
accounts as approved be paid;
233.61;- Ointrity .O.f
Huron, tax arrears 741.901 . Post
Office, stamps 7.00: S. C. Kreuter.
salary $300; T. H. TenPas... 3. L
McCutheon, and T G. Campbell:.
and C. L. Cousins, salaries. $200
each; Wm. H. King. Returning
Officer 25; Wm, H. Icing.. cor-
recting Voters' List 51.30:' Dang-
les Callender, Nov. Nursing ;wet
1082.50; Mechem. Hclwe.,:lupplies
8.77; grand River Office Supply,'
supplies 3.78; Can. Nat •FtYs., rent "
2.60; Prov.Treas.. insi>iltn .2.28.1
Omuta'. Sifto Salt, salt
Ility & Industrial Str.pply, fire
hose 691.06; Post • Pub., printing
12.40; P.U.C., streetlights 220:21;
Percy Clark, clearing drain 31.50:
MeCtitheott Motors. repairs 53.20:
Treas. Of .0trit., . permit renewals
10; C.-McNeil,- gas 20.30;
Lean•Finit Service, gasp 19.37; Gee:
Mutter,. fuel 51.76; .P.U:Clo
ribbou.1.58: " Canadian -Legion,,
wreath 1.5.501- -Mel htcArter, fox
bounty Cardiff, stamps
and -registrations 15; _I, M. Mc--
MdDonald Lumber, supplies 25.35!
13ailoi., cleaing streets, 76.50;
Oldtleld supplies 1.54;
Mrs, Joan 1.xel; cleaning 7.50:
Jito. Siititisott, Inbnitr 3.75: Mc-
Cittclteoit cleaning sup-
plies 7.661 gordott Stiles. gravel
and snowplowing :141,50; S. A.
Montgomery, coal S0.110;
Viola -Mittehon tax rebate, 450:
Oeo. Mutter. labour 10; David
HastitigS4 labour A; TAvp• Grey.
grading 4.51"Tivir. of 'Grey, election
builots 10,09; Gordon Stilest ...V0v.
garbage 2001 .14artrey . taiciten.
cutting grass 240: iri'nnk 11.04
ledge; 1,068 tax rebate $0; _tresses
Recreational Conlin.' grants lj'Yli
3. M. tuilibet, labour and built
:It: W. C. keit 1:41 tY: A,
Williamson, Poll Merl: 11; MSC
MOW% Imo, 14; tfrk Um."
Christmas Meeting
At MelVille Manse
A vombined meeting- of
WOMPW4 . Missionary Society and
Ladies' Aid was held at Melville
Manse. in the aftertmen of De...
Oth,'-amitist. a beautiful scsling
the Nativity Scene.
Mrs. -G. Gibson convened. the. -•
first part of the .meating open-
ing with 'a poem and carol
Scripture reeding and media
te,Uon . was • taken by Mrs. Arm-
Wang and ..Mrs, Turvey led in
orayer. The roll (sill was respond-
ed to by • each expressin.e..
Chrisimas thought.
Mrs. Matheson rend a very
timely message, "i.ets Keep
Christmas" written by ReV. Peter
Marshall. -A duet was sung by
Mrk-Jeault vans and Mrs. jean
PreSeott. Calfs on the shut-ins
were. enumerated.
Mrs. _George 'Evens convened
the LadietV.Aid part of the-meet-
ing. A Christmas carol was sung
and :tiro.' King' read 11 beautiful
message, "(Piled Tidings of Great
Joy" written by Tli~v. Tully
Graham, The 'Inisiness part .of the
meeting followed.. Arrangements
-were etude „for the January meet.
lag. 'The offering was received
and the meeting (dosed with the
Mispeh benediction.
Mrs, `Purvey and Mrs, Smith
.essiSted Mrs. MeCarroll in spry.
*If PAM*. •••••••••
Regular Games .
Iscirs .Henry, Wingimm; Mrs
Dave Hastings .Tr 'Sirs Ken
DOnalc1,••111yth;. Scott 'Wilson.
Elmer Young: Onytte .Triebner:
Pearl linker: Mrs. Wayne •Lovire:
•Mrs. Albright, Winghitm.:
Knight Sera,. (lordon: -.Ken
Penningt(in: . Mrs. Chris Fischer:
Scott Mrs Riley. Wing.
hum .
Mrs. trerg Riley; Mrs. Ken Me-
Donald: Mrs. Joyce' Triebner.
Door Prize
Jcillin -Finnigan. Winglotm.
Davidsim, Poll Clerk 1(2; 'Miss
.Clara McGowan. assistance .
Jeanne. Sohn- 15:- Brussels Agri.
Society; 1968 grant 11n: Ilenssols
.Lion's Club, a . 'deflation to Sant
Matta Parade' 100; 'Huron Brocs
Dittrint TI. V., 190 levy 1432t".”'l:.
County_ of Huron. 1968 leVy 1.4358:'
114orr1s Plant Wawatiosh School.
1968 levy. .1 02,4.0.1: Post: Office.
6.40:- •Rec. flea. of -Caituds,
Tax deductions
and 125.49
Royal Canadian Legion, Hall rent
12: 0.15I.E.R.S., pension funii,fg1.7'2,
• Moved by I. G. Campbell, sec-
onded by H. 3. Tent'as that the
Rreve-provIttim 'December 20. Box-
ing Bay, n Public Holiday,
Moved :bsi -I. 0, Campbell. sec•
onded by it. It, Causing. that the
meeting meet: again
Sanitary 13, 11160.•or at the veil c'f
the Reeve.
..reelvht 1<rattiet, liettv.t
Wm. H. King Olen
There'll Always le. a. chri..!
T., bring us. hos,. :Orl no. t
Till lit ki UV. C .in ruY
Til.• ;41-4 will sever es-ase'
‘V.I',a-t ex or aro om,
er we may tiro;
•Wi••gaill a 1101 Iiisei•e.eetIV
Within 11114 •ra'o
Theroli Oi-ty;; Is. a rin•ighn.c:
•Tfoin..01 every dr,.ant !”;•:t" f!:1 7
?t't 4onfothint.• oonn' :441
Through .eiot
The 1'.v Inkling srPs'it and smita
As carols flood the air.
The church bells rinitit4.i gaily
While people knoio . in prayer.
There'll always be
liN•anse upon this day
Was born the blessed
5Vho eame to !h hl ear a ,y
ROBERT 1141.11-liE
itobert :kfitthi.... -7 Bel gra vs.
died Tuesday at 51.'itoOtaus end
t Ilospi In I;
III.. was :1 Son of tilt..” jtji.
and Mrs. William ;Nlichle lit'
farmed in Morris Township until
he retired I,, Bottestrf• a few years
Surviving are one sister: Airs,
.00rne (11 :ire:irett Nichol. a: a'
orris Township; ono I I .'tit
Frlit'St of. liellraVo;
The hong Todd
aay from the D.- A. Itann funeral
bump, itrits:o•ls. at ;.• Ifni i
win he hi 11ratesels
sit and .51r-4 1 .. In'rs Els
family - Inger:tell were. Nvi ,eli..tid
• :mad **study ef Louden visited
Mi'. and Afrs centsie.-!.
Brussels on the wi.oltowl.
ATrs, r.
srimaitig row sift'
ber cmasiti. Ruby Nein.
Bill (Ind- Turnbull s!t
te'd five • :51es istrbroak
by ostitsvort,'. on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm.. ..Tnrithe '•
spent the weeitcsd .
attending tit., :Pith• .o-
drersary tit anrl•Mrs,. cbaries
ware Ratiirdi:y
von..h.•, Itkintrd Nefsio•
ItR Itrusscis:
sni si orni t: Star
noik,.k:di Pe•.-
10titi luelly tick .? gei a. 41 A
drawn by Sitnta anti eat
Joanne Trinities. to' :1:
TArtatraaa WPM exehting.
hy members .11f the lodge... •
atd .Mrs -T
!ors. ote/I lo,nor of_ and
•• the
:limits' tit their weddine.
aunty(' rsary. Ittneing•Was enjoyed.
it. P,1 +low • t istouOl
A turkey (Vane,.
lunno end
40iitod . ft titileile!'
-.; -t Meeting
'i't.., • f 4 111 -.15. -.4 the
W .Was.itOld. In the
Brussels . was -dee-
•tor es',':'
*13 TI:40411%iieii,!"164116prn..TIlte.
Nlitert a Smith
f..p,.:,(4 tit , mcoinct and
ot*Ip.!...i in. imsinoSs I.:wt.:A. lot
•, st,ifety on the
reveived and
al ,ft ,i.n...ther meeting.
tl, 1,/- vnrn by
se•lestrialf- . to their
:L. s.sikoree -Cie high.
te , leirelissed .5 ropert
on christinas Fill- -held at
; :V;V : lissm..whieit some of
lite la -utt.t. -.i1 ,9ttiril Wits given.
• •,ent •itt the. two
r0Stdenbio .
t'..fet•it'e.* and Mrs. Wright.
members were 'asked to send
ritristums. (auk . Mrs.
rolt-irt !$f Ilttelph- .grin
ete•ei, h'-id at the War Mem.-
totelph rniversity.
Xiciel one of the
';,11; yilr't .111r . t hen tOOk
mm','! she tattled
i A.4 t,,ne-tilt Vrios: who along
.:1I-trie ),ie(!,:tehoon were
the eonrse "Dress Malt-
1{' !!1 it turresettee". to- ,giver. a
.1 'the Prturteen
s1,-rod (Join's, with ten .potn-
04,41,14 it, They - four meet-
!ass the.cOurse NS Well as
-...ser at Day In Wingbam on
;.1. which Cliths
I This. rei.;:rt was: followed
of 1)retoo•i4 made,
111.s. Mnr-
•All&-t. do Vries. :Mrs
Stolt'!. Sirs Bong item
.v.:v. t'ai'l Itentingway
'Dna :Vrs
Airs. ‘Vni.,,,t Mr;
.51ildi•Pd Perrh..... .5s the dresses
• atodeiled Mrs. Margaret.
to. rommented • on ea(-11. There
,Ihti a display the 4-H
t1,.1•1),. thol.. dresses . ;Intl
ors.lcs. V.a...leoders of that
'1(:trit,fis May rte Smart"
Roses) o.2,- Naps- t
tni% threit
• br-,..intas re;!Aitwt, Nve-e
.was carol sing-
' v ah ttr.. Waiter r
oattit..- • ••
motto ••••ityith -m11441
.-.4vter • year7..
Tairne'Nielml.: 'Mrs.
Deag liendn.!xway. Mrs OM -Item-
:led Mrs -de .Vries- gave
%qui tion en t1te -making
• =wreaths; . centre
• 4 .,, .4 ,101,11tris5unts- frees out ma'
ituliditot salmon titre,- pi•tstie
The roll:ei.11 was answered by
ret..ipe..deeorated siml-
tit ineo-s .and for these'
dra.'Wtea ewnit by..Mrs.: Allier-
to Smith 'on lovely eushion,
'1114 11(111 .1 ':14 by St mt. N,
Ms.t ;ley Snnqhine tho
',!neon and W..1. thst...., ebise(l the
meeting after which a deficits:
nitwit 116)!1:4"3:
9464, q.1.4 1 1;!A,‘, 411 .4,
}telnitlOWBV.i11111 :41.1-S 4f V14014.
Mr. James W. of New
1,1141IPArd, nosSod away: in Braee-
1►ridg0 trospitcil . on Monday. Dee-
enther 2nd.. in his 71st. year. Tie)
was horn fin Morris Township
son or Join A. Brown and Oath.
;trine MeArter.
Surviving ere his wife, the for-
liter Gertrude Shaw, of Brussels;
an sari- Br. Glen Brown. 'tramp-
ton: one , brother. Brume Brown of
New Lisk(strd; three. sisters, Mrs.
Harvey Roberston..111nevale, Mrs.
Keith Dobson, Tiratuntsm Mrs.
:Miller Richmond of Ttivth.
. The funeral was held Thursday.
in.eptiber iith, ut -3:30 o'clock
front - the 1)(Yrin Punerel itontei
\',.n' Liskeard with interment hi
.Lislosard eefneterY: •
kitties Smith, TIlt 2, Brussels,
ty eleeted president of the
l'! rah-iiuratt Shorthern Assoe-
:Ali 01 at the as:sedation meeting
in Egnintulville. Serretary treas-
"Mel' eiertell was Gerald Smith
ltrus,sels and Donald Pullen
ef climes George Procter. 11Tt 5,
r!et.•010. ono of lilt. I4tBnit
tiii"netitrw elOrteil
wolthor-Aoilue tin the Brat:-
Santa ('telly; Istrade un S'atnr-
-15.larati primal of ehildren and
lined the main street to
view. titre parade of 41 entries ae-
ksatutaniell by Brussels Legion
Pipe Band andS-the Seaferth
School. Drum and Tingle band.
'the ;parade included horses and
riders; bekrse drawn voliieles in.
Altd11.! feurherse team of
uttifiii heavy.. hosto,,t; a donkey:
:,sliver • serpentine Monster.
rneks atti well . in; many
'otere tit in g limit" nn funny themes
entered- by alMost -e5'017 -sttetety.
club and group in the village and
,,,irrowaditte- pi,mmuraties,
. Sono. paying his mood pre-
Istristuois visit. was_ the centre of
littenVon.fer the' children.
the -parode :to met the yennst-
ors at t he -Legion Hall anal
distributed i roats and cartoon
films were enjoyed.
Parade winners were': .
pleats! Hortietatural
;2..1V:0ton 'Institute:.
'.51itior flunkey.- .
Jactptie Work-
Eilart:- Brussels. F'lgure
nest .01i411111e: • Ann Lowe-.
Oldest • • Robt.Inlyidson (S81
Vontiget!-I • t)oniln: Elliott.
!torso Inatast Vehicle: Ivan
The judges .tyre three minis1-.
ors slid Reeve .1 • c. Kreuter.
'the 'Brussels Royal 'Canadian
tilt! Lions . (111111..Who
:Aponsi)rod- -tiont:O: • visit and -
ltariati.. are 'grateful,. and express
their 'aepreelatten. to all - those
Wiles., co-operation. in many ways,
inade the oerouton the 14 n e Mit; it