The Brussels Post, 1968-12-12, Page 112.00 A Year In Advance — $3.00 To 11.114. THE 1.3R('SS15.114.S PUS'!', TUT ItSILNY, 01,7.(t, It;th, .1968 POST PUBLISITIN'G HOTTS.6;
1111515e fi
Neil Hemingway Receives
3 Awards At The •47H
Achievement Night.
John Bradley, Of Mt 3,, Coder
loll, a 20-year-old, first-year
student at the Ontario Agricith
College, (i'uelph, .was named
on is landing, all-round, 1-H mem-
ber • at the 21st annual 'Hiton
Cooktly -1-H achievement night
held in Seaforth District High
• He was awarded the Robert
„Mckinley citizenship trophy by
?1r. .McKinley, :MP for Huron.
Neil Hemingway, au 3. pils_
Ws, son of Mr. and Mrs. Doug-
las Hemingway, was presented
With the C. S. McNaughlon trophy
for the highest score in the
county, 050 points of it possible
1,000. He also received the J, A.
Ansteit award, a wrist watch, for
the highest score in .1-H beef
clubs, presented by Murray Gaunt,
4-H gate sign placed first
in the county 'competition.
Jim Riddell, RR 2 Baffleld, won
the wttrden's novice trophy for
-the highest 4-11 score up to the
first year, it was presented by
Warden Calvin 'Kreuter of Brus-
Bruce Corrigan. RR 1 Bluevale,
Canadian imperial Ba.nk of Coin'
merce..award for champion 4-11
Ronald .1.1ow a LI .RRI Ileigrave
Toronto-Dominion Bank award
for champion all - round
showman and A. Y. McLean
trophy for dairy sh OW111 anship,
Neil Vincent. RR 1, Belgraye,
Tinron Hereford A ss ()elation
award for high 4-T-I score, exclud-
ing` score on Hereford calf.
.1\ltney and Teresa Deveraux,
RR 1, Se',1rorth. Stewart Procter
awards for champion junior and
senior shorthorn heifers.
:David liaan, RR 3 Walton,
lluron Soil and Crop Improve-
ment Association award for out•
standing achievement in grain
cern clubs.
To)) scorers in 1-H Clubs for the
year were:
Blyth-;13e1gtove 1-H Beet Calf
Club, Sponsored by Myth
fund Society: Neil, Grant and
Murray Vino en t , 1111 1,
With 921, 897 acrid 896 pOints re-
4.-H. Dairy Calf ain't);
sPonSOred by Blyth Lioug
Velma, Fent', RR 3, Illyth. 922.
'Gwen Hunter, RR 1 Belgrave 911
Jack do Groot. RR 3 131yt,h, 908.
Brussels 1-11 Calf Club, spot'•
sore( by Brussels Agricultural
society: Neil Hemingway, Rit 3,
Brussels, 93(1 Bob Thomas, Brus•
sels 898: David Baan, 3 Wal.
ton 894.
Blyth 4-1.1 Corn Club, sponsored
by Blyth Agricultural Society;
Iniialil McPhee, RR 3 Auburn
897; Douglas 'Walker RR; 1 Bel.
Friday, December 6th. :ilyth
7 HrusFels 2.
Blyth; Goal, 11. Gorman; De-
fctisem G. Berry, C. Cowan, For-
wards: B. Langton.
Ament. 1). Shalliness, B, Mason
1‹, Radford. Riley, 11, MacDoug-
all •:\Pit-Dougall, .TOhnston,
Brussels: K. 'Bird, Der-.
ease; Al, MeDonald, D. Tillliott,
K. McLean. It. Minor. Forwards:
R. Somers, 11. Kellington•R, Pipe
111. Workman. K. .Cowing, J. Brig-
ham, D. Salm, R.. LeDrow,
rst 'Period; •
1- myth, Dangiois .(Arnetit)0-:45
2 - Brussels,. McDonald (Work-
man 18:00
Penalitiles: Somers 3:15, Lang-
lois 13:.00, Somers 17J67.
Second. Period •
• 3 - Myth,. .Ament, (G. Riley) 1.80
1 - Myth,. ShallineSs 11:36 •
Penalities: Berry 13:40., Langlois
'111:15„ KollingLen 17:00
Third. Period
5 - Brussels, Wellman (MoDon.
old.) 21
6 - Myth. Shalliness 10:20
: 7T3lytlt, MacDougall (Mac-
Dougall) 1,1:1
S - Blyth, Dougari t'Mac,-
Dougall) 13:23
Winintrs or till' (melt a,t; the
Machan Hardware On Saturday
wore: Mrs, Ralph Teichner, $.5.00;
Mrs. Elsie Shaw $8.00;. ;Tallies
High Singles
El 9 27
.Teanne Bolger 221
.1 a tie ‘Vard
!inn TTuother 993
carman :Nine:11:1n 268
Gordon Jacl;lin .......... 261
Brion Rutledge 261
High Triples
.fanc Ward ............. .„ 611
Joanne Bolger 598
l'ionno Hitelbor 581
flordon jacklin 7'18
Ron Tinethor ........ — . 714
Al 'Nichol 655
Ray Bronson Wits a sill},
grave 979', Bill i0oar, Myth
it ritSsels 4,14 Cord (1111h spon-
sored by Groy Township Feder-
ation of Agricialnee: David Bann.,
RR 3. Walton 938; Gerald Patin.
3 Walton 925: Doligles Gar-
niss. RR 1 Winghani.
T-Toron County -1-Tt Engineer.
lug Club, sponsored by Sonforill
Junior FarinerS: Douglas Tee-
wartha. RR 'I Clinton 820; Gerald
Penn, RA .P. Walton SOS; Ron
Dougali, Exeter 770,
WINNERS DEC. 6th, 1968
Regular (1ames;
Frank „Me( lormick, \\Ingham:
Jean 'Bridge Jr.; Cathy It1i1.1110 C.
Gordon Maclutn,
Bob 'Higgins
Regular moues:
Kay Duncan: Norman :Dobson,
IMO; Nancy Pearson: Darriel
Ilauer; ;10e 'Walker, Wingham.
Jean Lamont.
Regular (lames
Mary Davidson; Elaine Nichol:
Frank cCormi el; I
car] Cera,ber
Joan McDonald', Dorrio .:11CCut-
Kay Duncan,
• Mrs. Robert Coryl, !H, or 79
Orchard. St., .,Silver Springs. and
a fernier resident of Grey To)•,-n-•
ship, medical and surgical in-
struc:.or at Ca ,. Wymoning County
Community llospital School or
'Nursing, died Sunday in Buffalo
General Hospital after a brief
The. former Berva
was born in. .Brussels, Ont. She
went to \,Varsow in 1931 Ii' enter
the . Wymoning County C'en.,.
munity . School of N'tirsing. from
which sire ANdulttod in. 1957. Shim
worked as 1 registered nurse at
the hospital .from 1957-196i; and
was, night supervisor. She contin-
ued bee education at the Vniver-
sit of Buffalo during those yours
and was graduoted from that col-
lege in lhi;5.
Named Instructor
Mrs. Caryl then 1VaH appointed
medical and surgical insiroctoi
rlt the School or Nursing,.
She was activo in 'the .\lninni
Association or the' School or
NUrsing, the State Registered
Nnrses' Association, Heart
Association and. the Cancer Assoc,
lation and in the blood program of
the American Tied Cross.
She was also 8 director of the
Wymoming Chupler of the Amer-
ican ll.ed Cross. •
She is sttrvived by hor,husband.
Robert; two sons. Daniel 11, and
David 6. both ai honie: sPven
brolhors: T1.1 , Rev. 1.,:enneh
*Knight, Eckwoll, Alberta. Canada.
,mores. Joint, Leslie and Willis 11'
.firussols, Ont.; Harold of (Wawa.
and Murray of A twood.Ont. Also
surviving are three sisters; Mrs.
Helen Steele of Scotland; Mrs.
Marilyn cloopcl, if wilyrii:4or, Dot.
and Miss 'Dorothy V:ithrril of liftw-
sou Creek Rritlsh
1.'11110ra 1 SOrV Aver" held at
:2. P.m , IN"ednesday, Doc. 5.111 at
the Weeks 'Funeral 1 Tome, 123 N
Main St. Warsaw, by the Rev. (1,
Council Jr., minister of the rnii-
ed Clnirch Of NVat:saw
Clowns. Santa Claus
A. good, reptesetrt a ((tin of•Tliel b-
erg of all Orange Lodges met in
Belgrave. recently for the animal
meeting .of North Huron Con
Pavia .Worden of 'Hi-dowel, the
Grand Master of Ontario 'West
was proi:prii and gave the mem?),
e''S a very inspiring address. Tie
also condlicted the election and
installation of officers Elected for
a second !oral Were Past Master
tl"nine Tth Me Or Myth: Worship-
col C, Master 1TPney Mattison Of
-Wingham: Dep. r'. Master Harold
Webster of Auburn; Junior • Dep.
Edear llowiitt of Belgrave: Map-
la It. ThOnlaS JO)] 11P,t0n. of Auburn;
Recording Secretary, Emerson
'Mitchell of Walton: Fin, See..
IlerNon Treasurer.
Gordon Finnigan. both of Auburn;
1st r,oct \\'m. Tnyinr „
Loctill•or nolmias Brilop. 3rd Lect-
urer. r Scott hill of rmiErrovo :
Ty Tyr., Carl So':nson of Illnevale.
Tiir• 1 ,ppoinhol. -Hip
qtornonii the' rnitod
c.11urch Woin WI WO S held th e
11 .0111e oh Airs. .rls pry-ins. rptio,tw
day, 'December 8111, The cliristmas
IIIeute was Carried MIL I !Irfil./01-
mit the meeting. Convened. by tilt
,wesident. Al. Skelton,.
T'Io y were ;Imo t o wel come
isttorm.., 28 toetribeits who
tiristt,tered the roll call and report ,
ell 31 inade to shut-ins,
several members took part in
I '1' (1)ristill:“..; eiyotions., wild' a
%von , followed by a duo by Mrs,
Norman IToover and Airs, R,
cousins. 111 informal program of
christwas readings and favourite
Christrnash earols -was enjoyed by
all present.
Prayer Ind I em ,d ei ion closed moot lug.
.1 doinly lunch was served by,
the ladies iu chili:. r'
Give the T)osi for Christmas'.
The lirusSels Lions entertained
•Iheir ladies at their annual
"Ladies MAW:- iu the .Royal Can,
adian Legion auditorium on Mon-
day night,
Most of Ilie ladies were gowned.
in •old-fitshioned dress but only a
few of the Lions were brave
onough to don old-fashioned op-
parrot and Lion Tail Twister :Tulin
rinki them accordingly.
Lion president Jan van Vliet
presided. The wives answered 'the
roll call with "A fault of their
Lions Ken Scott and Selwyn
looker entertained with guitar and
mouth organ duets with song. The
sing song was let] by Lion Tamer
Selwyn Baker and Mrs.. George
MoCutch.eon with Mrs, . Harold
Thomas at the piano.
Following the supper, 'served
by the Legion Auxiliary ladies,
a game Of muSical • boxes was
`played. An Prompth prograin„,
presented by various. groups• was
'rho 'draw a -as won
bur Turnbull. An extremely well
behaved little pig on display.
':which turned omit not to be the
draw prier' ns expected, was the
source. of a good deal of amuse-
The evening concluded with a
visit from St. Niek who favoured.
the ladies gifts
Nine Brussels ladies attended
ihe Summary- Day roe the course
"Dressm;.iking With a Difference"
was held in Si:, Andrew's
Presbyterian Church in Wingham,
Miss Susan Heard, Home
Economist for Tinton County wel-
comed Women's institute memb-
ers from Poi:grave, TilUevale,
Brussels. Dungannon, Lakolot and
Moneriefr: and then introduced
the Chuirlady, :Mrs. Scot' Mc-
Miss Maine Fraser, of the Ont-
ario .Department of Agriculture
and Food, Toronto. presented the
12 leaders with Ribbons,. Mrs, H.
doVries. and Mrs. C, "MeCtitchoon..
were IN] tl Org. for the Brussc-ls Club.
Each club •prose nted a fashion
parade with the ladies modeling
the garinenis they had mode. Mrs.
Sohn "Kelly did a splendid job of
commenting for itio.Brussrls club,
An interesting fact that out of
the 60 in d 1 os,. two had chosen
the same material or pattern. Sev-
eral ladies had Made hats to
match their outfits.
Aliss Fraser commented on the
Ppshiob Parade and stated that
she was able to judge the person,
amity of each lady by the motor-
and trimming she had used for
her garment.
One member from each club
helped in serving a. dainty lunch.
Other special awards were pre- 9 - myth. .Am en t IG, Riley)
Sened by Donald S. Pullen, agri- 18:15
cultural represenative iler Huron. Penalities: Cowans 3:06, Glow-
County, and extension specialist ing 3:15, Mellonald 17:35, Cow-
Douglas Inglis. ' ans 17; 35 • •
by Mrs.