The Brussels Post, 1968-12-05, Page 3The New Employment
Standards Act provides
minimum standards for
overtirnepay,,ho.liday pay
and vacation .pay; pro-
tects against long hours;
ensures equal pay for
equal work for NV0111 C11
workers; sets higher rates
of minimum wages.
Ontario's employment
'standards program is con-
cerned with the economic.
welhbeing of the Province's
manpower resources. The
new Act up-dates and broad-
ens the minimum standards
for wages and working con-
ditions to safeguard workers
against exploitation and to
protect employers against
.Unfair competition based on
lower standards.
hours of work
The working hours of an
employee shall not exceed
eight in the day and 48 in
the week. However, under
certain conditions a permit
to work overtime may be
obtained from the depart-
Merit. Employees whose only
work is supervisory or man-
agerial are exempted from
the hours provisions of the
Act. A girl under 18 years
shall not be required to work
more than six hours over-
time each week.
overtime pay
The Act provides that an
eniployee will receive a min- •
imum of one and one-half -
tunes his regular wage-rate
.for any work in excess of the
maximum 4 hours perweek.
.fn addition Lo providing pre-
min in pay, this requirement
is designed to curb the use
cif excessive overtime.
Special overtime pro vi-
sions have been established
for the following industries
and may be obtained by
writing the Employment
Standards Branch of the
Department: Sewer and,
Watermain Construction;
interurban and. Municipal
Transport; Local Cartage;
Tourist Resort; Restaurant
and Tavern; Fruit and Veg-
etable Processing; Taxi;
Ambulance Service;. High-
way Transport and .Road
Building. . •
statutory holidays
A regular, full-time employee
and certain categories of:
part-time employees who
work on a statutory holiday
must receive a minimum of
One and one-half times their
regular wage rate. `floe holi-
days are Christmas Day,
New Year's Day, Good
Friday, Victoria Day,
Dominion Day, Labour Day
andThanksgivingD ay . Sub-
stitute holidays may be
arranged with the approval
of the Director.
Minimum. Wage Iii crease
Rate Effective.
Jan. 1, 1969
Rate Effective
Oct. 1,-1969
General Minimum 8 1.00/hr
General Learner Rates (4 months max.) .90/hr
Construction Rate 1.25/hr
Student Rate, General ,30/hr
First Month Summer .70/hr
Hotels, Tourist. Resorts;
Restaurants & Taverns 1.00/hr
Learners in this` Industry
(1 month max.)' ;90/hr
(Deductible allowance for
room and board)
Taxis-35N of prOcee:1, or
Delivery & Shoe Shine Boys
Ambulance Driver & Helper
1,15/hr $1.30/hr
1,00/hr 1.15/hr
15.00/wk 11:00/wk
.75/hr 1.15/hr 1,30/hr
,60/hr .90/hr
ill Mirk Is less than 48 hours per Week *flat minimum, if hrs. exceed 48 &. no records kept
THE BILCSSELS POST. Illti'SS1.11•S, ONTARIO 7111.71ISDAY, DI141. 51.11, 1968
• 1.
SCHEDULE — 1968.69
Fri., DO(', i3
LtleknOW at Brussels
Fri.. Doe, 20
Brussels at Blyl
Mon., Dec'. 22
Vkr agh a xa a l B r us se l s
Fri., Doe. 27
Brussels at Luoknow
Mort„ ;Tan, 0
llipiey tit Brussels
Fri+, STin, 10
Myth at Brussels
Tues.. Jan. 14
'Brussels at Ripley
Jan, 18
Brussels at
(4:00 p,m..)
All games played at 7:00 p.m.
unless otherwise stated.
Mon., Dee, 9
Teeswater at. Drussels
(7:00 p.m.)
Dee. 13
Brussels at Teoswnter
(8:20 p.m.)
Fri., Dec, 20
LUeknow at Brussels
Mon., Deo. 23
`Brussels at Tllyth
Mon,, Doe 30
Brussels ;It Lateknow
Pri„ Jana 3
Ripley at Brussels
Tues., San, 7
Brussels at Ripley
(8:30 p.m.)
Mon. lau. 13
Myth at 'Brussels
All games are played 7:00
1111111SS otherwise stated.
Mon., Dee, 16
Sea l'Ortli at :DruSsel8
Pri,, Dee. 20'
biteknow at Brussels
Mom, Dec. 2
Misses at Goderich
;Moir,, .Tan. 0
Brussels at Lucknow
Fri., Jan. 10
;Brussels at Seaforth
Mon., ,Jan, 13
GOderiolt at :BriisselS
Mon., Tan. 20
Sea.forth at .Brussels
Fri., Jan. 24
Luckilow a.l. Brussels
MOIL, Jan. 27
'Brussels at GoderiCh
Fri., Jan. 31
Brussels at Lucknow
M on., Feb. 3
Brussels at Sealorth
.hell. 7
Coderich o f,
Game ThIle — 8:30 -p.m
.NIT', 11.1, .V.141.11,1.1
1)1. 1.11t3 111114,
i1.111101.lneen that, valnic I-Leavings
concerning detrimental trade
practices ill 'die niarkeLi lig Or
Uttits ttial vegetable Will li4
convolied Deceallier 10 - 13, 1068
lit .L-foti.rn room Nam ber One, 61,'
College Street, Toronto, outario.
Pima Corincil inemberS Sitting
Willi Mr, Williams at tae near,
ings arp: W. A. Brecht/1 Of
liltobleOlte, who, represents Obit-
fritirlierg and Mr-S. tack Bowl rd ot
HainiltOrt, Who reliteSeilta prOiltie-
PreVietis heitrings have centred
.around persOnal payments anti
kick-hacks to soperinarket pro-
doea boyars; and Market thanlIP
equal pay .for
equal work
In order to protect the grow-
ing segment of women in the..
labour force the existing
legislation covering equal
pay for equal work under
the Human Rights Code has
been strengthened and trans-
Terred to the Employment
Standards Act, This provi-
sion -ensures that a Woman
who does the same job as a
man in the same establish-
ment is entitled to the same
pay: T.he question of what
is equal work will be deter-
mined on the basis of skill.
effort, responsibility and.
working conditions.
No girl. under 18 years
shall •work in an establish-
ment between midnight and
6 a.m.
If a woman works on a
shift that begins ot .ends
between 12:00 midnight and
6 a.m. her, employer must
provide transportation from
her residence to the job or
from the job to her home.
vacations with pay
The Act provides tha L every
employee shall be given art
annual paid vacation of at
least one week after one year
of employment. The vaca-
tion pay must not be less
than 2% of the total pay
received in the year in which
the vacation is given. When
an employee works for a
period less than one year he
is entitled to 2% vacation
pay for the period worked.
After three years of employ-
ment, the minimum is two
weeks paid vacation and the
pay must not be less than
4% of the annual earnings.
The Vacation with Pay.
stamp book system for con-
struction workers will be
phased out between January
1, 1970 and June 20, 1970.
protection for
horns workers
Any person doing-homework
as defined in. the new Act
is now considered to be, an
employee and is protected
by the legislation. •
Employers are reqUired to
provide a statement of wages
and deductions to each em-
ployee at the time wages are.
paid. It must show: pay
period, rate of wages,
amount of wages, all deduc-
tions and the ..purpose of
each, allowances and the net
amount being paid the em-
ployee. Deductions. include
•those authorized by the
employee and such usual
deduction8 as 'Unemploy-
ment Insurance, Income
Tax, Canada Pension
Company Pension Plan and
collection of
unpald wages
The department may now
collect unpaid wages for an
employee including the
amount of wages due, over-
time pay and vacation pay
up to a maximum of $1,000.
.l{ or. collection could be
made for wages only up to
the level of the minimum
There are some industries in
fife; province tinder the jtiris-
diction of the Federal Govern
matt such aS banks, airlineS,
railways etc. These industries
are covered by the Canada
Labour Standards Code and
are not under the jurisdiction
of this Act. If yoU are in doubt
which legislation applies to
you, call the Employment
Standards Branch (TelephOne!
3(i5-5251), for information,
The above is only a
general summary of the
Act;. For more specific in-
formation regarding the
Act; and its regulations
concerning overtime per-
mits, exemptions for
special occupations, etc.,
Employment Standards
74 Victoria Street
Toronto 1A, Ontario
Notice to
Employers &Employees
At 12.01 a.m. on January ist,1969, the new
Ontario Employment Standards Act
becomes law
Ontario Department of Labour
Hon. Dalton. Bales, Q.C., Minister
"TM f • *TU.', M., Irr-an-g.rargrtsnm-prim.-,