The Huron Signal, 1881-06-10, Page 88 THE HURON SIGN -AL, FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1881. DOORS SASHES, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, and every Description of Interior Finish. STAIRS, HANDRAILS, NEWELS and BALUSTERS A Specialty. Send for Price Lists. SHINGLES, LATH & LUMBER Estimates on applica- tion. WM'Address FRANCIS SMEETH, Goderich Lc blllra. A Run. -Jack Frost trade hi.appear- ance on Sunday night and did some havoc in the gardens. No Csuaca.-There will be no ser- vice in the Presbytorian church on Sun- day. Beammll,r. Strawberries are in their prime. Statute labor is about to begin. A rain is what we most want; every plant, shrub and weed needs it. Cherry, pear and peach trees promises good crop. Apples will be apples next fall. Matrimonial fever has attack --1 sever - a1 of our young yieets :nd laelies. It is tie -lues (typhus.) Summer fallowing, burning slasher, preparing turnip gtuund, etc.. is the work 0 this month. We were visite 1 b1 a very heavy frost on the night 0 the Leh inst. Planta were frozen black where. they were not protected by the winds. IMPROVEMENTS. -A new railing has been added to two of the culverts across Sharp's creek. A new face has been put en Mr Pframer's mill, and a new mill shed erected. The new schoolhouse is being rapidly put up. Milburn. LAID Ov&R--The quoiting contest be- tween the Garbrid playersand Millburn did not come off, owing to the illness 0 one Garbrid plaj;er. ON THE JUMP AGAIN. -Hodge d: Haynes' saw twill has started in, steam after a rest of several weeks. Here we may remark that our sawmill dees quite a thriving trade in lumber. Over a million feet has been shipped away since the new year by rail, .besides supplying the local wants in our community which has been very large, as every farmer has been doing a little in the building line coot the rerY ter Farasers this spring. Mr. A. C. Macioneld is may have put obstructions on any high way, such as orchard brush, rubbish otf farm, cordwood, &c., to remove sane immediately. Carried A bitch of Jueeph Proctor's which he gave away was taken offs roll. Moved by Joseph Whitely, sec'd by John Cox that motion No. 36, of minutes of cuuucil of May 2nd, 1881, be rescinded. Carried. Moved by John Cox, sec'd by James Peacock that $50 be given to open the 11th and 12th o.n., leading to toe Mait- land River. Carried. The f.,llowing accts. were paid-' George Green draining on lot Ell, 13. con., $4.25; Jame* John- ston for three culverts on H. R. $26.25; George Balderson fur drawing gravel and digging ditch on 13. con., $3; Wm. S. Patton, serving notices of appeal to C. R. $2; Wilson Haney, road eroesiag for drain $2.50; Clerk, sending school section census to the several trustees and preparing same 60 cents each. Council adjourned to meet again, on the first Monday in July. JAML4 PATTON, clerk. Wast Wawaaosh Council suet as a court of revision, at the Hall on May 28th, when the follow- ing appeals were disposed of: John H. Taylor, reduced $200. Charles Wilson, dog to be struck of, if no other got. Lots 64, (35, Dungannon asst. ,changed front A. McPherson, to A. Sproul - Court adjourned sine die. Council met for ordinary business. minutes read and sustained. The fol- lowing grants were made, for road. im- provement, cutting hill 6th and 7th con. opposite lots 17, and 18, $100; gravelling 10, and 11, con. oppx,sit.+ lots 13, 14,$40; turnpiking 21 and 22, con. 9 and 10,$25; gravelling 24 and25 from Lt to7th con., $2200; Janie* Ramage applied to be re- moved from S. S.12, and joined to S. S. 4. -granted. By -Law read a first and se- cond time. Edward Pacey, was granted charity 815; in consideration of having sustained a severe loss through sheep worried by dogs, John Pentland was appointed collector for 1881. Clerk was instructed to ask J. Warren, C. L E. to survey Young's craek, according to requirement of municipal iAetructton. Act for drainage. • By -Law causing all obstructions to be removed from road allowance read and passed. By -Lew prohibiting certain cattle froth running at large, read and pressed. Clerk to write to I. Clark and R. Spring, to finish job graveling 24. 25,em. Assessor paid 870; E. Fry, Deaf and Dumb child's fare from Asylum 87.50. John Clerk gravelling E. B. $10: E. Pacey. charity $15. Adjourned till 14th Juno. R. MURRAY. Clers. f •retnan and dead sawyer, H. 1 Oram er. h -ad engineer, and four other hands. Mr. Hodge of the firm being business manager. Carlow. Mr. W. J. Young, of Colborne. medi- cal student of Kingston, is at present [practising medicine with Dr. Stewart, of , I3rucetield. The musical and literary contest given by the pupils 0 S. S. No. 1, Colborne, in the township hall, on Friday evening, was a decided success. It appears that! the pupils of this section a short time: ago formed theureelves into a society for mental improvement, and were wont to hold their meetings regularly every Fri- day evening. After being in working order for a while, the idea suggested it- self of giving an entertainment, chiefly for the section, by way of exhibiting what tilt were doing as a society. The pupils divided into two sections, one being led by Phcebe Smith and Geo. J. Ferguson as leaders, the other by Mary Robinson and C. C. Oke. Each party carried their respective programmes through in admirable style. The read- ings and recitations were v, ell chosen, many of them being exceedin ly difficult to render, such as "Battle 0Waterloo," 'Edinburgh after Flodden;' 'Mary Queen 0 Scats &c., and considering teat these selection were given by pupils whose ages ranged from 8 years to 14 years, they were unusually well rendered, and would have done credit to any other Literary Society, elder in organization. Tho judges, Messrs. J McGillivray. J. 13. Miller, E. 13 Wood, had some diffi- culty in deciding, but finally ••ave the palm of victory to the side led by Mise Pha:be Smith nod Gee. J. -Ferguson. One splendid feature of this excellent contest was that not a single contestant "tripped- in performing his or her part. Miss Ferguson, of Goderich, and Miss Broad, of Golbonie, favored the audience with some find selections making tip ex- cellently for the disadpointment ex- perienced on account of the Auburn Brass Band failing to be present through seine mismanagement. (creat credit is due to Mr. Cowan and Miss Jones. teachers, for the pains they have taken to make their pupils good readers and reciters, and for the fine entertainment which by their efforts was made such a complete NtiCeO a en Friday evening. lloderieh Township. Hnllnesville, May 30, 1881. ---Council met to day as Court 0 Revision. Mem- bers all present. the several members having qualified according to statute, the appeals were prtcoeded with. Simon McCulloch and John A. Naftel appeals too high assessed, no reduction made. Assessments confirmed. .Iohn H. Lloyd was put on roll as owner in his wife's name of lots 14 and 15, 5th con. Gen. H. Cox changed from occupant to joint owner Henry Garbe put oar roll as tenant lot 10, 2nd can. Moved by John Cox, sec. by Joseph Whitely that the aasea*ment roll new revised and correct- ed be passed. Carred. The o'ourt of Revision closed after the clerk reading over the entire names on roil. The minutes of last meeting 0 Council were then read and passed and the ordinary public business proceeded with. John Middleton went refunded $12.31 arrears of taxes . n pt. lot 3, M. e he having paid the same. literal by John Bea- com, sec'd by James Peacock that this Cannell will give $20. provided Statnley Tp. C, unci) given same amount to re- pair the road Trading from Stanley on eon. 15 and 16, Carried. Moved by John ileac.ont, ttec'd . John oo that enemy pathmaster notify any p,' -roti who COUNTY COUNCIL. Opening Duys of the June Meet- ing. Tae flaunt) Nrpre•eaitattea-l'ssrtuuiea- I lea• he Irma Britian., et.•,. els. glass sLY. Uoclerich, June 7, 1881. The Council met today, pureuant up xdjuurnwent ►ruin last meeting, the Warden iu the chair. The following councillors were present, Webster, Grif- fin, Eason, Rogers. Ohidley, Sheppard, Young, Allan, Hardy, Johnston, (;atup- bell, Hutchison, Elliott, Whitely, Strachan, Hialop, Rennie, Cook, Weir, McMillan, Hays, Evans, Forsyth, Miller, Wilson, Beattie, Graham, Castle, Hog- arth, Ratz, Walker, Hannah, Black, Hennings, flay, Taylor, Currie, Girrin, Gaunt, Bell, Meyer, and Gibou. The minutes of last day of January meeting, were road and approved. The Warden addressed the Council upon the following matters: The Gaol and Court House repairs; the failure of the contractor in rebuilding the bound- ary bridge between Huron and Middle- sex; the failure 0 getting an insane, in- digent person from Blyth admitted into any of the poor -houses, or asylums, the necessity for rebuilding the Maitland Bride, :and making necessary repairs to the Court House cupola. A letter from Mr. Brotherhood, as- sistant Grand Trunk engineer, in refer- ence to Maitland bridge, was read, and referred to Road and Bridge cornutittee. The report of Messrs. Gibson and Hardy, road commissioners, on iron bridges, war read and referred to Road and Bridge committee. A communication from Mr. E. N. Lewis, Secretary of St. George's Church Vestry meeting, thanking the Council for granting the use 0 the court room in which to hold service, was read, re- ceived and Ordered to be filed. Tenders for rebuilding the Maitland bridge were referred tG the Road and Bridge Committee. Tenders for renewing the roof of the cupola were referred to the Gaol and Court House Committee. A letter from the County Treasurer, with statements of cash on hand, and of collections froin non-resident lands, was read and referred to the Finance Com- mittee. Also Y number of accounts. The Council went into Committee of the Whole to discuss the merits of the proposed iron bridge, Mn Walker in the chair, when the following gentlemen took part in the discussion: -'.Messrs. Gibbon, Wilson, Hardy, Black, Strach- an, McMillan, Rogers, Girvin, Weir and Hannah., Moved annah.•- Moved by Mr. Hayes, seconded by Mr. Hardy, that this Council do nowad- journ t. meet at teno•clock t;•o-rnotrow- Carried. We are glad to learn that the "Illus- trated Stock Doctor and Live Stock En- cyclopedia," by Dr. Manning, to which we have made special reference. in these columns is having an immense sale, and that hundreds of thein are being placed in the hands of fanners in the Co. of Huron, and a very short time will fully demoustrate the great value of the work to then in the handling of their stock. onhedThere neverb stock that conies so eshighly recom- mended oom- mended as this of Dr. Mannings. The World Pub. Co. orf Guelph, deserve credit for placing so valuable a look within reach of every fanner. The fool - lowing names will suttice to show its popularity. These sten have all ex- amined complete copies and each has ordered one for fats own use. \Vm. Brown, Professor "f Agriculture and Farm Supt. Model Farm, F. W. Stone, Importer and Breeder of Shorthorns and Herefords, Cot iwold and Southdown Sheep, Berkshire Pigs &c, John C. Snell, Importer and Breeder of Short- horn cattle, Cotswold sheep and Berk- shire swine, J. & W. Watt, Breeders of Shorthorn catttle and Clydesdale horses, Stephen White of Charing Cross, Breeder of Southdown sheep and Berkshire pigs, and Lecturer for the Dominion Grange, Joseph Rymal, Farmer and M. P., Dr. Andrew Smith,President of theVerterin- ary College, Toronto, Dr. E. A. A. Grange,Lecturer en Verterinary Science, Ontario College of Agriculture, J. Craig, V. S. Hamilton, A. M. Livingstone, t . S., Chatham,D. McIntosh, V. S.,Bruce- field, Thos. Ballantyne, M. P. P..Strat- ferd, John McMillan, Reeve of Hullett and Member of 1 )ntario Agricultural Commission, John Hope. Manager of Bow Park Farm, Brantford, &c. The following from Mr. Gabriel Elli- ott, Reeve,t f Goderich Township, speaks for itself. DEAR Sitz.., -I have carefully looked over and examined your Stock Book and find it fills a want long felt among the farming community. We have felt the need of a thoroughly practical work n breeding. feeding, care and management 0 all farni stock. In the treatment of disease it certainly is the most !practical and easily understood of any look I have ever examined. The causes of every disease, haw to knew it. and what to do, are explained in a very simple and easily nndereto.od manner. Every farmer should certainly have a copy at hand to refer to in the handling and treatment of stock, both in health and disease. Yours &c,GASRILL ELLIOTT,Reeve of Goderich Township, breeder of improved cattle and heavy draught horses. CLirtros, Huron. May A, 1881. T.• the U'orlof Puhliehinp GENTS, -We have carefully examined your new work, entitled "The Illus- trated Stock Doctor and Live Stock En- cyclgpledia,-' and believe it to be a work 0 great practical value, going, as it does, fully into the breeding. management and care of horses. cattle, sheep. swine and poultry. The causes .4 disease, how to know it, and what to do in each and every case fully explained in plain, simple language, easily understood; and believe it to be a work that ehonld be in the hands of every farmer that has stack, whether it be much or little H. Meru. & Sofa, Breeders 0 Durham Cattle. Leteeater and Cotswold Sheep, and Berkshire Swine In 18.81 Stratfordsaasennmentamount- ed to $2,4152.4132, and her population bn A,n12. In 1AP1 her assessment is pat down at $2.294,000, and jai -Iodation at 8,454, a decrease 0 $2A.452 and 4.68. re- spectively. Such is the effect of the N. P in Stratinr+rp 'Et:ONL DAY. June 8th. The Council stet pursuant to adjourn- ment. the Warden in the chart. All the members were present except Messrs. Clegg and Mason. The minutes of previous day were read and approved. The presentment 0 the Grand Jury at the Spring Assizes was read and or- dered to be tiled. The report of Mr. San.la. ton right of way when rebuilding Maitland bridge, and offering land fir sale fur the House "f Refuge in the event of the Council erecting one, was read and referred to the Read and Bridge committee. A number • .f accounts were present- ed. Moved by- Mr. Black. seconded by Mr. Hennings, that this Council grant per- mission to the Township Council of Turnberry to lay out a road three rods wide, along the banks of the Maitland river, in the said township, from the east end of Job's bridge, ontheninthcun. of said township, to the side road be- tween lots 10 and 11, as surveyed by Mr. Miles, P. L S -Carried. Report of -lir. Gibson, road commis- sioner, was read and referred to the Read and Bridge cumtittee. On motion the Council adjourned un- til 10 a.l t. to -morrow. 'Mien DAY. June 9th. The Connell met pursuant to adjourn- ment the warden in the chair. _111 the Councillors were present except Messrs. egg ani vlason. The minutes of yesterday were read and approved. The report of Mr. Sheppard. road commissioner, was read and referred to the Road and Bridge Commigee. The petition of Mr. William Geddes and 23 others of the townships of Morris and East \Vawanosh, requesting the Council to induce the township Council of Morris to repair the gravel road be- tween Winghann and Blyth was read and referred to the Road and Bridge conn- mittee. The report of Mr. Girvin. romp com- missioner, was read and referred to the Road and Bridge committee. The report of Mr. Hardy, road com- missioner, was read and referred to the Road and Bridge committee. The report of the Road and Bridge committee concerning the reconstruction of Maitland Bridge, and recommending the building of a wooden structure, was read. Mot -ed by Mr. Young, seconded by Mr. Rogers, that the Road and Bridge committee report he amended by mov- ing that an iron bridge be built over the river Maitland at Maitlandville, lA feet between the upright posts, and that the amended tender of the Hamilton Bridge company be accepteoi. ilpon the names being called there voted for the amendment -Meows Grabens, Allan. Elliott, Whitely. Camp- bell, ambell, Webster, (irisin, Hutchison, WS • sin. Heslop, Hardy. Ream. 8.h, Chailey, Hays,Evans. Hannah, alrtle, Rogers. McMillan, Yinng, Gibson. GM - via, Taylor, Black. Curve. Walker, Bell, Johnston, Meyer -30. For the report -Masan -Weir, C.wilt . Strachan, Paint ie Badman. Zenon. Haunt, Hee- 1 nina , Forsyth, Miller. Shier. Kay. Hog- arth. Rall -14, The amendment was earned by a ma- jority f 16, when the report as amended was adapted. Moved by Mr Miller. seconded by Mr. Weir, that this Connell interims the Fiala, Aridge in this township 0 Tarte berry, as a County bridge Referred to Road and Bridge ounamtttee. The report of Mr. Gibson, road oom- iumeioner, was read and referred to the Road and Bridge oommittee. The accounts of the road c,uuuisaion- err were referred to the Finance vain - Moved by Mr. McMillan, seconded by Mr. Young, that the Warden, Clerk and Road Commissioners, be empowered to complete the contract with the Hamilton Iron Bridge Company, and also adver- tise for and accept tenders fur the addi- tional stone work rel uired-Gargled. Moved by Mr. Girvin, seconded by Mr. Taylor, that this Council donow ad- jounn, to tweet to -morrow at three o'clock p. m. --Carried. A Bag arae -ti. The Toronto Moil pays Mr. Blake the compliment of assailing him in a four- cilurun screed, before he seta out on his intended tour. Aye, there's the rub - his intended tour to the Maritime Pro- vinces ' It would mem that Mr. Blake has murdered his great grandmother; is a poor speaker; a poor thinker; a poor lawyer; a pear writer; a poor reader; a poor speller. And yet, "before he seta out on his intended tour," our esteemed contemporary thinks it necessary to waste on him four columns in one issue' -[ Advertiser. CANADIAN METHODIST MauaziNE for June 1881 42 a year; 41 for six months; a EAR premium for 30 cents. This number concludes the 13th, and most sunce*eful, volume of this Magazine. The illustrated articles describe a visit to Staffa and Fingal's Cave, and a journey through Central Palestine, with numer- ous titre engravings. Dr. Ryerson's valuable essays on Canadian Methodism are brought to a close. The Rev. D. Savage recounts the remarkaole story of the Cornish curate, Rev. E. Haslam; and Dr.}epworth gives a roost amusing account how he learned to extempore. Mrs Lauder has an interesting paper on tourist life in Rome. The Editor tells the stirring story of Sir Francis Drake, the gallant English sailor, who first "en- compassed the world," and of the de- struction of the Spanish Armada. He also gives timely hints to tourists going abroad, and a paper on the Revision of the New Testament. A very attractive announcement is made of the forth- coming 14th volume. Wo note one striking statement of the prosperity of the Methodist Publishing House -that during the year it published 100,000 bound volumes, which would, make a pile higher than Mount Washington, and that it printed 200,000 pages a day throughout the year. A young man named Robt Macartney, aged 22, working at Moore's still dam, at Walkerton, accidentally fell over the dam and was drowned. Gederlca Markets. Auctioneering. C. CU.p.AMTEZ PEOPLE'S UC- te . TIONKER. pellasfaL, Oat. 1731. (3onrRtcH. June 9th, 1881. Wheat. (Falb!? bush........... $1 03 ut 41 05 Wheat. ISpringi M bush........ 1 05 0 1 10 Flour. to cwt . . .......... 2 50 .a 2 75 Oats. h bush.. 0 42 '5 0 45 Peas. F bush ........... 065 co 053 Barley. i' hush ..... 0 00 (4 0 70 PotatoesiW bush .. ............ 0 5) 4 0 40 Hay. if ton .... ................ 900 ,s 11 00 Chickens ........................ 0 '35 ort 030 Butter. 111 ta........... ........ 0 11 l• 0 16 Eggs. F doz. Iunpacked)•..:. .. 0 11 (P 0 12 Cattle, titre weight) ...,........ 0 uCi • 0 Ori} Pork 6 60 " 700 Salt per barrel . 0 53 45 53 fi eaical. 1 . G. MACKID, .M. D., PHYSj- of Tomato mama It ar. Graduate l.asksi to trace. amain std theeBw, Baak 1 t7thl-y. DR Mc OEON, N, PHYSICIAN, SUR - r, &e. Mee and residence on Bruce Street, second door west of Victoria Street. 1751. DR& SHANNON & HAMILTON, Physicians. Surgeons, A000uchen, &c. °Sloe at Dr. Shannon's residence, near the Jail, Guderich. G. C. SHANNON, J. C. HAMIL- TON. 1761. AIKENHEAD, V.S., (SUCCESSOR • to Dr. I/uncanl Graduate of Ontario Vo- ted/airy College. Office, *tables and rosideucc, as Newmate Street, four doors east otColborne 0eMi, N. B.- horses examined as to sound- Seq. 1751. Legal. et ARROW & PROi7DFOOT, BAR- RISTERS, Attorneys, Solicitors, ete.. Goderich. J. T. Carrow, W. Proudfoot. 1751. B, L. DOYLE, BARRISTER A N D Attorney, Solicitor in Chancery, &c., (iederich, Ont. 1731. SEAGER & MORTON, B A R R I S- TkItS, &c.. &c., Goderich and Wingham. C. Seager. Jr..,Ooderioh. J. A. Morton, R'ing- ham. 1751. SMALCOMSON, BARRISTER AND . Solicitor. Office -Corner of West Street and Market Square. over George Acheson's• Ooderlch. 1751. ECAMPION, ATTORNEY - A T- . LAW. Solicitor le Chancery Convey- ancer, &c. Once over Sheppard's bookstore, Galeria.. Ont. Any amount of money to loan at lowest rater of interest. 1751-y. CAMERON, HILT & CAMERON, BarrfeTulle ..re In Chancery, &a:., Ooderlch andters yinlfhue:. M. C. Cameron, Q C.; P. Holt. M. G. l,am...on. Goderich. W. E. Macara, R-ingham. 1751. Miscellaneous Qart's. JAMES SMAILL, ARCHITECT, &c. Omoe, Crabb's Block. Kingston rt.. Gode- rich. Plats and specifications drawn correct- ly. Carpenter's'plasterer's and masons uurk ncasurtd and valued. E. R. WATSON, HOUSE, SIGN and Ornamental Painter,. Parlordecor- ating trade a specialty. GRAINING, GILLINti, Registry Once, Oedema. 17.51 GLAZING. Shop on North Street, opposite the 30,000 ROLLS CIF STRATF')RD BINDERY -ESTAB- LISHED 1889. This establishment is chiefly devoted to job and library work. especially to those unique and economical half calf and mor- rocoo styles. In all cases the best of stock and workmanship, with strength and beauty com- bined. Bindery overJolttt Dutton's drug store. GEORGE STONE. Tonsorial. W916 FAPEI 11KNIGHT, PRACTICAL BAR - • HER and Hairdresser, begs to retur'a thanks to the public for poet patronage. and solicits a continuance of custom. He can always he found at his Shaving Parlor. near the Poet Office Goderich. 1753 Loans ane insurance. 1Z000,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO V CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON. Gode- rich. 1730. Ty,5,000 TO LEND ON REAL ES- TATE. Termefavonble. Apply to B. L. DOYLI,, Godertch. 1731 COURT OF REVISION. 1 $50,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND The next sitting et the Court of heli! ion for on good Farm or first-class Town Property the Town of oodericb will be held at the at 8 per cent. Anoly to R. RADCLIFFE. 1731 Town Hall on Monday evening the 13th Inst, commencing at 8 o'clock. As it is intended that this shall be the final sitting, all inter- ested should b present. EDW'D. F. MOORE, 1710. Town Clerk. IN CHANCERY. Pursuant to an order of the Court of Chan- cery made in a cause of re Papple, ['apple vs. McKay, the creditors of John Dapple, late of the Township of Tuckersmith, in the County of Huron. yeoman, who died In or about the month of April, 1873, are, on or before the eighteenth day of .tune, 18++1, to send by post prepaid. to Mtalcnlm (irneme Cameron of the Town of Goderich. the Solicitor of the Plain- tiff, Edward Papple, their Christian and Sur- names, addresses. and description. the full particulars of their claims, a statement of 40eir accounts and the nature of the securities. of aryl held by them, or in default thereof they will he peremptorily exeinded front the hene- tit of the said order. Esery creditor holding any security is to produce the same before me at my Chambers in the Court House In the Town of Goderich, on the 21st day of June. •1. at ten o'clock in the forenoon. being the ' time appointed for ndjndication on the claims. Dated this 7th day of Jnne, 1aa1. H.MAcO*RMO T. 1790-2t, Master at Goderich. IN THE SURROGATE COURT OF the County of Huron. IN THE NATTER or THE GI-.sRDIsNSHtP OF THE INFANT CHILDREN OF SARAH ALICE Tnw-N-'END. DECEASED. Take notice that after the expiration of twenty days from the first publication of this notice. application will he made to the Judge of the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron, by Elijah Townsend, of the Township of Hal- lett In the County of Huron,enman. for letters of Guardianship. appointing him, the said Elijah Townsend. Guardian of the infant children of the said Sarah Alice Townsend in her lifeline. of the said Township of nutlott, and wife of the said Elijah Townsend. Bated at Goderlch, this etb day of June. A. n. leaf. CAMERON. Hort & CAYrttnr, Attorney'. for erld applicant 1730-11. EL1JAH TOWNSEND. IN THE SURL;)OATE COURT OF THE COt'NTY OF HURON. In the matter of the Guardianship of the In fant children of Henry Hofftnan. deceased. Nntlte Is hereby given that after the espir- s•lon of twentydays frosthe first publication hereof. the iinetsfgned will apply to the Sur- rogate t bort of the 'mints. of Huron to be app peintrd guardian, pnrwuant to the etatnte in that behalf to Jphn HoQtgaa a d Ifenry Hol$ man, infant chi sett n the We Henry 11 man of the Township of Hay. In the County of Huron, TTroman. dec.aaed; the applicant being the mother of the said children. ArtNA WI. rNAN. Ry C tY&Ro'. HOLT & ('AliSaon. Ooderich, to Her attorneys. May, 1730 ,11, DR. A. PROt1DFOOT r..0 t. a., aa&0. Licentiate cottage of hyalalans anA vurgeeY tar Qviehee and Ontat to Lecturer es diseases of Ibe EYE, EAR AND THROAT, B College Montreal. Ocslist .M Jst to the Matteotti Dispensary Oealyf Scot Anr1N to the Prot. -sewn. Infant WILL BE IN GODERIOH tT THE BRITISH EXCHANGE HOTEL Frew WetteltanaY, Tog iAtlt !riot s -,RTL •ATr•RDA1', SRI 1$th, where he may he enSalted for RR d1 tone the Res Ear m Throat t9atet FROM 4c l'Elt 10 .1.1 A t-'UMPLETE ASSORTMENT Plated Forks aid Spoon l,,fONEY TO LEND IN ANY 1. amount to suit borrowers at 6 to 64 per eent. Private funds. Apply to SEAOsa and MORTON, Goderlch. MONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE 1 amount of Private Funds for investment at lowest rates on first-class Mortgages. Apply to (JARROW & PROCDFOOT. IN TRIPLY AND tJCADRUPL& PLAT&. QUALITY GUARANTEED, IOANS FREE OF CHARGE.- J Money to lend at lowest rates, tree of any costs Or charges. SEALER d ,MORTON, opposite Colborne Hotel. Goderich. 23rd March 1881. 1779. -A7- Moorhouse's. MOORHOUSE !Would respectfully intimate to his numerous customers and the public generally that he bas just opened out a i4„ PER CEN f. - THE CA NADA to Landed Credit Company 1. prepared to lend money on good Farm security. at six per cent. Full particulars$Isen upon application to HUGH HAMILTON. C. L. agent. (Ooderleb. 1783. "0+20,000 PRIVATE FUNDS Tie LEND SIV on Farm and Town property at lowest in- terest. Mortgoges purchased, no Commission charged.Conveyancing Fees reasonable. N. B.-orrowers can obtain money in one day It title to satiatactory.-DAViSON & JOHN- STON. Barristers. &c.. Goderich. 1751 Fresh Stock Of Paper Hangings comprising every Novelty in GOLD & BRONZE PAPERS, SATIN PAPERS, MARBLE & OAK PAPERS, CEILING PAPER.., RRADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, . Life and Accident Insurance Agent. Representing first-class Companies. Also agent for the CANADA LIVE STOCK INSURANCE Co. Money to lend on Mortgage. either in Town or Farm Property, in any way to suit the borrow- er. Ofltce-Sup-.tafrsl Kay's block, Goderich. Ont. 1751 INSURANCE CARD. BRITISH ASS. ('O'1'. ToRUNru-Established 1831. PH(ENiX iNS. C(Yl'. of LoNLON iEngland Established 1782. HARTFORD iNS. COT, of HaaTroao. Conn. -Established 1810. Risk. taken In the above first-claa.OAicea at the lowest rates' by HORACE HORTON. • The undersigned is also Appraiser for the CANADA PER. IA)AM AVIA SAVINGS CO'Y, Tolotrro. Money to Loan on first-class or -curtly. from 7 to a per Cest.-Charges tosdnats. HORACE HORTON. Goderich, Sept. !lit 111.1. 1714 SHERIFF 8 BALE OF LANDM (iso of alio i 8r( v irttue of a Writ te — f Aril w std r D ados---Dccora'riofls---Borders suitable fc: DRAWING R0,)M, DINING ROOM, SITTING ROOM, BED ROOM, HALL, OFFICE KITCHEN. red sod gear,. tarok IRM t* the hen, of 120f alwrty AO$ Mar.•h $f) 1ttA1 of .TL'Et Iftee.t. at 01ABGNS. t ebM'tR nt All this Season's Patterns in Window Shades, Which will be found much superior to any thing yet shown in this county. Prices van oust ?S• A call solicited. No trouble to show patterns whether you buy or not. T. J. 1OORHOHSE. 1,000 ENGLISH, FRENCH, GERMAN seri AMERICAN CHROMOS. STEEL ENGRAVINGS AND LITHO- GRAPHS arc now ready for your inspection at MOORHO(JSE'S. THE NEW BICHERSTETH HYINIL COIPANION, ALL STYLES AND PRICES, AT Moorhouse's. THE NEW Fro$bytonaii flymual ALL THE KINDS PUBLISHED AT MOORHOUSE'S. THE NEW WESLEYAN IIYII BOOK IN ALL iTS FORMS AT XOOR$O172E'2. tialench. Mei 3rd 188.1