The Huron Signal, 1881-06-10, Page 44 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1881. THE HURON SIGNAL Is published every Felder Mot -Pias by Me- UtWcuDDY Bassa at their Oface.North tit. los the Square) GODERICII, ONYASWO. And la despstsasd to all pare at the *air ,use 1okcountry lathe earliest malls sad traits. Glossal etiM91011111has s etreuL- rtesiatA e o it s(thraeyM, of 5"' au t>� ala beteg addition to the above, • Ant-e11••yy lama, Clad areatds paper -1t 1s therefore yj matt deeirsM I adarttema Wadi RAC �I ?p�,-$1JN la •dvsac., postage art. y Wshsrs ; u.74 if paid before sl: mouths: gulf tut w paid. This rule will be strictly eutoRad. RATS or ADvc*Ttettta. Eight cent pe ma ter aria insertion : three cents per line for raskaahGgasat insertion. Y early, hall -yearly sad gaarterly oostr ee at reduced rate*. 4111111111=- oVe have atsoafirstclass aatset complete kte out -fit and et facilities and for gates out work la Goderich, are prepared to de business to that line at priers that cannot be beaks. and of • quality that cannot be surpassed.- Teres Caen. FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1181. Tea editors of Huron ere a unit in farm of a County Poor House. Thought- ful. Tas Toronto Neter is now printed on pink paper. Perhaps Mr. Riordan takes that way of endeavoring to nuke the Setts the punk of perfection iu evening journalism. Tea Petrolia Advertiser would "like t o see a religion which lets its benign in- fluence be seen in the daily conversation and transactions of its professors." Bro. Herring evidently doesn't know such s thing ia. what THE Exeter editors are abusing each other in a lively manner. The Times last week had a very personal article against the editor of the Reflector, the tone of which was not creditable to journalism. The editorial columns of a news paper is not'the place for filth. MR. Go1.Dw1N SMITH'S style of writing has always been considered a model of clearness and' elegance. The Professor recently said: "The great secret of style in a jour- nalist is to make up your mind what you have to say, to say it, and have done with it." Sia JOHN A. MACDONALD, we are pleased to say, is recovering rapidly. The hardy old politician needs only e rest'from the importunities of the place - hunters who swarm into Ottawa daily. The hardest thing a politician in power has to deal with is the clamoring of office seekers with party influence. They worry the political leader far more than most of his adversaries do. Its Mum, the Conservative candi- date in North Ontario, was elected by a Majority of est. The seat is a gem to the Opposition in the Ontario Legtala- turs, Madill It O_eigibiti ,.s young k w- yer, and his oppetwieft, Idn. Bigelow, was swell to de rasieisnt flee resell wet nem a emprise to both sista WHILE we have no sympathy with the course pursued by the (,dobe in inces- santly assailing Mr. Goldwtn Smith bei cause of his view, upon the future of Canada, we cannot help remarking that the splendid dinner tendered to that gentleman by the journalists of Ontario, while very flattering to the gifted Oxon- ian, was also a oemplimeut (in nega- tive way) to the influence of the great Canadian daily. There is no other news paper in Canada whose columns are so closely scanned, and. whose utter- ance tterance are w much pondered upon, as those of the Globe. THAT interesting personage, Detective Smith, is on his rounds looking after those who fail to register births, mar- riages and deaths, as well as those who practice medicine without a license. As all persons failing to re;;ister are liable to • fine of $20, and as Mr. Smith is not the tenderest hearted individual in Can- ada, our readers should see to it that they are not liable to a tine for failing to comply with the laws of the Province. ATTER considerable diacusaiurt it was finally decided in the County Council on Thursday morning, by a vote of 30 to 14 to build the new bridge on the Mait- land between Goderich and Colborne of iron, instead of wood, asfortuerly. The new departure, notwithstanding the ad- ditional expense, is undoubtedly a good one. The average duration of a Howe trans bridge is estimated at twelve years, and at the end of that time, if not be- fore, it is generally found necesary to rebuild. The duration for the useful- ness of an iron bridge is not known, but is variously estimated at from forty to one hundred or more years. Iron bridges have been built in Middlesex, Waterloo. Oxford and other counties, and the success which has usually fol- lowed the introduction of the more dura- ble structures has served to perpetuate Tits Ontario Government has lost a constituency through the appointment of Mr. Paxton, the late member for North Ontario to the Shrievalty of that County. The Provincial Government has erred of ,ate in making too many appointments from among the members of the Legislature. While the principle is not altogether wrong, it is easy to ab- use it. It would be a sad thing for the country if the Legislature were looked upon merely u a stepping -stone to a fat Government office. the practice of building them where they had been once introduced. Of course there was a protracted discussion on the two styles and the matter resolved itself into the question of expense at the out- set va. durability and safety; the result cf the discussion being that the latter was looked upon most favorably by the majority of the Councillor. The old-time wooden bridge, gave way to the safer, but more expensive Howe truss, and the latter, in its tutTn, takes second place to the more durable and safe iron structure. AT Last definite action has been taken in the matter of bringing in a new rail- way to Goderich. At the meeting of the Town Council held on Friday even- ing, the Clerk was instructed to corres- pond with the Manager of the Great Western R. R., and enquire upon what conditions a branch of that line, from Exeter or Bruoe®eld, could be brought into Goderich. This is s step in the proper direction, and we sincerely hope our town authorities will follow it up, and endeavor by every laudable means tot further the work they have thus initi- ated. Wins Irish "patriots' are being im- prisoned by the dozen, they are doing things differently over in France. The French Government has pardoned the last of the Communist prisoners trans- ported to New Caledonia, and they have returned to La Belle France. But it is one thing to pardon pneoners who have had ten years of durance vile wherein t.. repent of their rashness, and another thing to allow full liberty to a lot ..1 blatant demagogues who um to secure by violent maters that which can only be secured by the full sanction of the Rntish Parliament If Gladstone would trade of Cypress for New Caledonia, it would be a capital place to send all the agitators and their follower, and allow them to practice Hoene Rale oft a mien shale. Before • year was over, thele would be a down clananta for the chief misvalue). and the various scrimmages of the contending Grtions would give the future historian of New Caledonia ma- terial for several ehapten full of the OUR TOWN FATHERS. bespreveeaea,a taeieiag tae Careens less hew Peace Err She aaasee ABMs Taken ea tar R. R Slisseasse 1.adeps$ Wital sae trey et nimeeo. _ ` FRIDAY, June 3, 1881. The regelar mecum/ of the Tuwn Council was held this everting. Present -The Mayor in the chair. Reeve, let end lad Deputy Reeves and Councillor Campion, Cameron, Daae)) Dunaford. Hasdter, Jordan, Lee, McKenzie, Swan- son, and Sloane. TV .bytes of the regular meeting bold oft AJira lath were maul and lip-. pr..t-ed. The Treasurer presented the follow- ing statement : Am t recd silos Jost meetiug $2,372.31 Amount raid .et me2,843.770 Mont ora hand364. which was received and filed. A report was received from the Street Inspector. Itmoved by Humber, second- ed by IZsLenzie. that that portion of is Stssst Inspector's report referring to the Sag pole at the Park be adopted, and that the repairs be made under the direction of the Public Works Commit- tee -- Carried. A discussion followed upon the latter portion of the Street Iuapector's report referring to tha pl•cwwgg by the Bedford estate of a woodsy building un Kingston street, and the opinion of Mr. °arrow, as to the legalizing of the Fire Limits By-law and its amendments was read, when it was Moved by McKenzie, seconded by Jordan, that the Mayor take the advioe of Mr. °arrow as to the legality of the notice served by Street Inspector upon the executors of the Bedford estate, in reference to the building lately placed on Kingston street,and if, in his opinion, legal notice has not been given them, that legal notice be given, and that If said building be not removed within the time specified in such notice, that then the Street Inspector be instructed to pull down and remove said building - Carried, Sloane dissenting. A petition was receive from M. C. Cameron, referring to taxes on part of block 12, con. A. Referred to Finance Committee. A petition was received from E. Hoo- ker and six others, referring to the necessitous circumstances of the children of Robert Winters. It was moved by Humber, seconded by Dunaford, that a grant of $15 be made to relieve the present wants of said children, and that the same be dispens- ed under the direction of Councillor Humber -Carried. The Hataral Weattk of Ireland. Extraordinary misconception appears to prevail with regard to the natural wealth of Ireland. It is known that the density of the population of that island is less than one-half of that of the popu- lation of England and Wales. It is known that distress is not unfrequent, that famine at times recurs, that rents are much lower than in the sister king- dom, and it is commonly assumed that all this is due to the natural disadvant- ages of the soil or climate, that the fer- tility of Ireland is not such as to support the natural increase of the population, and that emigration on a large scale is necessary to prevent that island from devouring her children, after the fashion of Saturn of Old. It is true that great difficulty exists in the way of obtaining any such clear idea of the actual capa- bilities of Ireland as would at once and effectually destroy this , sasnmption. From such gzperience of the conduct of public works in Ireland, as well as from such sources of official information as are accessible, we have collected a few facts, which are of no little interest at the present moment. The natural der direction of such committee as may be appointed by the Council. We. Canema., oltairnian. The report was adopted. Dewey called atteetiou to the fact that fish offal is frequently allowed to remain eaat the fish shanties uu- til doom Lou cakes place, and waiv- ed, second by Jordan, that the Street Inspector be instructed to notify parties engaged in curing ttsh that they will be prosecuted tulles" said offal be properly disposed of ---Carried. It was moved byCameron, wounded by Lep, that the Clerk be iustructed to ouwmt ate witlt'the Qeneral Manager of the threat Western R R. , enquiring un what Lerma that company will band a road from Brucefield or Ezeter to Ouderich, and if • deputation would be received -Carried. Moved by Humber, Geo onde d by Mc- Kenzie, that the Council disapprove of show beard fences being built upon the Square. -Carried, Denney dissenting. Moved by Campbell, wounded by Sloane, that the street inspector be in- structed to put and keep in repair the town pump on the Square, and also to put a pump into well at Park.--Car- nod. Moved by Johnston, seconded by Dunaford, that the travelling expenses of the deaf and dumb boy from this town to Belleville now at the Deaf and Dumb Institute of that town, he paid, to enable him to return horror for vacation. -Carried. Moved by Denney, seconded by Joh ACCOUNTS were presented as follows: -From John Hillier, $1.25; E. Graham, $3: Goderich Star, $1; Huron Signal, $9.50; P. O'- Rourke, $3; all of which were referred to Finance Committee. PUBLIC WORx8 COMMITTEE. The Public Works Committee presented the following report: 1) That they have accepted the tender of Mr. Geo. Smith for the completion of the hose tower, for the sum of $225, exclusive of painting. (2) That they have accepted tenders fur watering the streets as follows: -Pump- ing water, tenderer to supply fuel and oi:, John McCallum. $9.00 per week; John Hedger, ratan and horse for watering tart, $1.75 per day, when em- ployed watering streets; $2.50 per day for man and team when working on streets. (3.) That they recommend that the sum of $10 be pad Mr. Jenkins in hill for old bricks, sic., accepted by In- spector from Albion Hotel. t4.) That they recommend that the Inspector be instructed to repair the fence at Ceme- tery with as little expense as possible. (5.) That they recommend that the pre- sent gates be removed, and a turn style placed at the head of each street leading from the Square; that intermediate posts be pat in around the Square, the upper chain lowered, sand • square 4 X 4 rail placed upon the top of the posts. (6.) That they would recommend the follow- ing improvements to be carried out dur- ing the summer :- A grate at corner of Victoria and East street, estimated coat, $5; a grate at corner of Cambria road and St. Dayid street, $5; gravelling of Hincks street, 90 rods, $80; a small box drain on Elizabeth street, 20 rods, $20; wealth of Irelands enormous; and the a tank at foot ofi(,�uebec street, if water can be obtained,' $175; a two -plank side - field that she offers for the application , walk, from Seymour's to Lee's warehouse, both of capital and of labor is one that . $15; two wood gratings and boxes on Would yield the most lucrative returns, I Camhris road, $$; gravelling of Maple if the same degree of indastry and of I street, $60; to on Kingston street, opposite Hillier's grocery, $8, --total patient skill were !applied that has pro -16376. .111 of which is respectfully sub- duced such striking effect in analogous witted. parts of England. In natural products, CHAS. A. HUMBER, Chairman. vegetable, animal, and mineral, in abun- It was moved by Johnston, seconded by Campbell, that the report be adopt - dant fisheries, in noble inland water- 1 ed ways, in soil that will repay the utmost It was moved in amendment by Mc - expenditure on it in labor, in climate Kenzie, seconded by Jordan, that the that adds an unusual productiveness to gravelling in reference to the the soil, for suitable cmrs veps, or mining Ye _Lelling of Maple street be expunged. e McKenzie, Jordan -3. Nay wealth, from which tin and zinc alone -Johnston, Campbell, Hutchison, Cam - are absent, or perhaps it would be more P!01.4 Cameron, Dance'', Dunsford, n- ston, that the sum of $75 be granted fur the celebration of Dominion Day, pro- vided double that amount be subscribed by private parties, and that • Committee of five be named as a committee of man- agement for that day. -Carried. The Mayor named the following as a committee: pansy, Dunaford, Humber. Johnston and Hutchison. Moved by Swanson, seconded by Dunaford, that this Connell desires to give expression to the heartfelt sym- pathy which the community feels for the city of London, under the terrible es amity which betel it on the evening of the 24th of May last, by which so many livee% were lost, and grief carried to the hom'bs of so many of its citizens. In view of the frequency of such disas- ters it is hoped that the Government will insist upon such rigid .inspection in the future as will prevent their recurrence. -Carried. The Council then adjourned. truthful to gay, have not yet been pro- cured, bland offers a field for industry,- as ndustry;as far as the physical nature of the coun- try is concerned, to which it would be difficult to find • rival in any part of the old World. Its train want is patient and intelligent industry. Gordwtn •esNWS Srbofareklp. An old journalist writing about the dinner to Mr. Goldwin Smith, says :- "While I am not in accord with the pro- fessor on some important questions af- fecting the future sof Canada, i admire his independence of mind and the cour- age with which he avows his opinions. His scholarly attainments and wonder. ful mastery of the English language have placed him in the first rank of prose - writers, even in Ragland. 1 think 1 told you of a dfsenwies (at which I was • iefenee) ata literary elub in Loudon, ereapeiring ewe et/ the leading essayists and megleane writer, of that greet me- tropolis, whom 11 TIM Malkimoeallr age sd that he was ons of Mies who stood eminent as mashes of Rdi•i.t•, from writers who had themselves attain- ed high rink, was a judgment not likely to be reversed umber, Swanson and Shane --10. It was moved in amendment by Mc- Kenzie, seconded by Jordan, that Maple street be properly graded, and that at least ten inches of gravel be put thereon. Yea --the Mayor, Campbell, Dancey, Humber, Jordan. Lee, McKenzie--,. Nay-Jiihnston, Hutchison, Campion, Cameron Dunsford, Swanson and Sloane -7. The amendment was declared lost. The motion to adopt the report was then put and carried. TIN AN/'x 1'owMITTEE'+e REPORT. The Finance committee reported as follows: The Finance Committee begs to recommend the payment of the following accounts: Henry Cooke, $3.85; .Mar, 0175; E Graham, (to be paid on oar- tificate of chairman of Fire committee,) 16.24; Z Graham, $1.25: G. N. Davie, 124.46; Mrs. John Mitchell, $13.82; W. f!. Hart & Co., *21 77 • D. Ferguson, 123.86; Ed. Belcher, $6.34; Geo. Cattle, boot., Ix C. Strachan, $4. That the ac- count of Rev. J. B. Wetter, for digging grave for paper, amounting to $1, be paid, but net the amount charged for the gave iesslI. Is reference to the eomminake doe of Reuben Salines, seem tarp of Godesiehs bees band, your com- mittee om- m tttereorteaaissumed tilt the s nof 1114N1Merly, it being . at ( 1 shall tender Nervi.. net the 1M Joie, a1 - sesta Mares Liberal Conservative Asseeta- uea- Banking. BANK OF MONTREAL CAPITAL, - SURPLUS. - Goderich Branch. C R. DUNBPOJW, - - - Manager AllowsIa*eeest aptilit and eke.rdapssita. prat's.. Lett tae la au parts et the world M beau$. 1751. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Paid wp Capitol, - 16,000,OVO. Rest, - - *1,400,000. President, - KO N. Wihe McMASTZR General Manager. - W. 1. ANDERSON. Goderich Branch. A. M. ROSS, - - - - Mat. Ao ER. Interest allowed on deposits. Drafts on al the principal Towns and Cities to Caned* Greet Britain *rad the United States, bough and sold. Advanceeto Farmers on Notes, with one or more endorsers, without mortgage. 1753 The • following are the officers elected at the annual meeting of the South Rid- ing of Huron Liberal Conservative As- sociation,held in Exeter on Monday last: President and Treasurer, D. H. Ritchie, Goshen, P. 0 ; Secretary, G. E. Jack- Egmondville P. 0. Vice Presidents- Goderich,Township-W.Crooks, Holmes- ville P. O., Wm. Elliott, Porter's Hill P. 0., S. Peacock, Goderich P. 0. 3. Shephard, Holmesville P. 0., Wm.DIur- phy, Clinton P. 0. Stanley -J. Joalin, Varna P. 0., Geo. Castle, Bayfield P. 0., T. Simpson, Varna P. 0., E. Briggs, Varna P. 0. Hay -W. Caldwell, Ben- gali P. O.. J. Swenerton, Hay P. 0., T. J. Wilson, Hensell P. 0., W. Fee, Zu- rich P. O., J. Petty, Hensel' P. 0., N. Freid, Daahwood P. O., C. Eacrett, Rodgerville P. 0. Usborne-T. Coates, Exeter P. 0. , J. Francis, Kirkton P.O., L. Hunter, Exeter P. 0., T. M. Kay, Farquhar P. 0., J. Halls, Elimville P. 0., E. Routley, Woodham P. 0. Ste- phen -Thomas Keyes, Shipka P.O., Dr. Rollins, Crediton P. 0., A. Leary, Crediton P. 0., T. Caine, Centralia P. 0., B. Coughlin, Crediton P. 0., W. Baker, Centralia P. 0., J. B. Hodgins, Harpley P. 0., J. Sander, Exeter P. 0., H. Eilber, Crediton P. O. Tucker - smith -Wm. McQuade, Edgmondville P. 0., R. Elgie, Brucefield P. 0., R. Newell, Chiselhurst P. 0., J. Ratten- bury, Brucefield P. 0., 8. Wallace, ER- mondville P. 0., J. Fitzgerald, Hensall P. 0., E. Cresswell, Egmondville P. 0., H. O'Brien, Clinton P. 0. Seaforth J. H. Benson, F. Holmstead, John Kyle, T. Kidd, T. Ryan, Dr. Coleman. Exeter -I. Carling, L Hardy, Robert Sanders, Itobt. Pickard. Clinton -W. Doherty, R. M. Racey, P. Cantelon, Geo. Handley, W. Craig. Bayfield - H. Wainwright, W. W. Conners, J. Rut- ledge, R. Morrison. -(Exeter Times. SHEPPARD'S BOOKSTORE. Hymn Books. NEW PRESBYTERIAN, NEW METHODIST; NEW ENGLISH CHURCH. New nerd nook. The shorthorn breeders of Canada yes- terday formed an association, the princi- pal object of which is to establish a Ca- nadian herd -book with a higher standard than that which obtains in the herd - book now published by ;the agricultural and arts •association. It is probable the latter publication will now cease, and, according to the shorthorn breeders, it is none too soon, since the low standard by which cattle were rated in it has had the effect of bringing Canadian short- horns into more or lees contempt abroad. The establishing of a new herd -book with a new standard will prove a some- what difficult task; but the timehas come when such • herd -book is necessary, if we wish to have the merit. of our short- horns acknowledged by Americans and others. --{Toronto World. filet eret•a/rat Report. State of the weather for the week end- ing June 7th, 1881. June lst Wind at 10 p.m. North- east, light, clear. Number of miles wind travelled in 24 hours 238. Jnne 2nd -Wind at 10 p.m. North- east, fresh, cloudy. Number of miles wind travelled in 24 hours 107. Jens 3rd --Wind at 10 p.m. North- eastlight, cloudy. Number of miles wine] travelled in 24 hours 268. June 4th - Wind at 10 p.m. north- west, light, cloudy. Number of miles wind travelled in 24 hours 228. June 5th - Wind at 10 p.m. North east, light, clear. Frost. Number of miles wind travelled in 24 hones 25L - Slight shower at 1 p.m. Jane 01h -Wind at 10 p. m Bast, l t, hazy. Comma laser. Number of miles wind travelled lo fib hours 274. Jae 7th-Wbd at 118 pin. South - ea t, light, elsudy. Number of mike Mai travelled h !i hoses 211 Shower 1a... G. M. Maceewaui. 0heerver bedsits►. Jame gth, 1881 JOHN PASMORE, Maaefaeturer of Waggons, Carriaes lac., VICTORIA -St., Corner of Trafalgar Agent for the Celebrated SEEMLIER CHILLED PLOUGH Aad Agrtealtaral 1lIRpterMa. .tlsu. atteut fur the Queen's Fire& Life Ins. Co. Tbttt i* sae sf 1 . treat a eta balsa �e�a�i,p{ •ad iuu n.O°e«elbed cb-eerfoUF sa M� 171114m .ISsiN rAsta0E. SEEDS FOR 1881. Thanking the public for past favors, I take pleasure iu stating that I have on hand • better stock than ever ack .and White fore choice Oats,. Wheat Clover, Peas, Vine ClTover, Alsike,ssLucerue and�Laso wnaGram .t tlrst class assortment of FIELD. GARDEN and FLOWER SEEDS. selected with great cure from the beet seed houses In the countrytall and see. We keep the best and must uuine seed we can purchase. COMPTON'S SURPRISE CORN, The best field constantly dco`yinuouion hand. oil JAMES McNAIR. 1779, Hamilton SL $5 to $20 per day " bene. "ample, worth 4* fres Address HTINmON & Co., Portland. Maine. Revised edition of NEW TESTAMENT BOOKS, PERIODICALS, LATEST NEWSPAPERS. THE UNIVERSAL VERDICT is that our OOct Photographs are unaurpared in the Dominion for TRUTHFULNESS eo LIFE AND BEAUTY OF FINISH. R. SALLOWS, Photographer. Montreal SL Goderich Ont. LSA fine selection of Stereoscopic and Cad Views of Goderich and vicinity always on hand. NOTICE. -THE COUNCIL OF THE Corporation of the Conntt of Huron will meet in the Court Howe in the --Town of Goderich, on Tuesday the 7th day of Jnne next PETER ADAMSON, County Clerk. May 23rd, 188L 1788. PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. - ExawINATiove. 1881. For First Class -At the Normal School, To- ronto on Monday, July 18th. at 2 p.m., com- mencing with gradenonpprofessional. fol- lowed by examinations for First Claes Certi- ficates and grade A and R First Class. For Second and Third Class- 1t the Town of Goderich,and Clinton and Seaforth High Schools, on Monday, July 11th. at !pm., con- cr-rently with the Intermediate Examina- tionne s. for High Schools and upon the same paFerma of the notice to be previously given by rhe candidates can be obtained on appli- cation to the Secretary. It istndlapenstble that candidates notify the Secretary not later than theist ofJune, of their - intention to present themselves for examinat tion. Candidates for First and Second ('lass cer- ficatee are required to forward the necessary oertlflcates of suecess in teaching, and all are required to furnish certificates of moral char- acter. Okndidatee for Second and Thiel Class must state whether they -intend to write in Gode- rich or at some of the other named High ScnQoIs. PETER ADAMSON, Secy Board F.x'rs. Goderich, May 2d, 1881. 1785b The Canadian Pacific Railway Co. EMIGRATION TO MANITOBA ANT. TIIF. CANADIAN NORTHWEST. Sale of Lands. To Encourage the rapid settlement of the Country the f ans4isn Pacific Railway Com- pare will be prepared. until (nether notice, to sell landsregnlred for mai cult ural pnr-posesst the low price of 50 an acre, payable by instal- ment.a, and will urther make an allowance by way of rebate frown this price. of 41.88 tar every acre of such lands brought cadw mitt ration within three to Ave years entwine, the date of purchase, sorer -ding to the nature meld extent of the other improvements made than oa The lands that offered for salt. will not mm - rise Mineral. ('sal or Wood land. or tracts for Town sites and Railway parpoaes specialContracts at rates will be made for lands required for cattle raising aid other purposes not involving Immediate cultivation. Intending Settlers and their eftbcta, on reaching the Company's Railway. will Gismos be for- warded uos to their place of denthatlen on' eery liberal terms. Further partienlar* will be furnished on are pttcatine tit the (Sloes of TRI CANADIAN PAcvrc RAILW•T CowPANr at Montreal and Winnipeg Hy order of the BM/WATER. Secretary Montreal. April !lila. 1881. 1'/M. ' J 0T10E TO INTENDING BUILD - IA >CAM. ELLER Y c QUIRRIB Mises bead • elegies lot et A 1. P4NX*LL DOOR& !RAW end SASH they wf8 •s/ 1 me cheapest; ted ddetyu' Covet, us: nek reel .• & McQUARRIZ "mains id*U Wroans 88. Radsrleh10716ani SEEDS, SEEDS A FRESH SUPPLY or Field and Garden Seeds Just received. Sold in bulk or in packages. JAMES WILSON Druggist. GOOERICH BOILER WORKS. Ohrystal & Black. TO MILL MEN and SALT WELL MEN New BOILERS and SALT PANS manufac- tured on shortest notice. All kinds of Repairing executed under the personal supervision of the Proprietors who ARL Practical Workmen. P. 0. Box 103. 1787. Seeds ! Seeds! The subscriber begs to draw the atten- tion of the public generally to his large and varied stock of FARM and GARDEN SEEDS, consisting of CLOVER. TIMOTHY, HUNGARIAN, MILLET, PEAS, OATS, BARLEY, and choice WHEAT; also • TURNIP, MANGOLD, CARROT, and all other GARDEN AND VEGETABLE SEEDS, at rates that cannot be beaten. S. SLOANE_ General Seed D *ler, Hamilton Street, OTICE. The Maitland Mouse SALINE BATHS arc now open to the public for the season. HOT AND COLD BATHS can be had at *ny hour from 6 a m. to 8 p. m. on week days and until 10 a. m. on Sundays. Mr. Trance, under whose management they an, trusts that by close attention to batinees he will merit the liberal patronage of the public. li. Hosaatt, M. TRAVTR. Proprietor. Manager. l9blm. ALLAN LINE of ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS' LIVERPOOL. LONDONDERRY. OLAS- 00 W The pnpnlar route between Canada and Great Britain SHORTEST RSA ROUTE. Cabin intermediate and Steerage Tickets at t.owerr Rates. SAI/.1.VOS FROM QUEBEC: SARDINIAN............ .. Mb May. Mo•avua............. tM Jane. RARttAvrsR........... 11tb „ Clacking/1W ........... lath " Lrwllssatr........... tsth remota*... tad Jaly. SaannetAR..... . tib .. Montrian............ ..-- 11th MMMArt Aw lard " MIT*. lastewLL 'ne at Quebec with the Alto YW Narsf win leave 'reroute every Friday M lads m. Pea eases esu have Termite by lb. able p- mMin n and commit with tbs emirs hew iMQ.. Male t Per Hosts *ad every (adialMlattea apply to H A RMST ROite. Alen%. MesWal T.Mgrsph 17I1. . Mee, Oederteb amara_ tgtab ail 2lrr.. Hamatum: 5 Th the 1 the ( and: plass sides the 1e then McF Hen and T4 and gam shad meet tho day. meal saidGov! Ings claim Intel the diffie terse these bezel dust urge culu as to inti 000C tasti He city side bra 0 Mr. Don( tary tD t upo row mel use1 Jan whi thin gen mos fries tryi foui the Ash este alae felt in hoe can ly sea hor of wh dna of on f 1 up wh MI ter wil Cis rec fin Jo es - ah. res sid tho wa off sh tit cu re an or d( ci G pl o1 al Ir tl c it c( b fe k tl s' h 5 f t a e c 1 r